Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1912, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRIXCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 31, NO 35 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, March. 7, 1912 W. H TEUteTON ETHT'R iud PKOPBIETOB Eugenia Paragraphs Kimberley Budget Married-Feb. 28th W2, at the parsouage, by Rev. Campbell, Mr. Bert Magee of Saek., to Miss Rcta LtGaid of Flesherton, Ont. Mrs. (Rev.) CaniiibeU entertained a number of friends ut a muner party on Friday evening of last week. Mr. iimJMn. Th.>in;n Fenwick cele- brated the 8th anniveuary of their wedding aad entertaineil a number of friends last Friday evening. Mr. W. G. Graham treated a few friends to a maple t iffy party on Thurs- day evening. The evening was spent in game* and music. The carnival of Tuesday evening was postponed until Saturday, as those who ait for good day generally get it. The rink was well tilled and a goodly number masked. Prize winners were as follow* : Grot's rice, Russcl Park. Ladte*' race, Allie William*. Best costume on ice, Miss Maggie Wilson. Japaneese lady, Miss Daisy Smith. Farmer, Fred J-itnitson. Colored yentlemun, Oeo. Williams. Night, Miss Etclcr.a Smith. Western *irl, Mis Ratio Jainiotun. Clown. Charlie Park. I'ncle Sam,.Roy Piper. Red Riding Hood, Ne;i Williams. Highland Lassie, Marjone 1'ark. Fnl man, Jak Williams. Miss Jean and Mr. Card. Uraham visited with their sister in Clarksburg the past week. Miss Ten* -Williams lias g<mo to the city on visit. Mrs. Gordon of Maxwell visited with Mr. and Mrs. McMaster the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hillock of Maxwell were the guest i of the Utter's father, Mr. Jamieson. Miac Eva Jaoiieson has returned to the West after an extoimed visit with her friends here. Mr. Steveuson of Maple m the ^u*st uf Rev. and Mrs. Campbell. Mr. R. v& of Toronto is visiting with his uncle, Mr. ttiehwd Park. Mr. Kmerson Smith of Murki'xale, Tisited Eugenia friends ov, r Sunday. Mi*. r*rrington of IVis lias returned home from an extended visit at Mr, V\ . Graham's. Mru. Chard Son were the guests ol Mrs. >V. Armstrong on Saturday. The I'resbyteiian congregation intend gitiug a ba*mr fish pond social :it Mr. Robt. Campbell'*, on Tuesday, March l:.'. Mr*. K. Paul ii visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Went ham. Flesherton. Mr. Oeo. Paul returned to the West Mondy. after a -ouple month's visi: with his parents. East Mountain On Tuesday evening, Feb. SO, a num- ber of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Neil. Mrd line, Euphrasia, when * social even- ing was spent prior to their departure (or Ravenna. During the progress i.f the evening the following address was read and presentation made : Dear Mr. *ml Mrs. Neil, Conscious of the fact that you are about to sever your connections with this community, we have assembled here this evening to bid you farewll ere you take your de- parture for KavtMina. During your so- journ anvni* us we have ever found you kind and hospitable neighbors, but as words are iuadettuute to express our feelings of appreciation and respect, we ask you to accept these parlor chairs. Our earnest wish is that health, happi- ness and prosperity will attend you in your now home, and that success will crown youi every effort . Signed \\ be- half of your friends and neighbors Hugh Smith. Thompson Alleti, Robert McMullen. Though taken by surprise Mr. Neil, on h.-halt' of himself and wife, replied in a few well chosen words. A. dandy lunch R.IS served and the reiuiinder of the ev- Vi'as spent in games and dancing. Wedding bells are ringing. Twenty-one below zero on Monday morning of hut week. Miss Ellen Johnston of Sbrigley U visiting htr aunt, Mrs. 0. Irwin. Mr. Ernest Acbcson and sister. Miss Louise, of Dundalk, visited with friends here during the past week. Mr. Richard Walker is the Driest of his brother, Mi. James Walker. Little Miss Donelda Stuart visited friends at Eugenia during the past week. Mr. Herb Fines of Granger and Miss Eula Scott of Duudalk visited friends here on Saturday last. On Sunday morning last the pulpit of the Methodist church was ably tilled by Mr. Edward Fawcctt of Heathcote. Mr. Howard Mills and sister and Ins little son, Clarence, of Meaford, were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. G. H. Walter on Saturday iast. M r. Clifford Carruthers of Paines - ville, Ohio, who has spent the past few mouths with friends here, re- turned home last week. A number from here attended the carnival at Duncan on Monday iiight ol last week. One of our speed skaters, "Cyclone 1 Eadale Walter, was successful in winning the opeu race. Congratulations, Esdale. Mrs. John 1'lewes, who has spent the past few weeks with frieuds at Collingwtud and Meaford. returned home last week. Public School Inspector Huff visit- ed our academy recently aud reports very favorably on the woik being done by Principal Johnston and his assist ait, M's; Elvic-Dishop. Thoe who weie absent trom the Karmeis Club mte'.iug on Wednesday night of last week tuissnd a rare treat. Mr!John Flewes gave a very in- structive address on pruning, suravitig and cultivating the orchard, while Mr. G R. Walter gave some excellent pointers on the selection of seed grain. The next regular meeting wil! be held on Wednesday night, March 20tli, when Mr. John Smith, a successful sheep breeder, will give an addiess oil the rearing of lambs, aud R. 1. Faw- cett will give a talk ou the selection of seed corn, aud the cultivation of the same. Any and everyone will be made welcome at any of the meetings of the above club. Mr. Sandford Knott of Thorubury, au old Kimberley boy, recently cleaned up $3000 in Edmonton city lots . He purchased some time ago. Well done. Saudiord. Maxwell Mr. Walter -fiiigeon and family left lant week for Weytmrn, Sask. Previous to leaving they wera made the recipients of a purse of old accompanied by the following address : Many -offerers frmu rheuinatisir ha>e been mil priwd uud iMiirhted with tin- prmni't relief afforded by applying Chaiiilwrlaii'* I.iniineiit Not inc cae of rhfunitisni in ton renuirt-K any iiitvrnnl treatment what- ever. This liniment it for sale hy sll<laler>. Mr. and Mrs. Walter &iigeon ; Dear Friends,- We, it few of your friends and neighbors, having learned with deep regret that you are about to leave this neighborhood to make your home in the West, have gathered in your home this evening to spend one mere pleasant evening with you and your wife befur> you h?A?e us, not only to express our deep regret at yuur departure, but to shi i our appreciation of yourselves in a >m:ill way -is neighbors. We desire to present you with this purse of gold as a small token of our esteem for you, not on account f its intrinsic value, but us -i souvenir of respect, us we have always found in you good neighbor**, teady and willini; at all times to help and assist when required r .o do so. As you look on this purse in the days to come may you think of those you leave behind, mid you my rest assured whatever ni.-iy I* our lot in this" life we shull not forget the times we hate spent with you. While sorry to part with you and Mrs. Saiteon we wish you happiness and prosperity in your new home in the Wear, and if we should not be permitted to meet again in this world we hope :ind pray that it nriy he cur happy lot to meet in that better laud where parting is unknown. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors, A. Mullin. F. liawton, <J- Uiiton Storing ice is the order of the day. Mr. Kerton, WDJ has been u<- Uuiii with his mother and other friends here for sonic time, will return t-> the \V. *t ihi.s week. Mr. Charlie Fcruuson. who has vUued with friends here all winter, will return shortly to his home in the West. Ihe regular meetirg ot the Maxwell branch of the W.I. will be held at the Temperance House i-n March 9 ;il : p.m. A i-i.oil priigraiQ will be given. All come. Sir. Albert Lung left last week fin Irs liotnr IICAI Weyburn, Sask, Mrs. L')i)i{ and I'ikby, Ireiio. will remain here fr a mouth or two. Mr. Riiyannid Wellar is in Toronto this week attending thd Epwoith League convention. We are lorry to report Mr. William \Vriuht. 4tll line, seriously ill. The regular meeting of Maxwell bubes Aid ill be held at the parsonage en Friday, March 8, 3 p.m. All welcome. Chopping only three days a week MOII . Wednesday nd Saturd ly through Much. Kerton Bros., Maxwell. Walkerton Kuroth i ireenliu*. wh > was seat up for trial by Magistrate James Ti'I'.on on the charge of stealing a .scarf fr.mi (he home !:' Mr. Walter I'. .i.'Ji. larbei, was acquitted by Judge Barrett on Monday iurnii)'.; lusr. Ar.-r henring the evidence adduced, the Judge f .uiid the accused not guilty and dismissed the case. Previous to his removal ; a>t wc--k to the Lond-jii Asylum a lunatic undertook to starve himself in the \Valkcrton jail and there is some reason fur believing that he might have succeeded had it net been fur the ingenuity of the ji! surgeon. Dr. Sinclair. But the doctor sprung a new tiick on the pri-oiier nnl made l,is repasts of the sumptuous aud bell ex- panding kind whether IIH inclination* or appetite pointed that tray or not Inserting :i Urge spool between the man'-, teeth, tha doctor left hiu: biting savasiely on the <UH! while he sliujied :i long rubber tube through the hole in the spoul anil down the nun's throar. lea\ing one end anchored in his stomach .-tad the olher end prolrudini; from hi.- face. Putting a funnel c.u the protruding end he started to pour in soup and other victuals and this, operation was con- tinued until the meal *,-i> concluded- Otieiiuart ^t each feeding :i' tliua administered and in looking up our New Tailor New Goods Jewelry New Styles === ^ Having taken over the tailoring business of Mr. rre<l Morley 1 am now desirous ot introducing myself to the citi/ens of Flesherton and surround- ing country, and would .solicit a trial order. I feel mysi'll competent n> give you thorough satis- faction in tit. finish and pric". C. BLARELEY Standard Bank Building FLESHEUTON. ONT A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. physiology we tind that thi> is the 'tctual ea^icity of the lium:in stomach, so there wasp'f any space vacunt when 'he doctor linL-lieil. Acid the man's shadow (jot bugcr under the treatment and the prisonei >vas at leat-t in gmd condition physically, if not mentally, when he left. The doctor h;is foiwaided ^i couple ot Ins sp.Hils. \ulll proper directions for use, to the Halloway jvl in l-'.njUnd. where the impnvjned suffragettes under- took to .-.t.-ir\e thetiisehes. No more will be liberated there because t hey c-vii't be fed. liruce T. nn -. Biij sale on all winter gi*uN -^oine at) loRONTt m*.iMMt]M ^>id t,. in.k.- P-...I, -i : "T; ';i^ ".' - t i *'; f ; r "'^., t !^'.! ! ' new sprina goods arriving at L.! lacker si rr.-,-. More. I'roton Station. You oan sv goodbye to rnsti|>ati<>n ith clear conscience if yon u Ohfcnbf rhtiA'i Tablet-. M:i!.y ln\c U-eu I'tnnautMitly eurvd by then mo. Kvr *uk' ov all dealer*. Proton Station Mr. Paynf, one of our enterprising farmers, sold \t'w farm stock aii.l implc- uients List week. Ho will leave shortly tor Allan Park, wliere be has bought a property. Mr. \V. I). Hopicina h-vs bought the I 'ay ne farm and takes posses- sion shortly. Mr. tnd Mrs. Hopkins wore tho host and hostess of a pleasant ' hop '' on Fri- day evening. Mosi of our young people attended and kept time to the merry sounds ef the violin it mi I the wee sni.i' hours had appeared. M'iss Flo Trelford >f Oranxoville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Ti-eltor.1. Mrs. Cairns left on Munday for her In >mu in the \\'et. 'She has been on on extended visit to bcr parents. Mr. aud Mrs. (.'arson. Mr. A. I'olgan and family moved to Dundalk on Monday. We are sorry to lose them from our town. Five burglars attempted t-> rob the Royal Bank of Montreal West. ' ne of them was shot and killed by Constable Kirk pat rick after a hot puiauit, anJ a imin lielieved to belong to the gang was arrested war Luchino. The fionl of the buil.liiig was blown out, but the safe was not opened. Cured By an Angel London is interested in the case .f Dorothy Kerin of Herne Mill. ;i short ilistince from L-mdon. who el-.iinis thnt she has been restored to health and r- ;; lined her henrini; and sight as the re- sult of an anel s visit. She has now lieen removed to the residence of Dr. Ash. .1 nerve specialist', in order to en- ul'le .1 study to be made of her rase and tn got her away from the crowds which have been visiting her home, after the people had leained of the angel'* visit. The girl claims that she saw a vision i'f i tlamc and heard a voice saying!. " Thy utfering> :ire over," .uul that she was ,ibV to yet up and walk. Miss Kerin. who i.s -"J years old, has been bedridden ,'or rive years with a mild attack of tu- berculosis. Keocnlly she became blind nnd deaf. She now sees and he;s and is able lo stand up. Many physicians who examined her ease arc inclined to the opinion thnt the euro was effected by aulo-sujfgcstion through hoi inten.-i- emotional stute, and thsit this caused Itu- vision. Her account of the angelic vis- ion which restond her senses and re- lieved her pain is ascribed to hysteria by skeptics, but the facts of the recovery are beyond dispute. Premier Burden stated that the naval act would be rnpe.iled. A no -1-iily jKipcr i< t> bo published ;i! Saul' Sic M-irie, to be called vhe S;at . tlie tir<( whita l-oy .>rn in the township o f led at his homo on Saturday, wven']-fuur years. His p.iroius weie atires of llny, S-,,tiatid, anil CHI; No txwa^agu, about -tpeclalUt In dls,-a..-J ol >ho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 30 10th st. West, Owen Sound At tho U.-vore>. Markdale-, 2nd t Thursday each nionfh from t< tu 1L' a. m. ( Dundtlk, 1st Thursday ;>f each month. 1 Dr. J. Ralph Smith 1 OSTEOPATH !)llkv and Ri..-idi-ncc It'S, M> ><t. East. Owen Sound, I'l'l. Hours- t) to 12 a. in , l.'<0to 4.:'.0 u.m. 7 to S 1 p.m. Other IKHUS liy 8(>j>o ; utmcnt A Letter From England Rjugh House, Asby. Feb. is. I'.U'J. After Undii.g in England nil made a rush to ^'wt tliroui;h the inspection o{ As I hd ^ suit ca I to the Inspector am) opui:ed it. He put in !ii h-rtd an.l sniJ. " No tobacco. I stippi'se. ' I S'lid I did- not touch the dirty >tulV. lit put his mai k on it and I l>do a few ol my travelling companions ijoud-bye, nut likely to. see them (gain. I then mntle for Line s'.ieet italion, hno 1 ^( t my ticket and i morning paper to road until train liuie Soioe four or live men S'>t ' t''e *me compartnient with me at .the rirxt slop. A younu; lady about thirty years of ajte alto got on. Slie'iMtid tho rossoii >he took our car w;ts because it. went ihrnugh without change. Sue ws a; talker. 1 told the young lady that the Canadian \;ar was better than ihe Kn-j. lisli more ventilation and pleasanter to 'ravel ill. When she learned I was front Caiiada she wished me to tell her what WHS the cause of the ^reat turn-over in liu- recent Canadian election. I told her it was the reciprocity .|iics!i .m. that people eic afraid it would load to an- nextiion. She was an interest iii! per-on to travel with. When she not off we >ho <k hands and parted, never to meet a.;.ini. Such is life in travelling. I many pie i.-ant aci|Uaintances by the time 1. reached my desiinntion. \\itlitheexceptionof the iiist tour days of February the winter Ins been inilil. I s;i- snowdrops out in bluom the last of January in a shady y!ace, but the fioit put a check to the When it reached seven below /.en- mi Feb. I the natives IUMO thi light it as awfully cold .weather a lecord breaker. The weather is like spring at present. Grass is Crowing and {annei.s are surMdiuy inn' . on the meadows lhat they drew out durini; the h.ird frost. The farmers dcn't plow nuuh here now. hence putting the m.muie on old meadows that were never ploughed. A i;ood deal of Indian corn and oil cake is used. My brother fauns seventy acres aud doe* r.ot plow a furro*. He kept thirty head of cattle up to last ct-k, whea he sold tlnee - year-old steers this spring fr .*47.."'i.) each, lie also huv* tuinip-s. A stlaiis!8 way to farm, you say, but he is doing wel. B Ho 1ms some cows ec-mir 1 ;; i'l ii> the fall, when they bell well. Then he Ki< sold as fiigh as SH'I each, aU' 1 his la.t sum tuer's calves Itavs never been outside yet. Ho lias fifty sheep. Well, Mr. Editor, I am pleased to get \o u paivir. It uorue* t,v uiv a wvlcgmo ^ iril.i- oil Moiiii.ijs. I ii"i "'>' tu learu of !> many death-, in my tieishboilu'oil in so shiut a time. The snowdrops :u, i:i full bioom now and the lioneysiioklc is e unint; out in le.*. 1 enclose i-r.e of each foi j> u. V "Urs sincerely. -,).'I!N COl l.THAUD. Spring Suitings . We Iwve just received "ur supply ot Sjning Suitings latest Piitterus and in greit variety. We can supply you with the nobbiest suitings for prin^ :iud siniiinei- dune up in the be-' trt tailoring. Our pi-ice n-e riglr. Liop in aud look at ou whether you orJer or u,n We wa:il t" make y .ur !?priiii ^uit. S. J. BOWLER, THE VA p iI8k DATE VBUSKIH BLOCK. FLESHERTON CHOICE MEATS A COMPLETE STOCK Oh CHOICE MEATS ON HAND !'^ PORK - SAUSAGE, HEAD- CHEESE, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. WILSON & McCLOCKX-IN FLESH EI^TOX Seeds! Seeds! Conio with the crowd and got your Red Clover. Mammoth Clover. Alsike Clover. Alfalfa and Timothy Seed. Grain-and Feed all kinds. Fresh CJroeeries always on the move. See our joods and get our prices. You will miss it if you don't call on W. BUSKIN GROCER. Flesherton, Ontario. Ut i

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