: U1ILE WORRIES !N JHE HOME It is These That Bring Wrinkles anfl Malta Women Look Pre- maturely Old. Almost every woman at the head of a home meets daily with many little worries in her household af- fairs. They may be too small to no- tice an hour afterwards, but it is these same constant little worries that make so many women look pre- maturely old. Their effect may be noticed in sick or nervous head- aches, ficklo appetite, pain in the back or aide, sallow complexion, and the coming of wrinkles, which every woman dreads. To those thu afflicted Dr. Williams' Pink Pills offer a apeedy and certain cure, a restoration of color to the cheeks, brightness to the eye, a healthy appetite and a sense of freedom from weariness. Among the thousands of Canadian women who Knv found new health and new strength through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mrs. W. C. Daerr, London, Ont., who ays: "About two years ago I found myself so badly run down that it was almost impossible to perform my household duties. I fell off in flesh, was weak and very pale, hud no appetite, feet con- stantly cold, and to further make my life miserable I was afflicted with those other ailments from whioh so many women suffer. 1 tried many kinds of medicine, but got no benefit, and began to feel ilir.t I was slipping into chronic in validism. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and although I felt somewhat hopeless, decided to do so. To my delight, after tak- ing the Pills a fnw w/vks, T fflt. much better, and a further use of thorn brought me back to my old time health. I have since recom- mended the Pills to many others, and those who have used them have always been benefitted." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockvill*, Ont. QUEEN VICTORIA'S WEDDING. In the new volume of Lord Broughton's reminiscences therein n description of Queen. Victoria'* wedding, the writer having been ono of the guests. "Her Majesty," he says, "looked handsome, but pale, and the orange blossoms in her head shook violently. But nhe performed her part with her usual propriety and presence of mind and prompted Prince Albert during the reading of the lesson* moro than once. She once beck- onnd to him to approach nearer when be put the ring on her finger, and pointed to the finger on which the ring was to be put." houie without leaving tho sword outside was a breach of friend- ship. H, whose position justified the accompaniment of an attendant in- variably left the oword in his charge at the entrance, or if he were alone it was usually laid down at the entrance. If removed inside thin was in- variably done by the host's ser- vants ; rvnd it was not touched by the bare hand, but with a silk nap- kin kept for the purpose. The sword was placed upon a sword rack, in the place of honor near the guest, and treated with all the politeness due to an honored visitor who would resent a discour- tesy. To exploit a naked weapon was a gross iu.sult, unless when a gentleman wished to show his friends his collection. To express a wish to see a sword was not usual unless the blade in question was of great value, when, a rcque 1 t to be shown it would be a compliment. The sword would then be handl- ed with the back toward the gx.est. the edge turned toward the owner, and the hilt to the left, the guest wrapping the hilt either in the lit- tle silk napkin always carried b.v gentlemen in their pockets or in a sheet of clean F a pe r - The weapon was drawn from the ecnbba-rd and admi;-d inch by inch, but not to the hill length un- less the owner pressed his guet t> do so, when, with much apology, the sword was entirely drawn and held away from the other person* present. After being admired it would be carefuUy wiped with a special cloth, sheathed, and returned to the own- er as before. Tho -short sword was retained in the girdle, but at a long visit both host and guest laid it aside. * Externally or Internally, it is Good. When applied externally by brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil opens the pores anu penetrates the tissue as few lini- ments do, touching the seat of the trouble and immediately affording relief. Administered internally, it will still the irritation ; n the throat which induces coughing and will cure affections of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organs. Try it and be convinced. JAPAN'S SWORD ETIQUETTE It Is Expressed in a Number of Minute Rules. In Japan until within recent times tho sword was considered a badge of the aristocracy. The etiquette that regulated the wear- ing of the long and the short ewurds was expressed in a number of minute rules. The most trivial breach of these minute observances was often the cause of muderou'S brawls and cause of murderous brawls and other's weapon or to come into col- lision with the sheath was a dire offence, and to enter a friend's CURED OFJONSTiPATQN Mr. Andrews praJaaa Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., wntrs: "For many yearn I have been troubled, with chronic Constipation. This ail- jtnent never comes single-handed, and I jhave been a victim to the inany <Uuesses tli a constipation bring!) iu its train. 'Medicine after medicine I have taken in order to find relief, but one and all left II..- in the same hopeless condition. It jieetned that nothing would expel' from me the one ailment that caused so much, trouble, yet at last I read about these Indian Root Pills. That was indeed a lucky day for me, (for I was so impressed with tne state- 'ments mode that I determined to '.(five them a fair trial. They have regulated my gtomach and 'hewels. I am cured of constipation, and II claim they have no equal as a medi- an ." For over half a century Dr. Morse'* | Indian Root Pills have been curing con-i '.Ipatlon and clogged, inactive kidneys, 1 | with all 'lie ailmenU which result from j them. They cleanse the whole system [and purify the blood. Sold everywhere 'B* 26c. a Iras. 2 STRONG WORDS OF PRAISE. Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Clarke, Stirling, Ont., writes: "I wish to give this unsolicited testimonial to the great value of Baby's Own Tablets. Our little giri, born last Febru- ary, was at first very consti- pated. When other remedies failed we tried the Tablets and in a week she was com- pletely cured. By the use of the Tablets she has be< n kept welt and happy ever sine*." It is strong praise like this th.it has mn.de Baby's Own Tab'.ts so popular. Thou- sands of other mothers have said: "Once we gave the Tablets a trial we bad no- thing but praise for them." The Tablets are sold by me- dicine uealers or by mail ut 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. *- "Hurrah! Hurrah!" cried _ young lawyer, who had succeedcc in his father's practice, "I've set- tled that old Chancery suit at last." "Settled it!" cried the as tonished parent, "why I gave you that as an annuity for your life.' "Pa, will you please tell me what a financial genius is?" "A financi- al genius, my child, is a man who c-in spend money that he has never had, and which the people who think they are getting it will never see." CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM. 85 Uuivcreity St., Montreal. "Just a word of praise for GIN PILLS. About fifteen montbB ago I could not walk acroas my room. Buffering aevorely with rheumatism. I took GIN FILLS and be- came quite well. "SAMUEL LONOMORE." Write us for free oamplp of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular iie boxen at your dealer's or direct from us. ;,i.v a box, 6 for $2.50. Money refunded if Gin Pilln fail to enre. Nation- Vug Chemical Co. of Canada, Liinu<.a, Dept W.L., Toronto. PRIMITIVE TELEPHONES. A tribe of Indians who have , primitive, and at the same time a very effective, system of telephone has been discovered in South America. Tho Putumayos are tho tribe, and they take their name from one of the affluents of the Ama/xjn. Suspended from a beam they have two blocks of weed, stud- ded with a stone peculiar to the dis- trict. The stones are struck with a baton with india-rubber at tne tip. The blocks give musical sounds with sharps and Hats when struck. Communication is made by a certain number of taps, and the> \vords are varied by the time lapning between such taps. It i said messages in this way can be heard a distance extending over nine miles. London Globe. "Have you heard that young Mo- lard has absconded with $3.000 i.f his employer's money?" "From that old Jew? Ha, ha! What a joke!" "Ho also took your um- brella with him." "The mean scoundrel !" DID NOT HAVE TO CALL THE DOCTOR BECAUSE SHE TRIED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FIRST. One box of them cured Mrs. Mary A. Cook's Rheumatism from which she had suffered for four- teen years. Mannheim, Ont., Jan 16 (Special) How quickly and easily Rheuma- tism can be cured when you use th<> right means is shown in the ease of Mrs. Mary A. Cook, well known and highly respected here. In an interview regarding her cure, of which all the village knows, Mrs, Cook says : "I had Rheumatism so bad that sometimes I would sit up nearly all night. "I first t)>ought I would try the doctors, but luckily I decided to first try Dodd's Kidney Pills. "They cured me, and I didn't have to try the doctors. And just to think that after fourteen years of pi' w <rinc one box of Dodd's Kid- ney Pilla ehould cure ! I will recom- mend Dodd's Kidney Pills to any- one who suffers from Rheumatism." Yes, it is easy to cure Rheuma- tism when you go the right way about it. Rheumatism is caused bv uric acid in the blood. If the Kid- neys are working riftht they will strain all the uric acid out of the blood and there can be no Rheu- matism. Dodd's Kidney Pills al- ways make the Kidneys work right. DYING MAN'S DIARY. Eighty-minute Records of His Suf- ferings, Written by Himself. A 63-year-old tailor's cutter who committed suicide at Lyons, France, by inhaling charcoal fumes left the following d'ary of his ex- perience as death approached : 3.40 Wind up watoh and begin to note impressions. 3.50 Already feel pains in the head 4.00 Feel my temple* throbbing. 4.15 Am stifling; breathe with dif- ficulty. 4.30 Head confused, and am turn- ing giddy. 4.40 Sig' going. 4.50 Can hardly see now, and my body is becoming numb. 5.00 Please say good-bye to my friend of 16, Rue de 1'Epee.- All tho entricfi with the exception of the last, were written in a firm clear hand. STRANGE t "She holds peculiar views of ma- trimony." "That sol" "Yes. She says that even if her husband shouldn't make a fortune in five years she expects to stick to him until death " Sfi/fo&s Gun HKALS THE LUNGS f RICE. 25 CUNTS A little outside assistance, might have improved some self-made men. Time tries all things, and as Bick'.c's Anti-Consumptive Syrup has stood the test of years it now ranks as a leading specific in the treatment of all ailments of the throat and lungs. It will soften and subdue tho most stubborn cough by relieving the irritation, and restore the affected organs to healthv conditions. Use will show its value. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. But if a man thinks ho knows all that is worth knowing, he doesn't. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY TatK-T.AXATIVK BROMOQuinino Tablet*. Driiffi8ts refund money if It fails to euro. K. W. CIIIOVE'8 Bignatuni is on each box. 26c. The trouble with the people who have taking ways is that they don't always have bringing-baek ways. It would take a sandbag and brass knuckles to knock the con- ceit out of .c men. Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures Garget In Cows. TRY DOGS AS SENTRIES. The Russian army is trying the experiment of using dogs instead of men as sentries. The wolf dog of tho Ural mountains is found the most suitable for this duty. This animal docs not bark at the pres- ence of an intruder, but merely growls and incites the other dogs in the camp to do likewise. ED. 7 A TIMELY LIGHT. A Freneh minuter tella of an in- cident during a voyage to India . "One dark evening I sat in my cabin fooling thoroughly unwell, aa the sea was rising fairt and I was. but a poor sailor. Suddenly the cry of 'man overboard' ! mado me spring to my feet. I heard a trampling overhead, but resolved not to go on deck Lest I should in- rfere with the crew in their ef- forts to ave the poor man. 'What can I do?' I asked myself, and. in- stantly unlocking my lamp, I held it near the top of my cabin and clone to my hull's eye window, that, its light might ahine on the Rfa, and ae near the ship as possible. In a half minute' time I inward the joy- ful cry, 'It's all right; he's safe,' upon which I put my lamp in ite place. The next day, however. I wan told that my little lamp wa* th sole meana of saving the man'* 1 life. It was only by the timely light which ahone upon him that thr> knotted roye could be- thrown so a* to reach him." Gkristiau Herald. THEY ARE ENGAGED. "She accepted me on one condi- tion." "And that is?" "That she doesn't get a better offer between now and spring." * . The Beggar Pity a poor blind man wiv a large family, !idy. The Sympathetic Soul And how many children have you, my poor man? The Beggar (nonplussed) Lor, ma'am, how should I know, when I can't see 'em? A MOPI'KN MIRACLE. He Had Eczema 25 Years and Doc- tors Said "No Cnro." Yet Zam-Buk ELan Worked Com- plete Cnre. Thia is the experieuce of a man of high reputation, widely known in Montreal, and wlujse case can readily be investigated. Mr. T. M. Marsh, the gentleman referred to, lives at 101 Delorimier Avenue, Montreal, and has lived there for years. For twenty-five years he has had eczema on his hands and wrists. In that tiino four eminent medi- cal men tried to cure him, and each gave up the case as hopeless. Naturally. Mr. Marsh tried reme- dies of all kinds, but he, also, at last gave it up. Fur two years he had to wear gloves day and night, so terrible was the pain and itching when the air got to the sores. Then came Zam-Buk 1 He tried it, jiiBt as he Ivad tried hundreds of remedies before. But he soon found out that Zam-Buk was different. Within a few weeks there were dis- tinct signs of benefit, and a little perseverance with this great her- bal balm resulted in what he had given up all hope of a complete cure ! And bhe cure was no tem- porarv cure. It was permanent. He was cured nearly four years ago. Interviewed the other dav, Mr. M.i ; ,h said: "The cure which Zam-Buk worked has been abso- lutely permanent. From the day that I was cured to the present mo- ment I have had no tram of eczema, and I feel sure it will never re- turn." If you suffer from any skin trou- ble, cut out this article, write acrops it tho name of this paper, and mail it, with one cent s* .mp to pay re- turn postage, to Zam-Ruk Co., To- ronto. We will forward you bv re- turn a free trial box of Zam-Buk. All druggists and ctores sell this famous remedy, 50c. box. *- NOT GOING THE WHOLE HOG. Father (to young Adonis who has begged for the hand of his daugh- ter) "But, my dear sir, are you able to support a family?" Adonis (softly) "Ye-es, I could. But I am only asking for the daugh- ter." Tho Pill That Leads Them All. Pills arc the most portable nnd compact of all modicinon, and when easy to take are the most acceptable of preparations. But they must attest their power to be popular. As Parmelce's Vegetable Pills are tht> most popular of all pills they must fully meet all requirements. Accurately oofnpoun<fod nnl oom- posied of ingrodionls proven to he effective in regulating tho digestive organs, there is no surer medicine to bs had anywhere. Whon a man has money to burn some other fellow is always willing to match him for it. For your own sake, don't wait until it happens. It may be a headache, toothache, earache, or some painful accident. Harnlins Wizard Oil will cure it. Get a bot- tle now. When some people do tell the truth they ought to label it. Mlnard't Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Sho Kind words can never die. He Maybe, not. but a whole lot of them seem laid up and not work- ing. No surgical operation is neces- sary in removing corns if Hullo- OR TEA YOU BEAT Investments for the Hew Vear We have to offer levcral first-class bond investments yielding 6 per cent, net, carrying our unqualified recom- mendation. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 179 Jamia Strctt, Montreal. 308 McKtnnon Building, TOUOPITO. I* Comhlll. LONDON. ENGLAND FARM HANDS WANTED AJtorta for d(ht months, Uth March to lua NOT. for tMO ai>J board. Apply bjr Uttn to Box It? Toronto P. O.. 0nolos1nf at Lea*t two reftrtnooa from laat ,*ioplu7rm, and faralnf iprtnoe. ( FARMS FOK RENT AND SALE. H*V. DAW8ON. 90 COLBOJtNK . "Toronto. i / V | * J "The Most Benut'iul Location in New York City." HOTEL SAVOY Fifth Ave., S8th to 59th Street Oivrlookinff Cfntral l*ntk Affording a delightful residence, from which all th* principal CT.I .res of the city are readily aco.i.ible. lU.iutlful room*: Rta*l I*, with tattm. ,- *i upw.id tloublvfl. UfchatiMMBflMU u - : lit?*- parlor, HMTC h^lroow jnH rwi..iuv.n Jft.io. or larcer u-tc* upon -r;.i. -He i. Spa- cious letUuiaut, jwlm garden. InllUr . room, etc. Stmt/er Bceklit. JOH N F R I K -i. Mnnairr NB Hf'NDREn ACRES UOOD Bolldingg; oar Brampton. _ rp WEKTT.FIVE ACRK KBUIT FAKJ1 1 Brick House and Good Bntldlncu St. Catharines. 4 NUMBER OF GOOD HTt.'JK, OKAIM A and Dairy Farms In Halton. Pl. York. Ontario and Prince Edwurd Coua. tie*. SBVKRAL GOOD FRUIT 1TAJIM8 IK the agura Fruit Bnlt. MANITOBA. SASKA.TCttKWAJ, AX* borta and British Columbia Land*, lu mull or largn blorks. IF TOO WANT TO BUY Oil HELL A Farm, consult II. W. Dw*on. Ninety lolborno Bt.. Toronto. ACFNTS WANTED HIGH-GRADE SPECIALTIES Afrit u. (VrnimUnlon bala D. TWIHII Co.. Tillnonburf, Ont. THE EASIEST WAY. "Yes, we quarrelled because she wanted a Uenty-five-dollar hat." "But you seem to have ina<lc up with hcrl" "Y*B, I bought her a fiftv dollar ' dress." SALESMEN - $60 PER \VKKK HKLLINO ono nsjid Egc-beitter. Sample and terms '.''*'. Money rfunutd If ungatlsfao* tory. Toilette ICff. Company. wuodi Ont. flnt!r>ninn. Lnnt winter I rifplTfd riat bnntnt from tho IIM> of MINAJID'H MNIMENT in a severe atlark of La- Oriupe. and I liavo frcunontly proved it to in. vury offoc-tlve in caaeu of Inflam- mation, Youm, w. A. A POLYGLOT. "How many foreign language v..in JoncH talk?" "Well, he says ho understands everything liis baby says." Worms caiiBO fretfulness and rob the infant, of sleep, the great mjur- isher. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will clear the stomach and intestines and restore health- ful >.ICBB. Some people waste a lot of time talking about the value of silence. Mlnard't Llnimsnt Cures Colds, &o. Lots of men are willing to tell us just what to do, but (hoy never have time to show us. When Your Eyes Need Care I rjr Murinc JC.ve llemedy. No Smarting frfla Dne Acta Cjulokly. Try It for Uort, Wi-aU, Wntorv Eyes iinrl Granultttntl Ivyellds. Illus- trated Bonk In each Package. Hurlim in compounded by onr OculUta not a "I'uront Mod* Uilno" hnt nfc*d In si)oca&ful Phynitlana' 1'rac- tlce for many vent*. Now cl^ou-Mrd to inn Pub- lic and Milil 6r1)TnifhM at 26c anil Me DnrDuttl*. MuHne Mro 4alvoln \- ,.;(' Tubes, 2Sc and GOc. Murlne Eye Remedy Co., 4 GENTS WANTED. - A UE ._ jA. v*ry home. Writ* ui (or our clinto* lilt of agent! eupplle*. We hato : ha- Itreatetit agenry proposition Iu L'atiana> to-day. No outlay nrrrnaary. Apply H. (,'. 1. CV... a Albert HI.. Oltra. HELP WANTED. AT OKCK VOCNQ MKN TO LKABX Barber Trudo. rvm_.iil for barber* every day; rannot nipnly demundii. Lei ni tcuoh you trade, write for partiuu* Urn. Molrr Barber Collcg". yzi tjucen Kant. Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. RAILWAY POMITIONH AH STATION Agcntx. Teh-crnphera, Krniicht and 'iirHot I'lorkH, pay KOOU wugea. W tram y.ni quit kly. Hand for frae Booklet '.8. Diiy. KTeniiiK and ilutl C-onrses. Uomlu- ion rtiihool Tolf^ruphy, Toronui. Minurd i Llmrount Co., Limited. MibctLLANhOUS. 11 AY snil ) AKM HCALB8. Wilnon'B Uralo Works, 9 tttplauada. Tuionio, CA.NCKK, TU110KH, LUMl'H. eto. !* ternal and 'inriiul. curacl nliboat limn 117 our Hume ireuttneui. Writ* nm ..' too late. Dr. Bnllioau kteuical Co. Limited. Collnicwnod. Ont. Grow SI.AI.E (JUAIIANTKKU. wiin,n~ Seal* Works. 9 i ...nr. .,<!, Torontou AGENTS WA.NTKU. - A STUDY OF othtir Agrnoy prnpoiitiuni coimneea lib that mine can equal n tit. you will al- ways regret it if you don i upply fur par* t!< ularn -.0 Traveller!' Uept., 1128 Albert nt.. Ottawa. SPECIAL1STH AI)VICB KKBB. Con.nl* us in rvcard to any Ulteaiia. Lownst uricrs In drugs o( all kinds. Trusses fitted Iiy mnll. Send mr>ar*- meut. Glnsses Sited by age. Write to-day for anything sold in Dmt-clan* i.nie iton> In Dr Rellman, Collingwood. Ont. DYEING! CLUANINCi! Kor tliti vt'iy bent, miul your W:>rk to th* "BRITISH AMIRICAN DYEINC CO." lx>ok I- i .i t i- i. ill jour town, umunil direct. M-intrc:il, I'orcMito, Oilaxva, ^) I r-| p... . liliil.. * anil Dvaior* In any kluil of Raw I iir, cannot ftfforil tt> ill- tatlun., rcflii^t. RIOMT PRICRS. . . -. ihnir cnU*e- tioni w 1 th out firsi otitatnlax our i 11 -" vi lilcli we cheerfully furiiUli upon ' -p*ciallzo In the fotlpxving :-* LIBKKAL ASSUKTMHNT. And r*initt nice forwantod rani. <t;iyj (uoit* rer*lv**l, expc anil mll . *< on all hipraentn pahl by us, 11 . biptD*nt too - . n or too HULL)). Cansds's l^irff*st Fur np.r- stor. "Tlur*' a Reason." Vour bvwMM and oorretsandenoe solicited. nitiT K John Hallam - TORONTO ISSUE * 12> wav ' s Corn Cure be used. It's easier to talk women out of 98 eents than 't i<< tn furlit m'ii out of a dollar. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your ilpitrdst will refund 'uonny If I'A/O OIN'T- MBNT fsJu to onrs any oasi of Itchinc, Itlimt, I'N-i'iinii. or I'rotr^iilliiK IMlm In tti 14 .lays. 60C. Rearing dogs for their skins is a, largo industry in Manchuria. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. The world is slow to recognize (tenius principally because it has so little practice in that line. Clean Stomach, Clear Mind. The stomach is tho workshop of the vital functions and when it Rels nut of order th' 1 wholn svstem closrs n sympathy. Tho spirits flap;, t.Ho mind <!rooi>R nnd work becomef im possible. The first care should V*^ to restore healthful action of tho sfcoma-oh and the best pr*>parat ; o;i >r that rmrposp ia ParTiie.le ri '! J rO^etablo Pills. General use for y*>ars haa von them l* > ."<1:'>'3r plr^ce in roedHu&O. A trial will at- test their valuo. DR. BOW'S STURGEON OIL UNIIHEHT External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities iu tho oil of tho STURGEON for sprains, Ijuiieness, etc. 1 v r. Dew's formula has it in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be equalled. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SEL.LS IT. Tho Brajley Drug Co., Lid.. Sole Props. St- John, N. B