April IS THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE /leoijcrtoij T All hnlik|>i'li(lilt tVB| .iloir, lilllili.iluMl r\rry n>nundy at tin- nffior, t iJlin^. ,.l Street, ..-,:. .1 fl iniiiitii, ; " I i .il .>!... jvl.fli) wlifii nut <> paid. <>n m^iimuj >p Circulation L. Mi) \V. II. Thiii-atoii Keillor TRU TH BEFOE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. r'OT MEN KNOWLEDGE IS COSTLY There arc mime Iff.-ons :o to levincd front the recent floods if we dig down t'tvp enough to discover them. In the past wo have bren building for tho pres- fiu aud not for posterity. We have paid too much attention to the cheapness of the job aud not enough to its Mobility. Through the clearing of our furent* the nows of winter re diaappenring in a shorter period each year when the Kpring tlnws come, and lushing waters make ui old bridges and culveits inadequate la carry them awty. It is a matter of build, build, and rebuild .14111: ut great cot, aa if, when originally built piobably ln to twenty per cent, had been lidded to the cost the ntcessiiy for their renewal would not have arisen. The culvert which broke away at the horseaho* hill neai- this village is a case in point. When that culvert was con- structed il was a matter of gel tine it lone ,t cheaply as possible and the rent was not made half ai lat^e as it should have been. Then when the tilling was made over it the old culvert wai not re- newedit would cost too much -and about fifteen feet of earth WHS packed on top of it. With the rccet.t extraordinary treahet something had to give, and the whole twelve hundred dollar tilling and Culvert were swept away. Had the cul- vert been made of twice the opacity Ar- temesia would not now lime to dip into in strong box for a big sum The lesson is a severe cne, but let 111 -ill profit by it and in future build sub- stantially foi the future an well as for the moment.. Europeans laugh -it our crud- ity and penuriousnexs when it comeb to i i.td building and the protection of for- st*. They have practiced n.iidity of structure fur ages, and the old Hnmani did so before them, but the instinct of penurious frugality, the penny wise and pound foolish policy, still i ,-n.uuu with ui in Canada. THE JOKE THAT RECOILED Manager Fleming <>' the Toronto treet railway has got a hot box on his .hind*. Recently he engaged a man to j>ut up a job on .1 doc:r and tho courts, just to show that doctors may be ileceiv- d and juries ccnvict the innocent. The man cliimed to Imve been injured by thu railway airl sued for damages. The doc (or to whom he described his injury WIN 'leo-ivril nil njbt, and when thu case came to court the man twoie tin' he ha< been engaged by Manager Fleming i< put uft a job on the doctor. MHiiaije ic wai simply delighted with tin . f his joke on the doctor iml IK doubt ]Mtid lii tool very liberally. He thought the joke htoppe.1 nt this point b.ut it did not. Like Tennyson s lirook it X'"'* on. Somebody swore out a war rant against the Managing Joker an several others connected with the joke and lad week the Grand jury returnee a true bill against the Manager and fou other merry gentlemen for " unlawful!; coospiiiiiit together to ..li-tnut, |>erver or defeat the course gf jus'ic* ; for crim inal fabrication of evidence and fo bringing a court uf justice into con tempt." As a practical joker we fear Manigo Fleming is not a Kuccesi. lie hat> hrei jokuiK and jollying the people of Toronti for a long time, and although they nquir and proteat there haa been m> cettsation to it. But now il. ii the little p*stim> hax been eilnduJ to include profeftsioiia integrity and tha dignity of courts, th frielioti'will causo a " hot box "of the worst kind, aud the jolly Manager wil no doubt be more than duligh'^d when his. j<>k reache* the tinal stai^c. In th meaiitimti 'this back action, two-lcge< jokn ia a anurco of unholy joy to the To f onto strap holder. THE PIONEER "ENTHUSES." I li>- Pioneer of Toronto says : 'Tha Flesherton Adtanca is one of the lew jourii&ls which attack* vigorously lha new temprrance policy of the Liberal priy. Home of win! it states prove* to be incorrect, in view of Mr. Rowell't iplaoatinn* made in preaenting his to the House." latter aentno refors to Mr Rowell'* afterthought or after-statement that he would >l*o cut out club liceuies. With that i.-mivn we have no ({uarrel and f:*n heartily cornmeni). Out our |IM,II inn is thia . Mr. Rnwell Ukea f i hi* battU cry, 'Aboliah tliu bar." How much better, let us a -A, woulJ bin propokition be than what vre now enjoy, total prohibition under local option wherever the people want it ' How many temperance men could be found in locil opium district* who would willingly exchange what they have (jot for Mr. Rowell'a propo<ed ssuiv. eipeoially at tho pieseat juncture when thu detail of its con st ruction are niikiiown .' We venture to to My i. L I onu. That In-ill;: thu ctise,' how cnn anyone claim that iho Kowell proposition i an ndvuncv slong temper- ance lines an improvement on what. Mr. Whitney hits given UH and is still attempt- ing to perfe.-t t We do wot remember (hit the Dominion Alliance evt-r asked for an !il>oli*hini'iit of thu They have aski-d for prohibition. Th j political parties ; ounty of Gr y shows an immense slump seem bent on forcing something on themj in evety township, without exception, o it lost one hundred and in several o Ii,... out- thousand. Tho net decrcnii in popnhttion in the entire county is bar or of treating, for local option and Population Is Falling Off 0. S. Sun : Tlie publication of the ceuvus rutunib for Itie Doitiiniun, which wore recently announced, have, shuwn ; omsul. i.ililr falling (>fT in thu (lopu'atioi of tin- various provinces, since tliu taking of the previous census in 11)01. Sludiet perusal of the figures yivrn fur th l luil ihvyhavi not utkeJ fur and which they IIHVU ulwiky* cnnsidurud iinpriicticitl and useless from the standpoint of advance certain did not according to the figures published, 10, 87(> and in some cases the reason is no over Mr. Uoell' ien>[irrani;e platform and cries out in \<\ type, "A victory already for the temperance 1 cause.!" Hut Wauvo Mr. Whitney -> tlisfy (he importunities of i;ent It-men to the fullest extent they are so obvious. The remarkable figure ol willing to accept anything from the other !?<!, which is the decrease in Holland side that will give them an oppurtunity'township, is due, probably, to the fact o to display their resentment. This isjthe great exi.dus to tho West, which took why tho Pioneer waxes so enthusiastic place about five yean tig', and this is certainly it factrr in (he resulting differ- ences in every case cited. Sarawak, wit n a population of l'U>2 in 1001 has but 70H in 1911, although considerable of the decrease it due to the incorporation ol Brooke with Owen .Sound in IW.i. This gives a reason, as well, for the decrease in Keppcl lowiiHhip, the villages of Shal- low Luke mi HepiTorth being taken i ..in the townships during tho past ten years. In Sydenhain s poition of what UH formerly in Owen Sound precincts was taken intu ih township on the an- nexation of lii-ooke to the town, is still a decrease of :'._':; in the population. It is nithout doubt the rural communi- ties which surfer most largely by the ever steady stream of migration to tho west- ern provinces, while the tendency of the young men and young women to go to thu cities or larger centres .- alfo in a wide measure rcsponnible for the di- minished numbers. It is estimated that two-thirds of rural eunnminities formerly two-thirds of their members The Hydro-Electric Commission has quoted several Oweu Sound man - ufacturers n price of $81 per horse- power per anuum for a 24 -hour ser- vice. At the same time they have announced that they will be able to develop a much greater power than was anticipated. Thi is good news. With such a low rate the county should be able to hold its owu as a mamitiicturiug centre aud reap ad vantages in very many ways. The price ({noted is estimated at less than one half the cost of steam -produced electricity. Legislature Prorogued The Ontario Legislature prorogued on Tuesday after an nu|H>rUnt session in which much IMHII IMS was trunsactcd. Among the more inipuruut measure* put liirough w ./i ,- : Government authorization to raise lire million dollars for dm development of Northern Ontario. Provision for dividing Ont.tiio into ten health district ; nutiticAtion of all communicable diseitMe.H ; municipal rare of indigent aick. Compulsory vicination. Prohibition of storing of Ii )uor in as between the ages of -'" and 25, U now depleted on thrse members alnuut three- jnartera. Below are given the figures for the ndividaal townshipi of the county : local option district* ; caihing or accept- ing pny-check by holHkeep.r <>i employe g" in uli an offence. ttoveniniunt authorixeil lo raise inillic-n dulhirs f (> r county riiads ; ways Act enlarged to nlmit of Federal grants being applied to munty co-operation by titie.s ami towns. llydro-Klectric < onunissiun wider power* of expropriation, of rates and municipal surpluses. Com- missions provided for municipal sy.steins. Municipaliticii given right to exprop- riate private telephone systems. mi A rtemesia '<, 182 ; llli'gwood 3,291 Kuphrasia 2,86-2 Ho'land 2,758 Osprey 2,52<i I'roton 2,7Wi Deiby 1,30 2,730 2.70H Sarawak 706 >ne Sydenham S.OIt" Bentinck 2,980 Egrmnnut :?,OtiO xystemw ;|(;i en pl a.'JOli Notniandy 3,442 Sullivan 2,813 Provisions 10 check <>i>cratioii8 of "loin sharks." Restrictions upon surai. ce companies, outaide tha province. Provincial museum and i !]_- of art eitabliahexl. irruponsible in- uperating from provincial WHY HE WAS LATE "What i.iadeyun so late?" "I met -!: itli...h "Well, that in no reanun why you should be an hour I .it.- LTI tii, t: hume t,. .SII|.|HT." "I know, I nit I asked him how he wan feel- ing, nml he in-i.-tt-il <>n telling me alnmt )ii tinaeli troublf." |ii.l\..n tell liim to Ml..- cii.ii that Nwliat hr lined.-." S|i| l,y nil A Port Arthur congrci'ftion on a cut Sunday had a tt range cr. He preached from thu text, " Tbon shult not 1901 3,923 :{,'J02 3,441 :l,504 :i,065 3,378 2,14 4,ltM) .I'll' 2,754 4,360 Dr. Iteattie N'esbitt has beon arresti-d in Chicago. He will fight extradition. Mr. K. W. Henett, M. I'., of Calgary will enter Hritish politic), ac.-ording to a report frcm Ottawa. The 11. mil has caused a general mixing of wood-piles in Walkorton and a con- fusion of tongues like unto that of Uabel is heard in many a back yard here as thu nuighbors asHcmble tn claim their wood. As possess!, n is nine points of the law, those on whoso lnnl the wood settled, are not in all cases anxious to gi\e the treasure up, and thus many hotted con- vertn'ion* are heard in the laud. One stick of hard-wood loks so much like in . ih. -t. (hit it is not always ea>-y for the .li .(.ii 1 mi to diatiguiiih which from what, although some would convince you that they c..nld pick up their hardwood in the dark from any <.thr f tho yards in towr. Perhaps tliey can, but we have a sneaking t<ur thnt they might L"-' tin- i arithmetic n.ixed and bo needing pitrdon like the penitent thief. In i! Juhl dtti-i wards the qutrti't roMo in and sum as a volun'ary " Steal away." An short, there has been 10 much 1> m _ done U ki iimi over wood ih.it it re<l i' club might tie established here, This story i< no chest nut ; il ia vouched for. .tli, we beiie\e, a shockingly largu meinberithip. Herald. CLAYTON'S . . FOR - - Boots and Rubbers Ti I OSK who want good wearing Boots, either Factory or Ham! made for the wet and cold weather or for winter should call aud inspect our CELEBRATED MALTESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light and Heavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING AS USUAL. F. H. W. H1CKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Spring Clothing This week we place in >tock a big sbipniei.t of of Nuw Clothing foi Men, Boys and Children- The Newest Styles und Colorings are liure. Thu range of si/.es complete. They were bought right nd all reasonably priced. We Khali b pleased to h>ive you come in nnd compire values. We make a specially of High Grade Men's Suits at 80.50. Girls' Washable Dresses A New shipment <.f Smart Dresses fur little Girls, just received. They are made of fast colored Ginghams and Prrcales, most up-to-date stvlet and shades. Sizes suitable for girls of (i to 14 ye-trs. Prices from 50c to |2 25. White Embroideries Same exceptional values in white Embroideries showing just now --all widths, fiom the narrowest edging to full skirt width. Corset cover width.i in handsome patterns at 25c Skirt widths 50c to 81..JO Allover Embroideries 50c to 81.50. High Grade Footwear You will find a collection of High Grade Bouts and Shoes here that can't be beaten anywhere. The newest styles and lasts in Patent Dongola, Gun Metal and Tan Leathers. Complete range of sizes for Man. Woman and Child All reasonably priced. Our $3.75 Lady's Shoe is special value and conies in Tan, Patent, Gun Metal, Kid, either Button er Le with the New High Toe and Heel. Rubbers to suit the very latest laats in all sizes. Tun Robbers if you want them. New Carpet Squares, Rugs, Linoleums, two ami four yards wide Window Shades and Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. Prepared Paints Alabastine and Jellstone, Turps, Raw and Boiled Oil, Paiut and Kalsomine Brushes. Everything Reasonably Priced, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. LOOK ! ! Now is the time for Eave-Trough- ing und Plumbing which I am giv- ing special attention to. Also I am prepared to give good value in Corrugated Iron Hoofing, puod material and work satisfactory. REPAIRING SATURDAYS. Call at F. L. McGUlvary's Tin Shop For Particulars Old Advonce Office. Flesherton. LOOK! LOOK! Spring Announcement For Housecleaning Time A good assortment of everything required for Houseclcauing New Wall Papers, New Prints, Varnish Stains and Brushes of all Kinds, Linoleums and Oilcloths. Do You Ever Sleep? j If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of ilic picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wiints. Springs and Mattresses to tit all lir 1:^. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sltep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Embroideries in skirt length widths and down to half inch. Very pretty allover Embroidery and allover Lace in Bilk and Satin. A nice range of Spring Dress Goods such as Satin striped Voils and Foulards. A hig assortment of Jklen's Furnishings in Fine Shirtr, Hats and Caps, Braces and Fancy 8)cks. Spring Suits ready to wear or tailor made suits. Satisfaction guaranteed. J/as. ^attison . (Ceylon /-* tf ttenrral ^Tle/^nant Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce WANTED AT ONCE A man with Home experience in horticul- ture to handle our I r-ide in Flesherton. Splendid opening and permanent position for the right parly. Write fer particulars nd state experience Uno Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurerie.s, e.staMished is::, TORONTO. ONT, mm Carefully Corrected Each Week SVheat ................... 85 to 86 Uata ...................... : to 43 Peaa ................ 1 10 to ] 10 Barley .................. 70 to 70 Hay ................ 10 00 to 10 00 Itutter ................. IMI .c Kugx, fresh ..... Potatoes pet bag J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. House Cleaning Time Now i.s tho time for House Furnishings. We have made pre- i>. rations for ahuve season in M lines. 'Rugs in Tapestry Wool BruH.--ew t exceptional)' h,w price.s. Carpets, Tapestry Wool, Union and Hemp From ll'i Cents to 81. 35. Piic ^ inoleumsalld0ilcloth<tinll "-Kfi vHaioties and at the Right Ol-RTAlNS \\\: have all the New Des.gns in Lace and Net curtains in W jute Cream Echru at prices from 50c to $4.50 per pair Sou our :: yard Lace Curtain at 40c. New Spring Goods ! Dress Goods Th* Neatest and Prettiest Uange of Fatteius and Colois we have ever shown. See our VoiUs, Gray Champayrw, Nile Oweu, with i very ucat stripe of P.lack. at 50o. Serges iu Navy. Black, Garnet, 60e toll 00 A full luieof fancy ami Tlaui Dress Goods 50c to $1 50 Wash Goods D . oO .c 32 , W . 20 t 21 | kS . 1 2.". to 1 25 | i( . JO .0 12 .VI H 12 12 pucks lo to 'liic-k.'i.M 10 tO r*jw 18 to 18i Wool 20 to 22j Some very pretty Colois and Patterns from 1M to 50c Prints Boots and Shoes Our Stock is now complete in all tho New Lats n Styles for bpnnp, and puces which cannot be beaten auywher and re - I IV!