Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1912, p. 8

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April tl, 1912 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS Icuiax)uaH * YOUNO 1 Hackers Markdale -eneral banking business. Mom-y loaned at "reasonable rM Call on us. TCHISLHTT. }'o>tuiuU<r, y. Commiuiouer in H. C. J , Conveyancer, deeds, moruwex !*. will* eU oarolully drawu up ollectioui! mad?, uiiaryet reasonable. Also groceriw. flour, feed etc. kept lu tock. I'ricea riht. R .I tfr-KOULE, Flesherton v ,ommlMioner in H.O J., Auctlonee COD- *avaui'r, Appraiser and Money l.uuaer Heal Kutate and Iniiuranoe Agent. Ue<1h. morteixe", leaaet an-l willi oarelully drawn and iluatloni made on shortest notice ony to loin at lowest rates of interoit. Col. B-tioas attended to with proun>tn8 enr.! low. Agent for Ocan Dominion ip Company. A call solicited. Farms For Sale or Rent PAKM POHBALK-l.otno 2. in the .th coo- cession otthe townuhip ul ArtciueBia, con- taining 100 acre!*, citfbty-nvu acres ciared, balaue hardwood uuiber. I'rnperty of the lateW. J. lleatty. There i a bank barn Mill roiighcatt houueon preuiiBim anil is wull watered. Will bw olil on reabo.iablo terum. Apply to JameHL. McMullen, I'oyluii p. o.,Oot. i.-"i: - M.I >! aoi <.- terms. If nut ' aold Boun, for rent to suitable teua~t, North half lot 39 a'idlcit iO, coo.l), Arteiiisis>, and lot 1, con. 12. Guprey. 200 acres, about 190 cleared balance ii:otly timbered land, hard audso/t wood ; gor : stone dwullinK and frame barn, sttblinK under; well watered with never- ftilinK small spring creek crossing farm close to barn: Thi i an excellent grain or Kra/.lng | farm and will be sold very cbeui) if taken at once and ou easy terms. Appl) to It. J. Bproule, FleBherton.Ont. DilcPHAIL, Lic*usd Auctioneer for tb County of Grey. Terms moderate and fatisiaction K uaranteed. The arranemente 1" dat. s of file, can be made a'. TH* ADVANCK !lm. Henidence and P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone onnection. Dec. 6.07. V1TM KA1TTISO, Licensed Auctioneer tor W tbe couoiles of Urey and *>!><=<*> Farm and Stock aales a Bi-e-.ialty. 1 ei-me moderate. BatUfaction guaranteed. ArrauR.. a.ent for datee may be made at tbe Advance ,,ffie or A: T. Hutcbinaon'i. Htore, eerbra by addressing uie at Kevenbaui, Ont. RUDD MATHF/.VB. MarkdaJe. Li auc'.ioueer for the county of Orey. Good wnrice at reasonable rate*. Date, can be made at Tbe Advance. o09 I HARVEY PERIGOE, broker, Flesherton General brokerage busineen. Insurance of . v er\ kind placed in eafe and liberal companies. Keal <-tate etc.. Open accounta and past due uoti-8 handled and money advanced thereon. Correspondence solicited. if till SALH aheap and on easy terms Lots 1 * and 2, con. 11 Ouproy ; 200 acres; frame dwelling, frame barn and i*tablii)K under; about 170 dcrvs clearo'l and un-ler cultivation. Homo Hplundid cudar with other mixed tinibur on balance, also two Ktnall orchards bearing. Wcl watered ;nevei failing prinR creek. Splendid UiagrailBC farm. Aiiplv to It J.Bproulu Klesherton or Samuel Osborne, Maxwell, VAKM FOR SALK-Very cheap, 100 acres. L lot 9, cou. 7, Oeprey, only *JOOO, reaeouabln cash payment, baltuce easf terms, K> acren cleared, well fenced and in blub state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortabln frame dwelling, atone cellar under, never fail- log spring well and windmill pump at door, uew frame barn, well flnidheri, utone Btabliuf; with npriny w>tr under, also iu shed. It in situated ; mile from Maxwell village whern tb*:rB are stores, post offices, Rood school, and is on the (travel road, 9} inileafrom railway station. II sold at once, abovu price, though VERY CHP.AP might bo shaded a little. Apply to It. J. SI'KOULK, Fleeherton, or THOMAS GUY. ou promises. -f MEDICAL D R CA M C P & 8 Ont. Pbyiiclan, Surueoii ve Office and residence Peter St., Fleshertoi. JP OTTEWELL Veturlnary Surgeon Graduate of Ontaiio Veterinary College, residence aacond door south ieat.OD .ry street. This street rum south Presbyterian Church. BWIUiON, Jllacksinith Graduate of tue Veter ..>ry Bclenc Association. Durham Uree.. !..)>!. lire's hardware. This May Interest You We want a reliable man to sell our "well known specialties in fruit trees, 1 * snml fruits, heed potatoes, flowering shrubs roses etc., in (ircy^countyl during fnl and v, ii.iiT HI. mill-., i ii t t tit f r ee, ex- clusive territory, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock j Clean well grown trees and slutiKs that will satisfy your customerx. Karly mid good delivery MI u, mi ,.>.!, Katalili.slit'd over ;55 years. Write for whole or part time term!*. - il'> Manager, 1'KLHAM XUKSKRY CO., 15 Dec. 11 Toronto. DENTISTRY |\r E. C. MURRAY I,. O. S., dental surgeon *J bouo. graduate oJ Toronto UoiTersity and Kff al Colleee ot Dental Surseonn of Ontario, Gas adniisinisteied for teetb eXtrsct on Office at residence, Toronto Btreet. FlesUerton. ' LEGAL , UCA8. HANKY & WALLACE-Barristen;. - Solicitor., etc.- 1. H. Lucas., K. C. . W . Itanev K f J. H. O. Wallaee. ((Bit-eii, VSKoto. Wa T.adors Huik ujain MIi!;MarkdaleI-ucai Mlock. Hraucli ottice at Oundalk open ever Boar for Service l*urel>re'l Yorkslijre Hoar 'J ye&rn old, for ervlco on lot ;*", c>ou. M, ArtuinoHia. Turnis 1,00. AI.EX. CAMKRON. ENTER ANY DAY Specially arranged cournen at ^^-^ M * rt n T- t / r- n * / ^3 (he w H WHIQHT Barrister, Solicitor, Coney- aneer """-Ow.n Sound, and Hesherton. -Kiehei ton office, 8i>roule' Block every SOCIETIES A) W meets ou Hie last Mondaj iu each month, in their lodge room t'laytou'sball Flesbertou, _at 8 I'.- *ji i.. J |l. 5fi*JS,U^&uS b"-tUru7iued PINCH ARTHUK LODOE, No. 3. A.F.* A M, meet* in the Uasoulchall. Arm- strong's Hlock.Klesberton. every Kiday on before the full uioon. ('. H. w. II.; Thos. Clayton. Sucre'.nry. rOURTTEKHHEKTON, 00.1. I. 0. F. meets In v Clayton's llloc.k the last Wednesday evening of each montb. Visiting Koreslom heartily welcomeV. K.. (1. Hellamy : K. 8., (i. Cairtn; Kin. Bee., W. Bufkla. Please pay dus to Fin. Bio. before the first day of the mouth. OWEN SOl'XD, ONTAlifo Permit you to lie-in any lime.' Lnrge experienced statl', r<|iii|)|>cd (,'nlli-ge in ('aniidit. rnurKCH. Cntnloguo froo. C. A. KlcminK, F.C.A., G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. Boar for Service A 1 it i i;i. |\vl M i- YDrkHliire Hoar f'>r ftorvicn onlotllvl, 3rd ratiso W T. A- H. K., Artninufia. Ti-ruis * WALI.KH. HHOBF.N FhlENOS-Flesherton Council ol v Chosen Friend! meets in Clayton's hall flmt and third Wednesday of each month 8 p. in Pay SKeincnt to the Recorder on or before ioetlist ilayol each montb. Chief Couuclllor T. Itlakeluv; Recorder W. H. lluut. Whs Kajnmr's Club iimots hi the high Mbool | I building on the in M Thursdsy in each I moMli at M (,1' i>. in. VouiiK 'ariiieiB! Huccially invite'l. V. < 'lisnl Prildnt, . W. | JVlUinv. Hi-c..'l'ii'. Bulls For Service and Sale Purebred Herelerd Bulls for service nnd sale. ItMaii'.' T. A .T. WATSON. It. I'.oton Station Holstein Friesian Cattle Tamworths lor 5ale Hoth sex nearly ready for hrt'eding. I'rlces i it-tit for quirk 'il- 1 OKO. W. IKISH. JIaxwll I 1 . (I. Boar for Service Bull for Service I Canary lluttnr Hoy Cala.uity, No. UI.VII, In-ecl I>V H. K. <oro of rrauipton. Out. Hire. ItiiHci Hoy I'AlHinitjkNo. (7.WII, Dam. I unuiv (lolillH Aiuicipatlnii No. iuut:i). TiiniiH-ltuglii- tereil ow #'1.00. (trades xl.rx). TAMUHHIII HWIM; HcgiHtHi-ii.l Tiuuwoi'tli I. .ui. 'I'urniH ti iiiiln How -VI. IK). Ilrown l.tuhoin nuil \Vliltn Wyiiinlntte Poultry. Stork tor Hale. lOggs for IlntclilllK. i.H n M.n AI.LKN, LotlTO, 8B.T. stB.R, Klcshorton, |,. ( ,. l'\in- I'.r"! 'r 1, fash. fm i-niii' N. Ilin II.', Miivvll, Out. Bull for Service Tli'ToUKhbn-'l MI..I Imll, ltrnilli<i<iK'M f.iul, fm KI-H ii-i! mi l'it In, run. !l, Osjuvv. ndlfjiM on application, Sn\irc, *i .>' >> Kiuiif* thoronffhbredi. *~', W it time of stivice. Knll |iric-i' illniiw'l f'ir <n imt ifturncil, .1. M. Ill KNS. Improved Large Yorkshires A oholet lot of young ofgg u( imiii c\i^, alniiml n-iulH t.i wckii. Voliugaowi, I, nil in Kdbruary; registered Vorksbira Imar. JVrnm tlM. .1. .1. ISROWN, Kli-liiTt..n. I,., i HIT. :tr,l iniiKP. K. T. H. H. pRD YOUR SIGHf FARM FOR SALE I,<it N". INI! 1*7. in the en>inl rnn(ro oust, 'I .il.Hil.1 Ull I iMil I! ''i'l. Altl'IIIKHUI, oniitaiiiing -MO ucr.'M nt hi i LI land [Rood ImililinKs, plenty f tn, lu-nv clmrc li Mini wlniiil ; tiirm- nillfin from l'n>lii Staliim : 'Jl> Keren |^iN>d liHi'ilwiH>fl Kn h Imlunre rli'airil ttitd in UIHH\ iUt of cultivation. Tor pin- tU'uUrM upply t.. \V. .1. .1. \CKHON, I.Wt l'"it UW( BULL FOR si in Id, He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sij^ht Timely attention mi^ht havt prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. HE KEPT THE TIP. Connaught Brought the Wine and Pocketed th* Perquisites. Many good stories are told of the Duke of Connaught's democratic man- ner and sense of humor. Here is one that is well known in Ottawa about a Senator who is a colonel and hailt* from St. John, N.B.: In 1897 the Senator, who was then lieutenant-colonel, was selected by Sir Wilfrid Laurier to go to London to at- tend the diamond jubilee of the late Queen Victoria, which the gallant of- ficer did in a brand new uniform, car- rying with him a thirst which is fa- mous from the St. Lawrence to the Yukon river. One of the royal functions to which the colonials were invited was a gar- den party at Buckingham Palace, which took place ou a very hot after- noon at the beginning of ,luly. The colonel strolled about the grounds and discovered gorgeous crimson tents, filled with small tables on which the most famous teas from China and As- sam were brewing, and also lemonade cups and delicious strawberry ices, but there was no sign of the cup that cheers, and the brow of the officer grew sad and his tongue dry as he thought of the ice clinking against the glass in his far oi7 home. His musings were interrupted u/ an offi- eial in scarlet and gold laced u.iiforni, who came up and asked: "Is there anything 1 can get for yon. colonel?" "You bet there is." replied the Cana- dian. "I am just dying for a good, honest drink of real liquor." The official smiled and said that h would get a bottle of champagne and some cracked ice if that would do. Then he went away and shortly re- turned, followed by a crimson and gold-laced footman bringing the wine and a large goblet. This pleased the colonel so much that he gave the official who ordered the drink half a crown to drink his health with, which the former pocketed after thanking him. Later on in the afternoon some offi- cers of the Life Guards were talking to the Canadian and bewailed the fact that they had not been able to get a drink all afternoon. "Say boy?, you Btand by me, and I'll get you a cold bottle of the best fizz water you ever tasted." said the colonel. Just then the same official passed by that had supplied the bottle of Wine, and the colonel called: "Say, my friendi rais; (mother bottle of th same stuff yoni gave me before, and there'.* be another half crown for you." The official smiled and replied (hat IIP would only be too pleaded to order another bottle oi wine, or as many more as the colonel wished. When the official walked away the officers, who had -!. i. ! back during the brief conversation, turned to the col- onel from St. John and aked if tlntt was the man he had given the money to, an<! when the colonel replied that it was they said: "Why. man. that's the Duke of Con- naught, the Queen's son." "Wei!, all I know." said the colonel, ruefully, "is that he kept my half crown." A University Hoax. Rather a good story is being told around Queen's Onivmtt? at the ex- pense of arts 'lf>. It ifcnis that one day last autumn W. H. .1. O'Meara. the august president of that brilliant year, received a letter from Montreal Ktating that a meeting was to be held there at an early date to discuss a ctyle of student gown. The letter, in due course was read at one of the year meetings, and the president was deputed to represent his class. On arriving in Montreal he took a cab to t'ae M.liln-- given, full of ideas about student gowns, and conning over the speech with which he hoped to win the plaudits of the gathering. His surprise and chagrin may well be imagined when he found himself 'dumped at a foui th-vlas* hotel on the outskirts of the city with no sign of a committee. He suddenly awoke to the fact that he had been the vic- tim of a well-planned hoax. Needless to say, his report before the year on his return was short and to the point. It was decided to hush the matter up, but some one could not stand the pressure, so bluited out the whole tale. M7M, f.n 'i-vic on I. it 17(i, T. 4 H. ll., Ar- I'liiitMiii. TliJH animal in nf n froe.) milking trajn. re<li(fre mi a|>|>liiiit4i>n. Terns, , ' < ira.le^ 91, regiKtrrwl *8. J AM. HT1NSON JVoiirietor. i Farm For Sale Lot l(i, Con. 10, Township of o<prey, clime ti> KeviT-Jinm 1'oM Ollict. Frame bRiik burn an'! triune hoiiNt). Seventy acres cleared . Apply to -A. K CAMI'IIKI,!,, :Uli Kutliolinu .Uoad, Toronto. Murlii Earn A Salary ! Titku our |.i i. '. il I'.u .in . or Shiirllmud cuiirsa f t.riininv und ace how wicm wo will havo you earning t(<>od iiny. Kvory 11 nl uii,- helpoil. Knter imy dy. Nev cnlaloguu in request. Colling wood Ht; i (ESS COLLEGE Honor Rolls Report of S. 8. No. 10, Attemwiiu for March. Sr 4 A i IK! Love, Muriel Legate, Forbes llutledge, Grace Muir, Roy Rutledge, Grace Cherry, Mark McLcod, JiiDinin McMullen. Jr 4- Lie/.ie EngliBh, Willie PattiooD, Samli Cherry, Coldwin McMullen. Sr 2 Ernie McMuDen, Joha English, Ethel Bennett, Percy Hemphill. Jr 2 Ai.mi White, Angus English, Willie Stewart, Stanley White, J.C. Mc- Laugblan, Nellie Radley, Jimim'e Adams, Ton Cherry. Pt li () Katie McDonald, ld Hadley, Aliue Bunnoit. Pt 2 (b) Frankie Stewart, Mary Mc- Lnughlau, Viola Kennedy, Allie Mr Mullen. I'UIIIARY A Flora Bennett, Hazel McLrod, Ivin McLaughlan, Irene Stewart, Mervyn Muir. B Willie Corrigan. Average attendance 31. HATTIK COLKIIAN, Teacher. Following, is the report of Easier examination* held in the senior depart- ment of the Kimberley School. Those maiked* were absent from one or more examinations. Sr Continuation Class- -Enna Burritt 80, Nellie Burritt 75, Vera Magee 73, Ben Walter, 70, Maud Plewei 70,Mggie Reid 65* Jr Continuation Cls Odessa Walter Bli, Stanley Wallace CO, Belle Gilbert 62, L du U< rley 55. Sr 4 Richel Hutchinmn, 74, Vernon Bishop 69, William Johntlon, l>7 Stanley Lawrence 7 Elsie Ferris 65, Edna Wallace 63, Lulu Ellis 63, Dell* Smith ,'(!>, Josephine Ferris Cl*. Report of S. S. No. 4, Artemtiiia for) March. Si' 4 MinJf'lleard and Lillian Stimuli cijual, Elmo Stephens. Sr 3- Mary Nicholls, Mary WyTille. Walter Nicholls ind Ellwood Stephens equal, Mabel Nicholls, Lauru Nicholls, Dorothy NichoIU, lolean Nicholls, Marcus III ini. Jr 3 Ida St-insou, Lawson Locklurt, Ross Stevens and Willie Heard equal, Ren Acheson, Luther Love, Walter Wyville, Joe Stinson, Willie NMioIU. Jr 2 Ernie Stinson, Reggie Stevens and < ttillic Locklmt equal, Gertie Stin- snn, Susanna Ludlow, Willie Nixon. Pt 2- Violet Mincis, Frank Nicliolls. , B Slelln Acheson, Marjorie Niclioll?. .\\ n.v.'f Attendance 27. I.IIIMN B. WAI.KKH, Tenelitr. Repoit of S. S. No. :i, Ai-teineim, mouth of March. Si. I XelU Henthain, Mbel Irwin, Rob Sharp. Jr. 4 Elsie Caswell, Hugh Moore. Clissll -Elijah Benthiiin, Willie Irwin, Clarencw Orr, Wurdie Harrison. Sr. 2 Rhoda host, Willie Orr, Susie Chsrd. Jr. _' Mildred Sharp, Albert Moore. Part 2 Fred Irwin, Mildred CWell. Class 1 Ida Breeu, Adel Breen, ! Akins, (iordoii Irwin. Farm to Rent Farm to runt One hundred acres near the village.. Apply to John Wright, Flexherton. Meafurd will be giren a new armor*. Gait is lo have . new $15,000 Armory and regiment of its own. The British coal mine were again busy in moet of the districts effected by tk strike. Telephone for Aid The doctor, ior man or beast, is only one of those you may summon instantly by Bell Telephone A perfect means of guarding against winter's emergencies and overcoming its loneliness. Now is a good time to learn how you can have this service, as Rural Line Extensions in this district are now being considered. Write for particulars to our nearest Local Manager, or call at our office. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Seeds! Seeds! C!onie with the crowd and get your Ilec' Clover, Miiinuiotli (. lover, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy Seed. Grain and Feed all kinds. Fresh Groceries always on the move. .See our goods nnd get our prices. You will miss it if you don't call 011 W. BUSKIN GROCER. Flesherton. Ontario. Accommodating Mosquito. A resident 'if DHWSOII, Yukon Terri- tory, declarer that the mosquito ia niorw numerous in the Arotii; /.one tliini in tin; i'.,]ur.. liii.iirii there is ii<> IHIH! ton t'ulil or ton hot fur it* luiliitiitinn, Hiid the only placo where it is not iuiinil i* in localities \vhera there i.s little or no moisture. There is no country where, tin- mosquitoes lire so Inriu'i) anil HO numerous its they arc in tlu> Klondyke; and it is impos- sible to destroy them, as they propa- gate in the heavy moss that grows there, which contains niosturi' almost equal to swamp lands. If, therefore, a safe preparation \\ere invenfed whirh would keep the iniisquito away there would he an immense .-nlt> for it, not only in Alaska and the Cana- dian Klondyke. hut ill all parts of the world. Apple Shipments to Britain. The report? that a million barrels <if npple.- have been received in tihe I'nitcd Kingdom this neuson from N'ovu Bootia, says tlio Caiiiidian High Ci.inniis.-ioner in a recent report, tip- pears to be stihMimtiiilly correct, and it U estimated that another ;IOO,(XX) or -100,001) hnrrels remain to he ship- pi 1 '!. The hut'i 1 ijimntity, combined with the disappointing quality, has Jijul nil adverse effect on prices. The curly arrival of <i,()00 cases of apples from Cunt? Colony will com- pete with Australian trait. T. H. Hawking. Principal An Active Body. Kredeiietnii s City Council did a big stroke of buaiOMI the other night. It eiiijiowored five of its rneniLieiv to take a joy ride to Ottawa headed by the mayor and make some repre.-entalioiis to the Ottawa (invernment for the im- liroveinent of the New Brunswii-k i-ity. The .ounc'il. liiH'ked up by the citi- zen*, wants Miine dredging dime in the St. John Hiver, modern i'oiirrete wharve.H built behind the City Hall, and the St. John valley railroad oar hoji>- Wilted in the city. Ciirterville, ^uebee, ^ small villii^o of i wooden shacks, wa swupt away by tllKllU. A Discovery oi Vast Importance It Is Now Admitted That Bron- chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, and Colds Can Only Be Quickly Cured By Mixing a New Medi- cine With the Air You Breathe. Scientists uckncnvIedKe that mpilt- :nti-d nlr treatment Is the only treat- nrnt that will cure these diseases, i ml that stomach medicines are \vors ban useless. Catarrhozone air treatment has been ound to bo the most effective way to :-!!- all diseases of tbe throat, lungs, ...I nasal passages. Its action is so prompt that in less than an hour an irdinary cold is cured, and after nore thorough use of Catarrhozone, '.,... inii .. Catarrh, and all diseases >f the throat and lungs ara complete- y cured. & Catiirrhoznnp Is n very simple and I'nvi-rful method of treatment- You 'Imply breathe it ttinuiKh the Inhaler !i 1 it Immediately pappos over every ilr coll of the throat. IUIIRS, and hrun- tiiii.-s. I'Miiii'; uml hoalliiK as It Catarrhozone treatment affords littlo frops of healing for sore places in tho -n^s, throat, and nasal passages. Catarrhozone Does This, ABU Cures YOU MEDICINE IN Aift Pl'lco >. Cue. mill 41. f" :>t ::'\ ri."t ' i . liy mail Iroin Tin 1 <.'.:'. 'ini C>'., Kin. .-,t:m, < nit.. .;:..' : , NEW STORE OPENED AT EUGENI ! Don't blunic the Cook if *he cannot got good BreaO, just buy a bag ot Meat'onl Flour, when the whole trouble will be enileil and you will reali/e what (juality means in the bread line. The following aro the differ- ent brands : Ideal, Five Lily, Lily White and Bakers, Special for l.reatl, and Snow White for pastry. Sold by J. H. PARRE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - = Ontario.

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