Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1913, p. 3

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.WOMAN'S HELPLESSNESS Cured Through the Rich, Red lood Dr. Williams' Pink . Pills Actually Make. Thousands of women suffer from bea^lachee, backaches, dizziness, Laiufour and nervousness. Few realize that their misery all conies from the bad state of their blood. Thy take one thing for their head, another for their stomach and a third for their nerves. And yet all thl while it is simply their blood th%t is the cause of all the trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure because they actually make new, rich, red blood, which reaches eve'ry organ and every nerve in the body, carrying with it a new health and new strength. Mrs. Win. AooVn, Charlottetoiwn, P. E. I., says: "Before I began the use of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills I was one of the most miserable women liv- ing. For more than three years I lived a life of constant dread. I wa% taking weak spells so that I sonic! not be left alone. If I walked from on room to another my heart would palpitate so violently that I feared I would die. I wa continu- ally sending for the doctor, who told me I had no blood and that my nerVes were shattered. Notwith- standing his treatment I did not gf any better. I could not keep anything on my stomach, and the least thing would make me sick. Than my trouble was complicated with rheumatism, which became- BO bad 1 that I had to be lifted like a child, and the pain was almost un- bearable. I was in this deplorable condition when my husband read of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and got me a supply. When I had takfn half a dozen boxes I f*lt much better, and could go about the- house. I kept on taking the PilLs until I had used twelve boxes, and I can truly say they made me a well woman. Indeed, I do not think I would be living now but for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I wish I colild persuade every woman who is sujk to follow my example, for I have proved they will cure th most deVperate cases, and I consider my- eelf a living witness of this fact." *You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from Th<? Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Out. F1GIHES AND FOOD. What a Man of Three Score Years and Ten Has Eaten. Whether we eat to live or live to eat, there is no getting away from the fact that each one of us con- mimes an. enormous quantity of food. Have you any id<a how much ? If not, the following fig- ures probably will startle you. A scientist with a love for statistics has investigated the whole que- t.i.'M ; and, according to this author- ity, the average old gentleman, during the procens of attaining his three aeore years and ten, disposes 6f something like fifty-four ton* of ijolid food and fifty- three tons of liquid. Ho will have eaten 12,000 9KK3, 400 pounds of cheese, about four tons of fish, and, could it have been all baked at once, a loaf of bread equal in size to an ordinary family hotel. But think of th vege- tables devoured ! Our scientist says f. train throe miles lung would be required to bring a life's supply to the average man ; though in this oarni- train it might also be possible to carry his 600.000 cigarettes, his t half-ton of tobacco, his 10.000 lb. cf sugar, and his 1.500 lb. of salt. CHASED BY AN ALBACOKE. Flying-Fish Are Relentlessly Pur- sued By Them. The home of the flying-fish is along th path of the North Atlan- tic trade-winds. In "Memories of the Sea," Admiral Fitzgerald of the British Xavy says that in sailing down th trades you find the sea fairly alive with these fish, which are relentlessly pursued by the albacore, the largest of the mack- erel family. From my commanding position at the end of the jib-boom I could look straight down on the strange scene. There was a shoal of some dozen albacore swimming along ahead of the ship. Sometimes one or two of them would dart off on either bow, or right ahead for thirty or forty yards, and then drop back again until they were straight under where I was sitting. The ship was going ahead about seven knots. As it sailed along, the flying-fish would rise out of the wa- ter before it, spread their wings, and soar away to the right or left. Often I could see exactly what hap- pened. As the flying-fish rose, one of the albacore darted off in pur- suit, and kept almost undfrrneath him until he dropped 'nfco the water again; then there was a plash like the rise of a salmon, and the flying- ' fish flew no more. But the albacore did not always wait for the flying-fish to touch the water. On several occasions I saw ! them actually take their prey in the air, by making a huge jump out cf the water. I remember once reading a book called "Hall's Frag- ments,'' wherein the writer de- scribes a somewhat similar scene, and record* that he had seen 'ii albacore almost catch the flying-fish in the air; but I saw him do it. There was a man down on the dolphin-striker a spar under the bowsprit with the five-pronged fish grains, trying to spear one of j the albacore; but he never sue- I ceeded in making a good hot ; he did not even appear to frighten j them. They seemed to regard his effort* as rather a lark, not serious enough to cause them any uneasi- ness. Eczema for Three Yean. Broke Out on Head In Scales. Itched and Burned Badly. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured, e Brook. N . S. "I aufltoaU with caena far three yean. It started on my fl.-sc In lorai between my flngva and all ow tle gultat of mjr band I and flagon were big crocks. I ThenlJ broka out on my head in PMJM. It Itched and burned 10 badly I could not tiaep, 1* wa o ltcMn and bunlnf thao I acnttuhed and Bide ore* and my balr cam* ou awfully bad. I did not IDMW what it waa, ' I ITM treated for a long tlm* and It did Dot do any food. I faro un my work for a noclh but M eoon a* I started doles mr house-work again toy band* jot Jiut ai bad M OTCP. I used two bottlca of and I: did not do any cood. Ono day I road about Cuttcnra Soap and Ointmont and decided to try than. I sent for a sample tad I ujoa tbam till I aw It Mopped the Itching aad burning, oo I got three cajtea of Cutiova Soap and a box of Cuticura Oint- ment and that cured me." (Signed) Mrs. P. J. toKMroejr. May 97. 1018. .*" <n only art Cuticura Soap and Ointment ttoat valuable in the treatment of ecsema* and other illiineelin erupttoiui of aldn and acalp, bat no otber enaUleata do o much far ptaplee, liliirlrtiiwli, red. rough ldn. Itching. scaly ecsipa, dandruff, dry. thin and hlung hair, chapped band* and ahapeJeaa noils, nor do It *> economically. Sold by druceteta and dealers ererywhare. For a liberal free cample of each, with 33-p. book, end poll-card to Potter Drug A Cham. Corp.. Dei*. D, Beaton. V. 9. A. LIVE FOXES WANTED witirg ron W. C. COFf ATT, . Orlllla, On t. A Bad Heart, Its Cause and Cure WHERE MONEY IS TIGHT. Everybody Buffers, when boote are tight your corn euftor*. but, they can b pain- lowly <-ure<l by Putnam't. Corn Extractor. (luaranteed in all <-ac. Use only Put- I-.IMI r-. 25c. at all dealers. f a^ "Did you ever hear the story of 'the dirty window?" "No, I don't think I did." "I guess I won't tell it to you." "Why not t" "You wouldn't be able to see through it." Ute LIQUID SULPHUR and prtvtnt MHMft Most married men are happier thau they suppose. Mlnard't Llnlmnt cures DIphtherMk Wellington J. Dowlcr has been for i."> ve.ii's city clerk of Victoria. He 1ms sowed under ten mayors. He va .1 young man of limited conversational gifts, but had a hab- it of prolonging his calls. Several hours had passed, and his hostess had been laboring under the bur- den uf making must of the conver- sation. From his cage in one cor- ner of the room the canary bird chirped sleepily. The young man was inspired. "What's the matter 'birdie?" he inquired. The girl glanced at him with a dreamy mile. 'H thinks it's morning," he cooed, gtifling a weary yawn. Th young man h,%tily made his <Jieu and hasn't called since. Many. Firmly Convinced They Are Dying of Heart Tronble>, Have Often the Strongest Hearts. Sometimes you wake up at night, , heart throbbing like a steam engine, Your breathing is short and Irregu- lar; pains shoot through the chest and abdomen, and cause horrible anx- iety. Your trouble Isn't with the heart at all. These sensations are the out- come of Indigestion, which has caus- ed gas to form on the stomach and press against the heart. Just read what happened to Isaac Malloux, of Belle River, Ont.: "Three months ago I was a weak, sickly man. My appetite was poor, food fermented in my stomach, I had : sour risings and indigestion. At night ! I would often waken with gas in j the stomach and heart palpitation. "I conoulted my doctor and used ! remedies that my friends advised. Nothing helped. "One day I received a sample of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and my cure 1 commenced. To-day I have a vigor- i ous appetite, strong heart action, and ; no sign of indigestion. I feel young- er and healthier than ever before." Your druggist or storekeeper soils ! Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 26c. per box or | ' five boxes for 11.00. By mall from ' The Catarrhozene Co., Buffalo. N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. Discouraging. Mr. Jordan was touring by motor- car, and arrived at a crowded vil- 1 lage inn quite late one evening. There was no spare bed to be had, which was a great disappointment, i as he was tired, and very much dis- ' liked the thought of driving far- : ther that night. "Haven't you at 1 ast a bundle of hay you can give me!" he de- manded of the landlady. "There isn't a thing left." she answered, "except a bit of cold roast beef." A man doesn't have to be an ora- tor in order to speak well of him- self. Clearly I njust. Ever since they came to school that morning two of the boys had been persistently naughty. At last, therefore, the teacher, now thor- oughly exasperated, turned to them angrily, and said that they must stay in during playtime until each had written his name one thousand times. Playtime duly came, and, aa the rest of the class rose and hastened from the room to enjoy a spell of freedom, the two miscreants settled down to their irksome imposition. Five minutes later the teacher re- turned to see how they were getting on, and found a heated argument in progress. "Oome, come!" she asked. "What's the matter now!" Whereupon one of the boys burst into tears. "'Tain't fair, mum!" he gasped. "His name's Tim Bust, and mine's Alexander O'Shaughnesty :" Quaintest Form of Oath. The quainte*t form of o*th in nse in the United Kingdom is that taken by the deemtr the Maux High Court judges. "By thi book and the contents thereof, and by the wonderful works tht God hath miraculously wrought in the hea- ven* above and the earth beneath in six days and seven nights, I do awear that I will, without respect of favor or friendship, low or gain, consanguinity or affinity, execute ihe laws of this isle justly between party and party as indifferently as the herring back bone doth lie in the midst of the fish. So help me God and the contents of this book." Doctors Condemn Oily Liniments Public Are Warned Against Strong- Smelling, Oily l.iiiim.'iii- Con- taining Harmful Adds and Ammonia. Many people have clung to the old. fashioned idea that a thick, greasy liniment Is the best kind. Doctors say not and they know. Recently a number of these white, oily liniments were analyzed, and they were found to contain an enormously- high percentage of harmful acids, and such irritating chemicals as ammonia, etc. For the moment they may cause ! a warm sensation when first applied, but their continued use never cures | rheumatism, and only deteriorates the skin, sets up Inflammation, and causes endless trouble. When a doctor warns you to quit using a white, oily liniment do so. He knows that a thick liniment can't penetrate, can't sink through the pores and reach the seat of the pain. When asked his opinion a few days ago. an Important physician stated that he considered a strong, penetrat- ing, pain-subduing liniment, slich as "Nerviline," to be superior to any of the white ammonia liniments. In his twenty-five years of practice he had witnessed cases of rheumatism, sciat- ica, and lumbago that simply would not respond to ordinary treatment but Nerviline cured them. The same physician also spoke of the great ad- vantages of keeping a preparation like N'erviline in the house, because of cramps, diarrhoea, stomach disorders, earache, toothache, headache, and such minor ailments. Nerviline Is a first-class cure. There is scarcely an ache or a pain, internal or external, that Nerviline won't cure. In thou- sands of homes no other pain-reliev- ing medicine is used. Fifty years' continued success and the endorse- ment of the profession are proof that Nerviline is the liniment for the home. Sweet Unit. Mrs. A. I told Willie on his way home from school to get me a bar of soap. Mrs. B. Oh, he'll forget it ; my boy never remembert. Mrs. A. No danger; I said he might buy five cents' worth of candy at the same time. Safe for a Month. ''I'm always glad when the first of the month is passed.'' "On account of the bills that come in, I presume!" "Not at all. But if I get by that day I know the landlord isn't go- ] ing to raise the rent for another month anyhow." LIQUID SULPHUR cures any form ef ECZEMA. The Test. "Have you many close friends here?" '"Can't say. I've never tried to borrow a cent." Try Murlne Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyw or Granulated Bvellda. Doean't Smart Soothe* Eve Pain. Druggists Sefl Murino Eve Remedy, Liquid, 2Sc, 50c. Marine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tube*, 25c, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mail. a>e Tee* * tor a>w she* fciurtn* By* aVeaaedT C*.. Following Hi Trade. Speechless with wrath, a little man was ushered into the dock. An ornament of the police force had found him loitering about and had arrested him as a suspicious char- acter. ''What were you doing at the time of your arrest ?" asked the weary magistrate. "Simply waiting!' sputtered the prisoner. "What were you waiting for?" ''My money/' "Who owed you the money?" "The man 1 had been waiting for!" "What did he owe it to you for?'' "Fur waiting!'" The magistrate took his glasses off and glared at the prisoner. "Do not jest with me," he said "Xow tell me, have you a trade?" "Of course I have '.'' "Then what is it?" "I earn my living waiting. You see, I'm a waiter '." CLARK'S PLUM PUDDING ,jBnl fe&'< Remdjr to serve after heating tuu patted for quality aud flavour. Don't wast* your ;tmc In preparation Bay "Clark's". Stone Blind. Proudly he walked up to his be- trothed, and drew from his pocket a small morocco case. Opening it. he took nut a ring a single dia- mondand placed it on her taper- ing finger. She looked at it. "Its very small!" she said, and paused. Then: "And not very bril- liant, either !" Poor fellow ! His smile vanish- ed ; but, quickly recovering himself, i he laughed, and said : "Ah. sweetheart, but love is ; blind." Raising her limpid eyes to' his, ; i-he said : "Yes, dear, but not stone blind '.'' TheOld Reliable Horse Remedy 'THOUSANDS ^ of farmers ^ -m anil horsemen fv ;' have saved money by ;ismg Kendall's Spa- Tin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone. Splint, Bony Growths and Lameness from many other causes. It keeps horses working. A $1 botile may save a horse for you. Get a bottle the next time you are in town. Sold by druggists everywhere, f 1 a bottle, 8 for (5, also ask for a copy of our book "ATreatiseon the Horse" orwrite to Or. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY EnoBburg Falls. Vermont - Building permits in rxlmonton for the month of October had a vaJue of A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE BABY Baby's Own Tablets are the very best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They sweeten the j stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds, promote healthful sleep in fat-t they are a cure for all minor ills cf little ones. The mother may ' feel absolutely safe in giving them to ivr children for they are guar- | anteed by u, government ana!>t to! be strictly free from all injti: drugs. Tho Tablet* are <'i<l by nifdicim* dealers or by mail nt :i.~> cents a box from Th# Dr. Williams' ; Medicine Co.. Brockvil!*, Om. Mlnard's Liniment Curst Olitemptr. EDUCATION. ELLIOTTS BCSIMEP8 TOLLEOB. TO ronto. Canada e Popular Commor- i-'.i: S<-hool. Magnificent Catalogue (re*. FARM* tti. H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborns Ursit, Toronto. IF YOt; WANT TO HI Y OH 'KM. 4 Fruit. St<X'k. Gra;u. or Dairy Farm. write H. \V Dawauit. Brampton. or 9t rolbornf Si. Toronto H. W. OAWSON. Colbarns St.. Torarli. I >O A< " RE3 - 1N MIDDLESEX COI'NTr. * "' toil rt.-li clay loain. 2 scrr* or- chard. 2 welle, wir- fences. 2 etorr fr:ue> hou** 1 . a munbtr <rf excellent, ou'bu 'i*- itig*. ' mil* to H R. station and uiarki-t. Terms nsy Apply to The Western K.-il Esta:* ExthHiig*. Lini'ivd. London. On- tario. A woman is unpopular with her NEWSPAPER FOB AH. neighbor, if she never do , any y WEKIT NEW!1PAPER ro thing that they can gossip about. .\__. 9a i e |,, goo ^ ontar,o town. Exctilrot _^^__^___^^_^^__^^_^^^_ nponlng for man of enera-y. Write Wllwu ublishing 1 Company. Toronto. HCt LLANSOU*. Jones-- ''My wife and I suffer from alternate insomnia." Brown "Alternate insomnia ! What is that?" Jones ""Whichever gets to sleep first keeps the other awake all night!" Mlnard'i Liniment Curei Garget In Cowa. Needless to say, it was an Irish- man who objected to taking an em- etic, as he was sure he couldn't keep it down ! LIQUID SULPHUR cltansts and heali. Uinari' LlnimtiU Co.. L'.mltd. Gentlemen.- Laet wintrr I revelwd rent boaeflt from th uw of SUNABD H UM- UEM' iu a n-"rc ai:a.k ' L.t Grippe, and I hare (requuntl; proved It to l>e Tory effective In canee of inflammation. Your, W. A. HCTCHIN80X. l^OH ivM.K SILVER PATCHKD KOX !:. JT a'.ao dark rede. W h ..> buy 100 P<i.r of Mink fT brvedliif imrpoMe*. Gr Brcm.. It R. So. :. (*! ::\\r->r. Ont CA.NCKK TUMOKS. LCMP8. KTC . Internal and eiurnal. ourd "'i- out pain by our home treatment. Writ* oe before too U:o Dr RM'maB Meiltcal 1 rll'nwc"<1 Onl (> ALL 8TONK8. KIDNFT AND BL.\0. H der Stones. Kidney trouble. Orl. Lumbaix) and kindred ailm'ntt poaitUtly cured with the new Oerman MBMdVi "Baool." prio II 50 Another new r*mo<l for Dlaboteo-Mrllitu*. and lore cur*, i "Ranot't Ant1-T>1abetee." Prlpo) ? 00 frn il.-'i '- or d'rxct T)i> Banal MannUe- tnrinf Comoany of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Mn. Everything 1 !! fair in love and in other words, before and after marriage. LIQUID SULPHUR baniahcs RHEUMA- TISM. Vancouver will have a, new drill i hall in the- east end of the city to cost $350.000. tCIhen buying your Piano insist on navirvj an OTTO NIGEL Ptano ActJorv DODD'S '' ^KIDNEY % PILLS W^vs-U ISSUE 4S-'1S. What are Post Toasties? TW. , wafery bit* o! choice Indievn Corn perfectly cooked ; delocMeliT flavoured ; then toated to e>n appedxing golden brown, and packed m tightly eald pa<okage with- out being touched by hand. "ToMtMs" are for break- fact or aiy other meal erve<l direct from package with orea-ru or milk, ajid a, sprink- ling of sugar. Pott Toaatie*) r convon~ ient, Mve lot ot time .nd ploue tho palate immensely I But alter all, a trial U th beert *ns"wer. Grocers overvwher* sell Post Toasties Caaadian Foetmm Oral Co.. Ltd. Wlndoor. Outarlo. Keonomy. Father was of an e onomic*! turn j of mind, and hated extravagance with all his heart. He had since the earliest days tried to instil ideas of a similar nature into the brain of his small son, aged eight. His grief was terrible to see when one day he came upon the budding economist staffing himself with a i slice of bread generously covered with a layer of butter which was surmounted by a young mountain of jam. "My boy," said he, sadly though ! severely, "surely you do not real- ize what you are doing ; yet you I ought, by now, to comprehend the wicked extravagance of eating but- I ter and jam together;" "Why. I'm being most economi- cal, father!" replied the young hopeful. ''Don't you see that I'm making the same slice of bread do for both?" Pointed Paragraphs. What a man earns di*esn't Lnbor- eat hie wife so much aa what she gets. Of course, it is our charity that ! covers a multitude of other peo- ple's sins. It Is easy for a young man to find a pin in a girl's belt, but he usually gcte hold of the wrong end. The average girl imagines the romance is missing from a proposal unless the stage is set for a moon- light sceoe. If young man marries a slender girl and she develop* into a heavy weight in after years, he can see A It.-ro he got more tthan h bargain ed for. Minjrd t Liniment Cure* Colds. *a Minnearxilis capitalists are likely to start a creamery at .Mix, Alta. Host's Youngest "Don't vi.ur shoes feel very uncomfortable when you walk, Mrs. Xuryche !" Mrs. Nuryche "1'ear me. what an ex- traordinary question ' Why do you ask. child!' Youngster ''Oh, only 'cos pa said the other day since you'd come into your money you'd, got far too big for your boots." CHAMPION EVAPORATOR MAKES THE BEST SYRUP NOW is lite lime to give your Maple Syrup bustneaa eerioua attention. Order now and have x'oitr Ivapo* rater in r>.u < before the cold weather sets in. This Insures care of your ttrat and mo*tt profitable run* of nap. Write tor booklet. THI GRIMM MFC. CO., LIMITED 53 Wellington St.. MONTRCAL.QUE. Don't waste time OH Inferi- or salves because they're few cent* cheaper. I hav proved Zain-Bok tot for tkzenia. Pile*, Skin Md Injuries. .Vs mother, you OW It to your family to IMC UM bot, that'. Zam-Bukt JOttea. Why we pay more for your RAW FURS We are the oldest RAW FUR HOUSE M well as the largctt collector* o( CANADIAN RAW i- '.-as In Canada. That meant larger *>p*rlenoe, largor markets and a LARGER PRICE to you. Ship direct to us. Returns made iam day lurs are rccslvad. Shipments held separate en request. Fall price list now ready. Write for II. HIRAM JOHNSON LIMITED, 4M 31. Paul St Mail DcDt, "C" Montreal. Ws will hrs si. ,-!ns 'with >->vir laitjtj acrT*d on tu or Ihls 14k i-m r-ina- i set with four ': tcm. ) - of all okarait te an? bjr of irtrl who will sell 90 seti ef Mr bsautlral. smbo*4 \timi poet-ear4s M 1O ont a '-'i lovely cards In ea* set.) .. , jr slrtads>r \m la Jaauarr r-. ho'il4 r a irnt February. Ma*a<: Mt-'cjL _>niJi.>n Aprli. tlenond (eclinuit)I M trnvajd. jSiiaet pearl: July, rub/i Au IM. se>r4oa/x; Veetsrnber, *pphlri o- t -i>ir opftl, November, topaai Dotub, turquoise. Send i Tour najn* and xldrese aad we win send roe the oe,rds to mil. Wriea solev send us th Money ejid wt wt)l sens' you the -int pou oaeoee. Ade'resa . Toronto

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