Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1914, p. 2

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EXPORTS SHOW INCREASE Canada's Domestic Produc2 Shipments Advanced Over Twenty-eight Per Cent, 'A despatch fiMin Ottawa says: During the nine-months' period ending Dec. 31, 1013, the total trade of Canada showed an advance of 10 firr cent, upon the trade of the corresponding period of the year liefore.. According to the figures isKued by the Department of Cus- toms Friday, the total trade, ex- chiding exports of foreign products ar.o imports other than those of domestic consumption, from April 1 to Dec. 31, 1913, was 8857,856,- 893, as against $779,587,058 in 1912, the increase being $78,269,835. The great increase was in ex- ports. During 1913 the total exports were $388,707,375, as against $307,- 525,768. Of the exports, $359,115,- 658 were of domestic produce, as against $278,652,157, the increase thus being $80,463,501, or over 28 per cent. Imports entered for consumption showed a slight decrease, standing nt 8498,741,512, as against $500,- 034,901 1n 1912. Dutiable goods showed a drop of nearly 83,000,000, from $326,417,953 in 1912 to $323,- 434,277 in 1913. Free goods, on the other hand, increased by nearly 81,000,000, from $174,516,948 to $175,307,235. PRO OF FARM PR3DUCIS IEPORT4 PROM THI LEAOINO TRAD! CENTRES Or AMERICA. frlcci or Cattlt, Cram, Ghent ana OlhW frtduc* it Hamt and Abroad Brtadituffs. Toronto. Jan. Z7. - Flour Onario n-heat Dour. 90 per cut., $3.65. Aboard, and at $5.iO, Toronto. Manitoba* v irtl patents. in ju-.o bagw. $5 JO; do., second*. 84.80; M-unc bakers', in jute bag. $4.60. Manitoba wheat Lake porta. No. 1 Northirn. 95 1-Zc. and No. 2. M J-4c. track, (i.xler'ch. All rail. So. 1 Northern, fl: No. I. 98 l-3o. Ontario wheat- Prirm of No. 1 are 86 to 87c. outside, and 91 to 92o on track. Toronto. Oat* No. 2 Ontario oaU. 34 1-2 to J5c. OUUida, and at 38 to 58 l-2c. on track, To- ronto. Wcatern Canada oaM, 40 l-2o for No. 2. Mid at JOr for No. 3. Bay porta. fl U) $1.05. ,, :i, ..!, Barley Good malting; barley, 54 to Sic. outaidi-. Corn New No. 2 Ajnerlc-ftn. 71 l-3c. all rail. Toronto. Rre No. Z at 63 to l-2o. outBid*. Buckwheat -No. 2 at 73 to 75c, outoid. Bran Manitoba br.-in. 122 to 122.50 a ton. In bug*. Toronto freight. Shorts. $24 to 124.50. Toronto. Country Produce. T litter -Choice dairy. 23 to Me: inferior. !C n 2!c: fartnerg' neparator print*. 24 to 26c. creamory printn. 30 to 31c; aolida. 27 tc 29o: torag-4 print*. 27 to Me; iolidi. 26 to 26 l-2c. Eggs Caie lotn of nrw-laid, 40 to 42c per dou-n ; select*. 36 to 37c. and U>raf, 34 to 35' per dozen. chene-'New chetw. 14 12 to 14 3-4o for largi>. and ISo for twin* Heaiifl Hand-picked. S2.9 to $2.26 per b>:~hfl: prime*. 12.10. Ilnnry KxtractPtl. in tln. 11 to 12c per Ib. for No. 1; comhii, tl to $3.25 per doien for No. 1. and $2.40 to $2.50 for No. I. rmillry Fowl. 11 to 12r per Ib. : chirk- eon. 16 to 17.-; duck*. 13 to 15c; feme. 14 to lie; turkey*. 19 to 22c. PotMoen Ontario. 80c per bf. on track, and DIawarr at 80 to 85c, oti track. In car loti. Provisions. Bacon Lone 15 to 16c per Ib.. In r -ir lot*. Pork Short rut, $28.50: do.. mi*. 124.50. Hams Medium to li*ht. IB 1-2 to IV: heavy. 171-2 to 18c; roll*. 15 to 16 l-2c: breakfatt bacon. 18 to We; back", 22 to 24c. T.-.T.! Tiercf*. 14 l-4c ; ml*. H1.2c; pailn, 34c. Baled Hay and Straw. Bilcd hay No 1 at $14.50 to $15 a ton. on trick lure; Vo J <nm'i*d at $13 to $13.50, and milted at $12 to $12.50. Bal.H triw Car lot*. $850 to $8.75. on tr<-k. Toronto. Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg-. Jan. 27. rh WhealNo 1. Northern, 85 l-4c; No. 2 Northern. 83 l-2c: No J Northern. 81 Me: No. 4, 76c ; No. 5. TOr: No. 6. 65c; food. 60.-: No. 1 rejected !, 80 1-2.-; No. 2 rejected *-d*. 78 l-2c; No 3 rejected seed*. Vic; No 1 -nmitv. 80 1 2c: No. 2 cmutty. 78 1-&-; No 3 smut- ty. 76c; No. 1 red Winter. 851-4c; No. 2 red Winter. 83 l-2c; No. 3 red Winter. 81 1 4c. 0,t No. 2 i:.W., 3238<-: No. 3 C.W., 31 l-2c; eitra No. I feed. 31 3-V ; No. 1 tt^. 31 l-4c: No. 2 feed. 30 l-2o. Birley No 3. 41 l-4c; No. 4, 40r ; rejected, 38c; feed. 37 1-Jc. Flax -No. 1 N W ('.. $1.27; No 2 f.W.. $1.24; No. i C.W.. $1.11. Montreal Markets. Montreal, Jan. 27. Corn- American No 2 yellow, 73c O&ta Canadian Western. No. 2. 42c; do.. No. 3, 4U'; extra No. 1 feed. 39 l-2c. Barley Manitoba fwd. 48 to 50o; malting. 64 to 66c. Buckwheat No. 2. M to 57c. Flour Manitoba Spri'jg whejt pat- ente. Orate. $5.40; do.. seconds, $*>.%; etrong baker*'. $70; Winter patents, choice. $4.75 to $5: straight rollers, $4.50 to $4.60; do., in b.'tjx. $2 to *". t;i Rolled ,><- -Bar- rels. 4.40 U, $4.50; bag of 90 Iba.. t^.-O to $2.!2 1-2. Millfeed Brnn. JS: lu-rt *24: mlddlinirn. *26 o $27; mouillie. $28 to . Hay- No. 2. ppr ton. car low. $14 to SM.50 Cheeee- Kinoet weoternp. 137-8 i !< do easterns. 13 14 to 13 3-4c. Buttor fhoVst creamery. 28 1-J to 29c ; Beconds. 26 1-2 to 27o. Knv-Fnah, 42 to 4ic; greeted. 35c; No. 1 tock, 30c; No. 2. do.. 26o. Potatoes -Per bag. cur loU, 75 to 80c. United States Markets. Minneapolis, Jan. 27. Whent -- May. 87 3-4 to 87 7-8c bid ; J uly. 89 3-8 to 89 l-2c bid. C'aeh No. 1 hard. 89 7-8c; No. 1 North, ern. 86 3-8 to 88 7-8c ; No. 2. do.. 83 7-8 to 85 7-8c: No. 3 wheat. 81 78 to 83 7-8c. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 66 1-2 to 57c. OaU-No. 3 white. 35 3-4 to 36o. Flour Fancy patent!. $4.55: Ornt clear*. $3.35; eecoud clears, $2.50. Bran, $22. Duluth. Jan. 27. Wheat- -No. 1 hard. 71-4c; No. 1 NortlMU-n. 861-4c; fo. 2, do.. 84 !-4c; Montana No. 2 hard. 841-4 to 84 3-4c ; May. 88 1-4 to 88 3-Gc ; .) ,iJy. 89 3-4c. Mnaeed $1.505-8; January. $1. -19 1-8; May. Live Stock Markets. Toronto. Jan. 27. --Butcher*' cattle Good to choice eteere from $7.75 to $8.50; medi- um. $7 to $7.25, and common. $5.75 to $675. Heifers Good to choice. $7.75 to $8.25; medium to good. $6.50 to $7.75. Butcher eowa and bulls -Butcher bull*, choice. ranged from $6.75 to $7.50; good from $6.25 to $6.75; and medium from $5.75 to $6.25. while common brought $4.75 to $5.76. But- chers' choice cows ranged from $650 to $7.25; good from $6 to $6.50; mexlium from $5.50 to $6; common from $4.75 to $5.50; outtere from $4.25 to $4.75; and canneri from $3.75 to $4.25. Htockem arid feeder*. - Good Btockeri!. $6.50 to 7; feedero, $6.75 to $7.50. Milken) and HpringerH eold at $60 to $103 each for good olteringH. Calves Best calve* brought $9.50 to $11; medium from $7 to $950; common from $5 to $6. Sheep and lamba- Iiia'ht iheep ewe* rang- ed from $6.25 to $6.75: heavy dherp and buck* from $5.25 to $6.26: culU from $2.50 to $5; i nut* brought from $9 to $9.50, buck* off. Hwine Hogg went at $8.65 to $8.85 on board ran* at country point*. $9 to $9.20 fed and watered, and at $9.25 off cans. Montreal, Jan. 27.- Eitra choice te/era. $9.75; choice butchers' eteers. $8.25 to $8.50; do., extra good. $775 to $8; do., good. $7.25 to $7.50; do., fair. $6.75 to $7; buu-herc bullouke. good, $7 to $7.25; do., poor to medium, $4 to $6.75: butcher cow*, good. $6.75 to $7; do., fair. $6.25 to $650; do.. medium. $5.75 to $6; do., common, $5.25 to $550; do., poor. $4.50 to $5: xheep. $5.25 to $5.35; lambH, per cwt . $a to $825: hog. leleetii, eastern*, $9.75; do., owe, $7.75; do.. fttagn. $5 to $5.50; do., wentern*. per cwt.. $9.35 to $9.50; calvee, according to - r>- and quality. $3 to $15. Mail service by Atlantic steamers will very Hhortly be improved, the Postmaster-General announced. Fire which gutted the Canadien Athletic Club gymnasium at Mont- real, resulted in $100,000 property loss. Twenty six new detachments of the Royal Northwest Mounted Po- lice were added to the force last vear. CONFESSION OF CONSTABLE Personally Gave Rope and Revolver to Murderer to Aid His Escape From Prison A despalx-h from Winnipeg says: ( nstablo Hobert Reid, of the city luree, one of the. two officers guard- ing John Krafchcnko wlirn he es- cnpt'd, made, a full confession on Wednesday before the Royal Com- mi'-Hion, and implicated Percy Ha- Rel, tlio lawyer, John Btixton and John Westlake. Constable Flow- ern, bis fellow gunrd, he clears of all suspicion. R'i<) hud formerly withstood a ievn-hour grueling be- fore the commission which seeming ly Imd justified him, but he com- pletely rev*i'Hodt his 'sworn state merit*, In the witness liox Reul told how Iw personally Imd g,i\en the r. ipi-, key and revolver to Krafchrnko two days i>eforn tho escape, while the back of flowers, tlm other ... .i"i|. mi.-, turned. The loosened bars in the window, he said, had been tampered with while Ryan, the, day guard, was asleep in the cell. The constable stated further that all the arrangements for the escape were made in the office of Percy Hagel, Krafchpnko's coun- sel, where Krafchenko had went him to see Hagel. He said he did not know what had induced him (Reid) to he!]) Krafchenko. Thixton had given the gun to Reid in Hagel's office, and the number had been filed off in Hagol's presence. Ha gel had told him that Wefctlake, who was to hide Krnfchenko after his escape, could be trusted to do sti without "squealing." Hngel, he ,'iscl. I, .1.1 gone to Plum Coulee to gvt $-100 (<_ handle the case. He did not know whether he got it or itot. r _L_ ^ Swollen Hands and Feet I ^j ^ ** I feet soc. a box ; 6 for $1.50. Sainplr tree if you mention thi) paper. ^NATIONAL DRUG AND CIEWCAL ( o., OF CANADA LIMITED. mean Kidney TronbJe. I.iuinientaand bjpod purifiers are usrles*. \\'hat you tn n -.t do ii to cuic tli- kitluryg. Take GIN PILLS Ciln Pilla act ilirrrtly on these vi'al organx correctall dlseaie neutralise uncaciil- pm ify the blood relievethe VKIM anil reduce iwrlHngin handiaud At ail dralera or Dent on rrctipt of price. Ill TORONTO. THK LATE LOBD STRATHtONA. STRATHCONA WAS WEALTHY Estimated that the Late Hi'.Hi Commissioner's Holdings Was About $80,000,000 A despatch from Quebec says : The death of Lord Strathcona will have a material effect on the reve- nue of the province for the current year. It is understood that the inimenfe holdings of the late Hi^h Commissioner will fall under the succession law of Quebec, and cal- culations arc easily made that the revenue from the estate will amount up to millions of dollars. It is said it was anticipated that the value cf the holdings was aljo'it $80,000.000. and, if so, the .succes- sion dues at eight per cent, would amount to 86. 100.000. This amount will very likciy be modified when the value of the estate in Quebec is known, as this very point has arisen over the judgment of the Privy Council in the Cotton case. At all events, the province is expecting to bem-fit to the extent of several mil- lions by the decease of Lord Strath- cona. Stop Sneezing. Quit Sniffeling, Cure Your Cold The Soothing Vapora of Catarrho- zone Bring Inatantaneoua Relief. Thousands of Tet imonials prove that Catarrhozoar cures permanently. When germs attack the lining of the nose, make you sneeze and gag, when later on thoy Infest the bronchial tubes,- how can you follow them with a cough gyrup? You can't do It that's all. Cough BJTUPB go to the stomach that's why they fall. But Catarrhozene goes everywhere --gets rlRht after the germs kills thenv-heuls the soreness -cures the Inflammation makes Catarrh disap- pear. "Nothing I have ever used gives the warm. Moothlng sensation of Catarrho- zone," writes Isabel Kry, of Seguln Kails, Ont. "I was In a frightful way with catarrh of the nose and throat > had droppings, hard breathing, bad breath and Indigestion. Catarrhozone relieved at once and cured me thor- oughly. U la Invaluable In colds, sore throat and bronchial trouble." Not difficult, for Catarrhozone to cure, be- cause It contains the essences of pine balxums and other antttiepUcs that simply moan death to catarrh. Large size costs $1.00, and contains two months treatment; smaller sizes 25c., and "Hi-, all druggists and store- keepers or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. (OLD WKATHEH IN FRANCE. Slill From Ten lo Twenty Degrees of Frost. A despatch from Paris says : The extraordinary cold experienced here during the past four weeks, and which atill shows no signs of nliiitiiig, has caused the prices of f<>.<itl in I'nris to rise from fifty to six hundred per cent, above the ordinary. Potatoes bring nearly double their unual price, while fresh vegetables cost from four to six times their regular prices. The old inhabitants recall the wioge prices. Rnihvay communications have been interrupted by snow, it being from two to four feet deep in some places. In central and southern France the temperature ranges from 10 to 20 degrees below freex.- ing, Fahrenheit. .SI-'K.llnlUMIU SIMM'. Annii.'tl Itepoii of 'lYunscontinental Itnilwuy Commission. A .1 .-p;ii.'li from Ottawa says: The annual report of the Transcon- tinental Railway Commission, b'rouftht down 'in' the House on Tliuoday, shown a total expendi- ture of l^C,000,000. The amount ipent !ik-t year wan $14,000,000, us againM $i!(),000,000 the year before. The New Brunswick section waa un- der operation during the year, and produced a revenue of $1)2, 000. The cost <.f operation of this section \va *::.;. MOO. FATAL ACCIDENT AT COBALT. Cobalt Lake Mining Company'* Foreman Killed. A despatch from Cobalt says: William E. Janes, 40, was instantly killed here by a falling derrick striking him on the head. Janes was the foreman employed by the Cobalt Lake Mining Company to superintend the work of deepening the rock cut, through which the water from the lake is to flow when the draining is commenced. The accident was caused by one of the guy ropes giving away. Janes- was a native of Newfoundland. He leaves a wife, who is at present on a visit to Nova Scotia. NO SIGN OF FOIL PLAY. Man Found Frozen (o Death Near Lumber Camp. A despatch from Port Arthur says : Apparently overcome by a fit while walking from the Russell Company's camp at Pearl to the station, William Lownsborough, aged thirty-one, was found frozen to death on Thursday. The body was lying undisturbed, with no signs of foul play. FRIENDLY TIP. Restored Hope and Confidence. After several years of indigestion <ind its attendant evil influence on the mind, it is not very surprising that one finally loses faith in things generally. An Eastern woman writes an in- teresting letter. She says : "Three years ago I suffered from an attack of peritonitis which left me in a most miserable condition. For over two years I suffered from nervousness, weak heart, shortness of breath, could not sleep, etc. "My appetite was ravenous but 1 felt starved all the time. I had plenty of food but it did not Reem to help. I got discouraged, stopped medicine and did not care much whether I lived or died. "One day a friend asked me why I didn't try Grape-Nuts food, stop drinking coffee and use 1'ostum. I had lost faith in everything, but to please my friend I began to use both, and. soon became very fond of them. ''It wa-sn't very long before I got some strength, felt a decided change in my system, hope sprang up in my heart and slowly but surely I got better. I could sleep very well, the constant craving for food ceased and I have better health now than before the. attack of peritonitis. "My husband and I are still using Grape-Nuts and Postum." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor. Ont. Head, "The Road to Wellville," in pkga. "There's a Reason." ALLOW ME TO PRESENT MY BEST FRIEND . IN BUYING YEAST CAKES BE CAREFUL TO SPECIFY E.W.GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. ROYAL YKASr CAKES DECLINE SUBSTITUTES. CANADA'S DEBT TO BRITAIN : A Trade Balance in the Mother Country's Favor- of 72,000,000 A despatch from London says: Sir Edward Holden, the famous banking authority, made an impor- tant speech on Thursday on inter- national finance and currency. Af- ter dealing with the position of France Sir Edward referred at some length to Canada, the United States, and India. Canada, he said, has borrowed from London during the last three years about 120,000,000. During 1913 she borrowed about 4-1,000,- 000. Her imports during 1913 amounted to about 137,000,000 sterling, and the interest which she has to pay in respect to the money borrowed approximates at least 15,000,000. Her exports for the [year amounted to about 80,000,- JOOO, therefore after paying for her. i imports with her exports she had to j provide the sum of about 7-2,000,- ! 000. As her borrowings in this mar- ket have amounted to about 44, - 000,000, the balance of her indebt- , edness for which provision has been, made amounts to about 28,000.000 ' sterling. Judging from these facts it would appear, in Sir Edward's opinion, to be obviously the duty ot Canada to go slowly, spend less and borrow less, but it would be a mis- taken policy for investors in this country to butt-on up their pockets .against further Canadian loans, so long as the securities are of a first- class character. TWO MKN SHOT IN CHICAGO. The Italian Quarter in That City I * a Bad IMaoo. A despatch from Chicago says : A feud in the. Italian quarter on the North Side claimed two more lives on Thursday night. While the [>olice were searching for the assas- sins of Joseph Portuguese, who was shot down at Milton Avenue and i Hobbie Street, they were startled by two gunshot wounds. Hurrying to the corner, they found R. De- penza, proprietor of a small bank, dying ot almost the same spot where Portuguese was slain Dur- ing the last two years eleven mur- ders have been committed in the block. Safe and Sound! >~ew Issue! 5% BONDS (5 85 and Interest, or, $850 and Interest per $1,000 Bond. Municipality of Esquimau, B.C. (Adjoininf Victoria) British Naval Base on the Pacific. Write or Wire EASTERN SECURITIES CO. LIMITED 157 St. Jamee St.. MONTREAL. P.Q SERIOIS STRIKE IN LONDON. 10,000 Coal Porters Out and No Fuel Being Delivered. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: Ten thousand coal porters in London went on strike for higher pay on Wednesday. Practically no coal was delivered in the city, which is in the midst of the longest and worst cold snap of I many years. It will take only a couple of days to cause great mis- ery in thousands of homes where coal is bought daily, only a bucket- ful at a time. Porters who are paid 18 cents a ton for handling coal, are demanding an increase of two cents a ton and other concessions, which it is estimated, will practi- cally raise the pay seven cents more. AGRICTLTl'RAL COLLEGE. Attendance at the Institution This Winter Is 888. A despatch from Guelph says : The attendance at the Ontario Ag- ricultural College and Maedonafd Institute is now 886, divided as fol- lows: Macdonald Institute (regu- lar course), 140; O. A. College (regular course), 430. Short courses Stock and seed judging, 135; be>e- ke-eping. 77; poultry, 38; dairying, 51 ; mutual training and special subjects, 13 *- NITROGEN FROM AIR. Concession Granted by (he New- foundland Government. A despatch from St. John's, Nfld., says: The extraction of ni- trogen from the atmosphere on a large scale for use as fertilizer is the purpose of a concession just granted by the Colonial Govern- ment for the employment of Grand Falls in Labrador. The plans call for the development of one million horse-power from the falls to gen- erate electricity. UtUr? A nw on* r,ppr from tiiu* to time. Thy r inuln, true, and (nil of fcwnaa Wanted. Wanted Twelve well-educated, conscientious young women as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by graduation. Unusual variety of experience. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed. Finest con- tagions disease building in the State. Children's Ward and Ma- ternity Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Address Miss Frederika K. Qaiserj Principal. L White Vaseline Is the purest ^ nd best ointment for til, family uses. Keeps ^ tkin oft and smooth. rSore throat, cold In chest,^ ' toothache, etc., ia quickly' relieved by Capsicum Vaa> ' eline. Apply externally. On scratches or sores apply Car- bolated Vasel- ine. The simplest, safest antiseptic dressing you can find. Nothing like Cam-, phor Ice for chapped hands, cracked lips, etc. Just what the outdoor man or girl needs. Ever suffer from nervous headaches? Rub. in Men. tholated Vaseline. The relief ia magical. Borated Vaseline soothing and antiseptic spec* ially good for nasal catarrh. OUT "Vaseline ' booklet ia full of in- teresting " home hinti " ana ; practical information. Fret, [ post-paid, Write to-day. Druggists everywhere Oil " Vaseline,'^ made only by the uao CMW AVWMM.

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