Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1914, p. 1

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SUtoonte. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 701 33 No. 48 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday June 25, 1914 W. H THURSTON * < Kimberley Budget Intended for List Week Mr. R. R. Fawcett of the- Cantd* 8'eel Co., Toronto, who has been vi&tt- ing his father and brother here, left on Monday for a visit with friends in Col- lingwood. John Stuart of Pow.fson i- vUiting friends in this vicini'y J<itnes Hetheriugtn of Thornbury and i gang of men are busy extending -$lie Beaver Valley munic pal telephone line Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hugitd -A Clarksburg \i.ited ' D. T. Weber's recently. Saul Fawcetl and Stanl.-/ Reid vixited at Wui. Magee * on Monday u-*. Kimberley baseball team drove over to Ravenna on Fridny afternoon .last and (:..;..! a tire inning gune with the much tooted team t that place, our '>; winning our, the score bein? 7-tt. A feature of the game was the phenomenal catch of K'mbfrley'ti left fielder, Jaaper Stuart, who jumped inter the uir and brou^h' down with his left hand what looked like a sure three-lugger. This was the Imt defeat that Ravenna has Rustained this .season, and of course it was a hard [.ill o swallow. Win. Hair's refereed the zanie and gave genera' sat- isfaction. Bitteries Pinr"i and Wagg, Leslie and Leslie. Mr. and Mn. John Manarey of BCJI verdale visitec 1 at M . R. Hammond's on Monday last. \\'f. are t* u ry to report >L-. William Fawcett and Jtnies Hill on the tick lUt. Win. Pie we and sister, Klaie, of Ool- lingwxoJ visited here recently. George Hutchinson has erected a hand- mime lawn fence on Main street, which adds greatly to the appearance of his property. ,>tn-e a number from hr : attended the c:rcu at &! -..! on Saturday and icpait a good one. Frank Whittemore of Ti lonto if visit- ii^t; at R. J. Stuart's. This Week's Items We ki ew we would i>et lots of rain after the farmtrs started haying. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Hu^h Hammond and family of Pricnv He visited wi'h tha for- mer's [ arents, Mr. ;i-id Mrs. M. R. Ham- mond, a few days the past week. The Hydio Ehc'ric K igii eers and surveyors were down in our vicinity re- cently, taking levels aloig the old Beav- er, t.. see Low much power could be de- veloped. We unders'and that there is 100 f:. lifad from Henry Weber's on the valley ro.ul sout'i to the farm of Henry Hiiid al o it n mile north of our buig. We d MI t think there is any prospects of the [lower licit. g developu 1 at an early d.'e. Mr. David Weber 1- us a big gang of men woiking mi a cement bridge con tract at Priceville at present. Mr.S-.mley Reid and Hartley Liwrence UMted R-.cliIvn friends recently. Mr. R. McKoe of Portlaw visited at Mr. Jiis. H ll.< c)ii Monday In'. llussel! McMullen and s : sUr, Mil'ie.of K igenia, visited at Ja>per Stuart's ie- ftilly. Krno t Proctor >f Toronto visitel his j),>rent^il lately. Taei.iy-^'ight pupils wrote at the En- trance examinations here last week. Mr. Jul'y of Hay vie ir was the presiding ex- Vandeleur Happenings Mr. H. 1 1. Baker nf -Sarnia visited his brother K.I. of this place for a few daya last week. Malcolm Mc',)uaig of Cock burn Island is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Geo. War'ing and ot her friends here about. Miss Jean Wright of HarlWd Col- legiate is spending the holidays with her parents here. Messrs 8. tiilbert and Elmer Warling vUited friends tt Meaford recently. Mr. -ill Mrs. Amos. Smith of MeafotU fipcnt the beginning of the week with the latter'* parents .Mr. and Mrs. -S. Gilbert. A much needed rain arrived on Friday and TegeUtion u bc'ginning to recover fiom the effects of the recent dry weather. Mr. R. Genoa bus built a comfortable k tchen and wood shed at the rear of his house, Mr. John Dillon of Markdale was the contractor. Mrs. J. M. Davis has returned home Htter an extended visit with her daughie r at St. M.iy'n. . Mr. and Mrs. (iaruet Blair of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mts-. J. [. Graham. Eugenia The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on July 8 at the hume of Mrs. J. Parliament. N -. 1 and 2 dami of the hydro con- struction h-tve In en started and build- ings are being erected to accommodate the employee'. A number of houses are i being divided to convenience some of the contractors' and engineen' families Tms are being erected for foreigner*, wh > will board themselvts. A meeting was I. eld on Saturday ev ening and a b-tseball team organized as follows : t'-p':un. R. Dean : Mdnager, Card Ui.ili.i-n : Src.-Treas., Stanley Campbell. Co.n-W. Hashal. W. Hill, Jack Cairns. Practice Monday. Wed- nrnday and Saturday at 7 o'clock. Lidics must not mit i fc-.-.> with this practice. Ernie Morgan is home from the city. Mrs. Morgan has returned from her visit in Kimberley. Roy Kirkpatrick of Wodelutus> visited in town recently. Tho return match between our local btiieiiall team mid Ravenua was pulled iff on Saturday afternoon last. It as n pitcher's duel wnh our twirler, having : he better of the Bruument. When the sinnke of the battle cleared uw y tfter a haul fought nine innings gime the score stood 14-7 in our boys Walters of Ravtima refereed the game, and gae universal Ceylon City Diiry Ice Cream on sale H' Wide- i; an's every Saturday night. William Ritchie, a retired farmer, yeaisof ave, was mimd dead on the floor of hi- bfrlroom -tt the residence of K I- waid French, where he boarded. He wi* a widowei and is survi\el by only (lie son, who lives in the We t. An in- (lUtft was held and accoiding to medic*', evidence death was the result of a tup- tire of the heart, technically known us myocftitltis. Mr. Ritchie left an estate valued at about f 10,<WH). Go to Widciiiiin's Fevcrshain, for bargains. Miss Lilly Muiris victim: with f: ter.ds in Hanover. Miss Mable MeMoJI-.-n te'.urnel Mu.i- day fr.mi ^i week's vacat on with Durham friends. Mrs. K-lwards f MiJdlet-m, aud Mrs. Carmichael weto visitors at S. Rni'l's over S inday. Mrs. Mitir left Fiidiy for Mono Roi.l to see I er father, who is very ill. Mr. D. nnd Miss P.. McKen/.ie, Fever- sham, visited with their sister, Mr*. S. Heinpliill, Siirnrday. Miss A. Xi'tlson. Piot in, is visiting her sister, Mis. J. McDonald. Fred S u-irt, Ki ib r'ey, paid his brother a visit one day U-t week. Mis Si evens uf Cbatsw. rth \* visiting w th her cousin. Miss Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Knier-on Adams spent over Sunday at J. E. Adam's. Mrs. lsac Sargeant and two c'lildren of New Ontario, viMte 1 at Mr. Ed. Sr- geant's Ust week. Our l T ni'iii Sabbath School intended holding their picnic lliis week, but have postponed it until FiiJav, -Inly .'!, when . fie Bapt st Sunday School, Flesherton, wi I j-iin them in VK-Ken/.ie's grove. lloi n- to Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald, Wednesday. 17 inst , a dauvhter. Meaford After 'Em On Tuesday afternoon Inspector Beck- ett swooped down upon a consignment of 1 .|ii"i at the station addressed to various individuals about town in cure nf C. : Gibbon. The thipmetit includej seven | cases of ale and beer und 1 keg if o her moisture, a I of which was .,'ne Iv taken t.> the Town Hall tn await devel.ipmetu Just on what giounds Ihe seizure was made we do not know, but we learn that the Inductor forarded some i'f the i. in-ill.- mo^siureto T<>rontn for analysis. In the meantime C!,i i" Clarke it holding tin- ^o-'ds beh'tid the "bais." Two more cases i.f iiifmctions of the I L >cnl Option law wereaiied in court this 1 wet k 'Hid it is needless tn say that n. t a few of them realize Oiat the law is in f.iu-i in Kipress. Priceville Jottings Considerable damage M- done liy the frost last week to early potatots, corn and some of the garden vegetables. We also hear bad reports stout fall whiat that was well out in tita-*.. There are three contractors with gang* of men putting p cement *tructuies in town the large sheds at, the Presby- terian chuich and two bridges over th Suugten. A hide-bound politician created a scene in the Methodist church last Sun- day O" ruing. When He v. J. A. Lstce read the resolution of the conference to uphold the temperance policy of the Lib- eral party, a cettain nlticial of the church di*graced himself by Betting up and re- fusing to listen to a m ;..-!- ance termnn. A number of per- sons, both in and out of the church, have beeu waiting to seo if this man would prove true in the prrseni campaign to the chrUtian and temper- imoe principles that he professed. His family aie highly respected in this com- munity and are no doubt Kiievin<; very much this week \tr the uld man's indis- cretion. Maxwell k'sy Ferguson has returned from Saskatchewan, where *lie was hast- ily called some time a-^o. Mr. and Mra. McWnioney HCJompa^iiud her home. Jack Black, wl o had his leg broken iu a fix tb.ill matc-h, is doing nicely and hat been removed to hi* hou e on the 4rl>. Rev. Carr of Owen -Sound occupied the Presbyterian pulpit o'l Sunday morning. R. VVelW is s'ow'y ivci.vering from b s ilk ess. Mis Vera Kennedy ha* returned to her home in Chatswnrlh. We -congratulate Il.rry Guy on his uccess in passing li - medical examii.a- tion at ToroiiiD university. He is nw sured with Dr. Arthurs, Collingwooc'. Harry McCallum and mother are vis- ii,' friends at Lion* Head. Mr. and Mrs PI-MI ly apent a ft-w i!ays with Shelburne f, ien-1* List week. Miss liurnett nt West'-n ;s visiung af Mr. Ani/us ilormo..'s. \\c arc sorry to repot t the du.lh i>f Mi's. Svuotr, wh'it'.ied at her sons residence at Mclntyre on Monday. Mrs. -Scott, was in uld resident -i Maxwell. Sympathy is eatendel t.i the Mirrowin^. Mr. Richird Heiml is i-etiewinu -i-.-- quainUnces here. We are sorry to repoit the s-vere ill. ness f Mr. EL Colquutte of Keier>ham. His miny frieiiJs wish f r him a speedy roc iveiy. Wiileni.iti tin them a'l for Value ;ind lii^h price* for hir-i r an I east'. HeathcDte Heathcota Anglican church h -Id I heir ftDUUil garden party on Thursday last on Mr. .l.i mo i Flr-minin^'s lawn. It w vs a splendid success. The ladies pro- vided a very dainty tea. After the ntl>- I'js wire cleaied away H very interesting programme VMS rendered. K.-v. Young ac;in, f s chairman. W.- welcome Mr. -I 'in Maxwell to our \ilUii! fur his summer vacitimi. Rev Mr H'isf.ii'd .if Wallers Kil's u'si e 1 his friend, Rf\. Mr. Y<>uny. the Ia'tr pHtt of the week . Mrs. (Ut-v.) Kemp spent the latter (xii-t of the wiok uitint; friend" in C.illinsiwood. Mii-s I-eiie (lordlier visited wi'.h her aunt, Mrs. tieoisie Huichins'j'i, the lat- ter pirt of the wuek. Mrs Payne and dtU!;h'er of rronto are vsiiitii w t!i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .James IUek e- Mrs. Fox and daughter of Toronto are visrina with friends here. A Uowell meeting was l.vM in Heaiuoi'te Town Hall on Friday evenii.';; last. Mr. G.O. Albery the Kowell can- didate for Cen're *>rey, also Dr. Cuium- i n* and Rev. Mr. Miners of Thornbury Have very interesting speeches for th ' cause of abolishing the liar. Mr. I'red Hutchinson , while working in tin? mill on Frid-iy last </ it his tinker* iu cuntHct with the shaipener, removing his ringtr nail. Mis. Burrett of Fairnmuut visi-ed with her cou-i.i, Mr. J. 11. Hews m, the latter part of f-e week. T*ke yo'ir t>g.:. butter ntiJ e\sh to D. 'V. Wick-man'*, Fevrh'tm. To the Electors DR. 5pccUllil in ol I he Of Centre Grey I Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Meaford, June I0th, 1014 At the Ruwell Jonvention, including boih Liberals and Conservatives, held in Clarksburj; on the 9th inst , I was nom- inated as ihu cmdidate of the Rowell platform to abolish the bar. The uonu- n ition was not sought by me, but I was assured t!iac if I consented to aeeep' the nomination the temperauce nitn of parties would support me. The Rowell temperance platform means (1) r,he im- mediate abolition of the bar, including therein the abolition of all hotel and club licenses and therewith the treating sys- tem ; (2) such other restrictions upou the res'.due of the liquor tiartic as exuerii-nce nviy sho* t-. be necessary to limit us operations and effectively to remedy its evils : Lt cil Option to be maintained * a means of wiping out the residue of the retail sale where the electors so decide ; (:lj i ihe strict eufoivemeut of tbe law by officials in sympathy with ihe Uw en- forcement and the elimination of political UtfiiMWM from the administration of the law ; (4) the regulation and inspection uf all houses of publi: cn'ertaiii'nent MI as to insure reasonable ;u:conimocati'in fir the uavellit." public. In brief, ihe ibi.liiiou of all hotel licenses and club liquor liceiw-H and the treating *y*tem abolished. Sh .p licenses will come un- der fuither restrictions. They can be wiped out by Local Option oo a. majority vote wheie the elec'ors so decide. New shop licenses cannot he issued in the place of bar licenses aho'ished. The Ruwell policy of temperance re- f-.rn. is that adopted unanimously irrs- I pective of |>arrv itrliliations by the tern- ' peraiice am) Christ Un forces uf the Prov- ince in I'.HI'J and piesse-l uj.m the sue-' cissive a.,veinn.cnts from that day to ' hi.-. This ii a must siijnilicanr contest, li in a rare opptituni'y for t ho electorsi.f; tin whole Pr.niuce lowaids temperance and m r 1 tefuroi. The liijour interests and ti.iwrnment I lotces of r.he Province arc arrayed . i 1 if |>ol:cy, and if it fml to receive the J support of "!ie electors it will indicate; that the temperance peop'e at u not be- j hind temperance ft form, and the tern- j perance eiuse will receive a set-luck. 1 -ik yi in- I.eaity tuppor' i.f this policy. Owing to the thon the el. c ton* i n June 2!).h. ami the *ick- i.e>s in my home, I may not he able t-. j i e you peiK'iinl y,as I should like to do It y.m give me your vote and 1 am elect- ed I st ind p.V-.i^eJ to support the nbme (olioy. Yours CHI hfnlly, <! ... <J. All.'cry. Off ice- 130 10th .t. Wet, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m Dun.Ulk.lst Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Flesherton Planing "And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to du choppinu every day in the week eicept .Sundays and every week in the year. Brina alone ' your grists. < >ur sasli an-1 iloor factory is always at your disixml for anything you wnnt in our line p!ani"g, iiiatchin(r. etc. Floor in<_'. sash and uooi-, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onab'e ra'e-^. (.'er esiim*ief. T. Blakele, Prop. k7 1 t * . "* *^ A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler 13 ly FLESHERTON, ONT PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR STRAWBERRIES AND CHERRIES AT ONCE With the Fl^sht-rton (Jrocery. W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. Eugenia De/e'oprmn Is Now Under Way The contract let la>l > eek fur the ] Eugenia falls development provides for) an expinditure of -'S-'J. >' ' 1. 1 on dams, can- als and pel stocks. Tw.. I'ams ;ue to be construct id. Tin' foiitrnct for No. 1 d-uii b.'-s lieen I IH.-H.I d in the Anibnr> n Hydraulic Con- I at rucriou Company if M..ntreal. This i will be one ..f the largest uorks df it-s ' kin I in the Dominiiiii. The lam w II b ' ruilt .'f iriiifoie. d O'lieri.'te. 2l):i fei-t Ii.iij, aiid niih a hui^ht fiom 4" to .~iO feet. N. 1 . L' I'am wi.l Ie l.ui.t l.y lljlui.l. Scrib'iin mid While, of Tor. nt.., .-nil will IH.[ b" as hir^e M** N.I. 1. Teiiilei.? ale 1 f^ 'iivi'.'d !.! llie i:.-i' i-s.-,-uy byj'aulic ami dec ric;il t'i|irpiiii-iii whi'-'h will be mi-il to devi'lop 4<)IH) hi rse- |, altii'inyh tin- liH<lwurk, C.UIH'- ik.i.'l >t'irnje u si-r'' ..f tlie uiideriaktD|i C .lltclllpl lie HII lll'llil.ilr deVBlo|llllfllt . f i-'tlOO hn.siyowe-. The HitlDlcipftlitiea to be .served by this develi'jjine it are : Owen .Sound, Murk- dale, Durham, Kleshtrtoii, Chatsworth. Meafoidr Thoinbuiy, W:.lker'.on, l.'hes- ley, Hanou'i-mid Mount Finest. Whenj the work is compli-trd this development j will he conni'c eJ with the Severn syi-ti-n. | at ri^ Chute, which has been purrhwed by the (".inimissio'i frmn the Simcoi- Knilway and Power Company, a il the is nlso consi<lerin<; the link- ing up ot Wa.sdall's Kails, where or.- stiuction work is now ui der way. Tho Kuqetiia Falls development will be the s cond undertaking of the Hydro Commission on its own account, the power wlrch it d strib.itos elsewhere be- ing pu:c'i:ed fiom jrv.te corporations L 'he | r si ir tiin notably from Ni- agara Fa'l*. FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in li^ht and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patent^un met- tal and tan^Uher lace or but- ton,also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual Thos Clayton. -s Wm. Lnvutt, mt employee of the Sea- man K.I nt Co., h. d his n: ht eye turn nut while operating an end-matcher at i their factory je tcrday ufterr.oon about ! 'J.:W oVuek. A pibce >< f board flew ljck from the umh'ne with the nb:>ve re?ul's. iThi-pati'iii wis tak.n by auto to the i Owvii So'iiul hi spital, wleio the eye I wa< ruiii'ived almut H n'c'.ock iait even- I ing. Meafnid Express. The Wjd "man -ilo still goes n ikt !' vcrs'txii). You 11 Want to Look Right ' SOMK ot these evening you'll want to look - ji^t right." ;vnd y< u know as well as we lo, that thertfi nothiim like .1 wfll-tailon-d blue or lil.ick serge suit. They're right at night. The proper taper always ! Let us take your measure tor a all wool serge. The kind that wont fade, or get riuty. To-day us the flay to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Ageut for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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