October I^ 1011 THE F L E SH E R T N ADVANCE I Advance^ Small Ads. Vandeleur Happenings Look over them weekly. Business Cards If 0ULI.0UOH ft YOUNQ m HkDk«ra Mftrkdkl* 1 • f x/j^ii' l"''''! Ori'y District I>ivi»ioi» S. <). T. There may be $omething for.YOUjheld their dmuict nic«tin« in the «oho..l ' house here on Tuesday afternoon iind 'evening of last weelj. There w»i a rErms For SaiB or Rg nt «""'">""'"''*"â- i"'"'**'"''*''^*'® aftfnioDn " ' MUM KOKBAl>K-l..,tooi. in the 5th coD.["'««^'"« "''•"l"''«'"'l"'"'''>"K "' •^'-•'•'- .eoertl bkuking buiiD««i . Modc} loaned at rcaaoDkble r«t«t Call on u». if ctiimioii oi till' township of Arwuiesia, eou-jj^teH from the divisions throughout the taininK lUO acrof. eiitbtynve acmt dared, ~ „„ „ , Tlii'ie WHH » small attendance ly lialatie har<lwool tiuiber. Pruperty or tlie lat«W. J. Itxiitty. Tbure is a bank baru I hiKi roughcaHt houwe ou preiuitteH ami in woil : watered. Will 'je »ol I on re-mo.iable teriiiB. I A|iply to JameBl'. McMulltsu, Oy.on p.o.,()ul. F'Olt8Ar,Eâ€" t'lieap ani faay tenna, •old aooD, for rent to huitable (llHtrict. •it the eveiiint; nieetinij owint; t<> the downpour of rain, which continued throughout the evenini;. Mr. McANlin ArteuieBiaiexcellent prourani ws8 rendered by the TCH18L.ETT. • Poatai»Bt»r, Daylon. Comuilaaioner in H.C. J .ConTeyancer, deada. inortiiaKaa. leaao*. willn etc. carefully drawn up oll«tioua mad... charge. reaaoDable. Alao . ^^^^ ^ , roccrle*. flour, leed ate. kept in atocli, rricea ; ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ .^^ ^^^^ .^^^ ^ cod. 11. Kbt. _______ 1 and lot I. con. 12. 0»prey. 'iXI acre*, about l.W| , , ,^ • â- o , , ^cleared balance mostly timbered land, hard Vandfleur Division. Speeches were de- 1 AVBOVUB, a-d aolt wood :iioo<lBtoue dwelling and frame,. , , iif„,^,., Wni fiuiliH I I ' "* FleabertOD baru »tablioK under ; well watered with never-j'l^erea by Aleshla. V* in. <./UlllN, J. 1. .ommUiloner in H.C J..Auctlonee C^"* lailin* .uiall.prin« creek eio»«in« fariuclo.e,(j.i j ji j); j ^ev. Willtin- --.-_ ,nj Money Lender [ t„ i,arn; This ie an excellent grain or grasinup' ' ' I (aru: and will be "Old very rheap if taken »t son, distiict secretary. The next dis- ' once and ou ea»y terms. Applj to •' Hproule. Kleshertun, Oot. R Kra* Batata and Inaurance Agent. Deeds. i^o'tgaVe. lea.e« and will, carefully drawn and »alu»tions made on ihorteat notice oney to loan at lowest rates of '"'«">•*• .°i" eciiona attended to with promptnet. chargea low. Agent for ,Oo«»° ^â- """'"' BtAamabip Company. A call •ollclt«d. 11. J. I OH SAI>K oheapauil on easy teriusâ€" Lots 1| , ' anil-.;, con. 11 Osprey; JOO acres; Iraniei'*''*" DMcPnAIL, I-leenaad Aoetlonear for the . c".nty of Orey. Term. °"X**'»^J'„"j^ aatinaction BO»'»°'*fl-,„-I^*. thkAdyTncr ' grain and grazing larui. Appiv to it j.b ff"ie'%«>d"ic. and'r.O .^Sy'orTelepbone Fle.herton or San.uel Onborne. Maxwell. isprey , dwelling, frame barn and statiliug under; about t,o,yn«hiD 170 acres cleared and under cultivation. Souie r splundid cedar with other mixed timber on balance, also tw > Huiall orchards bearing. Wei watered ; nevei falliug spring creek. Hplendid grain and grazing farm. Appiv to It J.Bproule trict nicetinij will be held at Thornbuiy. Maud Thompson has returned home a four months' sojou'n in Proton ofLce. Kesidence connection Dec. 6.07. w M. KAITTINO, Ueenaed Anet'O""''.'!'' I cash payuenl F'AltM FOIt SALEâ€" Very cheap, 100 acres, lot 9, cou. 7. Osprey, only $:«KIO, reasonabli balance easy terms, 65 acres cleared.'well fenced and in high state of culti. Farm and htock «lea a specialty, lerma ,.^.n,„ balance timbered, good comlortalilo ojoderate. satisfaction guaranued. *"*"*'â- frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail ments for dates may be made at the Aovance i .j^^ |. .^^1, ^^H ^n^j windmill pump at door, okiee or a: T. Hutchlnaon'. store, heverauaui , ,,tw frame barn, well hniahen, stone stablini: bjaddressing me at Feveraham, Oni. j with spring •*»ter under, also in shed. It i^ I situated J mile from Maxwell village where I there are stores, post offices, good schuo), and isou the gravel road, M miles from railwa> MATHE'.Vfi, Markdale. Llcanaed i , RUDD »uc».ioDeer for the county wrvice at reawnable rates. u:»de at The Advance, o 09 of Orey. Good Date, can be , station. II sold at once, VKKY (â- HF:.\P might tbove be Bhi price, 'led thougl little. Applv to K. J. Sl'llOULK, Kleaherton, THOMAS GUY, OQ premises, 't VKKKIOE, broker, Flesherton Insurance of T HAKVEY ^ . .1 (;i.neral brokerage business u.nS iI^Lied in safe and liberal companies. li;?est.tl'«iJ^, O^n accounU and past due | l;Su. hLndl^d ;nd money advanced thereon. Uorrespondeuce K»llcited. t "OK S.ALK very cheap and on easy terms The late Dr.i'liristoe'H ;i-story brick block in Fleshorton with good stable and never-fail ; ing well on piemises. (>oo<l lui-ge store au' ' gowl butcher s shop and dwelling; two gcoi stone eellars under building; is and can bt * kept well runted ; two gooil halls on second anr third storioi^ ; flr^t class biifiness stand and wil I lie sold clieap af i>wner is eligsged in otliei DR CAKTEB „^ , , _ c„.„.nn ••<. business in tbe west and has no further use loi " M C F* 8 °°*^?!l.l".f' pir,herton "• APP'V «" «• J- Hpronle, Kiesherton. Medical _ J 8 0nt,Phy.lcii OtBce ai"d reaidence-Peter at., Jf OTTEWELL Veterinary RurgeOD Veterinary Co1te«a. west^oo Presbyterian Cborch. AWE "NOt TO BE ENVTeBl wil KON )llacksmith ^ Graduate of tue Veter nary Association. Durham street. Boyd, Broa hardware. H Inferiority of Japanese Women Taught From Time Immemorial. Travelers have noticed how difficult Mrs. Duugl:is and aim, Geor>!e, of Mea- ford, attended the funeral of C. B, Bol- and's infant child on Thursday. We are pleased to reptut Mr. M. Beard, sr., much improved in health and able Kj be around again, Mr. and Mil. Freeman of Walter* Falls visited their nephi'w, A. Wyville, last week. Mis.' E. C. Boland, who has been on the sick lilt for some time, is malting rapid prof^ress towards recovery. Robert Neely has returned home after a prospecting tour tlirough Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Mercer ;)f Owen sound renewed .tcipiaintances here latt week. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Vli-8. C. IS. Holand in the lu.ss "if their infHnt child aged four months. 'J'he funeral loitk place at Markdale cemetery on Thursday afternoon. Dr E. C. MURRAY boi unoi graduate Boyal college of I3«. Gaa aduiisiniatered for t«etn OtUce at reaideoce, , Bcienc apposite it is to gain entrance into a Japaness family. The female members are ::r^) merely introduced to the guest and there the acquaintance ends. For this reason the .Japanese woman has fascinating mys- ideas and tastes, ,„, .^ . , „_. they are not to be shared with Toronto Street. Flesberton. I ^jjg ^^^.^^ ^^ j^^.^^ j^^^ astute head Dentistry jRKAV I^ O. f â- I',?,?*?' 'i",v*f^S^ always remainod a fa 'o?S,nt7S«rrn"oif -^'"^^ -"^ have ic ^red for toeth extraction i but tJiey are not to I . Le(jal â€" of tlie family sees to this; he knows perfectly well that if the truth con- ' cerning the organization of his house- ^ „. WKlOHT^arrUur, KoUci^tor,^ ^C<>;^^^^^^^ W»Dcer. •»^--<''';J„",8j,roule« Block every ' ance Hâ€"Klesherlon o atut^ay Societies & °,n".a"h m'o^th'Tn'tbe --^.. ^ Norris block.lFle.herton. at »„1 y„„„i,.„. ?in..' W. p! tVo's'lV ^:^ilingbrethr«.mvitea ^ W -•?.!. "-TnTeiXtt^-'J; sLng\'fu^k".5pron"every Frid^ay on or before the full â- no'^" •.':"• " M,; Thos. I'layton, hecre-ary. | P ouKr^LEfJHEBj^. «^ J- J'-.r; '^-i,"i,'.S I Clayton'. « ?«» thf '"' ^ "J "".ter. heartily of eaih month. Vi.lUnS ,f»"»'«';j welcome. H. K. »*•"•â- "• ** ' Vi.! Hec C N. Bichardaon. Plea^pa; due. to Fin. 8e0. before dav of the month. _ Henry; 1 tDeflr.tdayof each month. T Blakelev; Recorder W. H. num. --[i^i^owt^rttiiard-..^;:;^. iellsiiiv. Sec.Trcas. Berkshires and Tamworths lh..enow for sale a few very choice Heik ^S»^^^rJ^^A.r:ii;d'V:nrw^;^ hoK four yaara "[^Yaw' IIOSH. Maxwell P. «>. woman has been taught by philoso phers and moralists from time im. memorial. "A woman should regard her hus- band as her lord, and serve him with all the reverence and all the ndori- tion of which sihe is capable." So said Kaibara, the great teacher of j the l~th century. He faid a great I deal more in thi.s same strain, threat- 1 cning women with celestial vengeance j should they dare to disobey their lords anil " ma8teri=, or have any; thoughts other than bow they could I best serve and please them. Accord- ing to thi.s great philosopher women should practice what he terms "a triple obedience"; to her husband and his parents, first of all; u young the first i B'r> should be completely subservient to her father, and ii widow subser-' â- ' vient to her son. found- moral, siological ty. "The tive greatest mala- dies of the feminine mind." say.s Kaibara, "are indocility, ill-humor, love of gossip, jealousy and stupid- j ity. Without a doubt seven or eight women out of every ten are afflicted I with all these malad es hence their Inferiority as regards men." Con- I fiic:anism makes of woman an eter- >ial cbiUl, an incurable invalid. Huddh.sni trtats her more severely still; not content with denying h(?r reason, it holds her to be diabolical, more wicked even than weak. lienry Hill of Owen Sound fell twenty feet into a steamer s hold and may not recover. The duelling of Michael Farrel, Ks/re- inont, was destroyed by lire. Mr. Par- rel was in Mount Forest that evening, and his children, who were motherless, had gLine to bed leaving a lamp lighted. It is supposed the lamp exploded and set tire U) the house. The children clambered out of an upstairs window in their night clothes and nothing else was saved. The house was a frame one and was insured for 8^400. â€" Confederate. each rartiieis ( . \V. A remarkable story of endurance comet from the vicinity of Keinble. On 14th AuguK', tive weeks ago, Mr. (lardner, who is well known throughout Kepple, missed a yearling steer from his herd, .^fter several days had been spent in unsuccessful st-arch it was given up as lost, though alt hope of its recovery was :ibandoned, as it was thought possitde he animal miiiht have joiiied the cattle that were gra'/ing along the shore. However nothing was sren or lieard f the lost steer until Monday, when Mr, (lardnur, visiting the hack of his farm, heaid the lowing of a beaat apparently comin'.' from midergmund, anil hunying to the spot whence the sound came found the bum lost steer imprisoned in a crevice of the rock about two feet wide and ten feet deep. There it had been for at least thirty-two days without food or water. With the help of Mr. 1). Davidson, his son, and Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Gaidner soon released the animal from its prison ; and though it was much emaciated, it was able, after it had been given some fu >d and water, to walk to the barn, a distance of about a half a mile. The iiiimal seems to be none the worse of its trying experience, and is apparently d(<. â- ng well. I'nre Terms, »1, <;»sh. Boar for Service ISrid 'rijii.wi.rlh I'.Mir lor nwU ash. N. Hin lie, Miixwull, Out, Bull for Service bull, Thorough bred Hliorlliorn bull, llroadlnx'k's IM. (or service .>n lot to, ...n. !', J >-l'r.-y- IVdigree (M application. Sei vue, )«l.lsl|oi K-ra-les. thor..ii«hbte.ls, ».'.. »:» at time ..f -ervice, Full price dliarge.l for cows returned. ^, ^ ^,^ llCRN.S. not Boars for Service riie uiiderHigiieil liiis H iliorouglilire.l \'ork- ^hirelw.arfor service on lot HIT, Mr.l raiiK'*. K T ami S. K., .\rteiiiesiii.. Tenii», *I.<HI AliH> Hereford UuU ti>r service. .I..I. liiowii. 1 .Iv. . ' BULL FOR SERVICK ' 'riiorougblire ISliorthi.iu linll.'l iundv .liin " SI7S4, for service ou lot I7t>, 'I'. ,V S. 11., Ar- vemeaia. This aninuil is of u (<..<«l inHkiiiK strain. l'e<liKr«B ou npplliutioii. Tern n,-- I iiioles »1, rrgisU-red Hii. .1 A.S. .STI N.HON IVoplietor, Our Clubbing List The following iiricoM 'ire for strictly pail ill advance sptmcriplion.sonly. We have no accounts with other papets, F'lesherton Advanct^ 9 ' <KI Yo'it hs Companion Toronto World, daily Toronto Daily News Weekly (ilobo Mail-Empiru , , . , Family Herald A btJtr Toronto Star Fariiu r Sun I'lrmera Advoontd ^'â- .?ekly Wii.iesc f '111 day Night ] ' iiiio .Ituirp"! ]' 'ultry NewB . .,, I' il'iy lieview K <1 and (ilun niagnisine Prince's Badge. Tlie popular tradition associated Willi the well-known ostriclifcather biidge and motto of tlie I'riiice of Wales is that lliey were won at Crccy jby the Black Prince from King ,Iohn tif Holiciiiia. This is, however, tradi- 1 tion only, and is not supported by Hliv conti'iniiorary coimneiil or con- Urination. The truth is that the origin of the device is unknown. The crest of the King of Bohemia was not an ostrich plume, but the wing of un eagle. Mori-over, on the Black Prince's , lonib ill ("aiilcrbury Catliedral the UVER LAZINESS Those Who Lack Energy and are Unsuccessful Should Read This Closely. "I nm onl.v thirty ycara old. yet for almost two .vcnrs I have felt more like seventy-five. I have fouiul It difficult to sleep ut iilffht and In the moriiiiiR feel so ilcpri'ssed and heavy that ef- fort was difficult. .My hands were al- ostrich feathers are emplovcd, by his ways ilannny and persiilrHtlon on a builgc of peace, ^^litrht effort would break out all over own direction, as ami it seems scarcely likely that lie would have .ii) particularized a device won ill battle. Ostrich fiathcrs were popular lis liadgi's in tliosc days. The Black I'niK'c soiiietiines wore three and somcliines otie, and so did oth- er priiio.cs. In its . i)rescnl form the biidgi- <jf the Prince of Wales 'due hot occur earlier tluiti the nioiiunieiil 'ol Prince Arthur in Woiccslcr Cuthe- dral. 111 the reign of Henry VIl. On the Canterbury nioiiiiiiieiil to the Black rriiicc the feathers are liol grouped a.-. 11 plume. An End to Extravagance. The mother ot a certain jirctty enlecii-ycar-oUl girl was having ii sov- talk day The -••••'wilh F;<litirs father tliii other - 'l"")! about ICdith's coining out jiarty I Hi> j father, be it explained, has recently 85 I made his forlunc.'aiul he is sometimes SO loath to part witli nny of it, 8ft j "One tiling is certain," the mother 1 U.'i I declariHl emphatically, "I will not al- H5|low Kdith to come out until she can 1 ;{,5I do it well. She mutit have the beat debut or none." The lather luxhlcd, "That'.s'all rlgnt," lie n<lmitfcd, "Shi; can liave this one. but 1 want you both to understuiid it's the lir.sl. last ond only debut I'll ever buy her." It was not iiMiiutural tliat I slioiild heBin to lirooil ovr tin- iliniue that 1 should .xooii lie unfit to ilo my «ork. and this dread made niv sleep- li'ss nights iierfcct misery, .\rter rc- iMuled trliils of nii'dii'liu- nnd mix- tures Dr. llainilton's I'liia Riive mo the first Kicum of hope. I'"Vom the very first I could see they were dlf- firi'nt In iicllon from other pills. They didn't Krlpe and acted as naturally us If iiiiture niid not the pills were cleansing my cloKKcd up .system- My spirits rose. I fell much liettiT, the sUitfKlsh action of the systoau Rave >vay to normal activity. Dizziness and le.-idaches (laseil. uppellte, Rood color. and umblllon to work retnriu-d and have remained. I nm like u new nuin nnd 1 thank Dr, Uumlltoii's mis for It all," Thl.i wu.o the experience of .T. K. I'arkluirst. ii well-known Ki-ocer.\- dealer III Jefferson, Kollow his ad- vice, use Dr- Hamlltoira rill.s for jour stomnch, kidneys, and liver, nnd .von'll enjo.v lonR life and robust Rood lu-ulth. All dealers sell Dr. llainilton's I'lllx, jln yellow boxes. 2,'u- per box. from Tho ("aturrliozone Co., KiiiRston. i)iit, 80 8 05 (!0 '2(1 45 80 Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulato Liver and Kidneys PERIGOE - PRICES - Feversham We have to make room for another Bankrupt stock at 52c on the dollar and this means that every- thing in this store must go within a fevr days. Patent Medicines, Drugs, etc. White Pine Expectorant or Lyman's G-rippe Syrup regul ar 25c for 13c Sterlinjg: Hoof Ointment regular 26 for 19c International Quick Cleaner regular 25o for 9c Scotch Condition Powders reg. 35c for 12c and a half Epsom Salts reg. 5c a pound for 3c a pound Dr. Hess Sheep Dip reg. 40c a qt. for only 20c a qt. Groceries Pure Cane Syrup reg. 12c for 7c in cans Ground Cloves reg. 40c a pound for 29c a pound Seasoning Spices reg. 10c for 5c Jelly Powder reg. 10c for 4c Redpath or St. Lawrence G-ranulated Sugar $6.25 per 100 pounds Puritan Soap reg. 5c for 2c and a half Canning Sugar reg. 60c for 29c per package Pancake Flour reg. 15c for 7c Extracts reg, 10c for 7c and a half Furniture -Mattresses â€" Antiseptic, Germ Proof, Moth Proof rtg. $7.00 for ..r $3.95 Morris Chairs, Beauties, solid oak leg. $11.00 going at $6.95 Beantiful Large Buffet reg $25.00, our price $19.00 Buffet and Cliina Cabinet less than Market price $21.00 Hardware , ^ 20tli Century Washing Machines, best on the market, only $1.00 • ' .. .. " " . Queen two draft stoves rsg. $5.00 going at %'-i.60 . ' -â- ''-/â- ' '" Coal Stoves, base burners, low is $8.00 and they're dandies â- . ', Horse Blankets regular $8.00, nifty stuff â€" Yours for only $2. 2.% . â- STERLING PURE PREPARED PAINTS, lots of itonly 40e a quat. reg. GOc . ' :.''â- . DRY GOODS Big Reductions in almost everv line TV/TTTQTP'AT T'KTRnT'PTTTVA'P'KrT'Q S'»ilivariu8 M»del Vjolin, bo-», Imx and all com- iXL U OiV-'X^J-l ±X^a X±\\J a X J lil.^ X 0""^le e, or lir*tcl»s« B»njo or Mandobn, any of them. for only $5.9.n. Wall Paper at your own price. :c •D_p.i.Q •_. QVinoa. -^ l'"!^'''' STOCK TO CHOOSKFRO.M and 15 days we will allow 1.0 percent. oB and JDUUuD Ov Oi-HJOCS~"L.nrSh)e.s ars marked niii;hty low to start with. I. Harvey Perigoe, - - Feversham. East Mountain llerh Neil of Heathcote threshed out t!ie bains in this vicinity recfiitly. Charles Martin and Garnie McOee of Thoinbiiry visited their parputal homes ou Sunday. Mrs. Welsh and Mrs. John Martin â-º pent t»« or three days in Thornhury and Kt'dwing last weak. Mrs K. E. Crots {nee Eagenie Hunt- liert'ioii) of Stratford underwent an op- eration for pleurisy recently. Her peo- ple went to see iier thiongh. No news ha.s yet come a.s to how she is proitressin^. Kriiie I'roctor and Edna Cainack of " Beaverville " visited at W. ,1. Martin's on Sunday. Order the Guaranteed Flour Next Time You Bake Bread If rightly used Cream of the West Flour will make the lightest, flakiest, most nutri- tious bread you have ever tasted. If you haven't tested it order a bag next time you go to the grocer's, : ; ;~ Cream *. West Flour the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread Ceylon .1. W. Cushnie of Toronto is visiting at R. Cook's and erecting a nionunient in FUwhcrton eeineteiy in memory of his wife, nee Miss Mary Cook. Mrs. U. Cook is very low and docs not .seem to be improving very much, but WB hope she will take a turn lor the hetter shortly. Jas, I'attison has made con.siderable improvemouts to his store of late. .las. Sproat and his son .\ndn;w are away to the woods for their winter's work. Hon Smith has been visitiiiK his sister, Mrs. .los. Cairns, for a lew days. Mrs. White of Proton has been visit- ing her son, W. C. White, and family for some days. An old arm ehair th.>t waa used by Sir tldhn .\. MacdonaM dnriiii; the f.>ur years that ho practised law in Toiontt) has been pre.sented to Mr. U. L. Holder, hy Mr. (teorge A Kin^;ston of Tuionto. The chair was in tho olHce of Macdonald and Sbir.sh on Toronto Snee', antl later passed into the possecsioii of Mr. Will, l.onnt. (In his transfer to tho lieneli, the chair was hiiiulod over In Mr. Kingston, who was retiring, h iianoUI- fashioiiod, oomforablc maple frame, and h»s recently been vecivtred in heavy dark U';ithor. Mr liovden has oxpiossed his appreciation of the gift, and will use it in his ottice. OP I O C3 O I o cij o oca o i ^ (^nnrnwtn |E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West Flour is a superior bread flour, and as such is subject to our absolute guaranteeâ€" money back if not satisfactory after a lair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized to return price paid by customer] on return of unused portion of ba^ if flour is not as represented. Tka CamplMU MilBnc Co. Limilad. Toronto. ArdtikaU Csiph«ll. PrMMMl OC3 cn OC3 O C3 O CD O tZ3 O C3 OCJ O IZ3 1(M Sold by W. Bjskin, Fletherton & Jas. Pattison, Ceylon. Honro Rolls Sr, 4 Mina Heard, Sr. :!-M. Wyville. M. Heard, M. Nichols, L. Nichols, W. Nicholls. •Ir. 3 â€" L. Tiove, I. Siin.son, R. Ste- vens, W. Heard, L. Lock hart. K Scott. .Ir. 2â€" K. Stinson, W. Ni.\on, (J. Stinson, S. Ludlow, I*. Scott, R.Stevens. Part 2â€" A'lolet Minei-s. Si. 1 L. Nichnlls, M. NicholK S. .\elies(Mi, t». Wyville. Jr. 1 - K Stinson, A. Little. Averngo attendsnce 27. â€" L. M. W.vLKKK, Teacher. Walkerton It costs 7o per day to feed a prisoner at tho Walkerton jail, accord injj'tn a re- poit just issued by Jai'er McKechnie. People who c'aim lliat the prico of Kxim if goinij up will not lie able to suh«*anti- ate their slateinents by referriuK to the jailer's Hgnies. .\nd the humorous part of it is that most of the prisontrs are fatter when they leave than when they enter the in.stitution. To increa.se a man's weight on 7c. ;i day is certainly a feat that fow know the secret of. Net since Hrant pro-luced tho bijj Waeehter steer or since Walkev»on gave birth to tho tive legged one, has anything more cm ions come to lii;ht in tho steer lino than that i.ow on exhibuion at Mr. John Reutz's farm near Dunkeld. Tho latter animal has two tails, peifectly formed and capable of duini; great ser- vice at tly liino. With two tails swish- ing its back, the steer is able to crop its grass ill fattening comfort, while the other members of the herd who are not .so liberally supp'ied in this line grow thin with envying this Iwo-tailetl wonder. The animal would certainly be an attrac- tive fe»t'ire for a gotdogical garOen.