Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1913, p. 7

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-' HOW TO TREAT ! ALL SKIN TROUBLE Ireasy Ointments No Use Must Be Oared Through the Blood. It is not a good thing for peook with a tendency to have pimples *nd a blotchy complexion to mar &em*elv*s with gresy ointment*. In tact thy couldn't do anything .worse, because the grease clog* the pores of the skin, making the <i:v 'ease worse. When there is an irri- .tating rash a soothing boracic wash may help allay the pain or itching, 'but of course it doesn't cure the CHEMICAL EXACTNESS. How Profeaaor Bunsen Saved the Salts. The remarkable skill in dealing with the material of their experi- ments that some chemiats have is well illustrated by the following etory told of th great German chmist, Prof. Robert Bunaea. Professor Bunsen evaporated fifty hogsheads of water from the Durk- heim spring, and carefully isolated fr<>m the- residue a small quantity of the salts of two very rare ele- ments, caesium and rubidium. He , dissolved these salts in a small trouble. bkm complaints ante I. . from an impure condition of the beaker of water . and 8et them asl<1 blood and will persist until the on his laboratory table. blood is purified. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured many cases One day a friend came to e Pro- fessor Bunsen. Unnoticed by the .f eczema and skin diseases bwause j chemiat h ; 8 , isito fa i eflni they make new, nch bkod that , a ingt the laborat ,, ry tab!e .tipped drives out the impnnties, clears the : oyep ^ b;aker ^ iUed hg . km and imparts a glow of health. tenU OQ ^ fl<x)r ^ Qn ^ doth _ Thick, Fine and Red, Agony of Itch- ing and Burning Frightful. Ona Cake of Cuticura Soap and Box of Cuticura Ointment Cured. Lower OM!OW. N. 0. "At flr*t wi tb*ub my dilld'i txoubia wma hi* teetta. 7be whole bodjr waa a oiiJ raab an.l at the arm pit* and elbows and tbletw the akin came off u if he had Lccu ecalded. It wa a VRry UUck flea null, red la color anj Intauwly Split 40 Cords At Age Of 85 A VERY INTERESTING CASE. Few men of eighty-five years of ate can boast uf much elaa but poor health and falling strength. And such wan the condition of Mr. Benj. Marsh, who is known to every soul In the neigh- borhood of his home at Lime Lake, Ont. "Quite unsolicited," writes Mr. Marsh, "I wish to say how I have been bothered for yea'-g with stomach trouble. I tried everything I could I think of w.thout benefit. I was terrl- [bly afflicted with swelling and gas, land had uu:ch distress between meals. THE LITTLE PHI N CESS. An Incident \Vkich Bhowa Qnten Mary's The following proof is offered. Mrs. Fred Tremble. Gunter, Ont., says: "For more than a year I was ing. The solution looked like plain water, BO the man thought nothing , - - --. --- - 7 "~~,~ of the accident, and a few minutes teaddy afflicted with salt rheum i atr took hili departure or eczema- My hands we 60 sore shortl gent!eman had i j I tried everything I could think of, but hiy and burning. Th without benefit. Then I was recom- : skla Juat wrped off leavinc a j mended Nerviline. "iiy, but Nerviline! I did Die a power of good made a new j man of me, so that within the last i three weeks I have been able to split i about forty cords of stove wood. I I will always stick to Nerviline and will ! always recommend it, and would like to meet anyone and convince them if I (n doubt as to what Nerviline has done for me." Large family size bottles, SOc. : small size, 25c.. at all storekeepers and drug- gists or The Catarrjiozoue Co., Buffalo, ' N. Y. ... M*Ve>IJ *ll^7*, L-/JO M^illiO that I could not put them in water gQne Bunsen notice<J that without the skin cracking open. Ij tent8 o{ ^ beaker had been U1 _ Jned all sorts of omtmente recom- ^ In.tantly he ran out to the mended for the trouble but they BtpMt overtook ^ {rie nd. and did not do me a particle of good. b ht j^ ba<;k to the labora _ I was told Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ' would cure the trouble, and began taking them. I took the Pills steadily for six or eight weeks, and ,they completely cured the trouble. This was several years ago, and I have never been bothered with it snce. \Vith water, Bunben carefully ex- tracted the salts from the sleeve of ; the gentleman's coat and his un- dercl< 'thing, washed his arm, clean- * ed off a drop that had spattered on his shoe, carefully washed the floor and ths table, collected all the solu- tions together, purified them, and on evaporation found that he had recovered the valuable salts ! So perfect was his skill that he had not loit a weight-able amount. raw aore with little at JoUow icatter la them. TJ: skin 03 every Sugar apllt down on each sida and looked lika a rufie. Els toea broke eut la llitiu yolluir pimple* and the .bottom of hi* feat did tbtt same aad h* would say be could no* walk. Uta* there were plus ktkiilDi in hi* foot "T&o aaony of ItcMoc and Imrnicg wa omothleg frijhlful. If he get a dumce ha would scratch the iLln rlgtit oil and co*ku a jiora, bn to pnveat tbat 1 nude mitten* 'for aim out of cottem. Kvery nlgbc fnwo tvrstvo o'clock until throe la the moroiiig . weuld hv to b taken up eut oi bed ad recked, hie su/fariasa wre so bad. "With DO peraanoat cur* In light I got the Cut!cur Soap and OintmoBt. T'.u first olfbc tat child alopt the wfeole rufS: through. th first night for four months. I am thankful to say the cure was complete and I just cot one cake of Cvticura Soap and oaa box of Cnticura Oiatmmt." (Signed; Mrs. Samuel Higgina. Ma- 17. 1913. Cutkura Soap and Ointment sold every- where. For liberal free sample of each, with. 2-p. book, send post-card to Potter A. Cham. Corp., Dei*. D. Boston. U. S. A. Women with Saliow Skin Here Is a Good Treatment! You Uet Quickly. Womanly beauty Is largely the out- ward expression of health. ne ds a potent tonic to regulute her sy gtem. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are fold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi .*ane Co., Br*.ckville, Ont. A GARDEN CITY. Adelaide, South Australia, Is Thus Dewribed. , The members of the British Par- liament who recently visited South * Australia were, like most other visitors to the State, charmed with " the beauties of Adelaide, its capi- tal. References to this subject were made by several of the legis- ' lators at various of the functions held in their honor. The Right Hon. T. Lough, sp?aking at the , civic reception, referred to Ade- j To tone up the stomach to insure j laide as the garden city, and said good digestion to give new life and i 1 the lesson the visitors had learned vitality to the whole system where is from Adelaide was one which thev , &** remedy like Dr. Hamilton's , would not fail t<, take home with p ^ Hamilton>g , pnab , e them. In Adelaide the municipal , eat whaf you Hke .. they correct con . authorities had realized the idea | stipatlon make nourishing blood of making Adelaide pleasant for instil force and vim into a run-down their people, and that was the very [system. method by which they would at- ! If nervous and can't Bleep your re- ' tract population and continue to medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills they develop the resources of their mar- .** u ? f M of >' our condition ,,'t i- . . and you rise in the morning refreshed, . vellous Australian continent. At stro ' vfgorouSi ready g lne day . 8 11 farewell gathering in connection ^.g^ with the visit Mr. Donald Mae- i p r . Hamilton asks every weak and r master. K.C., M.P , sad nothing debilitated person to use his Mandrake : could exceed the beauty of the and Bvitternut Pills. They make old great city of Adelaide and the snr- folks feel young, and weak folks feel, rounding country. To indicate his strong. Their effects upon insomnia! sincerity he would mention that in : a letter written that morning to nerTM go tha{ a good nlgM . g ^ ^ his son at Cambridge* he stated that ways f n O ws their use. he had travelled in most parts of fo look well,- to feel well. t8 keep! the world, but had never seen a well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are ' more beautiful i-itv thin Adelaide mild, cleansing, strengthening good j and its surroundings, and that the for the young or old. Sold by all beauty of both was only exceeded dealers in 25c. boxes, by the generous and kind hospital-, riTiTFTlTiTpFT nnr Uy of its citizens. pl T * I*8S Ml 1> 1 r. 0(.. i Sanatorium Where Canine Get Diots and Hair Restorer. There is a wonderful hospital at ' PIPERS AND PIPES. Tobawo Is SmoUf^! til Must Every Country. There is hardly a country in the world where the pipe is not smok- I ed in one form or another. The Kaffir dearly loves his pipe, and failing the genuine arti'.-le, i wi'.l use anything that will hold it'l'aceo from a piece of iron pip- . ing to a cow's horn. When not Only a few _ days ago the mistr^s of cyen thcg<> are available he will U8e v: llt H e J Pekm m S L < ! ordered \. s ,v! e f '-' r :the earth! He does this by mak- the a Queen Mary's family is rapidly growing up, but site keeps just as motherly an eye upon hr children as she did when they wer in the nursery. The gensib'e manner in which she trained them as children, and her own inimitable courtesy, is well depicted in the following lit- tle-known incident. Some years ago the Queen, with hr daughter, had been on the wa- ter i.i an ordinary rowing-boat. On reaching the landing-stage. th old b atman, witii a kindly glance at i h;- child, a.-slsted her out of the with a friendly "There, my little lady." "I am a Princess, not a little lady," said the Queen's daughter, who is noted for her ouUpoken aad original remarks. biaily realizing that he had given offence, the old boatman withdrew a little a crestfallen air. The Queen at once took in the situation, a:'.d taking the little girl by the hand, promptly led her up tj the boatman. "Mary," she said, "the boatman wa* quite right. Only you mi8;htj have said you were not a little lady, but that you hope one da.y to be cne!" CLARK'S SOUPS Rlffhrr concentrated one tin amily . ts -H Purrst and best ingredient Order today. W. CLAKJC. rrr. "Binks has been telling lie* about DM again." "He might do worse. He might tell the truth bout you." Inarcri Llnlmant Cures Garget In Caws, The surest way of losing one'a own health i to be always drinking the health of others, says a wise) wit. der mv charge was ac heart a hun-i~ . . ger-striker. For three days it went f '! r t! '%n ke b >" P s , hln without food, and at last only con- j P Iecc f wir * / hrou f h the ^ound. sented to eat in the dark: * tn<? ?. ^ fac downwards, ap- 1 'Animals know you are helping P Iles h K ht to the tobacco, and his them, and when I have treated their i 1: P S * the ground, at the spot wounds they have loringly licked where mv hands and kept as still as pos- sible." The cost for medical treatment and keep at this sanatorium is 6d. a week. *> KiU'houer ia Fatalist. ed himself to be a fatalist of fatal ists. Some, time a$o h said that he never imagined for a moment . withdrawn the wire. and smokes in peace. In many villages of the north- west provinces of India are- to be found public hookahs for the uso and comfort of traveller*. Everyone has heard cf the North American Indian's pipe of peace. General Blucher's p ; p*-?n>oking The alleged plot in Venice against I was o f a V(?ry different character, the life of Lord Kitchener recalls He appo i n t.d' a. man to the post of the fact that he has a'.ways ^^|^jps>Hilar > ' < whoss dutv it was to fill a lonff clay pipe and hand it to the general before every engage- ment. Plncher would then enjoy a that he would die in hi, bed, but S~^^ E.* tiT^sTid s^VVEK SS^V?: !^ into^fi^htingj-. ine. V.'uh that :d j a deeplv sunk; in his mind he has made all 'his ar- ! WILL U.S. ANNEX CANADA? rangements for the disposal of such i>.-> 8am hM abou: as muoh ch:inr property as he will leave, which. 'to do eo u a> cheap acid com salve ta by the way, will be more consider- jot curins; a corn. Nothing hr sui-h able than a good many people im- ' satisfaction <ut Putnam s Orn ET:T-O:O agine. He is firmlv convinced that hi< ' h cnr " ***!'*' in . i " entj ' he has at least one more campaign ' w r " oaly "" *- Bt "' of the first magnitude to go through , * before he dies and he is equally! p r ,, : ... , prepared for that. Burglar: "La.t time you defend- ed me you onh- charged me $40." L-iwyer: "That was five- yr-ars ago. when you were a strugg'ini? young burglar. Now that you have 'arrivi'd' you must pay more !' Here Is a Sure Cure For Ail Throat Trouble To cure an ailment In the threat or chest, to rout out Catarrh or Asthma, ( It is essential that the medicine be i conveyed direct to the affected parts. This Is why no other remedy has , achieved such world-wide success as Catarrhozone. "No one ever contracted a more ob- stinate attack of nasal catarrh than I Buffered a month ago,' writes Mr. G. I E. Root, a well-known resident of Bridgetown, W.I. "My head ached terrifically, I sneezed about every three minutes, but ttill my nostrils were entirely closed and I couldn't ' breathe through them. Ten minutei inhaling Cata rhozone gave ms a little relief, so I continued to use Catarrh- i czone every hour, and before the day was out I had improved. Catarrh- ozone quickly cured me. I am well ever iince." _* Superfluous. Casey (tesching Hogan to swi.-n>- ' N. -.r kape yer mouth shut ami breathe through yer nose.'' H- cu : "Ard phwat else cud a man breathe through wid his mouth shut, ve fule J'' LIQUID SULPHUR core* ECZEMA. Di"(rrac d<^s not consist in punishment but in the crim". EDUCATION ELLIOTT'S BTRIKESH POLLEOR. TO ronto. Canadfti PonnUr iV>m-ca eia! Rrhoel. Ma-r-'flc^m rtaloen* fr. t - i row H. W OAWSON. Nintty Coltorn IF ror WAXT TO BIT OB SKI.L * Fruit. Stock. Gratn^ or Dairy wr t* H. W rtnixnn Brasnpton. or folbor"* ft . T*TODO M W OAWSON Coleoms tl Torerfa MPRDLKBHI m. 71 !" 1TO W Io0 t ACR-'S. ,-hirl. w^trrrd by r-rer arwl <-. fr:u-n wt:-b!es. virtt to mii-srl and ct-rfnir-f-m. .-.*-.-. f o p Cif oror*-rtr. *rrj: v ' T^o \Tf~- rn R"^l F^tsfe B'chanje. Li".. '-1, 78 Dttrdm St.. LondoD. Oat. NEWSCAPER FOR SLE AM 1 .'>!' OViri :J raT*^hn?*l. Pr-pr'.eter b ; a 'Ft : a^shle to c.^e the rr " if the a:t-ntro- P-WS-T ." '*^?t t for > nt sacrifice No OTV>S' on. Or of rh h<et ne"-TT o^^^lnpi tv ')> PTOT-"<- for a fr^f" l .r\ m.-" Arp'T CM"FR TfMOIlS LfM"" KTT., fn*rnV and r^t^mal *-nr4 *!!!. Wf.t^ MI ral cot pi'n I'v CMT h^ir* t*nn Tf >,>r/.r. .-^ . r r K. ^ r/. T i '*-* f~ni*-~.**A rv- C^J ALL STONES. K1DNKT W 4rr Stonea. with anrt in- rnr I* BETTKR POSITION". lk.nA Increased Salary as n Result of Eating Right Food. t Ruislip, England, whose injured There is not only comfort in cat- ' dogs and cats are cured by the m-'st ing food that nourishes brain *nd modern surgical methods. Opera- J body but sometimes it helps a lot in , tions under anaesthetics are quite increasing one's salary. i n ordinary feature, while among 4 \Vt*rn >honl t,her tells an * he ach:evements of the _ hospital T wa rnrml of painful Goitre by MIX- Mirinr rv.... AttD'S LIMMKNT. ir.---' - BAYARD MoSTTLTJCt. Chatham. Ont. I w cunxl of Inflimm'.tion by HE ARDS LIMMKNT MRS. W. A. JOffNSOT Walsh. Ont. I wr ciirH -f F:u- al X^ars'ifta by MTN- ARDS LIMMKNT. airkdaie. Onu J. H. BAJLET of CinaH The Heart of a is the Action. Insist on the OTTO HIGEL Piano Action A \\ estern school t^aoher tells an replacing o( a doK - 3 damsg . in terp^ting experience. She sajs. ^ ^ -j fii . ial , "About two years ago I was ex-, ^ ^ .^ h known as ^ Ru . , tremely miserable from a nervous- i . gH p^ Sanator , :uin . and Mr . ness that had been coming on for H ^ niiitol ; Kirki M.R.f.V.S., is in. ome time. Any sudden noise was charge of the sanatorium. The in- j actually painful tome, and ni\ ' j urod animals should consider ] nights were made miserable by hor- j themselves lucky, for medical skill ! rible nightmare. i s applied to them which even a hu- , "I was losing fles.h all the time, | m&n being would bt thankful to and at last waa obliged to give up | receive. the school 1 was teaching and go "\ f ew weeks ago," said Mr. horn*. Kirk, "a King Charles spaniel who "Mother put me to bed and sentj had a great affection for cats came for the doctor. I was eo nervous, to the sanatorium with a lecerated, ! the cotton sheets gave me a chill, I eye. The cat with which ho had On H - "And whore you s!u>t at Water- loo?" "Rather hundreds of times. Why, |I keep coming acrss bullets in my system even now." and they put me in woollna. The medicine I took did uve no apparent good. Finally, a neighbor suggest- ed that Grape-Nuts might be good for roe to -at. I had never heard i with a glass oye. tried to be friendly not only spurn- . ed him, but attacked him, with the j result that I had to put him under j an anaesthetic and provide him of this food, but the name- sounded good so I decided to try it. "I began to eat Grape-Nuts and soon found my reserve energy ''He went without food before the operation just like a human being. I managed to get an artificial eye which was a perfect match, and llnlmint Cures Olphthsrla. \Vh?n you se-arch for honor among thieves take a policeman along. LIQUID SULPHUR ctirM sort fet She Knew Him. "Well," said he, anxious to make up their quarrel of yesterday, "aren't you curious to know what's in this parcel!' 1 ".Net very," replied his wife in- differently. "Well, it's something for the one I love best in the world." "Ah, I suppose it's those new col- lars you said you neded." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery > or Granulated Evelida. Doesn't Smart Soothes Eve ^ain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye ftemedy. Liquid, 25c, SOc. Mnrine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubet, 25c. SOc. ' Eve Books Free by Mail. An Cy* 0..4 t.r ail r Hut N.<i t r. Murln* Ej. A.m.dr Co.. Chlcm4 Ilis Choice. "Good night, you precious lamb!" "Mother, if yon must call me something, wou'dn't you just as soon call me a billy-goat t" Mlnard'i Llnimtnt Curei Colds, Aa, Wise Gink. The h^ppy man who always sings And who is free from debt. Is he who does not want the things He knows he cannot get. LIQUID SULPHUR Is an antissptlo. In th<> Wrong Place. Soedy Vagabond : "Mister, I hain't had a b'ame tM'ig to eat fur two days 'ceptin' a handful o' pea nuts." Pitft-etfc Crank: "That's all you need, you giulton '.' LIQ'JID SULPHUR curt! RHEUMATISM. Two Wo-fien. She: "Generally speaking. I have a good disposition. But there are tw.> w;.'men in me." He: "Is that why you need so maity new hat> .'" Mlnard'i Liniment Cures Dlattmpir. Why we pay mire for your RAW FURS Wt are th* oldoit RAW FUR KO'J*E woll ai tn* larcot *:ll:a:ori at CANADIAN RAW F'.'RS In .>- T-jt mcana largtr irln- I .ri*r mardatiand LAROiS pRiCC'.oyjj. Shri dlroot ta us. Rtlurna m-ilimc day fur* an r?caled. Shipments held ssparatt on request Fall prlo* list now rmdy. Wrltt for It. HIRAM JOHNSON LIMITED, C4 St. Paul St. Mi: Dept. "CT Montreal. .n i .mo my "" ' B ; now the spaniel rejoices in a lovely growm*. so that in a short time I , * ^ cou]<J ft was filling a better position and i .- . . drawing a larger salary than I had ever done before. "As I see little children playing around me and i-uter into their that it was Another fox terrier was sent here for treatment when ha devel- oped distemper two days after his games I vender if I am the same jnto teacher of whom, two years ago, the children spoke as 'ugly old thing.' "Grape-Nuts (OIK! with cream has become a regular part of my diet, and I have not been sick aday in the past two years." Nme given by Canadian Pogtum Co., Windsor, Ont. Head, 'The Road to Well ville," In pkgs. 'There's & Rea- son." rr read th *t>ovf lttrt A B*W PP.ra from tint* to tlm. They nuln, tru, and full of kWBMI arrival. He was immediately put isolation hospital." This dog was treated like a hos- pital patient while he was ill. This wa his diet Breakfast Milk and egg* beat- en. Dinner Milk and eggs, and cornflour and Benger's baby food mixed. Drinks -Barley water and rice water. Hair restorer is often applied to dogs which go bald, and other dog patients are fd on cooked plic. ID. " A Slippery Mystery. Aft:T years of study scientists arc siill in ignorance as to the ori- gin of the eel, which is in many ways an exceedingly puzzling creat- ure. For instance, he will reside for years in the dark depths of the ocean, and then suddenly adjourn to. tha surface for a coupl of years. He is a born wanderer, and apparently quite indifferent to changes of climate ; for he will warm himself in the Gulf Stream for a time, and then, all of a sud- den, makf tracks for cold water. After that he may decide to try fresh water, and proceed to take- up his abode- in a river, travelling sometimes 3,000 mile* to do so! Neither does the eel mind very much whether he i In the water or not, for he will make his way over damp grass, even when quite young, to a .pond or lake miles away. Her* ho may stay for years, but eventually he will probably re- turn overland to the nearest river, and from thence once more to the sea. Every guest who cannot play ai- ISSl'K M 'It. > s lru ' & tlie hotel piano. An KngHsii gentloTnan and his i !' were being driven about Ire- \ land by a rather melancholy jarvoy, who could see no sil\er lining to the cloud overshad-owina; his country 1 aud his own particular trade. "Xo ver mind. Pat." said the English- i man. "You'll have a grand time' when they give you homo rule." I "Bedad, yer honor, and we will i for a week." "Why for a week I" ''Drivin' all the gentry to the j .boat." answered Pat. SEVERE GOLD ON LUNGS AND CHEST QUICKLY RELIEVED by Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorotfyne Mr. J. Senard, BromptonvUlc, Que., writes : "Two wetku ago I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs and my chest was verr sore, breathing tight and severe hacking cough. 1 was feeling miserable. I bought a bottie of Na-l>ru-Co Syrup t-f Unseed, Licorice and Chlorotlyne and after a few doees I felt great relief and I went iuto a sound sleep, a thing I *as not able to do for some nights. Next day I was able to be around again and before completing the bottle, felt as well u erer. It is a fine cough aud cold cure." Na-Drn-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodytie relieves the irritation and "stuffed-up" feeling iu the air pass- ages, soothes tne tickling which tuakra yon cough, -loosen* th phlejrm and drives out the cold before it gi-ts trouble- some. In 26c and BOc bottle*, at your Druggist's. National Prngaml Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 3:3 Your Friend's or Your Own PHOTO Will Look Well In This. The neatest photo frames; renulne woods not veneered; a Xmas gift. Poat Carl lio. Si* x 3f Cbint aln. 6|* > 4f Poatpiid. 60 .. TO ots. Selling at mu<-h higher prlcea In all stores. your money puck if not satis- fied. Order now for \~inaa delivery. STJPPI.Y co, DEFT. vr. DorchaBter It. Wtat, MoatTM.1. A TREATISE on the Horse- FREE! We offer TI free thia bok Oiat II-'.'H you all about bone ^li>e>i-t aud how to cure them. Call for It at locnl il:uggit or wriM ua. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is Tnrmtaabla r . konUl c< 1 > til* f"r tA. If i fnnct prut of our fro IXKik i jciit local tnggM'f. wilt* in. Dr. W. J. KENDALL COMPANY nobnrg Falta. Vcraaoat

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