BEST YEAST IN THE WORLD. DECLINE THE NUMEROUS INFERIOR IMITATIONS THAT ARE BEING OFFERED f AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS AT ALL EXPOSITIONS' tE.W. GIULCTT COMPANY LIMITED. WINNIPEG TORONTO ONT. MONTREAL WINNERS AT GUELPH FAIR Grand Sweepstake* for Cattle Carried Off by Red Paul, Exhibited by Adam Armstrong, Fergus OF nm n A denpatch from Quelph says: [all first prizes. In Tamworths, both Tho gra:-d sweepstakes for cattle at championships went to U. Douglas the Winter Fair wa won by Red , T SoI . Mitchell . . . , , .. In ( hester Whites the Paul, a tw4>.ye.r-oM grade heifer barfow wfls ghown fcy ampion by Adam Armstrong, Per- Courcy, Bornholm, and the. c-ha-m- rnn-i I*. (.EAOINO TRAOI CENTKki Of AMkH.JA. fritct l r.imri, Grim, Chett* ana oin i0un at Horn* and AL,ro* roadtlufli. Toronto. Deo. 16. yiuiir -Ontario wheat flour, su Dr oent.. 9J.60 lo J.-J. geabourU, Bnti at $,1.1)0. Toronto. Mu.a.tobai f'-rul Dktiit. In jute IMUC*. $6-wi do . eoqndi, K.IW, BtrouifHuki-rfr . In J .U> baas. $4.60. ftlarltobti wlirui :.u. 1 Northern. 93 to 9V. ;] tr ifk, l.i.v oortl. und No. 2 m VI u> r u.. Ontario w]>t No. 2 wheat at 84 to B><-. outeulo. U: No. Z^OnUr'.o oat*. H 1-2 to J*>. ouUiHIo. nrd*Rt i7 ;-2 to :8o, 0:1 irack. I* ronto. Wwtrii (.Vnada o.d ..i.u. 41o for No. 2. and 39 J-Sc for No. 3, Luy uortii. l'i-.i 41 10 $1.06, ouKldo. bfirioy-- <lood initlunK burlev, 55 to '->^'< OUUIHIU. Lorn - New No. 3 Amtir!cuu ! nuoU'd at 7? l-2o. all rail. Toron.u. Kvr- No. 2 ut 67 Ui 6&-, ou:*ide. Ituckntiobt 70o. ouUiuo. \viln none of- forme. 1.1 .1 \ .m . c bran, 21 .. t-'ii, in bagi. Toronto Hliorm. $i2. Toronto. Country Prpriuo*. flutter -Cliolw dairy li <o 2V; inferior. 23 to 21ci farinrne' <ti!na:atxir i)r!nt. 21 to 2i . r.-.ur.rv nrliilf. 2/ lu i8c : do.. BollJ-i, 26 lo 2* l-2u. LKEM- ( arc loin of iKV.v-V.d. 47 tn 50o per <!><. i Rltvtii. .'3 to <&. ami itoraire, 32 Vu J6c t,--r duirn. M,.-**.. Now .n. >.-.". 14 1-2 to 14 ',4.- for lai-ffp. and 15u for twliii Hi-am- HiiiKl-ii'vltvii. *S 20 to V2.2.1 per btuhcl : primwi. $2 to 2 !0. Poultry Fowl. 11 to lie t*r lb.i oiii.'k- 'I.- 13 to ]'.': diK-ks. 12 to 1-k'i -:. 11 to Uei 18 to 21c. I 1 " 1 ii' - OntnrloK. 80 to 8-- i rr bae. n truck, aid Dtlanarte at 90c\ GODERICH HAHBOR. WHICH MAY BE RECONSTRUCTED. Tb/e la to great storm has emphasized the necessity of a more extensive harbor of refuge on Lake Huron. ' gti*. This h smaller and ligl Champion, tho animaJ which car- Tho poultry show has never riod off tho championship at the been equalled in Ontario for Toronto Fat Stock Show. The quality. Baldwin silver cup for wine department never wa bigger best female in the show Buff (. 'o- chin, ownd by Holmhurst Poultry Farm, Whitby. Russell silver cup for best, male, in show Barred Plymouth Rock coek- erel owned by John Pringle, Lon- don. Zenoleum trophy for best bird in show Buff Cochin owned by Holm hurst Poultry Farm, Whitby. Be?t cock in how Bronze tur key owned by W. H. lleattie, Wil- Provision!. Bacon --linn* lonr. 13c nor lb.. In c-'fe )ot Pork Hhurt <-ut. IS8.bO; <lo . uiow. J24.50. Haras t'ccliuui Ui light. 19 1-2 to 151-2 lo S6c: bre.ik- 22 U> 24c * < t 1 *tr 11 **r > I tAJV ' m'l*V. 13V | ro.iH. l-J I'i, l/C eifer, although much pion sow by W. E. \\right of Glan- rt i>coii. 19 u> zoc: bai-k*. light.'r. heat out Eoan worth. 14 ^ d ^. " ^- "" or bolter than this year. All the classes were woll filled with the best that could be bred in the pro- vincn. The olianipionship for tlie best pair of bacon hogs at the t<how we?'t to J. E. Br^tliour and nephew of Burford, t)io noted breeders of Yorkshire*. Brethour and nephow annexed also the silver cup for the and gen- best pen of three bacon hojrs, won many flrat prizi-B !! tho em) classes. They t<xik firsts for 9Orniuna barrow, nix months and under nine, and for Yorkshire KOW undiT six months. Joseph Featlier- txue, k Ron, Streelsvilln, stopped to Ih.r lop in the, classes for York- hiro barrow undor hix months, and for sow nine months and under 15. Bretlmur and nephew had the champion. Yorkshire barrow, and Fe.iMierstone A: Son had tho chajn- pi<'ii Yoik.}iire sow. The best Berk- hire barrow wa* shown by P. J. McKwon, Wyoming, and the best ow by Adam Thompson, .Shakes- peare, and thi-M- breeders divided B-ii-.i Hay anj Straw. Bait*! liar No. 1 at Si4.5(, \n t'5 a ton. on track bore: No. 2 at HJ to $13.50. and tuix. -I ui. " to $12.50. I!a!fd n;rvf Cur lot, $8.50 to $875. track. Toronto. THE NEWS I IIAIT.MNGS IHOU AI,L OVER 1111 '.KM: i. IN A NUTSHELL. Cunada, (ho Empire ami tlie Worlil lu (ioncrnl Before Your Ilyoi. Canada. A oo-opeivitu-e market bra.nch haa been wddcd to the Department of on Agriculture. The attend.-ince Wiiin!ix>jt. Winnipeg Grain. Urv. 16 <"ah: M : tt- No. 2 Nnrt at the Winter Fair t (Juelph for the four days Wheat- No. totalled 41,000. ton Qrov*. Best pullet in the show While Orpington owned by 1'etrio k Christie, Mount Hamilton. Great interest was takon in the seed exhibit at the show, and it was with great eagerness that tho farm- ers purchased the various seeds when they were, offered for sale- by auction 1 Northern, No. 3 Nortl . . _, . _. 3<-<nJ, 76 l-2c;"N.i. 2 rej<vtod *""<!. 74 i-vl ; ing a . -Jinn if to obtain militia offi No. 1 emutty. 76 !-2c; N<i. J mutty. WI-Sj] No: 1 red Whiter. Mo; No. 2 re.i Winter. ] 81 J-8U; No. J red Winter. 7 5-8c. Oats I No. 2 C. W., M J-c: No. J (! W . JZc: eitra ' No. 1 feed. 321-&-: No. 1 feed, Jlc; No. J tftA. V) 3-4<:. BarleT. No. 4. W l-8u; rejocl- Bit. 37 l-3c; feed, J7o. Klin So. 1 N.-W.c.. 11.20 1-2; No 2 C. W.. $1.18 1-2. Mo Montreal Markilt. ntreal, Duo. 16. Torn. American No. ll.ivr. 80 to I' l-2v. Oa:. Cunadimi rrn. No. 2. 41 1-2 lo 4Zo : Canadian , i i j' Wetrn. No. J. 40 1-8 to 4!c. Karley. Man. , COnipletKU, including cers f rt in the universities. Toronto police officials will leg s'ati< n to prevent newspapers from publishing nwi ig information. The total cash value of tho sal- mon caught in British Columbia waters this year wait $7, 019, 745. 7ft. Beil!n waterworks extensions ar ftn on , Great Railway Building. u;fli probably prophetic. Th radiut hie e^prlment:ng -thus far hao n t, . ex, <. di'il of'O milcfl. he 1.1 y j. But. h > ru- , * ^ - no limit to ivh&t may be !* <i ^ .1. .1 freely predate tlut Now York w 11* yet b; ab!e to talk with London v..tliout wirnt. When thut tim comes, thir.k h. n. ,i. ! greater tliau over will [ tbe need ' ut . umvereal Did y)'.: ever pausti to a*k youruel? why there are to many dialect* and tongufrtP * S.tco thjt <I:m time of Babel thi c-on- !i;x.<>n ha* multiplied, until to-day - the . tho liniiicial p- t:on . It soumli. very speech of the people viries not only in ey to do all llu flaar.c.ij oariier to different counmeu. bat a!o in d.tterent that wheu thr < no morey bjsi='i P rl ot lh 6 m >uutry. and >'> from docs not uffr. Kut It ie i-oally very dif- <''" l< > *'ty. nd frrn > ri1 a r d- J f.cuit and neod not only Mcelteni credit, of law thero haa com* to paB a new tea- , but careful preparation Abovo all it 4W. which in again brlngiaj the speech of the people to a common denominator. H ie the work of the . :.-..m e igino. tha ' tivt'orrajjh ami the telephone. With intcrmta ateadily converging, with , Thoro lu otntb!ng wDrderfully drama- !io about tba t.^ud u deT!osu t work the Canadian P*. iflo Hail* ay wi 1 carry oa during the coming year. la clear or fo.l financial weuthcr money pour, out for furtlwr iniui-ovrt.-ueata. It Show, the fuith of it* heads In tho future of Canada and ho* strong aa<i heJtny Imagination sufficient to .ook far aho.-d :u:<J allow for tu.ure davfjo^intn.. Imagination la of uiuoh grauter ijiport- anco than pwiple generally cred.t. In some way or other ii ha becomo mixod travel multiplying. wi.h the white w.nga up with dream. Tho ima/i:iativj mun of <-oinmoro* visiting every ghora. with In called unpractical and a dreamer. Thon -'ivi liation weaving all mankind into the , when it in tvon that lai.- ginatioi: trained woof of a human brotherhood, apeoch. in a practical ich<^)l eroivea eonw-thiug too. begin* ow.-e more to seek a l.irguvge of real valuo everybody wo^dr why it which all can comprehend. It may be left wag nevr thought of before. Tho fact to a Marconi to remove the eurae which, that the Canadian PaoUV U goiag on with at Babel, cwpt the (on* of men gihboring tliin devulopment during the coming y^ar Into the wilderness. For u uurt-lv ia a ho the imagination which WM brouxht CHMO jo^hear^your brother speak a.nd not luto play two or thre* y. arn ago. In f Jet the executive headu o' t!:,... gr-'ai'- roadti u rti almont ob iged to bs looking and llvlnc months ahuad of anyone ela:'. On t.h<>lr ability to formes d/pend t'u^r Cr.ntin. to underatand. A Douahty Oriental. G-n<-ral Chi Kuang Lung, governor of >ni> to be exi-erianclng an in- :i i--.' , :nr time. For the m-.-.>r-,l time with- in a fortnight ho hag ftcaned actitaciiina- trid to nOMMi To create conditions for the benefit of thoir road*, to alw;iy keep a little ahead | tlm. Thin time tbe ot their rival*, to spend moiiey at the plungn a knife luto the g*>ner;i!' he:irt right titi:f and liuvc it wheu l! i var<e but micged aiid merely woundad the gen- it'* a great gome, but It wantH fine ]>1 >y- ' ing. Tha w ay in which tho Canadian P.i- goe right on with its work U a flne four of hin ituardti merely becau he fcar- eral'a hand. The however, uiadu much bettor u* of his time. He killed feed. 4t to Ho uialtliix .M 67,- wheat. No. 2, 64 to 57o. Flour. Man. Ho. .. . . ratenl*. nr'.i.. $'.'0; ie*-oiids. MM; in nt - !.. $4.64): ttraiicht rollrrb. ban. t2 to I2.i'j. : wait Huck- foiiorete staoaJpipo ou tha conti- prl:-g . ion w f ohe;w, fetorie 3 by distrtet dmry in- , -, - , _ - ,i , . I iidvertlseraerit for CaimoU. It proves that d their trc.ichery. It seeniM bad to tll largest however severely Canaula li criticljed nt governor of Canton bat mach worse y were oere or sa^ y wlb. moomiT r.,.l ction. Seed prrain brought uood i ?. h " rt ?: * a jj" *?; Ml' 1 *"' 111 ? 1 ' l15 to * ;6 - , B . |Moiiiili $27 lo Ml Hay. No. 2. per ln <x>, oatu of tlie Llneoln variety ear lot*. 114 to $16 i-hrme. flnwt we*t- , T %r'.V%>T,.!''l": ! strut-tors t a meeting in Morris- ' l15 to * ;6 - prices, selling for as high aa 84.10 for a if ii* mi I *" *""* **' *" *""*' jiitv*. vni'ivcvi VIVA-II bushel and a half. TfiBM wero'err ZK l-I to 29o: ccoi!ds. 2$ to 28 l-'o ihown by Qcorgo E. Foster. Honey- \l'-\. 'J^N" I^Btoek.^afltoiMM^i M-.I 13 3-4 to 13 1-4 t-i 13 !-2o. 13 7 8c; ftn<>i.t ejntrrOH. Butter, choicest cr:ti- * l ' p of lake uteam- into tht* Canada Linos, LiniUed. h*8 been :i:i thoee who know her better than occupy the com > pari)t'voly humb'e ' b to pout- wood. Corn went up to $:i.7.5 for a bushel and a half. Silt 1.10M;i. IMIILIi'S SHOT. Tur Leading (;uh|. Mining of Soulh Africa. A <Icfpu > h from Johannesburg, South Africa, i>ays : An attempt wii* made on Thurvday to ansassi- nntf Sir Lionel 1'hiKps, tho leading gold mining magnate of South Af- rica. Throe nhoU were fired at him. Tlie ult.'mpi was made while he wn walking on CommSosibner Street. Tlie as>ailanl of Sir l.ioii'-l 1'hilips wai idontifiisl as a Dnlc-h store- keeper of the naim 1 cf Nissun. and tho ctime was supposed to have been vtualcd by n-vengo for tho f a suit against the> mining group with which Sir Lionel ia coiiiie.cled. One bullet pierced <ho lung and liver, but the attend fug jihvsician.s arc hopeful of ^ir Li'i'iel'a recovery. He has suffcre*! intK'h from ihock and pain, and no attempt has lx?en made to remove ADVERTISE KOIt KmiUTS. liiilish \> .1 i-HI \Vi!l Itili/, big, car loin. 75 to 90c. Unltid States Markets. ., * '' *'" Two worn. MI of respectable Ham- i'l-iit families who wero caught i"j shoplifting were nentpisced to jail ,J reputatlou with all tha resources at their Lung must be a iiirly tempestuous, command. j doughty Oriental. To escape assaoiinatlon AC,, o, ,. p,.yfu, $.,... . j bj *2s 1 %*s& tir ^r'.v.'s: The North American Indian, in hi ( aut needs a kind of brerk rage. If th wild>l *tat. uppcara to bi a cultivated guardu had baen treacher-iiwly inclined gentleman compared with those who are surely they would have :. ,i the oppcr- conducttns- war in Mexico. j tunlty f ridding thuinselveii of KuaijK Thus wv laaru that th commanuVr of a LUIIK. IVmii'bly the gi>r-ril acted in military train who wad captured by the haato and will repent at loinure Repent- rebcle had hit ears out off, hid tongue :tncp will not rra'ore h:n gnari<8 to life torn out and his tiycs gougtnl from thuir but may do bometbirg f.T their anc**)ttor<. H Four guard* as aealiwt out! ati;:ttin .u< 86 1 -4 ! o to 85J4- 87 1-4,- ; No. i Hie A A No. 1 Niirthern, Northern. 84 1-4 82 1-4 id 83 l-4c. (.3 IV Oain. No 3 wh : le. 38 Mr in. JI9.75 to $20.25. Hour, U'i. Diiliuh. Dec. 16 Whe.u No 1 875-8..; N<i I N. inherit. 84--S,-; Northern, 84 58 In 85 '-&: Honiima. 2 h:iril. 66 1-8c: Dsc0mb0F 84 ,V&' Mav 5-8 to 8834,.. i.........,| 11.4;, j.4. Dix-eni i . s Nettie McCoy, of Toronto, . Ho A despatch fi>nii newspaper advert ining campaign for recruits to the British army is ; lM ' r ' * to bo undertaken in all |>art^ of th'e country. The War Office has lie COIllC CO.lvincfMl ,,f I),,, value of the ' fA "'I'' '' * 7 - () . ''"' ""' bnlk -if the trar> corn. N.).'3 rellow.'u'to I waa dr.iwncd a>t Citllander on Kri 38 i-'c. dav while enjoying the lirst skating bajiged i , ... *. *. ' h.r.l "" Lake fflptMtng. Wo.-l Mon morality mid lawn against itn- abtilitiun of race- Tlien th fisleraln. whn they cupturl a engafed In the raid on the train, him sit on a charge of dyrauiite blew him to pieooH. How like the "blowing from tho guns ' In 'Mutiny" dny. how l.k" the iila.vful autuM of an older civilisation described In "With Flro :ind Sword"! It 6em b'lt a Htcp fruni t'i" drawing room to the liauiules. Prophclt for nu. likely to leave the general's aoconni with a balance on the wrong aide. Still Kuang Lung must bo get down a a ready reckoner. IN HIS MILL. Ji:hn (Jiiinn of Newborn in a St-ri. ous Conditiun. A despatch fn>iu Kingston says John Quinn, miller at Newburg. is i ik- Slock iv uk,!, Mini:ri--il. D.H. '6 Tli" bo-i I'm nlTsr , wan done in cat ni-wspapi-rs as a medium and has jnl th.. l.m.T placed a contract, with Hie head of "n. k 'f? < ',m fr 'i'i"',n < raniciiK from $C to '. K'llgnloil, irrudcs, incliidinv rou?h t.> $S ;i<-r <-wt, ButchiTM 1 The upenKtitkm!y Incliucd, and tl ho l.i'Hove. tn liumau power to fon hack giimbliaig w.-re nrg.-d at Ot- th<> "''"*,*'' ""' '"<'>. to whom -.lie ta.wa by a ,t,,,ng .l-putHtion. '^&^ &*S?**J&& &"* ?* ' h < ime in a prwri,, ua Cnl Carleton thi- new command- luav ta * L ' comfirt to theinc;e!ve in t::o OOQCatlon as the result vf iniurit's ""'""S, &?&?& $t?S& ^ ^"^ ttt the roi!1 Fr:d ^- ant of tlie Itnyal Military Col lego at . w f conduct the camp-ugn during the, next year on a large scale. No less ^ ';.','", f '' OIU " *" than 40,000 men are needed to fill I Toronto, p. 16. Kheeu at $5 to *V, r .O HIT < (. Ho'tvted lot) per cwt. wciithcxl Cattle Clu.lco but- baa arrived from I'.ng index at Ottawa shows in October it was advertisement will out that ! to $6!! l)ullet. is slight. Tho wound in the neck WOMAN SI TIRA(;i; KIM/. Premier MeBride of British Colum- bia Opposed (o II. A despatch from Victoria, B.C., ays: Premier McHrido refused on Wtdnesday the request, of tho United Suffrage Societies of Hri- tfsh ( iiniiln.i for the introduction of a woman suffrage bill by the the young men who enlist will be fed, clotlved, housed, pet $-2.50 a week pocket money, and have, free medical attendance, ns well a> re- reiving a pension ab the ago of thirty-six years if the recruit JA not over eighteen at the time >f his enlistment. to POURED COAT, Oil, IN STOVE. 1'oiing Woman Mee!n Terrible Den<h Neiir CornwAll. A despatch from Cornwall. Ont.. says: While in the act of prepar- ing a fire with which t<i rt diniu-v, Miss Amy Kirk of (ialliiigertowii received bums wliivli herde<\th. Tho unf resulted in the question would hnvn to be brought up by a private member. "Thn Provincial Kxectitive in not in 'ini-iit on this question . ' ' " ininii i iiiiniv ffrvHIVUI '!,, !r Ilre d coal oil in the ."tx>\r and the flames entered tho can, causing a entire announced of the vit< f ir women, Premier M^lir^le to a delegation which waited 'in him. "If you get thfl voto, then you would nit in Par- liament, and it would he reasonable to nupponu that &om time you wotjhi form a woqjan's party and paftlwihly riin.tlie ruiire nffaii" <if the* ooitnliy. That v,iull In- n lutri- hr 1'ieinit-r. A ill r. A diwp:itrh ays : U advancing rapully on the will I \Vellm <! ('imal iuiI ecti'in IB the iii'\t soctii.n fi.|- 'ii ^U-HU-T tojjjpqci)^ an expensi\(( cut, a.s it tha terrible explosion. The girl's ch.thes al.-o caught fire anil *lu- was badly burned about the budy. The only person in the house at the time- was Mi*s Kirk's younger who succeeded in UDOt sister. common ,-o ^i:;..'"; 1 ^ - M *fi . isvo to io ; ,mmou. $4.75 to Htook Jf". a "i '"-' le " t*on.. m i to VOM ibi,. *6 lo l.7:i: uooil ipi.-ilri-. 800 lh., li to 6.2S ; ligin Kaiern. 400 to 660 lb... ' s " Hxed at IM.t 138.8. Pot Office OeparUnont again a warning that ('hrisi.mas $4; but-,s"als must not bo uttivched to the 'JTveai! fuc<> ' S!<KI " f letter.-*. Trooper Mulloy, the- blind hero of tho South African wur, is now in charge of tho now Dopartmont of 4;o $3.50 to $5.50. Sheep and \lJKtirv if. tsi ... . i... >i AllllUlIJ Ijluhl we.. $5.50 to u ; lieavr. .- to $350: 1. in 'kd. $3 to * '. '.i eprlng lambn. 18.50 to $8.90, but with ?' ]><>r beitd W> ductod for all the bu-'k la-mbi. Horn .if... to $87), fed i. ml $890 to $4. off car; $8.30 to $8.33. f.o.b. I'LSTFK AM) 1IOMK IHLH. nf MIA lfvl Mil! at tho llojal Mill- Lender of 0|ipoNillon Think* Serl- oiis Tlracft Are \li".-nl. A despatch from f'arnarvon, \V;iles, says: Andrew Hmiar I^aw, leader of the OpjHicition in the Houw of Connnohs, speaking here on Thursday night, repeated his prediction that Jm imposition of lioano rule on Ulster would result In civil war. "If the Government," ho continued, "has any proposal to make which l:olds out even a pros- pect of avoiding the evils wo dread, we nhall consider it without auiy regard to party advantage or dis- ....... .**- <. -^-ui^u 4*> iriif'ijifiiiii^ iiir~ . . ,, ( ^ flames. A doctor was Hiimmonwl. i * 1 <lv "" 1 , fl * ' T , wl(h 8ole re K' lr<i for DMJ CollegB, Kingston. Henry 0. Hold, of Fishery ille, cattle buyer for A Cayuga firm, was intdantly killed, and two drovera seriously injurod, in a roar ond co:l- lision of tho O.T.It. Montreal Ex- press with a freight truiu near Oahawa Junction. but tho injuries were so serious that death resulted in a nh<irt time. U.S. TAKINti OUR M'HKAT. HailwayH Incrousli.i; Number of Car* of Caiiiuliau (irain. A despatch from Winnipeg says:] lliooeapolil K r i" buyers expect bo I purchase- 20.noo.OOD or morn bush I ela of grain in \Visl ;TM < 'anada.tliis I the welfare of the nation." He add- ed that tho Government Mienied content to let niattem drift, and that meanwhile tho likelihood of reaching a settlement by consent was growing smaller. \cnr under (lie new Wilson tariff law. 1{ailro;itls repnrt that fcnnth- li<niii<l f re i glit. trains over tho Soo line, (ircaf NV.rthern and Northern Pacific are daily increasing tho .'' ' ii'.njber <.f cars of Canndian grain. in .i)dgr>ccificationi an-. now in During the pabt few days tho move- prsparatim? 'Tirilf fr-i'<|r-i*if "w-fll !>> '. ) m^nr has lieen greatly accole-ra ((><!, *jtlj.-d h* <furfhar Ilia - ii t r ,s.,- l0 verjr freight train taking south 10 lions 1, 2, 3 and 5 arc m progroH. <>r i'u Great Britain. The postal employees In Great Britain have deferred the calling of a general strike. The English newspapers have un- aniir.ously decided to suspend pub- lication on t'hriHt,ms Day. The, Britiah Mthiuarine., ('14, sank in ten minutes after a collision with a barge near Uevonport but the crew of 20 were saved. I'nitetl states. A big doinonxtration was made at the (.'apitol in Washington by the Anti-Sal.Kin League. Wm. Peering, one of the founders of the great Ohicago farm imple- ment firm, and a multi-millionaire, died in Florida, aginl 87. GenQffeli Rebel hands swept down upon the oil city of Tampico, in Mexico, but were repulsed. Tho "Mon;v Lisa," Enrop's most famous painting, was found in Florence and the thief arrested. An international licet is guarding the neutral none at Tampico, while the Mexicans fight for the city's in America in 1914. Perbarrf hc tlnnki He WHS discovered unconscious at that with her Titan|c . di-wi.. th.- ic.-oat tm , b.^t.-m of the shafting, whre lake- rtonuM, drought. cycl.uiw. flo<jil, . , , . . , , . , . hu iiim had e^ougii to iot .he !i!ul been hurled after being to the ond of nejt year. But; wn j, .] et i about. He was working Hint thero will bo uo rvlan- . ,. .. alone at the time. Farmers who wv llIK <it vigiunco or negieoting of precau- tloiw on the p:irt of mincw or ihlpnia- [ arr i vet l (o have grinding don<* mado tcre or railniad ugtueer or wtather ob- 1 . , ,. ierv lor averting the. mlsfortuuen that ttlc ttttOOTtty. i\ro preventable. Perlio-im there 1 r.e much c., in moil uinme aa superntitiou in the makeup of th* huuiau i . '-' after all. Talking Asroit Iho Sta. A recent reixirl that llarcoui had uc- lantlc. Thomas Sanders, a colored pri- soner, while being taken to Calgary by tho Mounted Police, jumped out . , to have been premature, I and !3 at large. THE WESTERN JiRAIN CROP Movement of drain to Lakes In Three flonths 115,- 570,59oBushels, Against 67,367,592 in 1912 A despatch from Ottawa says: That the Western wheat crop for 1913 WAS almost 75 per cent. greater than that for last year, aud many a previous one, is indicated by official figure.* issued by the Department of Trade and Com- merce on Wednesday for the first covering the receipts and time, shipment* of groin from Fort Wil- liam and Port Arthur during the present shipping season. Advance figures which have been given out at Fort William ha\e indicated that the total would he a largo one, but tho. figures show that it eur passe* expectations. The total receipts of grain, in- cluding wheat, oats, barley, ami Ibix. at Fort William and Port Ar- thur during September, October ?, ml ^. v '\ nlb( ' 1 '' t!lt< thr<ie months of *S r lll ' >l 'V 1K bt ' IU011 ' w " e nS-BTO,- 6!)0 bUftoeia, as compared with 67.- ;Hi7,ri!)i bushels iii 1912. In other words, over seventy per cent. mor Krain was received than during last year. The total shipments for this season were 98,434,1-20 bushels, as compared with 60,501,012 bush- els during a similar period last year, an increase of sixty p*r cent. The bast showing was mad-e dur- ing September and October. No- vember receipts and shipments be- ing about the same as for the same months in 1913. This was duo, of course, to the fact that tho crop was moved earlier this year. Dur- ing November of this year the total receipts of grain were 46,1-28.381. while the shipments were 39.S98.1U bushels. The total receipts of wheat akme during the three ship- ping mouths were 83.541,742 bush- ls. ns compared with 49.715,737 bushels last year. merits of wheat ., bushels, as compared with 45,208,- '283 bushels last rear. The total ship were 70.190,910 Dismasted and deserted, the Hri tish ship Dalogonar, from Callao for Taltal, Chile., was sighted (Vi.. bcr -23 about 1,200 mi'o.s went of the coast of Cliilo by the French barque Marie. 7% JNVEST NT Hi(h Class 8-Year Bonds thit ar Profit-Sharlng. Serl-$IOO. $500, $1000 NATI co?D L E ?.f U ^ ITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILOIR9 TOROi.TO. CANADA