AFTER EFFECTS OF FEVER How to Build Up Health and Strengtli After Wasting Diseases. When the system is run down fol- lowing attacks of fever, la grippe, or other wasting diseases, Jjr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are of special value. They make new, rich blood, which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body, and in this way restore the patient to ac- tive health and strength. In proof of thb we give the case of Mrs. James Randall, Silverstream, Sask., who says :â€" "I feel that if there is anyone who ought to tes- tify to the merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills it is myself. About four years ago I >7ci8 taken down with typhoid fever, which left me in a very weak state, and my stomach BO impaired that even a drink of milk would cause me pain. To make matters worse the change of life followed, and although. I was under the care of one of cur best doctors, I was steaxiily growing worse. Before I was sick I had often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilb, but thought no more about them. But now when I was sick and helpless and almost hopeless, and with no benefit coming from medical treatment, I kept thinking of the Pills and finally decided to try them. I did so and I am thank- ful to be able to say ^hat they re- stored me to health and strength, and enabled me to pass through that trying period, from which so many poor women emerge with shattered health. I hope that many other poor sufferers may read this statement and take fresh courage from it, as I am sure that what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me, they will do for others. I may add that I always keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the home, and feel that they are better than a doctor." These Pills are sold bv all medi- cine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or sLx boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co.. Bruckville, Ont. A BRETON BARBER SHOP. A Traveller's Comical Experience While Being Shared. The old woman who lived in a ehoe really knew very well what to do with her many children. She "spanked them all soundly and sent them to bed." Mrs. Frances M. (.rostling, in "The Bretons at Home," describes a barber shop where the same expedient had, in part, at least, been employed. It should be explained that in Brit- tany the beds are set in little re- cesses in the wall, and the people lie as on a closet shelf. I had gone with my husband to find a barber. It was dusk when we entered the one room of the tiny cottage, and work was over for the day. The last cu.stomer sat idly in a corner, gossiping with the bar- ber's wife, while the man of razors himself was idly glancing over last week's newspaper. It was too dark to see the details of the room, but I managed to find an oaJc chest in front of a bed, and sat down to watch proceedings. It was a curious sight. In the middle of the room sat my English- man in his light tweed suit, a towel round his neck, bis face covered with ghostly, gleaming lather. In front of him stood the barber's wife, a lighted candle in her hand, to guide her husband in his work. Finally, his thin, cadaverous face almost touching that of his victim, the barber himself, his left hand holding my husband now by the nose, now by the chm. Saves Worry Time and Trouble Post Toasties Can be served instnntly with cream or milk. It makes a breakfast or luuch so superior to the ordinary, th:it it has be- come a welcome pantry necessity in thousauds of homes, and adds to the comfort and pleasure of Ufa 'The riemory Lingers •old by Crooar*. .." Pcfitum Cirea! Co.. Ltd., Buttle lYeck. Mich Suddenly, behind me, I heard a movement and felt a warm httle hand on the back of my neck. There wad a smothered laugii, and I turned to see a, pair of eyes twinkling at me from the black depth: of the cupboard bed against which I was sitting. "Taisez-voua done!" growled the barber, mildly, still intent on his work. But tlie laugh had broken the charm. From every corner came rustlings, giggles, little voices, and shining merry eyes. And every- where there were beds â€" beds full of boys and girls. "Why, however many children have you 3" I asked, as soon aa the bewilderment of finding myself sur- rounded by the crowd of onlookers allowed me to speak. "Fourteen-, madame," replied the woman. "The house is so small that we console ourselves by the size of our family." remarked the barber, jocosely ; at which there was much merriment in the cupboard beds. « WISE SAYINGS. Never intimate that a woman is dull. Just for that she might cut you. It's better to be up and doing than to be down and being done. About the hardest thing in the world to climb is the stool of re- pentance. Some people feel they owe so much to themselves that tney never pay anybody else. It is quite possible for a, man to be hotheaded and still get cold feet. The only way to make some dull children smart is with a switch. Sometimes a fellow doesn't marry because he is lacking in will, and sometimes because the girl has a superabundance of won't. When a man is a slave to money there are lots of us willing to emancipate him. A woman may only kiss her hus- band when she wants money, and still not be stingy with her kisses. Nothing short of a surgical opera- tion would amputate some men from their money. It isn't the farsighted man who is always looking for trouble. It generally requires a lot of backing to put up a good front. CONSTIPATED CHILDREN Constipation in children is the surest sign of danger â€" the most convincing signal that baby is go- ing to be ill. Constipation leads to and actually causes more suffer- ing in little ones than any other trouble. To keep baby well his little stomach must be kept sweet and his bowels regular â€" Baby's Own Tablets will do thatâ€" they will do it safely, surely and without pain or griping. Concerning them Mrs. S. O. Braaten, Bergland, Ont., says: â€" "My baby was both- ered almost continually with his stomach and bowels and was great- 1 ly constipated. Baby's Own Tab- j lets quickly relieved him and I i would not now use any other medi- cine." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DID NOT HAVE TO GALl THE DOCTOR BECAUSE SHE TRIED DOUD'S KID-NEY PXLIS FIRST, One box of them cured Mrs. Mary A. Cook's RhoumatiHm from which she bad suffered for fonrtcea years. Mannheim, Ont., Oct. 9. â€" Special). â€" How quickly and ea.sily Eheumatism can be cured when you use the right means is showu in the case of Mrs. Mary A. Cook, well known and highly respected here. In an interview regarding her cure, of which all the village knows, Mrs. Cook says : "I had Rheumatism so bad that sometimes I would sit up nearly all night. "I first thought I would try the doctors, but luckily I decided to first try Dodd's Kidney Pills. "They cured me, and I didn't have to try the doctors. And just to think that after fourteen years of suffering one bo.x of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills should cure 1 I will re- commend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anvone who Euffers from Rheuma- tism." Yes, it is easy to cure Rheuma- tism when you go the right way about it. Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. If the Kidneys are working right they w:ll strain all the uric acid out of t'ne blood and there can be no Rheuma- tism. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make the Kidneys work right. Well, Well! JTHIS i* a HOME DYE Jhai ANYONE can use MdyedALLthese DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods ^«ifh the SAME Dye. I used CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO cfamoce of usijic the WRONG Dv« for the Goods one hu to color. Ail color* from your Druiglkt or D-iJer. FREE Color Cardanii STORY Booklet 1». Tho jQho>on-Rititaxd>oo Co., Limited, Moaueei. I THE PANAMA CANAJL. THE CONSEQUENCE. "That young fellow has been sow- ing his wild oats." "I suppose that is why he looks so seedy." Cholera and all summer com- plaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is up- on the victims before they are aware that danger is near. If at- tacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- dial, and you will get immediate relief. It »cts with wonderful ra- pidity and never fails to effect a cure. PORCUPINE GOLD FIELDS Fortunes Are Being Made Let us send you particulars FREE. WATERS-HARRIS SVHPICATE 43 Victoria St., Toronto, Canatta \> ben Finished It will Rerolationise World':! Traffic Routee. At last the biggest pieca of en- gineering in the world is within sight of completion. In two years' time the Panama Canal will be open to traffic. All the figures about the Canal ' are record-breakers. The six locks are eacli l.OU'J ft. long, and 110 ft. I wide. The water will be 41 ft. I Jeep, as against 29 ft. in the Suez Canal. It will, accordingly, hold steamers bigger than any yet afloat or planned. The Suez CanaJ cost $150,000,000 to cut. The new-comer will have cost nearly $500,000,000 before it is opened. There were tremendous difficul- ties in the way. A hill over 300 ft. high had to be cut through. A foaming torrent which in. rainy weather sometimes rises 33ft. a day has been circumvented by being turned into a lake the size of Lon- 1 don. Thirty of the forty miles I steaming from Atlantic to Pacific j will be along this lake. Tlie huge i dam which holds the lake in check [ \ is of the tremendous thickness of ! I half a mile. j ''' The Panama Canal will revolu- 1 tionise tho world's great traffic I routes. The stormy Cape Horn will 1 cease to be the sailor's dread. The ' Canal will make the Pacific much busier, for New York's trade with the Orient will go across that ocean, as well as much of Britain's. Japan will be 4,000 miles nearer New : York and Australia the same. ONE CONSOLATION. "Elmer, my boy," said the fond mother, "don't you think you have eaten enough of that chicken sa- lad !" "Well, mamma," replied Elmer, as he helped himself to another dishful, "if I get sick you'll know what's the matter with me, any- way." FEW CAN. Wiggâ€" "Why do you think he is rich i He looks as though he hadn't a cent in the world." Wagg â€" "Only a rich man can af- ford to look as though he hadn't a cent in the world." THE USUAL WAY. "I dreamed last night that I had perfected an airship." "-•Vnd when you awoke?" "I was out on the floor." Complete in itself. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator does not require the assistance of any other medicine to make it effective. It does not fail to do its work. If a man's mind is fully occupied he has no time to be miserable. MInard's Liniment Curm Burnt, Eto. SCOTCHM.VN AND THE SNUFF. • During a railway journey between Carlisle and Edinburgh a brawny Scotsman entered the train. Being in Highland garb, ho attracted the attention of the other occupants, and more so when he took snuff freely from a large box and offered it to' others, "Tae, help their ain sels." At Newcastle a Tynesider entered the compartment whom Na- ture had lavishly gifted with an ex- tremely large nose. He seated himself opposite tho Scot, who beamed with pleasure, and at once offered his snuff box. This was de- clined, when the astonished Scot said: "Dinna ye snuff?" He was answered "No." "Man," replied the Scot, "it is a great peety, for ve hac a wunnertu' accommodation â- for 't." THEN THE COURT LAUGHED. Robert was an honor to the force. He did not make the .acquaintance of cooks, nor did he fall asleep while on duty. He was ambitious and yearned for the time when he would be able to prefix tho words "Chief Constable" to his name. The other day he arrested a man for assault. The magistrate en- quired as to who made the allega- tion against the prisoner. Forward stepped the zealous Robert, who. with a sweeping sa- lute, replied: "Me, "our worship; I'm the .alligator!" TRY MURJNE tYE ««MEI*V tor Red, Weak. â- V\''eary, 'Watery EyM MidGranuIatecVEyelids. Murine Doesn't Baiart â€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, 60o. $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c. SI. 00. Eye BooliS and Bye Advice FYeo by Mall. Marine &J9 Remedy Co., Chicago. FEW HAVE THE EXPERIENCE. "Ever notice how rich a fellow feels when he's got a few dollars his wife doesn't know about?" "Yes, bv George, and how clever too:" A Remedy for Bilious Headache. â€" To those subject to bilious head- ache, Parmelee's 'Vegetable Pills are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregvi- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains in the head will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with these pills at hand. I 'Tis a Marvellous Thing. â€" When j the cures effected by Dr. Thomas' j Eelectric Oil are considered, the j speedy and permanent relief it has brought to the suffering wherever I it has been used, it be regard- i ed as a marvellous thing that so potent a medicine should result from the six ingredients which en- ter into its composition. A trial I will convince the most skeptical of I its healing virtues. Don't lose sight of the fact that it is just a-s important to know when to quit as when to begin. BANKS AND BONDS 4 Bonds have the preference as safe and proHuble investments. ^ Formerly Banlcs, Insurance Companies and otlier finand-l concerns invested their cash sur- pluses largely in Real Esute Mortgages, to-day they are purciiasing the Bond iasues of establislied and prosperous cor- porations considering that they offer the greatest security and best interest returns. ^ There is no reasonable argu- ment to offset the fact that whit Is the best investment for the Banlc surplus is the best invest- ment for the individual Invewor. q 'Write to-<iay for our booklet on Bonds, and Bond issues we recommend, ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION L : 4 i T t D BAiNK OF MONTREAL BUUJJBJG YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO R.M. WHITE • MuuLgm mcntreal-<3uebec-halifa,<-.-londohUn<3 ) MInard's Liniment Cures OandrufT. 'TWAS EVER THUS. "Uncle Henry, you've m.-ide your pile ; why don't you retire from bu- siness i" (With a groan>â€" "Retire 1 Good land, boy I The business won't let me !" For over fifty years Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and other painful ail- ments have been cured by Hamlins Wizard Oil. It is a good honest remedy and you will not regret having a bottle ready for use. LIVE FOREVER. "She is very proud of her ances- tors. Aren't you proud of yours!" "I don't dare to be; too many of them are alive yet." Baltimore. Md.. Not. U, 1903. Minard'3 Lininiotit Co., Limited. Sir**. â€" I rame across a bonle of your M1.N.VKD S Ll.NIMKNT in 'he liandB o( one of tho studonts at tlio University of Mary- I laud, and ho btting so kind as to let me use it for a very bad sprain, which I ob- tained in training for foot races, and to say that it helped me would be putting it Tory mildly, and I therefore ask if you would let mo know of one of your agents that is closest to Ka'timore so that I may obtain some of it. Thaukini; you in ad- Tunce I remain, Yours truly, W. C. MoCCEAN. 14 St. Paul street. Care Oliver Typewriter Co. P. S.â€" Kindly answer at once. A BALD FACT. "Poor old Alf:' sighed Mrs. Crump, .as the form of her husband I vanished down the road. "He's : growin' shocking bald!" i "Yes. I've noticed it," assented i her neighbor. "Ever since his last illness he's been moltin' as you ' might say. I hope he ain't worry- ing over it, Mrs. Crump/" "Well, it do botlier him a bit,'' she admitted. ".\nd well it might. " said hor neighbor. "When my old man 'lo^.t his hair, he felt the cold aonieihiii' terrible." "Oh. it ain't the c<ilil that wor- ries .\lf," replied .Mrs. Crump. "It's the bother he has wlieu he's washin' himself. If he doesn't keeo his hat on. poor dear, he can't tell where his face finishes." CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. ' ONE OP .\UKEILA S GREATES* BCSINEdS SCUOOLS Over i,X» choic* positions filled In past ' Four Yoars. ' Pome others jiui iillsil; - 1. 1! UX^'M. from . NewtuMtidlvia. placed nitU Mask. Mtl!t:ig Co., 1 .M.>os« Jaw. « Sleuu. KKKN .->.MI 1 II. sieno. I'«>hud< 0»«r»ll Co.. Wind.<jr. E. C HOBINSoS Ukkpr..* with HeU I'urnitura <*«>.. :joutb3init'^i^ I Out. FLO.s.>lE .-kNDKRSO.S. stalio. aad Hktpr, • Can. Wulvsriue L\>.. I'tlacliim. .MILDRBD .'IND- j EttSO.S. "itsuu.. with Do Lif^l ->«p»n«or Ca, Winnipeg. R. J ••(.•ol'T. l»aiii«r, with Urnk* j College. NewiAtk. NV J. ill* Mijirte* of ttio tiir«e ; !.U.>wu la.1t wo«k AT«r.«ge -'far STOj p«r uiiiiuu. \ the sAu'iries uf the mx tiera ^howu %T«ra<e cIo«« ' to $7tij. Our stud**uti are piepAred (or ttie biK ! p.jsitii>».* where '.ha big p*y ij '.ffere.i. IT IV\Y3 I TO .i.lTK.ND THK BltsT. C»l»ln".e 3« telln uf the work at I'halhsm i:ataio<u« M Mill ..( oui ' homo i;.ur<e« .Iddresj. 1). ^I'I..VCUL\N .t CO., I.', li. t:-:»Ue-«. rhilhi'.n. itnt. ; FARMS FOB RENT AND SALE. I ASK OAWSON, HE KNOWS. IF you want to sell a furui, consul* me. I â€" ' â€" -^^^-^^^___^^^^______^_ IF you want to buy j tarm. consul* me. 1 HAVE soma of the best Fruit, aiock. X tirain or Dairy Farms lu Ontariow and prices right. W. D.vWSO.V. Ninety Lolburue 1 X 1. • Strccu r-.>roiito. AGENTS WANTED. Manv a fellow never lays any- thing by for a rainy day so long aa he can borrow an umbrella. Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the ex- crescences away by using Hollo- way's Corn Cure, which acts thor- oughly and painlessly. It's a question which are worse- shortcomings or long stayings. MInard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, TORTURE. He â€" "And did you suffer much when you had appendicitis?" Sheâ€" "Suffer ? I thought I should never live to tell the tale." He â€" ".Vh, th<it must have been suffering indeed." Tf at first you don't succeed, "'i Huecumb. THE USUAL PROGRAMME. "So you had a nice time in Punk- ville?" "Oh, very. They showed me the almshouse, the jail and the fine new insane asylum. They certainly made my visit as pleasant as pos- sible " Every time a man looks in a mir- ror he iinaa;inos that he sees a hero. Kmn EY : To Men Who Livo Inactive Lives. â€" Exercise in the open air is the best tonic for the stomach and- sys- tem generally ; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy ac- tion of the digestive organs and sickness follows. P.armelee's Vege- table Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action, ^t is wisp to have a packet of the pills alwavs on hand. L'fNE.MPLOYKD .ME.N OK WiJMIi.N. DO you wish to make t ive Dollars day for bataiue oi yc,-.r.^ If s'-. loiisult J L. Nichois i.'o., Lirii-ted. 'i'jr.wi:. . MISCELLANEOUS. HAY and K.\KM bt_Al.l-;s. Wilsons Scale Worhs, 9 Espiatiade. Toronto. CJAWMILL M.'^CIll.NKKY. VORT.VBLB (O or heavy Lathe Mills, -Shingle ilills. Engines and Boilers, Mill Sapplice. The B. Long Maiiulacturmg Co.. Ltd.. West Street, Onilia, Ontario. rpWKNTY TO FIFTY UAllBEK-S AUVFIt- JL tised tor in Toronto papers alone, al- most every day; let us teach you barbe» trade; expert instruction; constant prao. tice; tools free. Write for catalogue. Moier Barber College, 221 yuccu Eaet. Toronto. e1 A.NCh,K, TCUOKS. LUUP». eto. Ip ./ leruai and external, cured withoui pain by our home treatment. Write a* before too iatc. Dr. Bcilman Ued;cal Co« Limited, Collingwood, Ont. GrtnN SCALE OCAK.\>TKED. Wilsons Scale Works. 9 i;?plauade. Toronto. ;23 THE?^ ED. 7 ISSIE 41-U YOU SEE IT, OF COURSE. "I think," remarked Biggs, "one of the funniest signs I ever saw was this: 'Teeth Extracted While You Wait.' " Higgs latighed long and loudly at this, and shortly afterward he tried it on Jiggs. "A friend of mine," he said, "told me of a funny sign he had seen : 'Teeth Extracted While You Wait.'" Jiggs reflected. "What is there funny about that?" he asked; "I don't quite "at-ch the point." "Can't you see? The man who put up that siatn used five words. i when one would have been enough. The woixl 'dentist' covers the whole ground. Every dentist is supi>osed to pull teeth, isn't he f "Oh, yes ; I see. Ha! Ha i Ha!" It takes a lot of Christianity to drive the chilly feeling out of the average church. Minard'* Liniment for sale everywhere. That when you pot a salve onto your child's skin, rt passes through the pores and enters the blood, just as sorely as if yoti pt*t it into the child's stomach? You wouli not pot a coarse mass of animal fat, colored by various mineral poiaocs (such as many crude salvts are) into your child's blood by way oi the stomach? Then why do so by way of the potes? Take no riik. Use aiway^ the pure h.rbil e&Kccrs provided In Zam-Buk. Z m-Buk contaios uo trace of any aoliual oil or i*t, And no puisoiou* mineral colof lug matter. From ttart to bniah it ia pureiy 'aetbal. h will hc&l sores, ulcers, absces- •ca, «ruption.s varicose ulcere. Cuts, bunu and bruiiea m^re quickly tbia any otoer kr.own preparation. It 1* a-ti.eptic, qtuclLiy ilops the smarting oi a •ok ot cut, cures pit .s InTamcd torn and b ooj polsinin-'. It >s a cooibina.ion of healing power and tcienti.ic pority. A*£ these who have provi d 1>. All <lnioir<>t< acuf <(er«4 lOt bom or Zam-Uuk:o., Taronio, /or pnct. ^ PKCIALI.-^TS ADVICK MlEti. loiisul* >0 us ill reg.-ird to any diooaso. L^iwesS price* in druga "I all kinds. Irussca fitted by mail. Send meastir^ mont. Glasses fitted by afre. Write to-day for anything sold in tirot-i-l.iss aru» .t.^rec to Dr Bellma n. CoUingwood OnL FEATHER DYEING Claiuiing atui Curling ^ad Ki'l Ul.'ves fiean^d. Tba-d ctkii btf «tfiiC by pu«C, lo p«r ol I ho iie-t :» is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MO.MltK.4L H. H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER Member stjii.lad ^stui-k .inJ .Miniu;; lCicli»in» LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MAROIR CurrespvtQ.ioiu'a inTited. ,-! MF.L1ND.\ ST., TOI-IONTO \.T ... ^OYSfwcffy/^J^S Will p«y vow ^Sommtssion of /ime// C£f*rs for eacA cooy of /n/s beaut/ml^ G/>ris/mas DuMca/ion (you <Se// Jfis one o///>e^&st<?/rn:sf/nas ffo/fUau Mimbers in the ivoHd. // has fhree /a/ya Se/sara/e^ eo/ored,picfi//^s. Sendaj'onc» for aduerf/s/ng moUera^ fcJ/ par Ou« C^wR&t i .^ludy Coufse Good Weekly l.icome Wonderfjl Oppertunltjr Constant Emplofmont Diplomas Oranted Royal Collega Of Science 3'^S Queen St. West Toro/ito, Can^mJa