SPRING BLOOD 1 SEALS IN JAPAN. N. Hnw t,n Rpf- NfiW ffpnlth and Horn HUW LU BBi flew Ueailfl ana fl8W Strength at This Ssason IS WATERY BLOOD EToryb0(ly Has n - Th cheapest Cost Only 5 Cents Apiece. Japanese seaJs (han) are of wood, j s toneormetal, with signs engraved . n the * ace - The> y are used in addi - tion to a signature to represent an Spring ailments are not imagin- individual, a legal person or a cor- ary. Even the most robust find the poration. The- seals of the present winter months most trying to their j Emperor are distinguished as privy health. Confinement indoors, of- j and state seals. They are each three ten in overheated and nearly always inches square- badly ventilated rooms in the' The state seal is used mostly upon home, the office, tne shop and the documents relating to foreign conn- school taxes the vitality of even tries, says the Oriental Review, and the strongest. The blood becomes } ia & Chinese characters engraved on thin and watery and is clogged with i fc ; the privy seals are, stamped on impurities. Some people have head- imperial rescripts, issued for proc- aches and a feeling of langour. Others are low-spirited a>d nerv- lamations at home. .. . . Japanese law requires that each ous. Still others 'are troubled "with individual should send in an impros- disfiguring pimples and skin erup-| slon . of his seal as a specimen (call- tions, while some get up in the ed Jitsu-in) to have it registered and morning feeling just as tired as kept in a government office (district when they went to bed. These are! ? ffice of a cit y' * wn or ^Hage), that all spring symptoms that the blood ! lfc a y represent himself in a deed. is out of order and that a medicine The material employed to make is needed. Many people take pur- gative medicines in the spring. This is a serious mistake. You can- not cure yourself with that gallops through your i-ystem and leaves you weaker still. This is all that a purgative does. "What these seals consists of various kinds of precious stones, gold, silver, etc., those mostly in use at the present medicine I day are . of a at. ck crystal, ' ivory, rhinoceros or buffalo horn, shell, marbles, or of cherry wood, or box-wood, and recently India, you need to give you strength, in the health and tonir If you are ailing this spring you cannot afford, in your own inter- est, to overlook so valuable a medi- cine as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at BO cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SHANGHAI POLICE FORCE. Three Hundred English Officers to Protect Foreigners. It may not be generally known that the Shanghai (China) Munici- pal Council has a force of some 300 English policemen for the protec- tion of the foreign settlements at that place, says the Christian Science Monitor. These are in ad- dition to some 400 or 500 Sikh po- licemen and about 1,000 Chinamen. For the past six years detachments of policemen have been sent out to Shanghai from England, and, in- deed, a small detachment is at pre- synt on its way out. In obtaining the necessary num- ber the Shanghai Municipal Coun- cil has to compete with the metro- politan police of London, who are always on the jookout for suitable recruits to maintain their high and well known standard. The Shang- hai constable, however, has his pas- sage paid fur him, and starts with rubber has come into use. - D - Hk u. . u tue spring is a tonic , Ther f are two wa , vs or engraving medicine that will enrich the blood , characters on a seal, re.hof and m- and soothe the jangled nerves. And' *?* h .5 ln 4l ? e one the . characters in the one always reliable tonic and! ^impression are. shown .n color, blood builder is Dr. Williams' Pink * hlle "? the other they ..re repre- Pills. These pills not only banish j ^ nte . d . ln wh . lt . e on color* I ground, spring weakness, but guard you against the more serious ailments that follow, such as anaemia, nerv- ous debility, indigestion, rheuma- tism, and other diseases due to bad blood. In proof of this Mrs. Emma Duck, Carleton Place, Ont., says: "I was greatly troubled with weak spells, dizziness and extreme nerv- ousness, .->jJ did not find anything to help me until acting on the ad- vice of an aunt I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After using five boxes I found my health fully restored, and cheerfully re- commend the pills to others." . - - >k used for stamping is called niku. The cheapest kind of seals are. made of boxwood and sold at 5 cents apiece. Most seals are oval in shape, but come are round and others square. They rarely exceed one-'half inch in diameter. A MOTHEB/S PR1ISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Wm. Sullivan, Main River, N. B., says: "Up to the time my baby was three months old it cried almost continually day and night. I tried many things, but got no- thing to help it until a neighbor advised Baby's Own Tablets, I got a box of these and there was a change almost after the first dose and in a short time the child was in the best of health, and is now a big, fat, good-natured baby. I am now never without the Tablets in the house and recommend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Ont. Medicine Co., Brockville, COMPLIMENTARY. Agnes "And did he say I looked intellectual?" Gladys "Oh, no, indeed! I as- sure you he said nothing disparag- ing." HONEST TEA IS THE BEST POLICY. In order to find out to what ex- tent the different food products are used by its millions of readers, the "Woman's World" (circulation over 2,000,000 copies monthly) re- cently inaugurated a most interest- ing coupon canvass. One of the questions propounded was, "What tea do you use?" and the replies received demonstrate that Lrpton's Tea is the most popu- lar of all package teas, showing a salary of $10 a week, so a good jits sale to be double that of the supply has hitherto been obtained. Not a few perhaps are attracted by the call of a strange, especially an eastern, country a call to which Enijlishmen have ever been to lend a willing ear. ready There are eleven "White Rivers" in Nurth America. Every Crisp, Little Flake Of Post Toasties has a flavour all its own. "Toasties" are made of selected whitelndian corn: first cooked, then rolled into wafer-like bits and toasted to an appetizing golden brown. A favorite food for breakfast, lunch or supper in thousands upon thou- sands of homes where people are particular. "The Hemory Lingers" old by OIOMM Ha* fcf too* FaetorlM nearest competitor and consider- ably over one hundred per cent, more than the next two mentioned brands taken together. Surely Honest Tea is the Best Policy. "SERVICE YEAR" FOR GIRLS. Would Forbid Them to Wed With- out Housework Knowledge. That it should be illegal for a girl to marry unless she can produce official evidence of having done one year's household service, was the novel proposal at a recent session of the German Women's Congress. Discussing tho project recently broached for compelling German women to do some form of military service, Frau Gnauck-Kuehne urged that the home and mother- hood were woman's most important sphere and that the "service year" of girls should be spent preparing them for it. "Our girls," she said, "should be prepared by a year of service to fulfil their duties as wives just as our young men are prepared for the duties of national defence which the country may call on them to per- form. No girl should have a legal right to marry unless she can ohow evidence of haying prepared herself by a year's training for household management." Frau Gnauck-Kuehne also advo- cated placing household finances on a legal basis whereby a wife should have the right to demand a fixed annual budget commensurate with the husband's income. HER WAY OUT. Little Hazel "We've invited too many children to our tea party. There isn't enough for them tn get more'n a bite each." Little Dot "That's too bad! I dels we'll have to call it a recep- tion." But the beauty that is only skin deep is better than the kind that rubi off: JUST ONE MORE SPLEIDID CURE RHEUMATISM WAS VAN- QLISHKD BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Amable Lamarrhe Tells How His Kidney Diwfiso Developed and How he got Relief When he l'sl the One Sure Cure. Lefaivre, Ont., April 15 (Spei-ia!) Another splendid juro by Dodd's Kidney Pills is the talk if this vil- lage. Mr. Amable Lamarche is the person eured and the cure is vouch- ed 'or by his numerous friends. It was a sprain and a cold that was the beginning of my trouble," Mr. Lamarche says in telling his story. "I could not sleep, my ap- petite was fitful and I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. I was al- ways thirsty, had a bitter taste in my mouth and perspired freely. My limbs were heavy and I had a drag- ging sensation across the loins. "When my symptoms developed into rheumatism I realized that my "kidneys were the cause of the trou- ble and I started to take Dodd's ' Kidney Pills. Six boxes made me a well man." Kidney trouble quickly develops into painful and often fatal dis- eases. To ensure good health, cure the first symptoms with Dodd's Kidney Pills. They never fail. CLYDE LEEVITT, Of the U. S. Forestry Service, who has resigned to become Chief Forester of the Canadian Conser- vation Commission and chief iron inspector for the Canadian Railway Commission. COULD NOT SIDETRACK HER Hostess (to one of the small guests) "Now, dear, will you have some bread and butter to finish up with?" Small Gust "No, thank you. I will have some cake to be going on with." A needle manufacturing machine it) capable of producing 1,500,000 needles a week. Over fifty tons of railway tickets are issued in a year by one English railway company. Uofi$Gure QUICKLY STOPS COUOMS. CURES COLDS. HEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 20 CENT* GOOD REASON. "Maggie! You are the most cheerful creature I ever, met !" cried her mistress. "Why shouldn't I be cheerful, mum!'' said Maggie. "I haven't a relation in the world." Mlnard's Liniment Curei Burnt, Etn. DEADLY HONOR. "I simply can't stand the toot of an automobile horn." "How's that?" "A fellow eloped with my wife in an automobile, and every time I hear a horn toot I think he's bring- ing her back." HE WAS TRICKED. Gorman Trade Spy Fined $1,500 by a British* Court. Germain spies in England are not all in search of military secrets. Franz W/inzen, son of a German textile printer, has just hod to pay $1,500 for trying to spy o.ut trade secrets from the workmen of Sharp and Sons, who have ja. big business in that line, in Yorkshire, England. This was one of the prosecutions undertaken by virtue of the Pre- vention of Corruption Act. Win- zen came over from Germany spe- cially to extract the details of the secret process used by the Sharp Company, and he went about his spying in a systematic way. Calling on an engraver employed at the Sharp works, he asked him to get a bottle of the printing mix- ture used and as much information as possible as to the machinery, offering $250 for the work. But the engraver was loyal to his concern and told his boi, who arranged that he and others should have fur- ther interviews with the spy and lead him on to commit himself to a more definite extent. So the tricky Teuton was made to pay sundry dollars to the engraver, and finally drew up an agreement to engage, another of tho Sharp men who knew the process, for his Ger- man factory, for five years. When that interview ended Winzen was arrested, but the Sharp Company was content to make him pay tho fires and costs as a warning, and c! d not press for a prison sentence. . TERRIBLE RESULT OF BLOOD POISON. After Three Operations Zam-ltiik Was Tried and Proved (Successful. If people would only use Zam- Buk for chronic sores, blood-poison, etc., before permitting an opera- tion, scores of limbs would be saved. Mr. Robt. Patterson of North Pel- ham. Welland Cp., Ont., writes: "My daughter, Annie, had blood- poison in her finger. The doctor operated twice on the finger, but did not obtain the desired result, and a third operation was consid- ered necessary. ''Three doctors were- present at this operation, but after it had been performed the wound did not heal. Try as we would we could not pet anything to close the wound. "We at last tried Zam-Buk, and it was really wonderful to watch how this balm healed the wound. Each day there was a marked im- provement. First the wound in the palm of the hand closed, and then the finger which had been bad so long began to heal. The diseased flesh seemed to rise out of the wound and then drop off, and new healthy flesh formed from below, pushing off the diseased tissue. In a short time the wound was complete- ly healed. Had we applied Zam- Buk at first we might have saved the finger. For chronic sores, blood-poison, ulcers, abscesses, scalp sores, piles, eruptions, inflamed patches, ec- ' zema, cuts, burns, bruises, and all skin injuries and diseases Zam-Buk is without equal. 50c. box all drug- gists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Have you tried Zam-Buk Soap? 25c. tablet. ConslipaHoh ia the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred trouble*. Try them. 4 25c. a box. DUSTLESS. Lady Visitor That new girl of yours seems very nice and quiet. Mistress Yes, she's very quiet. She doesn't disturb the dust when she's cleaning the room. Pills That Have benefited Thou- sands. Known far and near as a sure remedy in the treatment of in- digestion and all derongementi of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have brought relief to thousands when other specifics have failed. Innum- erable testimonials can be produc- ed to establish the truth of this as- sertion. Once tried they will be found superior to ;rll other pills in the treatment of the ailments for which they are prescribed. There are nearly 23,000 locomo- tives employed on the various rail- ways in the United Kingdom. Mlntrd'i Llnlmant rur$ Dandruff. A CINCH. Mrs. Knicker- "Can you get your boots buttoned without bending your knees?" Mrs. Bocked "Certainly ; I make my husband do it." Do not give your family f<H><! made with alum baking powder. Use Magic Baking Powder. Costs no more than the ordinary kinds and is guaranteed not to contain alum. All ingredients are plainly printed on each package. See if they are on the brand you are now using. All up-to-datr Grocers sell and recommend "Magic." Official figures show that the num- ber of Quakers throughout the world is about 124,000. There may be other corn CCP?". but Hollowa.y's Corn Cure stands at the head of the list so far as re- sults are concerned. FOR PINK EYE DISTEMPER CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL HOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cures the Birl( find ikots fts a prev*ntalivo for others. Liquid jrivfii on tho tunjnie. Safe for brood mares liii'i nil others. Best kidney remrcly ; 50 I'cniK a, bottle; $0.00 the dozen. Sold l,v all ilmpirists aud hurnesA houses. Distributors ALL WHOLESALE DBUUC1STS. SPOSN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshtn. Ind., U. S. A. THE WORM TURNS. Ocean Voyager "Don't the pas- sengers make you tired with the questions they ask?" Captain "Yes, very. What else is it you want to know ?" . A Pill That is Prized. -- There have been many pills put upon the market and pressed ujxjn public attention, but none has endured so long or met with so miu'h favor as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Wide- spread use of them has attested their great value, and they need n<> further advertisement than this. Having firmly established them- selves in public esteem, they now rank without a peer in the list of standard vegetable preparations. THIS SPRING CLEANING. "He thinks he's a world-beater." "I know, but his wife has finally convinced him that he's nothing but a carpet-beater." I consider MINAHD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment tn um. I got my foot bmtlv ummi-il lately. I bathed it well with MJNAUD'S LINIMKNT. and it waa as well as ever ncx; day. luum very truly. T. Q. M. Mi l.l.i. N. AHEAD. "Your wife is up-to-date." "Up-to-date. Why man, she's three weeks' salary ahead of me now." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Mnrine Eye Remedy. No Smarting rVfU Flue Aets Vuickl.v. Try It fcr Red, Weal:, Watery E.veH and Granulated KyelldH. lllua- mi, '.i tiuuk in well Package. Mnrinn is compounded by our OruUntu- not a "Patent Mwl- Iclne" but Ubed In suctMibHfnl IMiyMriiiiib 1 1'rac- >< for many Teart>. Now dedicated to llio I'nb- llti and Mild BTDmifM* ut Oc unit We JUT Holt In. Mnrinn Kyti Sulvnjn Ai-i'pltc Tube*, 2Sc and UJc. Murlne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Great Britain in one year spends nearly $150,000,000 on tobacco. Inard't Llnlnttnt for Ml* vcrywntr*. Beneath the surface of the earth the temperature increases about one degree for every sixty feet down . "Perfectly Trustworthy" is the character of Bickle's Anti C'jnRumn- tive Syrup. It can be used with the utmost confidence that it will do what is claimed for it. It is sure in its effects, as the use of it will jlearly demonstrate and can be re- lied upon to drive a cold out of the system more effectively than any other medicine. Try it and be con- vinced that it is what it is claimed to be. The longest lived of British trees is the yew, one specimen of which has attained the age of 2,880 years ; the second longest is the oak, with a record of 1,600 years. Cheapest of All Oils. Consider- ing the curative qualities of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil it is the cheapest of all preparations offer- ed to the public. It is to be found in every drug store in Canada from coast to coast and all country mer- chants keep it for sale. So, being easily procurable and extremely moderate in price, no one should be without a bottle of it. CAREFUL. "He's the most careful man I ever knew." "That's so?" "Yes, I asked him if he could change a ten-dollar bill the other day and what do vou suppose he did?" "1 don't know." "He mjidc me show the ten be- fore he'd commit himself. Said he'd be<'ii touched for five that way- be fore." Many are called, but few want to get up. FARMS FOR SALE. England consumes three times as much coal per head as France. Mlnard'i Liniment Rll*ves Nturnlgla. H. W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. HINDKKD ACHES IN tULHDOV, County of Ppel. I WO HTNUUKD ACI'.KS IN CALEDOK H VNDHED ACEBS GOOD Bl!ILDi.N(J; ().- hard; near Oakvillr. \N IDKAL KAHM OF TWO lirNDHKD and Niiie.y Acrea in Townhin of Ililtmi : tell minute*' w:ilk from Po^tofflcp or Wharf; Pint- Slone House and Hood Bank Barn and Ontbuflding. Impleinentfl included in th<? price. Buildinc* :ilne cost nearly aa mnrli as price :iskcd. It is a snap. A FINK THIHTY ACHK FKV1T FARM (lood BuildinKx; well planted : at DuniiaH. TKN ACRK FBI' Catharines. IT FAUM - ST. TWENTY-FIVK ACRK FHf St. I'atharim-s. MALE HELP WANTED. I EARN TO BE A TELEORAPnER OB J Station Aeent. Hiu demand for men. Free Book 18 explains work and nraeeB, Dominion School Telegraphy. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. H AT and FABM Rrale Works. SCALES. Wllion'i TiHnnto. TON SCAI.I; OUABANTKED. WU,,n Bi'ule Works. 9 Esplnnnde. Toronto. DYEING! CLEANING! purthp very bt, send your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look . . i .^ni iu your town, or icnil iltrect. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa. Quebec* WRITE FOR PROOF PURIFIGO CANCER C AND TUMOR Canadian Branch : Purlfloo Co., Brldgtburg, Ont. C U RES CREOSOTE Protect Praaervo Baautlfy Samples and Booklet)! on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 1374. Bathurs'. Street TORONTO Maypole Soap CLEANS AND DYES Civet ticti glowing colon, failrl'.j in sun or nidi. Dyei cotton, tillc. woolotmixtuta. I ir il youtiell al liomr. No ttouble DO :nu'. 24 colors- will give any shade. ColoislOc,black I ... I yout dealer '< of |Ktpaid with booklet "How to Dye" (torn Jof. F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal _." i IT FARM 4 LBEKTA. SASKATCHEWAN. BRIT- - V ixh Columbia ad Munitobu land* in small or laree blocks. H. W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. O ACRKS - 1 1-2 MILKH TO LONDON * mnrket; coil, eluy loam: small <>r- enard: brick honico; barn. Price $2200. Western Real K*1atc. I, union. tl.ANCER. TITMORH. LUMPS, etc. In- terniil and external, cured without pain by our home troatraont. Write u before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collinewood. Out. HAD HIM THERE. Husband "You look badly to- day, my love, is it that you are ill?" Wife "No, John ; it's this last year's hat I'm wearing." Sweet and palatable. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac- ceptable to children, and it des its work surely and promptly. AN AMATKL'R. "What an amateur gardener he is!" "Chat's the 7rmttor?' "He actually buys ihe tools that he can just as well borrow.'' ED. 7 ISSUE 17-12