r b 'SPRINlBLOOD ': IS WATERY BLOOD \ How to Get New Health and 'New Strength at This Season ailments are not imagi- ,nary. Even the most robust find tf v e winter months most trying to their health. Confinement indiaors, often in overheated and nearly al- w.'.ys badly ventilated rooms in tho home, the office, the shop and the ccliouls, taxes tho vitality of even ^the strongest. .The blood becomes thin and watery and' is clogged with impurities. Some people have Ifeadaches and a feeling of Langour. Others are low-spirited and n-er- / iwus. Still others arc troubled yith disfiguring pimples and skin eruptions, while some get up in the morning feeling just as tired as when they went to bed. Those are all spring symptoms that the blood i* out of order and that a m-etlicino i^ needed. Many people take pur- gative medicines in the spring. This is a, serious mistake. You cannot cure yourself with a medicine that gftllops through your system and Iftaves you weaker still. This is all that a purgative does. What you need to give you health and s\rength in the spring is a tonic rtedicine that will enrich the blood and soothe the jangled nerves. And the one always reliable tonic and tflood builder is Dr. Williams' Pink fills. These Pills riot only banish spring weakness, but guard you against the more serious ailments that follow, such as anaemia, ner- fous debility, indigestion, rheuma- tism, and ether diseases due to bad Jblood. Mrs. Freeman Leslie, Greenwich, N.S., writes: "We have found Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills the very best 'family medicine there is. I was completely run-down and could not sleep or do my work. I was very nervous and the least sound start- x ied me. I began using Dr. \Vil- liams' Pi-ik Pills and they soon brought me back to the best of good ^health. They ako cured my hus- 'band when he was suffering from a 'severe attack of rheumatism." "I If rou are ailing this spring you Cannot afford, in your own interest. to overlook so valuable a medicine m Dr. Williams' Pink Pill*. Sold i>y all medicie dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for .'. J.2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ., _ 4. __ OIL UPON TROt BLED WATERS. ' Secret of Phenomenon is That It . , Is Extremely Vist-ous. Literally as well as figuratively, j to pour oil upon the troubled wa- ters is to calm them to a degree. This has been known from time im- v memorial, although its scientific ex- - p'anation is not any too familiar ,. even at the present day. The se- cret of the phenomenon lies in the v fact that oil is extremely vi^eou.". ' That is to say, it is of a ropy con- .. sistency. sticky and adhesive, and can be spread out into a very thin but comparatively strong sheet. '. In lubricating a. bearing, for in- . stance, it forms a tenuous film be- tween the metals and so protects them from the wear of direct con- ' tact v.-ith each other. - ! Oil is lighter than water, and when poured noun it, remains upon ' the surface. AJ, th surface ten-' sion of water is stronger ihan that ol' oil, the oil i* immediately drawn *' out over the 'water in a very thin 'bodv. forming a sort of blanket, > x which presents considerable vesist- ance to the Motions of t'ie element beneath. The water waves still rull almost as high as before, but they are unable to break into ripples, so th.it the stormy sea, when oil-cover- ed, presents a surface of huge un- dulations, but smooth ones. | Ships are able to rids such waves ,\v-ith cotupfAi'ativc ease. It is the ( waves that break that present the Veal danger to the mariner. V I 1 f . f ;A lova Scotia Case of Interest to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People." . Halifax. X.S.. I.Hc. 15 When inter- viewed i-t her home, at 194 Argyle St.. Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to t;Uk of her peculiarly unfortunate cas?. "I \vas always 'bluu' and depressed, fe'.t weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that 1 had no appetite. .What I did oat disagreed. I Buffered greatly from Uizzlues.s ami sick head- s', cbu and f oared a nervous breakdown. Vpun my druggist's recommendation 1 ust-d I)!-. Hamilton's Pills. "1 felt bftter at onco. Kvery day I improved. lii six weeks 1 was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent pliysicinns had failed to help me. It is for this reason that 1 strongly urge sufferers with sjoiunrh cr diges- tive troubles to uso Dr. Hamilton's Pills." % Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, streugtn- 'en the nerves and restore debilitated *ysii'ins lo health. By cleansing th. l.lood of long-standing impurity's, by bringing the s.vsteui to a high point of vigor, thty effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Uocd far young or old, for uieu, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton'*; 1'ill.s of Mandrake and Butternut, M. CALMETTE, editor of Figaro, who was shot dead by the wife cf M. Caillaux. the French Minister of Finance. Tlinee who have met M. Colmette will recognize this as a striking likeness. An exchange has aptly stated that Mme. Caillaux's murderous act, in one instant, ruined her husband's poli- tical career, which M. Calmette, with, all his efforts as editor of Figaro, ha<! failed to accomplish. A l.i;-l All Right. Mark Twain, so the story goes, was walking on the street one day when he met a woman with her youthful family. "So, this is the little girl, cli ?" Mark ?aid to her a? she displayed her children. "And this sturdy little urchin in the bib belongs, I suppose, to the contrary sex." "Yassah." the woman replied; 'yassah, dat's a girl, too.'' A GOOD MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets arc an excel- lent remedy for little ones. They are a gentle laxative which sweet- en the stomach, regulate the bow- els, banish constipation, worms, colds and simple fevers, and make the child happy, healthy and strong. Concerning them Mrs. Pierre Tou- signant, Ste. Sophie tie Levrard, Que., writes: ''I have found Baby's Own Tablets an excellent remedy for my little ones and would not be without thorn.'' The Tablets arc sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2o cents a. box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicinu Co., Brockville, Ont. . .j. TIIE RIIJM; PASSION. The Rnsinoss Instinct l'|i[>oruio>t In a Perilous Situation. It is nob hard to keep from being fleeced if you are only sufficiently hi arnest about it. In an article in the Wide World Magazine, Mr. Malcolm Savage 'Preacher tells the story of a CJermai mountain climber who did not forget io be econotnie-il. even in the m:-dst of de:ully peril. A party was crossing a glacier on ^ slope of Mont Blanc when o-te of the travellers called to the others to stop and listen. Strange cries came from the ice beneath, their feet. "Some one has fallen into a cre- vasse !" exclaimed one of the party. "His groans soem to indicate that he is already beyond help." "We must do what we can, in any case," responded o>.i<? of the guides; and he bega i a Kmgr and perilous descent into what proved to be the bottom of a concealed crevasse. At the bottom they found the poor gentleman who had fallen. He was, iiowovcr, quite unhurt, sitting com- fortably upon a bench of ice. "We've come to save you," said one of the guide?. "You sa\s me f answered the gentleman, quite tranquilly. ''How do you know I v.ant to be saved .' "Because you called to us for aid,' 1 said one of the bewildered guides. "Perhaps I did," replied the Ger- man, "perhaps I didn't. You came, anyhow. Now. \vliat' 11 you take to rescue me V And before lie would allow the guides lo hitch him to tiie rope and drag him to the surface, he com- pelled them to set down in writing the exact amount they would re- quire for the performance of their life-Kiving duty. He was a business man, whatever anyone- could say against him -and moreover, ho kn-'w the guides of Switzerland. The man who eis the most of it seldom gets the best of it. Spent Her Money For No Benefit THEN Mi.SS J. M. <;OD1N ISED DODD'S KIDNEY PJIJ.S. And Her kidney Disease and Fe- male WoakiH';-* i:i-.i|i|M,-;:':' I Nhf I* Now a Strung, Ileiiltky Woman. Minzonette, Glencester Co., N.B., March 23. (Special).; "I have ).ie?n suffering from the Kidneys ever since I wa,s a child,' 1 says Mi.<s J. M. Godin, of this- place. ''When I grew to womanhood I was. told I was suffering from female weak- ness, so I tried several kinds cf medicine, spending a good many dollars for nothing. "Last winter I became so weak I was on the point of giving up my work. I could not sleep at night and could hardly get up the stairs without having palpitation of *hc heart and feeling quite exhausted. "Reading of symptoms cf Kidney Disease in Do eld's Almanac, I soca found out my case was similar, so- I sent at once for four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I began to feel a. change at the very beginning, for I slept well the very first night. Those four boxes did me more good than all the medicine I had taken before, and I have remained strong ever since. I am now as well as can be." All women who suffer should look to the Kidneys. They are the main- spring of health. Keep the Kidneys strong* by using Ducld's Kidney Pill? and they will take care of the rest 01 the body. CAUSE OF THUNDER. It Is Thought that Thunder Is Duo to Intense Heat in" o( Gases. For a long time it was supposed that the noise of thunder was caused by the closing up of the vac uum created by the passage of the lightning, the air rushing in from all sides with a clap ; but the intens- ity of the noise is rather dispropor- tionate, and it is now thought that thunder is dire to the intense heat- ing of gases, especially the gas of water vapor along the line of elec- tric discharge, and the consequent conversion ot suspended moisture into steam at enormous pressure. In this way the crackle with which a peal of thunder sometimes begins might be regarded as the sound of steam explosion on a small scale caused by discharges before the main flash. The rumble would be the overlapping steam explosions, and the final clap, which sounds loudest, would be the steam explo- sion nearest to the auditor. In the case of rumbling thunder the light- ning is passing from cloud to cloud. When the Hash passes from the clouds to the earth the clap is loud- est at the beginning. One investi- gator has given substance to these suppositions by causing electric flashes to pass from point to point through terminals clothed in snaked coarse wool, and h-e succeeded in magnifying the crack of the electric spark to a, startling extent. It is quite possible that further experi- ments will add to his findings. of on. Cold, Damp Winds Full of Catarrh HALF THE VICTIMS OF CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, AND THROAT IRRITATION, CONTRACT THE DISEASE THIS MONTH. -Only One Preventive Known. The germs of these diseases that have accumulated during recent months are warmed inlo life by the sun, taken up In the strong winds and spread broadcast throughout the land. It is impossible to avoid the inhala- tion of these germs, and woe betide the person whose bronchial tubes or air passages in the head and lungs are in a weak, inflamed condition at this season. There is but one known method of destroying these disease germs after they have entered the air passages the inhalation of Catarrhozoiie. Catarrhozone alone of all the thou- sand and one remedies can be carried in the air we breathe to the minutest cells of the respiratory organs, where it destroys the germs, heals all the irritated surfaces, and effects a per- manent, lasting cure. "lly nostrils were so stuffed up with Catarrh that my head ached all day. At night I could scarcely sleep because of the awful droppings from my nose and throat which kept my stomach in a constant state of disorder. Bat Catarrhczone cured me strengthened my throat and gave ane protection against repeated coughs and colds. I urge all sufferers to uso Catarrhozone." J. P. Andre (.Salesman), Hamilton, Ohio. Catarrhozone is a guaranteed cure for every form of throat trouble, Bron- chitis, Asthma. Catarrh. It has cured others, why not you? Two months' treatment price $1.00. All dealers. or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. SPAIN'S GREAT LOTTERY. Peeved Hcrausi? Aliens Drew Pri/rs. Spain conducts a national lottery all the year, with the largest prizes distributed at Christmas time. There is disgust in the kingdom be- cause in the recent drawing the two chief prizes were to rank outsiders. Buonos Ay res drew 81,200,000 and London $600,000, and the ticket buyers were respectively a, commer- cial firm and a bank. Part of the fourth and fifth prizes also enriched foreigners. The experience tho past year was much 'HRc t'i-e year before, when aliens 'were the luck winners. Spain clears a. good deal through the lot- tery. It soli! more than 10,000,000 worth of ticket* at Christmas, paid $7,000,000 in prizes, and netted more than 8:5.000,000. The lottery handles about $26,000.000 a year against #4.000,000 in 1850. so that the instituiion is growing. Tickets are sold all over the warkt, but not many in this, country. PHKI KKKKI) HEROINES. Courage auit Spirit Have Always Keen Extolled. \\ e m<xlern.s are popularly sup- posed to have bi>en the first to pro- fess admiration fur the strong- minded woman, whom we proudly or derisively call the ''new'' wo- man. Yet if we study history, and not merely hearsay, we find that the heroines of the world were by no means gentle, submissive creat- ures. Kleetra, whom the ancients ex- alted far above her milder sister Chry.^othemis. would certainly have l)jon a suffragette, had she lived in this century, her sense of justice wa.s -o developed as well as her powers of imperious persuasion. * Cleopatra, Hvnatis,, Joan of Arc, however diverse otherwise, were at least alike in rebelling against au- thority and following their own wav. Rowena would have seemed more attractive had she eloped with Ivanhoe, and we all prefer the nob- ler Rebecca, who nearly died a mar- tyr because she was among the first ladv doctors. Frum time immemorial courace and spirit have been extolled, and justly so, too. People who feel deeply cinnot always be passive. They wish to control destiny, not to be controlled by it, and sometimes they actually succeed in their de- i-ire. t'anni^h their very refusal, to accept the inevitable. Obedience is apt to be often over- rated virtue which may be the re- sult of indifference or laziness, a. mere craving for peace at any price, instead of a genuine and unselfish humility. Danprous Throat Troubles Prevented toy Nerviline IT ENDS MISERY OF COLDS Don't wait till night. Get after your cold uow, this very minute, before it grows dangerous you should apply old-time "Nerviline." Rub your chest and throat, rub them thoroughly with Nerviline. Re- lief will be immediate. Nerviline will save you from lying awake to-night, coughing, choking and suffering from congestion in the chest and acute pain in the throat. Nerviline will break up that dull neuralgia headache will kill the cold and chill at its very beginning will save you from perhaps a serious ill- ness. To take away hoarseness, to break up a grippy cold, to cure a sore throat or bad cold in the chest, you can use nothing so speedy and effective as Nerviline. For forty years it has beeu the most largely used family remedy in the Dominion. Time has proved its merit. so can you by keeping handy on the shelf tho large 50c. family size bottle; .-small trial size 25c., sold by any dealer anywhere. irK's .Pork & Beans Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. PARM1 FOft f*Lt. H. w. DAW SON, Ninety Cclbornt Strut. Toronto. IP YOU WANT TO BCY OR SELL A Fruit, 8t<x'k. Grain, or Dairy Faro*, writa H. W. Dawin, Brampton. or 9i Colborne St.. Toronto. i M. w. DAWSON, Colbotn* SI., Torortn WANTED. ACKNTS FoH \VK.\TiilCR INSl'R- iim-p. low rates, libi-ral I'limmisaion. Apply. Tlie Camilla. \\eutlicr Ir.surancu Company, Toronto. We will pay you $120.00 to distribute relipio^g literature in your <iommun:ty. Sixty day-*' work. Exper'>nc3 not required. Jfeu <>r women. Oppor- tunity for promotion. Spare time may ba \wJ. International Biljln Pri-ss Company. 182 riuadina. To-<in:n. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE f\ OOD WEEKLY IX LIVE TO'A'N IX VT York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. NURSERY STOCK S. IIASPBEUKIES FIFTY IO Varieties. Free Catalog. McCouneU & Son. Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCEE. TUMOH3. LUMPS. KTO.. Internal and eiternal. cure* with. cut pain by cur bcme treatment. Writ* m before ton lat*. Dr Pe'.'man UedlcaJ Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. Vi VII Trained. The Manager Yr<. we need a man for the complaint desk. Have vi>ii had any experience' The Applicant I've lived with my wife's relatives for the last four years and I've heard nothing but complaints in all that time. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. One (in Ike Customer I'll ({ivt? you one dol- lar for that bwk. That's every cent it's worth. .Shopman I I Customer (hue mipting) One dollar, or nothing. Shopman Very well. sir. Thank-. Cash ! 1 was trviiis? t<j say that the retail pru-? uf :h.- l.-.k wus ::i>venty- five cents, but you wouldn't allow Is Yonr Wife Bad Tempered? Clinncos aru *he lias corns that aelie ' like fury. Huy l>-r a bottle <>f Put- nam'* rm Kxtr-.irtor. It acts pain- lessly. Bives instant relief, si ml cures every kind of corn. Insist on K<-'tti"K only Putnam's Kxtnictor, J3o. at all dealers. CAKEI.ESS MINKltS. Have Sought Out Mtfluitl <!i' Light- ina; "( i^urHU-s in Mines. The comparative futility of niech- lire ill- h of Promise. Ho called her lovey dovey, And piirgv wig.ny May. In the letter that he wrote her Upon a summer's dav. And iiuw iiei- lawyer has it- It's marked "Exhibit A.'' Heaithy Boys and Girls Always Hungry And for a quick, easily prepared lunch, a generous dish of Post Toasties and Cream Can't Be Beat ! The nutritious part of white Indian Corn, skilfully cooked, rolled thin ; and toasted to a rich golden brown. Ready to eat right from the package crisp, nour- ishing and delicious. Children can't seem to get enough of Post Toast- ies, and they can eat all they want because this food is as wholesome as it is appetizing. sold by Grocers. Canadian Poitnm Cereal Co., Lti- Wlndeor, Ontario. A Resemblance. ''Slack makes me think C I PC 1 1*1 C (JIM COll. , -,B,iivv.wui{juiit*i< j .. 1 1 . . v^. ij- ~ ... ... "Why so! i.'&nu-al devices for reducing tho dan- "He won't accomplish anything^, ge-vs of mine explosions is still i unless he's pushed. 1 ' /shown. -A tVw y.';;rs :MO it was irtfWsht the safety lamp was going to do the service, but now it is es- tablished tlmt the safety lamps are not always safe by any moans. Ex- periments have shown that a small piece of picture wire across the terminals of one of the small two- volt batteries of the safety lamp immediately becomes red hot hot i enough Ui ignite gas. Jn fact, j , miners hav.. 1 managed, to make im- j provissd cigau.'Ue lighters out of ' tho current thus produced. It ln..k~ las if, as so often has. been asserted. jthat the chief danger to the mi.ier lies in his own carelessness. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIYK I'Ho.MO c TaHets. Druggists ret'iin. 1 mi.iiey If it lails to cure. E. \V. (JUOVtrs .signa- ture is on tach box. 25e. .Miirii.il Tiri-lKo. C.B., M;iy 3(1. '02. I hav.. hiinUled MINAKH'S LINI- MKNT during tin- l':ist year. It is :il- ways tin 1 first Liniment usked for hcn>. . and nnqUHonably the bt-st seller i-f :ill tin- iliffi-ruiu liiiiiis uf Linimunt 1 h " n<l!l1 - XKU. FERGUSON. Hard lu l''ir-s. Blobbs Bjonnes is ai awful crapper. He reminds me of ;i p'usr- i<ed iime. Slohbs In w'iat way .' M'l-i.hs- Vim /aii'i pa.-3 him with- out raising a row. Wiin ;' lliotil. .Tr'ikins "Did.i't that lawyer on the other side give \ >u a ;,-rrible overhauli-ig ." Thompf:..-! ' Ui.l- n't he th"iii!i! V-.u bet if I have aiiv more law business I'm going to h're him." \\\iy It Failed. Visitor-- Why did your little pa- per fail.' Bogville Editors-Why, Mi ;. ( hiun, the village go.-.sir. had the ncvvi ^]irea<l ihrougli the town before 1 couUl set up my type. Files CTured In 6 to 14 Sa; Di-ugRlsts rol'und money if TAZO } OINTMENT fails to cure Itching. IJIind. I or Protruding 1'iles. First application ' givus relief. oOc. With Dandruff and Itching Scalp. Scalp Covered with Small Pim- ples. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Now No Trouble At All. Try M urine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyw or Granulated Evelids. Doesn't Smart Sootfies Eye Pain. Druggists SeU Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid,' 2Sc, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 2Sc, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Dn ramie Coo* tar All Cytt Ul>t N.ed Car* Murla* * r.mdy Co., Chlca (iuod Shol. Wiafg So yjiing (t.iUiiu baa b-'- eonie a licnvdict. AVhat wa.s his wife s tnaide i .;a'ii? ' (J<ildie- Her nvii!.?n aim -rPcinsto] ha\ e beeu lo marry Go'.die. and she j proved an unsiially good ;!u,t fur aj \\ oinan. Slippery. X.i winder that his spirits fell. And that he tripped and stumbled there. For when he tried his love to tell Sfhe handed him an ii-y :stare. Minard's Linlinant far :,.i!o everywhere. All Odd llappciiHi!;. Minis-U'r (announring from pulpil) I will add that a luxlv's watch has beeu found in one of the ais'ps, which the owner (.an have by apply- ing at the vestry. We will now sinu; the llTuh hymn, "Li-rtl, her watch Tiiy church is keeping." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Ever see a neighbor who was par- ticularly well liked? Sure! Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. .j. l-'I.KAS 1 BITES DANGEROUS. l;;ii. II..H .Hici'chian As'til OH to UNIV.' HitUMi. Numerous diseases a-e traJisnr.t- t^-<I by stinging insects, yelh\v fever lu-itig s]iii-;ul by tliL- stegumya, the shaping sickness being p'ropagated l.y the IM\ ot'j. But besides these mosquitoes ar.,1 ilies, fleas would sjem tn play a very' strong role in the propagation of deadly diseases. Experimental i" t >e:irehes have just been nitub at tin' PaVii-.ir Institute <m the part played by these insects in trypanosomiases. Their role is hriK'ef.'rtli disti.ictly determined. Th lliv( tlrit liit-j infccte:! a'li.nals arc contaminated and in their turn they tni'i?i:i.rt the rnijrubian agent .n lo th' i.ihi-r a:iiu:als that, tiicy h;l pen lo '-ting. C03 Jano S!.. Toronto, Ont. "I was Brst troubled with my li^ir getting brittle and later dnmirult anil iU'hins; sculp. I was afraid to comb my KIT as it orao out by handful!! and tho itchins was so severe I was miserable. Tlie Inmb'.o kc|)t me froui sici-ping. My scalp WRS coverrd with 6UK.ll pimples wlii. ') sci'mi 'i !' ri;n into ono another and form a scab. Tho danr.'rult as so had I was afraid to comb my hair aa itv mado It show so plainly. It looked very badly. I was thinking of hav- ing my hwi.1 shaved/ "Fora long timer tried . . and several other remedies l>uL t!u>y did no euro it. After some months I picked up a paper with tho Cuticura S>.-,|> and Ointment advertisement and sriit right a'.vay for a s.imploof Cuticura Soap and Oiaunui!'. On using just. t!io sample my troubli) was boner. I used six or ci^iit boxes of thr Ciilicuri Ointment also the Cmieura S<;) and my sralp healed, tho Itelilng stopinxl and my balrcamu In quito thick ami now 1 have no trouble at nil." ^Signed) Mrs, H. liingec. May 27. 191.1. Itcosls nothing to learn how pure, svfifet. cfTra-llvo and satlsfylnn Cuticura Snap and Oinlnictit aro In tlio treatment, of poor com- plexions, red, roimh hands, itching scalps, dandrutr. dry, thin and faitinc hsir, IXH-JHUO you need not buy them until you try them. Liberal sample of each mailed free. w!th.".:Np. book. Send post-card to Potu-? Dnyj & Chcin. Corp., Uopt. D, r. .-:.::.. U. S. A. LI!). 7. SSVK JS-M4. < 4 I - - .