Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1912, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOK." PRJA'CiPLEb HOT MEN. 1 ?OL 31', NO '23 Fleslaerton, Ont., Thursday, December 1'^, 1Q12 W. H TflCRSTOM PBOPIilKTO Fever sham Items The jjoDcl sleigliins; did not last luni;, for the fconlti wind came and in a few houi* tilt beautiful white vanished and mud galore took its pltce. However, Jack Fr<>st got in hU woik agitiD and spoiled the mud, and as H consequence the roads are very rough in r.mue p!ce, Mi. Richard Brackenl ury is home again froir Sudbury, where he *uent the hill] IM-' 1 Mr. Win. Brackenbury l,a* g'.ne on a bubinetkirip to Gait. Mr. Robert Brown and daughter, Mrs. A. Htron, are visiting Mrs. Heron's Uughter. Mr. Ensign Plantt, in Owen Sound, this week. Mr. Hamilton and tibler, of HillKilalu, visited their brother, Matthew, at Kolapore, l.i-i week. Meisn. J:v. Conn, John and Will Adir, Alex Mullen ar.d John Bell re. turned from the West last week John Bell h been out Wet for some ye*rr, and we understand is sJ>?t' "> uke a life partner back to the praiiie with him in the aprin. Success Jack. Minn Wideman of Toronto i MKitiiig with lier brother hete. Mr. Fred Braekenbury, jr., who has tjeen working on the Osprey *nd Eu|)hria telephone Sy*tins with foreman, B. Weltiin of FlethertuM, has gone to >wen Sound, whtre he luw iwcuieil position with the Bell Teleulioiie Co., in that town. We understand that County (,'ointable Cook h Ins* i) arreatinu case of tire- water out Klexhetton way. We hope he |{iven it more fair (Jay than lie did the young man h arrested OH ."upicion here. 1.1-1 tuinmer. Wlls are ringing. Vandeleur Happenings Miss, Tillie Buchanan spent from Sat- urday until Monday with friends in the city. Mr. A. S. Dunlop of Toronto is renew- ing acOjUaintancRH here. Mr. A. Wyville had a very successful wood bee one day last week. Mr. Elmer Warling and Minnie Thompson were visitors at W. .Swauton'i nr Fleshertou the first of th week. Last Sunday *as the 4:!rd anniversary if the opening of Wesley church, Met- Ford Road. At the afternoon seivice Mr. VVm. Buchanan by reijueKt gave a short history uf the church from its op- ling until the present time. We a K.- pleated to rpyvui Mii May Graham recovering from her recent illness. PortUw. Mr. tito. Thompson til I'hatuwtirth, v.- 'i 1 ! for eouie day* with relatives M,r i ii . . Young lias lieen ill the part week, hut is Bomeirhal ini- pruywl. Mm Noble uf Uolton aiid Mis* Wallace of Flenheiton, \ isiled with Mi May Curutield, lately. Mi, John W. Lyun,8 who has been in Manitoba for some weeks patt, hat re- turned home. Mis* Millie Fisher, whu lately under- wvnt ail o | -r.ii inn fur appendicitis, has returned home, and we understand he i* guininu nicely. Miss Mai y Jolnision of this place an I Mr. Thomas Fletcher of Orange Valley have lutuly linked their fortunes for life, and taken up. their residence in the bride's hoint- , here. Mr. A. Carr of Fleshei-ton, who lias been in a poor .state of liralth, is renid ii.'j with his daughter, Mrs. McKeu/.ie. Miss Cum f 01 th lias been busy training lirr pupils and otlieis for u grand concert tn be given in the ichool house, on thu I'.; li insi Come. Mr. W. H. McNally received the sal ncwouf the ileath of his brother, Mr. John McNally of l'isley. Deceased WHI for ninny yeais a much respected .fjuii' 1 ; thin patt. No particular! 1 me >i hand. Toronto Line North Mr. J. Graham and his gant; of , men are working at the new pidemad which is to run from this line to the East Btck Line. Mil* Anuie *.'<>iinell returned home to Toronto, after an extended visit with Mrs. Geo. Swanton and other friends. Mr. Chas. Stewart is on the sick list at preent. 'ne of Mr. Chas. Stewart's handsome grey team died on Saturday last wi h indigestion. Mr. R. Urowu has been engaged th* past week cutting w<>o<l for Mr. Fergu- son of Cry Ion. With the telephone and rural mail lelivery, some of the people of tins locality will he prepared for winter. The hen; that was ptinted A couple of weuka :ig< , Was not to slur tin- lodge And who can take it no i I would n I. hare I. ail it published, I'-ir some people were too smart By talking of the twice-nold box, And the love from Henry's heart. The cap did nut ru Mr. CJibson, sr. Why did he put it on '( Somebody mutt lu v nude il tit, Or it he could not don. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. Kjaiicin Genoe and Mr. Henry Williams have been having their stables and r.-i-rtr:. cemented by Mr. l\lell of Portlaw. .Mm. .l.ik>' Parliament has been spend- ing tin- past week in Muekoka. The Presbyterian ;.Sbbath School are In iltl ing their anniversary and Christ- mas tree on Ds. 27th, A gojil time is expected. Mr. Wiluwir Turner i horn* on a visit rora Meaford . Mrs. Creightou ^of Hamilton, viiited the past week with Mr*. Jak William*. Mrs. Muiislinw and Ki-nm-ih Large eturned from the city on Saturday. Tim gills are all pleantd to see Mr. tuKKe! Park home again fr.j'n tlie \\Vsi. MIR. Henry Fenwick lias none to Toronto to live with her uanghter, Mrs Totten. Mr. Sliuit and Mis* layers of Fever- sham, liMU-ii Mr. and Mm. Lewis lienoe lie J..L-I week. Mr. Donald McKen/.ie of Eagle'liiver, )nt., vistteil the JUM wcik with h.'x auir. Mrs. Win. Hislop. Mrs. Muiihhaw ban returiied from the city, acconi|mnied liy her daue liter, Mn. rge and children of Ktlmonton. Mian Ivi.i Thouipcon of Flfisherton, visited with Mrs. Wuodburn the past eek . McLean Palliiter Maple Park. Osprey More SIHIW wauled. Mituied Wednesday, Nov. 27, Sadie, only daughter )f Mr. and Mrs..). Croft, tu Mr. liordon Wailing. The young couple have tin; l)t wioliei of a bout of f i if nils. Messrs. S. Leonard iuul Kuil Brown- riilgr have retlUDld from tlie AVmt atid are Hiendiny the winter with the hitter's muther, Mrs. Win Brownridge. MisMii My ills itiul Tressio McCntchi mi pent few days with their sister, Mr*. Louii Hill. Mrs, !' i McCalluin has moved from here and taken up her residence in Maxwell. Wmre sor.-y In ifp irt Mrs. J. Croft on the ick lint, but hope lo heir <>f her H>e<ly recovery. Miss Sadie Shier visited with her inler, Mrs D. Blakey, last week. i )n \Vedne*<ley, Dec 5. at "> o'clock p. in , at the Mi-iIiuiiiM piirsunujje, Maxwell, by the lie*. Jainew Phmn.srer, Mr. Alleu McLean, youngest *on of Mrs. 8. Mc- Lean, 4th line, to Miss Minnie Plliter, youngest daughter of Mr. ami Mr*. Gn. I'ulli.-ti i of Maxwell. The biiiiejjroom WHH muported l>y his bi other, Thomas McLean, while tlie liride was assisted by her niece, Mil* Kiln, Morrison. The hiidal pally then returned to the home of the bride parents, where a number of h ;i'ii.!i. awjtii'il them, and all sat do to a dainty wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mis. McLean will reside near Maxwell on the old Kadley farm. The young people are very poptilai and their many friends wish them every happou'** in their journey through life. MtXWKI.I. ITKMS. V.'eduing bells are still ringing. Th* l.-uiies nf Maxwell Me.hmlisl church will give their annual meat. up per on th evening of Tuesday, l>rc. 31 The program in in the hands i a gooi committee, so we look for .soiiiothini, good. The Women's Institute will hold their regu'ar monthly meetiun Saturday, Dae. 14, 2.HO p.m., t the home of Mr. Chas, L ins-. A number frmu here attended tl e bo(n'cr box B eial at Orange Valley, r*cnt'y Th report is sup|ivsed owing tn the nature of il. Rod And Gun IJ'id and Gun for December, publish liy \\'. .1. Taylor Limited, Woodstock- Out., ; an especially readable number Among its varied list i f contents may be found : Tlie Calgary .Stampede, a description of the wnndeiful historical parent that look place last. Sep', . in that city of the plains : "Bud Parsons," an aiiiosing tale of a youthful hunter who t'lirsted for the blood of a bear ; a finely illustrated article describing the winler attractions of a well known .summer touiigt midezvoiR A'goiiqnin Park: and a v'eiy funny Indian story-poem. "Food and Feeding," is the subject of eighth article on the Culture of Black and Silver Foxes and oilier stories of al venture are of an except;., iiaily niter- taming nature. Riverdale * Inly two weeks till Christina*. AK 4 rtKiiil of the high tax bugbear, here will be a great gxiMoibihty of an iHicial explosion at the coming municipal election. Our local weather bus* predict a green ?hrilmas aud a mild opn winter. We runt that, their prognostications are correct. An up to :.lir minute neck tie >...-'. will be held in our public school on th* >ening "i Iii-'-. 1 in A romantic time is anticipated, hulie* admitted free, lunch served on the side. Come alng. \ ' understand that our public fcllool eacher. Miss I,i>u Wiiey, has decided m relinquish professional duties in this vicinity, at the expiration of the present year. News from the front A special ili",]i;iii:b ti 1 ' 'n CoiiNtaniinople to the Riveidalc war oltice this looming, gays: After a forty-nine hour search the Priceville (Vr. was tinally discovered w th his feet sticking out of an ash birre.1. The despatch fays he was browsing along the Turkish front tooting his horn, when suddenly an attack wan delivered, the Tuiks charged and tlie Bulgarians reta'uitvd. During the wild, wicked and *w ful fracas that fnllowid, our hero as struck by a twelve inch shell, but a buttle of couch medicine in In* hi)' nofk :. iv ! fiital injury to his a Kitoiny. However, the terrible impact of the blow was such as to prtcipitatc him heard liist into tho barrel, Ihint, lemaiiiing visible but two convulsivi H:i stdtf's with No. I'-J at their nppei extremities. He will sue the HulgariaiH for a new ptir of pants ami loss of timt Tlie Inline of Mr. Win. HuH'ey came neiir beinit the scone of llie tragic deiitl of bis little uight-year-old tjirl on 'I'ues day night The child lud none to l>e< by the light of a candle, which she hat placed beiiide h(r bed in order to reiu one of hfr liooks before falling off inti the Ian 1 of Nod. Some time after he parents wuie surprised to hear he; scream and upon entering the roou fouud the kill on the floor enveloped in > Httiniiiir niglilgiiwi 1 . < x ioickly she wa wrapped in a <|uilt and '.lie llame unothered nut, yet not l>efore she wa budiy burned. V<>r> ely her mjuiies were not such us will prove fatal, t ut i was a narrow escape. Collinywooi Satui'dry N'tWS. The puiy who cheerfully forwaiclcd us a copy if a clitiMcal journal la>(. wci'k, ar kiiully reipiextpd l' accept our sincere thanks fur fame, with the assur- ance thiit both the fiivor received uud the unlimited courtesy of the are iininunselv nppreiMiiled. DR. BURT In dl>cM> ol lh Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 30 10th st. east, Own Sound At the Revere house, Mavkdale, 2nd Thurgdny u*)i month from 8 to .J An , 1x1. Thuitday of eah nionlh.. Miss Sproule, Missionary Miss Sprout, the W.C.T.U. mission- ary to the mine and lumber camps in New Ontario, p>nt last Friday in Flesh- erioii, and ipnke to the pupils in the public school in the morning, and to those in the high school in the afternoon. All seemed intensely interested, :is Miss SpiMule gave a sketch uf the conditions under which the lumbermen work, the possibilities of that almost unknown part nf our province, and the dangers irliieh menace us. In the evonin^ "he gnve :iu ;uldreK in he MelhodiKt clnircli wlnc!i was listened o with spell bound interest. Miss Sproule tolJ her audience thut. thu W.C. M.". was orginixiid about forty years ago. A few woineu tathercd to pray hat ceitain individuals might be freed m the i-ii. M- ot the !ii|iior habit, others leaid i'f it :./d here and there of women me: .imJ tuarched to hotels where nayei ws held in the bar-room if they were allowed to enter, otherwise > n ike 'reet. Soon a regular orgn xition wan onoed which lift" the largist woman's t.oc;ety in the world, having entt-red lUISitlkt **vi-ry couiitiy. Three sionariHs itre engaged, khe being the second, and has been in the work for lurteen years. She pictured the isiiU- ion of the luinlivriuen, their hardships. Hid whrn lli-y come out to what is called civilization, their temptations, mid how conditions are favirttble to theii lull. As we liitteued we cnu'd .>! her Invu for the ioor felluws i-liining in her face, and us he pled for uhrihtiau people to do all they could to remove llioae mumbling clocks frmi the feet of the weak ones we did not wonder tl a' they called her "St. Agnes." Miss Sproule stid that whni (Jod has ,-t certain work for any one to do for Him UK gives the proper i|iialiti- ionx for that work- -hurt, she believed was a crown of white hair, and tl mineis and luinhei men hud always tiev- ed her with the greatest respect and kiuduesf, and wliere\er she had held service etery umn turud ut to h*r her. She had travelled thousands of ilex in New <>nu>io in a'most eveiy kiucl it a CDiiveyanfiH and fre(patnt,!y without one, and cu'd enduie the cold ai well, arid sometime* beilei, than the men, even when tlie I hviiiiomettir went down to 40 degrees below zero. She tributed this to the fact that the fire water was not mixed with her blood. Miss Sproule is s<> enamoured of work that she intends to return to it in the course of a werk. The Hies, rains, frost, bad road*, poor Uausporiation fa- cilities, lack of fiiiip accommodation. and poor food, is as nothing compared will tlie joy of serving her fellow men ami hur Heavt-nly Father in this way. Weekly Report Of Flesherton High Schoo KOKM i iin;>, ltl -L T-uiinan 4,Xelli. 5, K Wright 7f., K Bunt , I <'iitsun-M, A L >ve (i<5, A Gainlin li;?, McTavish HO, M liwin HO, S fsniiiH oli L MoPhail 47, N Tn-ter 1 1, U McLatvi 11, H Led'ard II. M\\'riylu absent. Writing, oil K Hunt :i7, M McTivii- I'.!'., L Trueniiiii 34, N T. tier .".:!, L M> Plmil I!0, R McLaren -'!>. P Carson '>> '/. Hentliam 2">, A GauilO 24, S Smart '-'! K Wiight 1, M Wiight IS, M Irwin, . Love and H LeGard al sent. Keiding. ~>0. Muriel MeTiivish 4." I. i mi M'.-l'h.'iil 44, Adelaide <>;iudin 4'J Arnel Love 4'2. Floienee Bunt 40, Mnh< Irwin 40. '/ella Bent.ham .'!'., Herbert LeCard !, Neftio Teerer oil, M.iurife Wriuht -'IT, Elmer Wright :!"), Ri-bi-,>ea McLnruii .'55, Carson .14, I.yda Tiiionuiii :!4, Siihe Sinirt M. FORM II Buokkrcpliig. 100 H Kield HI, II Sliunk 84. E Wright 7!', M Legate 7:">, P Heatlie 70, V Cornfield 08, <! White tf i, L Binttio (15, K McMillnn ti^, S <>rr 64, \' Statt'.iid .">^. M Henderson 50, M Bt.yd 50, T l>rr 4'^, A Wright 41. Wriiii . r0--('J White :5H, K Wright 37, V CnrnfioU :<7, M Henderson :!ti, M Hoyd :(o, .V Wright :!i, H Shunk :, S Orr 20. V Statt'ord 29, L JWttie 2!, H Fiold 2H. K McMillan 2C, P Keattie 2, Reading, 00 Pres'on Beattio 47, (ilvlys White 4:!, Stella Oir 4:!. Valeria ! Staflord 42, Lolitu Beat tie 42. Kl?ie j Wrighr 42. Artie WrigliL 40, Mabel'e Henderson 40, Murray r.t-yntt 1 .'W, Kara MucMillaii :t!, Harry Field :58, Harvey Shi nx :'*, Vlo'a Ciiinlield ,'5S, Tommy Crr :57. $24.33 For a Baby. The Rochester Chi circle and Demo- crat of rect-nt date tefer to the visit of Mr. George X. Mutton to that ci:y alter nineteen years' alienee in Australia, where he is manager for * tobacco com- pany. Mr. Sut'on I'H a <>usiii of Mis Adam Hit.l..p of the Valley, and IB welj known to many of our readers, especially out Osprey way, where he visi ted fre pjently before going to tlie antipodes. Mr. Sutt<)H t'tve a-i interesting inter- view on social conditions in Austjuh-i to the Rochester paper, in the connse <if which he said : A little disappointed over her growth, ion ntifle'1 by the fact hat the ihland c .iitinent i seven weeks y water from London and the fri|) so js'ly as to deter pronpeciivc settlers >m embarking, AiiKti-alut my otter a remium on babies. A bill j* now pei'd- \- in Parliament providing a bonus of e pounds sterling to be paid to inoth- s for each child" Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT Christmas Decorations Do mil fail to see tint- supply of Holley. I'apor (Jar- krnls, Wreaths, Molls, Jiirdineers. Stresuuers, Fans, Witx ( 'aiKllt-sticks, Sparklors tor tiro works. lu randies \\ H i-an >nit you fmin 10c to tiOt' per pouixl. See tuir Hun Bon boxes. Nuts of all kinds. < Yunilie.iTios. (J rapes. Oranges, liananas, F.enions. < 'iijjars, Tohaccoes ami Pipes. lit Uou will find Lots of things You Want, if You drop in AT THE LESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN y#W&0^^ This is . . Rubber Season ! If you are it\ need of a good pair of Leather Top Rub- bers, High or Low, or with- out Tops, try THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Go To BOWLER Far that New fall Suit A Fill Line of Twe eds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring I S. J. BOWLER, BUSKIN BOCK, THE UP-TO-OATE TAILOR FESHER TCN, ONT.

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