May 16, 101'J T II E V LE S II K 11 TON A D V A N C "h ; 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for, YOU BrsiN&ss CARDS M OULbOUOH 4 YOUNG 11 hankers Market*!* -nerl banking business. Money loaned at reaionalile rater Call on UH. TCHI8LKTT. l'oitmat<>r. Ceylon. CoQimluioner in H. C. J . Conveyancer. cWJ, u'ortKMie* Ivaaoe. will* etc. carefully <lrwu up allvctiuin mail-. charRca reanonable. Aluo Rrocerit*. flour, feed etc. kept lu stock. Price* RJ Sl'KO'JLE, Kleaherton . oDimiMioner in H.O J.,Auctionee Cou- vevancer. Ai>|>raier aucl Money Lender Hral Kslate and Jnturance Agent. I)e1. inorfane*. leae n1 will* carefully drawn aiid viluatione made on shortest notice ooey to loin at lowest ratei of interoit. Col. MttOM attended to with proni|)tnu charueH low. Asent for Ocean Dominion KMamibip Company. A call solicited. Boar for Service I'.n rinT.1 y.>rk-lii:i- lioni -J year* old, for el-vice on lot :(.">, ecu. . Artriiu'Hiu. Terms el.OO. ^ -AI-.KX. ( AMI:KON. <;<>.L> POSITIONS AWAIT THE GKAUIATES DUcI'HAIL. Licensed Auctioneer for tlie County of Grey. Terms moderate and iatiitaction puaranteed. The arranKomei.t. tint dates of le cn be made a*. TH K AUVANCB oiflce. Kwidcuc.auJ P.O.. Ceylon. TelepUooe '.onnection. Dec. 6.07. i OWES SOUND, ONTA RI< > t Thorough COIII-HCM, Uiie taft',|excellent l equipment, our own building, and we I guarantee to place every ;>raduate.Lin a |)osition. Ca'alojtuo free. C. A. Fleming, F.C.A., G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. 1 KAITTING. Licenaed Auctioneer Tor - t'lie countiee ot lirey and Kmicoe. Farm and Stock lo a specialty. Ternn jio.ltrate witisfactiou RuaranUed. ArrauKe- j,euth (or date* may be made at tbe Advance ,,tli.i- orAIT. Hutcbineon'B store, heverabam b xlrtrMiKng me at Kevernhaoj. Out. RUDD SIATHK-.V8, Markdale. Lic auc'.ioneer for tne county of Orey. ertice at reaacnable ratek. Dates <-t i;.ade at Tbe Advance, o 09 Good u be MKDICAL Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service "Canary Ilutter Hoy Cala.nity, No. jo.Vll. bred by H. K. li.-nr;;.. o( ( 'r^ujptOD. Out. Hire. Butter Hoy Calamity No. (7330), Utm, Canary (loldie Anticipation So. r> n Tonm-ltesis- terert cows JH.OO. (ira'iet .-*1.50. I TAMWOBTII Swi\t:-Uoc;iHtareJ Tamworth Hoar. Tcrti)8-<;idi<8ow *1.00. Brown Irfghorn and \Vliito Wyandotte 1'oultry. Htock for Bale. KCKH (or Hatching, H1CHAHD ALLKN. Lot 170. -1 K.T. A S.It. Klcsbertou, p. o. Bull For Service . I iJi* t \_^^U DR C*RTF.K Thoroughbred Abnrdoeo lAnffCM hull, U cl'& SODt PhyslciaD SarK^n etc ...y^ DUmOnd Ki , ., for Office and reuaence-Pete St.. Fl |,,| 1>8, Cull - !-- Jp OTTKWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary tolle K e. r<H.utnr sscoud door south west. on street. This street rjns south Vreityterian Church. , . W. H. 1'ATTKRS'JX. 1'n.p. DENTISTRY Dr E C. MURRAY 1.. O. B. dental surgeon , hono. Riaduate o( Toronto University, and ] Royal Collene ot Uontal SurReons of Ontario, dimsimstoredtor teeth extraction t residence. Toronto Street, llenberlou LEGAL , U AS. HANKY 4 WAIJ,ACK-H.rmU-r, j L. (&leUor.U.-I. B.Loow. K. C.; W. K. i H.nrv K C J. H. <' Wallace. Dllices. i r'routo ndi-u'Tiader. Hank Hlc.R |.hoi,e , uiain HI-'- Maik.lal* l.ncan HlocV. Phone i A. ] Hraucli oUice at Dundalk o|wu evt?ry hatnnly. j H WKIOHT. Harrister. Solicitor, Convey- anr. eU-.. Owen Sound, and Klenherton. H Kletheitou oCco. Sproule'B Illock every Haturdav W. SOCIETIES A O U W meets ot. he last Monday O , n each montb. in their lo<ig room 4a\touh.ll Klesherton. at 8 p.m. M. W., W .1 . IWlainy j Kec.. C. H. Munshaw: Fin., II. .1. SIM "'lie. Visiting brethren Invited ( DKIXCK AUTJIUK LODGE, No. MS. A.F.4 t A U. meets in tut Manonic hall. Arm- strong's lllock.Klesherton. every Friday on before the full niocn. '. II. Mu-ifhaw, W. M.; Tuon. Clayton, Hecre'.ary. POUKTTI.ESIIF.KTUS. 90.), I. 0. F. ireeta in Clayton's lllook the lant \\edneatlav evonind ; c! each month. Vtnitlue Hormters heartily welcoinoT. K., <;. Itellamy ; K. B., It. UUrMI | Kin. Kec.. W. flukio. Flease pay duns to Flu. Kic. before the Hrst day Of the month. Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application o." proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. W. A. Armstrong, CIIOBKN KhlKNllS Fleilierton Council of CtiuKon FriendH mcpt In Clayton'a hall first and thinl Weilneiday of each month H p. in I'ay aiitiitiiinU to the Hocoriler on or bufore toe nrt rlayof each month. Chief Councillor 1 Jtlakulev: Krcordor W. II. Hunt. TheXamm'.CIulMiieet* in the hinh nchool | buildiUK on tho nmt Thnnlay m eai-li at H oYlock p. "' VOIIIIK fitrinriM . lh\ili. I. K.( Imr.l 1'ri-i.i l.-nt. <'. W. llcllanu S.r Ti.-a-. NEW STOCK ! New Suitings New Pantings Everything New! Tamworths Jor Sale Both >x nearly for Ijreetlinj;. IVicoa . IIOfM..x.HI'.0. '" Boar for Service 1'nii' l!ri"l 'I'tii.wuilli 1'i'Ur for KCI-\ ! . *i, ( '.^h. N. Ilin Hi-, Maxw,-ll, Ont. CLEANING 6. PRESS ING A SPECIALTY Solicited Bull for Service |jul, for m-mi.-'j mi lt In, '-"II. '.I, <)pn-y. J'nli^i- i n|.|ilir:itii.n. S,-n ir.-, vl.mi for, (jradi-K tlior-iinriiliieils, S">, M at time of kervici*. l-'ull prin- illinri'.-il for mws li"t I rrt """' 1 - .I.M. V.IKNS. Improved Large Yorkshires A i-liuii > lot ol yoiniK |>i({" of liutli .-"-\i--. *\ t ri-.-i'li to n-can. VoUUg MI*. lirnl in j K. IIMI.II.V; ii-ifiii-ri'il V'.rkliin- lmr. Ternm 11.00. .1. .1. I'.IKlWN. I ii7, :<nl raiiKp, K. T. M. U. BLAKELEY Standard Bank Building I I.F.SHKIiTON, ONT. FARM FOR SALE l,ot Nu. 1*1- 1*7. ill tin- M-i-oliil Mlll|?r "ii-l, Toront.) Hill Syili nliaiii U"iiil, \itciii'--.ia. ointniniiiK --I" '"'" "' fir*t rlns land: (rood ImililiiiK", plunty "f watfi. IH-UI church unil chixil ; thn-i- niili-K f i PII.IIIM HtHlinn ; 90 IKTTII K IMM ' liai'lwimil lj\i-:li, linlttin-e clenrt'l ami in good tiit of i-illtivation. Km- CMI licnl.,- H,.|,|, t... \V. .1. .1. \CKSON. l.W-t l''t "I Earn A Salary ! I Taku our practical lliminras ur S!i(irtlmnd cmii'mi of li-aJDiiif unil M.,- how -i. * m wo will havi- ynu 1'iiiiiiiiK it omul MnUiy. Kcry Kfiulimlu ht>l|ioil. Knti-r any iliiy. Now i 'ii ,I].I.MI. on u .|ih Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE 111 I I IOU SliRVICH Tboroiiftlibrv:! Hhorthnm Inill, "lunilv .liiii" H17S4, fur irrviraiin lot 17I>, T. A H. H., Ar- euinirla. 'I In- .iiiiiii..l U ..i ii ,'.""l null. me. iiWin. 1''i'i on Bpnlicatlon. Trrim, tl, reifUtereil *. .1 AS. STINSON I'mprietor. T. E. Hawkins. Principal Boar for Service A laruu'wl-ite Yori>hir Hoar for lervlva iihlut ift. .'ird range W T. AH. R., Artmiieda. fnrmt i.oo < WAI. 1. 1- It. BuN for Service I'm,' liu-il Urn I.. nl Inill |..i -ITVI.-I- on lot 171, U. w. T. * S. S., Vl.-mrsi.,. Tnniii l -'>. Puitf brol t:t.OO. Any *iw not returned Rc<iiid tiina wiil IN- chr|ed m u*ual lii'i- . 1 Mrh lit - T. A. j. WATHON, M i :,i Hilton I:..,-. . , it 9-year-old :<i>n uf Mr. K. A. Howe, the linker liorc, hat! I.M-H|M- 1 1 inn irownto|on \\.-ii u}' vveniiiK of Kit week. In Hume way lie fell into Oic wntor at iho Inwnr Hide uf the M. KI-. Inn,- dam, and wux ..I i n .vlin 1 ; ill i In- water when (liNcovered In Mr. .Lin,. ^ M, I. n M in, who losi n time in goinff to tlm i I--M ur 'nut Hinging the yonni; ]nd - d,- to uliorv. Tin- ln.\ '.-. lirt enijiiiiy after reacliing terra tii-ntt wan rxgil-(lin)( the wln-i imlionlt of Ins lulling polr Had it mil been for the prompt action of McLivhUn, the boy would inont amiurvtlly have betn drowned HH ha IIH nu knuwleUgfi of iwimmin|(. Durlvam Oil-on icl*. Honor Rolls oii Public Sehuol : Senior IIixiiu -Class 4 Kliucr Wright. Kltiri-ncu Mini', Nrttii) Teuti-r, Minnie Wright, Uuy McCiiuley, Herb Lt-Cnird, Kiliin Kni-nti-dt, Kitlifciia Mi-Lii-en, Nettie Tiueinau. Sr. .'J Alien Mr Lund, Percy Le<iaid, .Inn Stewart, Millie Wright. Jr. .'! Mary Col^an, Uellicrt Patlon, KUULIVD iJirfjo, Hubs Trimble. itonm 'J -ISenior 2 Maliel Ilicbuul- NO.I, R. X. (.'crntivld, Aila T|IIIIII]IHOII. Junior 2 Flossie Hichai-jK.m, Clar- ence Fisher ;ind Ki-iidaU Boyd uijual, Siewuri McTavish. Senior 1 Many LeOarJ, Eihul Fivld, Krnt'sl I>avi8. Priiimry lloi.m- -Class 1 May I'arr- iiiKton, (ilaJys Lover, Hert Mcl.eoil, Lillian I'.n-K.n, Earl Leiteh, Vcra Lever. Class A - Kdna Ferris, Cecil McTav- i-ili, Oli\ t! Mathewson, C1*KH 13 Jack Karstoilt, Willie Wfcit- n-'y, Norval Stu.ut, Hirold Uellamy. S. S. N,,. -for Apiil : Sr. 4 Xti'lii Heiithaiii, Mabel Irwin, l;,.ii. i Sharp. Jr. 4 Els L- Cuswell, Hugh Monre. Class : Klijuh Kenth'im, WarJio Hnr- rison, Clarcnco Orr, Willie Invin. Sr. 2 Rhoda IJeat, Susie Chard, Willie Orr. Jr. '2 Albert Moore, Mildred Sburp. Part - Freddie Irwin, Mildred Can- well. I l>. -Ida Hreen, Oeorgc tkins, Adtle lircen, Mildred Aloore. I. A. -Margaret MiKre. M. Wii..s.ix, Teacher. S. S. No. 4 for April : Si-. 4 - Lillian Siinson, *Min>i Heard. Sr. '.'> Mary Wyville, Miry NichollH, Klwond Stevens, Dnrnthy NiclloIlK, Wal- ter Nit-'lmlls, I..I-.IM \iflnills, I., IN:, Nichulls, M ; . Heard. Jr. .'! Ida .-M m- Hi. Lutber Love.Liw- son Ijorkhan, Willie II .mi |{os Stev- e:ic, Jt'.Jii Auhvion, Walter Wyville, Wil- lie NicliolN, Kdn:i Seott. Jr. 2 UrmeSt intern, (Jn-tie Kiinsnp, Hi-K^io Stevi-iiN, Pearl Scull, Otillie I.ockhar'. Willie Nixon, Susanna Ludlow. Purl 2 Violet. Mi.iers, Frank Nit-hoik. B Marjory Nicholls, Stella Acheson, Louie N'iuholU, <ierlie Wyville. A Kdith Stinson. C Yeru Moore, I'm roughs llt-urd. Avern^e .'!!. L. B. WU.KI:K, 'IVnchcr. S. S. No. 10 for April : Sr. 4 Arnel Lovo, (irace .Muir, Forln-s Kiilli-dyc, I5iy |{utledi-, Mark Mi-Leod, Jiiiiinic .McMiilli'ii, (!rco Cherry. Jr. 4 Limiie Kntlish, Willie Pattison, Saiali Cherry, (ioldwin Mc.Mullvn. Si- . 2-F.lhcl Knrnett, Kinie MvMul-' len, John Kn^lish, Percy Ut-ni|iliill. Jr. '2 Suinl.-y \\hili-. Aliens Knu;ltiih ami Willie Stewart, .liiiiioiri Adams, .1. C. HcLttUghlin, NVIlie H-idU-y, Anna White, Tom Cherry. dins 1 Katio Mi-lJ.ipal.l, Fiunkie Stewart, N'iola Kenn>dy, Mary MoLuugli- Ian, Ida Kudlev, Alicv K.-iiin-i I, Ailie Mi-.MiilK-n, 1'iiiner A Ha/-! MeLco,', Flora lli-n- nett, Ivan \l, L ui_-l, .liinuiie Clieiry, licin- Stuwiut, Mi rvyn Muir. I'rinier I! Willie ('urriLMii. I'riiniM-C- Kli/.i Chi-n-y, Annie Had- ley, IH-IH' Mfl>nald, Maik Slowmt, ii-oiLina MeLtUghlui, (tiMt-e H.ulli-j, llit.i 11,-inphill. 1 1 ATI-IK Coi.K The Wood Pile Philosopher. Mr. Krnstus Johnson, the only color- ed 111:111 In W"l,i-iM>k in i In- Mil' . li.-n thoiiKlit out many of the secrets of em- In*,' the toll that he knows best and Is ever ready to Impart them to others. "When they comes to mo fcr advice," lie siild to one of tho campers, "I nlwus tell 'em It depends on what their per- fesslon Is. If they've arrived at tlie dignity o' sawln' wood I alwus tell 'em to wuv the biggest fust. If they nsks why, an' they mostly does, I say, 'So's you'll only have tho little sticks to sn\v when you gets tuck<;rod out." "An" I tell ye now," concluded Erns- tus Bi-aclously, quite as If Ilio cnniptr hnd askod for "pointers" on n back yard Job, "it's Jes' the same with plllu*. Tut tho big sticks to tho bottom. It's mighty bilious exercise n llftln' of 'em to the top." Youth's Companion. When Butter Was Scarce. Butter, which Is almost Indispensable nowadays, was almost unknown to the ancients. Herodotus is tho earliest writer to mention It. Tho Spartans used l.,ii in-, but as an ointment, and riutarch tells bow tho wife of Dcloto- rous once received a visit from a Spar tan lady whose presence wns Intoler- able because she .was smeared wlili butter. The Greeks learned of butter from the Scythians, and the Qermani howod the Itomans bow It was made. 1 U'lio Romans, however, did not use II (or food, but for anointing their bodlei. Louis Globe-Democrat, Right In Hli Lin*. don't you bar* n ipon(4 fi your stamps ?" queried man from acroaa the itreet who dropped In to use tho lawyer's tel**' phone. t "Good Idea," anwerd the diiclpw of jBlackiton*. "Do you want ilY Jobr'-Ohlcaio Mews. During the Spat. . ' Wife (compltinlnglyJ-Tou're not 11K' Mr. Knagg. They're been married' twenty years and Mrs. Knagf says hef ' husband U BO tender. Huh Tender! Well, he ought to be after being in hot rater that long. Boston Transcript. A Matter of P.licy. "There's only one thing I ever do M policy's sake." " What's tlwtr % "Pay m* premiums." Smart S*A ..i -.: - - -*t~ ~ Owen Sound Council will defend the local option bylaw. A Middlesex magistrate sent a seven- teen-year-old boy of previously ood c'laraotor to Central Prison for six in mtlii fur taking i) pitee of meat he found in a liarn while IHIMI in- Hparrows. A m i.M i s' severe in his sentences should be removed frosn the bench. Ex. Chest Inflammation Suffered From a, Heavy Cold, Pleuritic Pains in Side Constant Cough- ing. "Anyone that goes through all that 1 suffered Ia.t winter will aupre?int>- the Value of a remedy that cures like Xer- VfllOe cured me." These are the open- Ing words of the solemn declaration of E. P. Von Hayden. the well-known violinist of Mlddleton. "My work kept me out late at night, and playing In cold drafty places brought on a se- vere cold that settled on my chest. I had a harsh racking cough and severe pains darted through my sides and settled In my shoulders. I used different liniments, but none broke up my cold till I used Nervillne. I rub- bed it on my neck, shoulders, morning and pain disappeared. Nerviline CURES CHEST COLDS chest and night, and all tlic ReMizing that such a heavy cold h;id run down my system, I '.ooH Ferrozone at meals, and was completely built up and strengthened. Since using Nervi- line I have no more colds or pleurisy, and enjoy perfect health." It's because Nervillne contains the purest and most healing essences and medicinal principles, because it has the power of sinking through the porea to the kernel of the pain these are the reasons why It breaks up colds, cures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia, sciatica, and rheumatism. Refuse ;my substitute your dealer may suggest insist on Nerviline only. Large bot- tles, 50c. trial size LTic- Hold tvt-ry- whi-re. or The Catarrhozorte Co-, King- ston, unt. Farm For Sale \\'o linvu instructions in sell LOT; :, CONCESSION 9, GLENELG And lire open for offers. KlLBOl'UN d KILBorilN, Owen Sound, Out. Several C. P It. employees who woi.t to Poit McNicholl when Ilie Company moved rliere hvn returned to Owun Sound to discover another job. The whip-poor-wills kept thuin aw-ikc at n'gbfc. Thi- county in not culled upon (o build a bridge at Ayton us ^tho Ay.onese de- aired. Tliu county ii only compelled to I. ml- 1 MI.L'.-S . i :;(in feet and over. Tlio one in f|ues'iim is only 2WI! fent. TliK temperance people of huve decided to lauDob~ another \<>;nl option cttniDBiira ': bo voted on next January. Collingwnod expccui to have Hydro- electric elcctrici'y supplied by'Stpteinber i next from uiiher the Xiauiiru or Stvern devflopiiieiit. The (-' wen Sound papiH My a new grain elevator ill be erected there at a C'Wt of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES VICTORIA DAY;'; NAVIGATION Steamen leave Port McNicoIl Momlays* Tuesduvr. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturd&vB at 4 < m. for SACI.T STE. MARIE. POUT A11THU1! and KOItT WILLIAM. The Steamer Manitoba, Filling Iron) I'ort McNicoIl Weclnexdaya will call at Hwen Si.n: il li-Hfiui; that |ioint I' 1 .:-' 1 . Steamship Express Leaves Toronto !?.!"> p. im on tailing i> - making direct connection ith Steamers it f'orr McNicoIl. SINGLE R E Between all station* in Canada, Port Mlhar and East, t ;ooo goinR May Sl-24, liotnrn limit. May !. iMiniuum liate ( ->.< Homeseekers' Excursion May :, June 11, -21. and ever) Tuesday until Sept. 1? inclusive. WINNIPEG and RETURN $34.oo EDMONTON and RETURN $42.00 Proportionate late.* to other pointj. llctiiru liuiitnj days THItOI-'GH TtlCKIST SLEKPIXG fAHS A^U nearest C. P. IE. \.--i.' (or Home- Keekers* Pamphlet! TICKETS AND FULLJ INFORMATION FROM ANY C.P. R. AGENT. 5. Rands, A gent, Flesherton. The Chatham Wagon Leads AH Others Follow HORSE ROUTES KINO'S ABBOT Monday- l!y Eu^onm to This. Turn- pr's for noon ; thence to Goo. Wri'.'ht's, Yandeluur, fi uii-ht. Tuesday To Oe >. White's, west hack liiu- : llience home for nitjht. \V,-diusJay T.. \V. .1. (,Vs ell's, 'I'. 'i. mi. i I. M. I-. for noon ; ;h- i to S. l'i dliirs. -r!i line, for nit-ht. Thurtd ly To >Vm. Scutt's, M.uwell, fur noon ; Thence to .Martin 1'nillips', CiilliiiRwuod nr:ivel, for night. Frid-iy To Kiclmid Hoy's for noon and liome for niulii, wlieie ho will re- main until the following Mimd'iy. 1). McI.KOD, 1'roj.. .V Mun.iu'-r. MAltoriSoK A1LSA Monduy X"P, John Lawrence's, (ilenel. 1 . Niuht, Samuel Patterson's. Tuesdiy Noon, 'ieoi^o Ritchie s. Niisht, Samuel PuthwboogVa. \Veilne5ily- -Xuin. at Dornoeh aiul NVes Hr.-tdy'a for lii^-ht. Tlnif.iduy Noon, Mike Noni'. Sis-lit, John McNiilly's. Friday Noon. John McViear's, then In Pan Mclnni.s' for nijht. Saturday Hume to his own stable. JAMKS PATOX, Prop. A Man;iuer. SII.VKI1 STRAND Mon-lay Joseph Wiitsou'n fur noon : then by T. it S.Ilrwd to William Cliatd's, 1'h lind ArtiMiienin for ni^hl Tiiosdny To N. Itrownridgn'a fi> 1 ' noun and Mclntyre f<ir night. Wednesday To Maxwell for noon, then to Isaac Smith's, Hock Mills for Digbt. Thursday To Klehheiton fur nooii, then to NVilliam Hill's Stone's yine for night, Kruhiy By Priceville, t> Huvid Nichol'o for M.I. .11 in. I linuie t > his ci\\n stnhle lor nitjht. NVILIJAM IloLMKS.Miumjjer. Don Carlos THE GERMAN COACH STALLION Stands 111.} hands Weighs l.'iiJO pounds Mnmhty Will !>>avo his own stable, Meaford, to St. Oeorue's hotel for noun, then by C'larkslniig 10th line, to ('has. Hill's for niyht. TiiPHflay- By Kvi<nna to Mr. Thomp- son's, Hanks, fur noon, thvii by 4th line, lot) and 10 Hidcroad and wost. to (ith line, then south to John Tyson's, ton- 1 IIP, lor in. .In . Wednesday By Huj-h Thompson's Corner and Feve.i-sham to Maxwell for noon, then by Itock Mills nd north ihrongh Kugenia to Kimherloy for niht. Thursday By Vmidelfiir and Alex. Heniy's Curlier to Markdale for noon, then north to Win. Lyons, tonnlino, for night. Friday- North to Tlmi, Find Uy'n, Wll*rs Falls for noon to l>errj lint> by (tardener'i Corner to Mvttford for ni^ht. Saturday morning Home. See 'IVi in* ax to living ctilt*. JOHN FIDLAY, Propiietor, Mrafoid, Out. For sixfy-iive years the highest grade material, the fine workmanship and the li^ht i mining qualities of the Chatham wagon luivr eiuleanv! it to the hearts of Chatham users. \Ve have the exclusive agency for the Chatham Wagon, and if you will call, we will explain exactly why the Chatham is the King of all farm wagons. Step in. It' we cannot interest you in the wagon proposition, we will nor figure tin; time lo.xt. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ont. r GOING--GOING GONE THAT IS, OUR TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED JUST ARRIVED KifM Curn 'iMin|it< IU'H Kuly N nrili D.ikotii Wlii'o Ca|i lin|irv> il < limit luns Khix Si't-il Rape S niii inn wliciii ('mint S-.-i-il ii- l!t-l Suyiir Mimn Pi-iliy v ' A'l'i-J Turnip Diilcli S.tis Spanish ruiil rooking ')nioi CAU1KN SKKDS Com, (VMS run! Hi-.-ins in bulk Kluwi'r Si-eds in packages Sweet IVn.s in l>ulk. | A lull line ' >f (iiiicerii**, Flour, Koi-d, Fiuit 4iul Coufeciiunvy. All kinds if FHrui IVodiio.-, sucli !vs(<riii-i, I'otttoos, Oniiins, K.-HS !; u. n.l v>Kl at thv KLK.-slIKUTOX (JliOCERY W. Buskin, Flesherton, Ontario. JUST RECEIVED A largo consignment, of Earthenware from KugliMid, which will now he sold at, bargain Call and lot us show the many designs in fancy China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Fruit Dishes and Salad Bowls. Also a number of nice designs in Glassware, consisting of watei Jugs and Pi tcher prioee. ells, I'm In Dishes, ugar Howls, Call and see the goods aud get our J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - - Ontario.