"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRISCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?OL 32, NO L' Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, December 10, W, B. TBDKSTON A BRUTAL MURDER Mrs. Henry Love Done to Death in Her Own Home The Husband is Charged With the Unnatural Crime. On Thursday morning last the people] postibly the ;ctim waa first stunned of thii district were horrintd t learn with sonl sh r l> intru.int. that Mrs. Henry. Love had ben foully murdered at her home, Ceylon, by some unknown pert). .11, and the body hidden in a depretwon under the hou.v. The Advance lost no lime in getting on the ecenc aud found * condition of ttiaira too horrible to describe minutely. A coro- ner's jury was t'mpitiiueled with Mr. The .juestion ihat first presen'ed it. self was, if the deed was doue by a stranger how did he ha|>|eu to liod the trap door ' The theoiy U that the woman was ytunoed while knitting in her chair in the kitchen, thrown d.i the ti.-ip di<or, then trailed up over the higher soil around the steps to the rear of the house and the tin^l deed aocomp lishtd there. John McMillan as foreman and at 10 1 A( j Jay Thursday and Friday an:, viewed '.lie remain*, which had ' constables were in charge of been brought up and pUcetl in i\ front r- .ni, were \iewed by the jury and an adjourniuent mnde until 1 p.m. on Mon- day. The house was left in charge of the premises. At noon on Friday Detective Uotbum put in an appearance aud took the sn aside and talked two and a half hours. with him tor The detective says that the lad made a statement Constables .John Wright ml Malcolm j which implicated his father in the McDonald. 'terrible crime. The boy said that when The story which both father ^ud son he s!' i Tuesday morning his mutber told was to the etiVct that on Tuesday j was not there. He asked his fathei morning they left the house as usual. the , where she was aud he replied that she former to draw coal t. Flesherton and i had gut up early and gone to Rev. Mr. the latter to attend liisjh school. Love said he kissed his wife good by at 8.10 a.m. when he went in the house to iet McLaren's at Flesherton. Before leav- ing for school he :isked the boy not to y to Mr. McLaren's that dy. as was hi.< Botlroom. i I rp IVH<r hi overcoat. The sou, Arnel, a boy 14 custom to eat lunch. Wednesday nijht years of age, said he left the house at 25 after the liody had been found the buy niiiiiiii-s to '-i. His mother was then knitting. The boy laid he met a stran- ger some distance from home who wore a striped cuit under a black overcoat, carried a hand satchel and did not si.eak as he poised. The father said tht on his return journey from Fleshetton he nut his son at the old drill shed, the son )>eing t.u his way to school. At 10. 4o a. in. Wm. Hindle of Osprey called at the! house and found no one at home, while the tire was burned down. The woman was missing all day Tues- day and had not returned Wednesday morning. ' "Love then instituted a search for her. The son went 'to school but j asked on" in the middle of the afternoon and went home. Wednesday evening several neighbots were in Love's house i.niti! i)uite late discussing the mysterious disappearance, and left saying that there would have to If a thorough investiga- tion in the morning, vi.ii- 12.W that night Mr. f!il>son Collinson, who lives next door, was awakened by I. >ve, who Raul, "Fur Hod's s^ke, C-illiiwon. conic over ; I have found her." Mr. Collinion got some other neigh- bors aud together they went in. The body was in a depression which was evi- dently a partially excavated collar at the rear of the house. I'nder the front of the house there was a deeper excavation, though but a hole, with a few steps leading down to it from a trap dour in the kitchen. This trap dorr wax cov- ered with linoleum and on tp of that a rug. . - Poor. Street Han of the house. TV tar shows abou whero body was found under bedroom floor. says his father instructed him to tell the ' story- about seeing a strange man while The woman h:J Wen injured. abou on his Tuesda y nl """ n . the head aod ni-ck, the windpipe being 1 Immediately after tbis confessio Revered. The autopsy mtde l\y Drs. jL>re was placed under arrest. H Eo i,f Markdale and McWilliams of j strenuously denied his uuilt and s^d th l>undalk revealed that the neck wound >oy was lying. He was tak*n to the wai proUbly made with a knife and ' county jail by no. n train on Saiur.Uy and brought back Monday murninjr the iH The funeral rook yjace on SunOv fternnon to Fleshenon cemetery. The cotteae was one of the larueat ever se^n in thU district, reaching for a distance f nearly 1| miles. The remains were takrn to the Oranjje Hall where a short ervicc w*sheld by the woman's pastor, Rev. Mr. McLaren. At the i r rave the sen ice .vas uken chare of by members A the Salvation Army. The casket was covered with a beautiful wreath of rl^w- ers prcseired by the Ceylon Sabbath school, in which Mr. Love wai a fi:h- u! teacher. The deceased wouiau was 4! years of iff. She was a daughter f 5Ir. Rob- it \VelUof (jleoeli;, <ud wns marritd to rlenry Ive in IsW. She leave> one daughter, Mrs. Wm. Uindle, and the on, Arnel, at home. Mrs. Coiisley ..f ?roton Station a a sister. Ou Fr:day eveningiThe Advance was irestnt at one of the m.-t di-amatie cenes it nas ever been our misforruue .. witness. When County C>uitable 'ook had been instructed to convey the u-isoiier to Oen Sound that uijjht, and >efore leaving the houie, the women folk lield prayer f.r dime guidance and sui- i.ing strengtli in this dark hoar. Then - .ve pulled & dollar bill from his pocket gave it to Ins sister and told her to buy ad. The women then all went to him and kissed him. FinaDy he slid to his sou, who was sitting with his head against the wall crying leutly, "Aruel, come here.'' The lx>y did not move. Again came '.he command, "Arnel, boy, come here." The boy then came for- forwari and kised his father on the lips the father whim his J evidence w..uld go far toward sendim: to the Callows. The scene was intensely dramatic and its memory meffiicaUe. It is almost inconceivable that a man could bear up aud .u. 1 - as ihn n.an did and be guilty of o heinous a crime as he it charged wi'h. Later the con*ta>>l received permission to keel. I.ve in charge at home until the noon trvn Saturday. The Inquctt The c-ironer's muamt in th.; Love inurdet ca.se opened ill the town hall Klesherton. on Monday afternoon at - o'clock. Mr. I. B. Lucas appeared for the crown. The prisoner was not repre sented. Mr. liibson L'ollinsou was the tirst witness called. He went over the cir- oumsiaiices leading up t the findini: ol the body substantially ae ,;iven above. Dr. Ego described the wounds iu de tail. Both he and l)r. McW lliams. wh. pei formed the p istmortem, agreed th* the knile wouuJs in he neck had caused death. The carotid arteries and wind pi IK." had been severed. There WAS , uapinu wound behind and above the left ear that uiiiiht have been caused by the sharp edi^j of a tick uf wood. The skull wa.s not fractured. The t >iii.tch was almost empty, sh .wmn that she had died two or three hours after eating. Henry Love a-ked to make a state- ment and repented in detail his story as already given. He declared thut the story xiven to the detective by Arnel was Ulse. He charged the detective with " putting words into the boy's mouth nd hypn.'ii;:i,wt him." Mr. Lucis cioss luestioiitd Love at great length bin he stuck to the outline of his story aud sev- eral times strenuously denied ill it lit w is the slayer f his wife. Arnel Love, the son, wa snoru and said he w.is 14 years old on the loth of June. He had jia^sed his entrance U^t year and WM attending the liin' 1 ! school. Was at school on MouJ>y. Was in the hab;t of going to bed at S or i' o'cWk. (>n Tuesday morning his father called him as usual. Hud his bieakfast uloue. His father said his mu'her had got up rar'y nd went to Kev, McLaren's. His mother had spoken of making a visit to (be p'lrsoii- age. When lie got home from tehool Tues.iay his mother was still away. The father had asked him to say no'hing ab"Ut his HI -whet's absence. He bad a cold breakfast Wednesday and went to school Asked otV after at i'.hmetie term and went home, getting there an. ui ten minutes to ihree. His father came ia twenty minutes later aud did n.'l ask if he had bear) anything of the missing w. .man. Tliat nih after neihl>or J-ft his father Parted for the l<edro-.m and then said he heard a noi.se which seemed to c une ap through the tio.>r. He then lighted a lantern %nd said he would !--.t ail over un lor the h-iu<e. He went down the atep, placed the Untern on one of them and looking bac!< lehind them sai.1, |"Is ch<t her f" Arnel Lire, Toruntu : Mrs. C-nsIry and daugh- ter. Pro! i 11 S'H;: u. Mr. Frank Culliaan. who has been u Siiskat.xn Mnei f[/ring, arrived h. me Saturday. Miss Kll* tt'Sutu.er is home fr-'iii the city after spending a niuiith with friends there. Mr. J. Colliiiioi;, wh.< hrt-s Iten vinit- ing his brother here, left for hit home . u Tue'ilay. Mr?. C. Embury. Port Perry, aud ' Mrs. Curtin of Newmarket were visitors , at R. C.-.k's last week. Miss Klla Warlin^, who his been vis- iting her Uter. "Mrs. J. MoOl.>cklic. re- turneil tu her h..me at Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection, We car- ry Photo Supplies. MisUda lVinps..n, VanJeieur, sue,,i \1/ A Armefrnncr * few day. o f the F t week With Mrs. A * ' <rt>< ^* F ] "" OI1 5> Racltdf*. We understand Mr. R Ci'es *r.ii Jeweler bride of L>tinJ.i'k intend IIIOVI.-TS int.. ' ! Mr . I.- '.vr, r-.i.i.nce .hi, wek. FLESHERTON, - ONT Mrs He:iry Love, t!i<j vict says he went I'own and looked and said te thought it was. His father went over within two or three feet of '. .: body and a;d, "My C!ol. it is her." He then came upstairs and *ent over tor Mr. Col iiison. T|ie iVher then came bark Mid asked Arnel tf he had met anybody o-i his way to tc>i.-l. and when answered iu the negative told, him if tnyone asked ell them he saw a tall strong looking fellow around the new road. The rt.w.r wa swept on Tuesday nod everything in Hood order. W.is suspicious bet". TO Wednesday evening that his mother was dead. He h.td heard ita'emi-nt given Detec'ive Healunn read and *w..re to its correctness AccurJuijr to f'ue IN y' statement he had i .'t een his mother a t all Tuesday mourn* although the tthe.- put the .ineu. n uo;ir. blank tu him. i Mr. S. Heini'hiil submitted a plan of the house. C'.ns'ahle John Wright sub- mitted underclothing ud two knives .is exhibits. Constable Cook produceii a buckle which he had -;::.'u from the stove ashci, and which mi'slit have be- longed to si. me part of the woman's dotlung. After listening to the evidence tVr about four hocrs the jury deliberated aM J brought in the following verdict : "We, the Coroner's jury, have ex- mined the Ivdy of Hannah Lucille Love, and are satisriel that she wa* foully murdered by Items struck with some blunt instrument tud alao by a sharp imminent used by stabbing ht>r in the neck, caiKiiii! her death. A IK' ace >rd- ing to the evidence tint 'here is t ten- dency showing ttid crime was committed by Henry l..>ve." L>ve was returned ti> the county juij after th.> m.,<iet:. DR. BURT 5pciIUt In -,'.-.. ol Ike Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office--30 10th t. eaat, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Mnrkdale, 2ml T hursday each month from 8 to al 2m l ::. i iik, 1st Thursday of each month.. Ceylon One nf '.lit- saddost events that has ever occurred iu this vicinity was made k'lown to the public Thursday morning; hen *i>rd *s pa<s?d around that Mrs. 11. Love was found in :!ie cellar of her home biuully murdered. She wa.s List seen by iieii-hlu-ts > n Monday evenins H~ she returned from the <ch.'ol house. The -tlarm thai she was unssim; wa.s not made until Wednesday evening, when sf.iich was made and the b>dy t'ouod by her husband shortly after midnight. She will be much misstd in the Sabbath school, !iere she was a willing and ear- nest worker, haviiii; a Urge cla.s .if little tuts. In her talk ro them a week ago Sabbath she told them she was not afraid to die but was ready when the M*s'er should call, and eirnectly j leaded with (lie little ones t-J give their hearts to t':eir heavenly father when He should .->!'.. Li'tle .lid she think Wf.>ie an- il her S.bbatli slic wi uld answer the suiuinon;. The funeral, which was . very large one, icok place on Sunday afternoon to Flesherio'i cemetery. On the ciisket w* placed by friends i-f the Sabbath school a beautiful wreath, 'M^te Ajar. The Kev. Mr. McLai-en, her jvistnr here, a'sisted the Army captain in the ser\ioo. She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, Mrs. \V. Hin.lle of Maxwell and one son, Arnei, at home. i Tlio relatives attending the funeral from !a distance were : Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills, U*lt ; Mr. tiarneld Smith, Mea- l.,rd ; Mr. .1. Wells, D.-.ihum ; M:s Kiddie. Mr*. Wilson and Miss Sa<lie Christmas Decorations 1 Du not fail to soe our supply of Holley. Pap-'r llar- lan<ls. \Vreutli>. IVlls. .Tunliueers?. Streamers. Fans. Wax Caiiillesticks. Sparklers for tire works. In camlies \ve am suit you from 1" to H<k- per pound. See our Bon Bon boxes. Nuts of all kinds. ( Vanlterrios. Grapes. Onin^' 1 -. BanaiM*. Lemons. ( 'i;. r ars. Toliaocoesand Pipes. You will find Lots of things You Want, if You drop in AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN This is . . Rubber Season ! If you are in need of a good 8 pair of Leather Top Rub- bers.High or Low, or with= out Tops, try TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Go To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! S.J. BOWLER, ._ VBUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.