Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1912, p. 1

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- . "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRJNCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 TOL32, SO 3 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, July 18, 1912 W. H. TECRSTON PKOPKIETO Fever sham Items Feversham L. O. L., 1065, celebrated in Collmgwood on the glorious 12th. Died In Feversham on July 13th, Mrt. \Vm. Julian, aged 72 years. Mi-. H. Alexander spent the week end HI Collingwood. Mr. Shelly Heron of Toron'o spent Sunday with his brother,Mr. -In: Heron. Mr. Sam. Colquette spent a f d.iys with hii brother K J . and other friends in this vicioity the pant week. Mr. and Mrs. Marr of Klesherton apeat Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquette. Master Hugh Shaw of Collingwood is visiting his aunt, Mi -.. J. Sample. Mr. and Mrs. Tate of Vancouver, B. C., are visiting friends in this vicinity. The Mimes Sadie and Freda Hudson and brother Elmer, of Ravenna, spt-n r Sjnday with their aunt, Mrs. <;-. J alian. Miss l.ilii Alexander and Miss May Colquette are visiting in Collingwood. Mr. Frank Chard has in >v.-J into his new shop, across the street from his old sUnd. Mr. D. VV. Cliutou has returned home from the went, but intends going W^st s^ain and engage in farming. Mix* Lizzie Hale of Orangeville ia home for the holidays. Mrs. Noah Jetferies and brother, Mr. Fred Brown of Porcupine, are visitinit th*ir mother, Mrs. Win. Brown on the 10th line. If yon are a housewife you cannot reason- ably ho[x. to he healthy or Iwautiful l>y wa*n- ir.jr 'lihe, sweeping ami doing honsvwork a!l day, and crawling inUilwi) dead tired at night. You uiuxt get out into th upen air and jiinlight. If you do this every day an<1 keep yiur .-Uimath and bowels in x"""' order l-y uVinK CKaiiilw-rlain'ri Tablets when need- ed, yon Hbould become b>th hakby and b.mi(til. Fur sale hy all dealears. Stone Settlement Haying <- on. A number of the poiih^ people in this vicinity celebrated the glorious 12tli of July in Owen Sound. Miss Ruby Stone, accompanied by her i*ter, Mrn. A. Loates of Toronto, is holidaying at her parental homo. We extend congratulations to Miss Kuby Stone, who, having tiniahed a six months' course in the Elliott business college, Toronto, has secured her diploma and later intends taking a (losition. Mr. Roliert Spicer visited friends in this vicinity and is now holidaying in Owen Sound. Mr. Cecil Wolfe and sister, Phoebe, of Durham, were the guests of Mrs. W*. Fletcher. New C.P. R. Train For Muskoka District Fast Limited Muskoku Express via Canadian Pacific leaves Toronto 12.10 p.m., daily except Sunday, carrying Parlor Car, Cafe Car and rirst clas* coaches making direct connection at B.tla with steamers for all lake points. Everyone should endeavor U> visit this delightful resort, especially those subject to hay fever, as the atmospheric con- ditions offer immunity from this malady. Full information from any C. P. R. Agent. Victoria Corners Again the merry drum beat was hsaid th glorious 1-th was celebrated. Most of the boys from here went to Dundalk. Master Blair of Toronto i? visiting hi* cousin, Willie Heard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corbetl of Toronto visited the former's aister, Mrs. Jas. Lock hart. Mis* Viola and Beryl Rennie are Tititing Miis Kll.i Beat. Mrs. Montgomery of Dundalk visited her sister, Mrs. W. Moor*. Kimberley Budget A tierce electric storm, accompanied by heavy rain, passed over here on Monday. Mis*- Mildred McMullen of Eugenia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jasper Stuart, at present. Mr. Walter Elliott of MarL.UV was a visitor at Mr. Neil \ '*'"'' on Sunday last. Mr. Beit Stiker and family of Colling- wood, motored over to Kiuiberley on Saturday fast and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wickens. The Women's Institute will ho!d a j.-.-ia! evening at the home of Mrs. G<=o. Walter, on the evaoing of July 25. Programme to commence at 8 p. m. Lunch will be provided by members of the Institute. A special programme is being prepared. Everybody come and have a good time. Mr. Will Jackson of Markdale visited at Mr. M. R. Hammond's on .Sunday last. Rev. Stanley Trotter, the new pastor of the Methodist church, occupied the pulpit for the first time on Sunday lat, and made a favorable impression. Kimberley L. O. L. No. 1340 celebrat- ed in Rocklyn on the 12th. \ L'oodly number accompanied them, and all report a good time. Mrs. H. Shaw aini little son, of Lions Head, visited with her aunt, Mrs. G. Walter, a few days last week. Mrs. F. J. Weber who has Wen visit in? Collingwood friends ths past two weeks, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Burriit is leaving this wtek tor an extended visit with friendn in Sherbrooke, Quebec, and other points. Mrs. Wtsley Breen and family of Fleshertou, were callers in uur burg one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcock and little son of Toronto, also Mi. and Mrs. Baker of 1'. ivvii-w ,11 c visiting at Mr. Albtrt La'rer's, at present. Miss Kniiii Buriitt is visiting Dutidalk friends at present and is the gueti of Mrs. J. E. Corbett. A friendly game of baseball was pluyed here on Saturday evening last between Vandeleur and Kimberley, the score being l.'5-7 in favor of the home team. Popular Atlantic Seashores Resorts The (Canadian Pacific has iuauguruted fast train service with through sleeping cars lietwecn Montreal, Portland, Okl Orchard Beiich, Kunnebunkport. Me., also between Montroal and St. Andiew- by-thc-Se.-i, affording evury comfort to the most fastidious trveler. Collections with these trains can be made by leav- ing Toronto at !).00 a. m. and I0.:!i p.m. from I'nion Depot and 10.09 p.m. daily fiom North Toronto. Full partic- ulars, tickets, teservations, etc., at anj C. P. R. ticket office. !>>-sntry is always afrioiis and often a dangerous riueasr, but t can be cure<.'. Chamberlain's Colic, Ch.iler* and Diarrhoea Rmdy ha ured it even when umnalunii ard epidemic. Yot sale by all dealera. Ruwel Kerr.a honaywood boy, W years of age, picked on Monday, July, one hundred and seventy well filled basicets of strawberries it Alz. LeitchS IHI HI, town line Mulmur and Melancthon. He is evidently the star-picker ol this county He only w irked ten hours. Shtlbnrn*) FreePrew. An Annual Squeal About every year there is a howl set up about the Entrance examination papers, a howl we believe that is largely engineered by the poorer class teachers, who fearing that t.hey are not going lo get their 'cholars through endeavor to place the lil HIM- on the annual test sub- mitted rather than on their own inubilty to tench. As is known i lie Entrance examination into the High School is one outstanding test as to what all the rural teachers and the urban public school principals have been doing during the term. If they fail to makn good at the Entrance evims., there is a hoirible presumption that ihev have been .sleeping on the jou or have been picking their teeth during school hours. Not willing, however, lo shoulder their own sins, many teachers set up a howl against the examinations papers, and thus try to shift the disgrace from them- selves onto the department. This is .in annual farce that has been in vogue since time immemorial and is likely to be in fashion as long an teachers sleep mid scholais fail. And there is method in their marines;, irth^y ..<:: <.;rt abroad the idea that tho examination papers were hard, they get double credit for passing their scholars and less blame for failing to make good. So the annual bowl lias become a favorite past time with teachers and we might say not a little disgusinp to the public. Bruc Vandeleur Happenings Haying hat- commenced. Miss Eva Gilbert of Toronto is vinitiag ler puiental home at present. Mrs. E. Baker is spending a few days ith friends at Fitirmount. Tom MeTcer is pushing bis telephone ine throuuh here ax rapidly as possible and expects to h ur it in operation in a ihort time. Mn. McMaster of Toronto wax the guest of her sister, Mrs. George Wright, A few days last week. 'juite a number frnm here spent the glorious 12th ac Rock'yu and report a iuod time. The Misses Mary and Mabel Love of Toronto spent the rirat of last week at Mr.. J. H. Holhy's. Miss Jean Wright is spending a week f her vacation with frienda ' Bell's Roadwork wa in order last week and a considerable amount of crushed stone wu Inid on the r rail in tin* vicinity. Miss In. i Smith of Markdale spent a w days of last week at Mr. George Warling's. . E. Gilbert and Mr. J. Magee of i-lvy visited r Mr. W. Hute-liin- in's the tir-.t of the week. Women's Institute meets at tha hull n Thursday. We me sorry to repot t. Mis<< Mary ieurd mi '.!)< sick lirt. Dr. Ego is in atten lance. Misses Nrl'.ii- .J'.lniM >H of Toronto and ieeilie Cargo i,i Flfshcrtoii nre guests at ). M. ] Riverdale Ice creum and gr.i.sshopper punch is the order of 'he day. Mrs. J. Fadden of Orange Valley and lit'le diiiighter, K.ii'h. visited friends litre last week. We regiet to repoit that one of nur esteemed oiti/ens. Mr. Wm. Richardson, s in a very critical condition at present owing to heart tiouble. Preliminary operations on the rural telephone line in this vicinity haw be- gun. The- Boaul tre showing coiiiiiiend- ble activity. Your cor. WHS on a very enjoyable pro- 'essional tiip to Hollund Ccutte and "hatsworth recently. A large lunnber of Uivcrtlale citi/ens ittended the big picnic at Vandeleur on he Fii-ot. It was au afternoon and night )( supremo delight The most -'mining Vainre of (he occiusion Has the nervy 'oottw!'. contest between Kimberley and Wodehome. Cheer up, Wodehouse ! and buni[> thu bumps, and shoot the shutes to the tune of Oh, you can't jolly Molly any longer. A fast and furious football Waterloo wlween the Uiverdale Boosters and the Beaverdale Wildcats was pulled off one evening recently, terminating in a tic l-l airJ a frightful pugilistic combat., during which both team,- bade adieu to common sense and reason and guzv.kd and lamba.sted eiich other to the limit, [t was tinly hideous to liehold. During recent years hydrophobia has tieccme alarmingly prevalent in Ontario. ailf ninaii.i. or the monkey tribe, are also subject to this fearful malady. Con- sequently we suggest to the citizens of Priceville that they take measures lor averting a wild and woolly cliase and heart- break ing scene by putting a poke and muzzle on Teddy, the cor., imme- diately. [ Say ! Can't our esteemed cor's agiee to "smoke ibe hatchet and bmy the pipe of peace ' Ei>. AHVAVK. | Wednesday of last week Fred David- son, of Toronto, ,ii employee of Cole Bryson, of Owen Suund, contractors, at the new dam of the Durl'eiin Light ant' Power Co. tast of Homing's Mills was caught by the caving in of an em- bankment and had his thigh broken. H* was taken to Owen Sound hospital and will have to spend six or eight weeks in bed before he will be able lo be about again. Economist. Win. McKenna was kil!ed by lightning Irsbaru at Wolf Island, near Kingston. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mis. P. T!nbad.-a.i and Mrs. TlnliaJtau, Sr., of Markdale. and Mr. (1 Mil- R. Thibadeau of Alberta were guests of Mrs. Jake Williams of " Fail- View Villa." Mies Muriel McTavish of Flesherton and Mrs. Woodburn are spending a week or two at Fair View Villa. Misses Allie and Nenh Williams are vihitiog their aunt, Mn. Will Stewart of Flesherton. Miss May Adams and her limber of Flesherton were guests jf Mrs. Joseph Williiiin.s the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Teeter of Vande- leur were guests of the la'ter's parent", Mr. and Mis. R. -noe. Mis* Suyers uf Feveishuu visited tew days with Mrs. Frances Geaoe, Messrs. John and Robert Williams visited Toronto friends for a few days the i*t>i wet-k. Mr. John Cairns of '. yloii is assisting s uncle nt the store. His smiliiiK countenance attracts a great many young Udy shoppers to the store. A great number of the friends of Mrs. Pedlar and Mrs. Uutledue f Flesherlon were plui.ied to see them at Kugenia on the 12th. Mn. George <jr:>hain wax called to the dentil lied of her sister, who has since died at * >rangeviile. Mis. Sam Fisher and daughter liave returned from their visit to Wiarton. Masters Archie and Clifford Williams of Toioiito are visiting friends here. Mr. Will McN'ally of Portia* and Geo. McNally and wife of Toronto.were guests ..f Mrs. Joseph Williams over Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Hammond and brother. Russell uf Piiceville, wer guests of their mother, Mrs. McMullen. Sunday. Miss C.irr of Toronto Ls visiting h, r inuUier here :t' present. Miss Maggie Wilson is spending a week with her mm. Mrs. Keed, at Singlmmpton. Mr. and .Mis. S. Osborne and dauuhtei Ida visited at Mr.Munshuw's on the 1-ih. Messrs. Nelson Patterson and Ed- mund Schotield of Toronto, H. Smith >{ Kleslierton and two other gentlemen drove over in their auto oil a ii~h.ii',' ex- pedition. Their chauffeur took Mrs. Woodbutn and Mrs. .lake Williams and family for an auto ride, which they very much enjoyed. Tht 12t.h was celebrated here by the Oraniwnien an-1 their visiting friends in a right royal manner. The beautiful grounds around the falls were well tilled with visitors and the " lovers' walk was well patronized. As this is leap year, we hope to hear ( ii<xtd result*. In the evening a few friends gathered and spent a pleasant evening at Fan View Villa. Our Eugenia boys have organized .. raseball club with officers as follows : Jick Cairns, Chairman : President, P. Munxhaw : Vice-President, H. Cairns : Sec. -Trean. , Card Graham ; t'apt.. Jack Cairns : Commit'** Jack Caiiipbel 1 , Wen. Cooey, Fred Jamieson,' George Hyslop, Jake Williams. Specialist In diseases of th Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- -30 OiK si. Weal, Own Sound At the Rovere house, Markdnle, 2nd Thursday each mouth from 8 to 12 a. m. Dundilk, 1st Thursday of etch month. Dundalk The survey party, from the Engineer's Depart men t of the C. P. R., which has been working up this line, is now stationed at Dundalk. Their rejwrt will have to do with contemplated improve- ment in the le.-els and curves on ihis branch. Their work will be deemtd s-iccessful if a better road bed is the re milt. The party have thre> or four cars, including culinary, dining, sleeping and working compartments. A letter from Mr. R. C. Howell, of Rosetown, Sask., intimates that li s h'unefttead wa.s in the track of the recent cyclone. He had a thrilling experience in 'ait ling the storm. He had to bani cade his dors and windows to keep tl storm from getting a huld on house After the storm was over he found a steel granary on his premises which hat b^en carried two miles. He coiuidci himself lucky in saving his house. We re gKd to report th*t Miss Nathalie < ii-icr, whes name was in t!i list of missing after the cyclone disaste is alright according to a Regina paper It is supposed I h i! as a nurse her profet s'... duties were soon in demand amon), the injured and that she hadn't time to report her werflabeuts to her boarding place. Hence her uame got into the " missing ' list. Herald. . Monday, August *>, will be Durham's civic holiday. Ceylon Miss Sharp, milliner at .1. Pattisou'f, eft. a week ago for her home in Toronto. Mrs. Bradley, who has IH-I-II visitint; at Mr. Cairns' for sevcial month*, left for ler home in Hood River, Oregon, on Wednesday. Mr. Ben Smith, Glen Huron, paid 119 sister, Mrs. Bradley, and other riends a Hying visit hist week. Miss Maggie Ferguson, Toronto, is ionic for the summer months. Waster Rusaell Crowther, Holland '(ntre, is spending his vacation at Mrr. A. McLeod's. Miss I .in- McKeuzie uf Eagle Lake airiveil Friday to spend a month wuh ler uncle at Cedar Grove farm. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kindle. Maxwell, pent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Love. Mr. T. Cbivlttt and daughter, Mrs. I. 'McMillan, spent Sunday at Mr. Mc- Millan , south line. Miss Wilson of Toronto came up M--II- lay to visit at Mi. J. Adams. Mrs. Archie MuPhatter, < >weii Souinl, i.- visiting her mother. Mi>. Win. Wright, Wtsi buck line. Mrs. 1. Sargent, < Iwen-S -und, who has Seen visiting at Mr. Ed. Sargent's for a Entrance Exams. For East Grey Tin- fallowing is a list of the sucvew>ful i-:iinliibitN at the recent Entrance exam- ination, held at the different centres of Ea-t lin-y. The marks of uiisuccestiful I caiulidaU-s have been sent ! their *A- and the certificates 'if snvcenHfnl will IK- i-v-iu-il ill a few duvs. Slimild teachei-s ilesire tin- marks of unsuccessful candidates from their schiMil they will IH,- fiirnislivil on -ippliuition U the Public SchiMil Inspector. Meaford. Marks of .successful cninliilati-s will not be furnished. FLESHERTON Acheson. E<ln Acliesmi i H). /elln Bviitliiim. Flnrence ItiinttH). Lily Campliell. Mnljel Irwin, Herbie Ix.-' iard. Arnel Love. Roy Mc- Aulay. Rliec.-i McLiii-en. Percy J. Mitchell, Nettie 'lY-eter. Kin.. -r Wright (H ). Maurice Wright, I'IMCEVILLE Jas. CaiM.n. Marion KIIO.X. Thus. Mathew. l.vdiu McKinnmi, lli.w.-inl McLean. Clark '.\ M.-.Millan. THoKNBI'RY ' 'lara In-at.,n. Willie Bovair, Olive BraUbui-y, Adn I.. I'oiin. ollai'.iiin. Wm. Percy Dwells. Ferris. KUua A. Goring, CMflbwd K.-.lla Isjiiic. liiii.lnii Kemp. Mary I.oiiglitfd. Ueol-ge Millie. l<la Ramkill, R4ibt. menu Tail. Vu-toriu Vickers. FEVER^HAM Hugh M. Bailu.v, IM-S-U- l'..-llaniy i H i. Mmnli- Hlnck, Eti- gi-iie F. t'rosley. Alfred Down. Annul for'night, returned home Monday. IMIV. Knth Hargrave, K. Lome !Lioi Mr. Mitcbell, Walkerton, spent Sun- j ].-].;.,, Melntyix-. 'Carl M-.n. Marv Mur- Uay with Mr. Mol.>mml.l, night operuror here. Mi--:-. J. Brodie ami Norman Mc- Leod uf Key Like, -pent a couple of dys in town. Mr. Norman Robins- n of Toronto, who spent a month t Mr. J. Radley's. returned hoiiie on Saturday. Mr. 1 1. ' 'iillinsou has started his mill, and now has i numlxr of hands assisting in the work. Our Pastor, Rev. Mr. McLaien, for the next iwo Sabbaths will take a muuh needed rest. Not being able to get a supply, there will le t.o service. Mr. McLaren will visit friends at Linns Held, one of his former cliarues. O.uito a iiiiinber from here and \icinily c.'lebrHled the 1-tli ai Owen Sound and Dundalk. Mr-. Milne and babe, Maxwell, and Mrs. Boltun, Rock Mills, spent the I'M it Mr. .). Kidley'.. L -lnt}i-e. |ih\. Maggie Kubert-.. Minim- \\ iiiu-r. NVinnu- Scilley, KIMr.KKI.KV Bish..p. I<la M. B Barbara Curry. L Ferris. JiiHephiue Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. .A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Annie AllMii. \\-rin.ii \vs4.*r \V 1 1> > ws<ii* ..-. May K!h~. Elsie KCITI>. Adilif iniidin. HutchinM-n. Alma .I!nist4-ii. William Wi-llington Kiit>x. Stanley I^iwivnee. Kliailieth Lee. Kerl.ii- McAfee. H'iar<l MH'lain. Kns>el Mc- Mullen. Sadie Smart. Edna L. Wnlliicf. MKAK')KD- Vi.,.a Baracee., Mary Beckett. Windhani Beckett, Wiuniu Boyd (H). Eniinn <.'huiiil)ers, William Charters, Edith *!.irbuit, Kld-ii Hearst E!ina Hill. Allegra Howe, Knthlecn Hudson. Kveril Jobe (H), l.irr.te Kent-iv . L-L.i'i. Calvin McAtff. Alice Mc- toii, flair Mcijuay, .Jim Handle, Munrl Scott, Herbert Seabrook, <iordon Suwell, barry Shute, (Jet trade Silver- thor:i. Helen Simpson, Harold Soloiron, J Ueorge St.ik.-i, Elsie Stuirt, Alvni. Thoinioii. Aura Toralinson (H), Hiving Sparling, Clarence Ward, Vilor Wellarg.. M. C. Wright, Olive V.mlell. South* Grey Entrance Exam. To |iss. 4t t pel cent, .if the limits m each -ubjri-t ami "> |>ei celll. uf tile t^.Ul marks -were required. (H) signities honor Hiniiilinu ">' ~ r> 1 K ' 1 ' cent, of total 1IMI V-. M \KK1>ALK Cecil liiiines. Lilian Buchanan (H>. Plr..ii/.>iie.ta Cars. .11. Marv Knv. KUSM.-!! l!niliaiu. Mm icl ' til-ecu. IManclii: Haiiiilton. K.luai-,1 Hr- I lien. Isaac Lucas. Lily Mutwui. .l(te- ir phine McfallllV. l->ea McJe (H). Lil- ian MI". <;.'Kioii Mcticc. Angela N orris. RoMiniotid Pt ice. Lloy.l Pun-iisiB Win. Ritchie. Iva Sioait. I..MU-I- S:hinb.J /.ler, Emilia Varty. Ella Walker. Warling, Stanley York. Dl'NUALK Marjone Arnold. Evj lyn lixtchelor. Vina Biitchelt.r. Bc.uiii-li. Vidi's Hiirm-lt. M CrawforiKH). N.-llii- Fergus.-!!. Fowler. Hattie Fowler, Rachel (iillies, WilbeiHiveeii. Irene Haw. Lily ll.<l- L.-c. K.ithli-en M.:lnt.yrj. (H). Bciih.i M.-I>. ".'M Hi. Mae Mc- Donnell (H). Market McGrath. (il Mc.Milliin. Stella McM iMan, Ciiviu- M Evelyn Murphy, Dora Midkola, I>T| I'allister. Rcta Russell, i^lailvs Tim Jeiinii- Wright, (H). Durham. Hanover, Ayton ami nn-iv .ire .miitUHl as not lieiiig f iiit^- to "iir reailers. French Dry Cleaning We have put in a French Dry Cleaning Plaut and ate prepaid! to do this work on short notice and at reasonable prices. A method introduced by the French for the purpose of cleaning the li'iest as well as the heavier garments worn, such a wool, felt, linen, cotton, leather, gloves, fur, feathers, straw, laeu and water- proof goods without washing or shrinking them so as not lo get them out of hape or fade the most delicate fabric trimming. The fact is well known that a garment of silk or wool, if steam cleaned or washed, can never be pressed into shape, and it takes ivll the oil out of the wool ; so that goods will never wear w, look as well again besides shrinking the goods. Therefore, figuring the small extra expense of Dry Cleaning, in- no one can afford to take chances of huvina their work done other- wie. Many household articles, such as curtains, table covers, drapes * etc , that would be utterly ruined if waahed, can be dry Cleaned, thus restoring them to their former beauty and usffulnesu and will not cause them to fade or the colors to run. The Dry Cleaning Process prevents the carrying of contagious diseases on garment* thus treated ; it is also a disinfectant and moth preventive. SI DsTlkA/T CD THE UP-TO-DATE . J . O \J W LiElX, TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON,

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