October 10 THE J< L E S H E E I O N AD V A N C E TH K An imlepi'inlent ni'Wi>a|-i. ]mK!i<iieil every T'hurmlay at th* ortiw, Cojnngwood Street, Flrshert.011. Subscript!' m price $1 prr annum, wh-Mi paid inadvutce ;il.5J when tMt n l>:tiil AdvertUinpc rat>- on applii'.iticn. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. Tliuratoii- Editor Flesherton Methodist Church Prayer meeting Thursday evening as tnu.il, at 8 p m. Sabbath next the pustor will ureach at both servicBH, 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Sub- jects in keeping with the thanksgiving eason. The Epworth League, in place of hold- ing its service on Monday evening, Oct. 20, Thanksgiving Day, will have charge of the Thursday evening meeting, < >ct. 23, and uive their tupic. Stallion Inspection For 1914 After the Inspection of stallions had bei-ii completed last fail it was found that there fare quite a number of stallion owners who, through nut appreciating the value of the Ant, or through lack of information did not hiive their Sullioi presented for inspection when the In apvctors were on their routes in the fall A supplementary inspection wan held ii A)>ril to inspect stallions owned by sucl men. This made th inspection verj thorough, but besides causing ddditiona expense, it in some canes, caused consid ertble delay in having the enrolnien certificates issued. To overcome th necessity of a second inspection for th Kewsou of I'.'U it is decided at a meet ing of the Stiillion Enrolment K<>*rd heli in the Secretary's Office, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, en Monday, Sept. 22nd, that there would only he one in- spection of stallions, during the year ending July Ultt, 1014, which inapection will commence about February 17th, 1914. The Inspector* will visit each stallion owner at his stable, provided that he make* application fur inspection to the Secretary, R. W. Wade, on or before February lit, 1914. ugenia Paragraphs visil- in Mr. *. H. Ken wick of Toroti'o is ng friends litre at present. Mrs. Robert (Jnrly vi>itel 'liulburno recently. Mrs. 8 Fisher spent the past week with f i iends at Poi'law and Markdxle. Mr. Alex. Cameron w;is Appointed as Jelegate by the Prbytorin congrega- ion to attend the laymen's convention in >rani>oville on Nov. (5. Mr. Johnson of (iriersvillo visited his sisiter, Mrs. L. Litimer. Mrs. Alex. Carruthers visited Mrs McKee at Portlaw recently. Mrs. Adam Smith has returned from ler visit to the city. Mrs. F. Carr has gone to Orillia for a visit. Miss Charters of MeaforJ is the guest of her friend. Miss McMullen. Miss Irene Walker has gone to visit friends at Krin. Mr-. J. Irwin of M?afrd is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong. Have you read the bills about the fowl supper to be given on Thanksgiving in the Presbyterian church, Miss Katie Jamieson spent Sunday with her friend. Miss Louie Hyslop, of the Valley. Mrs. Muir and Mrs. McKenzie of Cey- lon visited with Mi*s Bella McKenzie, who I: i- been spending the .summer with her sister, Mrs. Hysl'ip , Mrs. Jamieson has returned from her visit with friends in Thombury. Mr. Henderson of Proton took charge of Rev. Dinwoodie's work on Sabbath evening. Thanksgiving services are to i c held next Sabbath morning in the Presbyter- >an church by Uev. Mr. Phalen vt Murk- dale. Mr. and Mr. Watson of Proton were ibe gue.ita of Mr. an.l Mrs. McMmter recently. Miss May Ad*inswas the guest of .\li- Williams the past week. .Siiturday to ht-u their brotiie r , r red, of Hiil-triii, who bvppen6d with mi ccident while gutting on the train at Dundn'k Friday nigh'. Messrs. It. Cook, D. and B.Whittakcr, T. McArthur, J. !. 1'ittt sin, atid Mis-es G. Leo and Kdna McLeod, attended Dundalk fair. Mist Willow McLeod, Toronto, is n visitor at lirr piirentul home. Mr. Hen Smith and B'rs. Barret of Glen Caicn, spent over Sunday with the latter's brother, Mr. J. Ciiirns, nt Cj^t, McLuuchlnni. Mrs. Ward. Harrison of Silver Creek N Y., is visiting t Mr. M. Ferguson's. Mr.S. Hands visited Shelbuine friends Saturday. Mr. Jas. Sargent had the misfortune to have the top of his thumb damaged while working at some machinery. Mr. and Mrs. G. Collmson spent Sun- day with Durham friends. Kimberley Budget An unfortunate drunk in Durham was fined 920 and coiU. Durham councillors are moving the old town hall to a new site. The new government p"8t"ftice will he erected where the town hall has stood. Ion. It. inii-iii, a Huttonville teanuter ww going to Brampt'.n with his team wherl a high-power auto came along and ran no dole that the t-kin was brushed 1 .If Tom'* horses' legs. The tongue of the wag'Hi dropped at the same time, and the teamster hail the time of his life. tie finally quieted the hordes .vnd would like to run across that chuiitl'cur a 4,1111. James Walker of Hep-worth, whilst taking part in thu farmera' lace, Owen S mnd, met with a bad accident last w.'i-li. As his liorse wan going up the back Ht retch it [.tumbled .tin) t. II pitching the driver heavily to the ground In filling his knee cap came in contact with a | -t which wruncht-d the liga- ment) clean awuy fr.mi the Mi knee cup. -Mr. \V;i!ker' entire le^ wa> placed in a *]>linl and he was removed In tin- (ieneral and Marine horpital. Mr. J. F. VanDusen, having received inducements from C'hesley decided to move to that town. He has therefore closed hie jeweliy business here and hipped his Block. The jewelry business in Dundalk is a little overdone withthreu ,-i'iivs, and repairs boing dng free, so that Mr. VnnDusen'n decision to leaie thu Held to the other two is not to bu wondered at although since hi* arrival fivo or six weeks ayo he has enjoyed his own ehnre of the trade going. We wish Mr. and Mr. VanDuoen a goodly meas- ure of succesK in C'hesley Herald. The village of Arthur boasts a police ia ijMti,.i.-. by name O'C-Ilsghan, wh i.s nothing if not original in his methods of administering justice. A few days ago the P. M. was called to sit in judge- ment on a case where the defendant -i- jn trial for being drunk and disorderly, committing anwuilt, using profane language and, in general, for bvhaving himself in the way ordained by those who indulge "not wisely" in 'he flowing bowl. It was a clear case and court r ">in attendants were speculating nn the amount of the tine when their rumina tions were knocked ondways by the introduction of a thiid option in the Heiitcnce mid its acceptance by the guilty party. This is tin- way it reads : f 10 or two month*, or suspended sent- ence .in condition he docs not appear in the business section of the town for a yr excepting each Wednesday from 3 to 4 p. m. Hotels lire tanned altogether lid, with the one hcur interlude, the offender of morals mid law in Arthur will take what exercine and recreation he may in the solitude of that village'* l>ack streets lor the next twelve month*. Ram Lambs For Sale Some nice fine brtd Oxford Down Ram Iambi with good breeding and mulity at right prices. Richard Allen, R.R. No. S, I'leslierM). Telephone in connection Wodehouse Doings Our wurm summerlike dnyn came to an end when a heavy rain fell Saturday, which cleared (he sn.oke-ladeu air, and left us enjoying bracing fall like weather. Must serious lose would no doubt have 1 1 ken place from the fire s raiting in the country, had not the rain to lie to deaden them when it did. Mr. Aaron Birch and sis'er Mary visit- el Heathcbte fr e'ids over Sunday. The New England "Harvest Home" anniversary services will take place on Sunday, Oct. 10th. Rev. Mr. Scott of St. Vincent will occupy the pulpit morning and evening. The following Tuesday evening a cold meat supper will in' uiven in the basement of the chinch, afier which a choice programme will bo Mr. niid Mi.s. Wt'sliunkin and daught- er*, Kit'i and Lillitn i.f Kleslmrton, visited recently with Mr. .lohn Buskin and family of "Green Hill." Mi. Will Buchanan of Vaiidi-limr took chir^o of the service in New England church Sunday afternoon. Mi Bui'lim- an IM a clear, earnest speaker, and while yi-t young', he has without a doubt a blight lifewnrk before him. His wddress Has i'lijuyed by all prrsent who wish him evi-iy success in his chosen weak. Mr. Gordon Wiley was t Hea'hcote during the past week. Mt.ssis Charlie und Norman Bridge of MiirUdalu were citllera in our berg, recent- iy- Mr. Markell attended the teachers' convention in Kimbetlcy "ii ThursdHy and Friday last, the kiddies, ns a result, hid a holiday. Mr. Mtmaiy if (ioring was through the neighborhood the pa*t week cutting eiuiluge. A few from here attended the cold meat supper at Hurkaway on Monday evening. Miss Vera Ltngtree is visiting friends near Kocklyn. Ceylon Misses Margaret and Mahle McAithur of Winnipeg arrived last week to visit their mother, Mrs. T. MuArthur. Mr. and Mrs. ({. Cullinsun have re- turned home after a two months' trip out west. Mr. Uichmoiid, Toronto, Miss Milly, Oeamoru, and Mr. and MM John Har- "i IT. Dundalk, .:> visitors til Mr, Wilson McMullen's, the past week. Willie, Nellie, and Miss Uracie Radlvy, who have been on the sick list, are able to bo around again. Mr. Spuerf, Fovirsham, visited at 8. Hemphill's labt week. Miss Mnggie Ferguson left for Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. A. Kut Ir.l T, who has been visit- ing hor diiughter, Mrs. Jaynes of Leth- Itridge, for three month*, 'returned home Saturday. Mr. nncl Mrs. J. Mct'locklin left i n Talk about the climUe of the sunny south, why, potatoes and tomatoes are still unharmed by tlie frost in this vicinity. Mr. Fred Stuart has corn eleven feet high and is stlill growing. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irwin, of Fleshcr- ton, accompanied by Mias Brown, visited frit-nds in tins vicinity, rece.itly. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Sinclair, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church, on Sunday evening last. Joseph McClung and Jno. St.evenson I >he '.Hh line Kuphrasia, visited at the fi'i-mei's parental home here, on Sunday last. The East (Jrey teacher*' convention which was held in our village on Thurf- dny and Friday last, was very lirgely attended, there being sixty-six teachers in attendance including Mr. Stephcuson of the Normal school, London, who gave some practical pointurs on teaching geo grvphy, Iranspoitttion, etc. In tbl absence of Mr. Johnston Mr. Jolley.vice president, ocupied the chair. Mr. Hoi land of Flesherton was elected preside!! for the ensuing year. The next meet in{ of the association will be held in Flesher ton. Til-- Reid, our genial blacksmith shot a tine wild goose on the mill {.oni recently. It wai a species of the Bran family and weighed about eight pounds Rev. Mr McVicar of Flesherton wia a caller in our burg one dy last week. Fred Birch of Wodehoute vuitti friends in our vicinity on Monday last He is a professional checker player ai < played a few garnet! with one of our loca cracks and was one game ahead nt tl, finish. MM Km, i Burritt of Heathcote visit- ed at her parental humu here a few dnys the past week. Scamore Charters of Heaihcote visite. 1 at Jasper Stuirt'H recently. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Deds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisemen^will only cost yon $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds atTHhtr prices, nil equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wantri. tSprings and Mattresses to lit all be:ls. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sk-i>r iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. F. H. W. H1CKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Ladies' Fall Coats Some Fresh Arrivals Just placed in stock some of the Latest Styles in Ladies' Fall Coats, right fp-To- Date, but not t->o extreme in style. Prices $6.95, to $18.50. We carried noth- ing over from last seison. Everything is new. Lidies' Curt Lengths, no two alike, a selection of this season's Cloths that will please you, nsw weaves, new colorings. Prices from $1.50 to $2 85 per yard. Wool Blanke's Flannellette Blankets, Chintz, Muslin and Sateen Comforters $1.50 to $2.75 each. The New Niagara Cotton Batting for Quilting. All one piece, the size of the quilt. Best you ever saw for the purpose. Men's Furnishings Hosiery Fall Suits Fall Caps Odd Pants Felt Hats Overalls Underwear Smocks Ovoots Suspenders Always something new in our Millinery Department Drop in .it any time and see our display. Shirl s and Coll ars Ties and Mufflers Gloves and Mitts Sweater Coats T"P Shirts HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS - CASH For BUTTER AND At The Egg Warehouse Flesherton Boar for Service A Urge white Yorkshire Boar for service n lot Iftl.Srd range W T. it S. H., Artemosia Terms tl.OO' K. WALLER. M. Scully Co. MAIL CONTRACT SKA LED TKNDEKS nddrrswd to thi) 1'ostniaster (iiMieral, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 14th Novc.mlier, U'13, (or the conveyance i Ih:- Majesty's until* on a proposed con- tract, for four year.", six times per weuk each way Over Singnampton (via Osprey and Mclntyie) Rural Mail Route. at the pleasure of the I'ont Muster General Printed notices containing; further in- formation its to conditions of proposed Contract may he seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Ollices of SinatVAmpton, Osprey, Mcln- tyio, an I nt :he Ottice of the Post Ottice liiKpoctor nt Toronto. Post Oltico Department , Mail Service Blanch, Ottawa, OctonerSth. lt>13. O. C. ANDKUSON, Superintendent. GOOD LOCAL AGENT At once to represent the Che Old and Reliable Fon thill Nurseries Splendid H.st of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. : : : : Start at once and secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outfit nd pay hiehest commissions. Write for full particulars. 1 Jly 13 Stone&Wellington TORONTO, - - ONT ANADIAN PACIFIC LOW RATES FOR Thanksgiving Day EXCURSION FARES Between all Station, in Canada Fort, William and East and to Sault Ste. Marie, Detroit, Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Fall*. N. Y. SINGLE FARE Good _'!:_ Oct. 30 Return limit Oct. 21) F"are and one-Third Co od going Oct. 17, 18, 19, SO Return limit. Oct. 22 Minimum charge 25 cents Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent S. Rand - - Agent Ceylon 60 YcARS* EXPERIENCE ".RAPE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. one sending a sketch and descrirt Ion may )ulci;l7 ascertain our opinion free whether a'- Invention u probably piitent.ihle, CommttBlca. ttouMrMUreonOdeiitUL HANDBOOK on Patent* ent n '"v Ol'leat Birenrir fur securing patents. Patents taken tnrnunh Muun A Co. receive rprriui no(U, without cbarge, la the Scientific jft.er.catt. A bandsomelr lUudtrmted weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms for I'.uiii.in, f US a year, pcxtatie prepaiO. Sold by H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Fevers am - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of chat-re, if required. F tiu Washuutmi. O. New York uutmi. O. C. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 141 142, 3rd range E. T. & S. R., Aitemes'a brick house, good outbuild- ings and orchard, well watered. Apply to ISAAC SINCLAIK.Flesherton. " Looking backI see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of .'satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.KH TKNIIKKS addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 14th Nov. 1913, for the ^conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years e\\ times per week each way Over Rocklyn Via Beaverdale and Wodehouss from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Pi in i ril notices containing further information as to condition* of proposed ('mill-act may bo neen and blank forms of Tmder may be obtained at the Pnst Ofti.-t sof Ru ;kly n, Heaverdale, Wodehouse and at the Office ? th Post, Office Inspector at Toronto. Post Ottice Department, Mail Service Branch, Toronto, October 7th, 1913. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. 1 Sept. BULL FOR SERVICE Resist >-ivd Hol-stein Bull. Kornciyke Pit'tortjf I'lothilde. N... 14780, whose dam, Trizie's Cli.thildt? Pietertje 2nd, No. 2l*S, hs produced over 80 Ibs. milk per day. Terms Grade cows 81.10, pure bred cows 3. All cows not returned will be charged. Also registtrei Yorkshire boar, No. 34581 .Teriiin f 1. HENRY HOLMAN Lot 40, Con. 4, Artemeaia, Portlaw P.O Gun rtf Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evening. DEALKD TBNDKUS addressed to the on- '3 der.tigued. and endorsed " Tender for Harbour Improvement* at Thornburj Out. " wi!l be received at this office until 4 1*. M.. on WomiesJay, October 29, 1913, for the Harbour Improvements at Thornbury, (Jrey County. Oatario. riaup, specification and form of contract can be n<ien and forma of tender obtained at thin Department and nt the cfttces of J. O. Slug, Ei|., District Mutineer, Confederation Life Huildinv, Toronto. Out.. J.H. Armstrong, ' Epq., District KnKii'cor Midiaud (Int.. and on application to the Postmaster at Tooruburv Onf Persons tendering are notified tliat tenders will not be considered unless ina'-e on the printed forms supplied, and Hlgnen with their actual siRiiatures. stating their occupation! and places of residence. In the case of firms, the nctnal signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of the in u ntii-t be Kiveu. Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- CLEANING and DYEING We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, PROPRIETOR coiHiul cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, ei|til to ten (10) per cent, of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering declines to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the ten- der be not accepted the cheque will be returned The Department does not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender. By order, ". 0. DEblKK'HEKS. Department of Public Workn, Ottawa.Septeoiber '.'0 101. 1 *, Newspapers will not be paid for this advei- tiseuieut if they insert it without authority from the IH'pimtinunt.-47C7l. Our Clubbing List The following prices aro for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance C I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 30 Weekly Globe ... 90 Mail-Empire ,.... 75 Family Herald & Scar 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocate 1 SO Weekly Witoeis 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry News 2o Poultry Keview 40 Hod and Gun magazine 90