September 4 19 i 3 THE F L E S H E R T ON ADVANCE H THE ESTABLISH to 1873 OF <AN ABA Y\eA*> OF^CS TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH nil an advantage sometimes to eep a bank account in the name* of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an account is called a "joint account." We shall be pleased to furnish par- tkulan. CEO. MITCHELL, EEC Branches abo at Durham nd Harrirtoa. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Going North 11.28 a.m. Mr. Ellwood Genoe of Toronto spent Sunday at tne parental home. Millinery apprenticed wanted for Fall season. F. H. W. Hickling. A special train will leave this station Mla ' Myrtle Smith of Weyburn, Saak., Miss Belle Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4-SSp.ra. 8 - 58 P- m - I this (Thursday) morning for Toronto The mails are closed at Flesherton at j tt g 45 follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and i ' 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south *.- . 3. 40 o'clock. For morning train south , was the guest of her aunt, mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g j Clinton, over Sunday. The Advance had a pleasant call one day last week from Mr. Ge". Burnside of St. Marys, who WM vuicing old friends in this vicini'y. We understand that MUs Bell ha* Copeland's large sawmill at Elmvale resigned her position in the public school was destroyed by fire. Born In Toronto, on Aug. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Usles, a son. < t/mi fci ITV V llrln I I T Mr. Jack Duncan has returned to ' Toronto after a fortnight's visit at Mr. R. Beat's. Miss Lottie Armstrong of Toronto was and will gj west, much to the regret of i-iusteea and people. Mrs. Wm. Tracey aud babe, who have the guest of friends here during the put week. been visiting Mrs. Tracey' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips, during the past summer, returned last week to her home in Toronto. At the high school opening on Monday I forty-seven pupils presented themselves Lets than half the usual number of |fr enrolment, and a number of others harvest hands left Hitnover this year for |*e signified their intention cf attending the West. Grand Valley's tai rate U 28 mills on the dollar this- year, and Hanover's U 32 mills. Miss Gladys Cornfield returned to her studies at Harbord street collegiate' Toronto, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs . Bowes of St. Vincent were guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. A. Sund;iy u-t on<j of Heard, over Sunday. j meinber8 of tne chorch) in a day or two. The attendance will be between fifty and sixty this :erm. At a congregational meeting in tho Methodist church Monday evening it was decided to erect a closed cement shed to replace the present open wooden struc- ture. Committees were appointed to go ahead with the work forthwith. At the Methodist service at Vsndeleur old pioneer Wm. Cullii, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McMullan of wag honored in rather an unusual way. It Bunessan, spent the week end with Mr. i was t |j c nniveisary of Mr. Cullia' birth- day,he having seen $5 summers. He has and Mrs. H. C. LGrd. Miss Tena LeGard, who has been j been a member of the church for 30 years, attending her mother here, in- returned Special mention of these things were to her situation in Toronto. Mrs. O. W. Phillips and Mrs. Malcolm with made in the sermon and s birthday hymn was sun.; in honor of the auspicious occasion. Mr. Cullis is still hale snd ] hearty, and may he see many more auur j mers before severing his connection with '. the church below and joining the church Ltayav \s+ w[ m ,lih friends in ! trlum P hant - Mr. Geo. Mitchell received a despatch McDonald spent the past week friends in Stouffville and Toronto. Messrs. Sid. Bosworth and She! Smoke of Paria spent a couple of days during the pact week w town. T . ... . -.; I last week announcing the death of his Lar-e numbers of citizens have tnis brother, Dr. David Mitchell, at Hums ville, Michigan. The deceased gentle- man had been unwell for some time, still his demise was unexpected. Hi daughters had been visiting their cousin" here for a couple of weeks, and were in Toronto at the time the sorrowful news arrived. The deceased gentleman taught school at Lily Oak, in this county, about 45 years ago, and was for a time i clerk year availed themselves of the cheap rates lo Toronto, snd we suppose few of them will take in the exhibition. The Osprey prize list is now in the hands of the secretary, Mr. J. A. Kerna- han, Fevershitn, of whom copies may be had. The exhibition is on Sept. 30 aud Oct. 1. A recent note from Montmartre,Sask., says that Master Dean Clinton passed his j in McFarland's store at Markdale. He Entrance examination there at the recent afterwards studied mtdicine. He w*s exams. The successful lad went West ' about 65 years of age. with his parents some months ago Crops in the Montiuartre district ire ex- cellent and harvest is in full swing. Mr. J. C. Duff, who has been assistant in the Department of Agriculture office Misses Gladys Ward of Toronto and ( hefe fof , he , Mt nine n , onth9> Ieft on Myrtle Ward of New York called on Monda , for Chatsworth, when- he has friends here last Friday. These young been mppoinced mlnag er of the Chats- ladies are daughters of Rav. Joseph j worth Marketing Association, a farmers' Ward, who was stationed here fifteen years ago. Their cemetery here. mother rests in the Wes. Smith, recently elected Mayor of Battleford, teqlected to have his name co-operation organization, which aims at *elling direct to the consumers in Toronto, thereby eliminating middlemen and the middlemen's profits. The Association rill likely erect a creamery and a canning put on the voters' list and now some of ' factory next spring. Mr. Duff in a cap- his opponents ire attacking his election i able aud energetic young man am! should on that score. Wes. offered to resign, made a successful manager. While here but was adt ised to wait until legal ad- he made many warm friends, who wish rice had been secured. 'him every succeas in his new position. Miss May Jamieson returned last week ' Oran^eville Banner. from a visit with friends at Winnipeg, ' On Wednesday afternoon of lust week Blind River nd Porcupine. She was | about three o'clock fire completely de- accompanied home by her aunt and > stroyed the brick residence, barn and cousin, Mrs. Thomas Strain and daugh- 1 outbuilding* of Mr. George Crawford of tor, Ev, of Porcupine, also her brother ; nth con , Vespra, together with this Mr. Ed. Jamieson of the same pl.\ce. ' season's crop, ten thoroughbred Shtop- Lome W. Mulby, B. A., the blind | hire ew < 8 ' nine P. 1 ? 8 Md lhre *. calv "' i,i>riii > iviun.'t, i . %t*v hero of the South African war, has re-' nd ne * t 'y ' s the t * riu implements. and bush iu the ' took a course iu Arts at Queen's University, and then took a special course in England. Trooper Mulloy lectured in Flesherton after his return from the war in 1901. Mr. W. A. Weber of the Valley went to Toronto on Saturday to see the exhi- bition. An hour after arriiing iu the city he attempted to vault ovfi- a low! fence at Riverdle park. The vault was j not an entire success, as be fell on his , elbow and dislocated it. A doctor got ' the exhibition money for attending to! the damaged member, and Will came home by the first triu Monday. He will probably be laid off work for some time. The injury was a painful one. heavy, a* the house and barn were practically new and had his crop in the barn rady for threshing. Stay tier Sun. Died Whit-At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. B. Medauarb, Priceville. on Tuesdsy. Aug. 2*>, Mrs. Wm. White, aged 58 years . The funeral, took place to Fleshertou cemetery on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. White was a sister of Mrs. Wesli-y Buskin of Flesherton. She was resident of Du'.idalk. She took ill last spring of stomach trouble and hi* since been residing with her daughter. White-Kindree The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kimi- ree, Blenheim, was the scene of a pret'y wedding on Thursday morning, Aug. -Jl. when the marriage took place of their daughter. Bird Mae. to Mr. Harry S. White, of Flesherton. Rev. Geoige W. Dewy conducted the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a Venice lace robe over ducheaa satin and carried a shower of roses and lily of the valley. They were unattended. Little Miis Evelyn Shillinston, in white net frock ever silk, waa ring-bearer. Mendel jsohn's wedding march was played by Miss Gladys Kindree. Mr. White is principal of the high school here. The happy couple arrived here on Monday and will take up their residence in the old Wright home at the head of Peter street, which has been undergoing extensive remodelling during the holidays. The Advance tenders con- gratulations and & hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. White. A Fishy Story Ho.ikin'4 i rn>in who wae drowning, a | Low Rates To Toronto via Canadian Pacific Railway negro fisherman, John Landry, engineer- T To accommodate ibna. wishing to visit Toronto for rhe Brett Canadian National ed a very peculiar rescue at Xew Orleans, La., the other day. A resident named Klein, accompanied by his son, was Exhibition, the Canadian Paciric Railway will issue return rickets at single fare from Fort William, Port Arthur, Sault walking along the lake shore on his way &e Marie, Winder and all stations in * Canada east thereof l and including to enjoy few h.,urs tuning. The man ; Hulli Ot tawa M j App | a Hill. Good i artied bu fishing pole strapped across going Aug. -3rd to Sepumber 6th, in- hu shoulder. He stood on a smaU plac- '. elusive. form to allow a local train to pass, -when the tishing pole was hit by the tender of the incoming tram. Klein was thrown in the lake on the Mandeville ide of the btidge, landing in the wafer somewhat dazed. A swift tide ranuina it the time snd intermediate stations *lso Berlin, Waterloo, Pres'on and Hespeler Aug. 2tkh and 2^th, Sept. 2nd and 4lh. Fiom Windsor to Melruse, Ambro to Special Low Rate Excursions From Port Burwell. St. Thomas, Hyde ; Park, St. Mary*, Uodench, Listowel, Elora, Winabsm. Teeswat^r, WVkerton, Owen Sound, Port McXicolI, Parry Sound. Bobca;?eon, Ivanhi.e, Hamilton i Rstur-Corafwrth The home of Mr. nd Mrs. W. Corn- forth, St. Thomas', was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, Aug. 20. when their daughter, Addie, was married to Mr. Archibald L. Fisher of Flesherton, by Rev. N". H. McGillivray The bride looked charming, gowned in white voile trimmed with baby Irish Uce over white silk, carrying a large bouquet of white asten and fern. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents. After the wedding luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Fisher left for Detroit and other western cities. The happy ccuple returned tc Fleaher- ton on Monday evening and are BOW at home on their farm, 4th line (the Dyson farm). carried him under the bridge and out in- t> < the lake. Ropes were thrown to him, but he was helpless and was rapidly float- , S u dbu7y, Tweed tu Smith's Falls7 August in^ from th>> bridge. John Landrp, the ' 27th and Sept. 3rd. Return limit on all negro fisherman threw his fishing line in ' tickets. Sept 9th. Secure programme containing rates and full particulars regarding special train service, etc . . from leg. The hook caught an, c. P. R. agent or write " District Passenger the direction of Klein, fortunately itrik ing him on the leg. The and the almost lifeless body was brought . Murphy, up and held at the surface. Several men Toronto. who witnessed the sensational rescue i c'imbed down posts and fastened a rope i M. G. A?ent, on the man's body. He was held tliere until a small fishing craft was brought : Klein's side and later was taken ashore. Tt was not until some time after his son and several of the am.iteur rod- men worked on the prostrate form that Low Rites to London For Western Fair Return tickets will be issued at Single Fare (minimum charge 25c.) by Canadian Pacific Railway from all stations in Can- ada, Kingston, Sharbot Lake. Renfrew and west but not west of Sudbury. Good going September 5, 6, 7, S, 10 and 13. Special Excursion Rates will be in OWEN" SOUND, "'NT., (Individual instruction. I yeais success. Every graduate guaranteed a position. Information free. C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A., Principal. G. D. FLEMING, - Secretary. OWEN SOL>D - ONTARIO OR. 5p*ci*Il*t in Ji ? of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 30 10th it. **, Owen Sound At the EUvere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a Dund*lk,lat Wednesday of each mo nth. the man was revived. He suffered pain is a result of the fish hook which caught effect September , U and l->. in tha fleshy part of his leg. when Lan- ia jf turn Lmit on a11 tickeca ' ^P 1 ' l5 ' dry threw the lucky line. The hook waa _ '.. Full particulars fnm any C.P.R.agent. deeply imbedded and had Co be cut out. Exchange. Bull for Senrice Thoroughbred American bred Here ford bull for service on lot 151, 2nd W. T. andS. R., Artemesia. Terma fl.'JO caah. -JOHN ADAMS, Prop. Division Court Division Court was held here on Wed- nesday List before Judge Widditield, hen the following case were heard : Stuart v. Watson Action on account for | 100.80. The parties live in Proton. Judgment reserved. Glendenning v. Galloway Glendenn- insc sued Galloway for wages amounting to 943.15. The case was adjourned. John Fisher v. John Oorigan, W. Fisher rorniahee Fisher sued Corrigan for board amounting to $10*). Tha judge allowed him f0 and coats. I. Sergeant i. Lyneas Fawcett Ser- geant sued for to. 50 for the rental of a wagon. The judge allowed th full amount and costs. Smith v. Conn Action on account, $31.70 Judgment WM given for $10.50. Henry Thompson v. Heudrie Thomp- son sued Hendrie for $72.50 for wages. Judgment in this case was reserved. The Government's preliminary estircate .f the Canadian crop gives a yield of 13 4S2.000 bushels of fall wheat in Ontario and the four wtateru provinces. The acerage given Co this crop this year U d25, 'Xi compared with 731. 000 acres id 1912, which yielded I6,39> t 000 bushels. The idea that Canada has about aiveu up 2r:>wiuK fall wheat is hardly borne out by these figures. Guardian. H^rry Orser. i former Meaford man, lost his life at Calgary by being run orer by a steam roller which ha was operating. He observed a stone in front of the roller, sopped the engine nd got ofi to remove the obstruction. As he climbed down, the throttle, which was defective, opened aatomatically, the engine started up sud- denly and before the unfortunate man could get out of the way, the big roller was on him. CALL ON FARM FOR SALE ISAAC SINCLAIR. Flesherton. 1 Sept. The Good Time I put a mortgage on my home, to buy a motor car and now all joyously I roam on rural roads afar. I take the children and the wife, ind scour the country-side; I'm bound to lead a merry life and let all business slide. We pass the poorhouse as we race, and wearily my frau remarks: "Alas! that dismal place! It's where we're heading now!" I go in debt for gasoline and this and that repair; but, oh, the country's bright and. grotn, and I an*, happy there! We pass the poorhouse as we scoot, and wife she says to me: "Oh.mark it well my dear galloot that's where we'll shortly be! 1 ' I used lodea' in earthen jars and made all sorts of chink: but now the chugging motor car is all of which I think. The clerks con- duct my little store, and when I am away they take their coats and lock the door, and fishing go, folks say. But merrily my good car spins, and on the poorhouse grass the paapers stroke their chins nd hail me as I pass ! Walton Mason. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE For "Sale Second hand furnace and ! -luantity of brick. Tenders will be re- ceived for purchase of same up to Oct. 1, 1913. Not the lowest tender necessarily ' | accepted. Can be inspected in basement ; I of school house. Terms cash. Apply to J. Latimer, Sec.-Twas. S. S. So. 13, ArtemesU Eugenia P.O. For Sale Four first clas hesvy coltt, two which will weigh 1.300 each, rising | 3 years old. Apply to W. Oir, Flesher- ton p. '>. Telephone in connection. For Sale or Rent The property of the late Mrs. McAuley of Pricevilie. For further information apply to D. Mc- Cormick, Priceville p. o. Victoria Comers Mn. Wm. Acheson, who has been quite ill, is improving. Mr. Ab. Stinson is on the sick list. Miss Viola Ronnie visited at Mr. Jas. Bests'. Miss Mina and Master Burrows Heard returned to Murkdale with their cousin, Miss Ursula Hency, for i week's visit. Miss Woodlan returned to Smithville after a few weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Chaa. Moore, taking Margaret Moore with her. Mrs. Georije Moore] visited a fw days with her daughtet, Mrs. Aitkeos. Rev. Dudgeon preached at Inistioge and administered sacrament last Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. D. Wiltshire visited at Mr. Wilfred Gallagher's. Mr. McConnel visit at Mr. H, H. Gallagher's. For Sale-F-ill wheat for seed. Daw- son's Golden Chaff $l.0 per bushel, slso two Oxford Down rm lambs. Apply to W. A. Weber, Vandeleur. For Sale cheap and on easy terms, good 9-roorced trick dwelling in Flesherton, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two good lots with same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule. Flesherton. IMaxtf For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell ing and stable, all complete, in first claes I condition and lepair, with hard and sofs water. W'ill sell very ?heap if sold thit month. Apply R J. Sproule, Flesher ton, Ont. Nov't. House For Sale - In Flesherton, a first class brick dwelling and stable with two acres of land, hard and soft water under cellar, undoubtedly a very suitable resi- j dence for any retired farmer. Apply to ' Silas ShunK. Kleshert.'ii ! Mare For Sale Young mare suitable for ladies to drive.and colt by her side not afraid of automobiles. Will sell or exchange for heavier. Hecry Fenwick, Eugemv Ad. Deforest, says the Milton Cham- pion, has a fretk colt. It i* a year and three month] old, is black, healthy, hand- some and well formed every way except that one fore leg from the knee down is like thst of a cow, the hoof being cloven Ad is advertising it in Toronto for stile or to rent to show. MISCELLANEOUS 12000 privte funds to loan on farm i mortzsge security at lowest rates of in- i terest. "Apply R. J. Sproule. Flesherton. Two cars shingles on hand, ?2.2dand 13 25 per thousand. W. A. Armstrong, j Rain Coat Lost On August 4, between Fleshei-toc and MirkJale. Finder please leave at Standard Bank. Two stray sheep came to my ab^ut three weelts ao. Owner please prove property and take the same away ' J. A. Hogarth, West Back Line. W.L. WRIGHT FOR THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR Cgilvies Royal Household, Five Roses, Dundalk White Rose. Ford's Patent and Morning Glory. Everything You Need in Groceries ! Leave your Order with us for your Cherries. Black Currants, Berries, etc. Our Ice Cream Parlor is open day and evening Ice Cream always on hand at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY FLESH ERTOX. O XT A RIO Lot U1-U2, 3rd range E. T. A S. R., Aitemema, brick house, ^ood outbuild- , ings and orchard, well watered. Apply ; , Everyone dairying for profit will find that a cream ^separator is indispensable. It is, therefore, simply a ques- tion of which separator will best meet his requirements. > - The Dairymaid cream harvester has been designed ' to meet all demands. Itisbuiltof the best material by experienced workmen. ^^Na-^^^ i ^--^>i.-'^^. v The essential points of^e^Dairymaid cream bar-^ ^Tester are : Simple construction, Large capacity? Durable construction^ 'Easy cleaning' Close skimming, [Light running. *- -* These, and many others, are valuable features which mike a Dairymaid cream harvester beat suited to those dairying for protit tj __.. t , For every up-to-date, well regulated farm, a Dairymaid cream harvester is necessity. It will save you the venience of hauling your milk to the creamery, and bringing back coU and tainted or sour skim milk. J Use a Dairymaid cream harvester and separate your milk while it is still warm ' and secure all the butter fat Call and examine a Dairymaid :reanv harvester and secure one of the handsome little booklets telling yo more about this separator. S. HEMPHILL, AGENT, CEYLON. NEWTINSHOP I WISH To announce to the people of Fleshertou and surrounding country that I have opened up a new tiusmithing business in the Christoe Block, and am prepared to take- all orders ottered in my line. Eavetroughing at- tended to promptly. Furnaces sold and installed. Repairing neatly and promptly done. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK & ONTARIO. |||j FLESHERTON