Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jan 1912, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED NOT *MEN.' i I VOL 31, NO 28 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, January 18, 1012 W. H. THURSTON l ' A P l ' Kimberley Budget On Thursday and Friday night last tl.e mercury dropped to '20 below zero. Mr. Henry Ball of Toronto is visiting friends here and is the guest of his sis- t-r, Mrs. James. Hill. We are pleated to report that Mr. Victor Ellis, who last week underwent an operation for apendicitis at Hamilton, IB now making favorabU progress toward recovery. Miss Rachel Hutchinaon, who some two weeks ag:> underwent a similar operation at the general -ind marine hos- pital at Collingwood, will, we are pleased to report, be able to f'urn home this week. Mr. H. 0. Duft of tho dcparlmeut of agriculture, accompanied by a Mr. Kidd, fruit expert, spent Sa'urday last look- ing over some of the apple orchards in this neighborhood, the object being to secure some of them for demoustra! ion purposes. Mr. J. R. Fawcett, President of the Centre Grey Farmers' Institute, is this week attending Institute meetings throughout the riding. Every farmer t-hould avail himself of the opportunity of attending these meetings, where they will secure much valuable information from the farming experts who will *d- ilress them. Miss Agnes Reekie of Heathcote is the guest of her couaiu. Miss Altneda Fer- guson. On Sunday morning last the Methodist pulpit was ably tilled by a former pastor, in the person of Rev. J. R. Wilkinson of Holland Centre. Eugenia In spite of bad roads and weather our faithful mail carrier only missed one day. All Indies of this place are invited to be present <>n the 10th at 2.30 in th afteinoon in Methodist church to U- ad- dreed by Misb Powell uf Whitby on the subject, "How we can help our girls nd how they can help us." The Hydro Electric engineers are in town laking levels and other dta for the ttoraKe dam st junction of the Black creek with the Beaver liver. Messrs Will Field and James Cargo and son are at Eugenia helping the en- gineers. The Methodists are at present busy practising for their entertainment on the 2th iiist. <juito a number are laid up with severe culdi. Miss Maud Duckett has gone on a visit to the city. The Vandeleur Sons of Temperance came over Friday and spent a pleasant evening at Mr. Plantt'a. Mrs. G. Graham is visiting her daugh tcr in Thornlmry. If your children are tubject to .itt,vks i>f un>ii]>, watch for the tirt syniptun , hoaivi- nei-s. <!ive Chamberlain'* ('oiij,'li Kimieily an noon us the i-liilil |M>C<>III hoarse and the ut- tatkmay be warded otf. For mile by nil Stone Settlement Stormbound list week. Good sleivhing, and Jack Frost has returned with a vengeance. Miss Ag?ie Harrow is attending Price- ville crntinuiitum cl*s.s, Wo wish her much success. Mr. and Mrs. T. Irwin spent Sunday with the lattcr's patents, Mr. and Mis. T. Brady. The Women's Institute held a very successful meeting at the h'jnie of Mrs. D. Harrow last week. Mr. Roy Fletcher has secured a school ear Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sproat have re- home after spending a week's olidays at the parental home. Mr. Wells Whittaker has returned to .(wen Sound C. I. after spending a very njoyable holiday at the parental home. We are sorry to pirt with our teacher, lliss Watson, but hope that our loss will <e for her gain. Miss Sadie Fletcher has returned to lie Normal school in Toronto. Mr. Willie McArthur spent the holi- ays with his mother here. Victoria Corners Kev. Mr. Campbell *v a very in structive anil interesting lecture on the North West Indians and his life amon them, recently. Chaa. Haines is home from the West, Max. Bannon has returned to Uuttor Snow storms and sickness seem to te the order of the day. Marcus and Mina Heard h/e been or the sick list. Mr. A. Siinson is still improving. Mr. J. Stinson has neuralgia of th Illl'-s. __ _ A mad dog has bitten seveial people at St. Thomas, also a number ot othe dogs. _ Notice of Annual Meeting Notice is hereby given that the anntia meeting of shareholders of the Flesher ton Hotel Company. Limited, will Ix held at the Park House, Flesherton, 01 Wednesday, Jan. 24, 1012, at on o'clock, afternoon. It I 'SIXES* 1 _T.o reciove the report of Director lev the past year. 2 To elect Directors for the ensuing year. 3_Ti> make uecesMiy arrangements for liquidating the debt. 4 -Any other legitimate busines. By order of Board of Directors. \V. H. Bl'NT. Secretary. J. M. DAVIS, Preo. Fle*herton, Jan tb, 1912. Here in a ren>dy that will curs "your cold. Vhy waste time ami money experimenting when you call get a pr|Mtratin that has won world-wide rvpntation by iu cures of thin iwase and can always be depended upon? t i known everywhere ax Chainlierlain'M '.m(fh Remrdv. and U a inwlicine of rrl nerit. For -alt- by all dealer*. Riverdale Only nine week* more till spring. Cheer up '. Mr. Charles Ellis returned from Moos- inin, S.-isk., last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson royally i;' erimned * number of their friends to a sociable At Home on New Years even- Our perfectly lovely, mild winter weather prophets certainly had their pre- dictions terribly exploded last week. The ;i i i M.I _;!- of the Riverdale skating rink are hereby requested to remove the mow otf the rink immediately and avert I'^il pr*>cetjdiniiM. .M- -r-.. James end Will Walker of Dimdson. Sask.. are renewing tanas in this vieinily. Our local blieksmith attended the I- .inn. i--. (.'In l> meeting Lcld in the oltice tf the depHrimeiit of Agriculture. Why not organize a Farmers' Club in this vi- cinity ? We have certainly got the goods to successfully boost it. Mr. John Stephengon is visiting with friends in Toronto. Somebody is weal- ing their heart away for jou, John. Mtssis. Robert and Seth Helming, ac c mi pan i eel by their sisters, also Mr. Ch.-ulea Morrificld, all of the west back lino, attended the delightful At Home given by Mr. and Mis. A. Thompson on New Years evening. The tiarcest and most continuous storm in th memory of our oldest residents vas experienced here last week. A roomy extension has been ailded ti the Hiverdiile lumber works in which turning lathes, rumblers, stretcher chucks and various other intricate m.-i chines for the manufacturing uf neck yokes, chair.*, broom handles and other promiscuous household articles will ba installed in the near future. Conservatives Elect Officers The Conservatives of Kast and Centre Grey met at Markdale on Friday after noon la*t and eluded the following orti cers for the ensuing year : President, N. L. Curry ; Vice- Presi- dent, T. D. C'arscadden : Secretary, W. Turner; Treasurer, W. J. Shortill ; Au- ditors, C. W. Uutledge nd Win. Lucas. Vice-Presidents for municipalities Ei.- phrnsia, James W. Krskine ; Osprcy, Joseph W. Gamey ; Artemesia, H. D. McLoughry ; Thornbury, Thomas Lowe ; Col!ingwod, Win. Shaw ; Dundalk, S. Bell ; Markdale, Win. Gibson ; Chats- worth, Wm. Brccso ; Proton, Abe Sher- son ; Holland, Andy Gillespie ; Sullivan, James Thompson, Addresses weie delivered by J. H. Devill, M.P.P. of Wott Durham, and 0. S. McKeown, M.P.P. .for Dufferin, M. K. Richardson, Joseph tVrguson and Hon. I. B. Lucas. Resolutions express- ing confidence in and loyalty to Right Hon. R. L. Borden Mid ih Government of Sir James Whitney were carried. Feversham Items Stormbound lust week The schools have opened again nfter he Christmas holidays with Mr. Kirhy is teacher in the public school and Miss ,'dverlev teacher in the continuation ichool. We are rery sorry to report Mr. Thos. hooper of the town line very ill at iri'sent. Mr. George Ottewell has rented Robt. li'own s blacksmith shop and is wielding he hammer ihere at present. Mr. Charles Brackenbury, manager of he skating rink, has it in tirst. class hup,; now, and it is being well patroni/.ed. R. D. Coli(uetle bus jjono to the O. A. College at Guelph. Miss Fanny Coulthard in on tin; sick ist ut present. Very cold, stormy weather has pie- ailed for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. ILmley of Proton Station visited the hitter's parents over Sunday. We understand that Mr. Richard Rob- rts of I. ly Bank is on the sick list. Mis* Sadie Julian visited with Mrs. Waltei Saigeoii tho past week. This Week's Items Mrs. Itobert Flanagan and daughter, it llnntsville, are visiting at Mr. James Speers. Mr. D. Stephens and lister, Mrs. I litrris of Pretty River villey.kpent Sun- lay Mr. and Mrs. Km. Hawton. Mrs. James Douglas spent Sunday with Misi Mary Speer. Mr. Joe Heron and Fiank Irwin hpenl Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Joseph Barber near Brewestor's lake. A number of people are com|ilaining i Ii id c->Ids ami liigrippe just now. Many expressions of sorrow was heard ou Saturday evening last whan the news reached heie from Lintowell of Mr I. >lin GritKn's death, he having been a resident of our village . few years ago, being head miller in the Hour mill here. Mr. Grilliin was highly respected by all who know him. Much sympathy is ex- pressed for Mrs. GritHn, neoMits Mati|{iu Roberts of Lady Bank, and family. The remains wuro brought to Fcvor.shain for interment. The debn'e, ' Resolved that women should have votes, ' and concurt give i by the i'everBtiam Literaiy Society in the school room on Thursday evening last war well attended. The atlirmative being championed by Miss Caverley our continuation school tuacher, nd 5Iis. I. H. Perigoe, The negative by Mr. Kirhy, public school tflMtlttt and Mr. Fred Hale, and by th way rhose gentlemen argued against what the ladies considered women's rights, we won't be surprised if tliry have to 150 through this world without a wife. I'll" judges .\re Mi-tars. D. W. 'Clinton, .) >s. Irwin and A. J. Conron. T^iey decided in I i\ r uf IMU afliinnative. Public Guarantee That most beautiful picture, entitled 'Home Agai.i," has brought such an eiioimons i.motmt of now subscriptions to Tho Fai. ily lleialii and Weekly Star, that tho publishers are r.nding it 1111- posNib)o to keep up with the tilling of orders, but in the columns of that paper i In . week we notice it positive guarantee from the publishers that every subscriber to ihat great weekly for 1'.U'2 will receive a copy of the picture, "Home Again. 1 Their i>uarantou is sufficient and sub- scribers need not foci anxious although l.he picture may be delayed for a few weeks. Those who 'hate not yet sub- scribed to The Family Herald aiiu Week- ly Star should do su at onco and make suie of having a copy of the picture "Home Again." W learn that the publishers arc contemplating .something for next season that will make this picture even m.uv valuable than at prsscnt. Ouo dollar pays for a full year's subscription to the paper, and the picture. Vandeleur Happenings Mr. John Clark uf Heatlicoiu was . visitor at Mr. E. inker's recently. Mr. Willurtl Gilbert and liiide of Moosejaw, Bask., who are pending their honeymoon with friends ijar Kiinl>erluy, viMted tho former's sister, Mrs. Will I lui. 'in., "ii. 1 i s ; week. Messrs. 'luiaea and Will Walker of Dnvidsun, Susk., who formerly rettidod in this vicinity, renewed acquaintances here a short time ago. Mr. George Pritchard and daughter. Mary, attended the wedding uf then cousin near I'.Uiuyu- week heluro Ins'. Mr. and Mrs. Sam tiilbert UvaleJ a number of 1 their friends to an oyvlei supper on Wednesday evening, week, iu honor of ihtir nephew, Mr. John Gil- bert of Wiarton, who spei.t n week visit- ing friends hereabouts. Mr. and .Mi -. Sid. Gilbwt and family have tiUen up their residence in Wiaiton for the winter. Miss Black, teacher at llaihead school, visited at E. baker's recently. Three jolly aleigh loads of young peo- ple from this neighborhood speiu :i pleas- :;r,r tune -it the home of M 1 . and Mrs. I'laiil' M>.ir Eugtfiiia on Fiiday evening. Mr. Ben Buchanan returned to Tu- l-onto hist week to resume 'us i iMu s at the miivuixity, after spending the holi- day! '. his home here. It if very refreshing in the hut summer davs to talk uf doiug statute lbor in (he winter lime, but when it comes to break- ing roads thriiugh PIIUW drifts four feet deep with the temperature away below /.era, we like tu think of the good old summer time, when we did our roadwork near a convenient bunch of shade trees. Catarrhal Deafness Successfully Treated By Catarrhozone Deafness is not so common as blind- ness, yet thousands arc more o leas afflicted by it, and their comfort ser- iously interfered with. Catarrhul ik'udii'su manifests itself but slowly, yi't it be arknowlpdR- id that thi 1 great majority of those who biTomt 1 totally dcuf might luivo avrrt- eil tills uiifnrluiiati* if tlu-y llail trontnl tin- cutarrhnl m'lnmmu- tinn ut Its bcKiiining. The only i-i-inrdy ibut onn )>. safely einploycd for all forms ..f :it:irrlml ili;a.'iifss is Catiirrhostoiir. V.iu simply chnrge tlic air y u bri-atln- with this hfalliiff. sootliiivff agent, and by forc- ing It m-iitly tlirough the i-:irs destroy H- ;,'i-im life which keeps up the in- lair.iiuition, ;ii]d at tho -am.' inn.- by I hi' southing, hPUlliiR ai-tion it lii'als the l!if!ninpd Fiirfacox of the middle ear. CATAKKHi 'ZONK, to those who are Just a little ileaf. and im- growing I"- c-rrasingly .leaf, is :ui ;:;:.-i:t i-apablo uf affnrdliiK thi- utnvst s:iilsf:ictlon. and its iiso is atlendi'd without ilanRer. unit as tli<- tn-utmi'iit b i-arrlod on ut h'.iin- no pi rson thr.-atoni'il with the affliction of di-afni-Rs sh.mlii postpone one moment in beginning ils use. From every part of the Dominion glowing accounts of tho beneficial ac- tion it exerts upon catarrhal condi- tions of the middle ear have been sent in, and you will be resorting to the only method of cute, and the simplest method too, if you try Catarrhozone. U-.ilc s everywhere sell it, 25c, 50c, and )1.D04 By mail from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. and Kingston, Ont. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. I p..' -. -."^i E-sannl FINE TAILORING ! ! ! III! The uiulorsigiiKd invites the public to CH!! in and see what we have to oHV-r in Material, Workmanship and Price, before ordering their next Suit of CM lies. WB handle Tailor Made Suits Made to Measure in our own shop nun 9fl4.IM) Uji, :uiil giurailti'u satisfaction. Punting from 83.75 up. We Will Treat You Right, knowing that you will come again. Yours to Serve, FRED MORLEY NEXT DOOR TO BANK I Flcshcrton, - - Ont. [L ___^_^_ 1 II II II II I i I II Christmas Tailoring Jut received a bnueh of nobby new suitiugs and over- coatings, au itnmcijsc choice of newest patterns ami at very reasonable prices-, f.. -vt- your order for a Christmas Suit now. We aiui U please and we hit the bnllseye every time. Call and look uver O'ii f niples, anyway. S.J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR CHRISTMAS MEATS YCOMI'LKTE STOCK OF CHOICE MEATS ON HANI) FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE, SUCH AS BEIEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, HEAD- CHEESE, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. WILSON Sc MeCJLOCKX-IN FLEBHEI^TOX .specialist In dlsuases ol the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Off ice- 30 10th st. West, Owen Sound At. the Rovore IIOUHO, Mnrkdnlo, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. UunJ-ilk, 1st Thursday of each month. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oflice and Residence 408, Oth St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment Groceries / Groceries J We handle only the C'leanest and best Groceries, all grades of Fiour and Feed Get your supplies from W. B U S K I GROCER. N Flesherton, Ontario.

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