Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1912, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRLSCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 32, SO 7 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, August 15, W. H TEURSTON Feversham Items Eugenia Paragraphs ' Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson and little daughter, of Toronto, spent a few tUy this week wi<h the former's emter, Mrs. John Paul, of this vilUee. The Dr. resided hero some years ?> *ul his old uoqtuinUnces were glad to see him once gun. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Julian of the luburbs and Mrs. L.. Pedlar of Rook Mills spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Thompson of this village. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert) and family of Toronto spent the past two or three wee.s with Mrs. Robert.*' brother, Mr. J. A. Kernihan, J. P. Mr. Hamlin cf Toronto is holidaying with his uncle. Mr. (jeo. Burk, at Maple Grove Farm. 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mclntyre, of Mc- intyre tpent Sunday At R. J. Col<|uett'r. Mrs. John Dyre of Rob Roy and Mrs. Joweph Dyre of >iorth Bay were renew- ing old acquaintances in this vicinity a short time ago. Miss Piiscilla Brownrid^e "f Toronto t.s vUitir.g her mother, Mrs. Thos. Nibbs, and with her brother, Arthur, spent Sun- day at Mr. Will Clinton'", 8:h line. Walter Kerton has rented his temper- ance hotel here to John F.nglLsh i-f Cey- lon, who will take possession this week. Mr. Kerton has moved into Mrs. John Hi bill/sou's house, in this \illage. We understand Walter intends going to Sud- bury, where he has secured the position of e&gmeer in the lijiht and power plant in 'hat town. Hal estate is booming in Keversham again. Four properties changed hands within the list two week*. Conveyancer W. <;. AllUter has been iloing a rushing bubiness of late. A fad accident occurred here ou Moi:- d*y about noon, by which little Viet, i JUcKen/.ie, son of Mr. James McKeii/.ie, might easily have been killei!, ->-Uiu- run over by a load of gravel driven iiito the yard by J . H. l.ush. In some way Victor climbed onto one of the wheels of the wagon and was thrown to the ground having his lie.i 1 and shoulder hurl, h:s jaw bone broken and otherwise injuied. The little fellow lies iu a precarious con- dition. All hope for liis speedy recovery. Beiry picking is the order of the day. A taut amount of ill health is due to iui- paired diirt-sti. .n. When the stomach fail" to [eit. Til its functions pK'l'erly the 'whole }" tern bec.nni-1 deranged. A few duses <( ( k.-iiiilirrlain's Tablets if all you ueed. They will strengthen your digestion, in\ig"rate your liver, an 1 reuulatc your bdwvls. emirrly do'iiK away with that miserable fueling due t> faulty digest!. 'ii. Try it. Many others ha*e Iteu |>eriuaneMtly cre<l why in. t you': K>'' -..'( I'.v all iie:.lers. Married At Xealandia, S*k., July :{!, Miss Millie Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Win. Wilson of Eugenia, t-> Mr. 'ack Traynor of Ros=town. They are &t resent visiting friends l>ere on rhtir I'jiieymoon. Some of our city friends went berry licking one day last week, although they ound berries very scarce. A skunk c:une n the scene and matlj it very interest.- ng. One of them on looking down at )er ;'.! was alarmed to tind a Ur^e nake crawling ofer it. They find life in he country ipiite exciting. M:- Smith of Markdale and Mr. T. iVallaee of \Voodbridge were gues'S of ill-. P. Munihaw rhe past week. The Misses Steele of Toronto are visit- ng a few weeks with their C'.usin, Mrs. Rob MeM*r. Messrs, Louis Genoe and Ben Denton pent last .Sunday with friend* in Fe- rerslura. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lutimer and daugh-. r K'ta visited the past week with Mr. tnd Mrs. Hammond of Priccville. A s|-ec al meeting of the Women's In- stitute and Farmers' Club and ail inter- eled in the welfare >f Kuir-nn will be leld on Fridiy, Huh, in the school room at 8 o'clock. Mrs. R. Park and sons, JcK and Rus- sell, visited iu Priceville over Sunday. Mr. Walker Sloan of Mt. Albert is re- newing old acquaintances in this vicinity, the guest of Mrs. R-jbert tiorley, Sr. Mrs. Alex. McKechnie and daughter, of Markdale, spent the past week at Mrs. Fisher's 1 . Miss Cella (ieuo visited friends iu Knnberley the past week. Mr. Uerk. .Stewart ,tnd E,d. Whitehead ;f Fle.sherton spent SMI r, day wit') fi lends in Kugenin. Messrs. T. tienoe aud John Parsons e ich lost valuable milch cnws the past week. Mrs. i '.in has gone to reside in Orillia. Mr. W. liili ,,f Markdale and friend, spent Sunday at the Eugenia House. e a number of tourists are i:i' Kn- it at present. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fciiwick visited friends in Wan-hini on Monday. Allie Williams spei.t the past week with tlie Misses Parliament of Maxwell. Ceylon Messr*. H. .Mcl'lieison. Norman Me- Leod and Frank I 'aims, who have \tevn working in other parts for the suiiiin months, returned home Monday night. Mrs. T. Chi.slett was culled t^> Shel- l).irne last week to th litilside of her niece, Mrs. Hall, who was dangerously ill. We are pleased, however, to report tluit she has taken a change for the U-ttvr. Mrs. tlloiidon. uln. has spent tin Kummcr months with her sisters here. I, -ft Friday for her home in Chicago. Some thirty-rive Bulgarians are n>w employed on this section improving the C. 1'. R. rad Wd. Mi. Charles O'Melia has joined hi wife here for a week's vacation with theii purenls. Miss Mclonald of Uciitinck is a gnent of Mrs. .1. and S. McFaddeu. Mr. J. Kiiulisli moves his family t Feversham thrs week. Miss Maud Hemphill. Toronto, i upending a fortnight wilhher parenus. Miss Jan ie O'Melia. while taking in fie civic holiday at IVicefille. had the misfortune lo f'>U "ii a loose lioanl in the sidewalk and so injure her knee that Vandeleur Happenings jKimberley Budget 1 wascuitluf duirrliwtt hy "lie il.ise if Chamberlain* Ciilie. _'h<>lra ami Diarrmea Kerned y," writes M. K. litMianlt, Oriole, 1'a. There i: in tiling lustier. Fur il l>y ail Dundalk W. t;. Achesui, if Proton, i a - the owner of a Hoist ien calf lifleen months old, which gave birth to a calf last week. The annual grave decoration service under the auspices of Diitt'erin T.oil No. li<0, I.O.K.F., was held in Dundalk cemetery on Sunday afternoon. The service was c inducted by l!ro. R. J. Kussel, N.ti . and Bro. W. T. Ruudle, Chaplain. The gruvts of the deceased members were visited and b<>u<piets of dowers placed "ii them by two little girls, Eunice and Ine/. Clgn. The sequel lo the resignation of Miss Hiirnett, u successful teacher in Dundalk School for a number of year?, is c nta n ed in the following announcement clipp etl from a .Toronto d-ily puper. "The engagement is announnced of Mis.- Jessie Hurne't, younaest dauuluer of Mr William Burnett, ..f, to Mr. Uerbett A. Boyd, M.A., B.D., ot towell,'inary-elecl to Honnan ('hint. The niarrine will take phici early in September. Herald. the for f rYvcisImm Hviii|>- she will be Koine time. Mr. and Mr.- ^ >|,.nt a couple of days at Mr. hill's the week. Mrs. (5eo. T. Tuckett, wife of , f ths Tuckett Totiacvo Co. Humilton, died ftr lew weeks illness. John l>nuie was run down ami killed en the Cnuul Trunk near Owen Sound liMt week. No bbime is attached to tho train crew. Deceased w recently out from Walkerton Mr. iieorge Snider, pr.'ijrietor of the station hotel died in the Bruce county Hospital <m Saturday nioriiiusj following an operation for appendicitis. ~While driving to Mildinay on Monday- Mr. f Joseph Harrison, a farmer of Carrick met an automobile at which the horse, hi was driving took flight and he was throwi fi-mi his buggy. It was seentliat he wiu badly hurt and Drs. Wilson anJ Chtpp Mildmny werehuniedly summoned, d examination it was found that Mr. Harri son had three ribs broken, one of whicl pierced a lung and he- is also sutler iu frniii shock . As the injured man is ove seventy years of , me it is feard he wil not recover. --Telescope . A very uaccetftul garden par'y under the auspices of the Methodist church. wa.s held at the home of Mr. and Mm. Ge Warling, uu Friday evening last. A feature of the evening was a baseball match between Kimberley and Vandeleur teams, which resulted in a score of 1J-4 in f*v< r of the huiiie learn. Owiig tu the threatening appearance of the .sky tea was served in the Forester's shed, after wh'ch a pleasing program .:> rendered. Rev. Mr. W'ellwood, presiding. 'he proceeds, which amounted to ${!).#) ill tinLsh paying f- r the church r-in ml lettve a tidy balance on hand. a number of the members of Vandeleur attended the C. O. F. ecnration service at Markdale n Sun- ny lost. Mm Bell Gilbert of Kimberley speol ;c week end with her aunt. Mis. Will {utt-hinsoM. Miss Ella Warliog it visiiir.g friends at riceville. Mr. Jos. Kuchanap ruturneJ- home ast week, after spending the | eight i. irhs in Califvriiirf. Mi-s Kate Davis . i Uri!li, who > 'lidaying with her parents here, is pending a few days with friends in Her sister, Rena, accomijani- d her al-. . Miss Daisy Duvis leturued to Toronto ast week, after pending her vacation with her parent* here. Mrs . James Carjj.j of Flesherton. is. ted with t: nil. 1 here last week, fur a ivt days. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Holley and tamily f Meaford, spent a few days with neuds here, U-- week. Mus Kositi Gilliert is standing a few lays this week with friends in tide. Mrs. W'e. Buskin f Flisherton, visit- ed in this neighborhoi d, recently. Miss Dell Thurston of Fieibuituu wan V> guest of her friend, M'- > Juch.-tnan, t few days last week. " Wer a!! medicines a.s merilorii'iiM '- n's Colic. Chc.leru and l>iarrho..i Remedy the wrM w.nild l>e much better . tf mid tlie |ireiitagr "I sutferiuit itreatly de- re-nl." \inti-. I.indsuy Scutr. "t Temple, ml. Kur mile by all dealer^. Victoria Corners Misses Mildred McLouchry and t-siil.i Henry of Markdale visilrd Miaa Heard recently. Rev. Mr. anii Mrs. l.ii .law and Mrs. liobt. Acheoii were recei.t ytiesls at .Mr. iJeo: Moore'". Mr. and Mr?, j. Jacksmi >:sited wiih ihe former's sis'cr. Mi-*. H. i; illagher. Mr. Jas. Siiiisni] and Milton BsUlOon ire oil tha sick list Miss Hill of Mtikdnle visited at Mr. Jas Lock hart s. Slusler Ro-s Sievenw is viiitinj; her s'ster, Mrs. Bruoster. Son and daughter of Mr. Jas. McClure if Toronto a-e visiting their cousin*. <>rrs, Stiiifniis and Ludlows. Miss Mina Heard is visitins; in Marl:- .Mrs. Miner's sister, Mis* Herman is itiiii; her for a couple of weeks. Miss MaMe Miners is visiting Imr aunts, Mrs. Stephens jmd .Mis. Miners. \ niiiiil er friiin here attended the garden p;irty at Mount /ion. at Mr. Ti.ylor's. One of the chief features was a laseKil! , nii<' between Inistiogu and Kugeni.i, the score beini; lfi-H in favor lniitioie. If he lives u"i I January next J.'lui HiMining of lot I", c>ncession i* of Kc- plmisia, father of Mrs. Robt. Ferris ot Collinxwood, he will be one hundred aiK one years old. He was born in Newiy Ireland, in ISIS, :md came lo Canada when a yotni!> man, after spendins; smut time in Kngland and sailing alonif tlv :oat. I 'pon reaching this coiintiy I settled near the site of the present towi of Allistoii, '^oiiig to Kuphrasia a fev years later. He h.-w nine children livit'i; Fine weather is iMkdly needed in this icinity. Mr. and Mrs. jeu. Proctor vis-ted <jlliogwcd fiiend.s on Saturday lat. Mrs. Thof. Brooks <f Thoinkuiy is isiting her mother, Mm. Kdwaid iurritc at present. Miss Josephine Ferris returned hmue his week, after a ple-isant visit with riends in Thi.rnbury and lt<>venna. Miss Louie and Myrtle Siuait who ave been visiung friends in Kujenia. eturned luniie on Monday. Born, On Saturday, July ll h, tu Mr. and Mr*. T. J. Heid, win. Another ote for Berdeo. Mr. Kobert Irwin of Noith Bay > isiting at ln.s parental h >me here, at resent. Fred says the roads in Cuckoo Valley re timply nut of suht, if it wasn't lor hat awful steep hill. Mr. Walter Kill .tt i.t Markdalo visited t Mr. Neil Boyle s on Sunday. Miss Mae Hutcbinson, who lias teen isiting Dundalk friends, leturncu home 'ii SuiKliiy last. Mr. Edward baker ..f Vaiideltrur w.;s called in our burt: i>u Monday. Mr. K. |{. Fawcetf, who ha.s l..-m 'isiiing at his (mental hi'ine htrre for a ewuays, returned to CnllingwixHl on it ill-day last. Mr. and Mrs. Koljtt Ferris of C. llin t :- <od were the quests, ,,f the formei u )rothr, Mr. Joseph Ferris, t few days ast week. Vuite aiiiimljir from here attended a gtiden party at Vandeleur on Friday. August I'. Among the suorls was u game of baseb.ill between Knnlieiley and Vandeleur, wh ch resulted in it victory r the latrer, tho score Win: l'J-4 Stuart and Kllis delixend the slants f. r \imberU-y, while (iraham -i- in tlie nuund for Vandeleur. iinliain liau the vame well in Ii uid at all stages and h.-ld he boys from the Valley down tu few scattered hits. It wa.s a swatfrs: r. y:i or \ andeleur, who pounded ilie pellet o every corner of the field. V.tndeltur s *ue jjame ahead now, but we !ok to see our b..y vindicate themselves when he two teams clssh t a garden party here on August the -JOth. Mr. ./. U. Fawcetl visited riends ,.n Mturday U-t. Mrs. R..u-;r FIHW..K '. 4 . imi- hatl tin inisfortiine to t;tJ! ar.<i break tier H r:-t. Miss Nancy Wiley is \iMiinj.' with her friend." here, and .it W. nli-houM . Mi.sf L:icy liumi-y has n-tunieu to the ci^' after an extended viwt with her M-- t-r. Mrs. Fred Sputford. Mr. and Mrs Snutll. Mii-lburne. an viMtiug with the latter s )>rother. Mr. Jewelry Misses Minerva and Valeria Statford, Flesliei-ton. are visiting with their om>- ins. Aitle ami IVssie Wright. Mr. Will Morrison and Mis- Myrtle Mi-n/.ie spent a recent Sundiiy wilh t'ri( nds in Thurnbnry. Mr. Wilm..r Hilliard. Th..nibni->. ... lt-d on frieiuis iu our bmi; thi- . >>. Mrs. Win. Hie knell and her claiiyhtcr. Kdythr. and littli-M>n. I 'lay-ton, .f To-' rollto, are Hpvnding .i -ln .' \a<-atii>n! witli their aunt. Mrs. John Kerton. The Shi e Miinufac' urerc < f On'ari. I i (!>: to advance the p^ioe /f ! *: to lif'een er c-i ' A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. . A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. %OX&&&CK^^ # CLAYTON'S For Cool and Comfortable Duvtd Walters andlSlice Davis were r- r sled at the Palmer Hfcse Tor:nto, as the result of the lii bank lotibery at New 5pcillt In dltcagrs ol ihi- Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Office 30 Oth it. West, Owen Sound At the Uovere house, Mttrkdale, 2nil Thursday each mont li from U to al 2m. DunJtlk, 1st Thursday of ach month. Maxwell A'xiut ten days ago Miss Alice Fen- ick invited her Suii<l-iy sch-iol cla-*s to c 'ine to hei home for the afterti"on "f i;'ist JO. With joy her s- r's watched (lay and were there in good time The aftervoon was made enjoyable to hem by Miss Alice hvi:is; prepaifd them treats of candy, peanuts, haiMuas kiul ice creuin, nnJ at lunch hour seated liein before a beautifully spread table. An afternoon thus sj..ent will help fix in the minds ..I those girls a kindly remem- nance t'or.their teacher tint time will not efl.icv. Such an ,! is praiseworthy upon ihe |mrl of any Sunday tchonl acher. liut i. specially upon the part nf Miss Fenwick, just at this lime, ', because upon ;he Thunday befoie, Miss Fer- wick, from a fall leceittd a broken wri.-t, yet she would not postpone the party for the ij'i-U lest it. would be a dis:i[ipoiiil- innnt to some. To ti->chers thus mindi'd and willing to make a little sHcriticr, Sund.y School work has its bright side, d the bright side is t.he kimwleilur that you are on the right side, when you are striving to win your class for Christ fi r whom you labor. Mr. ami Mis. Mooiv. Hamilton. -|.mt a few days with tlu-il dan<;ht<-r. .Ml-. (l>r.) Kyckman. Mis. Mel'liatti-i-. I >en Soiiml, Miss Ro>s of Toiimto. ami Mrs. Poft-.if Min ncapolis, sister of Mrs, K. Mct'alluin. arc visit iny .M Mr. K. Mc( '.ilium's, 4tl line. Miss Annie IMIJ- li;is ri'turnoil home t'l-oin (.'idlingwood, accompanied liy her frieml, -Miss S, idle Svott. Mis> Minnie Soitl, 1'nllingWiHnl, vis- ited with her friend. Miss Paisy^ Fergu- son. In-'fovf her departure for tin- \\rxi 1 1. -MI To Mr. ami Mrs. Pirn M,-P..u aid. August tith. a s, -n. Miss Ida I >sl>onu- is visiiin^ ivlatives at < Ulawa. The Women's Institute met at the home of MIN. 1'himis.ti-r S.itiinlay. \HL; 10. Mrs. 1'liimisti'i- LJIIM a p.i|n-r on The value of the Kith". \tthrcliwv of the meet ins; a dainty lunch was served. The lu-xt nn'cting will !H' held at tlie h. me of Mrs. J. U. ->s. Summer Shoes In Lailifs' Wo hiiv Tan ami Patcur. Pump Ties Latent We an 1 clearing: <>ut some lines of L;ulie.-" Don-ola nxtonls Blutcfeer StyK Sixe*. :). ::!. 4. ' 4, regular $i.40 to $1.75, retraced r<> $1.<'<> per pair. AN" some misers, in Muck ami chocolate >trap. Si/:t"j. 11. 1 l!. '_'. i-lt-armi: at 7~>c. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING AS USUAL. 50,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "OINQ TRIP WEST." S10.OO TO WINNIPEG v -- half fui per mt'.a fruiu \N i . -^ u, to M*'!,H*U, Cnlgftrv, or K Mii'.u .[| " RETURN TRIP EAST." $18. OO FROM WINNIPEG Plus half cent PIT inilvfrom ail pL'Ints^.-isi o' MacL"'1. ClltfKrvor Bdmonton to Winii.pcc GOING DATES Al'OI'.ST 2Oth From .ill -t.uioiu on all iui on and South of th Grand Tiunk Main Line. Toronto to Sarniu. incluutnt all tutions on the C.H.R TOUMHO to Windsor inclusive and Branch Linen including Guelpb sub-division from Uuelph South and from Brarapton South. At (il SI i;frd Kiom Toronto, and all stationa nortn of. but not including the G:ano Trunk Mjin Line. Toionto to Sarnia. "d from Toronto east to. but not including Kmgnon. Sharbot Lake and Renliew; anil CPU. Lines west of Renfrew. Al'Ut'ST 18th Krom all -tjtu.n' in Ontatio. Toronto and East. Orillia and S:oti (unction and ea?t. al>o .-.i-t of North Bay. and Eastein Onuiriu. Al'Cil'.ST 3Oth Krom Toronto and all stations west. In Ontario: North Bay and wt. including C.P.R. station?, ^udbun.- to Suult Str. Maiie. Ontarc. ux-Htt SBCOND-CLVSS ncitrs KILL 11 SOLD TO vtrwiiria OUT One-war -econd . Ui-*^ tickets to Winning only will be sold. Each ticket will Include a' venlication Certificate, with an rxtension coutHJii. When extension coupon has been signed at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, the coupon will be honored up to September 30th for ticket at rale of one-half cent per mil* (minimum hfty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific. Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not west of Edmonton. Calgary or McLeod. Alta. A certificate will be Issued entitling purchaser to a econd-cla ticket good to return from any station on the Canadian Pacific. Canadian Northern, or Giand Trunk Pacific Railways in Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod. Calgary and Edmonton, to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on or before November 30th. 191 J. on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) ap to Winnipeg added to 118.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and work? at leaM thirty days at harvesting. For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write M. O. Ml RPH>. D.F.A.. C.r.B.. luro... French Dry Cleaning We have put in a French Dry Cleaning Plant and aie prcpaied to do this work on short notice and at leasonable prices. A method introduced by the Ftencli for the purpose of cleaning th> tiuest as well as the heavier garments worn, such :is wool, felt, linen, cotton, leather, gloves, fur, feathers. sin,, lace an 1 water proof goods without washing or shiinkin^ them so as not. to net them out of shape or fade the most delicate fabric Irimniii'^. The f ict is well known that a ^Himenl of silk or wn< 1, it steam cleaned or washed, can never be pressed into shape, and it tak<s -ill the oil out of the wool ; so that goods wit! never wear or !i ok s .;! .iH'iin bvtiJcs shrinking the goo Is. Therefore, (Luring the small extra expense of Dry (.'hair 1:0, no i.iie can atl'ord to take chances of having their woik dene other- M.iny household articles, such as curtains-, table coveis. ev , ihat wnu'd be utterly mined if waahed, nm be ury thus rrsturnu' them to their former beauty and usefulness and will not cause them to f.ule or the c >!ois to run. The Dry Cleaning 1'rix-ess pre\ cuts the eanyin!> "f contagious diseases u ^irment^ thus (re.-ittd : ilia also a disinfectant mid moth preventive. i S.J. BOWLER, THE T U Ii^ R DATE BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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