RULE BILL Control of Customs and Excise not Conceded the New Irish Parliament A despatch froin London soys : The cardinal principle of the pre- Home Hule Bill. Premier As qnith Mated on Thursday, is the supreme authority of the Imperial Parliament, while ut the t-anic time real autonomy is conferred on Ire- land in regard to Irish concerns. The bill provides for the estab- lishment of an Irish Parliament, consisting of a Senate and a House of ( 'ominous with power to make lav. s for peace, oroVr and good gov- ernment in Ireland. The bill provi<les that the mat- ters to be excluded from the control uf the Irish Parliament are. the 1'rown, the army and the navv. Ini- pcrial affaiis, the Irish land pur- chase. and the old age pension and national jnsunrice acts, the Irish <-<'iistabulary. the post-oflive savings hanks and public loans. in addition to th"--" excluded by the Home RuK bill of 1893, which left the customs and cxein- under the con- trol of the Imperial Government. The Irish Constabulary is to bo automatically transferred to the Ii ish Government a f tor six years, and power is given by the, bill to tin- Irish Parliament, to demand the transfer of the old age pensions and Insurance Act to it? control on giv- ing a year's notice to the Imperial Government. The Irish Parliament is debarred from altering the Home Rule bill or the power to appeal to the Privy Council. Provision is made for the protec- tion of religious equality in Ire- land, and stipulating that the Irish Parliament cannot make law. directly or indirectly, to establish or to endow any religion, or to pro- hibit the free, exercise thereof, or to give a preference or privilege to any religion or to make any reli- gious ceremony a condition of vnli- dity of any marriage. The Ixuxl Lieutenant of Ireland is to have the powe.r to veto or sus- pend any bill on the instruction of the Imperial Executive, Any question regarding the inter- pretation of the Home Huh.' bill is to be settled by appeal to the Judi- cial Committee of the Privy Coun- cil. The Irish Senate is fo consist of fcirty members, and the House of Representatives of 1G-I, of which Ul- ster is to have 59 and the Universi- ties two. The Senate is to be composed of nominated members. In the first instance, the Imperial Executive is to control the nominations with a view to assuring the representation of the minority. The nominations are to he for a fixed term, mid as the members retire, by rotation the vacancies will b:- filled by the Irish Kxrcntive. In case of disagree- ment the two Houses arc to sit in joint session. The I/jrd Lieulenant is to bo head i>f the Kxcciitive. There will DC no religious bar, and he will hold) oflice for a fixed term. The authority of the Executive is tn b;- < ii cxtrnsivc with that of the Irish Parliament. The 164 repre- sentatives are to be elected by the existing constituencies, but no con- stituency is to have less than 27,000 population. The. collection of all taxes is to remain in the. Imperial service, and they will be paid into the Imperial Exchequer, which is to pay over to the Irish Executive an amount equivalent to the expenditure^ on Irish services at the time 'of the parsing of the Act. An additional and insurance schemes, sum of $2,500,000 is to be paid to as he sometimes names SILENT JOHN BURNS. John Burns is going down to Lan- cashire, where he will shake off "the cold chain of silence that has hung o'er him long." English gos- sips, who will insist on putting two and two together so as to make five, assert that his silence arises from the fact that there is no love lost between him and Mr. Lloyd George, who was not sufficiently careful to ascertain John's views about old age pensions, budgets, "J. B," himself, PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEAOINO TRADE CENTRES Of AMERICA. Price* of Cattle, Grain, Chees* and Other Produce at Homo and Abroad. BKEADHTTFF8. Toronto, April 16. Flour Winter wtieat 90 per eent. pa.ents. $3.85 at seaboard and at $3.90 for home consumption. Mani- toba floura First patents. $5.60; second patents, $5.10, :md etrong bakers', $4. 90, on trnek, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat No. 1 Northern, $1.1',, Bay porittj No. 2 Northern. M.ll, and No 3 at $1.07, Hay ports. Fwd wheat, all rail, 76e. Ontario whoa t -No. 2 .vhite, red and mixed, 96 to 98c, outside. J'eas-$1.20 to $1.25 outside. Oats -Car lots of No. 2 Ontario outside. 49 to 50e, and of No. 3 a. 47 to 48c. out- side. No. 2 Ontario, 52 to 53c on track, Toronto. No. 1 extra W. C. feed', 52c. and No. 1, 51e. Buy ports. Barley 48 |:oiinds at 88 to 90e, outside. Corn No. 3 Anifi-ic-an yellow 85e., To- ronto freight, and kiln-driod at 89c. Eye-SOc, Ruckwheat-70 to 72c outside. Bran- .Manitoba bran. $26, in bags, To- ronto freight. Shorts, 827.50 to $28. COUNTUY PRODUCE. Apples $3.50 to $5.00 per barrel. Beans Sin n II lots of hand-picked $250 to $2.60 per bushel. Honey- Kxtructed, in tins. 11 to 12c per Ib. Combs. U2.50 to S2.75. Haled hay No. I a". $16 to 816.50. on trark. and No. 2 at $14 to $14.50; mixed clover, $11 to $12. Baled straw- $9 to $10, on track. To ron to. Potatoes- Car lotn of Ontario*, in bag". $1.70, and Delawans at 1.85. Out-of-store, $1.85 ,o $200. Poultry- Wholesale prices of eho>e dressed poultry: Chickens. 15 to 17e per Ib.; fowl, 10 to lie: ducks, 13 to 15e; tur- keys, 21 to 22c. Live poultry, about 2e lower than the above. BUTTKR. KGGS, CUKESE. But. er Dairy, choice, in wrappers. Si) Ireland the first year, and this will therefore held his peace on all those diminish by $250,000 yearly until it is reduced to $1,000,000. The postal services are to bo handed over to Ireland. The Irish Parliament is to have legislative efforts. For a strange compound is John. As the first workingman to att'iin to Cabinet rank, he reflects unbounded credit to the class from which he sprang. ,. vu in*, viuss iiom wuwu nv ujrnuK* power to reduce or discontinue, the .. and the credit is not lessened br Imperial taxes, excepting the in come tax and the stamp and estate duties. It will also have power to alter the excise duties, but except in the case of beer and spirits it is debarred from adding to the cus- toms duties anything which will give a greater increase than 10 per cent . The Irish representation at \Ycct- minster is to be 42 members, one fur every 100,000 of the population. the fact that lie is entirely a Kelf- inade man ; but it is equally un- doubted Heaven lias given him a good conceit of himself. The late Krng Edward, who dearly loved his little joke, was wont so cynical to 32c: largo rollx. 30r; and infc'rior tuh<. '.0 to 22o. Creamery auotod at 36 to 37c for roll*. 3i<' for solids, per Ib. Eggs New-laid. 22 to J!c per down, in ca^e lots. Cheese Large, 16J-4 to 17c, and twins at 17 to 17 l-4i-. JHT Ib. HOG PRODUCTS. Baron. IOIIR clear, 121-2 to 123-4c per Ib.. in cane jots. Pork, ithor; rut, $22.50 to $23.00; do., mess. $19.50 to $20. Hams- Medium to light, 16 to 161-2r; heavy. 14 to 141-2c; rolls. 11 to l!l-2c; breakfast baron. 16 to 17.-; backs. 191-2 to 20e. Lard -Tierces, 131-4* 1 ; tub*. 131-2c; pails, lJ3-4i-. MONTKKAL MARKKTS. Montreal, April 16. Oats Canadian Western. So. 2. 54 10 541-2e: do.. No. 3. 50e; do., extra No. 1 feed, 51e; do.. No. 2 local white. 50c; do.. No. 3. 49e; do. No. people said to point ullt with bated I 4 - " 8 '- Barley Man. feed. 651-2c; do., .u , .... .1 maltinir. $1.05 to $1.10. Hurkwheat. No. breath to Visitors to \\indsor Castle | 2 . n to 73e. Flour-Man. Spring wheit the chair on which John Hums once patents, firsts, $5.70: do., neeonds, $5.20; soviet: TO FKAxru. Line to be I -.'li-lu- ' liclnecn Quebec and Havre. A despatch from Quebec says : News was received in town on \Vi dues-day cveninK to the effect that a direct service between Que- bec and Havre would be inaugur- ated during the coming season of navigation ly the Coinpagnic Gen- eral Transatlanti(|iie. The iteam- ers will sail from Quebec cvc'y 'our weeks, and will go to Havre dirixt, instead of calling at New York as at first intended. The first s.i'li'it; from Quebec will take place on May llth, the Niagara, 15,740 tons, be- ing the pioneer vessel. Cabin and ulcer age. passengers and general cargo will be carried. if TO ll.l.l STHATK FAK.MINU. ( (inscniilioii CiHiiinission Has Se- lected Siv Farms. A despatch from Ottawa says : The Conservation Cuiiiinissii/n has M'lceteil six farms in different p.-irt 1 - nf Cnrifi'la f<ir the purpose of giv- ing less nis in up-to-date farming. The commission is in possession of tlat-i indicating that Ciiua<lian farms are nut as fruitful as they might be. and it is intended to .-niMni- in FIVK ' III! KIM \ POI80HED. Diet! From the KlVecIs of Kalint; Urea. veil llerriiif;s. sat, and the bedroom in which John i - Burns once slept; and there were I rollers. $4.65 to $4.75; do., bags. 2.15 to .tber i>vil t .tilt I evU-t noonli. people +..UI told bn|JH Rolled oats--BrrelM. 5.35: do, $2Z5 Bran . $25 Shorts- A despatch from C'harlottetnwn. yet." Hut when all is said, the fact P. K. I., says: In two days Patrick remains that he is one of the most . - that when Sir Henry Campbell- 1 $27. Middlings -*29. Mouillie 830 to $34. Kannerman offered him a seat in | ^Ch^ -?!', "' w^rni." IM? \ the (. -ibmet, the imperturbable I51-2c; do., rastrruti. 141-2 -.o 15e. Butter elect of Hattersea replied: "The ' ( :. hoic '' H ' '"amery 34 1-2 to 3io; d.... ends. 33 1-2 to 34c. Kggn ! resh. 25 to most popular thing you have done and Mrs. Miigce, who reside about six miles from Montagu, have been bereft of five of their six children. The death of the children is sup- K-inarkable men of our time. He has about him all the charm of a strong, self-reliant manhood, and his dark, soft, gloaming eyes invite pused to be due to ptomaine pois- ; that confidence which men of all shades of political thought have not slow to repose in him. V INKS FOK 01,!) PIANOS. oning, brought on by eating decayed herrings, of which Mr. and Mrs. Magt-e and the five children par- touk freely at dinner. The sixth child was not at home. After din- ner the children and mother be- came ill and as their condition be- came more serious, Dr. Fraser, of M'Hit.igu, was sent for. He found all five children very sick, one of them dying an hour after his ar- rival. Two others died about 10 see- to 26,-. Former President of Wrecked Farmers Bink Captured at Chicago A despatch from Chicago says : Dr. W. Beattie Xesbitt, wanted in Toronto on a charge of participat- ing in a conspiracy to wreck the Farmers Bank of that city, was a rested in a South Side restaura on Thursday night. The prison was loca-ttd in a South Side hoi three days ago by detectives fro Assistant Chief Sohuttler's ofik-i and was shadowe.d day and nigh Thursday Detective Wallace a> rived from Toronto, and the san night the suspect was arrested. Detective Joseph C'ahill and Ma thew Barda took the prisoner t Schuttler's office, where he wt. confronted by Wallace, who di dared the man was Nesbitt. Th latter protested that the case w? one of mistaken identity. He dt nied that he. came from Toronto. After a brief examination, th suspect was taken to detecth headquarters, with orders that L should be kept from seeing any per- son except police officers. A few minutes later, however, he was placed in an automobile and rushed away from the City Hall to some Potatoes --Per bug, car lots. $1.75. UNITED STATKS MARKKTS. Minneapolis. April 16. Whrat May, $1.077-8 to $1081-1: July, $1.095-8 to $1.- 093-4; Ke|.tember. tl.OH-4; No. 1 hard. *!.- 101-2: No. 1 Northern, $1.091-2 to Ht.10; No. 2 Northern. $1.071-2 to $108; No. 3 wheat. $1.051-2 to *1.06. Corn- No. J yel- Oatu No. J white. W to low, 78 to 78 l-2c. Me. Kye So. 2. 86 to 861-20 Bran-$24 to $24.50. Flour- First paten. . $5 to $5- 30: do, seeoml*. $4.66 to $4.90: firm clear*. $3.40 to $3.75: do., wondti. $2.30 to 92.70. Buffalo. April 16. Spring wheat-Win- t<>r hiftluT; No. 2 red. $1.07: No. 3 red. Patagonia Couple Find It Conveii. lent Article of Furniture. A Labrador tribe, it is said, made' the barrels stolen from a wrecked whaler serve as ehimney tops; the West Indians utilized Timothv Dex- unite. $1.06. Corn -No. J yel- No. 4 yellow. 801.2,-: No. 3 -lock Saturday morning, within I t *' r 1 s warming pans for sugar ladles, fifteen minutes i,f each other, and and the Slians find no worse, use for Sunday morning the other children 'K llsh l>c'r bottles limn to stick passed away. The father and mo- ther have recovered. illusirntive farming to dcmo-i -i ""' Hudson Bav strut e. just what can be done. Tho, < ' ftllod . f" r >' III I) SON HAY RAILWAY. (. HM i min-iii Calls for Tenders fur Second Section of Kill Miles. A despatch from Ottawa says: for the second section of Itailwnv will be the Government ill them up as household godn to keep away evil spirits. But the drollest ini-t.'ince of converted usage occur- red when that ad venturous French- man, lie Tonnant. while, in 1'ata- giMiia. gave an old chief a wornmit grand piano which he had bought for 80 francs. A few days after making tliis gen- erous present, Di- Tonnant went niie morning to pay nn early visit to the I'atagonian. sleeping peacefully He found him with his wife, cominmeion hns c..ilecled reports j "': )st immediately This section hi,., wing that Canada's water-pow- wil '"' ' hundred tmles long, the rs are now bein utili/.-d u to ''""tract having already been award inside the piano, from which he had crs nre now being Utilised up to 'JOO.OOO.OOO horse power, with On- tario i-"ii-i<lcrably in the lead. Fur- ther statistical details are bring ob- tained. f<i HKITAIVS 101 Hill A IIM. I'roti-ion is Millie for M Veroplanes for the Army. A ill-- patch from London nays: Iiet.-iil" \M-I-<- issued mi Friday night in i !(/.! rd tn (in-al llritain's aviit tinii scheme. The plan calls for .'KM trniru-d flyers for the army mid forty at the beginning for the na\.\ Nol iii'irc thiin of these fly- ers, however, will lie trained Ibis yen i . l'r<i\ mon is m:i<li- fur M-l aero- planes fui t lie arniv, and twelv*- acro|.laneH and hydro a<-roplnne.s for the navy. About one-half the nui'-hine-. will be bought in (irent firsl dred and eighty miles from l<e I'ns to Thicket ['ortage. No decision has yet been made for the terminal UK between Nelson and Chun-hill, hut the former port is the nmre likely to he selected, owing to the slun-ler route. The engineer's re- port is being awaited NO SI, I Ml' IN CANADA. .Mr. II. iv- \\.IIM- Investors (o K\- iiniiii- till I'ropositions. A despatch from Lnndo'i savs : '" carefully removed sounding: board, strings, etc., and which, thus trans .formed, oonititnfeed a not uncom of one bun- 1 f ur table bedstead. TO START TIU (K FARM. Lord Soiu.-rs iiiul I/ord ll.vde n( Pickering. (o or Itefor* 1 sailing on \Ve:lne dny Canitrl.-i, President Hays of the ( I rand Trunk Itaihv.-iy, dcnving the t-ilemi-nl', (but ( 'an.'ida bad uver borrowed, warned the investing public t<i be inure careful in <'\,im- ining i ' iirnii.-in proposition! and ti 1!;- Iain, with a view of encoimigiiiK i take the advice of reliable tin.-. 'ici.'ll houses. He suw no reasuii to <-x- +-- pect the slump which some predict EARTHQUAKE IN Mil HI. ed o long ntt people kept Hooking I In- country. -i -I, mill nt Cepluiloiila i ml Mil ii-. i. A deHpaf.eli from Athens sayn : Tbi-re lias (K'ISII 11 series of cnrth- ; fpi.ilcev in the (Ireck Islaiuls o Ce|ili;i!oni/i and llhaeii. < 'oiisidc nl.lo .lainaee hns been sustained. H.\l, DROPS $.>..-!() A TON. - 1 HI)."-, i Full l.i er Known In I, on- don In One liny. A despatch from London sivys: Tin' price of coal dropped HH!..iO a A despatch from New York says: Lord Somers and I^nxl Hvde, both young men, came over in the Olym- pic to starl their two liundred ucro truck farm at I'iekering, rieur To- ronto, l.ady Hyile came with her husband, briiiginir her thrive chil- dren. They will spend their sum- mers on the farm and their winters gland. 1 .0 rd Hyde said bis hi-eomiiii; n truck fanner is an ex- periment, and thnt if it proves suc- cessful he >ind Lord Sinners enlarge their holdings. in. iv MCTOItY FOIl ITALIANS. 105; No. 2 low. 823-4c; corn. 803-4 to Bl l-4e ; No. 2 corn, 781-2 to 791-2i-, ill on truck, through billed. Oitn No 2 win-... 6U-; No. 3 whitr. 60 l-4c : No. 4 white, 691-4,'. Hurley -Malting, tl.25 to LIVE STOCK MARKKTS. Montreal. April 16. Choice nteer Hold at 7 to $7.25, nt $6.25 to (675, anil the lower itr.nlcs f rom that down to 15.50 per hundred poumlx. The best eow brought $5.50 anil .he commoner ones from $3.50 to $5 IIIT ewt. Bulln mid from $3.50 to $5.50 per cwt. Selected lot 8 of lioit". *9 to $9.25 and W.50 per ewt.. weighed off ears. Prices of calvcH ruled ote.ut.v. with bales ut from $2 to $8 each. IIH to *Uc and quality. Nnlen of lanilis mere tuude at $7 to $725 per ewt.. and the few sheep of- fered Hold nt $4.50 per cwt. Toronto. April 16. Individual enf.le sold us high IIH A7.20 and $7.20. where quality was really choice. Several loadH of Bood butcher cattle Hold from $6.60 to $7.10. Medium to (rood butcher cattle fetched from $5.50 to 96 25. and common eattle from $4 to $5. Choice fat cow a'id hulls 8tilil from $b.50 to $6. and (rood medium COWK ranged from $4.50 to $5.50. Cminern were i|iiotcd at $2 to $3. Sheep Htid luinhH were also wafer and higher. r'irnt-clasH cw.'* mill! at $7. anil choice yearling hitnhs riuiKeil from $7 to $9. Spring lanihs sold from $5 to $8. lli>nn were firmer avail) at $8.60 to $875. fed and watered. Calven of all kindx were stronic from $3 to $3.50. if Ml ST i \i:i i OILS. l'ro\ isioiis lismi; Sliin.lanls Vegetalilo Oils. of A olesiiatch from Ottawa says : Under the provisions irf the Atlul- tenition Act an order-in-cnuncil has been passed fixing the standards for "edible vegetable oils." These in- clude olive oil and enttoii seed oil, the sfindards of Duality of which are set forth in t'u- order. It is provided that either of these may be sold as salad oil, but when eot- tonseed oil is offered as sal.'ld oil the fact that it is cotton seed oil must be declared on the label. Tho same rei]uirenient is exacted in re gard to mixtures of cottonseed oil CHINA'S AI'l'MAL TO CANADA Save Starvins Millions \Vilh Ou; S;i|i.-rubn n dance. It has been well said that Clti.i; ,s the pivot of the grerxt movement: of to-day, and that in Asia the 20tl entury is t'hina's, as it is Canada's n America. China is now the seen* jf a transformation, the must mar- velous in history, and since, in this apidly shrinking world, Canada and China are now neighbors, it is mportnnt that such neighbors should be well disposed to each >ther. The present famine in China is he most distressing in m.iiiy years ind comes at a time when the coun- ry is filled with the anxieties of he revolution and the new govern- ment is short of funds to carry on he administration or give relief to he suffering districts. When we consider the situation of China in the midst of this deluge f troubles and contrast it with our >wn land, so favored by heaven with >rosperity in every province, we nay well ask whether the world has >ver witnessed such an appalling need on the one side and such an opportunity to help on the other. If we reflect that a si.igle night's untimely frost would blight our own harvest, we will not deny our de- pendence upon the providence of God for our nation's prosperity. We could not close our ears to this cry for help without fearing a si'iii lar indifference if our own nation were sunk in like miseries. If we had six successive failures of crops, as in some provinces of China, fol- lowed in the last year by floods that swept away every vestige of food, where would be the enthusiasm, the boasts of material wealth, the pride of empire ami all the self-glorifica- tion of human achievement that now resound fnm the prairie to ihe mount nin and tho sea,' Seeing, then, that it is by no special merit of our own that the clouds have dropped fatness upon us, what sh'iuid our duty be but to save the starving millions \>f China with the superabundance of Canada. The Chinese are proverbially a grateful people, and there eon Id be no iiner expression of international good will or a better antidote to racial animosities than for one nation to come to the aid of another in such a time of trial. It would come back to Canada in reciprocal gooc dwill. a".d even in trade, many fold. The United States, by refunding part of the Huxer indemnity, made a deep impression upon China, a'ul is already reaping a reward, for that country appears in the popular imagination as the only friend of the new Chinese nation. Canada has now the clianee i>f winning the friendship of China to an equal ox- tent, and as a Christian nation we can makV no mistake in an caniest attempt to save human life. Hence, the fi.rnuition of the "Ca- nadian National Fund, China Fam- ine Relief," to aet as a channel through which information may he circulated and contributions for- warded as coming: from Canada di- rect. Similar funds arc being raised by the Amorirra Ked Cross Sucietv and other bodies in the United States, who have alreadv forwarded $170.1100 to the Central Committee in Shanghai, China. It is hoped that Canada will ho equal- ly generous. Alreadv $14,000 has been cabled from Canada, contri- in General Before Your Eves. CANADA. The grants to the veterans of '66 will be distributed as applied for. Mr. W. 1). Killins of Southwold has been appointed fair wages in- spector for Ontario. Miss Gingras, a young woman teacher, was suffocated in a fire in a Montreal boarding house. The Canadian Northern Railway made a successful test of its first gas-electric car on Friday. One hundred dollars a square foot was paid for a block of laud on St. Janus street. Montreal. The Government has renewed the Atlantic mail contract with the Al- lan Line for another year. The headquarters of the Porto Rico Railway Company have been changed from Montreal to Toronto. The Government is to spend an- other million and a quarter on new rolling stock for the Intercolonial. New Zealand deeided to sent twenty cadets to compete at the National Exhibition at Toronto. Sir Robert Perks, ex-M.P., claims that his company could build the Georgian Bay Canal in five years. The Duke of Connaught is said to be interested in a scheme for the reorganization of the Canadian militia. Percy Sawtelle was thrown ovet his horse's head at the Calgary Horse Show and received shocking injuries. Two big track-laving machines began work on the Regina and Cal- gary sections of the Grand Trunk Pacific. The Supreme Court of Alberta has given judgment for the Pro- vince in the 87,000,000 great water- wavs bond suit. Four freight cars went through a bridge at Cody's Station, N.B. A car containing about 40 passengers on the rear of the train remained on the track. The county of Middlesex has made a proposition to the London City Council for the erection ot joint municipal buildings to cost half a million dollars. A C.I'.R. passenger train ran in- to a rock slide near KamWps on Thursday. Engineer Walker and Fireman Hoskinson were killed, but no one else was injured. GREAT BRITAIN'. Lloyd's returns for the past year were published, showing a record tonnage for Brit'sh shipbuilding. The|iiis of Stafford was 'Hur- ried to Lady Eileen Butler in St. Peter's Church, London, on Fri- day. nnd olive oil; it must bo stated on 1 1 i r ., i i i .i "i ,' billions having In-en received from Newly-Arrived Troops ntprliiod "* ' alu ' 1 t|lMt ""' contents of the 1 r !' I! 1 1. 1 die ejuninns last week' '"" "" l - >ilny. This is the hi^csl i . <l an ini rni'i- ,.f |473,000. ever known in one day. Turkish Forces Around /n,,n,. A desn.'itc! from Itume sny : In nccnnlance ^ -1th the pre.'iiTiinn -i\ plan, while the Italian .|ii.idnm was creating ;i diversion by bum biirding the Turkish position 1 , around /mini. In the \vost of Ti ; pili, ;i lill-ye foi'er of l.l'nops <lirert from ll.-iK l-iudrd iinil oceiipied an importiint slnileu'ie poi'it on the const of l.ilna. The <>|>erntioii is reported (o have been a brilliant sneeess, the Italians nut losing ;v ' : iij.'!e man. package are a mixture, 25 IM'R CK\T. TO <'\\\l)\. SI.05S Kmiirnillls l.cfl Irrljiml Onr- hi" (lie Year l!ll. A despatch from l.o-idou says: A Board i-f Trade statement, i-. sued o'( Friday, shows that lii.n.'ss emix-. rn;ts left Ireland during t'ie venr Hill. Of thi< number ! .')HI churches, individuals; and civic cor- porations. Mr. Joseph Henderson. Vice-Pre- sident of the Rank of T >ro:ito. is treasurer of the fuml, and o'ltrihu- tions m;\v he ie'it direct to him or through any branch of the Bank of Toronto. The mint at Ottawa will begin the coinage of live and ten dollar i?nld p'i--es next mo"tb. but Hon. W T. to the I'niteil States tied 5, j \\hte has divide I not to eoin any -17S to Ciinndn. il\er dollars i"r the present. UNITED STATES. Col. Roosevelt swept the Penn- sylvania primaries. American locomotive engineers., by iv large majoritv have voted for the calling of a strike. Miss Clara Bnrto'i. founder o{ the American Red Cross Society, died in her Hist year, on Frklav. GENERAL. A monument to tho late Victoria was dedicated in Italy on Friday. CADKTS I'Ofi CANADA. New Xriiliinil to Compete at Nu* luo-.-l i:\hibilion. A .'*iputc!i from London aysi The ('overturn-lit ot" New Zealand has decided to send a detachment of -0 senior Cadets to compete at the Canadian E.\hihitiin. \IMI<. a- lid u ill also be repres.- t -J.