.. v v Januurv 11 liH:i IIIK V I. ES1I HIST X ADVANCV, I M I . cohctfcoii An inJii. -mb-iit nr-|i.t|iT, piil>)i:i<>il every |'n:ind.iy :it tli.- .ittii.i-, C.illint'wiuitl Street. T'!ih<;rtoii. SiiWii|,tiu pi-ii-tr $1 IH-I umiuin, nil. -n paid in a"K UII.I-; 81 5 J when not i> paid. A'lvertiMiijr t;tv mi a|i]>li>'.-itioii. Circulation 1,100 wt-okly. \V. H. Tli iirMoii - Kilitur TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN A NEW CHINA China is at th present lime pissing tiiroufb the throes of new liittli. .-uul '.! i|ur.stii>n i" i'-trin inindi is, WiH the prudui" l' ,t die .lei iiuproxcincnt :i the old .' China is .1 l.u^i- country itnd contaiiiH over four hundred million people. Will it l possible to fnce:itra'c this compo- site lot of penile into a democracy, whirh is the aim of th pirsent rebellion' The present Manchu dynasty h;ts leigued in Chum since IKHi, and the _ '\i-iiiin.-i.' of the ci'iintry has bei n the most corrupt on (lie face of the earth. Corruption permeates very deparnnent and every orh'cial preys upon (hose under him. It is faid tli.ji officials are appoint- ed every three yearx, itnd during that IIIIK- ihey re expected to enrich them- M!VN and gt government office! for nil their i datives. Five ye i. aj.'o it was announced that Chiim would go into the reform business and gradually stamp out opium nd .idopt western methods of education. These very reforms have been made the vehicles of corruption and oppresai< n ...i !:_: government officials. Of lute years the younu Chinese have been given to travel, and thousands have come in contact *ith western ideas and methods of goverugkent. ThcMC have returned lo their home cmiutry and awakened the people to the n ii in i- of the yoke ihitt upon them, and the present rebellion against conHtiiuted authority is the re suit. At the finind>ttioti of all thi< un- rest, however, we are inclined to credit the >eed that has been Mown all over China by the Christian missionaries fr< the west, who fr yearn have been pi caching a creed that the Chinese sea i as fur superior to >heir own code of honesty and morality HH daylight it from darkness. The country has lieen at a standstill since the time if Mnrco Polo in the 13th century, bled to iltatli by corrupt i ttio.l. and it is said by a Chi- nese gentleman himself that '.MI per cent, of the Chinese people do nut know where their nrxt day's lice i* 10 come from. Poverty reipns supreme o\er this vast country (.f l,'-1>0,PCi) s.|Miie n.i es. The people i.re slaves to il.e Manchus, and /rom the peoplw of the West thu prayer !_< up that M better day mny soon dawn for thu duwntroden peopel of Catlmy.und that H more honest form of government may be evolved, whether demnciatic or monarchic. Hot there is a big woik to be done. WILL WE INCORPORATE ? Some diHCUSftion l.-n taken place on the <|UCMtioli of incorporation for this village. It is thought that the township as hole would like to tee us cut IOOKO from them. As it stands at present there is a feeling that thu village has the best end of the bargain as a police vi!lage. ThtH in not the i .se. however, as pmt councils IISVR regulated i lie shuics of ad- >ainiBtration that slmll be pitid by both 'Priceville and Flesherton as police vil- lages, and these two places pny (heir propoiti n without a n.iinniir. Hut this .. does nut do an *y willi :i eeitain uii i litlic feeling on the p->it nf u,i . pro- <*|l|Aily biilh inside ami i nitsiile the poln-,. villages, and for the siiki- of harmony all round it is thought a special act of in- . corp >rat ion should be seemed. If it it to be done this setsion of the !.< <isUiuru there bhould be no deUy, ns the limn f short. WILL THE GLOBE EXPLAIN ? A few weeks ago (hi; Duke of GVn- naught appealed to the press of Toronto jjj cultivate a purer English. Me thought uhere were too many colloipuialisnm and too much slang used. Surely the Globe could not have learned its lesson thor- oughly. l.i.-,i Haluiday it darted an ed- itorial note in this manner : " Glud to note that the Star," etc., etc. Now, wo u'md ul way* thought that dear old lady an .-sample < f chant e language and perfect irthogmpliy and ilie above lenteneu ,!e us Who or what waa glad ? nd when WHS. -In 1 , he or it glad ' Will Globe please explain and set at rest mind ol a perturbed country editor / Dr. Jainii .sun's official majority in ,tli Giey was Jififl. This was a ly majority, and no'repreaent- " of the people should have more, tt gets beyond thia figure aortic n become arrogant and ilog- Thcy have not tlio fear of in their soul aud are apt to treat itiotis coucornod with llifir riding Vi a point of personal interest. 1 hnn:lrcd of a majority is Hiiffioi- "lu any case. With such a ,rily all hands can look for a deal \villi a reasonable liopo 44 ot i,'i'ttiiu! it. 'I'lirsi 1 intliiteil insjoii- Marvelous necovery' Montreal Man So 111 With Dyspepsia Thought He Would Die. tii-s ate not healthy for either o o o The confession, uf Uov. 1! of Ciiinhridgc to the murder of Avis, Linell has caused asliuJJer of horror. No more convincing to pass over tins ountiiicut. That afe? 1 ^ SJ^S man of suoli cruniirii instincts ootildi^nown have dressed so long in the robes off sancti'y without being discovered is surprising, It is probably , due to the demand for sensational preaching u evl.lenc was Mr. D. K. Lurose, of Joliettc *:ri t. 'Permit me to write you a finv .vords eonc-i ruing Dr. Hamilton's fills. I suffered I'roiii dyspepsia and iiullgis- tinn for five years. I suffered so much that i omUI hardly attend lo my work. I was weak and lost all which some congregations favor. courage. I enjoyed r.o rest until I [decided to follow your treatment. aftiT 1 lie rev. liicliesoll was a sensational- j having read your advertisement in irt. Hut l,o was also a handsome IM& l es >' t man, and eloquent. What mattered am noiv us\r\g the second box ami . . . feel so well that I v>ant to tell you whether lie was sincere, or whether|thut I owe this great ,-hange to your he preached the gospel. sophistries are more to the some congregations, paid an awful price for their temerity in sitting at the feet of this vulture. Brooks Spence Tin- niarrUije of Miss CltiM Sp;ncj to Mr. Benjamin I5rook, Toronto, was solemnized :tt the home of the bride's mother at 1'J'J north Beaconsfield ave., Toronto, Dec. 27. The hrido's pastor, Kev. .i.uiir. Ockley nf Westmoreland Methodist church. performed ih ceremony in the parlor, which was prettily decorated with white bells and streamers. The bride who was un- attended, wore cream silk eolliene and satin, trimmed witli pearls. Mrs. Will Brooks |iU\,-.i the wedding marcli. A il nut y w .-il.lin > supper was served in the dining room winch WHS prettiiy (1-icoratcJ, the table being decorated with ruses. Immediately after supper Mr. a'id Mrs. Itrook.H left in a taxicab foi the station, where th.-y left for Niagara Falls and II :il i'... the bride wtaring a brown lailnrcd suit witli brown velvet, hat mid plumes liking of|dyspep.-<la. Your grateful servant, l>. ., , !R. Larose, 338 Joliette St., Montreal. One family Let all who havp weak stomach.--. and those who suffer with Indigestion, headaches, biliousness, know they can be perfectly cured by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Successfully used for many years, mild t.nd safe, 25c per box, all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston. Out. Dr. Hamilton's Pills v Cure Dyspepsia Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS Young shorthorn bull, tit for service, for sale. W. 1'ailou, Ceylon, Ont. Choppiue at Maxwell every day. Satisfaction uuaranteed. Marshall Ker- ton. (bA ! f n - To the Electors of Artemesia ].,.i!.. and (ientlemrii, I beg to gratefully acknowledge the honor yoj hare conferred upon me by electing me Iteeve of my native township. I iit-sure you the cuiitidcnce you have icposed in me is fully appreciated mi I trutt that no action of mine or neylect ot duty may My aim Fsriners desiring custom rawing done it KugenU should bring in their log this winter. I will guarantee to be on (hand to do the pawing M. Heard. ARTICLES FOR SALE A Rtack of good Imy for Rule, about ten tons. Canni A ,i,-i|i for I, I'rotou Station. sale. Feed wheat \Ve aru expecting ol wheat in Hhrlly. P. Loucka. New I'rolitie Seed .Buckwheat for lead you to regret your choice. and -i-ii'ly will ! to prouioto the ben inlrreMs of Artemesia. Wishing a nappy new yiarand prof parity to all, faithfully -Kxifi strong in traw, heavy yieldei, your i T. H. McKKXXlK. Card of Thanks I lake this opportunity to express my hearty thanks to the electors of Arle-j nil i H . lln( j 8ll f t and"hi>rd water who suppmted me in the recent contest for Deputy lUeveship. Again thinking yon, one and all, and wishing nil tha r- ir|, iv.-i i a happy and prosperous new year, 1 rein.iin yours faithfully. D. McLKCD. llariie iirainc, from imported seed bushel. Farmers, renew yom K. Wright, Ceylon I'.O. F-ir :ile cheap and eny teruu. or rent imuiadiatfl possession, tirst c'ass brick veneered dwelling in Kuguni.i, gnod fur- in house. Apply to Annual Meeting splendid girden and orchard. R. J. Sproiile, Klesherron, Ont. i.'7iltf For sjile Cheaji and on easy terms, good comlortable frame house, and two s;ood villiRe hits, in Klesherl'in. apply to R. J. Spoule. Lumber fur sale Wear* now jup business, m: I bavin); a ipmitity of The animal mceliug of Knsl (!rey Ae-'dry heuiKick to dispose of, for which wi* iniiliiu.il Soc ely will Im held on Fri- solicit enquires. Also Homo baulwood day. Jan. I 1 .), I'M in the hii(h schoo' Flesherton, at :' o'clock p.m xharp. 1 inch, li inch and _' inch, snitablu fi.r \ iii-iil>- work in dams or stables. l'!n- full attendance uf nieinheis and others! we are ottering at a low price. Gibson interested in the Society is urgently re i|uetited. Klection of otticeis and other Imainess will be tranascted. -J. A. BOYD. Sec. Collison, Ceylon. To the Electors of Artemesia I ,'u In-* and (Jentlemen, Although de- feated in I|IM recent election, I thanl< you very heartily for the liberal support you trave mo. \\ i luir; you a very pros perous year, Vours respectfully, " -W. J. t'ASWKLL. .Ian. H, l!)12. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Oajiroy Agri- cultural Society will bo hold in the Shorthorn Stock Bull, Casllegard, No. 74HIM>, for tale- also two younu animals, from the above and Hroudhnok's rows no 1 your old and the other 10 miitithM. J.imeR Fimllay, Markdale. f-'Ot. . Lots fur sale at retsonablw prices A imbiM' i good building lots on the late W. K. Flosher estate, Flesherton, n Torout i and Sydenlni n and Durham streets. Apply to It .1. Sproiile, Fleshcilon, Ont, Farm for and bit 4, con or Kent- Lot :J, con.l,'!, 14, Osprey, better known IIH the Oeorue Myois farm --"00 acres under cultivation, uood bnildiiis2,wull Armstrong, ISeptf I 1 '!,- I n -i i. n. anac Hall, Feversha:n. on SMurday..Ian.|*Hteretl. Apply 10 W. A. 20. at 15 o'clock [i in. Members and tlmai " interested in iho Society are requeued ti attend. .1. A. KKKN'AIIAN, Sec. LOST When ynii waul a leliiibh' nieilieine for eoiigh or ciilil take Cliiiinlii'l Iain's C'nu Krliiedv. U ean alwjy* bi- ili']>eniled i|.n tiiul in pleasant anil Hafe t take. Km- .-ale by all (It-ill.-, . AND FOUND D,< Lo8t--ln Knday, D. e. li!l, boiwcen arkdale HIH! 'Intnuo Vulloy Bohnnl house, a paio-.-l rontining apron mateiiil nil yarn. 1'loaso loavo at Advance Ilino. ^^^^f^^l^ CLAYTON'S FOR - - Boots and Rubbers THOSE who want good wearing Boots, either ac-tory or Hand made for the wet and cold weather or for winter should call and inspect our CELEBRATED MALTEESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light and Heavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes, REPAIRING AS USUAL. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. The New Store With the New Goods Substantial Reductions During January In Furs and Overcoats. The mild weather prevailing during December, leaves us with a bigger stock ot Fursaiid Overcoats than we anticipated. To move them quickly, prices in all lines have been substantially reduced. A sail our uoods are new thia season, marked closely, and in plain figures these reductions from our regular prices mean a big saving to you, and a visit of inspection will prove it to your satisfaction. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FOWL, BUTTER AND EGGS. To Winnipeg And West ANADIAN PACIFIC TRAVEL DIRECT CANADIAN ROUTE THE ONLY THROUGH CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE Solid through Uain of CocheK, Touii>t ami Standard Sleepers and Dinini! Cms. T'Tcm'o tn Vancouver IK.'JO p.m. diily. S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton or M.G. MURPHY, Distri Agmit, Toronto. SEASONABLE IN FURN ITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction, ome and Hee some of nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setta. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Ul I lAJlN J STORE LOOK! LOOK! Goods given away free. We h^va over two hundred articles to give away free. With every $5.00 worth of good* you get one of these useful articles frea. Flour and Feed, Sugar and Salt not in- cluded. You have your choice of these trticle.s. Come early and get the I" ' If you want Stm-le or Poultry Food, we carry some of the Best Ilmndi K'-yal 1'uiplu, Hackney '.i and Pratt's. We have some of the 15,-Nt Brands in Fi-mr Five Roses, Cream of th* West and Satis- faction and .' price* 'hat tr just right. Now is your chance to get a map on a fur or furlined Coat, as we ate ellinit them at biif leductions. Special We have a special price on Sugar, St. Lawrence or Kedpath. CrrumiUted Sjgar for one week, commencing Jan. 10th f.ir $5.85 cash. Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce Jas. %>attison General ton WANTED A live reptvHentative for Klenherton and Miin lun'iiii -, district to sell high class Niock for The Fonthill Nurseries More f i uit trees will he planted in Fall of It'll .111,1 spring of 1 '.T_' than over be- fore in the history of Ontario. The orchard of (he future will be tho best p i \ in" part of the farm. Wo teach our men salesmanship, Tree culture and how big profit* it' fruit- growing can bo in uli-. Pay weekly, permanent employment, exclusive territory. Wriio for particulars Stone & Wellington TORONTO IDE mm Carelnlly Corrected Each Week Wheat 8T> to 85 Data 43 o 43 Peas 1 ID to J 10 IWloy 70 to 70 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Bottar ?5 o 25 Kegs, fresh ) :r 'M Potatoes pei bag 100 to ICO Goose 10 .o 12 Ducks 10 to 12 Chickuns 10 to 12 Turkeys 18 to 18 Wool 30 to 122 Clearing Sa The sale is a huge success. Everybody admits that the prices are away below value. The 5 cent, factory ami Towlings at 5 cents are something you have not heard of for some time. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather the people are coming in and buying freely. To see the goods is to buy them. Please call. ey Ladie' Sweater Coats, a'.l colors, 11.10 to f4 00, half price See our Uauge of Woollen Shawls, Fascinators, Clouds, eto., all guing'about half price. Women's and Girls Imitation Lamb Gauntlets in Black and Regular 60e, clearing JUegular 9 l.CO, clearing g Ladies' Wool Underwear all gm'ng at coat See our table of To. t uos, Gauntlets, Mitts', Glove... Socks and I.adi Hose, nil at. . Ladies' and Children' Flannelette Blanl Boys (.her Coati, ,-,i/.ra -n u> .>i, regular 90 ,>u, clearing Hoys' Over Coat.-. L.rge Storm Collar, sizes 3;* to 35, regular $tj.0t) ............................ 1Hc ldren's Flannelette Nighi Dresses, a!l at half price nkets, regular $1. GO, clearin" Sl'lU H, si/.es !28 to .T2, regular $5 51), ' dVaring. '. '. ' JCJ.'tiH clearing TERMS, CASH OR PRODUCE. J.& W. BOYD Flesherton - - Ontario. I 4. ^ e M & J< ^1 \ | I & ?! '&. , ' . ' i '