ONLY ONE WAY TO CURE RHEUMATISM It Must Be Treated Through the Blood anil tag Fo sonous Add Driven Out TEe twinges and tortures of rheu- matism are not due to cold, damp weathei as BO many persons sup- pose. Rheumatism comes from poisonous acid in the blood. This is a medical truth which every suf- ferer should realize. TJiere is only one way to cure rheumatism it must be treated through the blood. All the liniments and rubbing and so-called electric treatment in the world will not cure rheumatism, *nd the eufferer who tries them is not only wasting money, but is al- lowing the trouble to become more dctp-roi ted <n the system and hard- er to cure when the proper remedy is tried. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills always cure rheumatism because they go right to the root of the trouble in the blood. These Pills make the new, rich blood of health, and in this way drive out the pois- onous acid which causee rheuma- tism. Thousands of instances of cures might be given, among which is the following one. Mrs. Q. R. Dulrnage, Cherry Valley, Ont., says: "I was attacked with rheu- matism which gradually grew worse until I was confined to my bed. For about two week* I had to be shifted and turned in bed as I was utterly unable to help myself. I was under the doctor's care and BO far recovered that I was able to get up and move about, but the trouble still remained in my sys- tem. If I put my hands in cold water, or if I went out in the even- ing or in damp weather the trou- ble would return, and for four years I thus suffered from rheuma- tism, until I began to think it could not be driven from my system. Fin- ally I gave up all other medicine and began to use" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after using them for a couple of months I was complete- ly cured and have not had a twinge of rheumatism since. I can recom- mend the Pills to anyone suffering from this trouble." These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * ( THE CAUSE. Auntie "Why, Tommy, how yon do grow!" Tommy "Yes, I think they water me too much." Astonished Auntie "Water you too much!" Tummy "Yes, auntie ; they bath me every night and morning." Recognized as the leading speci- fic for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor has proved a boon to suffering children everywhere-. It seldom fails. "Why did you insist on having your wife join the Suffragette Club I" "Because," replied Mr. Meekton grimly, "I want to see that Suffragette Club get all the trouble that's coming to it." Minard't Liniment for tall (virywhir*. WHEN. "When does your husband find time to-do all bis reading?" "Usually when I want to tell him something important." Skin-Tortured Little Ones Mothers! Are your little ones suffering from itching, burning eczemas, or other torturing, disfiguring skin troubles? Are you, yourself^ worn out with long, sleepless nights and cease- less anxiety in caring for them ? Then you should know that, in most cases, a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and a gentle application of Cut}, cura Ointment bring immediate re lief, the little sufferers sleep, tired, fretted mothers rest, and peaco falls on distracted households. Although Cuticura Soap nd Ointment ar ifd by druggist"! and clralers evr.vwhi r<>, a ital to "Cuiicura." IVpt. 2M.. REID'S LITTLE WAYS. Sir George Reid, Australian High Commicisioner in London, who has been travelling over America Late- ly, showed on one or two occasions some rather odd peculiarities for a public man of hia standing. He epoke at several luncheons in Toronto, and just as the guesta | were gathering for one of these events, he wae introduced to a ! number of prominent citizens. Af- 1 ter they had chatted for a few min- i utea Sir George indicated his de- ! sire that the others should precede j him into the banquet room, and he would see them later. He wished KING OSCAR SARDINES "Th turty toucn that mean* o much" for lunchaon, after- noon tea or social evening. Delicious ! Nourishing ! Get them From your Crooar TnuU lapplUd by JOHN W. BI K'.X * <iKKB.VI.tO. HAMILTON. Men's Suits !<t Work in Canada. OoM M.Jalint BRITISH AWE (CAN DY?INC CO. *_0- MX. UJ. yONTBIAL Sir George Reid. them all to be in their places when be entered. At the same luncheon, after the chairman had called on him to speak, there was an awkward pause. Everybod- wondered what the wait was for. Few know yet, but the fact is that the Australian knight would not arise to speak un- til all the waitresses had left the room. Sir George, who is a man of con- siderable girth, described himself as "the only man in the world who represented a whole continent." This sally provoked a laugh. At his request a stenographer was brought to the luncheon so that his remarks could be token verba- tim and cabled to all parts of the Empire. Maypole Soap FOR HOME DYEING Wa>h and dyes at one operation, gir- ing remarkably clean, bright, fait colon. Dyes cotton, wool, it :it 01 mix- tures. 24 colon, will give any hade. Colon lOc, black 1 5c at yom dealer 'i or potp'd with bit- let "How to Dye' f <> F. L BENEDICT S CO. Moirtraal v. o. A., will secure a liberal amp) of aoh, with 33-p. book on thv Hkin anj -ali>, anil .'nt of their affection*. "GOOD STUFF." A Confirmed Drinker Takes to Postuni. A housewife was recently surpris- ed when cook served Postum in stead of tea and coffee, 'he s.ivs: "For th last fiTe or sue ys-irs 1 have been troubled with nervous- nes, indigestion a * art tM-ub'j. I couldn't get any benefit from the doctor's medicine, so finally he or- dered me to stop drinking coffee, which I did. (Tea is just as injuri- ous because it contains caffeine the drug in coffee.) "I drank hot water while taking the doctor's medicine, with some improvement, then went back to coffee with the same old trouble as before. "A new servant girl told m about Postum said her folks used it and liked it in place of coffee. We got a package, but I told her I did not believe my husband would like it, as he was a great coffee drinker. "To my surprise he called for a third cut, said it was "good stuff" and wanted to know what it was. \Ve have used Postum ever since and both feel better than we have in years. "My husband need to have had spells with his stomach and would be sick three or four days, during which time he could not eat or drink anything. But since he gave up coffee and took to Postum, he has had no more trouble, and we now fully believe it was all caused by coffee. "I have not had any return of my former troubles since drinking Postum, and feel better and can do more work than in the last ten years. We tell everyone about it- some say they tried it and did not like it. I tell them it makes all the difference as to how it's made. It should be made according to direc- tions then it is delicious." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkks. "There's a reason." Ever read th* abov) lttr? A new on* appear* from time to tint*. Th*y art genuina, true, and full of human Intarait. A f AVOID THESE. Automobile coming down the road with twelve-year-old kid at the wheel. Barbed wire fences. Go around if it's a mile. Man who wants to toll you how to run your business. Ten to one h< can't run his own. Man who wants to give you some- thing for nothing. There must be something the matter with it. Matron who has daughter who is taking singing lessons. Gold mantel clocks if you want to c.itch a train. Mince pie for breakfast. Home made shirts. FOOD-OTiTER Is entirely different from th<r ortinary food chopper. The barrel is iu iwuclosejv titling sections, cbmpef! tofrllu r by one sel screw. Canadian mado r:achine. Better in quality, capacity and price works brttcr, better Bokhed, le in piico. Five different cutting ulites. "MAXWELL'S I'fRITY ' is the only food cntter mac!<- in Ouuda tui<i in ea*e convenience, perfect """"^ cuttingand durability superior to any- thing imported. if your dealer does not handle " Maxwell's Purity" write u . DA V II> MAXWELL * SONS. St. Marys. Oait. BABY'S BEST FRIEND. Baby' Own Table* are baby's beat friend and the mother's great- est aid. They cur* constipation, simpl fevers, break up colds, expel worms and regulate the stomach and bowel*. Concerning them Mre. Napoleon Felletier, 8t. Marcel, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablet* for constipation and simple fever for both my little girl of three years and my boy of four months and han found them en- tirely satisfactory, and always keep j them in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by | mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. ] Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, I Ont. NOTES OF 8CIE> T CE. An electrically driven machine to split kindling wood is a novelty. The population of Jamaica has in- creased 30 per cent, in the laet 20 I years. Electrolytic etching is used by a new process to produce hardened ereel die*. Liberia will be given a wireless station with 2,500 miles radius by a, French company. Operated much like a job printing pross is a new rapid printing ma- < hine for photograph. According to recent expert esti- mates China produces almost 10,- 000.000 tons of coal a year. A redhot poker will soften old i putty and make its removal around ! window panes an easy matter. London has more than 2,000 mo- tor omnibuses and the number is i I 'ins increased at a rate of about th'rty a week. It ha* b^on estimated that it costs a dollar to stop an ordinary I 1 r>asenser train moving at a fifty- | mil* speed An international congress on hy- { drology, climatology, and genology j j will be b</ld at Madrid in October | of next. "tar. For treating goods returned by customers New York department store has installed a complete ster- ilizing plant. Of Spain's 4.130 coal mines only 601 are officially recorded as pro- ductive, yielding but about 4.000,- 000 tons a year. An electric cab which is finding favor in Berlin is a three wheeled affair with the bodj Ami seats com- pletely inclosed. HICRODKS BUSIEST TIME. Make the Greatest TroubU? at Nine and Nine. A celebrated scientist has made the interesting announcement that there are more microbes in the air at nine o'clock in the morning and at nine o'clock at night than during any other periods of the day. He has also discovered that the percen- tage of microbes in the atmosphere is less at three o'clock in the morn- ing and three o'clock in the after- noon than at any other times. The explanation advanced for the par- tiality of the microbe for nine o'clock a.m. and p.m. is that the "microbe hour" is controlled by the movements of people. From five to nine in the morning they are going from their homes to their working plnce*. and from five to nine in the evening they are again journeying through the streets, either home- ward bound or in search of plea- sure. He noted that at or about six o'clock every morning and even- ing there were indications of the approach of the microbe "rush" hour. From that time on until nine o'clock the atmosphere became more and more crowded with germs of all kinds, some bad, some good ; and then, immediately after nine o'clock, the tide began to ebb, un- til it was always lowest around about three o'clock. According to his researches, after lunch is the safest time for a nap. WHAT WILL HAPPEN. A Southern lawyer tells of a case that came to him a/t the outset of his career, wherein bis principal wit- ness was a darky named Jackson, supposed to have knowledge of cer- tain transactions not at all to the credit of hie employer, the defend- ant. "Now, Jackson," said the lawyer, "I want you to understand the importance of telling the truth when you are put on the stand. You know what will happen, don't you, if you don't tell the truth. "Yes, sir," was Jackson's reply; "in dat case I expects our side will win de case." Do it Now. Disorders of the di- gestive apparatus should be dealt with at once before complications arise that may be difficult to cope with. The surest remedy to this end and one that is within reach of all, is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, i tin? best laxative and sedative da ' the market. Do not delay, but try j them now. One trial wil convince | anyone that they are the beet | stomach regulator that can be got. ' She-^Do you believe a man knows when he is in love 1 He Yes ; and he doesn't know anything else. Mlnard'i Liniment Guru Dandruff. He So you lost that handsome little dog you had 1 She Yes, in a railroad accident. I was saved, but the dog was killed. He What a pity! Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- ; cine that uevar fails to effect at cure. Those who have used it say j it acts promptly, and thoroughly j subdues the gain and disease. A DIFFERENT THING. Henry Hawkins, junior, was about to b married, and on the eve of this momentous occasion he was di*cusing the forthcoming event with his father. "Well, father," h was ying, "I must confena that I don't feel so sure of this marriage business as I did at first. Ill fact, I'm funking it altogether." "Nonsense, my boy 1" responded his parent. "What do you mean? Maudie's a nice girl, with a little money and plenty of common-sense. What more do you want?" "Oh, yes, I admit that!" replied Henry junior. "But it's all very fine for you to talk, father. You married my Bother ; but I'm mar- rying a total stranger !" SUFFERERS FROM PILES! Zain-Buk Has Cured These! Friction on the hemorrkoid veins that are swollen, inflamed and : gorged with blood, is what causes the terrible pain and stinging and smarting of piles. Zain-BuK ap- plied at night will be found to give ease before morning. Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Prince Albert, Sask., writes: "I must I thank you for'the benefit I have- PC- i ceived from Zam-Buk. Last sum- ! mcr I suffered greatly from piles, j I started to use Zam-Buk and foi;nd it gave me relief, so I continued it, j and after using three or four I it effected a complete cure." Magistrate Sanford, of Weston, King's Co., N.S., say's: -'I suffered long from itchinjr piles, but Zaia- Buk has now cured me." Mr. William Kenty, of Upper Nine Mile River, Hants Co., N.S., says: "I suffered terribly from piles, the pain at times being almost unbearable. I tried various oint- j ments, but everything 1 tried failed | to do me the slightest good. I was tired of trying various remedies. ] when I heard of Znro-Buk, aid ' thought as a last resource I would give this balm a trial. After a very shurt time Zam-Buk effected a com- plete cure." Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for skin injuries and diseases, eczema, ulcers, varicose veins, cuts, burns, bruises, chaps, cold sores, etc. 50c. box all drupirists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse imitations. Try Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet. . % An expert cabinetmaker can take a new piece of furniture and make it look as if it was 200 years old and so can the average small boy. BRAIN WORKERS of all classes delight In It Relieves that tired feeling UPTON'S TEA Sustains and Cheers. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborne StrMt, Toronto. H UNDRED A-THE* COrNTT HALTO Qood Houae; Bnlldlngi; Orchard. p and on easy term*. SEVENTY-SIX ACRES WITH OOOD building* and apple orchard; about five mile* from Hamilton. H. W. OAWSON, Toronto. ACEEP 5 MILES P3OM IKWDOIf ' market: soil, clay !oa.m: gooA building* Will pxcbang* for -ity, town or village property, or for !aizr farm. The Western Real Eta'e. I/nedon. Ont. At the moment St. Andrews is fi REAL ESTATE WAi<JTE[l. SELL TOCB PEOPEETV for cas'n, no matter where Uira *4. Particulars froe. Real Estate Smietraaa Co.. I>Fk 5, Lincoln. Neb.. TJ. 8. A. CENTS WANTEB &- DAY AND rPWASDS MADE WITH 'f our fast selling Xmaa goodf : ex- perience unnecessary. Either MX. Sample* free. Send postage, twenty oontfc Nichols Cf, , Spadina. Toronto. Canada. MAL: HELP WANTED. Tl'.E RAILWAY STATIC* rk and earn more money than LEARN w~rlc and earn more money than In any other tr:u!. We qualify for all Canadian railways. Positions secured. Write for fr' hook 18. Dominion School Hallroadinp, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ' ANTEB. TL'MOBS. L01IPS. H7 I tcrnal and external, cured wttbonl pain by onr home treatment. Write a* before too late. Dr. Bellman Uedloal Co, Limited. ro'Mnrwi-Kid. Ont LEARN- BTTi'KH PLATIXG PiKTICT?-. lars free. Specialties Agency, Bom lb'6. Winnipeg. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on tha -OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action a- aac XT x CREOSOTE! Sl3.lxi.srle S-t Protect Pr-ervo Boautlfy Sunplea and Booklet! on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Urn ted 1374- Bathuri' Street TORONTO The Real Liver Pill A torpid liver means a disordered system, j mental depression, lassitude and in i the end, if care be not taken, a ' chronic state of debMity. The very | best medicine to arouse the liver to < healthy aotiuu is Pannelee's Vege- table Pills. They are compounded of purely yegetable substance of careful pelectlm and no other pills : have their fine qualities. They do not gripe or paJti and they are agreeable to iiu most sensitive stomach. Smoke Staoks and Flues. Wa- ter Flumes, Engines and Boilers POISON '"WA**- TORONTO tint s rtii*"u>lii Mother "Nellie and her hus- band are still quarrelling." Father "What, does he still object to her wearing hish heels?" Mother "Yes. and why should she lower herself to please him." APPENDICITIS Cared -without operations. All who are afflicted with thia dim-ase and wish U> be cured permanently, afly and quickly wiu> tins great, Homeopathic remedy, which will be sent post-paid aaywhere In the world with toll ms-.ruciiong for UBinf BO as to effect a permmvent core. Price 12. Addrem JOHN T. WAIT Hnmeopathic Pharmacy, Arnprlor, Canada. Let every one inquire of himself what he loveth, and he shall know in his heart what sort of a man he DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ED. 7. ISSUE 42 '12 is. Mlnard'a Llnlmtnt Rellv*s Neuralgia. Grace "I'm sorry your brother's marriage has turned out such a failure and such a rich wife too!" Blanche "That's just it; rich things never did agree with Jack." A Remedy for Earache. To have the earache is to endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it, considering it work for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil offers a simple rem- edy. A few drops upon a piece of lint or medicated cotton and placed in the ear will work wonders in re- lieving pain. AGREED WITH THE COURT. "I wish to make a motion." The speaker stood a little unsteadily, looking at the judge, who ignored him. Pausing a moment, the would- be maker of the motion eat down. He was a good lawyer and fn'snd of the presiding judge, but at ti'nes he was not quite in condition for decorous court proceedings. The judge shook his head and. leaning forward, said sternly: "The court is of the opinion, Mr. - , thatj you are not quite yourself?" "It is." "Well, that's the first correct; opinion I've heard from this court," he remarked with an air of solemn , approval and retuined to his chair, ' where he remained in imperturable content. Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1903 Mlnard'e Liniment Co.. Limited. Doar Sfrs. Y.-nr trareller is here to-day and we .-"> ir-uniR a larire quantity of y>or MIN \KDS LINIMENT. We flnd It the best Liniment on the market, making no exception. \V have been in bimin<*B 13 yearn and have handled all kindx, but have dropped thorn all but yours; that sells iteelf; th others have to be pushed to get rid of. W. A. HAQEUMAN. "What brand of cigars do you like best, Sponker?" "The brand you have in your pocket." Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones apply Holloway's Corn Cure and get relief. Mo>t Economical Odirlaas Night Lamp ever invented. Burns ordinary IQQ KcroenOil. "A a light, all night for Poatpald ^ of a cant." L. J. A. St'RVEYER Throw mud at a man and mcxet of it falls oft ; throw flattery at him and it sticks. Minard't Liniment Cures Burn*, Eto. A man can dress in ten minutes, but it usually takes his wife an hour or more to straighten up the house after he does. Nearly every man wants credit for knowing more than he really does. NA-DRU-CO LAXATIVES Women's commonest ailment the root of so much of their Ill-health promptly yields to the gentle but certain action of Na-Dru-Co Laxatives. 2Sc. a box at your druggist's. NATfONAL DUOS AND CHCMICAL CO. or CANADA, LIMITCO. Eight Delightful Cruises WEST INDIES tND TUB PANAMA CAXAL Leaving No* \ ./I-K by th* Palatial S.8. MOLTKK and VICTORIA LOSE Jan. 4, 15, 23, Fob. s. u,:!*, \pri: 10, 1ft -1; ;8 Days-lUR, $!8<, 17S. and op. Alao Crulnasto the Orient, Around tb> ^orld, Itaiy and fcgyp;, etc. Semi for T)u>Ue:. - .I.I.IK crime. lUMBURG-VMEUlC AN L1>'F.. 11 45 nr.iadwiy. NKV YORK FREE TO GIRLS *'"* , thl ! free of all charge, to any & * ho wi " Season Ore: Dept. 17. you ,.he bracelet. HO. HER UAUREN CO., Toronto, Ont.