Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1914, p. 7

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< SHEET-CM HATS UIOPIJ II l.I.IXG OF THE CITY WHERE * THE WORKERS SMILE. side street, Eat on him suddenly, and went along. ''An ordinary man would hare complained come about being used in that way; but that lady's luck was in when the dropped on a street-car conductor, because he just couldn't help being polite, and actually apologised to her for not being ab!e to take her any further than the bottom of the hill. " 'I'm very sorry, ma'am," he said, as soon a<! he could get enough breath fc-j speak ; 'but you will have to change here. I ain't carryng passengers any further.' "That building there is one of our lilt SUNDAY SCHOOL SfUOY INTER NATIONAL LESSON, MARCH 29. Mil. Jesm the Great Teacher. I. .!!. -a Text, Mic. C. 9. Lesson I. Jesus and the Child- ren. What question did the <il ; ciples at times dispute an. themselves \ Who did Jesu most foremost hotels. It is run on I should be the greatest in his king- the American, or 'eating-on-con- | dom t What did he take as an ex- tract' plan, which was a new thing! ample of C'hri-tian humiiitv .' H- : to an Englishman who put up there f did the disciples treat certain m-j- a short while ago. The waiter . thers who brought their brought him his" dinner, wkich was ! to be blessed by Jesus ! What did i ' Jesus iay of these otildr.i .' Lesion II. The Mission of the en a dcze:i cr so little dishes, more or less, ranged all around him, and left him to it. The- Engliiintan sat ! Seventy. Into what di-;tric: did fond Story Told Bv aa Englishman '* " Who Visited the City of Calgary. 4 There is a town where tram-men f.'iiile, and look n iiie as well worth while. That sounds like rhyme, but ), dkln't mean it, so don't call me I -de names. t The City of Calgary, commercial capital of the Province of Alberta, fie-ver ha any tramway disputes, *.eause the motor-men and conduc- <ors couldn't find anything to strike #bout, even if they felt themselves bound to conform to fashion. At feast, this was what I gathered fY'm the conductor of the "Seeing Calgary" car when I made the iTjiiids of the city in it a few weeks ago, says a writer in London An- It is a. treat in these days to hear a"msn extol ins job ; but that wasn't t4ie only pleasure I got by riding %itli the conductor. With the help <>f a megaphone, he described tbe Ejects of interest as the car passed ' rtiern, and tacked a story on to I nch, telling them well. , As the car started towards Eighth , mwml Iiuc iu ^..u B ..,.. ^jv,- Avenue, he put the megaphone to, Hudson's Bay people hired the! s lips and gave us the opening ad- whole- svstem" for the dav, and m u * ke , a ,V! n , I p ? r ; ^: d:<i Jesas bid him d<> ; Jesus. Who to Jesu? as he traveled minutes without attempting to get | to work. Then he shouted for the 'Waitah.' Shifting the Samples. looking at the f-:<d for about ten | J us go -ti'ben he left <ja - V horn did he send before him 1 What were these seventy men to 1 d.j J What was to be their i. age! What were they given p<wer| to do? What were they told <-. .n | "'Waitah:' he said, 'lweally cannot wait much longah for my cerning their recepti'/u =' Lesson III. Ths Uxd Samaritan. ; dinnah. If you don't bring it eoon j What did a certain lawyer a -k I shall eat your bally samples" j Jesus ! How did Jesus make him "See that big white'skyscraper up altswer question! 50^3 was opened, Well, that's the new Hud-| wb ** otb *r question did the lawyer! f Company store. When it ; ^.^ J^ tlf - v ., hlm3e!f ' . H V*^? li<1 ' MIGHT ON MEXICAN Wi KFW3 FROM SOSSEI COAST tOMIt OPHRV THE TWO WARFARE ARMIt B. WHAT THF WESTERN PEOPLE ARE of Lodoa Telfc* Aaiu*ing Sturii-s of Army'* Taeties. T'te endav u r of each side ii in most cases to avvid the other. A train full of soldiers went nut to Tampico to ret-i.-Qai.'-.tre. Ic sighted fa traia full of rebels. Each train j went back.*' Tbis icjstance is one cf many d.-- i::ti- st-uries of General Progress of tbe Greal West ToUI in a Few Pointed Paragraph:*. vou couldn't buy a " answer th;s 1 u *>ion ! * hat j Huerta'i army told in the j Times, by that journal's special ' crrep<:r4.deijt in Mexico. Gilbert could have imagined n in.r funnier than a commander who .>re to chare- a beaten ec.'"t:; I because it was dinner time. Yet this actually occurred ia Mexico : "Time tor Dinner." "At a n:.i.ll batc!^ in th-? State .f M'.'r<-'.js the Federals by use of, machitse-gun-i fvrued the riebels to retire. Tlie nature ^i the c;>ntry made :: ?a>'-y f^r taeir r>> treat to b3 cut iff. But the Federal eokwril A cliarmtng gown in blue panne k^ked at his watch. "It Ls time for veL\-t. The bolero, trimmed" with 1 dinner,' he said, and told his bu- " I hi- Fashion ia Velvet. streetcar ride "in Calgary. Tne '* , the st ?'7 ( tiis 9'', d l41irinritan ' skunk, is worn over'a chemisette of j gie-r to *-ar.d :r." Cease fire.' The n- * --. t * * . t I \\ flflf JLom f^*4n f\ ft r Ho I * art.** r . _ . I _ T _ T _ _ 111- Cars and Their Coat. 'Ladies and gentlemen," he spotted net Belt in orange every body redo where they liked' for nothing. "Never heard of , Leswn I\ cnarmeuse. that before, baven fcawled, 'on behalf of the city go v- ; friendg th ^ s ^ of things to V nment, I welcome you heartily to . =een in Calgarv that vcu our fine city. W uh a new to mak- J in Mhfr f ace :ng your stay wath us as pleasant as ."f a v ar -, ^ ; us -^ -' gentlemen have ... ... ui.u;5irreu [ anything like; ^ h GaTi , 't you ! My ; .,,- *, , Skll'l'LK FIRST AID TO CCP1D. see ee ! \VLio was among t What had Jesus done; Has Poxvor to Perform Marriages on _ permis- sion to smoke and ladies may chew While you are enjoying your- "selves in that way, I will entertain to the best of my ability. 'We will start with this car, la- dies and gentlemen. It is supposed f to be the finest thing of its kind on the American continent, and, that %eing so, there is no finer car any| Vhere else. It cost 7,500 dollars, nd tho money was well invested, for I often take over 100 dollars a day on it in fares. I hope to take ^me thing more from each of you, ts-r you cannot see the whole of the U(*n in one trip. 'A gentleman has just remarked tliat I arn a good business-getter. I r.. y>- that every street-car man in jt aJjrary is that, for we all try to - - -t the receipts, because the bet- fr the cars pay the more wages we >ill got. They gave us an increase r4 1*0 cents an hour last year, and "promised us another rise this year If the receipts justify it. ROMANTIC LIFE OF CIPRIANI. the for the What type* of service did they ren- der Jesus ' H..W did Jesus " show his dissatisfaction with half-heart- rebels leisurely went away. After the evacuation of Torreon ' General Munguit was tried by a Court of Inquiry. Tha intention' was to sh-oc-t him. This was his d<e- Eeiwe i Mar a-d ManhV service Lesson V. - Unfriendlv Neighbor. What did the div - - ask Jesu-s to teach them ' What vn lli.:b Very f.-w people are aware of the power vested in the commanding Jo keep my troops together. If I ' '.i a Briti*h man-< f-war. or in t'i captain of a British mer- ti.antman when on the liisrh seas .T in a foreign port, where there is no British representative, as regards Escapes From Death and Pri-on A j model prayer did h> give them!: roarr:ie, providing one or both of Political 1-hniai-l. Amikare Cipriani, the soldier of fortune and revolution, who What quality did he say was neces- sary in prayer ! Hew did he this truih ! What the , of the unfriendlv nei? , been elected as Socialist deputy what did Jesus sar o fGod s fcr Milan, Italy, is now living quiet- ly at Band<>I. on the French Medi- terranean coast. He is in his 69th year, and shows no inclination to leave his present tranquil surround- ings to plunge again into the storm of Italian politk-s. C'ipriani fought with Garina'di apainst Austria. a> .1 wa> con'i- ness to give us whai we need ; Wha: is Jenis's promise to lii< :". J'^wers about asking 1 What kind of a demon did Jesus i the contracting parties be a. Br subject, says the London W-- Te!egi'a:i!i. Th either . til-' officer* is might be turned, to vory count by enterprising nov:' - The captuiui of His Majc.stx' = - sels are authorized by the Foreign 1 Marriage Act of >9i to act as mar- "How could I meet the rebels in o open! he asked; "they fight in locse formation. I was obliged aff .rded such as j ac- drive out from a man in Of did the Phari* eusation i Bv >!:a: power did he ed to deatJi. Escaping, lie w.xnder- 1 declare he drove the dercin* out! J riage registrars just the same as an e raea ' i ambassador, consti'. or Br:- - "ident abroad, and the cerenivny may tak'- n tbe hizh sea- . r .-n board a British man-of-war or a ed in Greece and the Levant, aid then, coming to Friac.'. ' e fought against tbe Prussians. He cext joined the C'ommtne, ard fur tho Against what <lid he warn tli- man from whom the demon had been driven ? Le? : - 'i VII ( '.ri>.'< Hur.--.l of did net they would melt away, sertion, is the idea uppermost in al- most every soldier's mind. "Again, how could I ord^r my ome-' - id their men to the at- tack .' I knew their men would shoot them down a? soon as they gvt the chance." Camp Follower*. A: s^me gun-trials near the capi- tal the generals' daughter came forward tv lire charge : tben his wife was urged to show her cour- age, then hi tons must do likewise : It was nxre l:ke an afternoon tea party than a serk-us piece ^f : tarj' busi- (jenera! H ? -rr.v in", ,-t be a> - cu5- . : nezluc:.: - I i i: - .-: com- 'proscribed mcdiScations." These indicate that the legality of the niarriage depend * on the command- ing officer fulfilling the conditions France, and quickly entered upon We are- nearly tlie best paid, certainly the best treated, of street-oar men iu the world, al- our system only started on July 5th, 1909, with two , VI running over three miles of n anarchistic pro|:aga-U in a now defunct newspaper. This activity brought- him imprisonment, follow- ed by expulsion from French terri- tory, and he took refuge at (Jeneva. On hearing that his father iecond time vas sentenced to death, i Shams. --W her a^ Jesus :nMted This sentence was cc-mmutNt. aud ; co 4 f ; " har * " "^f , s - v , he was sent to Noumea, th ixMia! i * Ma Jesus omitteil t- a=h before! cf th;- F< rvian Marriage Act. very slight difference?, c- ' to the conditions as to ago. "At present wo have i*ht cars and seventy-one miles of Nine hours counts a day's .>rk for us, and the lowest rate of fort his nv?n. Wate\'.-r tix- day's tnarcu ir..".y bo. a ilttle army of solderadas d. - *mp followers.' be en the camping ground t> the men arrive, to rig up shelters and cook monlii I U-;H' r!aiaulike Rebel. as majors, ana Even aiix.-. _ young man of . .. forced his way. ta:ti s authority to marry at sea ori fv^ nx,^ s ;.. r :< : Lesson VIII. Faith l>?trn i-ig i on board 1 a vessel on a foreign sta- 1 jj,e t$rate-vi.m i > tf an activ-- gen- Fear. Of what did Jesus b:<l h'^ tion. if any vf th- 1 provlik-ns laid | era j j^ e Viila. wLo i* th> best -ot- cv iv i U^ <k&i\.t i uv *v * ^. ^ u v-v.- vr* . . . _ _ after three inontha' probation, dying be determined to - fA-'iity-eigbt cer.ts an hour. In ; - Necx-ncl year, a man gets thirty - i 'o cents an hour, which rise* to ini. his native place in Italy. There ! he was recognized, arrested and a ,,,i Trustiim in CVii \V sentenced to ten years Before this act commanding .-.ffi w j,i c h J-.-a.rye wai taker:. Villa ,wr* of men-of-war and merchant -j ^, fe ^ the ra; ; WU j. p .:^ his n-"i impr^n- ; rupted Jesu ^ ; the H1 ,Ut ..f ,,ne ,f 3J^SS2"S2lC ma^ T '"^ ^ I ST I * >i.irv-fo.r cent, in the third year, i "t for o^plidtv man old revo- j hif discourse- Wha, dU th!, man Stt^Stt-jStt^ " jnd thirty-five cents afterwards. lutwnary p!ot. Tlie. Italian l.ov -I ' W htt dilt J^-r.. :e kopll ^_-^ : .: * In Winter Fur?. 1i As 1 iiave said, these raws wi'i increased, for our bosses don't .'.__. - v'*i\r un_i f i -r^ani-iiK n-'j ii^cvio * to bo asked for increases it ; Cl j^.. aeam wudlt re[uge ,- ,,-y can afford to give em. \\e rmcCf T!)ii was aboul th ctinu . 0,.e ,ore hia freedom, j up their in of ^ ce< ' Another clay the Times writer , X -\VaU-l,f.|-.i--. What I" t^ merchant ser-.,c tiLC*k.. r a ,ked a M^xiJan war c.-rre*ix-nd,n>t Wjesv-s lav shou'd iw the -iai of P" has even greater powers. He is who had t^,, prcs , nt at a , ; , ,-> half the cost of our first year's ; ^"d^hVf^w^nTcan^rind I The beginning of G.H!' e^l i ^ ubtl *" i . to *"' a |-T rtl f " l ! ' fight whether MM tVdera! k >* .a, a per,d of "great anarchistic | ei.i I What do^e kn^ ,,, ^ ; ^^^^^ Heavy. ** B ..u:U be' nur\vnstant attltud '.\ i* official log-book, where it may Wliat will be the reward for ''ai'h- . uiiirorni. except the wmtor coat. . -.liik-h is free frc>m the Mart, and after that our working clothes cost nothing. The corporation pay sub-*.- notion. halt' '.-\ir sick-benefit and proride us with a furnished activity. Cipriani was at once put i tim? across the frontier into Belgium. but the Ciovernmeiu of that country '- Ll t His. VJ V- V 1 t HIV H^V-t(,.*tWV^/ii.^ .. expelled him within it hours, and f-i'ness.' \\ ht tne pun^hmen; ' >\ rhtb-house, where \ve can enjoy our- j j a he went to London. t hi* political Isi.mad foulK , >n abk(ini? plat . c fwr time> biu h? returnet i t:) France . --\-es with a tune on the piano or ) a mnno of billiards. ' And if any man is di?mis*ed, he a , K i identifiexl hiw?if w!tii the mili- ' bj- the riglit to have his re- ; t a ,,t anarchists and the ami mili- 'rred t> the arbitration of the cm- [tafist movement. Twice he was cia!s of our sick-benefit svv.ety. tried and '' i'>iuluct<>rs and motor-men are in as constables, to give them authority over people who dvn't be- have themselves ia the cars. f "I believe that we are the most . p.. lite street-car men in the- world. I<KV I will telL \ou a Uttle story ^ ~that illustrates our poliu-nes.s. and when ju have he;rd it 1 will bet - \> u that vou will also say tlvut our jKilitenet-s cannot be matched any wliere t-le in the world. s "The story I am going to tell you has made a bit of a noise, and it has , been n:e*nly appropriated by peo- ple- who have fitted it to different places and other circimistanctNS ; but you may take- it from iue that the Forty-fhc years ago. on the occa sion of first visit to London. made the acquaintance of Less "t XI. Ti-- !..%-'.'' l'*e of the Sabbath.- \Vh.-m did Je-u- lie:iL in a lYraean svuajtogue ' H<'-. '!! had tiii* woman been aff :cttnl ! Who rebuked Jesus for this deed . r merev .' Wliat v.ere th? str>u : ids ..t hi< rebukf ' H<> did a certain be se>Mi eutered between dealinc; with the vesse ling. her course, the countered, the the irig up the log." victaal- wcather -n spoken to. ainl of ' v. rit- VPPI H TREK 141 YKAIfi Iu in horrifietl tones killed a color added. DllrEREM WAI.K<- Man I so .-,.-.. t i j out J<*^.l^^ *ri ai^r an!i^, girl xvlK-m he nmrned. ; &ih , w . ua . du , he SAV v , On the outbreak of the I ranco- | V>F lh , Sabkath ! nn tiie Sbl: uh i|!iesti-i.i ' H,>w dul Je*us aoc-v: - l >< ' W'hut <lid JOMIS dec'ure wu-; lawful *i the { the Country Han ami t'il> Different Method ( Countrj- people an<l the tlwc iii cities have different walks ac corxiing to l>r. Fe'ix Keundult. Tho vitv Iran u-cs short steps. Vir-in.u and Mill Beanas ; ,,, k!s ^ ^ e _, . k(>e ^ LLs , egs -tr;iiii:. and strikes the pa\e'iKMU before juit - ; - - The real thing happened right here iu PruseJan War lie- left Iintl<i hur riedly and never saw his wife again. His daughter he tVnind 'i\ ing i Paris OS years later. A Merv IiitruUer. A young lady whose beauty is equal to her bluntness in iviuersa- tion was \isitinc a. house where other guest s were assembled, among them the e'dest son of a rich manu- facturer. The talk turned 0:1 mitri nvonial squabbles. Said the eligible party: "I Ito'd that the correct v ' How is purpose Le^>- ' Wax-.- T. tho kingdom ot heaxen the Kingd...m like the mustard <eed ' H<>* does it resemble leaven.' \V!nt quest ion id >> his hearers ask Jes Jesus' s answer I Fruit. There is an ap r k- tree in Virjriuin sharplx vitl - that i>. 131 vear* old. A shcrt time : '"g down the re<r ago W. H. Godwin, of Avcti. Nel - '-v'tr> man tftkca a knger ^tr:de. 1 ^n countx . shi ( >p^l to tl^c Land and ' h(? ] ** n ' f--r*arxL k.-epin s his knees XII f lmtustrialle|)nrtn.entof tlie *>uth- i ^ I!t - - ; ^ < ll "* f >^ < >ver the what d:d Je-u< "?}, Railway a U-x of apples from ' ervuiHl. -'<! >"* i''- oiyht u>o-, this tree. The fruit is of the cele- i wfK>te Sl>1 at ^' [KV All.mar\- i-ippin variety. r-*ch iiietii-xl vi w.-rkn-jc has it, ,. i.a>t \-;ir tivx particular tree bor? ! l ' WI1 " 1 " ri f "j eight 'boxes of apples uf coinnu-rciil Ti ' wuntry man- met'': d eni get over great'-r viis kind ol ** - to vice itxi ue declare vs inniAnen to st;iii an entrance into heaven? t,r.-ul> HisturbeU. A niinis-ter *as greatly di>tiu-i'eJ -A-'' i-ear perhaps 10i ye:rs Vb GottNia .rcirird i* a |f|aCl vvi-hout fatigue if th? ro;ul N nii'es \vi-st of N >'th liard.-n St;i: and ; n the heart of .- famous apple; country. Mr. (..odwiti his '! hi* , orchard four oci-.-or trees of the same ' age. T1i?y are iu g<.K>d coiultt an<( the iudv.tioii^ are that they lf - h-wevor. :t !~ ; .- : '" "" " at vllc ' > a ' Kl '"" '"' ' ' '*'> *>ph :- .'. . . Reply. The prliivipal . a college- , - The Polite Conductor. lea\ ing mit the motor- man being aware- of it. The conductor just chased it by ai'.iing down on tlie snow and tobog- ganing down; but he hadn't gone ' u Uoforc he had to take ou a i.>-i< <--:-cr, ;v a lai'v emerged froui a "And 1 xxou'd knock th- thing out ; sips, unab'e ( check her- In I'aux-k o>nt>. which has pro*| quire-iuciu.- .' of your inoitth ! " cried the in\i>eri ou leai:tx . "Do you know." rejoined tho \ounn man. "I don't t\: \\. i:'d be tliere !" re efli a "id ii .t v .iiiiiierc'si! value in t'v." mar j M'.V iiinei.-. . ' i "-.ichor ' kr'.- that equals the eelel)rau-l . ' !' HTse, le-.m).-! a t -.1 H- ! l'\er Vailev fruit cf OrrfOB. I "bo can >el*-it \-i~ iuJ- " heard all ovei tho cluitx-h t - >> . 1 ducxl a~ maix .;s IW bushels of av J quire a . Tie hnndrci! per always fix n.i . i'i lard." '.\sx\ . - - i Ti:e-e apple, eienc.x frvni the ...x . k''..." a:i; oiiiiivd t'.r iu'r ; - -. xovi I '-(hat <-?'0 a'wax.s frl -s li^r- ; n jwe i ;l vl ' ?!ie sinking." Rupert. B.C., is u haves ectric system jf its own. The first floating wharf ever bcilt by the DomLo;..a Government has been constructed ai HalLett'* Land- ing, cpp^ite Harrop, B.C. The Hudson's Bay Company has a:ra*;t-i for its new depart- mental store in The cost w ill be over a m. More than two millions will b erpecded in new sewerage sy^teok ia an<i near Va-iC'^ux'er. The mon-~ ey will be raised by a sale cf bends. As the result of aa inve-t: za.:::n intu the working cf the civic staffs at Van-couver. :: was decided to dis- pense with, the sen :;'.; cf 47 civic employes. A liner which recently left Van- couver took SliO.'jiA) wortii cf fam- ing implement j t^ Siberia, and $200,000 worth f electrical ma- chinery for Oriental ports. At Vancouver a tip.i-.i-J named Joha Alcaine was fined ^! ~> and its f:r .-atching. a: Burrard In- let, a crab lesj than sut inches at us greatest d:a_3ieter. In the police court uf Xelson. B. (.'.. it was fceld that pigeons kept within the city limits, constituted a nuisance, and owners were ordered to remove them or be fined. Fire Chief Davu .. Victoria hal been a fire fighter for 23 years. He was started on St. Valentine's Day, in Toronto, in I*?9. and ha* been with Victoria four years. Charged with attempting t > d- fraud the public r .e fu-xis to form" an alleged ledge of Free \Iafoo5. John Gateman. at Vancou- ver, wai fined ?*00 cr threj months in jail. Mrs. R. y Td- ' .- f Vancouver wrote to tho pa.pers there objecting to th;? city giving ?50i) to the boa- spiel while, so s-ie said, there were --it ate and workleis people in the city. Two creamery companies ii Van- couver were fine t $50 and .. | : atter which con- tained m.. re than 16 per cent. c water, bv-inst an infra- ;i Inspe . ,\- -i S .'- - Ac: A Va-.couver Ital.a-i burglarized a vacant nous*; th*r-". in lr light arid in j>!ai:i view of a p. .':<- station. A c< n<ta'nl.- .?a.w htm and, arrested him jus: as he wa* celling - ue with stoien goods. ..BC.. has reduced it* gaa rates to $1.90 per l.OOi) fert. There u a minimum charge f #1^ per an- num, and a meter rental d 13 cents per moutlv Vancouver's rate is $1.30 per l.OUO. a-;d V..-t .r .1 *. R. W: ^ : V . -. - i. B. C.. hid a plaster r. urd his neck iu which was a quantity of radium, whkb Lad been placed ther*- by a doctor a* a cure. While wa!k : ntc >-n the street the- patient !">t tii. 1 rad- ium, valued at 8dOO. John Durham, a: Vancouver, was f-iucd guilty of padd": I - - of the We>t C'oast Gra'irta C'onipany. Before sentence was prv- on him it was f>. und thai he was also a T .re.' \eara iu the pen was his p. r: On an average, in Vancouver, every tuviuh vt it> working . ; i - i"j.i.i:-i _,yple ring up "Central" t<> a*k what ti'ne it i-. Th>- U s.*j times a day. To supply tl. uuit. - its the B. C. Tel^j Company $3.oOO a year iu niiriN An. -lie r ..t B C - ; -;iers is i ; -?jiu. - pen ' Henry \VaiM. i! ii !!; Kent SS ;. ears az->. he wesit N i.-toria ::i 1^00. on the - i- . ..f ttK tir^t attempt .'f tbe Hud*- n"* ' .':pany tv > % ioiiii^ Va.icnu- ver I- f .ti grace fr..iu th rB. C^ffict? r - . f t'le luieaip' .yd - '<' i'i i:i Vane-, uver w^re refused the. ri^ht t..i 1. . . - - iy evert- _- iu order to raise fuuJs t tielp . ut .. f v.vrk. They -saxi tlsey s. aajl *. charging no admUiou. bu 1 . .1 ;ip . - , thex i they haxe a rinht to do. i \ H{\ BOin I M t.HH'. H;i;i>trale Outwitted H> a I lever Iri-h MitHe-.-.. An !r:h :tu -- ' ' 'us ine^.1 as to )ii* ' " i:'k: affa-r !> i -. r. - t'n- - \i . N . -or ; I vnl> h".<r : "TKi: O'-ir. - - \! >* - :-;l -: >' W it-. -A tl : The Kill - ' -ile-t t. ,.n,. _;,.- ;..>.. .ni..i ..l';-ct'\ his bui-k ., .1- H i .! '.t:i;i".t <' '!' : - '.' . -: r.-n-v tnl '. ' - i-ii- i vt. ast-d h'ni ho--\ dared t laugh i i th < ' m , . n - H ' \ tut I Yf '. '[' ce i- rx>t su - ' j said tii- it>e - *itl a r .1'.'* -it > - - - -I the Mai '. -t.

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