TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED NOT MEN.' 3 No. 3.-> Flesherton, Ont., Thursday JVIarclrt 26, IO14 W. H. THDRSTON E tad n.O A Line to be Finished By February, 1915 A delegation of Owen Sound men vis- ited Toronto last week and waited on the Hydro-Electric C'ominuairm to tind out how early the town might expect a delivery ef electric enc-gy from Eugenia falls. Reporting the interview the Times Mr. Gaby made it t mphatic that the t commission would spare no effort to ex- . pedite the work at Kugeuia falls. All winter they have beeu I usy on the prop- osition and now have everything practi- cally in shape for work in May. There bas been much tedious detail in connee- * tion with the deeds of the lands which the commission has found it necessary to kci{iiire for the purpose of forming a storage reservoir against the dry period that is inevitable in midsummer. About nix hundred acres has been acquired, and ',! the engineering plans have been laid and the route of the line located. It is the intention of the commission to develop no less than the full live thou- " sand hoisepower from the first. They will build the dam which they spoke of . at first and which would not be necessary for the generation of fifteen hundred horsepower or so. But with the virtual '.V acknowledgment (hat tha town of Owen Sound will need two thousand horse- power if the Doric Cement Company comes in- it a at -once necessary to ' provide for the full load. This will en- tail considerable work in damming and * creating a leservoir. But when Ibis is bnitihtd there will bo available froir. three to live thousand horsepoer,enoui!h 'o meet any contingency for the iifxt several years. .' An idea til the amount of power to be developed by the new Eugenia plant can bf obtained from the statement of Mr. Gaby that they will be able to iji-t a fall .f ~>'20 feet. Of course it will be necet- tary to ditch the water for some diVanci' nnd to pipe it the rest of the way. But it will be a great head when it is com- 1 pleted and the volume of water will not , hae to IIH great to insure a very large f amount of power when there i.s such a magnificent head. ^ 1 Duncan i Spring! Spring! Beautiful Spring. We are pleased to report Mr. Uobt. Faweett's speedy recovery, from pneu- monia. Mr. <i. Holmes of Egypt visited at Mr. 0. Procter's recently. Mr. Chas. Little of Collingwood and Mr. C. Johnston of Clarksbtrg are visit- ing at Mr. M. L. Kerr's.- .. Mr. Luther Rear and sister Miss Lydia visited friends in this vicinity a ftw days last week. Inspector Huff visited our school, "Sunbeam Collegiate," on Wednesday last and reports good succosss in the En- trance claiw. Mr. S. Smart of ihe Eist Mountain visited at his brother's Mr. John Smart'* one day lately. Mr. Jan es Russell i.s in Meafoid on business. Misses Edylh and Tena Proctor spent Sunday with friends nt Red Wing. We are glad to kwy that Miss Barbara McKenzie is able to be around again after a severs illness of pneumonia. We heur '.hat our teacher Miss Lever is very much pleased nitli her pupils. She has now -7 on tho roll. Miss Eui McKenzie visited her friend. Miss K hth Kaake, Clarksburg. Maple sugar making i.s agiin on lap. Mrs. M. Kerr entertained a few of the young people to an Oyster supper i no evening last week. La grippe is still prevalent. Did you see the eclipse of tho mm n lust vVedue^il ly nuht. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Kimberley Budget Crowded out last week. Beautiful spring weather -it last. Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Falls, of Rocklyn, vintdd at Mrs. Thos Reid's one day last week. Born, m Kimberley, on Sunday, March Eugenia Paragraphs IVandeleur Happenings Mr. Richard Smith has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. James Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee visited friends at Thornbuiy recently. Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell and Mi-ss Wright of Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class \Yorkmanship. --ALSO - 4 line of Ready-Made Clothing Which wo put alterations in free of , if required. 1-rpll.' 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart, twins, a boy and a iil. The boy died on Sunday night. Mr. Richanl Allen, of Flenherton, made a business trip to our burg on Saturday last. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Colley, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sun- day moining last. The Rev. gentleman is holding a series of revival meetings here at present. Mr. Wrn. Stuart, who has been tiaiting Toronto friends, left theie on a trip to the Parry Sound District. Miss Ptarl Lawrence visited friends in Rocklvn a few days the past week. Mr. W. S. Bishop has resumed opera- tions in his -,nv mill. lie h<ts the largest stock of logs in that he has had for a numbi-r of years. With Mr. James Lawrence a* head sawyer and a good gang of men, the logs ought to be con- verted into lumber in short order. Mrs. George Cornfield visited Thorn- bury friends on Thursday last. Mr. Wm. Leslie, our public school principal, to;ik the topic in the Epworth League on Sunday last. Mr. Leslie, as an orator, is hard to excel, he having the vocabulary of a Webster. Died, at Epping, on Tuesday Us', Mrs. E. Chadwick in h-r ninetieth year. The remains were interred in the New Eng- land Cemetery on Thursday, where a large number of friends paid their last tribute. Mr. E. Patterson. <>ur junior teacher, visited his parental houie in Ulantyre recently. Mr. John Smiihof the East Mountain is moving to his farm at ilob Roy this week. Mr. Smith was a good neighbor, and will be much nrssed in the commun- ity. This week's Items Quite number .f robins have been seen in .'ur vicinity of late, which M a sure sign that jpriii'; is nigh ,t hand. Born At Kimberlfy, on Saturday, March 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Harris, a son. Mrs. John Smith visited friends in Flesherton a few days ihc past week. Mr. Robert Abercrombie.who has been spending the wiirer at his parental home here, left on Monday for Vancouver.B.C. Mr. Herb. Sparling of the Clarksburg Review start', nude a business trip to our burg on Friday last. Mr. S- Fawcett visited friends at Ruck- vale on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond of Pricevtlle visited with the former's par- ents- a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCullounh of Markdale/ visited at Mrs. T. J. Reid's one day last week. Miss Knna Barritt of Faiiinouut spent i Saturday and Sunday at the parental | home here. Mr. Hermann Smith of the east moun- tain left last week on a trip to the prai- rie provinces. Hermann is an old Kim- berley boy ml is prospering in the West. t!eo. Stuart of IHesherton a caller in town on Mi inlay. Thomas Xee'y of Beaverdale visited with his cousin, Stanley Uui'l, one day last week. Captain Cowan of the Salvation Army, Veversliam, to k charge of the revival service in the Methodist church on Fri- day evening, alto on Monday evening. The Captain is a very forcible speaker and impressed his hearers with his sit night forward mtnner of expounding tho Scriptures. Mv. and Mrs. John Plewes visited Markdalo friends 0110 day last week. At a Urge and enthusiastic inilroad meeting in our village on Monday even- ing last Mr. James R. Fawcott was ap- pointed delegate on tho deputation to OttHwa on the 2lith, Mr. Albert McConnell of Sturgeon Falls is visiting friends in tlii.s \iuinity. Councillor Gaudin of Heathcote was a oallei in our burg Monday. Maxwell, called on friends here recently. ! at Rfcklyn. Crowded Oat Lift Week Mr. Ed. Biker his rented Mr. A. Wy- ville's farm fur a term of years. Messrs. Will Johnson and Geo. Bu- chanan spent the week end with friends F. T. Hill of Markda'e propose start - inn btore business in Eugenia about April 1st. Miss Walker and brother of Euphiasia were guests of friends here recently. A sleigti load of young people from our adjoining village drove over on Sunday tu this, our summer reform. Having heard the robins chirping for some lime, they thought that spring was here., others thought they would try bathiug, but whfii they dropped in feet tirst at seven o'clock in the morning, found that the water was yet too cold below. Help being near they were pulled out, and de- cided to leave the bathing till the frogs begin to sing, Mr. Henry Cairns had the niisf >rtnne to fall down staii s, giving himself a severn shaking up. Mr. William Cameron haj a couple of Mr. Wellington Fawcttt of Kimberley spent the beginning of the week with his cousins, Harry and Otto Baker. Mrs. A. Wyville has moved to P. , Louck-i' residence in the valley, Mr. ' Lnucks having moved t > the farm he le- cently purcha cd on the east back line. Miss Sadie Warling, who has been very ill for the past three weeks, is, we are ulad to say, making rapid pi"gress to- wards recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Beard visited friends in Owen Sound last week. Mr. Sam Buchanan, who i.s attending business college at Owuu Sound, visited his father and sister here rcciully. K. (jenoe has pui chased \V. Buchan- an's farm on the Meaford Road and moved thereon Kst week. Hany Garner of Toronto is visiting frieirls hereabouts. T_ 1 \r.... f^..,~ l_/~il ...I.I:., .in] Mr. i ibs broken one day last neck. , \* \, r<\ Mr. and Mrs. James McClockbn Born At Vunuuard Sask., Feb. '"nd family of Ceylon spent Surday ut 1914, to Mr. and Mis. Kilburne Magee, j,)hn Wai-ling's. Miss Era Gilbert airivtd from Toi-.,nt > Born At Clarksburg, March 11, 1SH4, i ast week to attend tha wedding of her to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, u daughter. s i s tor, Ruse. Born At Euuenia, March, :>:>, 1!14, to Mr. a,,l Mrs. R .,bei* McMaster, a Flesherton Young Man son. What a fellow will sea when he hasn't Discovers a Gold Mine not a gun! On Monday morni:-.; whi'e ' fc - out |, p,, tcilp i ne . March 15. CoiiMd- workiiiK in the bush uoith-east of Eu- erab , B intere8t hils been taken in Robb ynia Mr. R. Williams and some other .......^.i,;,, .!,,, , Q ^,+^ .,.! .,f f ree men saw what they thought was a bear. , ri)I j ^^ township, where a leported find go^ They came home, raised the alariu. and, i 8 | lovvn with some half Unzen of our local spor'., I p well armed, returned tu the woods ready for the attack. After following up the Mi|i|Mi*ed bruin's trail sor .some three or f>:ur hours, they returned home after coining to the conclusion that it had been an early wniuluhuck, no doubt out to find out why tho Hydro Kivtrc Com- mission wore so slow. Tho tegular meetirg of 'ho Women' t Institute will be held 'ut the 1'ome of' Mis. Joseph Williams the tiist Weducs- day of April ut 2.150 p.m. All members are requested to be present. Keep Your Records been made and the -i:u| le (ioorge .Ionics ,11 of South oreupine, comiu<! from claims in the t)wnship, as remarkably n> h. .) uiiiesi ii. working on Ins claim, in the south-east coiner of Robb. south of Kannskotu lake, uncovered the vein a few weeks a;jo, and on Im lirt visit to town brought, in several samples which show free gold ill large ipiantities. K nbb township is immediately west of J.unii- son towuslrp. whei'e considerable work was done last yeir by several (arlies. Free aold was found on several c'aims in the southeast corner (/f Jamii_son last fall, but.asa rule ihc vein* and v.ilues were sunll. Tlie iuuky lind.'r in nanated above is a sti:i of Mrs. J. .Jamicson of Flesherton -Ed. Within the next few weeks several hundred cheese factories will ue opeiiine; hundreds of farmers will be preparing to j milk thousands of freshly calved cows. Markdale Logically this beginning of a new season is the time to commence keeping records Kenneth Vntighati, John McKen/ie of pruduction of the cows separately, , Jon. Hull uf (JleneU were befoie Just a knowledge of the yield of milk Masji-trales Aru.stroug ami Knnis on from the whole herd may givp the owner [ Monday eveiiini; on the chaige of fui-ious an idea of the average yi^ld per cow, but driving on the public highway, raining that does not "ive ijuite enough inform- bodily injury to Misi Gertie \\alker, atiou. There may be a tlious-ind pounds daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker, of milk difference in the tn'al yiM of on the night of March 3. The charge two co-vs for the s.-asor, \\hich would be 1 iid nndi-r section .85 of tho criminal unuoticeablo in the small ditl'eivuce in c >de. and i.s a serious olfence, which, if i he appearance of their two milk pa ; s part es wore found uilty, were liable to daily. OftenthediH'erenceisfarniorL-tlmn a thousand pouiids.yet all cows are lump- ed together, good, poor and medium, nil alike, when taking merely an average. Since keeping records of individual production imnv a dairy man has increased the average uf his herd by fifteen hund- red, and two thuu<ai d pounds of milk or moLV, because he his been alile to detect . J3URT Specialist in diseases ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th st. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2ml Thursday each month from 8 to a 12n m Dundilk.lst Wednesday of each mouth . Fieshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills ~T am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line- planing, matching, ere. Floor in 1 .', sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at tens- onab!e rates, Get estimate*. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler T. Blakeley, Prop. WT Febi.-,i:>i y " * FLESHERTON, - ONT the poor, unprofitable cows that masquer- ado as real dairy cows. On application to the Dairy Division, Ottawa, rec- ord forms and instructii in are .supplied free. Write today, and begin ihe new seisi'ii light, w it-li the object of ke'uiog none but prnlitub'o cows. Maxwell Millinery . . . Opening April 3rd. and 4th. L&rgest a ock ever Showu i'i All the 1'ites.fc in haui mwlu lints alto u l.iri;e suloction cf shapes in mi! in, MV i. ta^tfl and Imir braids iu all (lie lewcst a term of two yours imprisonment . Mr. W. D. Henry, who was counsel for the complainant, Mr. Frank Diiismore,cout of Miss Walker, announced that if tho younit men would ple-ul guilty the char;: would he- reduced to that of See. 7, Chap. 47. of the Provincial statutes, and by paying a niui and the costs of the case no further action w. nl 1 betaken. Joe Hal agreed to this lenient proposal, pleader iiui'ty and p.n-1 a line of 810 and costs, ii all $17. !!,"). Vaiighan and McKenzie re fused to accept this pi't position, '" ihi ! Maoist! ates committed them for trial and the case will be. tried before a count; ; j ulgo nr a jury in Owen Sound, the da'i i having not yet been decided upon. Ii ' the meantime they gave their bond for SoOO each, as also did the father of <'.-u h of the young men, ;vs a ^uaraiiteo of their appearance at court, (ireat interest has bean excited in tilt cuse and Iho old ' council chamber was packed to the doors on Monday evening. Miss Walker is still in a serious condition as a result of the injuries she re-eivtd. ! A Sign of Spring! See our display of seeds Not how cheap, but how good Flour Five Rose Fl<>ur Piinry Hour EcHpse Flour Low irrjule Hour I'astry \Vhe;U Mola>>es .Meal Linseed Meal r>r;m Shorts il chop Oil Ciiko Any thing you want in feed or seed at the Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. J GET YOUR REPAIRING FOR SPRING DONE BE- FORE THE RUSH AND SLUSH COMES ON ALSO A NICE ASSORT- MENT OF TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRI- CES. Thos. Clayton Will bo plfaxed to meet all my oM patrons on my opening days, also bring Mr. d Mrs. .lames Uempaoy, living i l neir Toledo, Ont., died of 1)llemiumia | ^ong your friends and "We'll tak' a cup one on Saturday, thu other on Sunday, j " kindness yet for the days o' uuld laug after foiiv days' illnes<. ' yn." The Kai'road Horcl at Allanilalc was buined down, the occupants barely escap- ing. While a young SUM of Mr. Alt. Thnn p- s n, of New Lowell, was pUyin^' with a rifle, hw scoidentiilly shot himself j'ist ''ove tho eye. He was mshod to the Ci'llingwi'od 1 ospil il, when- tie biillcl was cxtnic'ed, mid he is now getting along s well as call be expected. New Suitings FOR SPRING We are showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do> not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR