August 29 1912 THE FLES1IERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU| Mr Herber , POSTOFFICE STORIES. BUSINESS CAKUS If CULl/OUGH & YOUNG V I ni:kri> Mtrkdtle a Reminitcent Mood. There is no mem her nf the House at Commons who appreciates a good story more than Mr. Herbert Ssmuel. British Postmaster-General, and he cent of the newspapers anl job printing: rarely makes u speech without includ- Press Men Convene Hanover, Aug. 11. Orer nintty per .cerai KSkSJ boifn" V M,*y ictd ' lwrt ' tbe counties of Grey *nd Bruce ing in it one or two anecdotes con t raocaL>l ratei cll on ut. were represented by their proprietors m u cerning his duties at St. Martins IB meeting of the Grey anl Bruoc Press As- Grand. Last year, for instnace, while sociaiion, held in the Puhlic Library ] talking of cablegrams in the House hereto-day. William McD.mald.M. P.P.. I of Commons, he related the following of The Cheslcy Knternrise, presided. I as 8 example of episcopal economy. The 1'iess men entertained at luncheon] He said there was an archbishop who hud a code of his own. He cabled from I. I'M. MI!. "John. Epistle III., 13 and 14." II,- friends looked up the TUhlSbETT. foniinanter, Oeylon. Cirjniiionjr in H. '. J . Conveyancer, deedp, uiwtcacw, leaiiefi, will* etc carefully drawn up ollectioui mad:*, chars** reasonable. Also rc.ccrici. flour, feed etc. kei'tiu utock, Pricei McPHAlL. Uc* n .ed Auctioneer (or ottite. KMidence and P.O., Ceylon, LVc. C.07. by tlie Town Council. President Mc- Donald and (M. Hush Clark, M.P., were the speakers for the pressmen. In the absence of Mayor Peppier, ('mm- tbe cillor Witthim presided. The \isitor- ere alio eh >wn over the points of inter- ' in this thriving town, which must be Telephone counted as the most rapidly crowing community north line. i.f the G.T.K. niiim Auctioneer lor and Simco*. KAITTINO, Licensed t , countiet ol (irt ro, .nd Stock ulet Kiemie nviMaction Boaran. Mtfor dti u)y be ui*de t the Adv.tice i orAlT. HutcbiOiD' ore, er t > <l(lrei.8ing uie t Fevershaui, Ont. RUDP MATHE'.VS, Markflale. mi'ii.iiM-i lor the county c w/vue at reaaeuable rste*. . ii.aile st The Advance, o 03 MEDICAL D" CA T: I V l * fi Ont. Pbyeiclan, Surgeon etc t>a tt cd r en deuce- Peter fct.. Pleeberton Bible, and found the "1 had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee: But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace he to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name." In connection with the postofBce savings bank department, Mr. Samuel tells the following story. There was one depositor who had :>;hausted his account, but who appealed to the con- troller to send his account book hack because it cheered him. in his poverty to see how much hjs deposit once had been. Another depositor wrote that, although he t a Welshman and a Bull for Service I veteran Kadical, he was respectably ''(.nary liutterliov Cala.nity, No. 10.V.1. bred connected and well known for his in- by H. ]- ''forge ol _CiainptO!i, Ont. Sir*, tegrity. The" best .f Mr. Boar for Service Purebred Yorkshire Hour '2 ytarn old, for rvice on lot LOO. con. ^iL. Terinit -ALKX. I AMF.RON.T Holstein Friesian Cattle ' .: Boy ( 'llalility No. iTVjOl, Dmil. i IIIHI-. (ioldie AnticjpmtioD No. -i : TWOM Rtgll tered cowe .I.OO. (iradeo tl.V). f Mr. Samuels stories, perhaps, is the following. A woman JI' OTTEWELL Veterinary Snrgeon Kraduate of Veterinary ( iMiidcocc - ascend door noutb iltrv itrt. This street rant litklytarian Cbnrcb. r!oVr"Te H rnfB-<T,'adV"s"w fi *Mw' 1 Tal " wo ""| who had to fill in a claim on behalf Brown Leghorn au.l White \Vyamlotte i f " son was asked to state Oil a form 1'oultry. btock lor Hale. !Lotl7C, i Kfius tor Batching, lil< HAUL) ALLKN. t. Kleulierton, |i.o. . south Bull For Service whether she had H husband living, and her answer was. "Living, but in- significant." The Postmaster-Genpial, it might be mentioned, likes his little joke, and it was on the occasion of the opening of a new postorfice at Margate that he announced that on that special ocea- tvr U '.. Bu tdmli , r J)KNT1STKY E C. MURRAY U O. S.. dental .nrseon ..,1,0. Krartunl* ol Toronto L'uiverwty and n:l hureonu of OuUrio, f o> teetu XtrwWOB , Toronto SUt. Kl::ertorj. u A!>n<l>-eii Ani!u.- Cull, s-ion he iiimseif would serve the first "15lack Diamond Kim;," for service mi lot of stamps, which would be sold at lot 28, Con -I \V. H. 1'ATTKItK IN. I'.np LEGAL t Duudalk opi-u t-vi-rj Kuturtlay. WH WRIGHT. UarrinUr. Solicitor. Convey- tr'eer. etc-.. Ovtn Kound and rUdmrton. }'. Flmheitou oUice.Siirouleii lllock tvtry Batr.rav SOCIETIES } W uaeeti ou h )at Monday A , u ea^h uioutb. iu tbeir lo.i K e room (la)tou>hall Klnerton, at B |i.w . W J. Kellaiuy : Hew.. C. H. Mnn.uaw; >\ J, Bprool*. Vi.itiDK brethracmvite.1 PKJ.NCE AKTHL'K I.ODOB, No. TO.AKA- A U. meets in tut Masonic ball. Aru Take our piactie-d Husiuess or S'loiili in 1 i nx ' nf tumim.' <u..l set 1 how soon wo will have \.ni cumuli; n sjool stl.irv. Kn-ry graduate li,-l;.i-.|. Fall Term from Sept H, 11112. No* 1-auloL'iiu .ri request. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. I . Hawkins. Principal thirteen for a shilling. A lady at once asked fur the increased nuniber, and wa served by the Postmaster-General with eleven id. and two 1-2(1. stamps. Another good story told by Mr. Sam- uel concerns an occasion when lie ar- rived during an election campaign at H certain town to address a meeting. He \vaf somewhat late. "I saw a working man whom I knew," says i\Ir. SamaeJ, "lounging at the doorway of the hall, while from within came a continuous and earnest bellowing. 'Do \"ii know who's speaking:-' I asked my friend. 'Or haven't you been in?' 'Oh. ye.". I've been in.' said he. '.Mr. A if. speaking.' 'What about?' I inquired. My friend sihed and shook hi* head. 'He didn't say,' he answer- e.!. M f* A flT\S IO1* troni'e Hlock.l-'lenhertoD. It- fore the full luoco. I M.; T!JO. Clayton, Secretary every Friday on H. .Mu.|l-w, \V. Got the Evidence Upstairs. An Indiun judge, when first ap- - pointed to his position, wits not well acquainted with Hindustani. He win trying n case in which H Hindu wns ('haired with stealing n nilghai. Th )wnslii|i 'judge did not- like to betrayed hi* | ignorance of what a ullghai was, so M A'-re We"', li*!f lot -, i-on. II. 1.1 (ihgirey. .'ill Acrm-Cact hair lot 1, c >n. II, To w mil I p ij" ''"]" ol ()*|irey, V) Acres-Went half lot 7, con. il, Towiinhiii "1'rodnoe the stolen property." rOUKTTLKSHKUTON, Oft-., t Clayton . Block the la.t W ol tacb ."'""b- 1K8S >": '.'.""'> ;:i,:v', D :'., vl tbe month. I. 0. F. meets in ***"**" ^'^ R K i" Hi, 1 1 " *>''' c...eforetli. flr.t ofOmrey. ; T ' <;) "- "' I(XJ Acre Lot .n.'ciu. Il/Arteinatla.' Mi A -res Lot .1,1'jii. II, lot 4, I'jii. The court w5 held in mom. o th,. usher ynppd: "Plrnsc. your lordship it's HU Upper down- - ft stairs." "Then lirint it up instantly!" stern- ly ordered the iudj.'.'. PHOKKN KhlKSOH . L Ct.owu Kriendi ineeli in Clayton ' hall 6.-i. ai.<l thiril We.luemlay ol each month H 11. m FiysMssssneatatettMBseorto 1 on or before tie brut day ol each nionlli. Cbiel Councillor T J5lakele\;lecorder W. H. Hunt. HXi Acrt-r 1, > I . . in. II, Ai ti. Rl t,Mii. HI Arri'v Kant II ill lot T. con. >. i: ijilii KMH. ! Acrtk l.tH Ji ..'ii j-i. I..MI. H. ' Artemetla. r<IAcr< I'irt Lot I II. I I , II; c,,n :| .s (.; T. S. II.. Ar BUJ..|. . . .. Jim A tat I.Jt i., an I 1 l,c i. 1 . Artammls, '. \ : The ofticinl ileptirted. and a minute Inter a Ion, I bumping WHS hcitrd. mingled with loud nnd earnest ex- hortations. Nearer came the noi-e, tlie door w;is pushed open, nnd the , W. coo. 12, Artmsla. panting official appeared dragBinif in June I III W. A. AU.MSTItONi!, Kl,. sheil. m fT ,t K.nm-r meet, in tlie blah school 1 bmldii* .. the lirst Tburd.y in eacl, __ i.ivit.-l. K.I . tSei-.-T.fa. h'.r.l 'l're*idnt, < . W. Tam worths tor Sale I'olh fn ncaily ready lor l.rfcdiUC. I'. .'<= Brantford Roofing IM .:', M'_. and siding. Asj.luli roo!) the blue hull. The judge wns dimibfounded, but only for nn instant. "Ah! That will do," said he. "It is always bi-rt. when po-.*il)le, for the jndsie p.rMHially to inspect the stolen property. Hi'inovu the stolen property. usher." ini! and sidin.', Kub'ier m >t'n</, routing and sulm^. St.e __^__ ,i,hsi.rgui.:a.%te j .. o w lt(|SB f ..,, .,,. J. McDonald, Agsnt, Ceylon 0-|,r. 1 "O time Bull for Service ,.i.'ii?lihr,-.| .Sli..ith..rn l".ll, l'. lorervic..n lot in, ,-.,. !i w on applicfttlon. 8rvice,, *:,, *: a ,vit*. Full l-ri.f .IliarK"! t-r BULL FOK SERVICE Tbon.iiKl.breiHliorth.irn lmll,"l)unly .lim" *17M, for a*rvic n lot 171'., T. & S. It., Ar- . Thia animal i f a |WI ' Bulking . I'wtiifree on sppltcatlon. TenrK, <i CT $1, rr K iUred :t. .1 AH. STINSON J J rii|inet<ir. Boar for Service A large wMte Yorkshire Knar lor service j ou lot lt).:ird range W T. AH. H., Arteuietia. Vfrutt 11,00- It. WAI.I.FK. Bull for Service Pure bred Hereford bull fur service on ' lot 171, '' . w. T. & S. S., Aiternesia. Terms fl.M). Pure hied $lt,00. Any [ cow not returned second time wiil lie charged at uaual rat*. 1 Msrch 13 1 T. *. J. WATSON. I 'i . it mi Station./ Bull for Service Hhorthurn Bull, "Villa X Ud," for frivicr mi lot U, con. 4, Aite.nesia. Tsvni-f 1 for i .!. I Sept A. 8. H4ZAUD, Prwv HORSES FOR SALE One horse 4 years old, one hone 3 years old, one hurse 2 years old, all thre* bj Ihe i KI ported Clydesdale stallion Dun- vie Mao. Alao oua grey tilly 2 year* old. -IAS OLIVER, Lots 2o-2tf 27. Booth I .in*, Aitemesia Cejrlon P.O. Canadian National Exhibition SOMK FK.VITKKS OK Imperial Year Imperial Cutlet Review i ...i, i, from ill ih Over>* llomlnloni Exhibits by the Provinces Dominion Kihibits Hand of Scots Guards From lin. I miih.11,1 Palace Paintings of (he Year from Europe Paintings by best Canadian und American Artists Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Review Everything in Educational Exhibits Siege of Delhi Besses O' Th' Barn Band H.ii.irT. Hr.i Bm Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Industriee in Operation Butter Making Competitions Amerlca'sGreateet Livestock Show Canada's Biggest Doft Show America's Prettiest Pussies Japanese Day Fireworks Motor Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus Four Stages and Arena all going Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic Sports < Ten Band Concerts Dally Acres of Manufacturae Imperial Flrewerks--M Numbers Ai.24 1912 Sept.* TORONTO Hell, Hull and Halifax. Halifax (Kni:.). supposed to be th? must wealthy' mid prosperous town of the north country in proportion to size, formerly -possessed a curious no- toriety. A clause of the "Thieves' Lit- any" ran: "From Hell, Hull and Hali- fax, good Lord, deliver us." Tin* I arose from the fact that Halifax at one time cor Id inflict su'nmary pun- ishment upon anybody within a ra- tlins (if nine miles who had committed a felony, especially by stealing cloth. The culprits were tried by a jury o( four freeholders^ and if found guilty, as generally happened, were execut- ed with a kind of guillotine at a spot still shown in Gibbet line. A Dog Pepys Saw. On Sept. 11. 1661, Mr. Pepys made this entry: "To Dr. Williams, who did carry me into big garden, where he hath abundance of grapes, and he did show me a dog that he hath to kill all the cats that come thither to kill iiu pigeons, and do afterwards bury them and do it with so much rare that they shall be u.uite covered; that if the tip of the tail bangs out he will take up the cat again and dig the hole deeper. Which is very strang,aiid he tell* me that be do believe that be bath killed above 100 cats." Intensive Culture. Intensive Agriculture is producing some startling results in Britain. In an nili, 'in! account of tomato growing recently issued, it is stated tlmt "(> acres produced over 600 tons, st a value of about $4,000 per *cre, or a total of 80,t)00 for the crop. Kven allowing for a market that preclude* the entry of canning factories, which are so important a factor here, it il quite evident from these figures thsl the Canadian farmer is in tlie kinder- garten clsss in this line of industry. Australia's Stsmp. Australia's new stamp has a pictur* of a kangaroo gravely contemplating a lint, of "kangaroo grass," as the Government calls it, but scoffers gay il looks more like a rabbit sticking its head out of a burrow. Let Children Eat. According to an Knglith dietary ex- pert, growing children should est to repletion. The niasini of leaving off hungry at a meal must not be applied to them. HE SEES FOR HIMSELF KING GEORGE IS A BIT OF HAF-.OUN AL-RASCHID. Britain's Monarch Cannot Disguise Himsell and Go About But Never- theless He Loves to See His Sub- jects at Work and Understand Their Needs The Queen at Tea With Farmer's Wife. King George is the modern Haroun- al-Raschid. Like the ruler celebrated in "The Arabian Nights," he is set upon seeing how his subjects live. He cannot disguise himself and make midnight expeditions, after the man- ner ol the Eastern calih. Photography and the newspaper press make that impossible. Besides, at midnight there are few workers employed, and it is above all, his people at work that King George wishes to see. Bo in open day he goes among them, watches them at bench or loom, sees how thev make iron and steel, how they get coal, how by rough and hard work with their hands they are helping to keep up the industries of Rngland upon which the very existence of Eng- land's millions depends. Here is - i;.> :n i : new in the annals of monarchy. No British sovereign, no sovereign of any other kingdom, no president of any commonwealth, has Kimberley Budget A severe electric storm, accompanied hy heavy rin and hail passed over here on Monday afternoon. Some of the pieces of hail measured one an.1 a halt inches in diameter. The Bell Telephone Co. are building a line from Flesherton to Kimberley. Mr. Thos. Caraack, one of our chicken cranks, has a white leghorn pullet 5 months old that has commenced laying. Beat that you chicken-hearted men. Aiii"ii-'. thoe who took in the ex- cursion to the West on the 23rd were : Mr. Fred Wicken.s and lister, Nell who left fir Moose jaw, Sask., also Mr. Chas. Graham who left for Regina, Sask. Mr. Robert Irwin of Noith Bay, who bus been visiting at his parental home here, returned on Friday last. Mr. Jno. McCallum of Vancouver, B. (X, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Wm. McKuight of Duncan, visited at Mr. J. M. Fawcett's on Sunday last. Another one of Euphrasia's old pioneers jassed away in the person of Mr. Jas. Wallace, who died t the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Clark on Wednes- lay, Aug. 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Burrell of Sligo, visited at Mr. Neil Boyle's on ever until now made a systematic ef- 1 Sunday last. fort to understand industrial processes and industrial problems by studying them on the spot. That is, ol course, the only way to win any vivid knowl- 'friends one dty last week. edge ot them. Print can prave any- Miss Kdith Hammond, accompanied by Miss Klvie Bishop, vitited Markdalc thing, hut can with difficulty make it live. It is intimate personal im- pression that kindles the imagination; and without imaginaton the dry hones o? fact and figure rattle tedinusly in the ear. Other rulers may have read Blue- Mrs. U.iuJall of Meaford is visiting with her brother, Mr. Geo. Proctor, at p-esent. Mrs. wills and little daughter of Dundalk, visited st Mr. Oliver Irwin's the p.?t week. Mr. Gerald Wallace left on Monday wood Shipbuilding Co. Miss Uell Duggnn of Schoiuberg who h;n been visiting friends in this viciniiy, returned home one day last week. Tlie garden p;wly held by the Uasebali sports was u baseball match between Vandeleur and Kimberley, which result- books about coal mines. What have they got from them, save headaches. Kii.g George goes down a coal mine. i. Takes a lamp and stumbles along dark 1;lst l " take ll P'W'twa with the Colling- roadways. Borrows a pick and learns for himself . l.;ii it must mean to hew into the coalface for hours at a stretch. Other rulers may have stud- ied reports on "Housing." The very term betrays the spirit in which they ara written; shows that the matter has been taken from the free air of jClub in Mr. John Pluwes' orchard on reality into the vapid vacuum of Par- ITueslay, August 20th, was a huae success liamentarv debate. , Kins? George and Queen Mary ire ! t >"' l c'lly '* otherwise. Among the not content with arid t'jtaiU as to "cubic fet-t of atmosphere" or with Board of Trade "index numbers.''! t c Tl,,y want to see the kind ol house, in ! ed "' * V ' CtOr y f " r the f " rmer ' the sc " re which th .so who do the rough hard bei "i; 14 " !l '" llu '' fvor. A concert in work live. Hence their surprise visits to small linu.-es in South Wales and South Yorkshire. In only one case was any notice given. This was at Aberdare. 'it made i very little difference, t>ut it was net ' , the King's plan. He wanted to see ."i*" 1 ' A few '' a >' s llsl " n * '" llle Uu(lvt ' r cuttii'jes aiul cottagers just as they J ; **t week He has a magnttic person a:-. Suddenly he would have his mo- jHty and made many friends while here, tor-car stopped. He would set out and ask the astonished owner, "May we j Mls " OaWt Walter is ratting come in?" At Slaithwaithe the \vash-.W. H. Thui^ton s, Flesherton. ing WHS liiK.L.' up to dry on a s(|uare frame near the ceiling' (a device. I think, peculiar to the North country). At Woodlands model village tho housewife -,VHS cooking the midday dinner. At the little farm on the moor? the fanner'? wife was entertain- ing two friends at "farmhouse tea." Tl Queen joined them and ?aid >he the evening consisting of recitations, vocal and music, etc., brought a very successful day to A close. Mr. W. <i. Weichell, 'M.I'., Waterloo, at Riverdale Gee hemlock ! will it nevei .|uir rain- ing, is the general remark of the day. We undei stand that Miss Lou Wiley t) coiiKratulate himself on the happy issue ol his courageous resolve, and further we must be grate! il to him f(i- having settled all doubts, if any existed, as to Kngland and Wales be- ing unanimous in support of the in- stitution that forms the strongest tie between the diffwent states of the Kmpire. As an endurance w<>t, these journeys made it plain that their Majesties are. happily, very strong. It would be ah- aiird to say they were not tired after long days of motoring, with the noise of cheering about them and with hun- dreds, sometimes thousands of eager eyes upon them almost all the time. The constant bowing-, and lifting of the list must have been positively painful at the close of such a day, varied by the fatigue of going over factories (sometimes three or four). Probably these domestic tours, as we may call them, were more fatiguing than the state processions of last year. En revanche, they were more interesting, both in their incidents, homely and human, and in their en- tire novelty, and hsppily their Majes- ties were never overtired. The domestic tour, as an imtitution mm k- s new stage in the development at the relation* between King and people. Acting upon their own judg- ment slid good feeling, their Majes- ties determined that a new depsrture was desirable. In the old day?, when nations were perpetually at war. mon- archy identitied themselves with the national life by leading our sriuies t. > battle. Now that peaoe i* the settled state, only at intervals broken in upon rudely by the claih of srms, other mean* must be sought. Sovereigns mut place themselves. at it were, at the head of the armies ol industry. They nuist encourage their peoples forward along paths of progress other than those which are bewn out by the sword. Nothing could more successfully draw tighter tlie strings of affection and loytlty than thacc visits. operations. Ainung those from this vicinity who took their departure for^ the West on Friday morning were Messrs. R. Fother- gill, G. Gould, H. Memtield and G. Lee. .Ml four are stalwart young hei'ouij wiih i thorough knowledge of agricultural jmaiiipulations, the kind of men that is 'required, and will achieve unlimited success in the West. Again our typical Turk of Priceville, with his tissue paper smile and onu hand extended for a cordial shake, while the iothvr in 10! y i;raspcs a bowie-knife behind his bnck, sys good bye, but ere Ihe ireniark has escaped his lip*, his well- known evil passions urine snd despite the 'comprehensive intimation of The Advance editor several weeks ago. He hisses through his clenched teeth revenge, and Houvishe.s the huge bowie-knife, crying yet again in a loud voice saying, I will dissect him. Surely this is s pathetic case of unlimited criminal igoor- ai.ce snd everlasting animosity. Be a hero Priceville Cor., calm your temper. Professor Lee of the New York Institute of Science, U. 8. A., and J. Boyd attended ihe nipgniticent garden p*ity at Kimberley on Tuesday evening. The fast and furious baseball Waterloo between Kiuabeiley and Vandeleur wse a icream from beginning to end, both teams showing marvellous dexterity throughout the game. An elaborate spread of delicious cats ssrred on Mr. Plswit' lawn, attested the eiticiency of the ladies of Kimberley in the culinary srt, while the classical up-to-the-minute program in which those who took, part acquitted themselves very meritoriously, was assuredly a corroborative instance of the talented entertaining abilities of the citizens of Kimber]y. Fall Fairs FlesherUm Sept. LV.-2T Chatsworth Sept. 12-K!. Collii'tfwood .Sept. 26, 2*i, 27, 28 Clarksburg Sept. 24, 25 Dili-hum Sept. 24-2i> Dundlk Oct JO, Hi Fevershtmi Oct. 1-2 Markdsle Oct. 15, 16 Meatord Sept. 26, 27 Mount Forest Sept. 18,19 Orangeville Sept. 19, 20 Owen Sound Sept. 10, 11, 12 Priceville Got. 4 Rocklyn Oct. 3,4 Shelbuvne Sept. 24, 25 Air. W. N. (Junsala.", a farmer living near K!>:i Jii'.', Pa. says he usr<l Chamberlain's Collp, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rr medy in bin family for fourteen yerus, and that h< haH found il to be an t xcellent remedy, and take pleasure in recommending it. For sale by .ill dealers. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly- paid in advance subscriptionsouly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance 9 I 00 Youths Compairon 2 00- Toronto World, daily 2 00 Toronto Daily News 1 35- Weekly Globe 85 Mail-Empire 80 Family Herald A Scar 85 Toronto Star 1 oO Farmer Sun 85 Farmers Advocate 1 35 Weekly Witoew 80 Katurdar Nis-ht :J 00 Home Jooraal 60 Poultry News . . ; . 20 . Poultry Keview 40 Uod and Gun magazine 80 NORTHERN Business College Owen Sound, Ont. FALL TKRM OPENS SEPT. 2nd. thoroughly enjoyed it. And v hat n ,,f this vicii.ity hah been enarwed as more the hostess and the other uuests , , enjoyed it thoroughly too. teacher m our public school. It is worth notice 'that both Slaith- i The profound sympathy of the corn- ist member. In South Wales, also, a a111 ^ family in their pathetic bereavement visit was paid to Mr. Keir Haidie's; Mell!lM . R. I,-,,,, ,,f Loree and Ge.,rg district. Most sovereigns would have .., . left such places severely alone. That "' ( " jr "- "'tended the funeral .of their not King George's way, nor Queen l"tu sister, Mrs. R. Gibson, on Tuesday. Mr. Fred Cutting retuined home on ed it for all the world to see, so now Tuesday last, after spending several he went boldly among those who were weeks vacation with friends at Gore Bay. I supposed quite wrongly, as the event .. . v , proved to be hostile to the institu- Mrs. J. Nesbitt of loronto ,s visiting 1 tion i.f monarchy. Ifi-isnds here at ptesent. In both districts thev were received: . , , c not with mere courtesy but x ith ac- i A large, m.mbei of Riverdale citizens' olamations by the whole mass of in- i w '" '' unavoidably detained from atlend habitants. From politics in the party [ing the Ton.nto Exhibition this year Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO RETL'HN UVl'ES FROM FLESHEUTON $2.60 $2.00 AUGUT ?!, -JO Si'l't i i.ilt.-r a, ^ DAILY Aug. -4 to Sept. 7 ALL TICHKTS OOOO FOft HITUHN UNTIL ,0 ASK KOK OFFICIAL I'HOliKAM CouUiuH list of daily event! at tne lair. Special rates and train' service iroirj all statiouH. - Agent, Fleshertor Prevention of Eye Trouble. PrcTentlon Is better than cure. It Is cheaper. It is possible when cure Is lmposslt:e. Eye trouble may be avoided by the timely use of glasses, averting: discomfort, suffering and permanent Impairment Of slfht. We are properly equipped It adjust glasses and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong. Heifer Strayed Heifer Strayed From my premises, lot 36, con. 10, Artemexia, on or about May 24. It had a whita star on fore- head, white on legs and flank. Any- body knowing anything of its where- abouts, plense communicate with Solomon. Turner, Rugeiua p. o. Farm for Sale at a Snap SI, SCO will buy 150 acres on the gravel, road between Fleaherton and Ifarkdale. The timber alone on this property ie worth the price asked. Apply to JOS. BEATY, Orsnxe Valley, Markdale, p. o, Sept 20. For Sale or to Rent Lot 22, Con. 11, Qlenelg, containing 100 acres, 90 acrea cleired and in good st*te of cultivation, balance hard wood* bush, good frame barn, stone foundation, good stabling and driving house, com- fortable house, ne*er falling well and 1 good orchard. The above farm Is only 1 miles from the village of Markdale. Apply to John White or Thomas Taylor* Portlaw p. o.