Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - - PP.lAUPLEb NOT MEN.' VOI 34 No. 5 Flestierton, Ont., August O Thursday , !O14 W. H. TBOH8TON E TO I'KO . Eugenia Paragraphs Miss Gertie Fenwick und lu-r friend, Mr. Brownie,- of Toronto, were the guests uf Joseph Williams recently. Mr. and Mrs. Kerni<m c>l Turniito are vifiitin^nt .1. K. Jumie-i>'i. Mr. iindMrs. \Vin.Chnd of Port hi w were the guests of Mr*. Armstrn<; re- cently. Addie Wilson is assisting in Cairns' et < e t ]ircsnt. Picnic* are here every il;iy and pi ople ate driving from ll JMHH to view the con*trucii>n works. M >s 1. .Smith has been the yiii'st of her friend, Mrs. Will Hill. Married At the. MethodUt p.uaoime, Fleshi'i'lun, by llev. Dudgeon, on W.-.l Bsli*y, July ^!), Miss Barbara Thonjp- < M to Hubert Oshorm-, lioih of Eugenia. The bride looked charming in a dress of white uridal satin. They lire spending their honeymoon at the {room's resi- dence, " Willow'Jale Farm," where they intend to ref>iJi-. AH the bride win one of <iui- highly esteeuiid young hides the well wishes -if the c. immunity is extended to them. Mrs. Kllis and daughter <.f Shellwrne ftie vis'lors Ht Mrs. (i<nt. 'Jr.iham'.s The (lynano for lighting Eugenia nud Fleshett'in will sr on he in me, which iil be u great advantage. Haying will soon be over with the crop father light, and hirviMling will soon be with us. Miss Elna Slack s.injj a beautiful .,.!,, in the Mi-th'idiat churcli Sunday evening. Tlie new Methodist pastor, Mr. Junes, his an excellent voice both for sons; and sermon, and is drawing !.ir-_-.- R*;v. McV'iear beini! away on his holi. d..y, Kev. Crozier uf Uuelph, took his i-'. urge jm Sunday niii spoke nn lln- uivt'o on I he wait, " (!m) is oui Refii".' - < 'unstable Cook and our local Constable v.i-ited the Construction works on Sunday w':..l they were busy working, and took the names of I hose employed. Mr. Joseph Ai iiistnniK of Thornhuiy f|t,-jit the week end with Ins mother here. Mr.Willimi Keiiwick of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. T. Fenwick here. Mr. (Jrusette of Bengouh visitcl his ' : her at Mr. L. Litimei's recen'ly. Misa Kdiii.i \Villiiims has gone to the ci'y for i visit. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell of Ti uni- to re at Mr. R. Campbell's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Donaldson and children of Toronto, are YUiting with Mr-. Willi.-ims. Toronto Line North } Jerry picking is in order. Mr. Ira I'erigoe, Jr., uf Feverslrnn, visited his sister. Mis. Albert .Stewart. Mis Bessie Martin has relumed to Duncan after a fortnight's visit in 'tbia loci'ity. Mr. J. Lever is at prosont cutting his second crop of a'ialfa clover, which is three feet high. Can that be beaten ! Mr. and Mrs. Rob. U-chanlsou and mi), Harold, visited Mrs. K'H parents at V.mde'eur. Mr. and Mrs. Will hiyler of Hayward Fails, near Duihtin, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lever's the first of the week . Mr. Payler runs the electric ) : ghi plant at that place. Much sympathy is extended to the m my friends of Mr. Win. Clarke, who died :tt the home uf his dauithter, Mrs. C-tntlan, at Clinton, on Monday of last week. The funeral took place in Klesh- ertun cemoteiy where his wife was bniied many years ago. Mrs. T. li. Lever of this place was a niece of the deceased. Mrs. Ewers (nee Miss Annie Wyvil'e) and b-ibe, Victor, of Toronto, visited t her uncle's, Mr. Frod Mathew*on. A number from this part attended Civic holiday celebration at Pricevillo on M. 'H day. Kimberley Ceylon Mis Firness of Toronto is visiting at J. (jibson's. Miss Willa McLeoi of Toronto ia vis- i ini; her pa-tents. J. VV. Cushnie spent a few days with Mt. Forust and Durham friends, return- ill" to the c'ty Tuesday. Mrs. (llev.) McLaren and daughter, Jennie, of Pyterboro, were visitors at R. Cook's list week. Mrs .1. McMillan and little son. Jack, who have been visiting Sou'h Line friemlii, have returned home. MKs (llailys Johnston, Thornbury, visited with hi'r .-ister, Mis. lieu. Slutrt, lust week. | Muster G (iro.skurth, Waldemar, is visiting his friend, Willie P.ittison. Mr. and Mrs. Spivttiiian, Toronto, is visiiing the latt^t's mother, Mrs. N. Pivn : c. While Mrs. I. Su-gen*. and Miss An- demon were diking tu Flesliertou their horse shied at an auto, throwing the oc- cupants out. Kortunalely they only received .-i few bruises and the bug^y was slightly damaged. Mrs C'olenian md Mrs. Cr<<ig, who have been visilinu at Mr. (i. Collinson'.s the \rnsl week, returned to Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Muir, rtanover, and Miss Grace Muir, Toronto, visited over the holiday with their mother here. Miss Kate McLioJ, Toronto, is visit- ing her mother. Fred and Au-tiu, Miss Vera and Mrs. Gordon McMullen "f Toronto spent over the holiday at J-imes McMullen's. Geo. U i"'.v -mil h. Din ham, was a \is itor at Arch. McMullen's last week. Mr. K Su* 24ni spent over Sunday with his wife and >' . i_V at Owen .Soiiiul. Stayner The Army Worm made its appearance in Siiniii.l.i!, l.i : week and did some damage. Several fanners protected their green crops by plowing a furrow all the way round, with straight side in, as ad- vised. The worms could not climbed I he .; i H JH side and fell back and nere J'inruyi'd in thousands by tire or ihe club. The pes' does not senm to care for ripo crops and at present is attacking the corn. I! J. Johnston, who lives on the 2nd line, close to town, met with a very pain- ful accident on Saturday lusf. Mr. Johnston was sprayirg in* potaloe patch, and I he hoi s thai was attached t'> tht> rig with tha pi iv machine became frightened at somethin<; and started to run away. The rig und sprnyer were upset with Mr. Johnston, and in the mix-up he had his left arm badly torn so tint it rei|iiired ten or twelve stitcln-a. his wxs also badly cut.. Sun. Heathcote Miss I'earl Shrigley 'jf Toronto ts vi.sit- ing with her giamlparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Shrigley. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C.iok and little son, Danerid, of Rocklyr., visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gardner on Sunday. Pleased to hear ih'it Mr. John Milne is improving. Miss Elsie Dales of Redwing is visiting rt .ili friends hero. Mis Marion I'tcnlice, who has been visiiing with friends in Toronto, has re- turned to her home. Miss Irene Gardner is visiiing with friends in Meaford this wouk. Miss Si. -II i i in of Kleshetton is visit- ing with her cousin, Mis. K. Ficgehen. Mrs. MtuDonaM ond little son of Luck- now am visiting with friends here. Miss. Audrey Wjlton is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. W. II. Devir.s, of Thotn- buiy. Mrs. L Gard and two sons, who have been visiting here, have returned to i heir home in To;<mt<>. to The Advance. M iss Josephine Ferris of the Owen Sound hospital atafC, is holidaying at her home here, and returns to duly Friday. We are pleased to note that Miss Ferns passed her lii-st year exams. with houors. M ins Lucy Xiuunerminof Owen Sound is spending holidays with her little M ! r. Florence, at Ki The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church wish to thank all the ladies who so kindly assis'ed them with baking and time- for the recent garden party. The ainaunt reaK/.ed was 8101. 41 Recent conlribuiions to the building fund were : W. Halei. Toronto ; Mrs. J. E. Elson, Manitoba ; Miss Anderson, Toronto ; j Newton Large, Leamington ; W. F. J Doll, New York ; J. Bradbury und Miss | N. Bradbury, Blind River ; Mrs. Dodge, Toronto ; Mrs. Fred Murray, Toronto ; Mrs. McGruther, Markd-ile ; Mr. and Mis. II. K. Wellwood, Sunderland. TotMl Amount to .!.;.-, V-'O.SO. A Remarkab'e Experiencet 1 An Owen Sound man disappeared while c moving a week ag) last Friday, and his canoe was f.iuod floating in the hay. The Advertiser of Thursday last gives the sequel thus : All anxioly regarding ihe fate of Mi. Win. Fraser, whose empty canoe was found in the bay last Friday, and whom it was fe ired had met an untimely ilriith in its waters, were set at rest Tuesday afternoon when a message fr.nn Mr. Fiaser himself was received at the Hell Telephone Go's office here st.iting that 1 e was nt Mr. Jowph Dudgnon's farm near iJli'itsworth. The news that he was sife spread like wildtirc around town, ami in a short time Mr. Kilpatrick, Dr Murray, (i. K. Holmes, and G. i). Fleming went out in Mr. Fleming's cur to bring hi'ii home. Fearing i hit ho might have suf- fered fiom exposure in the live days that t.c had been ivanJeiing, the doctor had him taken ti the hust;i-al, but by vYed- ntsd.iy iii'irning he was ijiiite liuiiw f again and able to come down t i 'he company 's office. There he told his story. Ho left ihe Owen .Sound g.irage in his canoe Thurs- day evening between seven and eiv:ht, .in I went down closo t<i the west sluuo- until near Roysto:i Park when lie heauc.l out towards thu old Carney wharf. He was, as nearly as he couM judgj, ab>ut a third of the way across the bay when the canoe struck a log H taiiiig with on; end close to the surface commonly known as a " deadheu.i." At the time it was growing dark, hut 'le could distinguish the shore line, ^Th<; canoe was upset and lit* was thrown into the water. He re- membered being in the water, but after l hat all is a blank until Tuesd ,y after- noon, when he found biuiHelf in a berry patch near the railway track. Ha wni c">ld and -i if. and his clothes were wet and muiidy. Making his way to the nearest house he enquired his whi-rc- and found thtt he was on Ah'. I 'n. i.'.- m's farm in II 'I'aml t/twuship. Being pi-rfectly familiar with all the country around Owen S >und, he at ome kni-w where lie wa, and telephoned to the otti ;e here. Hi; h-id .j.ii'e los~ hack of the lapse ..f time, and could harlly be convinced that the iceidimt, to the canoe ha I not happened just ihe night before. While wait 'tig for his friends to arrive he was maae m comfortable as possible, and vthen they cunu lie was fjuiing much better. K\eryone in < hven Sound and Ihe nvighliorliood, where he was very well known, is deliuhted at the happy termi- nation of the suspense following his dis appearance. Search parties had been drugging the buy aud patrolling its hor. s since Friday afternoon, and MOIIU are nioic glad than the sraichcrs thnt he is alive and well. And we need say noth- ing about the feelings of liis mother and yoimt! wife, who had siiifored most nr- rible anxR'ty, on wi.-lcomiiig him Lack, ag it wort, from the giave. The case is one of the most remark- able has ever happened in tluso parts. We cannot attempt to account foi it. but one the. >ry is tint in falling from i he canoe lie may have struck some- thing that fur the limn produced a pai- ily i- of the metitil process, and that n this condition he mechanically swam ashore and wandered otV. The shock of striking the co'd water might produce the same effect. A few days ngo a wild flax plant was found in J. M. Liycock's s'rawberry patch and upon investigation it was found to contain 24(!~ well deve'opi d seed puds, besides many that would have niilured, if left. Several of the pi ds were opened ai.d each cuiuai'ud '.1 . ds so allowing -0 seeds to the pod this one plinL produced something over 4!l,:!< seeds. Is it any wonder our farms have some weeds ! Meaford Express. There w n goo I opening in this office for a boy to leirn printing. To the right kind of a boy we cm otler a g md thii.t', compared with conditions of few years ago. WAR ! 'I li 1. ;._. d ."p. c i fr 'ii Europe i- t llio eti'ct th.-it li nniiiiy lias dec'artd war aisiii st 'Jrext r.ii'.nu and I I'luiuui OR. The Late Wm. Clark Th reu:a ns f tin- l.u,. \V ,i. ClxrV, whoM' di-a-li \v.i ment-i-ii' il li' ivi-.-k, wer.- iniriT'd in Fles'ier'on ct-mutery mi \Ve.1nesd iy .-f I IN- w.-ek. .Mr. Cl.irk i!i."l uf canc.:r in tin- |:n- . The lt . M-. flirk was l..iru in V^klwn 'ownM'lii', Y-irk uuuiity, m -In- y-.:r 1M4.'. Ily IIHUC In- was .1 i-.u p -ntt-r Tid buildor. KOI- some }>-ir- in- 1 v. d in Fl-s!iciton, -n d i* vjirii.u- Hi.s iN.> es ile" in I'.M-I A: li I-, T rintii and BUT tilth*. F'e w i" i vv << niTiir.', >le M-J' nd wife sui viving. The children are Mr. .luseph (.'.'iu-lf, edit ' wnt-ron the T nohtii Star : Mr. .l.-un.-s C ark ..f 1' L-k- i-iiii-.'. Out ; Ml". .1. K. Cant-Ion of Clinton, Oui. ; Mis. < t^\ti Coop-r of Co ii<g-oi'd, Mrs. Bert. M-mpi s .,f P i-ki-rois!, . .i Mis M .',,-1 Cluk . f tiHn'.un. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED Is Diving splendid satisfaction. W V 'so keep Fresh Groceries in Hlock ;iir.l are |>>\ i"~ highest, price in cash f. ir all kinds uf Kami pr.Hlu-e. Brills; u< especially youi 1 E^is ; nd Poiltrv. S. H. MKNIKI;SON Klesherl > in dit.atii of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Off ice- 13010th st. West, Owen Sound At the Riivere huuse, Murkdale, 2nd I'll in. sd>iv each month n. mi ft in j^'.-i.m . Dumhlk.lst Wednesday l each niunth.. Jewelry Fleshcrton Planing ' And Chopping Mills I nin now pit-pare--! to do c h 'ppint' evi-iydayin the werk exc.-|it Sipidnys- and i ve'-y week in '.hi- year. Bring aloi _' your grid's. Our snsli an 1 ilnor f.ic'.i.i y i- v :ivs at yoin- il s|ioiil for ;niy! 'iin.' >'"ii wivt i:i our li'if- p'ani LT. ni..t .-(.inj;. i-'c. Kl-'or HI.'. sa*h an.l .iu.irs, tu<d a]! IKUISH fur- ii >hii'gs nupplied promptly and M :.l^- onali'e ra'e. tie- ts'iniiTet. T. Blakele , Prop. Fi-bir. i:: i>- A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT H 1 1 car Western Oats 1 car Five Rose Flour Bran, Shorts and feed flour. At the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN L. ^ RADICALS FOR PEACE. John Hum* Leaves OilMiK't; Morlcy May Follow. LONDON. Aug. 4. - - Despite the feelins here that Great Britain is committed to war in Kurcpe there is nevertheless a strong minority op- posod to the nation Involving itself in th struggle. John Uiicns, President of the Local Government Hoard, resigned last night from the Cabinet, in view of the disagreement over the war policy of the Government. A late report said Viscount Morley, I-ord President of the Council, was considering his re- signation. A small group of Radicals during the period of adjournment of the House of Commons met and passed a resolution that after hearing Sir Kd- ward Grey's speech they were of the opinion that there was noi sullicient reason in the present circumstances for f'.reat Britain intervening in the war and nrginn tile Government to continue negotiations with Germany with a view to maintaining British neutrality. Philip E. Morreli,. Liberal member for Burnley, said the "best that could be said tor the Entente after eight years wus that it was going to land kngland itno a war simply because a few German soldiers wanted to cross Belgium. The Laborltes joined in the protest, declaring that it was a war made by the diplomatists, not by the people. J. Kelr Hardie asked what action was going to be taken to alleviate the sufferings of those who would be hard pressed by the war. He said he would do all he could to arouse the worklngmeu against the propos- als of the Government. ITALY'S CASK CRITICAL. She Is In Danger of Attack From Both Sides. ROME, Aug. 4. The head of the Italian military staff conferred yes- terday with the leading generals and admirals of the Italian army as to the plan of campaign in case of Italy being drawn into the European war. It was pointed out in authoritative circles that Italy's situation would be a most critical one if the other powers of tj} Triple Alliance were brought face to r'nce with those of the Triple Entente. The combined Anglo-French navy it was argued wou'd then have at. its mercy the coasts of Ihe Mediterran- ean und Ionian .-Sens, and It was thouK'n "'at rtreat Britain wot:!d oc- cupy .SU-ily, while France migli! sdV S.-v-'ini; . iv: sin to do in . i : . " ..!:-.:! 1'al.v ;( .: a t ! ;.t It.ft '!::..'. ':v '-ni i-f V;i: HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. Womiin's Paten; pumpl and Patent and <iim nn-Srtl - ' 'olonial with burkli- "H. \VOIII:-II'N I> ng.,1 1 < Kfoids with .1 and J .-yi-li-l--, ^i/-.i-s :'., 4 A I . i le-ir.iii! at sl.tlil. A lot of childru'i'a l..w >i n-s .md pump, .'i-armg al > s " cts. a pair. It in nei".l of a uoml TIUI.IJ or suit case, wo have a nice -issnilnient i n Land. Thos Clayton. You'll: Want to Look Right SO.MK ill these evenings you'll want to look " just, ri^ht," and yon know as well as we do, that there's nothing like a well -tailored l>lne or lilack serge suit. They're right at jii^ht. The proper caper always! Let us. take your measure for a Hobberlin made, all wool serge. The kind that wont fade, or .u'et. rinty. To-day is t fie flay to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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