m Decern BKR 7 1911 THE FLESH EKTON ADVANCE JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment ' . OF . . Wag ons AND Buggies ^hich will be sold «t prices llist can Not Be B«»t coiisiJeiina dtylf anil nuality, •Uo a full lii.u cf tilKxc UiU vetting machines and Wind Mills, Fenca Wire, Stable Outfits. Hay ForUi, Kopes ami caiTiers. Now is the the tune to get ready. A call » 'liciied. Siitittfaction guaraut'eed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON GENERAL GROCERIES >Ve have a hill stock of general groceries on hand. Sugars for preserving, ieing.s and table use. Canned goods of all kinds, tobaccos, teas and candies. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! We handle an iniuidike ijuaiitity of Hour and kfep on hand Ogilvie't lit yal Houtehold, Koril.s and Duiidalk FIouih in the Kevintl grade.s, ul.so bian undi-linrts. Goldhawk's bread handled. Choicest homemade (c«) Cream iind cooling Summer Drinks »lw«y^ ready for serving. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton Stock for Sale A few choice Oxford Down Kara Lambs for sale. Bred from Import- ed Sires. Prices reasonable. Four good cows fot sale, do to freshen December and .Januaiy. lilCHAltD Al.l.KN. I Lot i;0 2 N". K, T. ft S I! Klc-*lifrtoli I'.O. I. Inn.- 11 THE- /le6t)crton vlDoance An independent newxpaiter, ptibliHhed every Ttiuntday at tli»- office, C<iIlin|^n'iH>d Street, KK'sherton. .Siilmcription price 51 iier annum, Hh>!n paid inadvunce; Sl.r.J wlit-n not so paid. .Viivertisin); rates on application. Circulation 1.100 weekly. \V. U. 'i-llLlI»l<JIl Editor He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight TRU rH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN ASONABLE IN FURNITURE The lar'.;o.->t and best Htock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This with'.ut fuar of con- trndiction. oiiie and see .some of nice things in Side Hoards, Dining Room Chairs, Pallor .Sefts, Bed Room SSotts A special reduc- tion jusf now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the st'pck. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER F I e s h e rto n GGODS THE QUESTION ANSWERED Dr. .Sproule's action in hniiishinsj; lii|Uor from the Speiker'.s table ia aoiueihing Timely attenti<^n might haVt; that redouiuU very greatly to hl^ honor .-ir.31- -^i-it •> \ if '; '" '''•< ""â- " ridiiii;, as well as tliiouolmut prevenuvi ii. >.,,,> ^ â- ... , ? , ' ; the whole Uoiiiinion". \\ e have heard i the (|ucstion asked by .some of his own .supporters, "Is Dr. Sproule really an advoeiite of temperance?' This (juestioii has now been answered in such a public way I hut his temperance principles can- not be duubted by anybody. It reciuired courage to do it, ton. Hreaking away from I'ld customs, and practices. es|ieci- ally when oius friends eoiisider that they are deprived of some riijlit by llie ticlioii, is always more or less dithcult to do, and a radical departure from customs hand- ed down from Speaker to Speaker for ' nearly fifty years was more ditlicult, and reijuirid mme courage, than ihe public is generally aware of. The Toroiiio WinlJ (loinu out that E.xamination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. This May Interest You We wall! a reliable man to sell our well- known ^iiecialties in fruit trees, small fruits, .seed polaloes, Howering shrubs, r^ses etc., in (Jrey county during; fall and winter months, (luttil free, e.x- clusive territory, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock Clean well â- ," on n trees and shrubs that 1 lie ioroiiio >^ oilJ poinu will s.itisfy your customers. Karly and Speaker St .John of the Ontario Legiala- good delivery gaarHiileed. K»t.ibli.sh«l | ,^„.^._ ^ f^,„ y^,.^,^ .^,^,, i-,{aH,'i\ in- over .'!.! years. W rtte tor whole it pait the writer suggests that we get "a few more letters from the great wheat tieldi uf the Northwest. Su many of our old school mates are up there, and we want to hear how they are prospering." This ought to be easy, and it is "up to" the schoolnmtes to let us hear fiom them during these \i>nn winter eveoings, while the blizzards rage and the thermo'iietei goes to sleep. Speaking on loc«l optio.i matters, the writer says : "In the United States a niajoriiy vute curries local option, but I believe it recjuires a three-Bl'ths vote in Canada. But doesn't it re<|uire a three- Ijfths vote to repeal it / I< «eein» to n>i?, if it does, that that is a mighty good law. Over here a majority repeals it, and the consequence Is that there is a switching back and forth every year or so. But when a law is passed with a three-fifths majority, although a hard.ship, probably, to get it, it will likely stay put if it is a good law. lime leriii.'.. I SAles MatiaL'er, I rKi.ii.AM N^i^sKl<vc(t., I ir> Dec. II Toronto. Boar for Service •U lot •â- '', I'i 11. lU ft! â- - vea s. Arti'NU' ul.I. tor Tfruiii Al.KX. ( .\Mr.KON. ii[ unm. VrSreliilly Corrected Each Week Wheat s.-. ty s" <>sts A'i to 4'' I'eas . 1 ID to 1 lO Jlarley 70 to 70 Hty 1") 00 to 10 00 Butler J4 to 24 Eggs, fresh 2f) ( 2.") Potatoes per bag •!.*> co !>.'> fieese 10 lo 12 Ducks 10 to 12 Chickens 10 to 12 Turkeys 18 to 18 AVool 20 to 22 1. -4 Colts Came Astray Caiiie to my preiiiisei). lit 4, con. 4, .\rteiiicsia, aboiil Nov. tl, two colts. The owner is ri'i|Uested lo prove property, pay expenses and take the Hann> away. - W.M. Fl.KlCllKU, Ceylon I'.O. Haul work and poor pay for the man without the business training. Write to the oxicaiiiig liiiuora place at hi.s fuuct;ons. Thus, says the World, iwo Conservative Speakers h.ive publicly tsbooed the driiikiiiL! ciislom, while no Keforiu leader lia.s evil sl.iiw 11 a like zeal, pruvint; con- clusively '.liai the Ciiiservalive parly are I leatleis in temperance .sentiiiieiit toili in the Loc'il and Douiinion House. It is a fact loo, that the most pro^jiessive teiii- perance me<Mire.syi-t mv,n lis have coiiio from the Conservaiive .side of the House. ! In Mr.Koss'glime we had plebiscite after plobisd'e with the objict of tindiiig out what the people waiited then a shelviiii; iif their verdict until the ilemaiid again became Ion wai 111, and liiiHlly a loaded vole Ion heavy for any cause to carry. It was .somuthin;; like tying a niou.se to , the butt uf a feline's tail and making him . whirl for i-omething he cannot reach. No doubt the Ross reniiiio got a good deal of fun out of ihe leinperanci! people, while lliey whirled, but iliey liiriied on I Ross and scratched hiiii (o death. OWEN SOUND. ONTAUIO FARM FOR SALE l/>t No. Isii Is;, ill 111,, .»i-i-.iMi| raiiKR east, Torout'i an 1 .Hyiii-nimin K<*nil, Arl.i-ine.Hia. etiiitaiiiing 24'! acri*H uf lirst i.-latin land ; Ki""l btiildinKH, plenty of water, near church and Mchixil ; three miles fniiii l'ri>Uin .Htatinn ; Lll acren good hardwood biii:li, balance cleari'd and ill i^immI Ktate of ritltivatii'ii. for pai ticiilars apply to ISuot w. .r. .lACKSdN i'oit I. aw UP TO THE PEOPLE NOW The Dominion Alliance has i.ssued a iiianifcHio ill which it voices it* discon- tent at the stand of both political parties F*!! a new cntalogue describing a "North- ; on |iroliibition. It aims at nothing shorL ern Training " We guarantee to place : of total prohibition, and will not be con- every Gradunte. I tented with anything short of that. It C. A. Fleming, F.C.A., O. D F"leming, I '-"* I"*"' "f t''e crumbs that fall from the I'rinciiial. Secretary. rich niun's latde. The ii'soliitioii passed I ut the recent meeting of the .Mlianco ! reads : roffi en 68 YEARS- XPERIENCC Trade Mark* DcBiaNS Copyrights Ac. AllT'>1l« â- •"'"tig ft iilc«lrh mill diiHcrh'llon may aulrklr Moeruln i.nr immi.i ii fr-io riliiiihor «n IhTaiilVin la po.b.l.lir I"'";;.'"'';;', ' "iiimimlo» ii'iiiaairlcllrcriiiniluniiiil HANDBOOK mi l-aiaut* ««m fr»» <lMMt »|(eri<'T 'or «' " iiooK palenli. PatiiriM taken tlirouuh Miinii S. (.o. rttc«lTa â- â- ' \ ctinrtfo. 111 the a^fUtl nn<iCv, w Scientific jflmericdm uUuion of »nT wt _il nawMlflalert. MUNN&Co^ Branch Olllca. ffn A liafMlanmclr lllna«r»l»<l w«»lilr.. !*««« dr .-uuuion of any •'â- ••noli'- I'.urual. ^r«oii« for <'uia4a. »«™ » »••'- Pu"**" pfulaUd- Solil V, 1 iMwaHsKlen. 36tBrt>ad«t>, ~m f St Wi«hlu«lim. I). ( Office Positions l*it\ ini^ i{oi)(i salarii-H att. awuitiiii; i-\i-i > >oiini^ mall ami woiiian with a piui-tir. iiiiaitifHH ti'Hininij, No ilillli-iilt\ In plaiMiiit woi-tliv tirailimtex. Wiitu now for new catalofttiD. Kuter any time. Winter Ternn Opens Jan 2nd, 1912 Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. Ii. Hawkins. - Principal I ^gSjl ! "That the lejjislaiion which Ihe situa- fH liiii demands, which public opinion I <; lU WHEN DECIDING ON "\ otu- lu^wspaper rtmding for next year do not omit The Advance, . . . Balance of 1911 Free To Winnipeg And West CANADIAN I PACIFIC DIRECT CANADIAN ROUTE THE ONLY THflOUGH CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE Solid through train of Coaches, Tourist and Htandaid Sleepers and Dining Cats, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 p.m. daily. S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton or M.G. MURPHY, Diatrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. will warrant, and which tloi Legislaliite should enact, is ihu abolition of the bar room, and Hie treating syaieui and drink- intc III clubs, and the iinposilion of such oilier ivsl I ictioiis upon till liijiior trattic as Would iiiimt etrectllally curtail iis operations and remedy its evils." The inaniftslo goes on to say : "The desire of the .-VUiance is that both pal tie); should come lo llii.i staiidaid. We regret however, that neither of the ptdilical pariius has to-day a policy that measures up lo the will of the ptoplti and the .standard of this ileclaralion,'' And there the battle rests now. It is up to Ihu people to send representatives to [larliiiiiienl who are avowed temper- ance men and men who will give Ihein what they want. Otherwise they need liHik for little further help from eithui side of politics. And neither should they. If the clectoralo have not the courage of their convictions little sym- pathy can be extended lo them. CHICAGO OPINION The Advance had a kindly ciilical anil appreciative loiter from a '.'hicago sub- scriber Ihe other day, just the kind a properly balanced editor likes lu receive. Criticism and suggestions are always welcome. It may nut be practical or possible to follow all suggestions, but many times some hint is dropped that is of benelit. We never take criticisms of this naturo amiss. Among other things Mr. Lucas did not have his Italian harpers present at his meeting after nomination in tlic town hall on Mon- day. Perhaps he did not believe there were any savage breasts in Flesherton to soothe. o o The leap of guilty by the Me- Naiuara brothers of having dynamited the Los Angc'e? Times building has caused » shudder of horror too great for expression to pass over this con- tinent. The cause of labor cannot help but suffer as a consequence of this. explosion. Only men of the highest honor and integrity, those who would not stoop to crime, should be allowed as leaders in the labor fold, and the fact that these murder- ers should have been given such responsible positions will cast a shadow of doubt and su.^picion over all labor bodies for a long time to come and alienate much sympathy, It would be pleasant to know tliat the men who were shot down in the Homestead riots wore of the Mc» Namura cla.ss. We are now entitled to the benefu of the doubt as to their innocence ol criminal intent. A Classy Entertainment The entertainment given under the auspices of the Agricultuial Society on Thur.sday eviMiing last was fairly well attended and was a most uiiii|Ue and enjoyal le all'iir. The two principal eiiler- taiiierii, Messrs. ,1. H. Wildfong and J. \V. Charles of 'loron(o, call them- selves anialures; but they are artists all the .same, and we think Mr. Wildb lu;, especially, has missed his calling. How- ever, mine men have several callings and uie successful in all. This is ilie case with Mr. Wildfong. He is a commercial tiavuller one of the most successful and po[iulai on I ho roadâ€" and he also would shine in melodrama or biirleM|iie. .Mr. Cliailu.s is also a very popular commercial man and has a veiy pleasing baritone voice, and rendered some of the old favorites in a niiinnor that did him credit. His first niiinber was"() Canada," followed by "Killarney, ' and others. U"( also recited Service's "Cremation of Sam Mageu." The main piece of the evening was Mr. Wihlfong's "Reveries of n Bachelor," in which ten young ladies assisted. These represented ten of bis former "llaines," and as each one was referreil to in his reveries, Ihe maid- en ill i|Ueslion, stepped into a frame before reflected light, and the effect was very pretty. The reveries were suiiposed to lake place the night before his wid ding, and at the end the bride appeared and niateriaii/.ed before the audience in the peraon of Miss Mary Wilson, who was charmingly arrayed for the oc- ca.sioii. This monologue was uniipie h.-re, and very plea.sing to the audience. In pantomime Mr. WilJfong is e\cruci- atiiigly funny, and his picture of a baehel'ir sewing on a button made the audience lauuli uproariously, while iiis Day in a I'olice Court, cau.sed much lau>;liter. His Walking Circumspectly was also much enjoyed. Mis-ses Maud Richardson aud Mabel Boyd irave a duet. Miss Rela Buskin and Mrs. R. H, Wright each n piano solo, .-md Miss Boyd played sofily appropriate pieces to accompany the pictures in the glass, representing the summer girl, the horsey girl, the little widow, etc. The services of Mr. J. II. Wildf.mg and Mr. .1. W. Charles were gi\en free for Ihe benefit «f the society and a hearty vole of thaiik-t was tendered ct the end of the programme. They will receive a larger reception if they shituld favor us aguin. President Ueo. Mitchell occupied the chair. morning. According to the statraent of Ihe plaintiff Mr. Twin the defendant Saunders^-Ernest (J'D Wednesday, Nov. 29, by the R«v. who was for some time in Feversh«m,^j^^_^j,^^j^„^^ I>,-on.ore, Mr. Joseph represented himself •« a director of thej^ ,,^^^_j^^^ ^^^ Saugeen Junction, was People's Railway. He had state<» t^ail ^^^^^^ .^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ j,;^^ jj^^ g^^^^^f the Company had obtained a charter for!p^.^_^^^^^ ,j.,^^ wedding was private but a line from Berhn lo Collingwood; that. ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^.^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^ .^ ^ ^j^.^^ the line was partly ready for the rails|^^^j^^- .^^^^ ^^^^^ trimmed with blue rib- having been surveyed, graded, etc.: «nd[j^^^ Her travelling .suit was of green that it would run throu>-h Fever«haral,^jy,^ ^j^^^ ^j,,^ ^^^ ^^ „„^^h. TU to Collingwood, with a branch line 'Oy^u^^ couple were presented with » hand- Owen Sound. Upon this statement he ^^^ ^^^^^ ^.,^^j^ ^^^^^ j,^ y.^ j^^^^^ ^^j had got several to subficribe for s'ocUij^.^ ^^_^ ^^ ^^^ g^„ Telephone, where who had paid him partly in cash ""dl^^^^ j^^.,^^^_^^^_^ j^ ^^^^j^^^j ^he groom's partly io notes, the note, ""d cash to liei^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^j^^ ^^^ ^ handbome deposited ill the Bank of Commerce at,, , ^ i i • r " '•• ' ilocket and chain. Collingwood, and the money used in the] construction of the road. The 3ub»ci>jer«| \Ve wish to call your attention to the fact claim to have found out that no money that most infectious diseases such aa whoop- was deposited, or ever reached the inif cough, diptheria and scarlet fever are Per.ple's Railway, and was ac-c-ontracted when the child has a cold. Chiua cordinaly ^' warrart was obtained b-^'"""' •^'-K'' Kf"'*dy will quickly cure a / , ,.11 .,, cold and greatly lessen the danger of con- tor Mr. BuKi; s arrest. He will . °. ,. ^,. , xj i« V ,,,.,,. tractinii these diseases. This remedy m come up for trial before Judge ^^ ^0<i^- f^j^o^,^ ior its miKX o{ cold*. It contains no field at the County Court to be held on o|,j„u, ^^ other narcotic and may Iw Riven to December 12.-- (). S. Advertiser. '» child with implicc confidence. Sold by all 'dealers. We are Ready With a full Line of HOLIDAY GOODS At Santa Claus' Headquarters: All kinds of New Toys, such as Acrobatic Toys, Mechanical Toys, Flying Toyt, StufleU Animals, Arks, .Automobiles, Biby Rattles, B.iiiks, Purses, Picture B.n.ks, Cloth Books, Docs, Pistols, Drums. Horn~. Fla^s. Hockey Sticks, Paint*, Horses, M.isks. Lunch ISoxes, Pencil Boxes, Shovels. Sleighs, Tool Chests. Iron Trains, Wagon*. Watches. Beads, Whistles, etc. Dolls of all kinds. Dressing Cases, Manicure Setts, Perfumes. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Hand Bags Mirrors, Books, Bibles, Hymn Books, Poetry Books, Post Card Albums, Photo Albums, Collar and Cutf Boxes, Pocket Books, Cigar Ca.ses, Tobacco Jars, etc. Gtniesâ€" Crokinole. Fort, Tuinblein, Playing Cirds, A beautiful ass.irtiiient of Writing Paper, Christm-«s Cards, Cli ristnias Cai.dles Chri-rm.is Paprtrie.", Canuies, Nuts and Oran^e>. W. E. Richardson : & Son. Flesherton - - Ontario. J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesberton « Ontario Furs Furs ! This season we are (â- bowing some Kxtra ValusK in all kind of Furs in Men's and Woiiie-is Fur and Fur Lined Coats. Mutls, Scarfs, Caperiius, Mitts and Caps. Prices cannot be eoualed any- where Clothing We liavo some excellent value in Men's and Boys' Suit«, tailored in the Newest Designs. Some very neat I'atterns to choo.so from. Overcoats We are showing the largest range of Overcoats we ever showed before. Patterns and Styles cannot be excelled and prices right. Promoter Arrested • )n a warrant from Joh. Irwin, of Feversham, Oni., Mr. C. C. Pearce, County Constable, on Monday arrested Mr. Nathan .-\. Bugg as promoter of the People's Railway, in Berlin, on two charges, one of obtaining funds upuii false pretences and the other with misappropriation of funds. He was brouithl lo Owen Sound and was given a preliinine'ry cxatiiinlion on Wednesday Drsss Goods We have .something very new in Dress Goods, a large range of colors at prices for 50c t>Oc and $1.50. Ladies' Jackets W e wsnt t 1 show yt.u Ladies' Jackets. This season we have the r*ngo and some of the very Newest, at pricM from J7 60 to $18.00.