Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1914, p. 8

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May 14 1914 T H E F L E S H E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS WH. WKIQHT, TI.LKOHD * McDOSAU) Barrister, Holtcitom, *o. OflJc, Grey ft Hruoi lilock, Owon Bound. Standard liana Hlock, KlenUwrton. (Saturdavi). W. H. Wright. W. 1. -I'elford J-..J. O. MoDoual-J, L,. U .B. SOCIETIES AO W meeta ou Ihe laat Monday in aeh moutli. In their loage room Ulayton'i ball Fleadertou, at 8 i> w M. W, W. J llallauiv ; Hoc., C. H. Muoslaw: Fin.. K. J.Sproule. Vialtlng brethiTMJ Invited pHINCB AKTHUB LODGE, No S3S. A F^ " A U meets la tbt Uonic hall. Arm tronn'B Block.KKwherton, ery MM on or before the full noocn Herb hmltli, W. U.; Cbaj.MuDBUaw. Secretary. ', 90S, I- - F - '<'' in es niouio. ""airfoil Footer* beartlly Icoaie'C. K., O. Bellamy ; B. B., O. ( ir. av ot tbe uiouth. . 6*. b.lor. tb, tat T. mklev;B!order W. H. Ituut. _ MEDICAL D* A M C K P B * B Ont. Pbytlclan. Bnmon <* Offlo. Jd*-l>et at. ab.rUm P OTTKWBLL, DENTISTRY sssssssss-. LEGAL hF.SHY-Harriitarj. Hraiicb office at Poodalk open every Baturaay. BUSINESS CARDS r ."Z BE : *~'~- East Mountain me it Duncan llm >veek. M stars. Fret 1 Mm in and Jack Cliirk delivered a load of tit>h around here last week which were certainly "ditndies " Mr. Holiinton of O-prey tiiited Uetttta., Kd. and William O'Briun nnu day last THE FIRST AND ONLY. Sergcant-at-Arms Glackmeyer of On- Urio House Start e<I In 1867. "My commission," eald Mr. F. J. Glackmeyer, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Ontario Legislature, In tbe course of a chat with a reporter recently, "la dated 1867, the year of Confeder- ation, when Provincial Legislature*, as we know them to-day. wre organ- ized. John Sandileld Macdonald wa Premier and Attorney-General, with j the Hon. John (fterwardi Sir John) . Carllng as Minister of Agriculture i Mr ,,, M ,,_ j K Ma ,. sh and Public Works. It wai through I , , L ,. , ., . the latter that 1 wa* appointed. Born ! d u v ' B " t " i llt Mr J "- Mgltl " * in Montreal. I had been living in (Thursday hut. London, Ont., where Sir John Oarllng resided, for some twelve years, and knew him well. When it became ne- cessary to appoint the Serge.ant-at- Arnis he nominated me. I was 24 years old at the time, and 1 had no conception of what the office or Its duties meant." " Slr , J , 0b Ca n, in l 8etU f r M'" **ter H pleasant visit with friendH .1 proceeded Mr. Glackmeyer, wiih a reminiscent smile, "on the 22nd of ^larkaburg and Duncui. December. 1867. The next day we Mi*s Annio Allen of Flenliertoii vUited LINK WITH THE PAST The : ! in. i - around our vicinity Ini-iHt ih i null Heeding. Miss Lizaie Welsh in visitinu friends TORONTO IX)8ING THE nVIia>IN THAT HOUSED EARLY BANK. ,, f Mr*. Jno. Welfh i visiting hor aister, li.-. II. (iruhani of Orion. We are plcastd to report Miss Moon, our teacher, improving nicely from her recent illness. Miss I .KM- Miirtm has returntd home Helic of Days When Banks Were Few In Canada Goes With the Rjutlug of the First Home of the Bank of Upper Canada Passed Through Troubled Times and Once With- stood Hrusatlonal Crisis. "Sold A warehouse will be erect- ed here." These are the words of doom written largely against the old structure at the southeast corner of JKing and Frederick streets. But, per- it is just as well that the old to ToroaUo together, and saw the Premier, who said i looked strong enough for the job, and on the 24th I got measured for my uniform in the morning, and went back to Lon- don with Sir John in the afternoon, to spend Christmas. He told me I must have a sword, BO I borrowed one from Friday until Monday at her paren- tal home here. Mr. Tom. Harhoitle of Keady in vinit- ing his brother, Mr. (!eo. Harbottle. William Hawkins A Mulmur township from Col. Macbeth, who then com- man, who has been con Until in the couu- manded the seventh regiment. I , v gaol for sniue time pust, 1ms become 1 . I I .* . . . , . f ...-.,.. 1 QI*>Tjtt*K*An4*M_' - violently insane and has to he kept under watch continuously. Supn are being taken to have him ssnt to the asylum. shall not soon forget Sir John's con- sternation when he saw that I pro- posed to wear a big military sword with a brass scabbard. 1 finally bor- rowed the sheriff's sword, and wore it with my new uniform at the open- ing of the House on the 27th." Mr. Glackmeyer has seen six Pre- miers during tbe forty-seven years he has held his post he has held It longer than any living Sergeant-at- Arms In the British Empire has. He peaks warmly of tbe fine speaking of tbe Hon. Edward Blake, who re- placed SandQeld Macdonald as Pre- mier, on the letter's defeat at the general election four and a half years after he bad formed his Gov- ernment. And he also mentions tbe Hon. E. B. Wood. Provincial Treas- urer in the Sandfield Macdonald Ad- Mice ".onuection. Dec. C.U7. WM KAITTISO, Liicamed Auctioneer loi til* couuiiea ol Gray and Smico*. Farm anil Block alei a upocialty. Termi aioderatu natidlaction KuaranUed. Arrant;. ajeutBfor ilau-auiay be ma<l at the Advance SSST or I "Aral teVnooB oft'.ce I- .veraliaui or by addruuiuK ni at Fevrhaui, Ont. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by ChmijteliiiR Butter B"y <>'it of Tidy Aubekerk i'riucosK Josephine. The greatest butter making (train known. Term of service- .fcl.iiO for graili 1 *, 9>> pure bred. < i K( ). M< )< )HK it Si )N . Prop*., TChlSLETT, l'otinatrr, r;,ylon. Couiuiimioiier 111 H i:. .1 .'Jonveyancer, deads. uiortaaiMt* luaMjH, will* etc. carefully drawn up olleetiuim uiadj. clmrcen roaBonal.le. Also rocerie., dour, feed *tc. k|>Uu stock. Pricea iKbt. tration who was known UK "Bl* luunder," as oeing a remarkably fine speaker. He has known ten Lleuten- ant-Governors, the first of whom, Maj.-Gneral H. W. Stistpd, held of- fice for only one year. The present Speaker is the thirteenth occupant of the chair since his appointment. One of these, the Hon. n. W. Scott, was Speaker for only two weeks, and then became a member of the Government. Another Speaker, the Hon. W. D. Ralfour, was fleeted in February. 1895, and took office in the summer of the year following as Provincial Treasurer. Yet another, the Hon. l W. /. Oharlton. was elected in 1903. and resigned, after a comparatively tnent. "When I was first appointed." said Mr. Glackmeyer, "the House mot In the old building on Front street. This landmark be removed and a new and brighter brass plate be erected to mark its grave, for scarcely any passer-by ever stops now to read tbe dingy old bronze sign which bids the wayfarer stop and examine. This old building was once the first bank In Toronto. More even than this; for it was tbe home of tbe first chartered bank west of the Ottawa river, says Lyman B. Jackes in The Toronto Globe. Ninety-six years have gone by since the erection took place. In those by- gone days the thick-set building occu- pied the most prominent corner of the town of York. Look along the south side of King street some day, between George street and Sher- bourne street, and you will see the re- mains of a business row where once the elite of the town did their trad- Ing. What a chance seven or eight decades will make! Shops that were once patronized by York's foremost society ladies in their search for dry goods and finery have degenerated in- to little tobacco shops. Fashionable bookshops have been replaced by lit- tle eating houses which appeared to ba/ve solved the problem of the In- creased cost of living. A little brass foundry has taken up its abode over by a minister who had It from no old the 8na dow of former greatness; and minister who was much interested In the bank the Institution that did so Joseph 1'orker's early work as a local much for our forefathers has sunk preacher. One Saturday be met Park-jtQ the, level of A second-band furni- er nnd nsked him whether he had nn tun- shop. So, again I Bay that per- eugngeuient for Sundny, "Yes," waj : hap ft may be better for the old bank ' 'to give way than remain the sole ob- Are your sermons ready, JosepbT Jt with a history In a row where prl the minister everything else has been forgotten, asked the tuinisi u fc fc ihe of I have the morning sermon,' wa. Ume and , ook th<J oM pUe not the reply, "hut I am not sure about ag a member of tnte d , 3mal row as we the evening." 8ee lt to-day, but in tbe year 1818. "Well. Joseph, whnt is your text for i T | 1J8 ls { hc year wnen Williari Allan the morning nnd how do you treat It?" I pu t up the building and opened a I'nrker went over his text and the general store, with Us miscellaneous outline of bis sermon. PARKER'S TWO SERMONS. And Hew H* Got the Morning Congr*> gation Back at Night. A characteristic story of Dr. Parker was told mo the other day, writes "A Man of Kent" in the British Weekly, {collection of wares ranging from silks "Hut. Joseph," said tbe minister, to cheese on the one side and strong "that is very clever, but It Is not the spirits and hardware on the other. renl meaning of the text. If you will , But the town of York must have at the commentaries you will see a bank. Ten years before tbe mer- ,, chants of the town had pressed tne rnrker thanked hltn nnd ^ent hi . f - "or. Sir - * hl ' f E w y " th M nd y tbe lni8tl * the Legislature and requested that short time, to become Minister of jngain met his friend. the bnl be exc ] u j e( j O n the ground Public Works in the Ross Govern-! "Well, Joseph, how did you get on that the peop i e O f Y ork were not suf- yesterdny?" nclently cultured to underst .nd the "Very well," vns tho reply. various denominations and guard "How did you mnnnge?" against counterfeits. The bill was "Well," ho snid. "In the morning I not passed. But doesn't it seem fun- was quite unsuitable. It was inron- BULL FOR SRVICE .^ _ Holbtfin Hull, Koriidyko I'utertje Clotliiltle. N. U78l, wln*o <Um, Tri/ic'.s Cl-ithilde I'ieterlje '^mi.No. 2!SK, has produced over 80 lls. milk per day. Tonne Crude cows$l."0, pure Wd cows?:!. All COWH not returned will lie charged. Trims l 'ah Alwi rceintcrerl Vorknliir>! IMKU, AN I45HI. Temi'Sl. HKMIY IIOMIAN I*>t 40, dm. I, Aiti'iiieaiii, Portlu* i'.O tftiiniir Bull For Service I'n re bred HhoHinrii luill, Iviipernr, Mli:,:!7, fir Miiviri; fdl U 1<>7, W.T. S.K.. ArteiiiexiH. Terms 81 r >0 for m'ddrs, 91! All cowniiervi'il niuAl he pa. id .for. Mar. I venlent, and had pone to wrack and ruin, having been used as a barracks. prenched my sermon and explained the uy to us now to think that a people text In niy wny, nnd nt the close I brave and bold enough to resist the snid- "This is how 1 understand It United States just four years later The first session in the present l'ar~ i B , cnnlwl lucn understand it differ- should be so looked upon by this llament Building was opened In the ! . . . .,, ( ,. |n the even . same English gentleman Sir James BprlnR of 1893. There were only X undurstnnd iCraig? Sir Isaac Brock was tho next members when I was appointed, as "7,, ,to seriously attack the problem of the They nil cnme bnck lu the evening, J^ ^t^ n **" h ' 8 pr - June of 1822 saw the proposal falr- " ly established, and a charter was Is- MEASURING A RIVER. sued to the Bank of Upper Canada. 'At a meeting in The Grange the How Napoleon-. Engin,,r Found It* . pBC ?" 1 honl of lrArC * Boulton-- WidtH Without , n .ru r nt.. ^1^^ jtajljjj An eiiBiueer found l-.mself Bumtaon- ;fhat WM ( . huraoterlgtlo of tne raanj longest session of which I have had experience -- the first of tho tenth nnd Joseph had u happy (toy. Parliament lasted 110 days. The shortest that in 1874 lasted only forty days." Siiv.'.l By His Milts. A moving tale comen from tho woods, a story quite worthy of Fenl- more Cooper. An Indian of one of the Ontario reserves has escaped from ed one day Into the p.eseneo of his offere( , th() preln | 8eg O f his general commander. Napoleon stood on the glore as a homt , for the new ln8tUu . a painful death by rather peculiar bunk of u wide river gnziug across to tlon Thu8 , t was tnat tow ard the iiioans. A few evenings ago he was j where the enemy had planted hntterles, eni j O f j une | n the same year the walking across the Ice on a small I which he deairud to attack with artil- bank opened, its doors. Mr. Thomas lake, when, in tho darkness he step- i lery. Ridout was cashier, but the title then I ped Into one of those "air-holes"! "How wide Is thnt river?" was the signified duties not pertaining to that I which are found in tho thickest Ice, question put to the engineer. office to-day. One hundred years ago and found himself plunged in deep. J "i^et me get my instruments," wns the title of cashier Implied more of the reply ns he turned to go for them, the chief clerk or officials just un- -I must know nt once," the emperor d , the president. The year 1837 brought the ill- went down to the level understood insurrection of William Mackenzie, and against this 'II.- Of DIVISION COURT 1914 AXI) DI'NDAl.K icy water. James Johnson was his name it should have been something nioro picturesque and hyphenated- and hi- The bent till hjs , UUo whl( , h proven KI-iherton .................. Api' 1 '"' DunOulk ..................... .June 17 .................. Oct. 14 CANADIAN Great Lakes Navigation StLMiiiei'K will li'iive port MrNimll Mon- days. Tnt'siluyH, NVi'dnosdnya 'I'hiii-wl.ivs, i, n<l Saturdays, at 4 p.m.. coiniiienoinx May !lth, for Sault Sle. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William I li" Sii-iii,.. i Maiiiiotiii, tailing from I'nit MuNiciill, WiidmmUy* will cull t < wen Sound, leaving tint point 10 ''< STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Will IMV* Toronto l'-'4."> p. in. oowiillna days, ^ liii'iri conncctiiin with Ste.iineiN ut 1'oit McNicoll. TO WK.STKKN CANADA IN CO, I- KOHT VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC Particulars roi'iirdiu^ HAIL or OI'K \N lickol* tiinii Cnnaliiin I'aciliu Ticket Agents or wril' M. 'i. Murphy, D.l'.A , O.P.Ejr,, Toronto. Bull l : or Service Fi I' M'l-viri-. Itiinii Molly N". (il'-'J. ibtrdeen AngU', n .,i :;t, !i;h ( - UILOSS- iiui, Artemrsin. Trnns. .I.UO if paid .,-f.rii lit JHII. 1'JI.V- \V. J. May ir> of the woods. Owln K to the sllppor- c _ incsH of t ho ICP surroundinB the hole. ll| e lge of his tint brim just toucd id Ce8sful , Montreal and Que bec, but he was quite unable to raise himself I the lino from his eyes to Ilif wntor Jim, kin( , fate Iorewarned tne Bank of Up . out of tho water; struggle as ho nt the opposite bnnk of the nver. per ( ; anada officials a few short mln- mlght he could obtain no grip, says [Then, keeping his hend bent us it was, utes before the scene was staged. On The Canadian Mail. . he wheeled a quarter turn till his eyes No . v . 24. 1837, the bank officials re- Wlien almost exhausted hn threw looked nlong the hut brim nnd met the ceived notification in the post from one arm as far over the ire as he Innd nt n point on the same side of the Montreal that the banks there had could while lie rested for a moment, river on which he stood. Hero he 'suspended specie payment, owing to When he moved again he found that noted n rock or tree near the point nt a run on the vaults following the the wet \.oollen "mitt" (flngerless which his eyes met tho ground nnd, harangues of the Insurrectionists, glove) which he wore had frozen miff ca iiing n soldier, directed that n stake and that the Bank of Upper Canada and, fortunately for him, had also 'jjg Driven n enr thiit point ns he should was to De tne nex t object of their at- frozen tight to the glare ice on which | dtrect Tncn by motioning Just where tack - After a hastv consultation. Mr. his hand rested. This gave him a slight grip, and. . stake he the point Hldout a(lvance< l a scheme for the h ' hrlm nnd defeat of the attack . quick to seize tl>e idea, he placed the " L """-" ^"^i,"T n "J""'pi,'n I, tl were Bet in motion, other mitt where It would also freeze *** roacb f the M b " n v Tmni " g / H f The flcene changes now to that of to the Ice. The two frozen mitts thus emperor, he snid, 'Uuir mnjesty, ' t he old Uoel Brewery; a portion of gavo him two hand holes, and en- distance from where I stnnd to tne whlch 8tlll Bta nds .encased in bill pos- *.. i . :.. *l,.. r(/I^K , . i" III,, t'ii-.. i- ' able him to scramble on to the ice. Then, although tils clothes froze hard u> on him, he maraged to make his way safely home, n distance of three miles, and is none the worse for the adventure. Not To Bi> Parted. A good story Is told of Mayor Gof- fatt of Orlllla. A short time ago an i n iiviin.iiii not long in this country who had been laid off from work ('ui ins B slack period tame to the mayor for a little assistance. His worship readily granted the aid re- quired, but at the same time suggest- ed that the man should try for Home n the elghborhood of the ;, until work In the factories pick- ed up. "You might get work rutting wood in the bush," the mayor said. "Are you a Christian, and a believer in the Bible," quickly aeked the man. Certainly," said Mayor ttoffatt. "Well, perhaps yon are, but tho thnt officer why, then (lie story does not end s it should. St. Nicholas. NEW BARBER Tho iiiid'Tsini'f.l liaR npouix: lni|i in lilt) In I. I. Idi i I, inn i.tti'-i-, whvre I will lie if A|i|ily yii Mi IIMITJ. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 100 to 1.00 Oat '. . . . 40 to 40 Peas 1 12 in 112 Bailey 56 tc 55 Hay 15 00 to 15.00 Butter 19 to \9 Eligs, fresh 21 tj 21 Potatoes per bag 1 00 to i On Geese 12 to ^ u< * 8 15 .o 15 ")"' U to 13 Chickens 13 to l:i TarKeyo 18 to 20 KlesHer-ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDUY-Boaket close* Monday night, delivery Friday evenbg. CLEANING and DYEING- \V e are gents for Parlor's Dye Works ClotliM cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR ske is the width of the river. - ters at the northwest corner of Adc And so it was. ns yon can readily ila i f , e and Bay gtreets. Here the fol- ;see. If the emperor did not promote lowers of Mackenzie, the same evening, arranged for the run on the Bank of Upper Canada to commence the following morning. When they arrived to commence the operation they were not accorded the first place lln the line some few others were . hitrhrr! auea(1 "' i'" 1 " 1 "" 1 h ' ul been standing tlu- piist-i tnere slll(>fi early morning. The old td iiiei't town p lFlt struck the hour of nine, t j - , ,,,,,L M i, and doors were opened for the busl- luaiiy o my f, 'ends HS cm, make ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ enu>r onvenieol I -'i j wag an ol( , .niuwHpht-a friend of ithe bank and he presented four one- pound notes for paynu it in farth- It took so long to count the Give me H call when yiu want u t or nliavo. I: ;. ..I., h i ,r.i ings. l/iurdry l>;i>kft aoe-i Tii''siUy noon, re-i mo noy and. so long to recount it that turns 1'iiiliy. over brie hoar was saved for the II 'iV F> |bank. Other supporters of the bank lUll, I TOO. advanced slowly to the paying win- _ dow and demanded payment of nod's i'ii>M l'l\0 *JAI F 'in tho smallest of curronc'y, and while ,,, ...,. ,,. .... . lm! '' AKI " J>AI ' n ,ey were counting out the coins their Hlble says thnt what fiod hns joined ; (i ,d fro-acra farm onnitlng ,,f lotMUndPredecessois were, depositing their together man shall not ptu MUB- Win Ike l?tli coo, nf the mwnnhip ..f rrntmi.|wtthdrawals Into the bjfk again. Af- der and I'm not going to be pun.e-1 ""<l bnlMI with MtoeJUnl ...UM-P- ter two da;-s spent In this U.ahion the trora my vlfe " i'M--", l"'lf inlltJI ftwn. *, eh^i ' '1 in. -.urrectlonists saw the impossibility \\ (ft draining Che fund* and departed. O^JJ" .?" 1 ' " P "" 1 farmers and stockmen say International Stoak Food the greatest animal tonic and health preserve? ever formulate,! Added to the regular (f rain feed, it helps 3tOCk y " Wn ' W wi " forw " rd "> 1 06 INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO. LIMITED. . TORONTO. __ FOR SALE DY JOHN FISHER. FLESHERTON. IT .11 HARDWARE! Get A New Perfection Oil stove And have a cool kitchen this summer They .IN a plea? ui-d to work with. One Lady customer told us, I would not he Vttkcul mint- for a good de;il. I can cook any- thing oa it, and y .u d .n't need to heat the house all up and you would say the same tiling if you used one a season. Frank W. Duncan ONT II Spjring :: Opening ;: Sale ' RARE VALUES IN EVERY LINE iKOCKRIKS CIT PUICIvS . JKLMl.j.l, y ,,*dc 8 8e. ,. Uml fruit J:H made in I'olfast, Ireland, in stone j*rs, reg. 20c (.7 15c ^ Pl'UK BLACK PKPPKHS in 11 11, ,mcka g e s , 20c . a , b ' * HATS A |r;t! asH'irtment of thaocs and KhndiM, tiui-Kt i|tiulily, Mt. \ linri;iiiii. , . si nn \Vc iilso have nu:ii' wi(ln hriinni- i-d Im's for 'inc., 7.V., $1.00, $l 03 and s.'.iiii. HOI'SE DRESSES FOR l.uh.'.-i mil fhildren, six-s from 4 years m>d up. ISililiy'scivHiu cqtiivaleiit call meal. Roynl purple rait in.- d We have SlOOU.mi w , )r ||, of , to he sold t K largo discount ;i- we are over stocked in men' onien>, linyg', g i r |' and children^ hoavy and tine shoes, high acd low. < SEEDS Rennies seeds, Steel Blip's seeds, Ferry's soeds. . Men's gray suede gloves, this BOo. j : UW JAS PATTISON and COMPANY'S general merchandise warehouse S CEYLON, ONTARIO! I Flesherton Tin Shoj 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickel ware and Agatware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetrougliing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. liepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipofitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent, for Clare Eros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP Ml I CHRISTOE FLESHERTON je .OCK ONTARIO.

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