ffleNAlABASJLEAD GIIILT! Sensational Ending to Case Tliat Has " Aroussd World's Interest. A despatch from Lea. Angeles, Cal., says: James B- McNamara ipleaded guilty on Friday afternoon iin connection with the ciaath of bhas. J. Haggerty, a victim of the Los Angelea Times explosion and fire. His brother, J'ohn J. lIcNa- mara, jointly indicted v?ita him, E leaded guilty to dynaniitijtg the lewellyn Iron Works. . James B. McNaraara probably will get lifa imprisonment. :;-.hn J- McNamara, it was rumored, \?ill get fourteen years. ' Each pleaded guilty on the ch.arge of which he v.as extradited from Indianapolis. , Within fifteen minutes after the court opened on Friday afternoon one of the greatest criminal trials of modern times had ended so abruptly that many officials sup- posedly in the heart of the matter did not know it was going to hap- pen. The prisoners were taken back to jail, Judge Walter Bordwell retired to his chambers, and oppos- ing cuunsel went to their rooms. "The McNamaras have pleaded guilty because they are guilty," was District Attorney John D. Frederick's crisp comment. "If I had seen any way out of it â- a.%^ would not have done it," said Afin:.caey Cl»rence S. Darrow after court. "We have had it under con- sideration since a. week ago Mon- day •" PRICES OF m PRODUCTS i.LI'ORTS Fll0.n THE LEADING TDADE CENTKES OK AHECICA. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese •nd Other I'rodiice at noma and Abroad. • CHICAGO CATTLE SHOW. Canadian College Tea:us Win Three Out of Five Trial."*. A despatch from Chicago Bays : Canadian colleges won three out ,©f five trials in the college team judging contest at the Live Stock 'Show Saturday night. In trial No. .1, "all classes of live stock," Mac- donald College of Quebec won first .honors, Manitoba College took sec- ond place, and Missouri University » won a close third. In swine-judging , Manitoba College won first place, 'Montana Agricultural College took .second, and Macdonald College of Quebec third. In sheep-judging 'Ontario, Macdonald and Manitoba •Colleges took first, second and .third respectively. Uncle Sam won first honors in horse and cattle 'judging, but the Canadian colleges . won second and third place in both classes. This is the first year the Macdonald College team was • entered. TEACHER .SENTENCED. Miss >'ora McCrea Convicted of Assault on Girl. A despatch from Brockville says : Miss Nora McCrea, a young school teacher residing in Merrickville, was found guilty by Judge McDon- ald on Friday afternoon of assault- ing nine-year-old Helen McCou- brie, a pupil at Soper's School, near Frankville, on October 19 and 23 last. A sentence of une week in jail wa.s imposed. Four pupils swore to witnessing the chastie- ments, which were administere.i with a blackboard pointer, some of the blows falling on tiie child's head. Two physicians also testified to the injuries received by the Mc- Coubrie child. She was laid up for several weeks- THE NEWS IN J PHRAGRJPH aaAO nv itoa.i so.siK-i.iavn THE GLOBE IN A NUTtsUELL. Canada. tb« Empire and the Wo''! u General Before Your !--S'v '^ â- ' Eye«. CANADA. The us« of cigarettes in Canada continues to increase. A new issue of silver dollars IS the Speakers tahle by Dr. and BEEAD.STCFF8. Toronto, Dec. 5.â€" Flourâ€" Winter wliea*, 90 per cent, patents, $3.50 lo J3.5o, sea board. Uanitoba Hour llrin, au follow?;â€" First patents, *«.50; second pat..:ita, $5; and strong bakers', J4.B0, on track, To- ronto. Manitoba wheatâ€" No. 1 Northern, $1.07, Bay ports; No. 2 Norlliern, S1.04, and So. | Mrs. Sproule 3, $1.00 1-2. Bay porta. j Martin Lohr, an old man, was Ontario wheatâ€" No. 2 white, red and burned to death in his house IQ mixed, new, 88 to 89c, high freights. Peasâ€" Good milling peas, $1.12 to $1.15. Oataâ€" Car lots of So. 2 Ontario 43 to i ceive an honorary LL.D. degree 4JI-2C. and o{ No. i at 42c; ou tfUck, ; Q^J^en's University in the spring Toronto. 46c; No. 3 Western Canada oats, 44c, Bay ports. Barleyâ€" No. 3 extra, barley, 70 to 75c. Cornâ€" Now corn, 69 1-2 to 70c Eye â€" Car lots in fair offer, quoted at 90c, outside. Buckwheatâ€" 60 to 62c, outside. Bran-Manitoba bran, $23 to $23.50, basB. Toronto freights, tiborts, $25. BOMBAY GBEETS ROYALTY The King and Queen a]^e Wildly Cheered ' i j on way Through City. A despatch from Bombay says: King-Emperor George and Queen- KrapresB Mary, as they are official- ly styled since their arrival in tlieir _ great eastern empire, landed frjm about to be coined at the Ottawa ' ^\^^ steamer Medina on Saturday at mint. i tjio quay at the Apoilo Bunder at Liquor has been banished from ! 4 o'clock. They were met by the Beverly township on S.iturday, The Duke of C-onnaught will re- Governftr of Bombay and a large gathering of high official:) belong- ing to the civil and military ser- vice, and at onco proceeded to a hu chieftains. Behind these wer« mossed an immense throng, com- posed of Hindus, Mohammedans, and Arabs, all attired in richly- oolored festival costumes. Ad- dresses of welcome were presented to the King-Emper(jr and Qiieen- E.mpresB by the municipality and other bodies, to which his Majesty replied. A Royal procession was subse- quently formed. It was a mile in length and comprised rpn!:>=3nta^ outside; feed Bay ports, with No. 2 OOUNTaY PKODCCE. -Winter stock, $3 to $4 per bar- go amphitheatre which had l)eea i tives of all branches of the Euro- erected opposite the landing sWge I pean and native arimes in I:id;a. an<i which was tilled to its utmost ] It aubsequentlv traversed al! parts . â- ,f " , f'lpacity with many thousands who I of the gailv decorated citv. The na- ilamilton ratepayers will vote on had come to welcome their Majes- ' by-laws aggregating $1,001,500. in- i ties. The scene was a remarkably eluding S650 000 for water works. | brilliant one. The handsome leve'e Ihe Hope has issued a notice that; dress of the officials and the uni- persons who summona Catholic \ f<,rms cf the naval and military of- clcrgy to court are liable to excom- fioers, together with the bright toi- T~ â- -^ TT , f \ '*^fct«s of the women, onlv served to Lnivcrsity. Halifax, ; emphasize the gorge^nis hues of the mun jati)T Dalhnusie ceremonial attire of the Indian N. B. SECTION C0.1IPLETED. BRITISH >A\ AL LOAN. WILL JOIN GRENFELL. Wealthy .Viuericaii Girl to Become Nurse in Labrador. A despatch from Boston, Mass., says : To give up a life of luxury and become a nurse in one of Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell's hospitals in Labrador is the plan of Miss Ame- lia Forbe.?, daughter of the late J. Malcolm Forbes, the well-known yachtsman and capitalist of Boston At present Miss Forbes is training for her chosen profession in the Waltham Home for Nurses, aid when she completes her course she is to start for the North and bejiin her duties among the Eskimos, In- dians and fishermen. Miss Forbes first became interested in the work of the Labrador medical mission while attending a lecture by Dr- Grenfell, and she volunteered her Be rv ice 3. .a. ONTARIO HOLDS PINE SUPPLY • Represented 65 Per Cent, of Can- ada's Total Lumber Cut. A despatch from Ottawa says : ConeerniiLg Ontario's 1910 lumber 'cut, the Forestry Bulletin says that Ontario still produces a httle over "one-third of the quantity of the lum- ber cut annually in Canada, but its .annual cut, while increasing, is in- creasing more slowlv each year. In Ontario, during 1910, 1,642,191,000 •feot of lumber were cut, being worth $30,011,000. The diversified â- forests of Ontario have enabled it , to hold the supremacy up to the preiient. White pine of Ontario formed 85 per cent, of Canada's cut and nearly half of the hemlock cut • came from this province. Ontario provided 90 per cent, of the red pine. FOOLED WITil DYNA.MITE. Uoulronl Youth May Die as a I RoisuU. A despatch from Montreal says : Harry Seigel, aged 11, whose home is at 160 Murray Street, found a stick of dynamite on F"riday, and exjiorimented with it, with probab- ly fatal results. Taking it to a neighlxiring blacksmith shop, he placdl it on a table and struck it â- with a hammer. Ho was taken tj the hospital badly burned about the face and suffering from a severe abdominal wound. Applesâ€" Winter Btoci, f3 to $4 per bar- jjgp ,a purse of $4T'2. 'â- '*'• I Five men were buried in the fall Beana-.Small Iota of hand-picked $2.25 . of a shed on tlie wharf at Papineau- to $2.30 per bush. | ville. Felix Lefebvre was killed Honey- Extracted, in tins, 11 to i2o per and the Others more or less injured, lb. Combs, »2.50 to 82.75. j Thomas Moore and three of his Baled hay-No. 1 at S16 to $15.50 on | children were burned to death in j their house on Lieutenant-Govern- has raised $7;"), 000 of an addition of ; $350,000 wanted for the endowment I fund. ^ ' I Pauline Johnson, the T.idian poet- | ess, is in poor health at Vancouver, ''â- . â€" - and Brantford friends have sent j First Tro» Over (ho New Tran.seon tiuental Railway. A despatch from Moncton, N tive quarters presented a particu- larly quaint appearance, forest:; of masts along the stre«t« bearing • multitude of native religious s\Tn- bols representative of the varioui sects. Emirmous crowds every- where heartily acclaimed their Ma- jesties, who returned to the Medina at 5.20 in the evening. BANK TELLER HELD UP. B. a* on track. To- B lied 8trawâ€" S7.50 to ronto. Potatoesâ€" Car lots, In bags, quoted at $120 to $1.30, and out of store, Sl.M to $1.50. Poultryâ€" Wholesala prices of poultry :â€" Chickens, 11 to i3o per ib.i fowl. | ranch owner, of Prince Edward' Is- 8 to 10c; ducks, 10 to Uc; geese, 11 to i land, ha,s purcha.sed from J. C Cal- 12c. turkeys. 16 to Ifle. Llvo poultry, about 2o lower than the abovs. Armed Robber .'Secures $1,000 Point of Revolrcr. says : The first through trip over , ^ despatch from Vancouver says . the new transcontinental railway ! '^^ *"* command of a man armed in New Brunswick from Edmunston ' "^^^^ ^ revolver. Teller D. A. Mc- to Moncton was completed on Wed- ' the Roval Bank of Canada, on Wed- nesday afternoon, when three loco- | uesday handed over $1,000 cash, his escape, ors of the road passed through here ! Only a cierk or two were in th« The Dominion Government has ' *'' ^â„¢'i'-'"'" N- ,^.- ^'J''. '"♦'P*'". The I bank when the stranger entered, refused the re^juost of the United transcontinental in this Province is ! â- •Qive me a thousand," he laconic- States to intrrferoin the Provincial now compfiefe. bovo the building of 1 allv ordered, and the teller com- track, and No. 2 at $14 to $14.50. ! -"p^^^on'V^;;;^"'!!;'^;^;;!; ' '""^ives belonging to, the contract- i and the robber made Columbia. : regulation of moving picture, shows, stations and terminals, dressed j Chas. Dalton. millionaire fox Anglo-German Shipbuilding Rivalry May Lead to It. A, despatch from London, says: The probability of a big naval loan in the near fuLure is revived by The Pall Mall Gazette, which anti- cipates that $150,000,000 and pos- ' sibly more will be raised supple- mentary to the usual naval esti- mates. It is argued that in view of the campaign in Germany in , Eggs-st^ictly new-laid quoted at «c, • law at present covering only thefts i favor of an increased navy-^ for that , ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ F j^ " , ^ome of country it is necessary for Great ' ^ _* ^ ,_.:„i. Britain to show that she is deter- '""• Cheese â€" Large, 15 l-2c, and twhiB 15 3-4o per lb. LOCKOITIN BERLIN. mined U) preserve the "two-in-one standard. The provision of ade- quate docks for the Dreadnought battleships also necessitates heavy expenditnre. BaTTEH. EGOS, CHEESB. Butterâ€" Dairy, clioice, In wrappers, E5 to 27c; store lots. 22 to 23c; and iuforior, tubs, 17 to 18o. Creamery quoted at E9 to 30c for rolls, and 27 to 28a for solids, per lb. new-laid >t j houn, of Gasp". Que., three black foxes, for SO/OO ! Sir Edward C louston is said to be about retiri'iT from the general I managership of the Bank of Mont- real, and Mr. H. V. Meredith will i succeed him if he does. j Parliament is asked to provide ' penalties for theft of logs floating i in harbors or in Coastal waters, the CONCESSION TO HINDI'S. May be IVrmittod to Bring Famil- ies to Canada. A despatch from Ottawa says : It is understood that, as a restUt of a conference between the Hindu delegation now in Ottawa and Brit- ish Columbia members held in the office of Hon- Robert Rogers, Min- ister of the Interior, on Wednes- day morning, it is possible that an arrangement may be arrived at under which the Hindu people now in British Columbia will be allowed, under strict regulations, to bring their wives and families to Canada. * MIRDER AT SYDNEY. Nogro Shot Down During Progress of Drunken Row. A despatch from Sydney, N. S., says : The seconil murder within a week has occurred in the manufac- turing di>-trict. During a drunken row among the colored residents of the coke ovens, on Wednesday, Geo. Halford, colored, was shot and killed by another colored man whose name is not known- The police have arrested five in connec- tion with the affair. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear. 12 to 12 l-2o per lb.. In case lots. Pork, short cut, $22.50; do., mess, $19.50 to $20. Itaius- Modium to light, 16 to 161-2c; haavy, 14 to 141-2c; rolls. 10 3-4 to Uo! breakfast bacon, 16 to 17c; backs. 19 to 20c. Lo rdâ€" Tierces. 113-4o; tubs, l2o! paiis, 121-40. Government assistance to the good roads movement is likely to take the form of encouragement to the provinces to construct new main or trunk high-ways or to improve those now existing. The cross roads would he left under municipal jurisdiction. Men Refuse to .ibide by .V^reement With Employer*-. A despatch from Berlin, Ger- many, »iiys : A lockout of 70,000 workers in the metal trades became effective on Thursday night, ensu- ing on their vi'fusa'. to accept an agreement <iiawn up by a joint com- mittee of employers and trades unionist;-. The lockout is the out- the failure to settle a strike started in October last by 4,000 metal workers. plied. The stranger, pushing the roll of bills into his pocket, hurried away. The man is described as a foreigner, 23 or 30 years of age- He wore no mask. ♦ FRENCH WARSHIPS COMING. Squadron to VisK Three Canadian Ports Ne.xt Year. A despatch from Montreal says: It is announcetl that a squadron of French warships will visit Canada next summer, and will sjiend eight days in Halifax, five days in Que- bec, and eight days here. STATISTICS OF POSTOFFICE A Surplus of $1,192,730 Shown in the Annual Report A despatch from Ottawa says : The by $1,188,404, and the expenditure •nnual report of the Postoffice De- \ ^y $738,885, Postage stamps is- ~-.t™«.,* v. lu i iu J. sued totalkn) R-t8,76-l, 669, as against partment shows that the net re- ' g^ gg.j „., ^.j,;,^ ^j,^ ^^,;,^ mn-ea^. Tonue totalled $9,146,952, and the ed from S<),94'>,43.5 to $11,011,0-12. •atpcndituro $7,954,222. During At the end of the fiscal year 13,324 the vear there was an increase of i offices were in operation. '487 in the number of post offices, of | In 'he po^tuffic lavings banki the •84 in postal note offices, and 189 in ! aggreKat»> balatf-n to the credit of money order offices. j depositors a! th.^ end of the year The increase in the number of , was .$4.3. 330. .'199 or a decrea.se, of letters is estimated at 52,3.'j7,000, or ; !'«:^Vi.7V8. The acdmets numbere<l 10 per cent. The revenue increased 147,478, decrease of 1,415. BUSINESS AT MONTttEAL. Uontreal, Dec, Sâ€" Oats-Canadian West- ern. No. 2, 48 to 481-2c; do., No. 3, 47 to 471-2c; extra No. 1 feed, 46 to 461-20; No. 2 local whit«, 471-2c; do.. No. 3. 461-2c; do.. No. 4. 45 l-2o. Flour- Mauito. ba Spring wheat patents, flrsts, strong bakers'. .$4.90; Winter patents, choice, $4.75 to $5; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.- 40; do., in bags. $195 to $2.05. Kolled oats-Barrels. $5.25; bag, 90 lbs., »2-M. j ""jftii^.g^t^ if, aj^j ^aise vegetables for Millfeedâ€" Bran. $23; shorts, $25; middlings, ... 27 to $28; mouillio, $27 to $34. Hayâ€" No. 2, per ton, car lots, $14.50 to $15. Cheese â€"Finest western. 14 1-4 to 14 J-4c; do., easterns. 14 to 14 J-8c. Butterâ€" Gholoest oroanicry, 30 to 301-2c; seconds. 28 to 29c. Eggs- Fresh, 40 to 45c; selected. 28c; No. 1 stock, 241-2c. Potatoes -Per bag. car lots. $1.15 to $1.20. GREAT BRITAIN. London suffragettes inva<]ed the City Temple and prevented Mr. Asquith from speaking. UNITED STATES. "Little Harry" Marshall, of New York, committ<'d suicide there be- cause at nineteen he was no big- ger than he was at twelve, and he feared to ask a girl he loved to marry him Ex-State Senator Lewis Emery, jr.. of McKean County. Penn., in a public address at Bradford, of- fered to give 500 men each the free use of 10 acres of land if they would FATAL ACCIDENT AT OTTAAVA. Two Little Boys Were Trampled by Horse's Hoofs. I A despatch from Ottaw.i. s.iys : ; Two little boys were (-liding down a hilly street on Thurs<Jay aftcr- ^ noon when they slid under the feet I of a hor;-^. crossing the street. I Neither the little ones nor the I horse could be stopped. The re- , ' suit was William ,Tohn Finn, aged! 1 4, was practically trampled to death, and his brother, Albert ' Henry, aged 8, is not likely to re- cover. FAKE PRO.MOTER PI NISUED- POSTAL RATES REDUCED. United States und Great Britain Come to aii .Vrransement. A despatch frijni London =a ys i Postmaster General Herbert L- Samuel announces that aa a resull of nettotiati<ins with the United States postal authorities the rttea for parcels from the United King- d'>m to the United States was re- duced on Dec. 1 as follows ^ Up to three pounds, 30 cents ; up to seven pounds, 54 cents ; up to nina !>ound3. 78 cents ; up to eleven pounds, $1.02. The existing rate* are 36. 60, 84 cents and Si. 08 re- spectively. RABIES STILL PREV.iLENT. Exiiniinations by Health Olflccf liiwo Positive Signs. A despatch from Toronto cays; Recent examinations have disclosed the prevalence of rabies in Toron- to and throughout Ontario. Dr. J. W. S. McCuIlough, Chief H.-alth C)fficer of the province, staled on I W'ednesday that a dog which had i bitten a woman in Kosedale. and their own use and for sale There were more violations of the , n . tt ., ,a n- i. Federal pure food and drug law in I 'ino fi-om Port Hope to Orillia, who IHinois last vear than in any other , got sums from various farmers to state in the" union says a report l supposedly change the survey, se- niade pubic bv the stH;retarv of : cured the earnings of several of the agriculture. Twentv-eight Illinois ^ young men under his employ, and Grakani Sentenced to Three Years j iu Penitentiary. A despatch from Lindsay pays : Harry Malcolm Gr.aham, the "pro- j had b«en destroy«d, had been ex- moter' of a fake electric trolley amined, positive si.gns of rabies be- ing found. .Vnother ..log's head sent to the laboratory by Mr. A, W. Reilly. VS. Grand Valley, had given a positive analysis. manufacturers found guilty. and dealers were UNITED STATES IIARKETS. Minnoapoli.^i. Doc. 5.â€" Wheatâ€" December, $1.01; May. $1,05 1-2: July, $1,06 3-4; No. 1 hard, $1,02 3-4; No. 1 Northern, $1.02 to $1,021-4; lo arrive, $1,011-2 to S1.02; No. 2 Northern, 99 l-2o to $1.00 1-4 ; to arrive, 99 l-2c to $1. Corn- No. 3 yellow, 63 to 60c. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 45 to 46c. Eyeâ€" 66 1-2 to 87e. Bran- $22.50 to $23. Flour- First patents, $5 to $5.30; do , seconds, $4.50 to $4.90; first clears, $3.50 to S3.35; do., seconds, $2.40 to «2.80. Buffalo, Dec. 5. t-Dring whealr-No. 1 Northern, oar loads store. $1.09; Winter, No. 2 red, 99c; No. J red, 67c; No. 2 white, 99c. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, 69 1-Ce ; No. 4 yellow, 68c, all on track, through billed. Oat.s-No. 2 whito, 511-2c; No. 3 white, 511-4c; No, 4 white, 50 l-4c. GENERAL. Nanking has fallen into the hands of the rcvohitionarv army. China has succeeded in obtaining a loan of thirty million dollars. Persians marched in thousantls to the United States Legation ui Teheran, on Saturday, appealing for support against Russia. married a young lady here, was on Friday morning sentenced to Kings- ton Penitentiary by Magistrate Jackson for a term of three vears. I'pon MANV NEW STATIONS. Grand Trunk P.ieiHe (';dh'd to Build 150. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Owing to the large number of branch lines constructed by the Grand Trunk Pacific this year, the compan,v has had to build no less LIVE STOCK MARKKTS, Montreal, Deo. 6.â€" Cattleâ€" Butchers' cat- tle, choice, $5.75 to $6; do., medium, $4 to $5 25; do., common, $3.25 to $3.50: canuers, $2.25 to $2,75: but»;lier9' cattle, choico cows, $5 to $5.25; do., medium. $4.25 to $4.75; d".. bulls. $3.50 to $4; milkers, choice, each, $75; do., common and me- dium, each, $50 to $60; Springers, -$00 to $40. Sheep- Ewes, $3.75 to $4: bucks and culls, $3.25 to $3.50; lambs. $5.50 to $5.75. Hogsâ€" F. o. b., $6 to $6.50. CnJvesâ€" $3 to $10. Toronto, Dec. 5. -Medium cattle were strong, all tho way from $5 to $5.60. $6.10 was the highest figure recorded, but only a ferf picked steers fetched that sum. Good fat cows and bulls were a strong feature at $5 to $5.40. common and medium ranging down to $2.75. CminerM were steady at .$2 to $2.75. Milkers were still sarong at $50 to $90. Lambs were a shade firmer at $5 to $5.40, but sheop were dull and aViont 1.V chcnppr. Calves were easy :it $3 »o $8. The Hog Market was unchanged. CISTOMSREVENIE. Increase of $1,307,302 Over Noveni- ber l.a.'st Year. A despatch from Ottawa says : Continued and rapid growth of business prosperity throughout the Dominion is ref!ect(?d by the Cus toms revenue for the month just closed. Total customs receipts were $7,332,085, an increase o" $1,307,302, or over twenty per cen as compared with November of last .vear. For the eight months of the fiscal vear the Customs revenue has j rpi TT>-i -i-r. -Iri-f-i been $,->6.336,708, an increase of $8,- iilV U 111111813, 939.800 compared with the corres- ponding period of last year. FEAR S.HALLPOX EPIDEMIC. Held Entire Province of Quebec is Threatened. A despatch from Montreal says: "The entire Province of Qtiel>ec, and, as a conseiiuence, the city of Montreal, is threatened with an epi-" deuiic of snialliw-x this winter." de- clared Dr Pelletier. Provincial Medical Health Officer, on Wednes- day morning. "This condition of than 150 new stations- Of these 08; affairs has resulted from the sheer have already been established, 27 j negiect of tho necessary precautions are in course of construction, while i in a great masiy inunicipaiitics. the balance of the number contract- Not a day goes by without cases be- ed for will be finished in the spring. • iug reported. ' ISCEl IN BBITISH AMERICAN BILLS. Guveruiiient Will Iniposo Discount of One-half Per Cent. A despatch from Ottawa says : In order to discourage the cir- culation of .'\morican National Bank bills and silver certificates in east- ern Ontario, the Postoffice Depart- ment has issued nn order to post- ma.stcrs instructine; them to charge a discount of one-half per cent, on all such money pre.'ieiited at their offices. The action is due to the re- fu.-inl of th(? Baiik of Montreal t(i ac- cent large deposits of American bills from the department. Lead by Mr. Bonar Law Retire in a Body. A despatch from London, ea.vs: i The excitement was intense, ana There was a. remarkable scene in j the members faced amenedment, the House of Commons on rhursttav , .i c â- ..- ^i night when the Government applied h*"^«"' ^'» ^^^^ Spe.^ke^ putting tho the guillotine to 470 amendments in' first am.cndinent. the entire Opposi- the report stage of the insurance tion rose and made a dramatic exit bill. Mr. Bonar Law, leader of from the House, pursueil by dori- thc Oppovsition, heat<:dly .iccused I sivc Alinist<?rial cheering. Then in the Ministers of acting in obedience • a dreary monotone the Speaker be- to the Ke<Imoiidit.eR in thus flouting gaii formally putting the amcnd- Parliamci.t in order to clear the! nicnts, and when he became fatigu- road for homo rule for Ireland. Mr. j ed tho Depiay Speaker relieved Llo.vd George, the Chancellor of the ; him. The entire 470 amendments Exchequer, as hotly replied that | were a<lopte<l, and in only a single the Government was iinly ftrflowing^cisc was the division challenged by the e.'cample set by Unionist Gov- tho Laborites. This concluded eroment. part one of the bill.