I CONTINUITY OF EXISTENCE -Sir Oliver Lodge's Expressed Opinions Touching Question of Life After Death A decpt)ch from Birmingham, England, saya : Speaking on the subject of "Continuity" on Wedneaday night before the Bri- tiah Asciation for th Advance- ment of Science, Sir Oliver Lodge, preident of the aaaociation, touch- ed upon the question of life after death. Sir Oliver summarized his addrem n<i in his own words his Argument "A marked feature of the present mcientific era is tho discovery of and intereM in various kinds of atoon- inm, M> that continuity seems in danger of being lost sight of. A i- othr tendency is toward compre- hcnuivo negative generalizations from a limited point of vie*. An- other is to take refuge in rather vague forms of statement and to shrink from closer examination of tho puzzling *ud the obscuro. An- other is to di*ny the existence of anything which makea no aprn?al to organs of sense and no ready re- gponae to laboratory experiment. "Against these tendencies the author contends. He urges a be- lief in ultimate continuity as essen- tial to science; he regards scientific concentration as an inadequate basis for philosophical generaliza- tion ; he believes that obscure phe- nomena may be expressed simply if properly fa/ced, and he points out that the non-appearance of any- thing perfectly uniform and omni- present is only what ahould be ex- pected and is no argument against real substantial existence." In conclusion, Sir Oliver touched upon the question of life after decth. He declared his conviction that occurrences now regarded as occult "can be examined and re- duced to order by the methods of science carefully and persistent! v applied," and that "already th facts so examined have convinced me that memory and affection are not limited to that association with matter, by which alone they can manifest themselves here and now, and that personality persists be- yond bcdily death." Sir Oliver further declared the THE NEWS I!H PARAC.W.1 HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A MTSIIMl.L. Canada, the Empire and the World In General Before Your Eyes. Canada. A Canadian immigration office is to be opened in Copenhagen. The Ontario Government has made important amendments to its bilingual school regulations. An expedition fitted out by Sir William Mackenzie has started on an exploration trip to Hudson Bay. Fivo hundred Toronto Chinamen have recorded their biographies with the immigration authorities. John A. K. Drummond of Kings- ton, a farmer member of the Mani- toba Legislature, was fatally man- gird by a C.P.R. train. A special Northwest Mounted Police patrol is being sent to inves- tigate the murder of H. V. Rsdford . j Liitiuv nit: uii'.rui.T 01 Ji . v. IVKUIOUJ evidence to my mind eoes to prove , f s N y fc d c St t that d.scarnnte intelligence. und-r, f ^^ by EgkimOB at Vthurst certain conditions, may interact with us on the material fide," ami j that "we may hope to attain some urderstar.ding of the nature of a . , i _ larger perhaps .ethereal, existence. A farmer 8uff n red a fractured arm a~d severe bruits i*i combat with two il Of FASH EPORTft FROM THE LEAOINQ TRAOI CENTHES OF AMEHICA. 'rices ei Catlls. OHM. excess ana Othsf *rduce al Hams and ALrojO. Breadstuff s. Toronto. Sept. 16. Kl'>ur-Ontarlo wheat flours. 90 per i-ent.. mude of new wh.'at, i6o to 13.67, waboard. Manitoba*- r'imt patent* in juU5 bags. 15.40; do., seconds. I4SO; i.r<ji.g baker. in jute bagv. t-.VO. in a dark pit by . . .... . a ro<<l *"<jnr BprliTi, w.Ho ha<l p^iticeo and of the conditions regulating - , ^^ c ^ ^ ^ tercourse acr <IS the chasm. j ^^ McM ;, |an of Starkvi:!e lott i h-s bnrrs, the s^n-so'i's crops, a No. 2 stock. 20c. Potatoes, per bag, car th-a.h'ntr mill ard a larze w<?od- lota, 70 to We. ONLY SETTLERS WANTED There Are More Artisans and General Laborers Coming to Canada Than Can Ba Ab -orbed A depatch from Ottawa says: The policy of the Immigration Department for the next year will be to confine the efforts of its agents to encouraging the immigration only of those who propose to settle on the land in Canada. During the past year or so it has been found that more ar- tisans and general laborers were coming to the Dominion than could be readily a^fimilated in the cities and industrial centres. In conse- quence there has been some conges- tion of labor with resulting unem- ployment troubles in a number of cities, and this condition is likely to be accentuated durng the com- ing winter. Unless immigrants of this class are coming to assured em- ployment in Canada they will be encouraged to stay at home, during the next few months at least. Mr. J. Obed Smith, Chief of the Canadian Irmriirration staff in Great Britain, who has been in Ottawa for the past few days, * leaves for England a^ain this week. He announced on Wednesday that j a Canadian Immigration Office will I be opened in Copenhagen. Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg. Sept. 16. -( aeh wh.it No. 1 engine. Northern. 75c; No. 2 Northern. 87c; No. 3 1 Northern, 84c: No. 1 rejwird needs. 83 l-2c; K.I 2 MUOMd needs. 81 l-2c: Mo. 1 rod Winter, 89>:; No. 2 ivd Winter. S6c: No. 3 rod Winter. 83 3-4c. Oat* No. 2 C W.. J6c; No. 3 C.W.. 34 l-2o; eitra No. 1 feed, 3o l-2c ; No. 1 feed. 34 l-2o ; No. 2 leed. 321-2o. Barley. No. 3, 49e; No. 4, 46 l-2c; rejected. 431-Zc; feed. 431-2.;. Klas-.No. 1 N.W.C. 11.31; No. 2 C.W.. $1.28; No. 1 C W., $1.15 1-2. rh r d b v fire provxl to have been j ptart-d by a spark from a thrashing Unltsd States Markets. ,~. ..... u...... ... ., ~...~. ,-- ,, Mi " n 'i a '" )ii - ^p 1 - i&S?v*&fS: Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern. 98 1 2c, her. Bo 5-8c : Dt-cejiiuor. 88 !> 8. 1 ; M:.y. M8^ on track. Bay ports; No. 2 at 97 l-2c: No. i. No. 1 hard. 89 5-8. 1 ; No. 1 Northern. 87 5-8o 9J-. Bay BOrttiMW, No. 1 Northern quot- t<i 89 l-8c; No. 2 N< rth.Tn. j r .-8 to e/l-Jc. *id at 5s,-. nrouipt delivery; No. 2 at Sic i N- 2 rye 61 u, 621-2.; Hour aiid bran and No 1 Kgrtftro. 91.-, . u rK a " B ^' ^V-, 3 .. ye i'\V cor "' 7Jc ' N ' * Ontario wh<-ut New No. 2 wheat at Wo to 86c, uiiu- i<l Oats No. 2 outside, and bit*) oat*. 40 1-2 to 40 . DulutJi, Sept. 16.- Liimeed. canh. *!.00 i-4; Ontario oat. 33 to 33 l-2o. September, fl .49 1-4 1 bid; October >1 J9 3-4: at 06,-. on track. Toronto. November |! SO J-4 -,d. D.'< euibc r Western Canada old' oal. 40 l-2o tor No. *1 47 3 4 bid. i. and at 39c lr N.I. i. Hay ports. No ! North 1-2 to 81c, I'om 83 to BJC. outside. Harley 52 to ..b. . ouitide. Cum- No 2 AiDi-ruan corn. C.I I .. Midland. Uye 60 to 6 per bushel. Jiuckwheut N'l-niuul. I. ran Munit'iliu lirun. $22 to $25 a ton. In bag*. Toronto frv.ghts. 8hort, $24. To- ronto. Wh.'at. No. 1 bard 8' l-2c; ..... ern. 86 l-Zo: No. 2 Northern. 81 1-2 to 87.-; September. 87 l-4c bid; De- . cember. 89c; May. 94 1 8c. Great Itritnin. Tho Imperator, of the Hamburg- Amtrican Line, which Railed for New York on Thursday, carries 5.000 passengers, which breaks all trans-Atlantic records. TIIE VIRTUE OF THE LEAD PACKET. The last process tea undergoes at the garcc.is is firing, to ex.ha.ust all moisture, s moisture is fatal to quality. The tea is then much drier than the air. It ia then qni-kly placed in tho airtight lead packets, or lead-lined chests, which ore tokfored up ard made airtight. When chests tf tea come into tho posse. ion of eome dealers, they, unthinkinxly, cut the lead open and leave the tea exposed to tho moist air for weeks, while all the t:mc it is fast decaying. Remem- ber, tea, however preserved, de- cavs with age, but it will lo?e more in a week ' xnored to the .-:r than in six months in a lead packet. That is why "SALADA" tea is sold only in sealed lead packets: its native purity and garden frcsh- if, Hvno OF MOROCCO. GIFT in mm United States. Mayor W. J. Gaynor of New York died on tho Baltic crossing the At- lantic. There is a collection of 4,500 dolls in the National Museum, at Wash- iogtoo. John B. Gleason, of counsel for Harry K. Thaw at the Pittsuurger's Live Stock Markats. Montreal. Sent. 16 -Prime beeves, 6 to I United Country Product. Wholesale dcu tors' quotations to retail- -r are: lluti-r Clio,.-.' dairy, 22 to 24c; inferior. 17 to 19o; creamery. i6 (,-j 27c fur roll. and 24 to 2ao for Kggi i 'a HC I". Bepi. them. 2 3-4<-; uniall 4 l-4c: 'lambs. *6 1-4 to 6 1-Zc; hog. 1C l-4c. T.'r.rito. Sept. 16 -Tattle -Choice first trial for the murder of Stan ford White, has filed a suit in the States District Court , ugainst Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw to 4 *to j recover 853.000 which, he alleges, 10 to j s duo |jj m f or services rendered in the defence of her son. . . ort. $650 to 97: choice biitchera, 86.25 to . 1675; *'. to good medium. $5.65 to t6: common. >. cannCTH. t2 to 12.50: cutter*, $j . . to $3.25; fat cows. *4.50 to *525: common . of new-laid. 26 to 28c . C<-WH. $3.50 to *4. O<x><l veal. $5 to . . . C7?6: choice. J8.25 to $10: common. $3 to r* dozen" "ireVli 22 txl i4c. aud oeconds, I J 60 HI'v-kiTu nr-d fpcili ix Sli-.-r. 700 to I t u ;. | to 650 pound*, P2.SO to $4. 23; light hull/*. UIOMMS' Now rlicif.'. 141-2 to 14 We for ; to 65 Oponlld*. S2.50 to 42i; !iit!it bull - (ienernl. Two men were killed in another accident to a German dirigible air- large, and 14 3-4 i Ibc ior twins. l..-ai. IUii.l-|... i-'-ii. i>- .-5 to $2.35 prinien. $1.75 to ?2 i 2.75 to ,V Sln-1-u and him'w t.i'^nt ewes, per lA'jQ to *!>: lii'iivv. fJ t>i S3. 50; buck, *J to , M SO si-rinir l.n.jlin. 16.25 to (660. Honey KilracUHl, In t.ns, 101-2 to 12c $965 f.n.b. to drovers UO fed and wnter- per Ib. for .No 1. whnluralo: coiiihs. $275 1. and $10.26 off care, ucr doia for N... 1. und *Z.2!i to *2.aO tor i ^ , " Poultry lien.. 16 W 17c _per Ib; Spring j -,-,.; DCCIIKSS OF CONNAt OUT rl.irksns. 20 to ;'!. ili.ckn. 16 to 1<V. gut-ite, 1. \'i 14c: turkeyK, 18 i" 20c. 1'ouloes Ontario*. 7o ! VOc prr bag. on track. Provisions. Bacon- Ixjng. clear. 16c per Ib, In e.n-e lots. Pork Sh'irt cut, $W; do. uies. Hams Medium to liebt. 21 12 to 2>: heavy. 20 1-2 to :!<: ruilw, I/..-; breakfast . . Won. 21 to 22c: bn k... 'tA l.i 2&u. Lard Turcw. IV; tiitin. 141-4c; 14 l-Ha. paili. Baled Hay and Straw. Balod buy No. I. 13.M to $14.50. on track, Toronl". iuid No. 2 at $12 to 12.Jj. 1,0. i. 110 to MOW. Montreal Markets. Montreal. Hvpt. 16. UatM. Canadian No. 2, 40 14 to 4K 1 : Caiiad.an \M1I Aeeiinipany His Hny:il High- ness to Olliiwa. A dospnteh from Ottnn-a savs: It is stated here that her Hxiyiil Hivh- M<"-- the Dtiehevs nf Connaught, notwithstanding reports to the con trurv, will afmpauy H.R.H. the (iovernor-GcniTJil to Canada on his An "artificial meat" has been de- vised .of grain by a Relirian chemist. Of 10.000 townships in Franco having more than 1.000 inhabitants, nbiuit 0,000 are without any public lighting. Of the remainder there nrc 1,219 lighted by gas, 2,703 light- ed by electricity and 172 by acety- lene. STltOMiEK. App.'imilly, with Advancing Ago. "At tho age of 50 years I col- lapsed from exeessiv? coffee drink next m.,nth. after the mar- ing," writes a Western man. Tea of his son, Printf Arthur, to the Idichess <if l-'ife. Cheering re- ports have been received here of tho health of her llo.Mil Highness, but it is understood that *hr will not Wiwiern, No. J. .' .V. ,-it.rii No. 1 f'd. (like ail aotlVf part 111 the social 40 Ui 40 l-2r. llur..-y. Man., feed. 50 to ole; : ,, , . ,..,,,;.! f,,i-iiii>r1v niiilting, 62 to (.. Iluckwiieat. No. 2. ig "< I 1 "! capital as toUIH rly. to 6flc. Hour. Mini. Hpring wheat patentn. i Great cnre Will have to be UUC6D II) bak to &>50; *tr*Mrnt roll'-rn. $5 Ui $i.lO; straight rnll.'ix, bugM. 2JO to $240 lloll- <! iits, ban-ilH, $4.76; DMI, 90 lb., $2.^'J. Jlrun, $22. short-. 24. MiilillingH. $27. Mi>iiiillH, (28 to *W liny, No. 2, p'T ton. car lots, $12 to $13. rliwsi>. tln<-Kt . t rns, 141-4 to 131-Zc: 12 7-4 to li 1-8. HiittiT. < 26 1-4 to 25 I >: H. Intent easteriiH, fresh, }2c; oroniiiery, IM!-. 2-1 .V4 U> -<. . . 29ei No. 1 stoc.k. ':(:; gtiaiding iigainst any over-exertion on the part tif the Duchess, whoso continued gnod health <lr|)rnds upon rc-st iiixl freedom from strain. It is. understood that Princess Pat- ricia will necessarily take a more prominent part in tho social side of viceregal functions. THE OUTPUT WAS $18,598,804 Big Increase In the Gold, But a Falling: Off In th.- Amount of Silver Mined ,Iut an tlio iiroduction of silver in the province has rommenoxl to tthow a ili'crefif.e the go'd mini's !iavi sti'pjM'd into the breach and rn-irn thau niado up for tho h-fl- ciony. , For the first six monthn of I1M3 the production of gold jumped $1,- !)35,4!) <-ojii)iai'-<l with the corrwt- 1912 by $90,170, while uickcl in- creased $347,510. The production ,f iron ore gained $l(is,'2(tt, and pig iron $l,KMi,-j(i>j Tlio iOOMMfl in thn output of pig irt)ii is 41110 of thn striking feature? <if tho mineral record of the pro vince in llu past decade. In 1002 tho production anioiiiited to but ponding period of last year, the. 112.0H7 tons. In 11107 it was up chief producers be ; ng the Ilollinger SHfl.Ulfl tons, and in 1912 to 58!),. vs." and Dome MitH'K of Poreupine.. The. tons. The half year record is 3HO,- Porcupine Can))) contributed all 450 tons, indicating an output for lint $150,000 of the, output. the year of nearly three-quartern of Tho production <-f silver divreas- u million tuna. <! by $242,882. The returns to tho The following statistics of pro liurpau of Mines i-how conniderable Utirtion for the six months ar. progress toward the ci'tnpletc treat- given by the Hureau of Minos; mont. of orH <,n tho spot, tho pro- Cold, $2,171,1-17; silver, $7,C.lt:<. portion of coiieeiitrates ami bullion 71.'?; Hrppr, $H3S!,B4fi ; nickel, $2, howirig a big increase. 511,414; iron ore, 1141,884; pi* The Hudbiuy nickel n.nd copper iron, A,051.61,i ; cobalt, ore, |7,:i7 1 aro (rtill increasing tli<-ir out ex-ball, nnd nickel oxidos, put, the- value ){ the ci>pp,-r pro- Thn only decrease- in addition t< 'i !< I during the half year out- silver was an uniinixirtant ono of doing the oorreAponding half of $5,7K6 in cobnlt in nickel ,.\i<l -.. is just as injurio'is, because it con- tains eaffeitie, the same drug found in coffee. "For four years I sham I ili < I about with tin 1 nid of crutches oi cant 1 , most of the time unable to dress myself without help. "My feet were greatly swollen, my right arm was shrunken and twisted inward, tho fingers of my right hand were clenched and could not be extended except with great effort and pain. Nothing seemed to give me more than temporary relief. "Now, during all this time and for about. 30 years previously, I drank daily an average of cups "f strong coffee rarely missing u meal.' My wife nt last took my case into her own hands and bought some Postuni. She made it accor<l ing to directions and I liked it fully as well as the. bost high-grade coffee. "Improvement set in at once. In about months I began to work a little, and in less than a year I was very much better, improving rapid ly from day to day. I am now in fur better hen I 111 than most men of my yours and apparently growing stronger with advancing agi-. "I am busy every day at some kind <>f work and am able to keep up with the procession without n cane. The arm and hand that were once almost uiwlos, now keep far ahead in rapidity of movement nnd beauty of penmanship." Name, given by Canadian Postuin Co., Windsor, Out. Write for copy of the little book, "Tho Road to W-llvi'le." PoKtutn comes in two forma: Itccular Posliim .mist bo well boiled. Instant 'i>-iirii i a Holuhl>- powder. A t 'ii-pooiiful dissohv- quickly in a cup of hot water find, with the addition of cream and nurar. make* n delicious beverage Instantly. "There'll a u-ason" for Postum. FOR MAKING SOAP SOFTENING WATER DISINFECTING CLOSETS.DRAIN Wages and Price*. The report of tho Pritish Board of Trsde on rent and pric'e ia of nnc irterest ard is oo-^ma d.ng great atten- tion. It <ets forth two things clearly One w. '.bat the ri> in price*, as h.-8 bee recognised beiore this, is a wor'.d-widc f ^X .: '" / ' ' >vl . phenoDie-on. .'Ihe o'hur ia. that cfrtitinly \*/K; . fift! .'- .>' N, .ifl in o far ae liritain ia co-icer-ed (an<i ^^!|".'-.0;*"" j.'U-Y'-i. U^^m - holding trn. probablv. for other coun- K V^^Vi'i i, ' r *i n tJJ "^- trie*) wrgeK have rot kept pace WM price*. In Britain th*- irc"ese in tbe cost of Hvirg ince 1905 h^s" ben 10 per cent., while the increase in wages has ; only been from 2 t" 6 ; rr cent. That is tlio slmr'e e'p^a-ation of the ' Labor unrc-nt which has marked recent vi'arw on both s'.Afi of tie Atlaitie. In Fydicaliprr we rro protab'y not witrree- FifB (as :!< rrii hcto w uH hare as be- lieve) a new phi!cophy and tacitcfl of oo- cial reconstruction. ITi.der u r<-w name, and though eomewnat noTel methods, t t * old process of readjusting wages to price* is at work. But there U no re. 1 reaeon for supposing that the foundations of society ar in greater peril today t :.'i in preceding periods of eoonom.o rc_-i junlment. A Word for tho Ei-Convlct. A plea for the rx-conrict is made by Mi- Ballington Booth. lire. Booth ds criee the view thai 'once a thief. always a thief." She cites numerous oaixe of * convicts who are uow good citiiens. en- joying the esteem of tbeir fellow-men. She pleada for a chance for the man wh. once made a, misstep but wbo now wuuu to reform. The ei-conrict nowadays w often bar deued not only by his own in but a>o by the too great zeal of pritiou reformer* ciple of bartering and hags'.lrg wa in. troduced into Canada. The aborigines of the north had to be *h--rp i-deed to beat the keen-yed Scow who were sent out to handle th:a end of the baUMM ot ::- company. Unomploymsnt Insurance. The great "British social insurance act i waa in p?rt an act ocainol destitution through unemploment. Tills part wai ; :.r;..-:v limited to a few skilled and well-paid trade*; it was felt that unem- ployment insurance had to be carefully tried. The trades toy-red were building, v -'''.'< and vehicle construction. I'he first annual rep it on w* feature of the bill was publ:snd a few days axo. iiow ht the scheme worked? Bemarc- ably, according to all tes:i:no..y Koipioy- r.- and employees alike are pleased w. a it. There is now a balance of about $8.- t Xfl.OOO in the special fund. About 400 ,,i) recoired ins-rancv money, out of a t * nil Sir Hurry .Machcan. MTIVE3 MEET DEATH. Two Islands In (he South I'aoifle us 11 iw Kitrai zrai u uiwerxii it.v* -** - * * cr^rwt i j k. . The reformers keep on insisting tuat total number of 2.>00.000 enrolled; but it most prisons are ehooU for crime, aud > explained that the periods of idlene , even an honest man when counned m hi-ve been very short. l.re.it Britain, .n them it eurc to turn criminal. This de- tact, h.is been eujoyiu? ettraordmary stroye whatever confidence a broad niiol- prwperuy of late, and t: en- his been lit- ed employer might be willii:f to repots tie idleness ard 1 paurcrw-m. in the ex-convict. In their eagerue** to Thw. of conrse. imt es th:it tha nnm- help those in the prisons the rclormew ployient inuran > feature ha mrt bii uuwittiug.y blacken the character of everoly tested. What, it id aaked. w.Il every ex<-onTict happen if hard times come, with mu<-h> Mre Booth s plea for a cHance for tae | persistent unemployment and heayy d*. ex-urisouer who wants to leforin-a pla I iratul on the fund? pie answer is tint, Juepired not by mfre sentimentality but | the longer prosperity Issts tie larger w!.J by recordB aud liifiires showing that u lie the surolus available- for lief during misu-p ouce does not make a man a criai- 1 lean period. inal for life-xhould do mucn toward d->- I At any rule, the ettfvion of nj?ni)J"y>- ptwing employi-ro more lavt.rably w t-ie nient imurancr i* gentfr.-llT I..Tored. a-d man wi;h a jail record tighliug lor hoJ- mcr* trad will b- in<-ludl before long. et rehabilitation. iThi- administration of the fund ti>s giwi I very little trouble, there be:ng courta and Tho Crais for Luxuries. referees to pass on doubtful claims. The crate for luxuries la one of the pre- i Cnnd Manners. vailing ills of the times. It is perfectly natural for men and women to w.t:ii tne Lord Roeebery rece-n ly addre...^ th gotul thiiiKB ot lile. but it . migaty bad boyj of tho Gallford Qmnmar school on t policy for them to atu-mpt. to <e. tiitso tJie siibject of manners and in the coursa tiling wbeu they have not ifot lu nii--.it- oi has n-oet i tun- .-.-tine rem.ir U".-,P,I This fact in rrnpbueix.d by .1 rc..ort omc presuant tru:h. He bid parttcu- ' from a ccrtuin city wh.ch *iye that uia y lar stress on tho fact that in the un>- residents ha\e acnhced tucir IIO.MS in matter of success in life itool m>Mvrs i onior to indulge in th luxury ui motor- may count for more than cither ability in*. I'he story ol a mai. neliio^ i-is or knowledge bverrtxxiy valuen good < homo lor the purpose oi |urcliu..n(f uu n-.ii-ncrs in other people, and when it automobile wa formerly regarded us a come* to the bestowal of favors, or to the < g.Hxi joke for the va-doTi.le urtwU.. but giT; of appointments, the inevitable ten- uow it haa bwouiu u tragic fact. dency ta to prefer the applicant wh<ve , The rvjKjrt may be exatfiteruiod. but manner* arc the best. If a man 19 courts- there is n.i r.'aeon to doubt thill thous- ous. free from self corncioiKmon*. ;i r( | nuds ot person go to the wall ever.. y>-ar iMtlnctljcly Prodncei the ImprsjMio* that < in a vain and foolish Mtiempl to liv.- be- ho is what is called 'dtraight. it i as- y<.iid tlieir ui<>aiu> The dtvirv to i.^itate toriehins; what a very vital asset hs ^ those who are richer than them$?.\t\. .* iv.-*<vs *. thi- rock on which many an otuerwi.-e OOK^I mflnr^ra indic'e t JJ-CP rfspect huppy home * wrecked. Luxury oi.ce for oneself and coria"rtwn for oiaors.4 tasted ewuis to get in >he blood. .mU t..e nnd it i not e-mv t n;'n:e any other two only remedy iti a deierm.ned otfort to gt qnalitir* which are more plpunant to meet back to ihv simple life w'.th. Thcv arc th- product of the right" Hudson Bay Company. eSSe/frflm^Mmpli^-d tt wWc/iSt^ In the yt-ar 1670 I'harle* 11. granted a jp,.^ them is worth lirt'e or iun'ii" n cli.uter to Hrince Kupert and soviteen roalitv. however wide a--'l accurnte it may r other nob'emen and grntlemen. .. , r . r Appear to be This w a truth which tii>-r<i ating H'. in as the 'Governor aim Lo-u- ,. .,.. t - dargcr nf forgetting just now, nany of \.|\ . u- -. of Kugland i a. g nd it ie as wrll that Lxird Rocc-lx-ry < A despatch from Sail gays : Falcon and Hope Francisco Islands of the Friendly or Tonga group in tho South Pacific have disappeared from view. With them several imidred natives and a ffw white men also have disanpeartxl. News to the effect was hruiight to Siui KraiH'iscn on Thursday ly (.'apt. J. H. Trask, of the steamer Sonoma, \\lik-h arrived from Sydney via Pago-Pago and Honolulu. C'npt. Trnsk said : "Oue of the rep:ul.-ir Ateatnera betwct'ii Sjxlney nnd the Tonga group reported the (sinking of the islands. The vessel steamed to where Falcon Island should have been, but it was no- where in sight. Just prior to this the instruments nt the Sydney Naval Station showed that several violent earthquake slux-k.s hiul taken place nbout '2,000 miles north- east of p into the Uudiwn Buy' Their p.i ci;>; 1 nhrnld call Btte'-tion to it No mau h:- trade wus in the turn of the anini:ils of better qualifications for preaching a !:' that immense and at that time U.-H. pncd erxon on such a aubjiH't and h- world country. Shrewd deulr< in furs were H<^ t r i'li; well be printed as a pamphlet and to the various posts which were establ -'i- circulated broadcaet throughout our ed at different points ami thin tiiv pr::i- yhools. COST OF LIVING GOES UP There Was Almo=t a 3-Point Increase In August Over the Sams Mt>nth of Last Year A despatch from Ottawa says : The cost of livi'.itc index number tnok another jump upwards last month from 135.9, tlio figures for July, to 130.2. In August, 1912. figures were 1S3.3, so that there was nearly a three point increase in August of this year compared with the same month a ye.ir ago. "And." sav the officials at the Labor De- partment, whocomjile the average o si <>f prices cveiy month, ''the prosptx'ts for any pronounced drop in t''e -vr'H'e e'it of the oomnudi ties clarified under the list oi nccesfuties of life are not very bright." The cause for the advance in the average ocst last monfb was prin- ^ cipally due to tho increase in price of potatoes, eggs, canned lobster, ^ anthracite coal, grains, and fodder. Such thing' as beef, laonb, lake . tnuit. whitefish, canned peas, and , coffee <lroppe<l a few points. Moat* are a little higher in price- than i thev wore a year ago, but graiua at.d fi>dder are lower ANOTUCU It Kill) VtHSlllP. Nrn lirilish l>i> i/ihlr (o lio C.V.Ieil Mir Kill im ii. A despatch from Uindon ays : It is learned that exj)erta attaclutl to tho Admiralty are. investigating a privately built dirigible of 1.500J milea radius, called the Britannia. The s.hip is stated to have a lifting capacity of five tons. Two years ago, following the collapso of the Mayfly, tlie Hritish navaJ airship <>f the. rigid Z<!pix;lin type, experts i:i torpedo boat construction were re- ported to have br<r\in to build seerwtly at Barrow-in-l''nrness an- i>1hor rigi<l airtvliip of similar, but improved, pattern. HONEST TEA IS THE BEST POLICY LARGEST SALE THE WORLD s - Iti