Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1914, p. 1

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SUtoottci. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOI 33 No. 4:5 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday May 21, 101-4 W. H. THDRSTOH ' PhO Feversham Items Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Kaittin^ spent a few day a in the Queen City, recently. They accompanied their son, (juy. that far on his way to his home in Calgary. Dr. Koszell of Max writ h:\s purchased .u anUiaud can now I < seen driving around to h's numerous patients in good nyle. This will aid tho good Dr. iu making time over his UI-;,M territory. The farmers are neirly all through seeding now, having had exceptionally tine, cool weather for yetting in their -.-i-il. and the land worked u,. in good khape Dr. Mitchell, a gtaduaie of Toronto veterinary college, has locited here. We are sorry to report that M rs. Jas v.yiTs, who has been seriously ill ft'f -HIM' days, is reported no better and _ ' iv fears are entertained that she may not recover. All sincerely hope she may take a change for the better and be lii'Uy restored to health. Feversham football club has been re- i>rganized. The management would lie pleased to communicate with other clubs wishing to arrange a series of home and home games. F. E. Somers is Secretary. Mr. A. S. Heron of Toronto is visiting with friends in this village, and is once mure able t > move around after a two months tussle with rheumatic fever and inrlaniatory rheumatism. Sheld"ii was uiily a shade of his former self when he came here, but this mountain air U help- ing him wonderfully, and he will soun be able to resume his dutiei.i-* (i. T. H. en- gineer from Toronto to Sirnia. May y.nir shadow urow larger every day Snel- don, until you regain your former good health, is the wih of your numerous friends. Kev. \\ in. Dinwoodie of California preached to the Methodist congrpgntion here on Sunday morning lasc. His ser- mon was much appreciated by those who h-.-ard him. Kimberley Budget Heathcote Very dry weather with nu imuieilhte prospect of rain. .Mr. ;ud Mrs. W . Ui.UUmiih of Clarksburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Kawcett of the Traveller's Home a few days the past week. Mr. John Plewes visited Cullingwood friends on Monday lust. Mr. Win. htuart, who has been up in Parry Sound dis'.rict for some time, re- turned home onu day last week. He has sold his holdings up there to Mr. Tom Fawct-tt. On Saturday last iwj snappy games of baseball were pulled off oil the Kimber- ley diamond. The Hrst game was bc " i ween the Flesherton high ichool team aiid the Kimberley public ichool, result- ini{ in a win for the home team, the score being 15-7 in their favor. Kiuiberley h artists, Burrett and Ellis, pitched a great game and held the Flesherton buys down to a few scattered him. The game between the Tenth Line and our boys WHS full of thrills from start to finish. The tirf>t four inning* certainly looked blue for out boys, the other team being well in the lead, but our boys rallied in the fifth and from th:it on played superb lull. Ye gods ! but pandemonium broliu loose when Ellis crossed the plate in the last inning and notched the winning run, the score being l'J-18 in favor of Kim- berley. Leslie at backstop is a second Bill Camigin, he being one of the head- iest cat .hen that ever played on the Ki-uberley diamond. The wine two iwirlers pitched in this game and their arms inusl have been r. early used up wilh such a long spell of pitching. The Tenth Line ami our hoys am expected to clash ngain at a uarden party here on May 2ft, when a good game is an t icipalod. W. I. . .ilic.-rs for ensuing year- Pres., Miss Eva Mairea ; Vice, Mm. A. S. XV aj- lace ; Sec., Mrs. A. E. Mylos ; District Dir.. Mr*. S.S. ; Rep, Mrs. J. T. Abercrombie ; Auditors, Mr. George Hutchiuson mid Mrs. Jos. Ccirorield . Eugenia Paragraphs Crows Sa . the Oats Muss V. MoMullen is home from the city. Miss -Ii'ui ('iun is home Bridgeport, N.J. The Women's Institute have the awing up for the children in the usual place. Kimberley seems to have beaten Flesh- erton to a standstill. Work will soou start on thu hydro- olectiic development here. Hill Bros, of Markdale ha\e opened their branch store here. Mr Wallace Graham succeeded the Most farmeis look upon the crow as a nuisance, a plunderer uf corn lielils, an egg sucker and killuv uf chickens and I as something to be killed on sight when from they can get near enough to do it. The crow, huwever, is an adept at caving his own carcass from destruction and conliu- us to grow fat and increase in numbers regardless of the enmity he provokes. A farmer up on the Bruce peninsula has a somewhat different conception of his use- fulness from that generally accepted and writes the Weekly Hun as follows : Four years faijo, as noted in the >un at | the time, grasshoppers swept whole . fields of oats and barley, and damaged other day in capturing a whole family of luuch of , he hay .,, iu lhis lllt , llily . ..U the big horned variety. The met , lud see|md lo be to , eava the Mr*. P. Munshaw had the misfortune ! dry pastures where they hatch, about to fall and hurt he-iself badly one day July 1, M id bngiuniiig on the outer edges list week. of grain field*, work gradually to thu Miss Cooey has been engaged as cook j centre. In 1910 many farmer* t.ul "i to at the Eugenia House. get a rack fill of sheaves off a ten-acre Mrs. Alex. Carruthers has been elected , fiuld - TlllJ following spring a men her of Superintendent of the Cradle lloll in the thc 'J-A.O. staff came up in the hope of . _ _!__ t T DR. BURT Speclaliil In dlsrafi* of iho Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office--30 10th ,s eat, Owen Sound At the Riivcro huuKe, Markdalu, -mi Thursdny eacli nionrli from 8 to a 12a.m Duiidilk,li>t Wudnesday uf each inunth . Jewelry Presbyterian church here. Mrs. Parliament of Paisley is with Mrs. T. Fenwick. VIM' m.H ; i suggesting a remedy. Poisoned bran nash was MII^I-M ol. but former trials of Portlaw Mrs. James Wilson, one of the pioneer iv, i,l -ii:- of Osprey township, passed tlmt showed that, the (nippers preferred anything green. The mixture waa great dope for lions ! We had a aix acre tit-Id right in the | iiinl Hi- of the woist infcsicd area, which I we wanted to crop. We plowed it and away on the 6th mat. at her homo on the | ,, ut it in peas in 1!M2, as hoppers usu illy third line, after a lingering illness, at the ! i oa ve peas alonu. All round the fence ripe age of eighty-six years. The funeral ! tne |, |,p or s were in millions and the look pluc-o the following Friday 'o the j C! ni| u had to go to tho swamp to live. Presbyterian burial ground, Maxwell. | 'Hut Auuust a flock of 1000 crows came Her husband predeceased her 1-ist year. f rom .somewhere and stayed with the Mr. Fred Taylor, who has been with colony of hupprrs until they had the last the Bt-11 Telephone Co. at Gait, arrived 1 one. It took them three weeks. Eveiy home for the summer at least. ' rail fenco wa<* pniuted white and the The telephone is being extended aloii* j " ;SB " f ' u uws " *"or. the fourth lino from t'leahcrton central. Now, the point was, to know if those Rev. M4. Phimiater preached in Mount crows cuuld h depended on t, return Xiuu church last Sunday and delivered j tho following year. We took the chance a very impressive sermon from tho text, , -""1 -l < W "" "' I". HO and harvest .shall not fail." ', e r| y tllBt II WHS tt S' '>"'- c dl>w " <>" Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping . every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along ' your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor ins?, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- ouable rales. (Jet estimates. T. Blakele/, Prop. 13 ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT We are pKased to s;e Miss Alice Viclters nut agnin. Mrs. William Gilmoreand Mrs. Isai.ih Ltugheed of Fairmont, visited at J. 11. irdner's on Sunday. Mr. Koy Kll-y of Uocklyn has com- menced work in (ieorge Ueuhie'8 si'w mill. Don't forget the icu cream social to be held at I ho Rectory on Saturday evening, May I':!. MtM Lillian Abercrombio and .Mis Bertie Hoyd of Kocklyn visited with Mrs. Fiegiehen the early part of tho week. Mr. Joseph and Adam Bradburiy of Thornbury were callers in our bur lal week. Missei Annie Vfckers,Klsie Gardner und Mrs. (Rev . )Yuung ai tended the pie social held at Fairmont on Friday last. Mrs. Fiegiuhen and family visited with her parents at, Eppiug the lattei part of the week. Miss Llsie Gardner visited with her friend Miss Muii<n Preiirtes on Sunday. We are pleased to report that Mr. and Mrs. S. Goodfellow of Duncan are im- proving after their aenous accident. The horse is also improving. The A. Y. P. A. intend holding a pic nic in Mr. Vamplew's bush on May 'j:!. Miss Burrvtt of the third line, visited with friends in Heathcote this week. Ceylon Mr. George Strain of GOK> Bay spent several days here c tiling on uM friends. Mis. .lanes and babo, and H : ster, Mrs. Dalley, of Lethbridgo, Alia., arrived on Saturday on an extended visit with their mother, Mrs. Andruw Uutlcde. K. Cook ;md Master Cecil Cushtiie spent Satin-Jay with Ebordulc friends. Miss Ethel linnet 1-ft Monday for Dundalk. Mrs. Siiell of tlu West is visitiug her laughter, Mrs. George Sucll. Miss Myrtle Heiuuhill returned home Saturday after spending two weeks with riends at Feveish mi. Mrs. J. Pattison'o many friends are pleased to see her able to he iiround after her lonij caurioenient to thc louse. Mrs. Schinedundorrt' of I'aisley is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Whittaker. Mr. Jimniiu McMulleu huppened with a painful accident on Wednesday lust while enured in E. Sargent's mill cut- ting shingles. Ilia left hand came in "Springtime Mr. Dinwondio occupied his own pulpit tho previous Sunday, dulivorui!! a well , prepared sermon applicable to the seiiMiu, uui dispense ilie .Siicisunent.d Dr Jamicsoii, M. P.P. for South Grey houored the Port with h : s presence last ! Friday. II was acuninpanied in his molt i- cur by Mr. W. J. Boyd of Flesher- ton, and together iln-y inspeo-tc'd the prii oip.-il pl'icea of interest. The Dr. said little of the object of his visit, but Ilie result inuy bo that he will niciul to thu federal government for harbor improvuiiient here. ree"in- a ^runt Victoria Corners Kev. Mr.Phimiater of Maxwell prench ed a missionary sermon at liiUti'guti on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Anns'ruux and Miss l.iura Armatronn of Fleaherton, and Mr and Mrs. W. Mathewsou of Toronto, visited at Mr. Thos Bannoa'*. Mis. McKutcheson of Beeton, and Mrs. W. Ludlow of Dundalk, visiteil at Mr. Jas. Best's. Misi Walker was unable lo attend to her duties for a couple of days last week on account of illness. We are pleased to see Mr. Walter Acheson abl to bo out again. contact with tho saw, tearing oil' paitsof his three tinkers on the loft hand. He was hastily driven to Flwhcrtoii where Dr. Career dressed the wound. Mrs. 1'epper left this week for her home iu Orillia alter spending the winter months with her daughter, Mi's.S.Rmls. Mr. J. and Miss Lizzie Sin-Kent went lo < >wen Sound Tuesday. Mr. Fred Chi>lett. Shelbuinu, spent Sunday under the parental roof. K C'ook took a trip lo Shelbvrne lart week. Mrs. Seirell and little son havi- ie- turned to their home in Marg>>, Sask.. Misw Gladys ll-i/.anl lictMinpatiied them and wi 1 remain for sometime. Mi t^illy Muir left Wednesday to visit Hivnover friends. Mr. K. Oliver has gone ID spend the summer months at, Tliessalnn. Walkerton Editor Widmeyor of the- Aylou Ad- vance was in \VaIkciton on Monday, con- sulting a lawyi-r with a view to l-nnu'r-: an action against the Grand Trunk Kail- way for clainams t.o a printing press which he claims was badly wrecked whiln being shipped over the U.T. H. from Mi. Forest to Aytun. i'hilip Smith of Wiarton, who was re- moved from the jail and opuiatud "ii for Koitie in the Bruce County Hospital on April ISth, look a severe hemmorhaacon Thursday Inst from which he passed away two hours later. The due osud who was 47 ycats of n^e, was a severe tufterer from goitre.which it was thought affected his muni, and for which the Coumy Council at, its last session set asido a sum of money for mi operation in the hopes of relieving his condition, which was seri- ous. The patienl recovered from ihe operation, but succumbed to a heminor- hag which set iii on Thursday, and Times. By Junu 15 tin- Held was surrumdeil by the jumpiiiK pests, but about that time wo noticed younu crows in bunches in the pastures, mid soon a Mock ot iJHil ^Hlhciud tliure. When wu put the binder into tint tield llu-ie WHS not a living hoppur iu sight cither outside or in. Thu hoppers had eaten about six feet nil round into the hrld, but there the crows hail stopped the in. There is no doubt in my min<! that thu crowa saved that tield for us. They ap- pear to recognize thu hoppers .1-. a staple diet now and I hope that in lime i hrv will be able to exterinimitu them. Many fininers have got tho same relief from their turkeys. Thoy may have to be driven to thc h<ippera a few times, bu l when they get onto their jubth-j Hoppers l"p to within u yciir or two it cus- tomiiry to dest roy all crows nesta to save tho corn, but by stretching binder twine at intervals of .'JO ynrdi across the liuld high enuuuh to let the horses pass under the crows are afraid to <j,n under. Some bright pieces of tin hung on the lines help also. Thu c:ow are onoe more with us nest/ing, and us far as we are concerned will not be disturbed. A Car of Western Oats Just Arrived Make trmxl see.l. A good supply ot Kennies and Steef Brigg's Rape seed, carrot.turnip, mangle, sugar mangle, sugar beet seed, potato onions, dutch setts, beans, garden com, Iu field corn wr have Cumpton's early, angel of midnight. North Dakota, Imp. Leaning, white cap, giant ensilage, on or off the cob. Millott and Hungarian Tomatoes, cabbage.Cauliflower.celery and hu.isi- plants. We buy your wool, butter, eggs, potato.-* and gran. Our Ice Cream is in full swing At the Flesherton Grocery. W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. L Herald Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Ottk-f ami Residence- 4(18. !th St. Kofi, Owen Soui.d, OU. Hours, l.:50 to 4.) p.m. in spin. Other howtbx appointment. Tho Pi ice family, consisting of f.-ither, motbor and three children, whi have boon a oluirae on th town of Hoo.l for sonic limo, wre taken i by one of ilu- goviTiiuieiit imuigmtiun dlliueis and were taken t" Montreal for return t.o thoir former hoinu in Wale.'. wht-ro they ha\e relatives in comfurtablo ciicuiiiNt.i!ic.'.'. They hiiii residol in for about eighteen Durham 1 'n \l"ii'l i\ last, while taking the rope off a cow's horns, Mr. James Webber, who lives near tlvj cement works, re- ; ceived n nasty injury. Tho animal swum- its head and airuck Mr. Webbor 1 on the hack of tin- hand with one of its 1 horns, necessitating th<> putting in of eight or n.uc stitches. Mrs. Arthur RlcClocklin was suddenly ; attacked with appendicitis on Sunday I night and a six:ely operation was con- sidcred her only hops by thu attending Owen Sound, My IU. This morning physicians. A mcsstge was wired to Dr. Charles Da'<-y, iim-d seventy three, an McDonald of St. Catlrirines, who left in old and well known resident of Brooke. , bip auto at IU j'clock Suud.iy night and committed .suicide by hanging himself. J nirivi-d here at 7 o'clock Monday morn- He had none out. to do the chorus before ing. ll-i imineUmtely went out to Mis. breakfast as was his custom. When ho McClocklin'a nno. the operation lovealud did not come in on time his wife went I H vary serious condition. Dr McDonald out to find wht WAS keeping him, and j wailed uvcr vuitil Tuesday morning to as soon as she stepped inside the barn uotu any change of condition and was thelirst thiimthn' methereyes washer bus- i ( uito hopeful. FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patentgun met- tal and tan, either lace or but- ton,also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual Thos Clayton. Hanged Himself band h!iii!.!ins by n rope thru *n over a beam. She p'uckily let. him down at once, and j called for mvdicnl. aid. Though th body ; wa.s warm when let down, life WHS ex-' tinct. Nniii<|uo8t will he hold. Tern-! poriu-y innauity is the causo afs ; !/ned. A j family of three sons nnJ one daughter survive. 5 ^Wilfrid McUuo and Alfred Brake, em- ' ployi't-s of tin- waterworks department i in 'in. loh, were iiiht.uitly killed by tho I iu of a trench. Mitrkdtlti ban -- rtiitoniobiles, ~2'2 hy- diants, '2 lieoiiscd hotel!", u house of rof- uao, 1 chartered bank, 2 private banks, 4 blacksmith shops. 2 jewelers, 5 imple- ment agencies", 4 hardwares, 2 barber shops, '2 h \rnptiH shops, '2 drug stores, 2 2 butchers, 1 livery, 2 doctois, 2 dent- lots, 2 law tiruis und se\eial other small ;l , llc i t ,, , (>0 m i, m -,.,,, M to imntion- - New Suitings FOR SPRING We arcshowing>carly50O different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 Thi'i-nbiiry will celebrate July 1. S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR^

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