um f forf Robbers and Over-Sleektigs ,n One. Y+\y to pul on 4it4 t*k off. Fit *0 Look eU Wu w4L All >|IM for mini nM rhlldnn. '; from w Cuttflu CMMMtM DitNrfe Haiti IUatrK.1 All Dealers (LKVKH TIIIKVES. ft f \oirs r'roni Egyptian it'itik Stolen. A despatch from Brussels says: A daring robbery occurred on Tues- day night on th railway between Brussels and Ver\ ior?, the thieves escaping with 17.500 in Bank notes *nt by the Nat' .ial Bank of Egypt to the Opp'-nV-irn Bank, Cologne, by the train leaving Brussels at 7 28. The money was packed with !1 the precautions ordinarily taken in such cases and placed in the mail van at the Gare du Xord in Brussels. Next to the portion con- taining th nmils and backing on to the ends cf th special pigeon- bole* is a compartment for 'dogs, which i* very seldom used. An ex- amination of the latter compart- ment showed four holes bored through the ('hiding partition. A piece of wood was removed, Wv- iug a hole large enough to admit a Bian B arm. The. Ormnn Imperial Chancellor T)r. von Bethmann-Hollweg, and the Minister of War, G>n. von Fal- kenhayn, told thn Reichstag that thr- (Jovrrnment upholds the action of the German tro<,ps in Alsnce in defending themselves from the Francophile populace. PRICES 8r FARM PRODUCTS IPORT* FROM THI LIAOINO TRADI CENTHtS Of AMiRICA. trie** of Cam*, cram, Chen* mi Pint* *rduc* at Hm mnt ADro* rcadttuffi. Toronto. Dec. 9. Manitoba wheat Lake ;><.j :>.. new wheat. November ahipmeiit. ! No, 1 northern, Sic; No. 2. 91 l-4c; feed wheat, 660 to 7l)c, accordinc to sump!*. Ontario -wheat -No. 2 new, 82e lo Wo, ouuide, 86c to 87c. track. Toronto. llanitoba oatc- No. 2 white, .'-<-> to Mo, oumd*. and J7o to 37 l-2c. oil track, 'lo- route. Corn -American, new. No. 3 yellow, all rail, C'hic-K<>. l>ecmb*r shipment. To- ronto freight, 76o; kiln dried. 80c: No. 2 yellow. 78 1-Zc o.i.f.. buy portn. iv. i* No. 2, 98c to 1102. cur lot*, out- mi.-, nominal. Hyp No. 2. 660 to 68c Rolled ...:- 1'er bag of 90 poundi. $212 1-2; 2 22 1-2 In BUI.: Her lots; per bar- rel. $470. wholesale. Windsor to Montreal. Bark'T Good malting barley, outside, 5ic to 67c. Iliu-kwlieat No. 2. 66c to 68c in car low, Millfwd Manitoba bran. $21, track. To- ronto; shorts. $J3 to 23.50: Ontario bran. $21 to $2150 in bam; short*, 2J; mid- ' dliiirt.. *::5 to (26. Manitoba (lour Fim patent?. $5.50 in .iutc i... i.- . itrong bakers'. $4.60 in jut bam; in cotton bagu n-n cents more per barrel. Ontario floor Winter wheat flour. 90 per cent, natente. new. ic offered at (3 40 to $3.45. eeabottrd !n bulk: $3.26 to -* '.';. Toronto. Country Produce. Ecri Xew-laide. 47 to 5".c; storagft. tf- lecU. J6c HI 37<': country ee'.evtu. 38c to 40c; u>rag<>. 34c to 36o. C'h*CH -New large. 1434c; twine. 15 l-2o to 15 3-4c. Buttfr C'rearnery, print?, !rinh made. 30c to 31c ; il'i . Aolidt. f ret-h mado. 23c to 29c; do., prints, storaif". 27o to -!< : do., olid*, (tor-agp. 26c tfl 27c; farmers' KOpa- ! rator nrint. Z4o to 26o: dairy prinUi. 22o to 24c; bakem', 20r to 21r. Honey Buckwheat. 7 l-2c a pound in tine and 7c in barrels; ^trained clover honey, lie to 11 l-2c a pound In 60-pound tins; 12c In 10-pf>nd tir; 12 l-2c in 5- nound linn; corob honey. No. 1. *3 per dozen: extra, $3.23 per doien ; No. 2. $2.40 per doien. Bean* Prime*, buahel, $2 to $2.20; hand- picked. H2.10 to $2.30. Poultry Dresjcd fowl. 10" to 14c per roiind; alit*. lOc to lie; dressed ipnni chicken*. !> to 18c; allre. lie to 14c; Keo*e, dreauixl. He to 13c; alive. lOo to 12" 1 ; tnrkcyii. No. 1 dre<*ed. 18c to 21c; alire. 13c to 15c. Potatoes Canadian, rt.05 to $1.10 per bae. out of etore; 9fo in car lots. Provisions. Pork Short out. $28.50 to $29 per barrel. Smoked and Dry Ralwd Me.iU Roll* - CANADA'S RECORD EXHIBIT The Dominion Building at Panama Fair Will Have 65,000 Feet of Space A despatch from Ottawa says : The Canadian exhibit at the Pan- ama Pacific Exposition is now on its way from Ghent, Belgium, part of it going around the Horn and the rest across the Isthmus by the Tehuantepec Railway to its desti- nation at San Francisco. Exhibi- tion Commissioner Hutchinson, who is here conferring with the Minister of Agriculture, will leave shortly for San Francisco to super- intend the construction of. the Can- adian building. It will cover an area of 65,000 square fee.t, and will house the most extensive exhibit ever made by Canada at a world's fair. The primary object of course is to stimulate immigration to Can- ada by advertising particularly itR wheat fields and other resources. The exhibit will coanprise grain, lumber, minerals, fish, fruit and agricultural produce. It will be wholly under Dominion supervision, the provinces not making separate' displays, as has been done in some instances. Particular attention will be paid to transportation, and the railways will be assigned much tpace in the Canadian building. Smoked. 15 l-2o to 16c: hams, medium. 19 1 2c to 20r: heavy. IV to 19 l-2c; break- fat baton. 19c to 2Cc; '.onic clear DftOOIl, tone nud CBHBB. 16<-; bucks (plaant, 2Jc; backs (special). 24c,. Green meate Out of pickle. Ic less Uian smoked. Lard Ticrcee. 13J-4c; tubs, He; nails. 14 l-4c. Baled Hay and Straw. Local merchants ir buying on track. Toronto, at the following prices: Baled hay. choice No. 1. $14.50 to $15; xtra No. 2. $13.50 bo $14; No. 2. $11 to $12; No. 3. *3 to $9; baled straw. $8. Winning Grain. WinnipfU. Dec. 9.--f':ith: Wheat No 1 northern. <J3c; No. 2 northern. 81c; No 3 northern, 78 l-4c; No. 1 rejected seeds. 763-4c: No. 2 rejected 6rdn. 743-4c; No. 1 smutty, 76 3-V; No. 2 urnutty, 74 3-4c; No. 1 red winter. 82 3-4c: No 2 red wintar. 79 3-4c- No. 3 red -winter. 78 l-4c. Oatu -No. 2 C.W.. 3334c; No. 3 C.W.. 31 J-4c: No 1 feed. 32c; No. 2 feed. 23 l-2c. Barley- No. 3 423-4c; No. 4, 40 1-Zc ; rejected. 37 l-2c; feed. 37c. Klax -No. 1 N.W.C.. 81.17 1-2; No. 2. C.W.. $1.15. Montreal Maritets. Montreal. Dec. 9. -Torn Aincrionn No. 2 yellow. 83<- to 84c. Oats, I'auadiun Weft- orn. No 2. 40 l-2c to 41c : extra No. 1 feed. 40c. Barley. Manitoba feed. 48c to 50c : do. maitiuif. 65f to 67c. Biu-kh-at, No. 2. 56o to 57c. Flour. Manitoba wprins wheat pat- ents, ftrstn. $5.40: do.. MOOndl, ?4.90; ftrmitr bakiTH'. $470; winter patcntf ch..i,-o. $4.75 to *5: Btr.iiKht rollers. $4.50 to $4.60: straight rollrrn. in bazs. $2 to $2.10. Itollid oatB, barrolB, $4.40 to $450; do., bags of 90 lb.. $2.10 to $2.12 1 ; Z. Bran. $20 to $21; shorts. $22 to $23: middlings. '25 to $26; mouillie. $27 to $31. Hay. No. 2. per ton car lots, $14 to $15 Cheese, Uncut wentrni. 13 1-Zc to la 5-8c; fl-iewt , eastern i. lie to 13 l-4c. Butter, choicest creamery. 28c to 28 1-Zc; do., secondi. 27 l-2c to 27 3-4c. EdgB. fresh. 55c to 60c; do., selected. 38c; No. 1 stock. 34c; No. 2 Block, 26o. Potatoes, per bag, car lot*. 75o , to 90c. Unlttd SUtti Markatt. nuluth. Dec. 9. -Olo*-Wh*at-No. 1 hard. 86 I-8c; No. 1 northern. 85 l-8o: No. 2 northern. 83 I-to to 83 5-8c; Montana. No. 2 hard. 84 5-8o; Duccmbcr, 83 6-80; May. MinnnapollB. Doc. 9. Wheat December, B2 7-8>i to 83ci May. $71-8c; caiih. No. 1 hard B6 3-8o to 8688ci No. 1 northern. 64 3-8<- to 85c; No 2 northern. 82 3-S.i to 83 7-8o: No. 3 wh!t. 80 J-8o to 81 7 80. Oorn - No. 3 yellow. 43 l-2c to 660. Oata No. 3 - . . wlilte. 37c to 37 l-4o. changed. . . Flour and brau -l/n- Llvt *tock Marketi. Toronto. Dec. 9. Cattle-Choice butchrrs. *8 to $8.50: Rood medium. $6.50 to $725: common. $5 to $5.50; fat cow, $4.50 to $6.2 r i; common coyi $i.50 to $4; butc.hero' bullB, 15.73 to *.<0: cannrr* nd c-.ittcro. $'60 to *3 $5, ClTf flood Tcnl, $3.75 to HO: common. ?<75 to Ri '8. Stockern .ind Tcislers Steers. 910 to 1.050 Ins. S6 to $*75; I rood qual'ty. 8i Ibs.. M to $625; l'ht K.9tern. 4(0 to 650 Ib.. *430 to .i,25: ll?h\ IK.M lo *4. Sheen und latnbii L:g)it ewe* 14.50 to 560: heavr $3 to $350; buck?, J I to *3.50: sprin* lanilo, f 3 50 to $3.70. but with 75<- per head deducted for all th buck lanib. U", 88 to $8 45 fed and witere<l. $8.70 off care. $8.10 f.o.b. FOR CHRISTMAS COOKING-the FIVE ROSES Cook Book FREE EAUTIFULLY printed in two colors, large readable type expressly made for it, 7 inches wide by 10 inches deep, the FIVE ROSES cook book contains 144 pages of tried and true recipes. In- expennive recipes calling for nothing that cannot be obtained at the town or village store. Every recipe tested by the FIVE ROSES expert so that there is no possible waste of material or dis- appointment. No cook book was ever printed with such a sturdy binding, such an attractive cover. No cook book will wear as well as the Cook SJook N THIS newest of cook books you will find all the latest and most successful recipes of the finest cooks in Canada, the very cream of over 20,000 contributions. Recipes for the making of Buns, Biscuits, all kinds of Bread, Cake, Candy, Cookies, Crackers, Croquettes, Crullers, Doughnuts, Dumplings, Fritters, Gems, Ginger-bread, Griddle Cakes, Icings, Muffins, Pancakes, Pastry, Patties, Pies, Puddings, Puffs, Rolls, Rusks, Sandwiches, Sauces, Scones, Snaps, Tarts, etc., etc. From the making of Bread to Charlotte Russe, you have a choice of many recipes all selected, all tested alternate recipes with and without eggs. There is one kind of Bread described that can be made in 2 hours think of it! The FIVE ROSES cook book cost the publishers almost $20,000. and over 1 year's time to prepare, but YOU can have it for ten cents (stamps or silver), an lo r \g as the supply lasts. Send us the coupon below duly filled, enclose the 10 cents for postage, and the FIVE ROSES cook book is yours. Address your envelope Publicity Director Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Limited Room 399W, Lake of the Woods Building, Montreal, Canada CUT OUT THIS OOt't'ON AND MAlf. TO-DAY. COUPON FOR THU FIVE ROSES COOK BOOK riolng a satisfied usnr of FIVE ROSES FLOUR for Bread and Paatry, I cmcloie 10 cents / "i*, 1 "^* ) for lhe FIVB ROSKS cook book. Nnme Town nnrl Province Name of Denier . . . IN W ii NEWS 111 A piuuGiUpii HAPP.MNUS FROM ALL OYEB THE (JI.OBE IX A KUTSUELL. Cnnada, (he Empire anil the World In General Before Your Kycs. Canada. Kingston Retail Merchants' As- sociation will ask the city to ab-ol- ich market tolls. Berlin is to have a Juvenile Court, E. P. Clement, K. C., con- senting to act as commissioner. Nelson, B. C., police cocmiasion- ers have decided to closa all cigar stores on Sunday afternoons. Oxford County Council has en- dorsed the union prison farm scheme, and will name a commis- sion. Boys arrested in Berlin confessed to robberies, to which they said they were led by reading five-cent novels. James Pierce, arrested for beg- ging from fanners around Ouelph, was found to have $900 in his clothes. A gruelling thirty-two-mile race was run by two horses from Mont- real to Tcrrebonne and return. The drivers were arrested. Galviu Robinson, engineer on the Reid tug Diver, went insane while the bt.>at was towing an oil Large up the River St. C'lair. A new transcontinental railway project is that of the All-Red Line Railway, hacked by P>ritish capital- ists, to be built from Cape St. Charles to Dean's Channel. The Dominion Wreck Commis- sioner censures Captain Padding- ton, of the Turret Chief, fur error of judgment and negligence as con- tributing to tho wreck of the Tur ret Chief in the big storm. A Quebec dentist was awarded $10 damages against the C.N.R. bo- cause he was put off a train when he refused to give up his first-class ticket until provided with .1 seat. The judge upheld his refusal. At the suggestion of the Superin- tendent of water powers, the Min- ister of the Interior has placed un- der reservation all vacant Domin- ion land in the West that may be valuable for the development of water power. The C. P. R. have takerTout the biggest insurance policy, the amount bring for upwards of $100,- 000,000. Five big insurance- syndi- cates, among them th largest com- pany of the kind in the British Em- pire, are interested in the deal. A 4,000 mile walk, which was be- gun in August last, was completed af, the City Hall, Winnipeg, when W. C. Browne, cf the King's Own Scottish Borderers, arrived from Providence, R. I. Browne aver- aged 4:5 miles a day since starting and wins a wager of $3,000, made in England. The Agricultural Council of Can- ada, which consists of the Orange of Ontario, the Grain Growers' As- sociation of Manitoba and Sas- katchewan, and the United Farm- ers of Alberta, will send a delega- tion to Ottawa on December 18 to ask Premier Borden to remove tho duty on wheat and agricultural im- plement?, and to increase the Brit- ish preference. i.rv.ii Itritain. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst was arrested off Plymouth harbor ami later placed in prison at Exeter. Suffragettes made an attempt to drain off tho canal between Fail sowrth, Lancashh-e, and Marple, Cheshire, by cutting a channel from the canal to the River Goyt at Romley. "We will make the cabinet min- ister* shako in their shoes until they are afraid for their very lives," said Sylvia Pankhurst at a suffragetto meeting in Cannington. All that is required is courage. I nltfd State*. The United States Peace Commit tee completed its plans for the cele- bration of tho peace centenary. A high New York police official GILLETT'S LYE EATS DIRT will be indicted next week, it is ex* pected, by District Attorney Whit- man, as the result of the st-iries ,>f witnesses in his investigation of afc- l^ged wire-tapping and fortune tel- ling graft by the police. Tho growth of cities in America is causing the inhabitants to liv like ants, declared Georga E. Hooker, civic secretary of t/'ie Chi-, cago City Club, at the third annual session of the National Conference on Housing at Cincinnati. H.> ad- ! vocated the garden city movement-* General. Federal refugees from Chihua- * hua city in flight toward the United, States, are reported to be in a des- perate state. w By a crushing majority the Ger- man Parliament passed a vote of' Lu-k of confidence in the Imperial Chancellor over the Alsat au affair.'* Idle Money pEKSONS having UU fundi un 1 hand (or temporary or lor.j -r periods, or cvaltlng perminnt InvHtment. can obtain FOL'R PER CE.NT. Interest, compounded quar- terly, by opening nn ac:oi:nt In the SAM.NUS OEfARTMENT ol Ihli Company. These fund* >ro with- dnwible by cheque un i t>t ar Inter- est Irom dat* rocelvej until .lie wlthdrjwn. VS soll.ll . ut ol town accounts, which may be opened by Write for Booklet Union Trust Company, Limited Tempi* Building, j CAPITAL tpild upi RESERVE $I,OOO OOO SO.OOO LU B Y S FOR THE HAIR Restores the color, strength, beauty and softness to Gray Hair and is not a. dye. At nil Druggist.*). SOo. a Bot. Style Fit Durability the reasons of the popularity of "Penin" Gloves. At leading dealers, everywhere. -i-" ForHis Xmas invr- him a rOMlHN \T1ON BILL FOLD. CVK1") an, I CAR TU'KKI' I ASli wl'h nan o on in (told letter* Thl most acceptable ir.ft. nmclr of S.'ul Grain UM tlirr. will b e<>iit postpaid for S;.5i), willi mi me en- KiMM-tl free of ch.-irgtv Or d>rx< fllltd In tho orilor re C<-iv<><1. Hone] buck if not roprosrntcfl. - as A. 0. WILLIAMS, Wellington St. West, Toronto. Y- i ..y STMENT H gh CUts 5 Year Bonds that ; Profit Sharlnf. Sarlai-$IOO. SSOO, $1000 INVRSTMRNT may b withdrawn nt tlru* (tr <m jr, i<n IM .1.111' nultot) Ituitn< t back of thsa Bui Ii eitub- NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED CONrEDIIIkTION Ui BUIIOINO TORONTO. OAHADA