,1, 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED NOT MEN.' VOL 31, NO 4t Fleshier-ton, Ont., Thursday, April 18, 1912 W, H. THDBSTON ni for tDe soie purpose 01 gumme ..>.- penivo investor!, and. it possible, of la* thsm from losing money thronn filaring it in "wild-oaf enterpriies. The ImpartinI and reliable character of the information may be relied upon. J writer of theae articles and the publisher or this paper have no interests to r In connection with this matter other tnan thcica of tha reader. (By "Investor") After bank stocks the Canadian inves- tor has a :.jng list to choose from. oiar. in the rouutry's history, the well aged trust companies' and loan compan- lea' shares have been en.irely t tory-far mora so ttan bank snaret, ana very profitable; though sometimes of ra- ther narrow market. But the danger c making the mistake and buying share! gome of the ill-managed or new companii L great enough "o make it scarcely wise to give these a prominent place. Public utility companies' -' one titii* prime favorites shares were at the Cana- lEugenia Paragraphs Miss B. Geuoe has bfn visitiusr friends in Kimberley the past week. M :- .1 H. McMullen and Etta Latimer have gone again to resume their duties >*8 teacben, the former goes to Wode- house, the latter goes to Uarkaway. Misses Cora Williams and Annie Hislop were home fruin the city for the holiday, and will have to remain a while longer -n account uf bad roads Mrs. Woudburn is slowly improving. Mr. Fred Smith of Parry Sound He returns III liUVJ !.* iwvw - , | dial investor; but the competition or t Hydro EUM-trlc rommisnion of Ontario! present ha* put these stocks out of t^or. Ana. fe mh } proposes putting iadd-d. an investor wan unfortunate wno held shares in the smaller companies, such the London Elee.rk-. in whi<-h c-.mpe- Alt VH*. UUliUVU ut^ * - - tif.ion hv the government has wip<l out about 90 per cent, of the shares valm>. Before the Hydro-Ele.-tric entered Lon- dou the stock of the London *<-'>> rornpauv sold as high a* 1M. in 1899. a 97 in 1904. Sinre th*n it has sold around 15. and it ia doubtlul if one could <ret much more for it. I know on widow much ta / - - unfortunate enou*-h M havp 25 snares, whieh coat her abont ..00. aow worth but little more than $350. N" doubt lha march of progress justifies tins: bnt w "My little ^on hit a ''very" ' tfe"6if<Wil. "' was recomended to try Chamberlaiu ' Cough Remedy, and before small bottle was finish. fit.ln- wi< :i well as ever," writes Mrs. H. Silk*, LtHXtwling Street, Sydnty, Aiixtralia. 'this rnuedy is fm- sale by all dealer*. i district is visiting his parents here at to the north tiii> the summer. Mr. E. Smith if Markd-tle is visiting his friends here, liefore takiiif a trip out West. Why is it that all of can't get a Utame .' Ceylon Mr. Buchanan of Grand Valley arrived on Thursday to take charge here as C. P. R. night agent. W are very sorry indeed to report Mrs. J. Caiina very ill again. Miwes. Ness, and Sybil Collinsoii have returned after spending a . week in the yueeu city. Mrs. W. P. Croaaley of Flesherton >^int a couple of days with Mrs. J. Cairns the past week. Mr. W. White o>oed into his hi-utse lately purchased fr-jm Mrs. Jas. Sproat. Mr. (ieo. Snell had woodbee on Friday itftermwii and a party in the evening which was thoroughly enjoyed t>y all present. Mrs. H. Tucker held a successful sale of household etfec'.s on Thursday afternoon. Mr. l>. McPlmil wielded the hammer. Min Nixon of Mono Rood spent a few days of Easter week at Mr. D. McLeod't*. Mr. 11. Bennett has purchased the residence mid property of Mr*. U. Tucker and will move there shortly. Mrs. J. L. Woods was oilleil to To- ronto last week to the beilaide of her brother who is lying very ill. Mrs. J. McMillan is viMting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.)Boniei,in Owen Sound. Mrs. H. Tucker m visiting Markdale friends thi* week. Mr. Tin i. McArthur Imd a successful woodUe Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hiid Mrs. (ieo. Cairns and two children of (JlenelUi, Man , are expected here Tuesday of this week to visit the former's mother, Mrs. J. Cairns, who is very ill, A very interesting case was heard here ia the Orange hall, ou Thursday even- ing, when Mr. R. burnside of Markdnle had Mr. S. Wright of new Markdale. before Magistrates M -Mullen .ml Koyd, for assault. Mr. Wright was found guilty and b'ned $:*> and costs. Mr. Wallace appeared for Mr. Hurnsido :md Mr. P. MeCullou;h for Mr. Wright. A ti. .in do people wore present :ind sonu- ten witnesses were .-xamiind. The case lasted abaut three hours, leaving some twenty people of Markdule for the night ruin to walk home. Wondv how l':it. enjoyed tho ur young im-ii when one of them can drive a girl to the train to go for her holiday and received 'mother off the train to spend the holiday. Mr. John E. Williams has returned Home from hi* visit in Toronto. Mr. Fred Pedlar visited his little sou. Arthur, in the Children's Hospital, Toronto, last week, and reports him doing as welt as c<tn be expected. Mr. L. Munshnw is home at present. Mr. W. Uruh.im is slightly improving in health. Mr. I.evi Duckel is able to be around again, after suffering tive weeks with an ulcerated tooth, having it. lanced se\eral time.s. Our Beaver river somewhat resembles the St. Lawrence tins spring. Some of our people had to use a raft to -^et to their burns to feed the stock this week. Mis* Prl McMaster gave a birthday party to her girl friends on Fiiday afrer- noou. This was Ihe tirtt Iwn party of the season. All had a Koodtime. M;>- Katie .liunieson IMS been laid up with a severe cold the past week. Maxwell Intended for I. mi week The W. 1. hole! a npccial meeting lust week at the home of Mrs. Ryckmati, the object of the meeting Iwiiig to arrange for a concert to be held on May 1. A varied program will U- prepared com- posed of readings, recitations, drills and music, both vocal and instrumental. The committee are securing the >>est talent and we hope for a ifood concert. Mr. D. K. Preston left last week with hm daughter, Mrs. (Kev.) Currie, with whom lie will visit for i\ tim*. Mr. Proitcm intends to n.ak his home with his son, Dick. He will be much missed in this community. Mis Preston left last week to visit with her niece, Mr*. Bealtie, near IVlark- dale. Our school teacher, Miss -(>f-u! Kisier at her parental home. Portlaw Willie White, who hits been in delicate hcallh fur considerable time and lately contracted pnuumouia, tiied on the 'Jud inst., ased I- years. Deceased riw ion of the lute Win. J. White and lived wich his grandparentf, Mr, and Mrs. Ki-tnces Shier. An only sister, Milli\ survives him, aud to her and other triends much sympathy is expressed. Mr. Thomas Sherwood has been in a very poor state of health lately. Miss Fanny llemphill leturiied from visiting friends in Toronto, Mr. Wesley Cooey, who was injured in the wreck ut Jack Fish, has returned hume. He is improving. Mr. Fred Pedlar and niece. Miss Uel- mer Pedlar of Toronto, upmt Kaster holidays ut the former's parental home on the 4th lino. Mrs. U. T. White entertained the Mt. /ion church cli-ir one evening recently. The recent freshet proved the moist disastrous ever experionccd here. The Saugeen river raised suddenly to ;i height never known before. Th bridge on 70 sideroad was demolished and long strerch of roadway destroyed. A bridge on the Centre Line wus idso budly dam- a^esl. Considerable lo*s 1ms been sus- titiued by private parties by fencing be- in^ swept awuy and dohris bein^ depos- ited ou their fields. In some cases con MiiiT.it>l. real estate has chunked hands without consideration or conveyaiu-or's services, and snme has uhaiijjed from one concession to another. Ditches, culvert.-, and bridges wore little respected by llio ice-crammed, frantic torrents. Dundak The lirst big hen-fruit >t ihuseason was brought ti> the Hsrald office u Saturday by Robt. Mills, of the Gravel Road, Mel aiicthou. The egt;meiisuredt)jjx8J inches and was laid specially lor Kastcr. Messrs. T. F. Lock hart and J. K Richards left for the West on Thursday They will go :is far as Alberta. The for mer, who has : wide experience, has a special commission to locate lauds fin- syndicate of investors in this locality. They will be *bt>ut about four weeks. The taxes for Dundalk levied in 1!H1 amounted lu $0!W, This wus ill paid by April I with the exception of five. .in ill sum* totalling $15 against unoccu- pied property which was returned in de- fault to the County Treasurer. We doubt if any municipality in this district can show ai clean a sheet. Herald. 7 eversham Items Intended for last week We .-ire glad to report that Mrs. Robt. trown, who baa been very ill, is able to >e around again. Mr. Fred Brovn uf Forest wa.s lonie wo week* ago to see his mother, .>!;. was ill. Mr. aud Mrs. Clark and ton and Miss ioneychnrch of Toronto werejwith Capt. iaibtilaiiil at the S. A. Barracks for unday evening. Owing to the coudi- ion of the roads the crowds were small. \Ve understand that Mr. Win. Hendry as bought George Barber's farm on tho inn line. Miss Caverly and Mr. ; Kirby arespend- 1 Kaaler holidays at their respective limes. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wood of Markdale live been visiting the former's sister, ilia. John Linley, the pa^t week. Bnrber Bros , who are moving out weat this sprint;, are having dilliculty in Retting their goods to the station owiiur, i the bad roads. Mr. Shelly Heron of Toronto visited at his parental home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davidson and itfle son, Ross, visited with Mrs. Dav- dson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. llobett .-own of this village last week. This week's Iieius Miss Caverly and Mr. Kirby, our school teachers, have resumed their duties in our school again . Mr. H. Hollingshead of South River * visiting friends in and around our tillage. Miss Liwie Hale of Oranneville came lome fur the K isvr huh'lays. The funeral of the late Sirs. David Wuod took place mi Sunday afternoon !ast. Mrs. Wood wa* one of Osprey's early settlers. Shu came to >nprey a id many years ;igo and with her life partner hrwud ou' a home in the forest, as Osprey wa.s, where they brought up a family of six children. Mr. Wood dit-d about a year ago. There is left to mourn four sons and two daughters M; Lin- ley of Fevershiim, Mrs. Kirby of Toronto and the sons. Thorn** of Newmarket, Heuerich of Toronto, Matthew of Mark- dale aud Theodora uf Michigan. A !i : concourse of people followed the remains From the home of her daughter, Mrs. Linley, in ilu.- village, to ilia Precbyter- i cemetery. The funeral service was conducted by Kcv. James Phiinister of Maxwell. Mrs. Kerby and Mr. Hcncricb Wood (Toronto aud Matthew Wood of Mark- dale attended the fuueral of their mother on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. Heron and daughter Florence left on Wednesday last for Cabie. S;isl;., the home of (hair son Fred, where they will remain for tha summer. We understand that the annual week .f self denial of thuS. A. will commence on May 5. Capl. Marshall the officer hen. 1 , will have charpe of the effort this car and ii confident of reaching tha tar get of his corps. Horn --To Mr. md Mrs. James Conn of t'cveisham, on Thursday, April 11, a son. Master Lawrence Uiiinliii of Toronto has returned home after spending a week with his grand mother, Mrs. R. V. Burk if Maple (irove farm. Mrs. Eber Smith is holidaying with lends in Toronto. Principal .Johnston of ourcuntiuual ion choc), spent Raster vacation ut hie par- ntal home near Lislowell. Mes.srs. Charles E. Stuait uf Parry sound, J. E. Hainmond and W. O. lammond r-f Meuford, Victor Ellis of iauiilton, and ihe Misses Eva McGee of Jherry Grove, Delia Abercrombie of leathcole, uiul M.iy Uutchinsoii of Vfarkdile, spent the Faster vacation at feeir respective homes. R. R. Faircelt spent ;v few days ree- ntly in Collingwond 'ii .1 combined u.siness and pleasure trip. Born On April 5, I o Mr. and Mrs. \!M i- I Hill, a daughrer. The Grey Co. Department of Agricul- nre has leased Mr. \V. T. Ellis' apple rt.-h.ird for demonstration purpose*. Calton Ferguson visited Thornbury riendii recently. Mr. Albert Ellis returned home <>n Saturday from Parry Sound district. where he h.n spent the past live or six nonths. ','tiii e a large number of the >'.,. eoplu of b.ii !i sexes joufueyetl over to \lr. Henry Cargoe'a sugar bush <>n Fri- day night last, where they boiled do n i considcraUe amount of ap inU< taffy. ifter which it was devoured by t! -iun multitude. The singing of the Can- adian N.itiMii.il Anthem about midnight concluded a very pleasant evening spent Before the cainu lire among the sugar u.ipli-s. No, the sap was uot sroleil but wag previously purcli.-tsed from Mr Cargo. A number of leek fstival.i were held n our burn duriug the past week . There was certainly a smell time. The regular monthly meeting of the local branch <.f the O.W.I, will be held n the public hall on Thursday afternoon. April -'.'', it 2.30 p.m. A full attendance s requested. Riverdale Intended for last week The fast and furious thaw of last week reduced the thaw considerably. Misses Ina niul Myrtlu Mathers ol Beaverdale visi'.ed frien J.s in this vicinity on Saturday. BeiiiK professionally disqualified, out toucher. Miss Edith Scott, returned t her h'une at Inglewood for keeps. \V hope tlint the next society jewel from thi south will be more efficient goods pro fessiouiilly. Misses Kupheiiim anil Nellie Stephen son pleasantly entertained :i number o their friends to a luscious tally party m Thursday evening. Found in this vicinity recently, a lady' ringwood glove, nearly new. The lose can obtain saiuo by nailing at the River dale jewelry works. We cleaned on stovepipes recently so do imi need then any longer. The member* of the Kiverdale Impe rial checker club were royally entertainc at the home of Mr. anil Mis. Kd. Uonn elly of Wodehotise on Tuesday "evening The culmination of Ihe friendly chocke " Waterloo" with the Wodehousices be Ing is anticipated, .-mother great an glorious victory for the " Impei-inl." 1 return match between the professional ex-champions of Wodehousc and Ihe Riverdale Imperials will be plnyed in this vicinity in the near future. River- dale fans nnd rooters cordially invited to si.iy at home. <imberley Budget Beautiful spiing Weather. The Beaver river ia on its annual Honor Rolls for Report of S. 8. No. 7, Arlemesia, March : Class .-) -Lillian McPhail, Clara Gil- chnst. Class 4 Clark McMulleu and Lottie Muir, equal ; Walter WillianiKon, Aix-lne Whyte, Ralph Williamson. Sr. 3 Robbie Dingwall, Duncan Mc- Millan, Wilfrid Parslow. Jr. :! Frank Williamson, Ethel Gil- ehrist. Bobs Meads, Mury Whyte, Jim McLean. Sr. 2 Elmer Muir, Jim Whyte. Jr. 2 Annie (iilchrUl, Sarah McLean. Part '-'-Allie Parslow, Beatrice Wal- ters, Sadie Whyte. Sr. 1 John Dow. Jr. 1- Mabel Gilchrist, Fred Whyie. Average attendance 1H. - E. WILMIX, Teacher. 1 1 .n t be Mir|>riM-<l if ymi have an attack f rlieumatisai this itprinK. Jiut rul> the ffecteil parts freely with Chamhwlain ' Lini- iviit and it will *<>n disappear. $<M by til <lvalvrx. Vandeleur Happenings Plowing 1ms commenced. Sugar making is the order of ImsineHs just now. Mr. and Mrs. J . M. 1 ' i . -. and daugh ter, Julietta, spent Kastor wuek with friends in Toronto. Herb. Baker, after working in this neighborhood for the past two ninths, has lelurned to his home at Co!!ingwi>od. Thomas Shannon ot' Corlietton re newed acquaintances here lust week. Mibs Robie Gilbert has returiu-d hoiue afier spending n week with friends in the C'ity. Miss I'ietl, trained nurse ut Owen Sound, is a visitor at Mr. Beards. William liibson of Orange Valley ha.s engaged with A. Wyville as farm belp for i hu summer. Marshall l:V,-tru has overhauled hi; portable sawmill and 1ms everything in shape to >l-irt operations this week. Miss Alice Gill-ay his returned to her homo in Toronto after an extended visi' her siscer, Mrs. George Wright. Miss Lillian Fawceltof Kimberley is viMiin" at C. B. Boknd's. \ ..11 will luok a Rom' while before voii tiin alii'tti'i'lbetter medicine for . ..1:11 ami ould thr.n '.'liauilH'rlnin's t'(iii({li Ui>iiif<ly It no unly gives reliut it Mires. Try it when yoi havi- ;t iii)(li ui a I'ulil. and you iuo uertail to be i>lased with the |>roni|it euro wlii> lii it will elfivt. Kr sale by alUloalern. your KavDiuximwvr.by atUiulinK tn TORONTO, ORT Best plco in CMimlafur Hi(jli Ura<l UIISMH-I Kducatlou. Fhter uow. upon all vear: Cati fre. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. . BURT In diseases ol tbe W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler Km rheimiatimn you will rind nodiiug bet- 1 cr than t'liumderlain's Liniment. Try it FLESHERTON - ONT. nd see how ipiii-klv it given relief. Fur sale all dealers Atxclallst Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat O Oik at. W*st, Owen Sound At Hie Uovere house, Markdale, 2nd Thor*day nali month aVntn 8 to U a. m. Pi i ml aft, lat Thuraday of *ch mouth. How About Eggs Today? The winter's best prices for eggs, butter and other farm products may be obtained bv Bell Telephone Investigate our Rural Line Plan as extensions in this section are now under consideration. Write our nearest Local Manager or call at the office and get particulars. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. SEEDS SEEDS We are the oldest Seed Store in town and we only carry tho best. A choice from the best hliuscs. (.'nine in and see them. Timothy Seed. Ked Clover. Mammoth Clover, AltaKr. Clover, Alsiko Clover, Sewiiin Rape, Orchard (.Jrass. The l*st acsortinent of Turnip Seed, Mangel Seed and Sugar Beet. In Flour and Vegetable Seeds we can give yuti :i l>is; choice. Sweet Pens aim Nasturtion Seeds in packages and bulk. In Corn wo have Croniptou's Karly, Longfellow, North Dnk.'U, Etc. W. E. RICHARDSON SO N Spring Suitings Wo hove .just received our supply ot Spring Suiting* - latest I'litterus and in great variety. We can supply you with the ii"i>l'iit suitings for spring and summer dono up in the be*t style of art tailoring. Our price are ri^ht. Drop in and look at our nood, whether you order ur_uot. We want to make your Sprint; Suit. S. J. BOWLER, VBUSKIN BLOCK, - THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR FLESHERTON.