NEHVODSJHILDBEN Are Often in the Early Stages of St. Vitns Dance They Need a Tonic to Strengthen the Weak Nerves and Restore Them to Natural Health Many a child has been called awkward, has been punished in school for not keeping still, or for dropping things, when the child is not really at fault, as the trouble ^6 really St. Vitus dance in its earlier stages. So common is this nervous disease in childhood that in some schools one-fifth of all the pupils have been found suffering from it in one form or another. Be- fore the presence- of the disease is betrayed there is usually a disturb- ance of the general health. The child shows listlessness and in- attention. Then it becomes rest- lees, and twitching of the muscles and jerking of th limbs and body follow. A remedy that cures St. Vitus dance and cures it so thor- oughly that no trace of the disease remains is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which make the new blood neces- ary to feed the starving nerves and gives them the nourishment they demand. Mrs. Hiram Barnhart, Scotia Junction, Ont., says: "About two years ago my oldest daughter, Ma- Del, then ten years of age, was stricken with St. Vitus dance. She could not keep still for half a min- ute, no matter how hard she tried. Her limbs would jerk and twitch and every little thing would start her crying. I gave her several bot- tles of medicine said to be good for the nerves, but instead of helping her she was steadily growing worse. Her voice would change so that we couJd hardly understand her, and her face became twitched until she did not look like the same child. I had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills myself when run down, and finally- decided to give her these. When she had taken two boxes I could notice an improvement, and by the time she had used five boxes she was fully cured. However, I was determined to make the cure per- manent if possible, and I gave her two boxes more, and I can truth- fully say that she has never had a symptom of the trouble since, and is now as bright and active as any child of her age. I heartily recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all mothers as the result of what they have done for my child and myself." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brock viLle, Ont. All Smiles. A Frenchman, staying at a Lon- don hotel, when presented with his bill, paid it without formal protest, but was most indignant at its amount. "I vish to see zee pro- prietaire," he said to the clerk. Iti a minute the proprietor appeared. The Frenchman was all smiles. "Ah!" he exclaimed. "I must em- brace you!" "But why should you wish to embrace me, sir?" asked the astonished hotelkeeper. "I do not understand." "Look at zees bill!" "Yes; your receipted bill. What of it?" "What of it? Simply M-.-.S. zaire ; >t means zat I shall ne- vaire, no, nevaire, see you again!" HOW TO TREAT PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS Successfully and Speedily With CUJJCURASOAP And Cuticura Ointment, at a trifling cost, is learned from the special directions which accompany these pure, sweet and gentle emollients. Cutlourt Bo(> ji<i otntmcii u nolil Uiroiifhciil thr world. A Ittnnl Mjiplo of ocb. with ta-i> 1>ooklt on the raro And ir-tjn#ct of tb* skin *nl '"> poliMra*. j PoMcr I >r u i. I'liuiu. , IKMM, I b. A. Ex-King Manuel. The latest picture of ex-King Manuel of Portugal, whose mar- riage takes place soon. PUZZLING ANEMONES. Many Strange Things Are to Be Seen in the Tropic Sea. During the cool season, the tides on the coast of north Queensland offer peculiar facilities to the ob- server of the tropic sea. Mr. E. J. Banfield explains in hia recent book, "My Tropic Isle," that the lowest spring-tide in winter exposes far more of the reefs than the low- est tide in summer. In many places on this reef little secrets, well-kept throughout the rest of the year, are boldly proclaimed when the sea retreats. There is one, a fairly common anemone, a huge fellow of a rich cobalt color that opens out like a soup-plate ' with convoluted edges. Being an animal, it posse'sses senses that the rno&t highly specialized vegetable lacks. It has the power of waving its spikelets, and each of the thousands of truncated ten- tacles that cover the spikelets seems to possess independent action. Al- though all, no doubt, contribute to the sustenance of the animal, they rest from their labors, or assume great activity at will. It is natural to suppose that the diet of such an animal must be of microscopic proportions. The other day I happened on one that had seized a fibh abuut four inches long, and eeemed to be greedily sucking it to death. The fish was still aliw, and a.-> it looked up at me with a pathetic gleam in its watery eyes, I released it. It was very languid indeed, so feeble and faint that it could not swim away. Aid had come too late. The fish was the legitimate prey of the anemone. As the fish's hold on life was too fra- gile to be worth much, I put it close to the enemy again. I am certain that the anemone made an effort to reach it. There was a decided swing of one of the spikes in the direction of the fih, and marked agitation among the hundreds of minute tentacles. When I put the fish in tin- anemone, the latter grasped it immediately, and at the same moment the activity on the part of the tubes subsided with what I thought an air of satisfac- tion. Another giant anemone is friend- ly to fi*h at any rate, to one spe- cies. It is the landlord or host of one of the prettiest fish of all the wide, wide sea. It seems proud of its guest, and the fish is so depend- ent upon its host that it is quite helples apart from it. The good-fellowship between the dainty fish re-splendent in carmine and the great anemone is appar- ent. If you offer the finger to any part of the anemone, it seizes upon it; or if it is not in the mood for food, it curls and shrinks away. But the beautiful fish on the least alarm retires within the many folds of its host, and entirely disappears. The anemone makes no effort to seize or hold it. In a fcew minutes the fish will peep out again shyly at the intruder. It is almost as elu- sive as a sunbeam, and most diffi- cult to catch, for if the anemone is disturbed, it. contracts its folds, and shrinking away, offers inviola- ble sanctuary. If the fish is taken away from its host, it soon dies. It cannot live alone, although the anemone, as far as we can judge from outward appearances, endures the separation. Why should one anemone greed- ily seize and eat a fish, and an- other find pleasure in the compan- ionship of "the most beautiful and delicate of the tribe t Diamond Oo>vn for The younger members of the royal family are combining to make one pre- jsent to the Duchess ot Fife on her marriage, and this Is to take the form of a magnificent crown of diamonds. The design la composed alternately of ducal strawberry leaves and thistles. It had been proposed to use colored stones for the thistles, but the royal bride prefers diamonds through- out, and her wish In this respect will i be ratified. Queen Alexandra is pre- | seiiting h^r eldest grandchild with a ibeautlfuVnlinimm'.! collar, and It Is ex- pected that, she will wear this at her r :H-I and Fancy. Love is blind but not BO the gos- sips on the hotel piazzas. The best wooden legs are made of aluminum. The average man would rather kiss a beautiful mouth than an Intellectual brow. Camel's hump, white like veal, is a new Parisian delicacy. Don't forget that the pensive sweet- heart may make an expensive wife. Bulging eyes are usually short- sighted. Some men'a Idea of religion Is to loaf round the house all day Sunday In shirt sleeves and stocking feet. Over twenty per cent, of the Eng- lish nobility are childless. When a girl boils over with rage, she is apt to weep scalding tears. Prance will handle no cloth that mud stains. They who know the value of a dollar usually want a dollar and a half for It. Munich banks have girl clerks. When the average man discharges an obligation, you can hear the re- port for miles around. $100.000,000 Tax on Childless. A hundred million dollars annually Is the estimated revenue from the proposed tax on persons not contri- buting to the increase of population in Prance. Statistician Bertillon declares there now are in Prance 1,350,000 cell- brates. 1.800,000 couples without child- ren, 2,650,000 families of two children, 2,400,000 families with one child. All these will be required to pay, as it is proposed to tax every citizen who reaches the age of 45 without three children living, or who reached the age of 21. The tax will be $6 per child for each one under the minimum. Had Stomach Rumblings Distress Before Meals Was Seldom Free From That Weary, Droopy, Half- Dead Feeling. Now Cured, and Olvci Good Advice to Othtn with Oysptptlo Tendonctes. If you hav* any Btomach distress a.t all vou will oertalnly be interettted lu the followiug experience wliick it* told by Mr. Edward Dawkino: "When I was working around the farm laet winter I had ail attack of inflamma- tion." writes Mr. E. P. Duwkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for t long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with iny bowelu for I bad to use salts or phygic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there wae pain and fulnuss. and all the symptoms of intemiual indl- eestion. Nothing helped mo until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they :u-ted very mildly, and ocemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel BO glad that I have fotiud a mild yt certain remedy. To-day I am well no pnin. no sour stom- ach, a good appetite, able to digest any- thing. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can *ay Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the beat pills, and my letter, I am sure, prores it." Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 25c. per box or five for 81.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or nowt paid from the Catarrhosone Co., Bu alo, N.Y.. and Kingston, Canada. Cured Stomach Gas, Slopped Hiccoughs Pain* in ili.- Stomach That Yield to Nothing Elw, Pass Away Quickly If rviline Is Used. READ MR. BRAUN'S STATEMENT. "A few weeke ago I ate some green vegetables and aome fruit that van not quit* ripe. It first brought on a fit. of indigestion, but unfortunately it develop- ed into hnvmg)!*. accompanied by nau- sea and crumpe. I was dreadfully til for two days my head aehed and throbbed: I belched gag continually, and I was un- able to eleep at night. A neighbor hap- pened in to eee me and urged me to try Nerviliiie. Well, I wouldn't h;.v believed : any preparation could help o Quick- ; ly. I took half a teaitpoonful of Nervl- lln in hot sweetened water, and my atom- [ :wii felt better at ouc. I used Nervilinej several timea. and was completely re- stored." The abov* la from a letter written by G. E. Braun. a well-known utockuian and farmer near Lethbridge. Alta. Mr Braun i Hasty. Maud So he' been calling on you regularly for ten years. Why do you suppose he hasn't proposed? Beatrix Oh, you see. he's the sort of man who always does things on the spur of the moment. St. Isidore. P.Q.. Aug. 18. 1904. Minard'a Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, I have frequently used MI.VAKD'8 LINIMENT and also prescribe it for my patients always with the most gratifying results, and I consider it the best all-round Liniment extant. Yours truly. DR. JOS. ACG. 8IHOIS. MATCUIXJ PEARLS. adians who have proved Nervillne Is slm-| ply a marvel for crampu. diarrhoea, flat- ulence. nitueea. and stomach disorders. Superstition in the 1 .1-1 Regarding the Custom. Probably June is the month ot pearls because it is the month of weddings. At least, most brides are partial to pearls, and in some eastern countries no other jewels are allow/I'd to ftgura among the bridal ornaments. In Persia the notion prevails that the pearls themselves are suscept- ible of married bliss. Among the you family remedy. Large family ciie botUea 50c., trial size 25c. All dealers, or the Catarrhoon Co.. Buffalo. N.Y.. and Kingatou. Canada. A man boasts of having an um- brella that has been in his posses- sion for more than twenty years. That's long enough, he ought to re- turn it. Mlnard's Llnlmtnt Cures Dandruff. . court it is an article of faith that pearls have sex and that every one [ has its mate, its equal in size and D eauty. The surest way to avoid the dreaded pearl disease is to mount the Pearls in pairs. If deprived of their Going Down. Gabe "He claims he is a descen- dant from a great family." Steve "Yes, and he is still des- cending." w , If you have Red, Weak Watery Eyes or Granulated Evelida. Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eve tain. DnnMl 6eU .n Eye Salve In which has led to such extravagance. It is said that the great glory of the ropes of pearls given to Queen Alexandra by some of the princes of India was the perfect matching of almost all of the pearls. Thus the eastern experts believed they were assuring long life for these jewels. It Is believed to foretell misfortune for the owner of pearls when they contract the pearl disease. Some readers may remember that the first the beautiful Empress Eugenie arose when the news was spread abroad - " P a-y. We Of rrS The Krench jewelers would llave derided the eastern not i on of sex and affinity ia , out Ule k qf the Murlae ET Remedy Co.. Chlca Economy. "Of course,"! want my daughter to have some kind of artistic edu- cation. I think I'll let her study singing." "Why not art or literature t" "Art spoils canvas and literature wastes reams uf paper. Singing merely produces a temporary dis- turbance of the atmosphere." Mmard's Liniment for salt everywhere. I *! ii i iii ili,' Uotise. Murphy's wife was ill, so he thought he would make himself use- ful in the house. He bought a pound of bacon ; also a pound of eoap, and he set about preparing a nice meal for his wife. She, however, wondered what was the smell, and called to Murphy what was he do- ing. "Cooking bacon," he replied. "Bacon! Why, that is soap." "Then, bedad," said Murphy, "I must have washed my shirt with the bacon." preserved many of the crown 'or c*enturies. Modern jewel- j ers are always on the lookout for opportunities of matching pearls. You do not .'In. I them so anxious to match diamonds or rubles. And it is curious that persistent searching generally discovers that all pearls have doubles in size, luster and weight, It used to be said that the Empress Eugenie had received as gifts from Spain many pearls which had come from America and that American pearls wore susceptible to disease, if not actually Infected with it. It Is certain that years ago great numbers of pearls went to Spain from Amer- ica. The Pacific coast, between Pan- ama and the upper end ot the Gulf of California, had famous pearl flsh- I ing grounds. Many costly pearls were obtained by the explorers of early days in questionable manner. I If it were true that the virgin peai'm I contracted the spotted disease if they touched human blood shed by foul M>. 7. ISSl'K 38-M3. in royal collections would have crum- bled away long ago. But many fine American pearls have been bought for the superb Par- isian court collection and some of the Indian princes at various times, and no stories have coma of troubles with them. Experts In pearls ridi- cule the idea of infection In or from American pearls, and say that If the pearls were properly and regularly exposed to the rays of the sun and kept in powdered pumice-stone or kiln-dried meal, they would be im- mune from sickness. The craze for matching or marry- ing pearls Is prevalent among the women of the harems In the east, large sums being obtainable for per- fect partners to those they already possess. A well-born Persian bride always tries to wear a necklet of matched pearls with one large slngje pearl in the center, and great is her joy if her husband chances to have a pearl which will niatch it. Her un- ion is then certain to be blessed. The man who marries to suit him- self is easily suited so his friends think. Mlnard't Liniment Nlrvt> Neuralgia. $1611.000.000 FUR TO I RS. Traveller* on Continent Spend at Rate of $30,000 Per Hour. A well-known statistician ha& just ca.lcula.ted that during the holiday season tourists in Europe spend 830,000 per hour, and that they spend moi'e than $160,000,000 per year. Of the countries which reap the principal harvest of the tourists' money Switzerland is easily first., with 3,000,000 visitors annually, re- presenting about $32,000,000. The Riviere, Spain and Italy have fewer tourists, but not over $60,000,000 among them. The expense of holiday-makers, both foreign and provincial, in Paris, with 1,000,000 visitors; Lon- don, with 600.000; Berlin with 500,- 000, and Vienna, with 350,000. amount to at least $45,000,000, not counting the purchases of souvenirs and various minor articles. Finally, the European watering places and seaside rosorts are esti- mated to gain $16.000,000 from the annual invasion of tourists. One Kind. "Pa, what'a cold comfort?" "Being locked in an ice box on a hot August day." 5,000 OUT OF WORK. Not men. but corns that were put out of business last week by Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor. No corn can live If treated by Putnam's. It is sale, painless and sure. Use only Putnam's, 25c. at all dealers. Delicately flavoured Highly concen- trated. WHY WORRY Choose your variety aud ask your grocer for "Clark's". Teacher of Hygiene Why must| . we always be careful to keep ou* homes clean and neat? Little Gi| Because company may walk in aifci anv moment. FARM* FOR SALt 'J H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborn. Slrtrt, Toronto. FRUIT. STOCK. GRAIN AHD DAlBTi Farm* in all lectloni of Outarhfc | Some inapi. ^J F1 ACTORT SITES. WITH OR WITHOUT ' Railway trackage. in Tnront% ' Br'*ntnn and oilier tnwnn *>rt elt!* 1 *. RESIDENTIAL Brarapton nd a doien other -i-m. f Mrs. Mather "I wonder what makes that dog so afraid of me ? He always acts as if he thought I was going to kill him." Little Daugh- ter ''I daresay he's seen you spankin' me '." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burn's, Eto. Hard-Worked Father "I cannot see why you dislike work. To me it's real enjoyment.'' Lazy Son ''That's it. I don't think it's right, for one to give one's self up wholly to pleasure." PROPERTIES a dozen other H W. OAWSON. Colberne St., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. AN ESTABLISHED MONTREAL veutment Company selling dividend paying rttourltii'S. requires the survio** of able men. Exclusive territory in right parties. Good profits i-an be maile In whole or spare time. This is a eolid pro* position backed by influential mm who form the directorate. Write P O. Bo* 1445. Montreal, for particulars. llnnt'.oa paper. STAMPS wn COINS. STAMP COLLKlTORrt -UUXDHEU DIF- fercnt Foreign Stamps. fati.'ogue. Album, only Seven Cent*. Mark* titamB Company. Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED OUhen buying your Piano insist on Havirv} an OTTO niGEL Piano Action .. TOTTJfO MAN BE A BARBKR. I yon quickly, cheaply. thoroughly furnish tools fr*e. We give you .> hop eiperieno*. Writ* for fr oat lotfue. Holer College. 219 Queen Bl EaW Toronto. MEN WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Th Wrtiie" Hou4 vl*iMlj from th> **. ul of tli> v of UM . . .. ltd* >lli>w PIB.-U i i 1 1 IK wkole Uponij.tubtoujei' "P It Mwy to put to K&d tmke out clolhvt. JT oOirr m>iAcr laa at laryt an '.- . \t oUltr uadlrr ran I" uvrial VUA cnuit aj tuB/1 i rep I . 1 cknnt llnl n^. uMtr byiur - WriU in ' ...... If rur . -..t 4o not .-!' r t , u 89 itni mmu 4 MM, CA.NCKH. TI'MOHS, LUMPS. KTC., internal and external, cured with* lout pain by <jnr borne treatment. Writ* I u before too late. Dr. Bellinau UrdicM Co.. Limited, ("ollingwood. Out. (> ALL STONK8, KIDNEI AND BLAD*i f der Atones. Kidney trouble. (Iravel, Lumljugo mil kindred uilmonts pOMtivufl rured with the new Herman rfiimdy. "Satiol." price $1.50. Another new remdy fur Diubete-Mllitu, and ure cure, ll "Sanol's Anti-Diabetes." Prir $2.00 from clruirifi-i- or dir<H-t. The Sanul Manufao- turinit L'ompauy of Cauoda. ;..-u.'4. WinnipeK. Man. FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Suitable for Mill*, Minufaoturinc Plants, Prtatinc NOUCM. Cto. 2 Wood Split Pulleys, 12."^ x 48 i for 3 *1& 19 in. ebaf t. x Ofi i 1 Wood Split Pulley, lil% x 43 for )d 15/16 in. abaft. J Wood Split Pnllay, for 3 7 16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pullov, for 3 7 16 in. shaft. Pulleye of smaller eizs as Shafting of various lengths iiza to be aold t very low Box 28. Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto.- in) / j Bafeys Own Soap -. -i -**r"H.-'"--r> tot aKi t&? v>.< &* V v*$m^?- >*?. Mii <\ 'o* $ :-K m ,;,V.S *m ' "zwfiti* WrPffl After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the kin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the aroma of freshly cut flowers. Freedom, from skin troubles, explain* in some measure the frfresKing eleep which "Baby' Own Soap" babies enjoy. Especially for nursery use insist on "Bby't Own". ALBERT SOAPS Lintod. Manufacturer*, . MONTREAL. va *