DeceniBER 7 191 1 FLESHERTOX ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK E-J.iy-d1873 OF CANADA 80B,«d«. MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low cod unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactoty -way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 ... 3c $10 to $30 . . . lOc. $3to$10 . . . 6c $30 to $50 ... 15c. Drafts issued for larger amounts. i_ Savings Bank Department at Every Brandi. 87 fXESHERTON BRANCA George MitcKell, Man»ger rCBS.f ALSO AT PPW.HAM AWP HARRUTOat r C. p. R. Time Table. A gentleman ioforms The Advance I that the pij^'s melt runs even until near Trains leave Fleshercon Station »» j the end, when it enlarges If the winter \ runs according to this infallible ! siisn Going South Going North ; ^.^ ,;„ ,,, j,^ ,^^^^^^ 7.43 a. ni. 11.28 a.m. 4.33 p.m. 8.53p. m. follows : Giri Badly Burned Dolly Tindall, a dfteen-year old girl, who is living with her Ki^ndniothar, Mrs. Richard Biockalbank of Brant, Ilea in the Hospital here in a precarious condition, the reault of being terribly burned by the ezplodin;; of a lamp on Saturday afternoon last. A*, the time of the mishap, the girl appears to hare been trimming a lighted lamp, when it suddenly exploded, causing (he flames to ignite with her clothing, which .ilmost entirely burned off her body. There bein$( no help at band, the girl was oblig- ed to eztiriguLsh the fire herxelf. which she eventully succeeded in doing, but not before, however, she bad been terribly burned about the hip, chest, arms and head. Her atred Krandinother, who, we understand, ia in an almost helpless condition, and who was the ocly other person in the house at the time, •ucceeded in calling help and getting word to Dr. Sinclair, who hurried to the scene and bad the patient immedutely removed to the Hospital, where her injuries were treated and where she Is â- still lying in a serious condition. Mrs. | Tindall, mother of the injured girl, re- sides in Hanover. â€" Bruce Times. ! j Mr. Wm. Carson of the east back line, ! while driviog out of the Meaford road The mails are closed at Fleshevton a.s I , , , ^ i t.».„„„r, u^f < II r- .t ii. iinjn._ „„ i church yard on f>unday afternoon last, follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. andy ' ' 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at , "ccoropanied by a fnend, met with a 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south ( nasty m-sbap. The cutter was over- mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. . turned and both men were thrown out. • The hi>rse, a young animal, attempted to â- I run away, but Mr. Carson held (jnttily ^^ â- BB^BBa•B»-^^^â- ^^B'<^^^ to the lines and was dragged by the &^ mfiMi>iivit< #%iiin/\ ^^ ' frightened animal for several rods. Mr. son encountered .-ieveral bad obstacles, orst probably being a briir bush through which he was drawn. He stop- ped the animal at the expense of a good suit of clothes, which was torn to tatters, and a number of bruises and scratches on his person. Those who sjiw it say it was as pretty an exhibitinn of pluck and de- termination as they have witne.s<;ed for some time. VICINITY cHips^ s;: â€" ^^^^â€"â- â€" '^-"^ii""â€" ""^^ , the wo IVIis. Hiekling is in Toronto this week. Mr. Boyd started to flood bis big rink on Saturday. Miss Beynon ot King is the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) Wellwood. Mr. Will sharp arrived home last week from the western wheattields. S iss Belle Loucks has taken a position | with F. T. Hill k Co. at Tara. j Mr. Newton Bannou is learning the^ jewelery business with W. A. Armstrong. The Nominations Returning otficer Thomas Scott I presided at the town hall here on Mon- Mr. Ed. Thompson ha.s taken a situa- 1 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^xs^d. the formal nomina- tio« in Colliugwood and left last week | ^.^^^ ^^ ^,^^ ^^^ candidates for the Local A number of local masons attended a ! Leoislalure. Miusonic At-Home at Markdalo one even j jng last week. j Mr. Hickiing has installed a telepnoiie in his new store. Orders by phone will receive prompt attention. A specia! meeting of the A. O. C W. is called for Monday. Dec. 18, as the regular meeting falls on Christinas day. Election of officers. All members urgently re«iue3ted to attend. H. LeGaid, M. W. Mr. F. C. Hartley of Bothwell's Cor- nei-s, has leased the Paik House and will Hon. I. B. Locas was nominated by Win. Findlay and seconded by John Gibson. P. MuCuUough was nominatea by Wm. MeLouehry, seconded by Wesley Buskin. Afterwards a public meeting was held- presided over by Mr. J. R. Fawcett of Kimbeiley. The beat of order prevailed and loth candidates received a verj- a'tentivo hearing from an aucHence that tilled the town hall beyond its .seating capacity. The addi esses from both take possession as soon as the present { candidates were very instructive, and no tenant vacates. Mv. Hartley comes well ' doubt evety man pie.sent knuws e.xactly recommended. He has in the past kept ; how to mark his ballot on Monday next. hotel at RiK-klyn and Ho'.land Centre and • knows the bnsiness. i T, „ . 1 . . u I Mrs. John Allen Uoljert Pallister, who lost his barn by tire last week, will held a credit auction { Mfg, jj,^,, Allen died at the residence sale of all his farm stock at his farm, lot ' f jjer sun, Mr Austin Sluickleford. in 1, con. 11, Osprey, today (Thursday, ! x.o\<\\, on Wednesday of last week, at the ; Dec. 7.) Mr. Pallister has no place to | g„g ^f jt-j yp.jrs. She was born in York- | winter them and all must be sold. ; ghire, England, in 1821». and came to' Sale at 1 p. m. Canada with her parents at the age of Mr. I'harles Moore of Victoria Corners , three ye:krs, where they settled at Ca- bas a Holsteiu heiler two years and inie â- yuga, Unt. Here she grew to woman, month old that is at the present time hood and married William Shackleford. giving fifty pounds of milk per day. ! by » horn she had one sou, Austin, who Jfer mother last winter gave 8p iH)unds | survives her. She, with her husband, per day. Mr. Mooio will swear to the | moved to the O.D.R., Artemesia, and correctness of this statement. Can any j later to Amabel, near Hepworth. where of our stock raisers beat it? Let us j her husband died forty years ago. after a bear from them if they can. | residence there of some six years. Some Mr. W. Reginald Fawcett of Burk's ! two or three years later she married Mr. Falls, son of our old friend. Mr. A. R. | Joh» --^"e" >^'f Artemesia, with whom she Fawcett of the Burks Falls Arrow and | lived until twelve years ago. when Mr. founder of this paper, has purcha.sed the t ^Ueu died. Theie was no issue by this Clarksburg Herald -Reflector and made , â„¢'i"':'Se. The farm on the Toronto line his bow to the public last week. We *»» «hen sold, and with her son she welcome the young man t.. Grey county 1 moved into Flesherton. where she has journalism and trust luxuriant iuo^ptrity j »in"--'' resided. The deceased lady was a will crown his eUorfs. , , . j member of the Riptist church from her j early uirlhootl.^and a memorial sermon "Daddy's Giri." .\reyou one of the hundreds who have written to The Globe for a copy of "Daddy's Girl"? This is probably without a single exception, the most picture ever published iu Canada. A few years ago The Chritmas Globe published a limited number of them. The demand so great that every copy was ordered before it was put on the market. A sample if this pictiue which is from a photograph of a child with the â- sweetest and most expressive face that ; can be imagined, may be seen at this office. j To see it is to want it. This beiutiful picture will be given free with each new subsciption er renew- al sent in for the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer ' before Dtcember 31, 1911, Remember the edition of this picture is limited, and the tirst come the first served The Weekly (ilobe and Canada Farmer kis been enlarged, the staff of writers increased, and many new features have been .idded. Those iinprove-nents are in keeping with the progressive management that has made The Daily Globe oiie of the tirst half-dozen news- papers on the continent. The W'eekly Globe and Canada Farmer, with its Illustrated Miic^kzine Section, bns always held a foremost place among the metro- politan weeklies in Canada. It will now be classed with the best on the continent. When the Illustnted Magazine Section, with it.s forty or tifty pictures of current events every week, is taki-ii into account, it is certainly a lot of reading to be given for imly une dollar per year. Martin Lohr. an old man, was buiued to death in his house in Beverly town- ship, Andrew Cruickshanks of Winijham was sentenced to seven years in Kingston Penitentiiry for an a.ssault mi .Miss Oivis. ELECTION CARDS To the Electors of Artetuesia Township : LatUes aiul UeuUeiiieu. -Havia;^ been solic- ited to otTer myselt'dA & caudiiiate for tUu offlcu of Deputy Ueeve. I hereby consent, promtsiut; to do that which is ri^ht so far ^a L know, or is in my power to ascertaio.forthe be-*t interests of a majority of the electors, without fear or favor, auil am willing to be advised at all tiuiefl on any subject allectiug your welfare. I re- spectfnlly ask vour vote and iutluence on my behalf. ' -J. I. ORAHAM. I y i^ \y \y y y y HILL BROS., MARKDALE This week we are receiving our second shipment of NEW RUBBERS From one of the most reliable makers, which makes our stock complete in everything you could want in the Rubber line, for men, women, and chi dren. It will pay you of visit this department of our store. Men's Heavy Kubbeis, all kinds, Boys' Heavy Kubbers, Ladies'.Girl:*', and Child- ren's. Men's and Boys' Light Rubbei-s. in a large variety of styles and prices low, consistent with good (|aality. New Styles in Dainty Soft SoleShoes for the Baby AT MUCd LE.S.S THAX YOU KEGULAELY PAY This week we are otferins Babies' .Soft Sole Shoes in a great variety of styles, including all colors, such as White. Bhck. Red, Blue. Tan and Pink, all sizes. to 4. regular 50 and HO lines, this week, per pair .38c Special Value in Men's Good Quality Fleece Lined Underware for 48c. This line represents such well-known make> :is Pen Angle s, ."^iinpstins and Beaver Kuittin;; Mills and art- Wool Fleece.diii'erent stripes, special this week, per garment 48c. Dress Goods Reduced Below Wholesale Cost This week we put on sale about 1*0 pieces ot Diess Goods m Heavy Tweeds. Light an.l Dark colors, Cashxere. Serges and Satin Cloths. 50, 60. and 75c. lines, just the thins{ for tiirl.-^ Dresses, reducetl per yard to .... 38c. Special In Ladies' Ringwooil Gloves 18c Pair or 2 Pairs for S.x-. Nearly all colors, some are plain knit but thev onie mostly in the fan;y knit makes, all sizes and the price very much less than you regularly pay. Hill Bros. A. A A A A A < A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Big Snap in Fine Botony Worsted Hose. Children 3 and Girls' Sizes <,>uly I'Jc. pair This IS an exception il oder .as the line is a verj* tine Botony W.jrsted line and was made to aell at 23, 30 and .'Jac. pr., as to size, on sale this week ll*c. Markdale. W ANTED ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ " CLAYTO N'S A live representative for Flesherton and surrounding district to sell high class stock for '. The Fonthill Niirserie.<; M.>re I'ruit trees will be planted in Fill of 1'.>11 «nd spring of I'-Ui than ever be- fore iu the history of < tntario. The orchard of the lutute will l>o the I best payiuL' part of the larni. i We teach our men salesmanship. Tref ; culture and how big profits in truit- â- growing can be made. ; P.ay weekly, permanent employment. j e.iclusive territory. Wri'e f'.>r particulars r Stone & Wellington Odds and Ends ^ TORONTO - - FOR - - Boots and Rubbers THOSE who want gooil wearing Boots, either Factory or Hand nuiile for The wet ami coKl weather or for winter should call and in.spect tMir CELEBRATED MALTEESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light and Heavy. SOCIALS AND CONCERTS We ha/B no authority for niakiog any was pteaqhed by her pastor. l!ev, Mr. statement regarding municipal politics .,,,.â- u i i.- • , ..... ^ , McLaren, m the Baptist chapel on In- other than that which appears in a card , • . â- . ,. ... 1 .u . m i day afternoon Itst, previous to mter- in this week s i.ssue. namely that Mr. \ â- ' . . â- ,„ â- „ , • â- .u « 11 f .1 t» . ment of the remains m Hesherton ceme- Graham is in the held for the Deputy- ,. . . t.i , i t i i u „ ..... , ,. , , ; tery. Mr. .\ustin bhackleford h.»s been Reeveship. It is time the candidates were \ ,â- '.,, ,.â- ,,, . .u .i i i â- ,, , V- , ,, la dutiful and faithful son to the old lady, all announcing themselves. r»o doubt , , , w â- . -,1 u ' . . . -.u 1 » i and D.uch sympathy goes out ti*' him m there will be a pretty contest with plenty ' , j i j s> ,. , . â- .1, »: 11 1 his bereavement, ot candidates in the beld. ' I Eugenia L. O. L.. No. 1118, held their annual meeting and elected otticers as follows : W. M., Jamea Carson : D.M. Alex Carruthers ; Chap,, R. Williams ; Rec.Secy,, S. Campbell; Fin. Secy., D. Williams ; Treas., 0. Meldruin ; D. of C. Win. McGee ; Lecturer, R. W Stone Settlement Mr. and Mi-s. R. Whitaker spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. John Irwin, who h;»» been work- ing in the Durham cement woiks during -, ,, ,, ,^ .,^,. ' , ' ,' 1 the past summer, is home for the winter. McMullen ; Comniitt«e menâ€" Joseph i ' Williams, John Parson. Heniy Weber. IJ""'^ '""Xet the concert which is to be The Presbyterian church at Maxwell intend holdinc their annual teanieeting and concert on Tuesday, Dec. 12. Ad- mission 25 and lo cents. The management of the Fevershain skatini; rink announce that the Fever- sham skating ritik will be open to the [.mblic on Satuiday ninlit, Dec. I'lh, Skating M(>nday, Wednesday and Saturday nights, 8 to 10 o'clock p. ni. Farm For Sale or Rent I Farm fur Sr.W or Ktnt ooiitainiiitt i">0 I acres, low lOsml 11 con. 3,Kiii>hra.-,ia. .'lO acres I Valuable timber. go<id orchard, watered ui:li I spriu(C<_: two frame houses, oarn .">0\-".0 stabler I underneath: near school, church.' P.xst-Ottice. I Apply tc Will." H. Kath, I KeUwiiijt V. O. Out Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. S REPAIRING AS USUAL. A Christmas Bazaar will be hold under the auspices of the Ladies' .\id Society of Chalmers church, Flcsheitoii, on Dec. 14, 15, and Iti. in the store recent- ly occupitd by Bellamy's hardware establishment. ARTICLES FOR SALE Shorthorn Stock Bull, Castlegard, No. 7439<), for »ale â€" also two yoiinn animals, from the above and Hroadhook's cows one 1 year old and the other 10 months. James Findlay. Markdale. For Saleâ€" One cutter and robe and set of siuglo harness H. Holinan, Portlaw. Lots for sale at reasonable prices â€" A number I'f ifood building lots .m the late W. K. Flesher estate. Flesherton, on Toronto and Sydenhan and Durham streets. Apply to R. •!. Spuoule, Flesherton, Out, Earl Parliament, Gai-net McGee, L G., J. E. Williams. S. Campbell, Rec.-Sec. The marriage of Kraily, eldest daugli> ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Henderson of Toronto, to Otto, eldest son of Prof, and Mrs. Carl Richter. of St. Louis, took place at the rectory of Trinity church. Toronto, on Monday, Nov. 20. The cer- emony was performed by the Kev. Canoit H. S. Dixon. The bride looked very pretty in a dainty dress of soft, steel grey satin, trimmed with grey fringe and over- lace set with pearls. After the congrat- Wm Watson, a St. Mary's cattle dealer, on killing one of the bunch of cattle that he had purchaseU for the Toronto market, because it was loo thin to ship, was surprised to find in its ulations of their many friends the happy i stomach a ladj'a hatpin nine niches long, couple left for Butfalo, where they will {with a jeweW top. very valuable. spend the winter ; afterwards they in- Where and when the cow found it is a tend making their home in Toronto. | mystery. held in S. S. No 6 here, on Dec. 15. A good program ia being prepared. Mrs. Brsdey and son. Chris, of Cheriy Grove, visited at F. Irwin's over Sun- day Mr. Ed. Whitaker visited for a couple of days last week with his parents here. New Prolific Seed Buckwheat for Sale â€" Extra stromj ill straw, heavy yielder, lar«e urains, from imported seed ; 82 ["or bushel. Farmers, renew joui seed. J. E. Wright. Ceylon P.O. Farm for Sale or Rentâ€" Lot 3. ctm.l3. and lot 4. ctm 14. Osprey, better known as the Oeorue Myers farmâ€" 20<) acres- Bo under cultivation, kihhI buildini;s,w«ll watered. Apply to W. A. Arin.stroni:, Flesheitou. ISep tf Good brick house and double lot for sale in Flesherton. Price and terms right, .\pply to Jelt. Thistlethwaite, 195 Church St., Toronto, tf Oct.lH LOST AND FOJJND The person who took a pair of gloves from Patti.son's store, Ceylon, on Satur* day, Nov. 25, had better leave them at The .\dvanoe Oltice as they are known, ' Purse Foui:d- -apply at this otlice. F. R W. HICKLING The New Store With the New Goods Everything Reasonably Priced Some Seasonable Lines You can buy Here to Advantage. Overcoats for the Meu ami Boys Sweater Ciwkts Undeiwear â€" Wool and Fleece Liued Heavy winter Shirts WoolLined Gloves and Mitts Boots and Shoes Felt Liued Boots aud Overshoes Puncture Proof Rubbers Water Proof Coats and Umbrellas Fur Lined Coats and Fur Caps Ladies' Furs and Fall Coats Felt Hats and Winter Caps Trunks. Bags and Suit Cases Brooms. Brushes and Woodeuware Shirts and Collars . Men's Neckwear Rosiery â€" Wool Worsted and Cashmere Corsets iu all sizes Comforttrs and Batting Wool Shawls and Toques Blankets â€" Wool, and Flannellette Linens for Embroidery Kibbous, Silks and Velvets Dress Goods and Suitings ]iress Trimmings and Braids Linoleum 2 and 4 yds wide Groceries of every descriptiou. Just arrived--A full and complete Kange of Tin- ware and G-raniteware, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FOWL. BUttER AND EGGS.