Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1914, p. 2

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CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALING New York Legislature Places Healing on Same Level as nodical Practice A despatch from Albany, N.Y., The Mcflellan Thorn Bill, passed by the State Legislature by of 79 to 60, legalizes the- prac- "txce of Christian Science healing and pl&rcs it on a level with ordi- nary medical science. Commenting on the bill, which! State law the medical ai woll as the religious rights of their citizens." ''For centuries," they said, "medical systems have been dosing the body with drugs and at the same time administering despair to the mind, expecting thereby to cf- feet permanent cures. Ikxly is not makes it possible for a patirnt to ! first and the mind secondary. Mrs. have recourse to mind cure without Eddy's great discovery, that it is -running contrary to the State medi- the human mind that makes sick cal law, James !'. Lord, a son-in- and the Divine mind that makes law of Thomas 1'. Law son, of Bos- we!! is gradually receiving the re- ton, and Robert S. Foss, who have 'cognition it deserves, been in Albany in favor of the bill, "The McCIellaii - Th...rn Kill issued a statement declaring that amends the medical law so the peo- the passage of th-e bill by the Lcgis- ; pie </f the State may resort to lature fats enabled New York to Christian Science for help without take her rightful place among other i violating in any way the provisions progressive states in protecting by of the Medical Practice Act." EXPERIMENTS WITH (.'KOl'S. Ma(eril Kiirni*lic<l Froo of Charge to I .; Applicant. The members of the Ontario Agri- cultural and Experimental Union are pleased to state that for 1914 they are prepared tn distribute into every township of Ontario material <>l high quality fur experiments with grains. fix.Ui.-r cr.ips, roots, grasses, clovers and Alfalfas, as follows : So. Experiments Plots 1 Testing two varieties o! oats. 2 Su-Testing O.A.C. No. 21 Bai- ley and emmcr 2 $3(MUrl) KKWAKD For the Discovery. Living or Dead. of Prof. (Veil F. I.avell. Five hundred dollars' reward will be given for the disco\ery, living or dead, of I'n-fessor Cecil !'. Lavell (formerly of Teacher's College. Col timbia University, New York) of Ohi, Joseph Caillaiiv, Minister of Finance and former rntonfer of France, whose wife shot dead the editor of Le Figaro, be- cause of iiis political attacks on her husband. "1 did my duty, and bear '' no malice, expired. the editor said as he my. o us, i t | )0 telephone company a Ohio, who while travelling losl his; (hief g)r ; ne<] Pn(l . anct , ,;,_. UK; JE\vi;i,i,j;i{v KOUKKRV. Thief ( l.timetl to lie a Represent:!- live of (lie l.'i-plniiK- Co. A despatch from Montreal wiys : (Maiming to be a representative of clever memory and identity, at Hamilton. Canad*, Monday, November 24th, 1913, ai;d is missing ever since. livery likely clue has been anxi ously investigated by Mrs. Lavell, 3b Te*.ting two varieties of two- > but without success. rowed barley ............. - "2 Testing two varieties) of hull- less barley ................ 2 4 Testing two varieties of spring wheat .............. 2 5 Testing two varieties of buck- wheat ..................... 2 Testing two varieties of field peas ....................... 2 7 Testing two varieties of spring rye ................ 2 8 -T<-t:r,; two varieties Soy, Soja or Japanese beans . . 2 8 Testing three varieties of husking corn ............. 3 10 Ti-'ti'i^ three varieties of mangels ................... 3 11 - T two varieties of KU- i.< i-t , fr fi-i-ding pur- 12 of three varieties h turnips .......... 3 Jj - 'I . . i wo v<irielies of fall turnips .................... 2 1 I Testing two varieties of car- rots ......... .............. 2 li -Testing three varieties of fodder and silage corn ... 3 1C Testing three varieties of millet ..................... 3 17 Testing two varieties of sor- g'huiii ..................... 2 ]i Testing grass j.i-as und two var:--!i'-s <>f vet flies ...... 3 }'.) --Teht.ii, K rape, kale and field cabbage ................... 3 SO Testing threi varieties of clover ..................... :i 21 Testing two wtrieti.-s of al- falfa ...................... 2 22 Testing four viirietiea of Description: Age, 41; height, 5 feet, 10 inches; teeth gold filled ; , . valued of \V. A. Handfk'ld and got away with at $5,000. The thief presented himself at the house, carrying a telephone. As Mr. Handfield hat! asked the tele- phone company to reinstall the ser- vice after his absence from the city, the man was given the run of ths place. He rifled the jew'e! case of .Mr--. Handfield in an upstairs room, and when ready to depart made the excuse that h liad forgotten some tools, and jumped into un automo- bile, which met him when h*> left the hulise. PRICES u I Ml PROGOCIS CEPORTft 'ROM THE LEADIM9 V . : l ij I CENTRES Or AMERICA frlcti of Catiie. Cruin, cn' " omi Induct at Homt an< Aliroi* Toronto, March 31.- -Flour Ontario wheat floui-H. UU per cent., are quoted at $8.Xf., seaboard, and at $3.95 to $4. io- ronto. M.-uiltobas- -First patents, in jute hags $5.5"; do., Heconds. $5.1 U. stroiiR- bakei-H', In jute bugs. H- 90 - Manitoua wheat Hay portH No. ) Northern, tISJc; and No. 2. 96i|c: <>"a<>f Ich, Jc more. No. 1 Northern. North JJay. $I.04J, and No. 2. $I.02J. Ontario wheat Markrt Is firm. No. 2 quoted at !>Sc to $1. outside, uccoru- luic to fi-i-iirht. und $1 on track, Toronto >ntn No. 2 Ontario oats arc quoted ut 3S1 to 3'Jc. outside, and at 41 to 4 He, on track. Toronto. Western Canada on'H quoted at 41ic for No. 2, and at 40Jc for No. 3. Hay ports. I'oas None offering, with prices nom- inal at !8c to $1, outside. Harlt-y- Cood malting barley, quoted t 5S to OOc. outside, according to qual- ity. Corn The market Is firm. New No. 3 American Is quoted at 73c, ull rail, Toronto. Canadian quoted at 70c Kye No. li l <iuoted at C3 to 64c, out side. Jluckwheat Market very flrm. with prices iiuoled at 76 to 78c, outBlde. liran Manitoba bran Is linn at $24 to $2G a ton. In bags, Toronto freight. .Shorts, $26 i > $27. Provision*. Cured meats are quoted as follows: Huron, long clear, 15 to 16c per lb.. In case lots. 1'ork Short cut. $28.50; do., mes, $21.50. Hums Medium. 18 to 18Jr: do., heavy, 17 to ISc; rolls. 15 to 161c: breakfuMt bacon. IS to lOc; backs, 22 to 24c. I-ard Tierce*, 14c; tubs. 14ic; pails, Hie. Country Produce. Butter Business IH fairly good, with the best grades In demand. The offer- ings are about sufficient. Choice dairy. 22 to 23;-; Inferior. IS to 19c; farmer*' ALLOW ME TO PRESENT DYAL YEAST CAKES E.W.GILLETTCO. LTD. TORONTO. WINNIPEO. MONTREAL. ROYAL V&& DECLINE SUBSTITUTES. THIRTY YEARSFOR USURY Montreal Man Attempts Suicide to Escape Long Term of Imprisonment A despatch from Montreal says : | means life imprisonment for him. separator prints. 23 to 25c; rintM. frcHli, 32c; do., . K* -o(TiTlngn 26 to 26ic. large, with creamery prints, prices DKCItKASK IN KMKiUATION. Iteiiiiirkable Iteduetion ill Sailings 1'rnui Old Land. A despatch from Ijondon .ays : Emigration returns for the last few , -..-!.-i at 23 tu 24u per dozen In cane lots. ClirrHc N'ew clipi-so <iuoted at 154 to 15Jc fi>r l:irR.'. and 16 to 161c for twins. llriinx- H.inil i']r! I i,,iutfil at $2.15 to $2.20 per bu.Mlivl: prlmeB. $2.10 to $2.U. lloni-y Kxtractert. In tlim. quoted nt 11 to 12c per lb. for No. 1; combfi. $3 to $3 26 p<-r iio7.n for No. 1, nd $2.40 to $2.60 for No. 2. Poultry Kowl, 15 to l!c per lb: ctilfk- c-ii.i. 1:1 to 20c; dui-ks. 17 to ISc; geese, 15 to 16i-; fnki-y.s 20 to 23i'. Potatoea The nmrUet Is firm, with offering* limited. .>nlurloi< arc Quoted at 90c . bag. on trac-k. and Delaware* . lit D<-. on track, car lota. Hay ar.l Btrw. lialed hay The offerlngH are fair with prli-ca Kteiidy. No. 1 U quoted at $14 to $14. CO a ton, on track, here; No. 2 qnotM at $13 to $13.CO, and clover at $10 to $11. Malcd straw --Cur lota, $3.50 to $9, on track, Toronto. Wlnnlptff Grain. Winnipeg. Mari-h 31. Cash:- -Wheat \-i. 1 Northern. 90|c; No. 2. do.. 88Jc; months show a remarkable decrease S ; fts ; *8% ffi+ $*'*,$. coinpai-cd wftll lust year in the number leaving for Canada, the comparisons showing ; December January February 1913. 1.808 1914. l,()3li I. ir.s 23 Te.-ting thr-c varieties of fieltl be ails ................ 24 Testing two varieties of sweet v coTn ...................... 2 28 - TcMini; viiri''ti'.-s of pota- toes ....................... 2 29 Testing three grain mixtures for grain production ...... 3 30 Testing three grain mixtures for fodd'-r pix-duction .... 3 Prof. Cecil T. I.aiell. dark hair, thin on top, slightly srrey ; prominent ears; hollow tern- pin; Ninull broun niotistache ; slim build ; dark blue eyes, may be wear- ing; quiet, gentlemanly manner ; high character. Notify Mrs. C. !'. J.avcll, lou \Val- mer Itoad, Toronto, Canada. TVVKMV AKAHS I OH >l IHUI.U. Figures for Australia and 1912. 3,070 1913. 3.571 8,369 New Zealand .show an even more remark- able rcdiu-tion. It is probable that the gloomy letters to the press on the experiences or prospects of emi- grants which have been common re- cently, are largely responsible for redaction*. CI.KVI-U \VIFK Knew How to keep Peace in Family . . needs. 8Gic; No. 2. do.. 84|c; No. 3, do.. *3ir; No. 1 amuttv. 86Jc; No. 2. do., 4Jr. No. 3. iK>.. S3JC. No. 1 red Winter, 90|.-; No. 2. do.. s3|e; No. S. do., 87tc. <-.ii!< No. 2 C.W.. SBgo; No. 3, do.. 34I<-; extra N,.. 1 feed. 34Jr; No. 1 feed. 34|c; No. 2. do.. 34<-. Hurley No. S. 46Jo; No. 4. 43i<-; rejiTted. 42*.-: feed. 42o. Klax No. 1 N.-W.C.. $1.39j: No. t C.W., $4.301; No. 3, do.. $1 1'6J. Montr ,xl Miirknt. Montreal March 31. Corn American No yellow. 78J to 79e. Oats ('ana- dlnn weMtern, No. 2. 44 to 44Jc; do.. No. 3. 4lli to 43c. Barley Man. feed, 49 to EOc: malting. 68 to 7()c. Flour Man. .-'"in.- wheat ,.'!. lu-i'.. $r>.6<); .. ondH. $6 10; i.iroi.i; bakers', $4.!0; Win- '' patent*, choice. $6.25 to $6.60; utralght rollei-H, $4.70 to $4.90; do., bags. $1.20 In $2.90. Kolled oats, barrelu. M V. to $4.46; do., bngti. ftu II. s . $2.U5 W. H. Tapley, usurer, found guilty at the. Assize Court, was sentenced to thirty years in the penitentiary by Mr. Justice Lavergnc. Tho evi- dence upon which Tapler was con- victed was supplied by his 14-year- old daughter. When he learned his fate the prisoner collapsed. As Tapley is nearly fifty, the sentence Tapley attempted to commit suicid by biting through his arm in an at- tempt to sever an artery. Tapley'* callous methods a-s a money lender were mainly responsible for the Ot- tawa Government passing the usury law some years ago making it a penal offence to charge more than twelve per cent, interest on loans. THE [JEWS W PARAGRAPH HAl'F.MNUS FROM ALL OYEU 111! .M.0i:i: IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Kmplrc and the \Vor\S la (leocrul lieforc Your Eyes. Canada. Mrs. Albert Whale, 112 Hazelton Avenue, Toronto, was struck by a Dupont Street car and instantly killed during a fog on Thursday. One hundred and fifty deserted wives in England have, asked the Toronto police to find their hus- bands. Three Montreal officials were dis- missed by tho Board of Control as a result of Judge Fortin's findings in the civic land inquiry. Clerks in the post office- and rail- way mail clerks are to be increased from April 1, the minimum to be SGOO and annual increase $100. Dr. A. W. Heaslip of Pic-Ion, crossing the Bay of Quinte in his motor car, ran into an air hole in the ice, and barely escaped drown- ing. losing his car in forty feet of water. A deputation of some two thou- " tari <> farmers waited on the to be Bella Gunness, alleged multi- murderess. George Edwards, boarding with the family of G. S. Graham in Strathroy, on demand of payment of his bill in arrears, stabbed Gra- ham several times, also wounding himself. General. The King of Italy mot the Kaiser at Venice. General Villa suffered a. serious , reverse in his attack upon Torreon, the Mexican Federal stronghold in the north. The rebel casualties ar<j * reported at 2,000. Madame Cailiaux. assassin of edi tor Calmettc, is to be permitted the' \. service of maids while in prison. . A world-wide wireless appeal in behalf "of the blind was sent by the , King from London Saturday night. . $2S. Moulllle. $28 to $32. No. 2. per ton car loin, $13 to Hay $14. . l-'ineat westerns, HJ to 15i-; do., runtel-iiii. 14 to 144>'. Butter ChoU-ent ireami-ry. 2!t to 294r; seconds, 27 to 28r. KKKS Fresh. 26 to 27<-. 1'otatoea. per bag. I-M- loin, Prensed |'lo' be two rods loii bv one n^J wi<l<-, < x-i-pt No. -'H. \\iiidi i-; t'i be <PIH- rx.J square. Any IM rson in Ontario may choose nnv 0111- of 1!ie experiments for 1814 und apply for the name. The ma- Irriul will b" furni.'hed in the order in which tin- .-nipl] -ations are re- reived, )iil<- the supply la.sts. It miKht be well f-jr eavh applicant to i!i;ike ;i Mioond <'!I-H< c, for fer.r the fir ' cf'iild not be granted. All ma lerial will be rUrnUhed entirely free <A i:lmrge to each applicant, and the jn-'idii.-i- will, of <-oiirse, beromc ll.e prcjicrty < f the person who con- diuts tlr: experiment. Each pei-M.n .j'l'lyinit for 'in experiment slmuld v rit" Ivii iiiinf- ajul address \ery carefully, and should give the name ^i the county i'i which he lives. TO CKLF.BK.m: I'EACK. i;\- Albany Ansembl> |iei:(!i(inv (if iKJD.IHM). A dcs-p'iN-h Albany, W., : Tin; N'i-1 n Mill, dexi|<ne^l to P))ivipri;vt(- .^L'O,.,:!') f.,i- tin' celebrn ii->n in IVbruar.. IIil."). of our liun- drid yenrs of p-aee betwi i Oreal lit. i --in and the Uniieil hi me*, p*s"d tho As<;nihiy by a volf oi Sentence on New York V Kill.-d Toronto Man. A despatch from New York says : It in quite significant, the number __., ._ -.. ..., B ., i..f pel-sons who get well of alarming ii, batt " l <. M1l f' 1 ' . IS| '" l?^'' Pork - nilh \VllO 1 ill Heavy Canada hort inrss. bbls., 35 to 45 heart trouble when they let up Oil pieces. $2*; short cut hack, bhls , 45 to I-. and <x,ffee and use IWum as flL-if^S C^Mta '' wood'TaK net. I0}i-. pure. Merc,.*. 375 lb., . pure, wood palls. 20 Ibs. net, 144c. the beverage, at nn-:i! Harry Hehaeffei. murderer of Wil- i Tii<-r.- is nothing surprising about 1mm Martin, of Toronto, wus sen i lt l luw evfr. ln-cauve the harmful tenc>ed to Hing Sing by Justice Da ! alkaloid - caffeine in l>oth tea, and Ilia vis in Hupreme Court. The jrouth ( . <( ff ( ... ,,,-e M eiit in was convicted of murder in the sec vv |,j ( ,i, i s ,, 1Ht | e o f t .|ean. |, nr j wheut. olid degree, for which he will serve from iiO yearn to life, with hard la bor. Despite his <rbtinaey in states KarkrtB. Mar.-h 31. -Wheat May. "Two y'nri< ago J was having so much trouble with my heart, 1 ' writes a laxly in the West, "that at fusing to plead guilty to murder in tum , H j f( , h quite ahinied. My IIUH- tJie second degree on the prete.xt that he would rather go to the clee trie chair than spend 20 years in prison, Schaeffer was elated when his life was saved, and smiled us liand took me to a specialist lo have my heart examined. "The. doctor said he could find no organic trouble but nai<l my heart WUH irritable from Hoiiwthing 1 had T ,rj i i i i v<t >/i\ I IV1IL m ' it A* I'll ill it | Mil sentence was pronmmced. In sen- ,, Iu .,. llHi< , in ,. 1 , ,. ant , (isko<l me tencing I he prisoner, Justice Davis ] U) (l . y )uu , ,.,,.,,,,.,. , ,,;. said : "Schueffer. are undou))t- cdly guilty of murder in the. first degree, but I am triad U> know that i , , , , loured <>n m\ Btomac the jurors did not wish In xeixl \<i\> ' to the death chair because of your &-^H?,*2!! youth. You are a fortunate young man. A( ( IUKMAI.I.V ,-illOT. Floy Iti-ccMcil Gun MdiiiiiU in (hi* Face. Neck anil dies). A despatch from Kingston s;ty> : Win. r/oavins, aged M, nn Old C.niiJiry bn.\. i-iiipli>\ed by Arnold \\i-inp. "f Stella, Ainher 1 -! Island, v,.-ih br-iiight tu tin- hospital on \Ved- tn-^lay night with several gnnslmt woundr. in Iiis face, neck and chest. Harold Sni'lh. iiiinl.her farm hand nt Iho sjtine pliici'. \MIS cleaning u V.-hilo the I.eilvillS llu.\ tt:'.^ HO JIWH.V cleuninu; his boots. Smith greed \\itli me. "I remembered that coffee always stomach find c-uixed it at ion <-f the heart. So I shipped <-uffee and be- gan to use I'osluni. 1 liave had no further trouble since. "A neighbor of ours, an old man. was MI irrilalile from drinking ii'fTei- t.hal Irs wife wanted hint to drink Po.sluin. Tliis made him very angry, but his wife **ecured Borne I'ostuin, and inadu it carefully ar(-..nling to <liri" t inn-.. 1 II'- <li-!tnk flip 1'os.tiim a>Kl did not. know the difference, and is still iisinx it to his la^tinK benefll . He tells his wife that (lie 'coffe letter lli.ui it use to he, s she did n.. I know the gun was and :-.inipp"d tin- lrig.{.-r. oaded 7% INVESTMENT High Clan Profit-Sharing Bond*. Stirlai IOO. SSOO, CIO3O IV. ruTUfAi i.iav b w'a<lrB*!i any time aflor one year r.n to day*' coticff Hum> m buck of t.Ueur Bondi Mt*b lichixi 21 yi-n'. Hc'id for hperial folder and full purl Yalari. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED. CONFIDEHATION Mil UILOINC TORONTO, CANADA smiles with him and keeps peiuv i<i the fiiinil\ by sn \ ing IV.stuin in stt-iul of t-iiffee." Nnnu' given by Canadian I'ostum Co., \, (int. Posttini n >\v cuini-s in to f<rrm : l!r; nl;i|- I'dstlllll lUfct I'P Well boiled. I:V ll'l'l 'J.'ie JlHckllgeH. lit i nl Pnslliiii is -i MiUible p >\v der. A li'iiMi.ionful <li>ol\('s (|iiii-lx Iv in a cup '( hot water, ami, with cream and' sugar, maker, a deHotOUB beverage linn. instantly. :!ik- ii'id 6 . The cost per cup of both kinct* is out the s.-nn>. 'rlu-i-t-'s. a' 1 for 1'ostum Sold I >\' Cii-ocers. 1 l.lfU | | -. TU , <IW., Ua^I*. '' ' ll'H., *. UU . . * . ii $ $23. Siiorta. $26. Mid- j Government, urging the construc- tion of a system of deep waterways, Hydro-electric railways, conserva- tion of water power for tho public, and a subsidy of $6,400 per mile for municipal radials. Alfred Crothy of Arnprior was killed by a train at Mattawa. The H&milton divorce case met another defeat in the Senate. Tho Duke of Coroaught will visit Western Ontario about the middle of May. Francis Cleary, aged 27, of Wind *or, a graduate of Toronto Univer- sity, died in California. Robert Barlow, who erected one of the first cheese factories in the Ilrockville, section at Adduon, is dead, aged 04. Twenty-two British Columbia coal mine strikers, sentenced sev- eral months ago to long ^ertus in prison, are to be released. Dr. Max Klotz of Ottawa, presi- dent of the Ontario Medical Coun- cil, has issued a condemnation of the Workmen's Compensation Act. A commissioner from Laporte, In- diana, will go to Neville, Sask., to try and identify a woman suppos-cd tlOic; July, S2Jc; No. 1 hard. 94] fo 4Jc; No. 1 Northern. S2| to !>3Jc; No. 2 Northern. S0| to !HJo. Corn, No. S yellow, f>2 to 62|c. OatH. No. 3 white. ,1HJ to 37c. KJour and bran unchanged. Huluth. March 31. Close Wheat, No. 1 Imril. '.'.lie; No. 1 Northern, 82ic; No. 2 Northern. SiOJc; May, 2Jc; July. S3|o; to :i|". Close, linseed, catih, Jl.h'U: May. $1624; July, $1.61; September, $6.20; cut $8.60; flu) r.;-.-s a tuck Market!. Toronto. March 81. Cattle Cholco bull-hern. $7.81) to $8; good, $7.40 to $7.6n; medium, $6.60 to $7.00; common. $6 to $11.70; choice cows, $6.70 to $7; (rood. $6.75 to $C.GO; common, $6.76 to ters and i-aiiiu-rs, $3.15 to Ice bulls, \(,.1l, to $S.RO; good }'<" lo $6.60: common. $4.15 to $5.40. Stockers and feedera SteerH, choice. $7 to $8.20, good, $5.45 to $6.10: light. $.1.!>ii to $5; springers, to $2: milkers, to $7.60. Calves -liood veal, $S.5 to $11; mudlum, $7 to $. Sheep and lambo Light ewes, $5.50 to $7; heavy, )3 to $3. BO: Spring lambs, $9 to $950. Hogs $8.75 f.o.b.; $9.10 i>d and watered; $9.35 off cars. Montreal, March 31. Sales of the bent i leers were ottered at $H to $8.25 and medium stock sold at $7 to $7.50, with common at $6 to $6.60 per cwt. The trad" In butchers' cow.-i fair at prices raiUTli-fr from $5 to $7, while Lulls brought from $5 to $7.n per cwt. There \v:m ;i Rom! di-nmnd from packers und sales (if Ontario selected stock were made nt $9 75 to 10.90, and Manltohas at $!l.60 to $9.70, while one or two carloads of the latter sold as low H $7 rw ( Wfilffhod aft cars. 'I'hi- lone of the mar- lict for sheep unil lamhs was steady with a fair demand for small lots luiii sales of the former were made at $(! to $ti.!i<>. and of the latter at $S to $a per cwl. The ilt'imm,! for- e.ilveM va^ good at prices ranging from $.1 to $'l5 i-.irh, us to size and quality. How a ^ick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blolehrtt on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my akin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. 1 grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put Into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed rcliaiicu upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not b without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. The.y never oncu griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen my blood red and pure heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin Is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Or. Hamilton's Pills did It. all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Hogersvil'.e, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton'* Pill--, are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill' but Dr. Hamilton's. 25e. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. A larg force of rebel cavalry was dffiiycd over some mines by ths Mexican Federals and 500 arc rc> jKirtecl killed. Field Marshal Sir John French und Li?ut-?nant Sir John Ewcrt have resign-ed their posts in the British Army. ii.v(a i; IN HAVANA. One !>.-.! Ill Have HUN Occurred Hem I .i)l,-|(ril. A despatch from Havana says: The three MispfM-ted cases of bu- hoilu: plague ili.-c-ove.rcd here have In-. -ii pronounced to bo genuine canes <if that disease. One of the piiiientn has d\-d. The sanitary drpartment has tho situation in hand and says it has no fear of other cases developing. NA-DRU-CO, Prevents Sickness Arc you one of thosi Ihoi:3in-j3 who, tho-JCh a?;.rnlly well, ctlch cold easily nnd often ? It'3 a chnireroua c.indiilon la tolerata, anJ one which you can eaatly proven! by taking two or three lottlos of Na-Dnt-Co Ttoleleaa Preparntloa of Cod Liver Oil at cnce this Fall. This )!ne food-tonic ive tone and visor to fie whole sys'.em, nd to sirenelheni lunts and bronchial tube* thai I hey readily throw of f the colds w 1.1 .U would otherwise take hold of you. Restores Health By vl-'.us of U3 i-nr.rk.-.blo combination of curative and nutritive properties, Na- Dru-Co TratelciS CoJ Liver Oil Innria of the very bt vjmedlea for chror.W coucha ani col'.-., btwl '.iiii, aathms and catarrh. It Is also an e::- ,-1'ent i ^^cnst: .-.;t- Ivs tonU- after fevers, In dlseasea auch U scrofula and ttrUts. which are duo la corati'.utlonal weaknan. Prove Its v.-ortli ly B?t!!ni: a 50^:. or $1.00 bottle fro^i i-ovr l:ius>t. 31 1 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED.

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