1 JNEW HOPE FOR SUFFERERS ; FROM PARALYSIS Tb<rc are cases of paralysis tha.t 'jr-a.nr.jt be c-.urcd. But that is far /Liffo.rent from saying that every (oatva of paralysis is i-ncurable. 'There is a b-so hits proof that many ^fornis of r.'ii-s di>:?3'To are curable. 'Of the <-?* tha<t caiMKit be cured 'majiy o;ta be SM benefittsdi thait the 'formrr!y hopekss sufferer will oiice <m>re find her life woifcH living. , Attention i& called '. j the reoaark- ^i>!e cures that have beca effeetgd in ca.--:.s of partial paralysis, and " : >r s'vers nervous d ! :s,i>rders, by \hs use of Dr. Will-airs' PJnk PiUa !<or Pa's People. S-unae of tli cures are so wondeiful as to chal- ilenge be.lii'f, but in every oass th3 *9tat>'ni.?nis have been carefully lverifi>tl and niay be investigated by .'anyone 'r.tr rested. In this connec- tion the cas of Miss B. MiLl-ehan, 'of S:. Jv:!in. N.B.. is worthy of the most careful attentiwi. Miss Mille- . han says : ''Some tihree years a#i> I was taken seriously ill with ddph- ' theria. The doctor brought me safely through this dreaded trou- ble, and I was assumed to be well- ' But two weeks later I took a re- lapse, my throat ajid Hnibs becom- ing paralyzed. I oould neither epeak nor walk. I was umler the best, of medical oare, and after a . few weeks was able -to sdt up in . bed, but my throat was still com- pletely paralyzed and I could only utter unintelligible Founds. I wa- s treated by three o-f St. John's best physicians for this truuM? and my . ease was given up as 'hopeless. A . friend aslced me to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, but I had spent BO much on medicine without help ' tha>t I thought it would be only a further wa.ste of money. However. I felt my??!f growing daily weaker . and weaker, and I decided as a . .last chance t'hlfc I would try the Pills. By the timo I had takon a half-dozen boxes I could walk ' acr<.< th' floor, something doctors "had told mie oould n?ver happen afrain. I still continued taking the pills, my y.pc-e-i-h returned, and I /elt myself in perfect health. My friends thought my restoration nothing short of & miracle, a.nd I tjhink mv.--?lf dhat I have to tha>nk T)r. Williams' PinJt Pills that I am living tj-dtty, and I feel confident \h > can do quite a- in<;.-h for others as they did for me." Dr. \V : 'l : a.tn&' Pink Pills effect 'cures MI cases of this kind because they make n-ew, rich, red blood, which fe?d* aud s-trengithe-na the ' nerves, a.rd t-^nes up the whole sys- teni. If you are in need of a medi- cine giv the;e pills a trial. \Ve . are confident you will not he disap- , pointed. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents 'a. box or six boxes for $2.50 from Th^ Dr. \Vil- Hams' Mediicine Co., Brockvi!!.\ Ont. \N AMERICAN PEEBE88. ARE PLANETS IMIABITKI). -i Says \ ciui- and Mars Are Seasons Like Ours. Lady N'w borough. She was Miss Carr, of Kentucky, and married Lord Xe who rough thir- teen years ago. A smart dresser and a lavish entertainer. BREAD I> COLD STORAGE. Good For It. Says Professor Crust Becomes i ri-p. Cold storage is good for bread, according to the report of Professor J. R. Katz of the physico-chemical laboratory of Amsterdam. Under ordinary conditions of temperature bread begins at once to lose its freshness, amd Ln consequence is not so palatable to the consumer. For this reason for age* tihe bakers have worked at night in, order that the customers may have fresh bread in the morning. Mr. Katz demonstrates the possibility of keep- ing the bread absolutely fresh fur several dtays. Curiously enough it is at the ordinary temperatures that bread grows stale, and at both high and low temperatures it can be preserved. At 140 degrees Fahr. bread has been kept for forty hours unchanged, while stale bread ex- posed to degrees below freezing be- comes fresh once more. Cold stor- age rooms for bread are suggested by this investigator. A proper de- gree of humddiity in the rooms will ensure the crispy crust which every- one relishes. Postmistress is Quite Well Again I) COMPLETE CIRE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. Gray, Who Was Nervous and Hun Down for two Ye-ars, Tells How She Found New Health. Tichborne, Fro-otsnao Co., Ont., May 11 (Special). M.rs. H. Gray, t.ho popular postmistress hrre, is telling her frionds of the great i>. .iefit si'ie baa received from taking Dudd's Kidney Pills. 'per about two years,'' Mrs. Gray says, ''I was all run down. My sleep was broken and ujirerresh- ing, and I suffered from, shortness of breach and heart flutte rings. I finally decided that the Kidiueys were the causei of my trouble and decided to try D-odd's Kidney Pills. I took four boxes in all, and I feel quite strong and like myself again. 1 certainly think Dodd'a Kidney Pills are a gix>d medicine.'' The experience of the postmistress is similar to that of thousands of other Canadian women. They were weak, run down, uervous and in bad health generally. They took Dodd's Kidney Pills and are strong and well again. The reason is that when the Kid- neys get out of order th?y fail to strain the impurities out of the blood, and general lassitude and weakness ensues. The natural cure is to cure the Kidwys. The* experi- ence of thousands of others tells you that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kidneys. mm m Rash on Legs and Back. Scratching Irritated Breaking Out. UsedCuti- cura Ointment. Disease Vanished. KentvIUo. N. a. "For about DVB yean T was bothered with a light ra*b wliicli would appear most heavily on my legs and barli. This troulijcd me most Intheoprlngoftheyear. They said It was ezcema. The eczema Itched and burned and my scratching irritated tho breaking out. After It broke out I could not obtain more tlian three hours' sleep each night It paimil me so. My legs and back were a olid uiavs of Itching sores. "I was given some salve and after using this preparation about a week tbe disease became worse and I could not obtain any rest at night. I used all toe patent prepa- rations on thy market but they only eemed to Increase thu suffering and afforded me no relief whatever. About this time a friend recommended Cuticura Ointment to nfe. Hon-erer. I had lost faith In all remedies and told him so, but he Insisted that I try Cutt- cura Ointment so I purchased a box. The first application gave relief and In about a week tbe sorea were healing and I wu able to obtain a good night's rest, the first I had enjoyed for many months. I continued the treatment for another month and by that time all signs of the disease bad vanished." (Signed) Willard F. Allen, May 18. 1913. For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment hove afforded the most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp that torture. Itch, bum. scale, and destroy sleep. Sold everywhere. Sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D. Boston. C. 8. A. That VeJius and Mars, in our own planetary system, are surely in- habited by human beings of some kir.'d is th assertion of T. T. J. See, who writes on that subject in a re- cent issue of Leslie'** We*k.ly. Con- tinuing, he says that observations show that Mars has a rare atmos- phere, a day thirty-seven manutes longer than ours, seasons of the same type, but no longer duration, t,nd snow catps a-t the poles, and thus water vapor, though the amount is small. The probability of Venus being in- habited is much greater tha.n that of Mars ; for Venu rotates in twenty-one minutes, and in aJl re- spects so closely resembles tthe earth a# to be called her twin sister. Ve- nus has an abundance of air, rlouds, water and aJso mountains, and therefore eoas, lakes a.nd rivers. The seasons are like ours except they are shorter 'the year being 225 days hi length. Lame back Strengthened, Stiffness Taken Right Out Was Relieved in an Hour, and Cured Over Night. A lame back? Quite unnecessary. AH you have to do Is to rub on Nervl- line.' It's simply a wonder for back- iche relieves after one rubbing. "No- thing possibly could cure an aching hack faster than Nervlline," writes Mrs. Arthur Kobar, of Lower Chel- sea, N. S. "I caught cold and was so prostrated with pain I could not bend over. We always have Nerviline at homo, and I had the painful region rubbed thoroughly with this grand liniment. At once the pain departed, j The lameness was rapidly reduced and j in an hour 1 was able to be about my , housework. I was rubbed again just before retiring, and awoke as usual in | l ht> morning without a sign of my aok trouble." There is no sort of muscular pain hat Nervlline won't cure quickly. Thousands swear by It for rhounia- isni. neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago, it sinks to the core of the pain right hrough muscle, tissue and uerve--it penetrates where no oily, greasy lini- ment CKU go and invariably cures quickly. If you have an ache or a pain anywhere- use Nerviliue- it will curt you. Family size bottle, very ),rgu 5(/c.; trial size '-!5c. at all dealers. WAKEFUL BABIES If yvur ba,by doe* not sleep, if he is cross, cries, a great dieal, and will not be comforted, that is the time to give him Baby's Own Tablets. They promote sleep not the drugged unnatural kind obtained through the use of "soothing" mix- tures, but that refreshing n*i,ura.l sleep of the heaMiy child. Th* Tablets banish all stomach and bowel complaints tho direct cause of crossness and sleeplessness. Concerning them Mrs. E. Medras. Grand Boas, Que., says: "When I began using Ba-by's Own Tablets baby was so troubled with constipa^ tion he would not sleep day or night. Now all tihis trouble has vanjhed a>nd he is a strong healthy child." The Tablet* are sold by medicine, dealers or by maii at 25 cemts a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., B-rockvi,Me>, Ont. WHAT IS A KISS* Gorman Legal Definition uf Assault anil Battery. What constitutes a kiss has just . been defined by & decision of the Imperial German Supreme Court at : Leipsiz, reading as follows : "A kiss is a reaction upon the j body of another and always requires ^ I the permission of a kissed person. i Without such permission one may ! i only kiss if one is certain of the I other's tacit consent that is to say, ' j in the case of relatives, parents, and I children or lovers . If the other is j I not only coy but also gravely ob- jects to being kissed, it is to be as- ' sumed that such a person considers j the kiss an illegal interference with his or her personal freedom and a violation of his or -her honor. "Anyone who inflicts a, kiss upon j another und^er such circumstances is | | guilty of assault and foa.tr fry A j I misdemeanor is therefore commit- j ted if the kiss simply takes place j against the other's will. It is not] necessary that the latter should consider the kiss an insult." Good Prospect for Corn Crop Every one with corns will b<> pleased to know that Putnam's Corn Extractor IB guaranteed to cure hard, soft or bleeding corns In twenty-four hours. Painless and sure la Putnam's Ex- tractor. -'". at all dealers. rin- Consolation. "There is one consolation in be- I ing homely,' he said. "And what's that?" "Nearly all tho other women are willing to concede that I am sen- sible and will make a good wife for some man." Alk for Mlnrd' Md til no other. RAILWAY EARNINGS. And Value of the Land Owned By the C.P.R*. The earnings on our Canadian railways during 1913 amounted, broadly, to $200. 000,000. These figures include all the subsidiary lines, and other affiliations of what- ever nature ; but the figures are remarkable. Thirty years ago i 1 :? C.P.K., which now shows gross an- nual earnings of $ 140. 000,0000. could hardly buy axl? grease. Its 25,000.000 acres of la,i:d WIT; worth- lees. The land now sells at the rate of from 5 to $3S per acio. That worthies* land in its totality repre- sents- a cash value of nearly $350,- 000,000. The lands still to be e<>:d will realize $200.000,000. The com- missioner, which the London paper of Lord Northcliffe's called Answers sent out to investigate conditions "in. the Dominion, regrets in one of hi letters that the C.P.R. should have sold it* land any part of it to speculators in the early days. The com.pany regrets than policy to- day it?elf ; but at. the- moment there dad not seem any alternative. The people could not be coaxed at the time to settle in the wilderness; and the company needed money; and the big parcels were parted with paroela which in their unoc- cupied state are the wond-er of the incoming settler, who has to go further back while the splendid 1-ar.ds lie idle cloe to the railway. Of course., not an acre is fold now except to the genuine settler, but the point of value is that in th-? course of a oojnpa,ratively few years our Canadian railways, wiiioh be- gan in feebleness and doubt, with- out great faith in the future, and mocked ai by critics, can show the enormous earnings, in a twelve- mouth, of J'200.000.000. GLOW WORM'S GLIMMER. Fifty TiiucH as Strong as llluuii- n mi- of Mankind. The efficiency'of a firefly's light is fifty times that of our ordinary illu- ruinants. This does net mean that it is fifty thnrs brighter, but that for the space it occupies it gives fifty times the light. Herbert E. Ives amd C. W. Jor- dan rilate :n the Ligihiting Journal how they measured the light of a firefly. They held glowworms, which are the larvae of fireflies and give a steady, unwinking light, against a disk of white blotting pa- per under an illumination of 190- metre candles, and by an equation, ireto which it is unnecessary to go here, calculated that the glow- worm's light was equivalent to .043 candle-power per square centimetre. Their conclus.'ona are a follows : ' 'This calculation, is made on the basis of the light furnished by the gk>w worm under natural condi- tions. By various kinds of stimula- tion its brightness may be much in- creased. The flash of the firefly is probably many r fold, perhaps fifty or one hundred fold, as bright aa the steady glow of the larva. Such conclusions as have been drawn with respect to the adequacy of the intrinsic brilliancy which we mea- sured hold of course for the same insect under more intense exertion. "It appears, then, that the lumi- nous material of the glow worm, could it be reproduced, would also be a happy mean in intrinsic bright- ness, far lower than the artificial iijrh.t sources with which we now try our eyes, yet high enough to permit its use without pre-empting more wall space than we now give to windows.' 1 lirK's All ready baked to a nicety ; whole, mealy and fall flavored. Heating only is uecessarv. Parks Beans Pain In Back All Gone Gin Pills ( ompletfly lured. Mr. B. C. David, of Cornwnllls. N.S.. says: "About a year airo. I was su!Terln(f so much with a dreadful Lame Buck and Hips, that I could not a land up straight. I was Informed by a frleml ! about GIN PILLS. I got u box. It I helped me Immediately. I have taken ' about twelve boxes and the pains In my | back and hips are all Kone. I cannut I speak too highly of your GIX PILLS." 5Uc. u Box. 6 for 12.50. Sample free If you write Xatlonal Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. Toronto. It's cheaper to raise coffs than to buy horses. But it's r^;.'-.- if youtosf thecolts. Keep a bottle of Kendall ' Spavin Cure handy. For thirty-five years has proved it the safe, reliabl* remedy for spavin, splint, curb, ring-* bone, bony growths and lameness from jnanv causes. M J II* C l\endalls>pavii 'tf .,,i--*< is sold by dru::.sw evervwhcre at ->1 .1 bottle, 6 bottles for 85. Gtt a i-ne ocpv of ! our book "A Treatise on the liorsc" ac your dmggibt's or rt : .: , us. Dr. B.J. KENDALL CO- Enosbnrg Fa'!s-' :. A Good Judge of Women. Mistress Would you like to come on trial for a week. Applicant for Cook's Position Sure Oi can tell whether Oi will loike vez in ii4 hours. M. w OAWSON. Nlnsty Calborns SlriM. Taronto. __ ______ 1:' YOt? WAST TO BUT OB SELL - Frnlt. Stock. Orain. or Dairy Frj writ* H. W. TJaweon. Bramoton. or * Cclhorne St.. Toronto. _ M. W. OAWSON Colftorni St.. Torar.tu _ NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. _ GOOD WEEKLY IX LIVE TOWN !.> York County. Stationery and Uoo_ Hualnevs In connection. Price only 14.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- In* Company. 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. ____ _ A&EITTS WA1TTED. _ RKsii-EXT AI-.KNTS ix KVERY town to introilu.-e strk-tly lodltl- mate. guaranteed tnvi-Ktment tion. You can make $5 daily or mure In spare time In your own home nnvi. One salesman Is actuallv amrmfjlng over $lon each week. We fcuaninte* 9:itifaction to you and vour ouHtonu-rK. .\ddresn: The Canaiiliui Majrazlnf 1': mlum DfTiartment, Room 302. 53 Yonite St . Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. I cured a horse of the Mange with MINA1U>S L1NIHKXT. * CHRISTOPHER SAUXDERS. DalhouHle. I cured ft horse, bndly torn by a piu-h fork, with Ml.VAKI'S l.INIMKNT .St. Peter's. C. U. Kl'\\ t.lXMKF. I cured n horse of a bad w>'llin; by MlNAKl'S 1.IX1MKXT THOtf. \V. PAVXE. Buthurst. X.B. /"VX10N GKOWEH.S. 'iET L ' Vr ture re onion weeders. R- G. Ijruner. UllnUa. <^nl. _ -p A.^CBa TUltOBS. LUllM K re . ' \^' Internal end itrnal. cure* !'._. cot psln br cur boms vrejtment. Writ* m before too lat. Dr BeVmajJ Co. Llm'tM. rolllnwo"i Ont P ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIOBO*. FXQEOlf ft BAVTS. Tla St. Jama* St.. Montreal Writ* for Information. I'cddler Ported. She If you don't go away at once I shall call my husband. Peddler I called on him first and he threatened me with \ou. The Star Attraction. Hostess I am glad you children decided to come for dinner. Little Jo6ie--We didn't turn for dinner ; we turn to hear \\ i- :e grandpa eat his soup. Try Murto* Eye Remedy ju*rd'. im^.ntj...d by GRAINS OF tiOLD. Tli world is a wheel, and it will co-mo round aright. Beaoonsfield. It were endless to dispute upon everything that were disputable. William Penm. However me*.n your life i nieei it ami lave it: dn> not shun it and call it hard names. Thoreou. Riches are the baggage of virtu* ; they cannot be spared 1 and left be- hind, but they himkr the march. Ba<x*n. Worship is tr&nsoendanit wooider ; wonder for which there is now no limit or roesure ; that i worsliip. C'arlyle. To avoid an occasion for our vir- tues is a worse degree of failure than to push forward pluckily and make a fall.- R. L. Stevenson. I >i-!i]'lMim ; i!i:-iit. falU iii-a\ ii \ upon elderly people; they niay submit better than the youiig, buUthey dp not so ctasily revive. Mrs. Ewing. Man's 1 1 iidirs I merit always i^-,i> much as possible, tn> rule external t'irvum.-tanees, and as little as pos- sible tu let hiunaelf be ruled by them. Goethe. Na-ture, purity, perspicuity, sim- plicity never walk in the clouds. They are obvious to alii oapatfitie*. and where they are not evident tln-y don't exist. -^-Voltaire. Largest Land Owner. The Canadian Pacific Railroad : Company is the largest land owner : in the world. Despite the sale of millions of acres from the original grant of approximately 26,700,000 , acres, the railroad still possesses more than 11,000,000 ane. wort 1 !, j on the basis of sales in 1912, at least | $175,000,000. But H girl who is an expert at making angel c.ake may have a de- mon disposition. Only OB* "BBOltO To net the genuine, call for full name. LAXATIVE BRO.MO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold In On* Day. 26o. An ordinary cold is one of the very few ailments the modern physi- cian has been willing to undertake | to cure without a surgical opera- tion. Mlaard'i Llninunt Lombtrman'i Fricad Maligned. She I hear that vour friend. Mr. Drinkleigh's habits are very irr- gular. He Nonsense ! Regular as a clock he's never sober after din ner. The way to success is not a chute, but a ladder. Regularity ( the bowels is an absolute oecea- lity for good health. Unlesa the waste matter from the food which collect* there is got rid of at least nee a day, it decays and po!*ons the whole boJy, causing biliousness, indi- gestion and sick headaches. Salts nd other harsh mineral purgative* irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill* entirely vegetable regulate the bowels effectively without weak- ening, sickening or griping. UM Dr. Morse's " Indian Root Pills Simplified Breakfasts Make for good days From a package of fresh, crisp Post Toast ies fill a bowl and add cream or milk. Then, with some fruit, a cup of In*an* Postum. and a poached egg or tw if you like, you have a simple breakfast that is wholesome and satisfying. Toasties are bits of corn carefully cooked, delicately seasoned, and toasted to an appetizing "brown" without being touched by hand. They look good, taste good, and "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers Everywhere! Cinac^an Poitum Certl do., Ltd. Windsor. Ontario. If you hire Red. Weak, Watery a.ym , or Granulated Eyelid*. Doesn't Smart Soothe* Eye Pln. Drugjfisu Sett "When old Richleigh died he left Marine Bye Remedy. Liquid, 25c, SOo. ,, ; .,. (lllMt that his dust be scattered f _ * i TT rL ii _ ri to tnP wiDCifi. .-. o~- ..r ,... -.,_.., "Well, his spendthrift son is at- Eve **> Ce M Chlcefl* tending to that all right. Ini.'iiH,. fold I> Healthful. Without having gone anywhere- \ nea-r either Pol*, writes a corres- pondent of the London Ohroaiele, I have had my experience of the fact that intense cold outside stops ths cold in the head. We were six men, eosaying the ascent of the Grand {Tombin, in the Alps (over I 1-4.000 feet). From our first attempt ' we were driven back by & thunder ; storm, and a stay of some hours to ! dry in the IIUD with the stove going ; | woke up all the microbe*. When j ! we returned to the hut next dayj i from the valley there were ait least i j four se\ere colds among us. with! sneezing, sor.? throats, etc. On the I third day we trave.rsed our peak, ! slowly cutting snow and ice steps in weather memorably bitter even for that height. (>n tho other sdd it suddenly occurred to me that I had no "cold" left, and the others Toade the sanio discovery. Rubbing It In. "My dear." remarked Jonw. who just finished reading a book on "The Wonders of Nature." "this reallv is a remarkable work. Na- ture is marvellous! Stupendous! When 1 read a work like this it makes me think how puerile, how insignificant is man." "Huh!'' sniffed his better half. "A woman doesn't have to wade through four hundred pa-fires to find out the ame thing." Caller 1 your mistress int Maid -Hid you see her at the win- ' <lo\v as you came up the walk, I ma'am t ' Caller-No. Maid Well, j she said if you hadn't seen her to | sa> that she was out. Cnred fm to 14 Hay Drue*'- 1 "' refund money tf PAZO OINTMENT fsJls to euro Itching. Bllnu. or Prolrudlnc Piles, first s,pullcatloa (tvvs loiiifi. 6Uc. A Fanatic. 'They say that Briggs is a tem- perance crank of the extremist kind." "I should say he is. H* wouldn't even buy stocks because they fre- quently take a drop. Keep MJnard' Liniment In th hoait I iifiirdin.il.' Ill list r:i I ion. Figg Do you believe in metem- psychosi* I Fogg Come again, please ! Figg It's like this. According to that doctrine, my soul, after I get through with it-, may inhabit the body of a jackass. FoggWell. 1 don't know any place where it would feel more at Borne. Many a good sailor has been wrecked on the sea of matrimony. - ' PILES You will find relief in Zam-Buk 1 It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prova^ I l|jj s 7 Att Ala 60* WOK!! ^ Stores.-, El). 7. ISSI'K 20- -'14