Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Dec 1911, p. 6

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PROOF FOR WOMEN WHO SIILL SUFFER THAT TIIKV CAN FIM) UKLIEF IN DODU'b KIDNKV l»ll,LS. Mrs. Luis McKay HuHorod from I'aiiiN in Ibc Hark, Side and in I Ik- i'Cf;ion of (be Heart â€" Dodd'a Kiilufj I'ills cured her. Tiverton, Digby Co., N. S., Dec. 18 (Si)ccial). -livery day BCems lo bring a mfsyagc- of cheer for the weaic, run-<ionii women of Canada. To-day's mesbagc comes from Mrs. Lois McKay, a well-known resident of this place. She, like others, has found new life jn Dodd's Kidney Pilli. "Before 1 uKe<J Dodd's Kidney Pill.s, ' Mrs. .McKay states, "I euf- lered with a pain in my back and side, pajns in my bowels, and aharji, cutting pains around the heart. "1 was always tired. Sometimes when 1 tat down 1 could hardly get up out i.f tlif chair. But thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills, my pain is all gone and my back is well. 1 have proven for myself that Dinid'n Kidney Pills ar«- good." Female trouble is nearly always caused by diseased Kidneys, The [wsition of the female organs and the Kidneys shows how one is dejjcndent on the other. That's why weak women find new life in J)odd's Kidney Pills, They always cure diseased Eidnevs. PKOPIIESIFS OF FAMOUS MEN. Well Known (ienllrmoii Speak as to Their Future (Greatness. Not the lc;i!-e int<'rcsting etory , . __. . „ told <jf the lat* Sir Kobert Hart, is attracting fresh adherents ranidly who worked for half acentury in in Scandinavian towns, tho volunt- the IJritish ('oiisular Service of ary rickshaw man expects to spread "Wh«n I am in Parliament," was the reply. "Don't talk rot," said Aleo, and went to sleep again. -Xnother remarkable story told of John liurns relatott that, while talk- ing on a political question about twelve years ago, ho said to an in- timate friend: "I shall be in the next Liberal Cabinet." At that moment it looked as if tho Liberals would never come back to power. His remarks was greeted with in- credulous smiles, but there is no shaking Mr. Hums' confidence. "We shall win at the next election," he said, "and I shall he a member of the next Ijiberal Government." And time ij)roved ho was right. It might bo mentioned that the late Mr. Henry IJroadhurst, the first working man to enter the British Mini.stry, was in his early manhood employed as a stone- mason on tho carviig work of the clock tower at Westminster. The story goes that one day he remark- ed, half jocularly and half seriously,, to a fellow-workman : "You wait till I work on tho floor of this place; I'll do something for you and our other mates." And his fellow-workers were not inclined to scoff at the remark, for even in those days the energy and intelligence of Mr. Rroadhurst had made a deep impression upon them. NON-MEAT DIET. Vegetarian Walks Itound Denmark Pulline To dcmoiistrato how physical etrengtb can be kept up on a vege- tarian diet, a Danish enthusiast named Brtiekwoldt, has just started on a uiii(pic tour of Denmark. Ho has built a rickshaw on the Jap- anese plan and with his daughter as passenger he will walk all around the country, visiting every town and village. At every stopping place he will lecture on the advantages to body, and mind to be derived from a non-meat diet. As vegetarianism met by collecting his $25,000 a year as first lord of th« treasury. A similar amount leaves Lloyd Qcorge free from personal financial worries so that he can better worry about the financial affairs of the thirty odd million other inhabitants of Great Britain. BOY SCOUTS FIGHTING CONSUMPTION The Boy Scout<i of tho country, ever true to their creed, have enlisted in the battle againRt connumptioi). Under the direction of their superior oflicers, they are planning to do real substantial work in the soiling of stamps, between now and the end of the year. Liv- ing up to their motto that each scout shall each day do some kindness to another, theboys have resolved that this slogan can be well made eDTecti vo in the selling of Christmas Stamps to help on the great work being done for needy coasuraptives in the MuskokaB'ree Hospital for Consumptivoa. In fact, the young jieople everywhere, in Public Schools, Sab- bath Schools, and through their many different organizations, are proving them- selves a wonderful help in this Christmas Stamp cam(>aign. If no one in your town is active in this work â€" if you want to be active â€" write the Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, 347 King Street â- West, Toronto, and learn all about the pos.<ribiIitiet» of this Uttlo one cent Messenger of Healing. , Kf SMUG. Braggsâ€" 'What is the meaning of the word smug? Waggs â€" It means a man who is fat and glad of ib. China, is one (oncerning a remark- able predictK n which he made as .b(n-, and which was duly fulfilled tho cause materially on his travels At Klsinoro and cLsewhere he has held successful meetings, for the IMPORTANT. The man who wishes to bo tho architect of his own fortune should not overlook the importance of making his foundation firm. on. The Town.Kljip of Kilmoriarty had! novelty of his enterprise is drawing been given to one of lus ancestors ! crowds to this lectures. In the for gallent scrviee at the battle of 1 villages his reception is le.sis encour- the Boyne by King William. The aging, though kindly, for the coiin- ancest<jr enj<.ycd himself only too 1 try folk are disposed to scoff at hLs well there, with the result that he denunciati<in of the meat diet they left the place so bunlened with debt and their fathers have been reared that it had to he sold. Hearing the story, Robert Hart^-a little boy thenâ€" used to «ay : "When I'm a roan I'll buy back Kilmoriartyâ€" and I'll get a title, too." He was laughed at. But 'he never waver- ed in the Fcrious purpose formed before be reached his teens, and he actually did buy back Kilmoriarty wlien it came on tho market years aflcrward.v. As for a title, be gain- ed a knighthood, a (iraud Cross, and a baronetcy. The story reminds one of the in- cident in the early life of Mr. John Burns, when he wa.s struggling hard A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Allen Mason, Carlcton, N. B., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets ever since I have had children and that is g<iing on fif- teen years. I have always found them entirely satisfactory for all the ailments of little ones and feel that I cannot them too highly." Mrs. Mason's praise is A (hire for Fever and .Vgue. â€" Dis- turbance of the stomach and liver alw;iys precede attacks of fever and ague, showing derangement of the digestive organs and deterioration in the quality of the blood. In these ailments Parmelee's 'Vege- table Pills have Ijeen found most effective, abating the fever and sulxluing the ague in a few d.iys. There are many who are subject to these distressing disturbances and to these there is no better jire- paration procurable as a means of relief. for a living. He was lodging with I i'"** that of thousands of mothers another youlli in a small house on w^'o consider Baby's Own Tablets the Surrey siiie of the river, and I ^-''C only nafe and sure remedy to early one morning looked out of his I keep in the house for their little bedroom wjikIou and saw the light i<"ies. The Tablets are fnAd by nie- burning steadily on the clock tower: dicine dealers or hy mail at 2.") at Wi'stminstcr. I'nrliainent was cnnts a bo.v from The Dr. Williams' Bitting. The other youth was doz- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ing in a bed in the far corner of tho room, ".Mcc," f-aui the first youth- John Burnsâ€" flill looking out of tho window, "you see thai light!" What tbe Fnited Kingdom Pays Us "What about itf" sleepily answ- Twenty Ollleers. ered the boy a<i<lre8Ked as Alec. ' ti "S'.mc dav I shall be workingi /'' "''w f"«t'3 J"at a little more under that clock." j 'â- '"^" .$f>00,00() a year to make the It was a bold statement for one i ^^'â- '*-'«h cabinet maro go. To he who was earning a few shillings aj«xact, tho yearly salaries drawn by week in a factory, and it thorough- "'" tw<'"'.V members of the present liRITISn CABINET SALARIES. ly aroused the other. "What do you mean?" he asked. Baby 's Rash Became a Mass of Humor Parents Decided He Could Not B« Cured. "Cuticura" Soon Mada His Slcin Perfectly Cijar. A Toronto mar. Mr. Robert Mann, of 758^ Quran Kt. Kaat. sars: "Our boy wiui born la Toronto on Oot. 13, 1U08, and when tlirea XDUutha old a elijjht r«sb apiinared on hlj chuck. What aij|>(sarcd to bti a water bluter would (iitin. >Vbrn It broke, matter would run out, atattlnr new blkten uutU lilii i-jitlro faro, bead ana Khoiildura were a maaf of â-  ab9 and Tuu could not voii a iianicT* i>f Hear skin. Wu did not kuuiv what I to do fur bim and tried .abuvit every i<lvvrtU«d ' remedy without avail, In- ' (Ic<k1 aoinc) of thvoi only Bildul tu Ilia iutteniig ana one hi parlioulur, the Kciiiady, aluiutt put tbe Infaat Into cuiiTuiiducJ, 'I'ho family duoti,r pre- cjibed /or hlin Tbla did uut do any (oad, io we tuok blia to a bonltaL â- â€¢ WIS treatod as an oul-pet'ient twto a W«*k anil h« (»t wu»*, IX aiivlliiii|r. W« llun >^la<1 !u auemer iluutor and liiilcle uf a week t£« I'U)' ytM. to all apiNiaranct'H, cured aud toe dur;ur >aul UU work wu doii^,. But thij Tory next day U broke out « bad a^ ernr. "We d«cide<l tliat 11 rould uot be cured Si oiiiat rim Iti cuiirst and au we kept I aroM boDdaaud lu iiii tide to prcvuutjw* iriuii litt taii. ibe Cuthiira flbwedlw were re<X)iiiii<«Ddcd, We atart»d u»\nt tbaM Id Vi-v, Wj, and «oon the ciira waa complata, ( if lira made bts akin perfwlly cli-»f aod i> ciiUrely fieo from tbe ekb dbesM. TAKING HIS MEDICINE. Visitor â€" So you've had three dogs, eleven cows and two horses killed by autos so far this year. Why don't you put in a complaint? Farmer â€" Never! I'm willing to take my medicine. I was one of the yaps that kept hollering for good roads. Household troubles: Headache, Toothache, Earache, .Stomach ache. Hamlins Wizard Oil cures aches and pains so why don't you keep a bottle in the house. Silence is often the best argu- ment. Minard's LInlmant Cures Coldi, Ac. HIS PLEASURE. Judge â€" But, Hooligan, can't you live with your wife without fight- ing? Hooligan â€" No, sir ; I can't. Leastways, not happily. In anotbvr lrlt«r, datwd . - - ^. . â- My l<oy Kai; novor bad any mors l»ia a M. 1»11, government reach under the latest arrangement a total of $,^22,000, writes a l>on<lon corrcspoiultnit. The highest in tin; British salary list is Lor<l Aberdeen, loi<i lieutenl- of Ireland, who draws $100,000 a year. Jiut he lives in regal stale and it costs him much more than that to maintain his po-sition. A better liargain, fr<,)m the recipient's point of view, is the !i!,")0,000 re- ceived yearly by i^ord ].,oreburn, the lord chancellor, whose main duties are presi<liiig over the house of lords and appointing magistrates for the J'liiglish counties. ]''.ven less work is done by iSainuel Walk- er, lord chancellor of Ireland, who <lraws $-10,000 a year from tho liritisb treasury. Much has h(!en made in the Eng- lish pajMM-s of tbe sii|)posed Irisli- I i.m's rise which has been given to Winston Churchill. The ))osilit>n of home secretary carries with it a salary of $ir),()00 a year, whereas i that of secretary of the a<lniira!ty, which he recently assumed, pays but .$22,750. Therefore, say the English papers, Winston loses tho difference. They overlook tho fact that when a year ago the salary of the home secretary was raised from $10,000 a year to Si."), 000 a year Winston expressly ngreed that the raise was not to apply so long as he held the oflice. Thus be steps from a $10,000 job to one paying $22,7.'50, a nice little reward for work well done. Heads of the e<liicalion oflTice and the hoar<l of agriculture each draw $10,000 a year. The iiostmasler general has to struggle along on $12, .500 a year, while the chiff si'cretary for Ireland rcccivea $22,- 125 a year for his none-too-easy task. With a few exceptions the others of tho cabinet draw a roinul $2.5,0001 .1 year each. There is no salaiy. The ease with which corns and warts can be removed by Hollo- way's Corn Cure is its strongest recommcndalion. It seldom fails. Second thoughts often act as mental safety valves. Minard's Llnlmsnt Cures Distemper. ODD SIGNS. Placard at a moving-jncturc show : "Young children must have parents." In a barber's shop window : "During alterations p.itrons will l)e shaved in tho back." Sign in a store: "Empty boxes- suitable for Christinas gifts." In a tailor's shop: "We dye for others, why not let us dye for you V In a clothing store : "These pants will look better on your legs than on our hands." A silversmith has a place next door to a restaur.'tnt. The former having put up a placard, "Jewel- lery of all kinds jilated," the res- taurant kee|)er followc<l with this: "Ovsters and Little Neck clams plated." (%nwdl Robert Mann, Ua* 3 Juni ><ldii "My \iny Kan noror tiuubl* alau* ualug Cuticura Vor mor« than a Reneration rutirura Noap •nd Ointment bar* afforded the muat nic- cessfiil trealriiaiit for akin and i>rali> troi.MM of Infants. < bIMren and tidiilii A nliiifle act ia nften iiinti lent. Allhoii«b Hold by drwK- fUts and dealt-ni thromboiit tho world, a IlberaJ nainple of each, with 3'iV- bi«ik on the «ki«, w 11 bo sent free, on ajipli ftiion to ,, , . . ,i . . Voiiar hcMK * Corp., 6« UluiAibiM ntlached to the iiost of prime n.iTi AT«i« BMtos, U. U. A. ' ihler, but Asquith makes both ends ^ DQDDS % SklDNEY^ Ei). 7 1S.SIJE 51 11 "WATER ELEPHANTS." The ecientific world i» still dis- cussing the reported Jiscovery of a new mammal in the Congo State, a mammal known to the natives as the "water elephant." M. Le Petit, of the Paris Museum of Na- tural History, recently reprirted that ho saw five of these animals plunging into the water on the northern shoro of Lake Leopold tho Second. He state<I that they ap- peared to have shorter bodies, smal- ler cars, and relatively longer necks than ordinary elephants, and ap- parently were not pos.sessed of trunk. He estimated their height at about six feet. It has been pointed out that the description of the water elephant accords almost exactly with Dr. Andrews' restora- tion of tho palaeoma&todon, a crea- ture which dwelt in the Fayoum in tho lower teritiary age. It is a Liver Pill.â€" Many of the ailments that man has to contend witii have their origin in a dis- ordered liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the disturbances that come from ir- regular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This ac- counts for the groat many liver re- gulators now pressed on the atten- tion of sufferers. Of these there is none sui>erior to Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. Their operation though gentle is effective, and the most de- licate can use them. CHEATING THE CUSTOMS. Here is an ingenious Customs fraud, which has been going on un- perceived for nearly two years. Customs offic/crs, examining the cart of a man who has crossed tho Ital- ian-Swiss frontier three times a week for tho past fifteen months, discovered that tho axles of tho wheels contained watches. Alto- gether 400 watches were found and confiscated. TRY mur;.:2 eye remedy for Red, Weak. Weanr, Watery Eye* andGranulated Eyelids Murine Doesn't Smartâ€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, .')0c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.00. Eye BookB and Eye Advice Free by Mall. Murloo li<ye Reciedy Co.. Chicaso. "Fine feathers make thin pocket books," so a married man says. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. SAM HAD SEEN IT. Dickâ€" "Bill writes that he's liv- ing in a magnificent cottage." Sam â€" "Why it's so small that you can stand on the roof, reach down the chimney and oiicu the front door. It will Prevent Ulcerated Throat. â€" At the first Bymptoms of sore throat, which jiresages ulw^ration and inflammation, take a spoonful of Dr. Thomas' Kcloctric Oil. Add a little sugar to it to make it pala- table. It will allay the irritation and prevent the ulceratitm and swelling that are no painful. Those who are jieriodically subject to (juinsy have thus made themselves immune to attack. RATS AND THE PLAGUE. 'The undersecretary for India estimates that during the last 15 .years 7,500,000 deatlis from plague have occurred in that country, and yet, although it has been scientific- ally .shown that this terrible dis- ease is conveyed to human beings by rat fleas, there are actually dis- tricts where religions opposition ex- ists to rat-killing and inoculation. Tho greatest difliciilty is met in overcoming "preju<iice and ignor- ance, habit and apathy." Great numbers of people not only con- tinue to live in houses tluit are not rat-proof, but they treat the rat al- most as a doniestie animal, ,nnd re- fuse to trap or kill it. Wherever sanitary rules cwi be enforced, the ravages of the plague are arrest- ed. It has been excluded from the jails and from tbe native army. Government Municipal and Corporation Bonds Correspondence Invited. CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, Llmiteil, Hon. C. J. Doherly, K.C., M.P.. President. Rodolpho Furget, M.P., Vice-Prctidont. Geo. H. Goodcrham, M.P.P., Vico.PrestdtiuU HEADOFHCEi 1 79 ST. JAMES STREET MONTREAL Thomas J, Lipton H. H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER Membar standard Stock and Mioinx Kxctiange LISTiO STOSKI OAaBIID OH MARQIM Correspoodance Inritad 33 MELINDA ST. TORONTO, FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. H'V. DAW.SON. 90 COLBOil.MO 8T., Toronto. NK HaNDRED ACEEH â€" GOOD Buildinga: near Brampton. (> rp WENTY-FIVE ACRE FEUIT PARM- X Brick Uouse and Good Buildings: St. Calharinea. GIVE YOUR BUSH A CHANCE AND MAKE MONEY WITH IT. Tou would not think of outline down your hay or grain with hand Bcythes, and you ahould not use old pots and pans. Install a 'Champion" and make more and better Byrup with lesa time and fuel. More revenue at a reduced coat. Why not try thia? We have one that will just suit you. You are sure to win. Write for free booklet. THE QRIMM MFG. CO., LIMITED. 58 Wellington 81., Montreal. Que. TOO TRUE. She â€" "There is one State, at least, where women can do the bossing without tho ballot." He â€" "Which one might that be, pray?" She â€" "The state of matrimony." To discern and deal immediate- ly with causes and overcome them, rather than to battle with effects after the disease has secured a lodgment, is the chief aim of the medical man, and Bickle's Anti- Consumptive Syrup is the result of patient study along this particu- lar line. At the first appearance of a cold the Syrup will be found a most edicient remedy, arresting development and speedily healing the affected parts, so that the ail- ment disapi>car8. A NUMBER OF GOOD STOCK. GRAIN and Dairy Farms in Ilalton, Peel, Vork, Ontario and Prince Edward Coun- ties^ SEVERAL GOOD FRUIT FARMS IN the iNiagara Fruit Belt. MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, AL- bertii and British Columbia Lands, in small or large blocks. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Farm, consult H. W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne St., ToronKj. AGENTS WANTEa A GENTS WANTED. - A LINE FOB J\^ every home. Write us for our choice ust of agents supplies. VVg have tha Kreatest agency proposition in Canada to-day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. I. Co.. 228 Albert St.. Ottawa. HELP WANTED, ^ ALESMEN-$50 PEE WEEK SELLI.NQ IO one band Egg-Beater. Sample and terms 25c. Money refunded if uusacisiac- tory. CoIlettB Mfg. Company, Coiiiug- wood, Ont. AT ONCB-YOUNO MEN TO LEARN Barber Trade. Demand for barbers every day; cannot supply dcmauds. Lei us teach you trade. Write lor particu- lars. Moler barber College, 221 wuccn East, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS, H AV and li'AKM SCALES. Wilsons Scalu Works, 9 Kbpiauude, Tuiuuiu. CI AiNCKK. TUilUKS. LUAlPli. elc. In- / leriiul auU exiernul, cured wiiauul l>aiD by our uome ireutmeut. Wnie ua boforv too late. Dr. Bcllmau Uedicui Cu^ Limited, CoUingwood. Ont. (• ION aCALK GUAKAiN il!-KD. Wusons I Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. MERELY SOUND. "Do you consider him a man of sound sense?" "Well, yesâ€" modified a bit." "Modified ? What do you mean V "Just strike out the sense and you'll have my opinion of iiim." AGENTS WANTED. - A STUDY OP other Agency propositions convinces us that none can equal ours. You will at . ways regret it if you don t apply for pajt. ticulars to Travellers' Uept., 228 Albert St» Ottawa. SPECIALISTS AUVICK l'ltt:E CnsuU to us lu regard to any disease. Lowest piicea in drugs of all kinds. rruEsts fitted by mail Send measure meot. Glasses fitted by age. Write to-da] for anything sold in firslclass drug stores to Dr. Itellman. Collinewood. Ont CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Can be iloii* perf JUtly by our Kruncb prooeas. Try iu British Amorioan Dyeing Co. Montreal, Toronto, O.tawa and Quebec* I was cured ot painful Goitre by MIN- AKDS LINIMENT. I BAYARD McMULLlN. Chatham, Ont. I was pured of Inflammation by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh. Out. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdule. Ont. J. H. BAILEY. It is easier to hold a man ufl than it is to hold him down. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. "What on earth's the matter? Cut yourself while shaving!" "No-o. I should say that I shaved myself while cutting." For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as the most effective preparation m.'vnufac- lunxl, and it always maintains its reputation. .\ TOWER OF SKULLS. As Late as 180!) Turks Decked Walls With Such Kelics. A strange monument of modern harbari.sni still survives at Nish in .southern Servia. During th« war of iiulependence in IftOO the Servain Rurrisdii here exploded a pow<(er magazine and perished therein rath- er than fall into the hands of the Turks. A battle had previously taken place and the Turks commenidrated their victory by erecting a rude tow- er, ornamented with the heads of their enemies. Old people will tell you that there were once 1,21)0 heiuls, but as the tower was never more than twenty-five feet high, this isjirobably an exaggeration. Lamartine and other travellers relate that they saw hair .ikill cling- ing to tho skulls, which must have foniunl a gruesome spectacle. Dur- ing many yearsi visitors were in the habit of carrying off skulls fv.i siHivenirs, but when Nisu becnnic Servian the i'Ciii!iin<ler were tak "n away for decent buri'il, all save a few that were too deeply inbed- ded. Recently the remains of live tower have been eovereilviver \\:lh a roof to protect them against tlie elements, and they are regarcdtl as a pious object of patriotic pil- grimage. Collect-irj and nhipperi will ttnd it t.i llieir advantage to gst their names nn our umilin^ V"* This Insures rr 'lupt receipt uf our uu.i- nf irni;iti.>u, which will lis re^djr abi.ut the 15th .,f Niiveiulwr. Vuu can be surs o( fair and lilienl treatment when ymi ship yourcnllecti.Mulo Wagner, Braslsr&Co 86 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont, â- iV â-  â-  1^^ ^^ Trappors, Munttrs I HI I â-  K â-  and Uealsrs In aiy L â-  â-  U> Vv •<>>»><>( Raw Furs. ^^ â-  â-  I^K J^^ c.'iniiiitairord . .li'i- â-  I I â-  Im â-  P""* "fthalr C"l:«c. I ^^ a M^0 tii>u» with out fir..,! t>Nt.\ialiig our \\\n)' tatlon^. wliioh we eheerrully furni-h u| rsquest. We spucialir.e in tho rDllowinK - ^ RIGHT PRICES. LIBERAL ASSORTMENT. An 1 remittance forwartleil .<«ainu diy., ;;.>.j(li leceiTSd, express and iu:ii) cluri;e.H ' on all shipments paid by ui, n • shipment too largo ur too am ill. Canada's Largest Fur Oper- ator. "Tbere's â-  Reason.' Vour buiineji and corresp'tndence s.>licited. OK el'. K John Hallam - TORONTO "The Most H.niitiful I.ocutiou ill New York City." HOTEL SAVOY Fifth Ave., 58th to 59th Street Ocerluvliint/ Crnlral Purl- Affordinn a delightful residence, from which all tho principal centres of the city are readily accosiible. IV^iitlftil Sin 'Ir $2. witli h.illirooiii $-,,ni(l iil,"»r.l~<t«iil(lef,. v.iihlMttitooIji J4.,iiil in»i.u.,i: UrtiO iwr «>r, ftkove ..,iiil hatliuM, 11, or Lirjcr RiriM iip,»n aoplfiiition. S|t». tloiis rcstaiiriiit. jaliri ;;.-irdcn. l.t'Uurtl ruoiii. tic. Sitmf/„rllaok!tl. JOIINK. ltII'..S, Minagcr If a ir.nn is what his neighb": think he is, he ought to be anh.-' i; -1 of himself. DR. DOW'S STURGEON OIL LINI^IENT External application for or beast. Kveryone knows of the wonderful tiualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, etc. Dr. Dow's formula has it in its best form. For Hheuinatism, Lumbago, Neuralgi.a, Swelli'igs, etc., it cannot be oc|ualled. Try it once and yon will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SELLS IT. The Hrayloy Drug Co.. Lid., i^'ole Props. St. John, N. V,.

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