Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1914, p. 7

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' 4 OF VtimeM -Must be Reached 1 hrough ,, .. tte Blood . and women Thousands o( suffer severely from Cruel, cjrippling paitta .in the tnu*- ( clei and joints' mako ? very, move- I ment a torture. Many people Hunk i-heumatiwn is nia* to -cold -or wet weather, and they try to cure r r. -*-. iy.ii.inm - Ljinunen '**!*< #* ->'i u ( Special )h>5r-"I ,thfi pain| tr^irnff-Tjn-n- -rtmttmtaf^Tmi ft-yt ' *** < 'tie b bing * moat . a victim , you can . making for only 'norm of rheumatism < the y< .Pills bj .rhu: .except make the. right to rheu: , when ( fore, begit cunn 'to-day Pills, ticulare ( sands of , health-giving medi more than .. the- rtliif; If you hiroS itbe case*, *Nf* bat goes - |;^:;;fo*?, fc<fijiA&:8e*y wr impu re-, ther-ev S-^SK^^Fi 11 ^ 11 ? r. Wnii*ma r Pink .are the , or tins Mr. Jerenyt Nadou, St. 'Jerome, few yeare ago I reconi- :fox aB MfevvW^A, py baked tiy7wlwl ly *nd fall . . ; : . hip l*s ,. i ch , ya.r, ' if ^ BWPP*5fc J*TSM!<fc^ i .xTi vftt h\ don WMoh" he is reported" to have sent to all British Domin- * ~:-iV3**w-:.*.- **( , that oilleases Que., t was seize<_ __ * rheumatism^ /Tfu ' arms and treated wi . they did noiliefp utef >lnd^usHufc i^Brit went on I WB| unable to work, and ensure a world-wide oil gupply for pj fags ~? a s OW9. Ml p ht fipfehefti etfM* 4y j^bUM ?y <#*. t YI ^2><K ^<3l, L2?*uS JM$ 1 ' >* w-n** ' '->* si* ,:i> :: rS A i ':-.'. " 4*r Of ffWBStS;* n Krtshmcu IFar Strange Belief. nost of tlie We's World by any other method. In thti w: !:* j" of 101 tel compared a lot of. 300... plants treated tM first x-te*..l^.iW*l? ipJtUrQH Jan. 8, ai I iouB:iag <iW'O > UK- wh.le tii*. i*-b*:rtie wera turt'i : 'ypt>- '-!? d- t:i i' March 15.'* ..fn-J 6 to A of-h r fuHK-miii*d tw be TuT"l y -ei^fl^' hcfas rs$-' ' ' Of ^jlse tr< fi,&S*^ 15$' we_re" ~c JCpvfc^u for l-.^:!i of"."fee r ; ,nifjw> ,f^;.^tv ^M^tX/lt* 'fiHO tftfe t AtTu.iil <ji t^'i" Tft fc- t<jr was o$Ljy ii -g^v&ly tfjWr^r- tj>gp tbat?pto4lu*ti with th$ j*hjru;r <*r fbvure. 45s** *;* tsaU^s .aMirs**: ^._ _>> _'_ 1 Jf J 3fc^ -|? _.___ ' - HjaiMf idttMit. th ot btr day. k- K*.* the (U*i#, ; WI CK-itk- ve? -K*b-y be~an to thii k that I would be a cripple for $1 5. ^WJuto-'nt-thu-tiry- ing ocnditiofl a 'frfeWd* ^ho-^nad 1 , been cured r<i rbetimartaw: by thtf psof Dr. Wpfl*n8*Pfelf Pills d- vied me to. b y this remedy, and I ' got a suppl; , of" tlje 7 ' Pillsv- I- ftld" taken the 1 i Is~'tbr"-Bevx*ral we>lw before any nproVementr^w'.'vs n-o^- ticed. but 01 <j s signs t of relief cajpe the improveqa nf rfoitl thftf Hirtie' *n was rapid, a * 1 I'io^atK'''^nTinu^3 taking the I . of tlie troubi B<J:s but a . "Uie gratitud ^I feel for thi relief from pain, fl' enjoyed perf . rheiutia.tic s med : cino a You can ' Pills from by mail at ii Is untrl] everj :<j b*c^tu I I . >irt health,.! .urge -oiber, igerers to 'givo ' Y ' W." Dr. medic: cents .bnx ' boxes for 8^40 fr6m' The Dr. "wil- * I] a 1 i ] -, ' A T i*ii* i n i\ t ". \ T 1 . r/-ir>1rtrl 1 1 ji . Ont. "t ^ ? "1 ^ Mght If At * Heat of (hi- Keeps Them Down. That there is A .-fWr-pr" ' of bacteria" in Just Eaa beeu by recent *xperiments. ]By TneanS . sciejitist diooveifSf ; tluft"''in .tlfe' open suburbs-of London there are ' 40,000 particles in every cubic inh< * of air. The same investigator , found in London but one microbe to ^ every 38 cubic inches of air. When air is~<Sffisf5-nlIy" about and man is constantly mov- i ing about, he great doa! of air spaflp,,aiul s tfie'-otl 'fucl-faorninig- Wirps ' tevfes toe* r home cfiatfeftrg' #*?.' Mr*. child***!.''- _.. <* -- ' ;: .f{p > . ... Edinburgh. It \va gi*a by. "No/ b-ut I should like 1 ;" ' teok around until you IlcokJtdown thafflhole find3la^BlT[ i Jfetjt d | in^l fol :r >B; thatfitfjfM*. aafety naj^r,' taa I'V b j u*ed- rtj.:-6na <JMW tt W LW-L .'onnor found Lat r in a distressed _IAB4pT^ . CURE INDIGESTION .- __^^ IT -* j, < JT c n "rS oire t5r tfie 'moaft w cip ailments of childhood, and no'ot-Ser -kifnwiit is more-, danger- ma. indigestion paves thr. way to otlicr ivnipljviutt. Baby's They ,-u-t as gentle laxttv>, _inach,' regulate the bowelts and make Uie baby healthy ajjd, happy. CoAoerning them Mrs.- Pfilitier, St. Philippe nse Neri, Own Tablets for indigestion great success. TBey have Trf-TUT also 1 in the course of a dajjun's a chanco of breathing many microbes into i ^ v " lungs. .If, however, every dark colic and simple fevers*.." end damp place could suddenly be dried up and stirred up, the micro- organisms would be found in terri- fyingly large numbers. It is the heat of the sun and the bright ligbt that keep down these micro-organ- isms. a-nd 60, v*ti MV* -dii^ty day, there is a poverty of microbea in the air, and if the sun be bright and hot. How a Sick Woman Can llegain Health Read;Thi* Very Carefully. "For I was thin and delicate, I lost colcfc and Was easily lffw!TA yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face *ere not only mortifying to my feeling^ but because I thought my ekln would n over look Bice again I grew despaJuient. Then my appetite failed. I frew very weak. Various remedies, 'pills, tonics and tablets 1 tried without permanent benefit. A visit to in j mister pat into my hands a box of 3Jjr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed rell that they I would n they n ton's Pills action ve character never on Itshed re keen my rings und to-day ray.' wrinkled Hamilton': Tfc a from Mrs. known ml sufficient a wonder: BO other per box. Mone Co., co upon them and now e made me a well woman without them whatever ist. I found Dr. Hamll- . their mild yet searching ^suitable to the delicate woman's nature. They iped me, yet they estab- rlty. My appetite grew od red and pui-e heavy ay eyes disappeared and kin Is as clear and uu- rnen I wat; a girl Dr,, ttlls dJ4 lt?.al|"f straightforward ..-leUe . Todd, wife of B well- v y] e sold by medicine deaters'Or at 25 cents a box from Tfye .; William*' Medicine Co., Brock- nobbies and Their Pat IFis' said that a hobby should be chosen to provide a complete fchange from" the regular work" of life, and apparently many well- known people have borne in mind this maxim when selecting their apare-tima>, pastime. For instance, it is diffiru 1 1 to imagine two more widely differenf tnings than diving and Sanscrit, and the former i the favorite hobby of Professor Rock- well, .the eminent Sanscrit scholar, Tie .fearl of Aberdeen finds relaxa- tion in landscape gardening when ^ _ _,_ affairs of 5jUite do not demand histjjain IB" renewed Quickly, it maj ie A *_...,. i C , ' I A J / ' U _t An l> -/. ,J .,,.,, nl. . ><.. Vi n n .- n .* Iff fmfij&r .v A 5y:5* eautiful 'r'wo Ztte-Bttk ^1*1^- dO^'il r jt ^ , k4tl.:*a "< Bieneaf?) .'Painful. Simplest Nights* U*d Cuticura Scap and Cuticura.0iot ' ; ;* ... h^. "SS <-"* x . TO AgrtcoU bi . J ttia MV mj anger : t. H wu* ! beaaa to drop off. -'.auBBiiin ah. . t(ar tunm aj 'nl fitoi ttoJ I wu traaied 6r~a ; Uw aaUs grew fjf'.-i caM} :i3vrt J* - tiluurtt 1 ,-ct for a. *affiule ( <rf hope of t:u Jr hfaMny lay flMJMHft- wtt<* "er very palnf aL A$ Dtebt ,aftr _ ^rBWB ,tuy handa well with tho c ::i-ur . ftaaJU'I robto^tlK* CMfeMk'OlaAnaUriJt' JWpDjptf tiie ftr^T end* kAd wore <.--.* to pre?rot Wie Olr.: at- ,: P-^n bdoj 'jjJ^jyjSC, Cullcura Uifclg. Tbe OMMBk ^^^^ T Ointment had a fxmllng effect an4 afier d-:a? rn-m for mtvjt wiriif. I > TJrtB^J i fed ^oAera m ich Leee lore ui4 t J 1 " * ^i'-. L - Thia trouble bad laated about rtitfAuWnttl ttBfCWTWhJT GWfcnrm 9g Oteoncat yrt aft^r unlr.g eame for thn* ay flager i.^.'j h4 flwia Woo ^fr-^-^- ; - - 8 : old Uf CrujjMt* and <1ali n every it utra, MC ta often nifflciait. VoraUb<nl of each, witn 33-{>. book. t4 . UI i* A SON -rnnny coti ^'f W tjut* irnken and laid arotir.d IH^'tirrdg _ _ " _ J !-Ar< if breaking of "TKeir ( earthly JJ N' r. .1 - -:iu-<.uv- ..-wr iwjtM'T*. r v P|rhaps the moe.t important part p?rforman in /k>r3$ r* tp, R.J,\> bf" fro b lu it . *K>.;<4 me ; An <>rdinry , rtfCor ihnukf be iroppe^l betor*' and 1 affc#^ tatev taken off jt tiy hot water. A razor is all t he teteer; ,o ' a. rv^t .j^oc*- Learn IKJW t use str^p -Tin- rizor -trc^i i a ptrfnt fl<rt v hihe.r the . of a rtuo'kJjfjf ij > jScie r n<ie;.'a'nd..thc man who caB, hii razor : n gocd condition La a njan fc) be- en- vied, 'spcilly.,. in ;thV .'winter. , ) tit -: > r Ooaf! comfortable ' v^-Jfc y ..' W -' . ^^v^ a --. i, -how did you !<vj? it tiiTai* In '* c_ ."\ ry IT \ ] -V.'ta been rutrtam > s Jt hours; ;or. % Bat . 16v* the stafH'c^Aiiol^ 1 -- 4 CkjJ **^t % ~ Liniment Curi* 3- "'; .* .:* \Af* : _. . MURSERV STOCK. 8e nd Cb . VPMg. ?>> b& ,- ' < tqristv- V : ^V*>e^ You niu*t * - !o.V . ar 350 SHOT PrititgtgB' ref u n 01. XT \TKNT 5or % . Brt. l J' 1 . 1302. si- <).'"**# *bf: ?***i '{f e n e i r iiK C j4 Ha .'T fail* 1/VSHTB Itciiiiip. PI i.'rvtny.lingf 1 1fi"S.' ' FtrWNIjMfc -*<'* Action '*' - * '**a i **u ' - - . T^qcTt^ij"' . . . -'(Snfurt 1 . ^ ""*= J . s . H-w o'<l ;vr,- v..u. J.-.rInnyl*r '. : . /'Sevrn-'' "And" jwiiett wjex vou aevea I", J . ; . fi, j^ e Jt fcirtbdAj's''.' : -_ Liniment CvTM Colds Els. c : T - Hie TrUr. ocvri 1 t*nlill VR.EB foU ,rtf our L-Miatu'-4i.dTawni^r|l fcii* ..'. - w^i.-jf.e^ch. ,<'r'I-r at flitc*. p*v moOf>- fSitASfit,^ Tattt vou wii-h Chief MfR.' J3ia*v ill PROOF we old," tfbseVred tie Boob, as'be'lsid down His neu'spaper. "Is Aafall " rmi^d the Gnmch.. "Some; of tlit-in look A lot older thaa. that.". N|agic 'SenS^ Toothache, Earache IT RELIEVES EVERY EX- TERNAL PAtN > " Cures Coldt, Coughs, Sore Throat Tight Chest and Hoarseness. It'a when sickness comes at night, when you are far from the druggist it i* tb,. lar a,l)oUle., -Tours frnly. .- cn AS r; w ... "Hi*. Caller You say ynur di>lakes-*be"oantry inid wants to iro Poes he seeni resth'? j at borne 1 Mre. Tungtwist Yes, he's awfnl t restive. H" ain't -lone nothin* but rest since he graduated from c<j.-j t hrs bedeide. "I have an oppor- tunity to prove an old theory here," he said, after obtaining all the de- tails. "They say that when a man falls from a gj-eat height he thinks of all his sin.i before he, hits the ground. Now, is that true.? Did vou do tlwt J" ''Well, I didn't have Marine Eve Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Maria* Eye Salve in Aseptic Tube*, 25c. 50c Eye Book* Free by MalL DOES YOUR GROVE PAY? MAPLE Whf th use of Working hard, wasting lro nJ fiMl > Spring t>y Mine -out -r date bolllnc contrlv- aneta l)it make poor ayrupT Tnvrnt tu a "Chnmplon" Svanorator. Take a ItttTe cnmlnrt in!T tnaX* better syrup, which menns mor Ttioney for vou. Ma4e. 1" i- different !. Write :.'. otice for our free booklet and < -.v ^r cram MTO. oow- xAcma M Wv'.Unfton St.. Montreal. Qa. . , or Uift doctor that's when-^you need H e to t hi a k of quite all of them. "" Nervlline most. Experienced mothers are never without it; One of the chit-, may have toothache. Without for en tin- hou.-soliuM. With Nerviline the attetitjon. Lord Cbrla Bereeford makes a hobby of carpentering, a.t which he ia an adept, while Ysayc turns from his violin to a well-bo- loved' pipe. Another musician- Mark Hambourg seeks change of occupation in numismatics ; and Thomas Hardy turns from book- writing to dance-music as a pas- time. The most famous of modern logicians, Professor Abbott, has croquet as bis pot hobby. . A certain minister was greatly disturbed by a number of women in his congregation who persistently gossiped in a loud tone during aer- vioe. On Strnda-y morning he exe-' cutvd apian which he had devroed foT^opM>'w annoyanoe. , At a giv*-n .signal ^th lUivii' su)piu-d on a eer faimwrd y the .niidjjlle of ahyfcn. Taan on^ of th gofiaipers, bn*ble tn check herself, was heard all over Catarrh- 1 way^.fries liers with the earuche, perhaps a stiff neck, or one of the kiddtes cougKiug wtth a bad chest cold. Nothing can give quicker results. ; than vigorous rubbing with this old-time faintly rmedy. NVrvillne Is too useful, too valuable to b without. For Inmbago, lane back, BClatica or neuralgia there la no Hulm*Bt with half of Nerriline's pow- er to penetrate and case the paht As a family- safKvard, as some- thing to ward of sickneee ami to euro the minor ills that will occur fa Y- ery family, to cure pain anywhere, you can' find nothing to compare \vi(h old-time Nertttjna;' nMch for forty years has be>n tln> must widely used family -;<Sftmedy 1n the. Dominion. The most economical sf?o Is tile large KOc. ' , .. ,, e, I Only fell five Stones. Mlnard** Liniment Cure* Garget In family !ze bottle, small Vial s'Ize 2Sc. All dedjttrrs Serf N^rvHne. - __ l to th<> Enjergeocy . Her^J?atbftr--Yonir man, I shwt up tii iiouse at at 10.80: To R>t:-tJif icpnnln*. call for ft^! nkm, BRQSIO <*tIII^TNW. f. JB. PLANTS. A Freiioh Hort < (Miltiri't : UiS! Ob- tained Excellent UcMilt.s. Forcing plants by *Be Tap*r of jsther seems' to have, prorefr ene of the- moat successful pipftv<:<ls yot tried. A Fie^och. horlicultutist, G. Buhel, bo* experimented witii et-her as it, means of obtaining erl.v strwberrit*,. and. repoirta berrius of the bowels is a a abnol u te tty for good health. Uoto* Un wte natter from tha food wbkk Coltecu there i go* Hd of at U Dr. Mor' Root PI1U Eve K. K C*.. Chica Sn-,iply ;iuil < .I;M. ity. The Teacher (a* a sch<x>l treat) What's tli matter with Horace, 51 rs. Jones 1 Is he ill ! Sirs. Jones Oh no, Mis-s. 'E ain't exactly ill, but no atummick cau stand niue bans. Canadian Hair Restorer Before and After thing. ! Rf stores Grvy Hair to original color. Two . MKfrmnaame botik, heir of oue beconwe otvck, clearer, my heart jpurse heavier. Mlnard-* Curti ^^ _^^ .... Ciiraialisii'lo Di^a-.^. l-foduct-i NfwGrovrth. ^r. Out.hrie id : -'-I . am in Rood S.uf.ctioa .aarant^orrnono- tack. .pm^b-rau*-! ,*.,,,, sp.nt,. 1 ^**tt'ZS?~'~ i am ha.e because T take no le. Mv D Rt$lor , rCo ., WINDSOR. OUT. re**on-s for l>eii); an ' abstainer nrr My health is stronger, my heatl:'* 'jgtacr, aui niyl t . A banker WM in .-the habit of. wcariog- hi iva-t a good leal during buine hours, as in Eiimmer the fli.- weed nfe KaW pat* for a PMM*P irovrod, and in winter tlie breezes swept over ft^-pii-lieht. . face. A Begw wM'krnUu on the rail'-. 'road e*<* week presented a cheque and drew his wages, and on day, as fie J>iH his 'mon?y' in ' greftsy .wallet, 'tite banker ^aad : "L<v>k of that iivmoy stay in tlie bank aiul k,e*p ap ac^ouat W;*Uv u.}" The n.- looked -tewafd luni, aul \yitJi * Be Safe! uy chanof __ Fa(kUut.(.ui\ i i^ivite.bnuy grow*hit,w4Unfi r JUid of |IM.IW*. Uw tto* <iWro taMtf ruDod/-> KENDALL'S Spavin Cure '! lui*bffnutlt\v hortemcn, vtri- nununs aaa fann- ers lor. 35 yeui * unit It hufl pruvcU KD. 7. banki- ; ti*lt> : " *ar<f. Bkkenlikr, Allii., Jan, 29, J9IJ. ^'1 hftve been nsftlg Ker.tTatl't S|wln Car*. fnT^jtoea many \<*r x-ith guoil result*. In fmf. lam nrvei'iiUoHliL. ' . It Ituicoip. %1 i 'ott> -ii i -r |.\ at drninrll~ or vrite Tm- TvcaUJD Ike noiM>-f^- - Dr. B, J. KEND AU COMPANY n3teJHt *v .,: v

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