Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Oct 1911, p. 2

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f*^ .D HER TO REST BUT SHE COUIDH'T 'il'* nus. CHEFF FOUND A Hi. IN DUUU'S klDNbV TILLS She Mrrcd from Rhfuinatlsni ^•â- '"'wia and other symptoms ot l)i>«.iii Kidneys -Dodd's kidaey ' I'ills |^adi> her strouK and heallhy I'cvcriJ, 1 Vaudreuil Co., Que, Oct. 2 (Splpial)â€" One wore of the- tlri'<j, y recked women of Can- ada h;i- f,.iiVid relief and uew life in I' ..M .s Kidney Pills. .She is Sirs. J.i<. C iieff, of this jilace, .iiul she ij"U'r tires of telling her nei^h -boi.^'of tier wonderful cure or siiig- ing the praises of the good old re- ine<l.v that brought it about. "1 .suffered from Jtheuniatism. Jleuralgia, Violent Hcadaehes and ?ali)itation of the Heart," Mrs. Clipff states. "My back ached. I >ras always tirexl and nervous and I liad weak spells. My doctor told me to just rest, hut that was just â- what I couldn't do, till reading of the cures */f ntlicis led luo to trv Dodd s Kidney I'ills. From the first doso they hclpe<l Boe. 1 .soon Jcft my bed and start- ed to do my iidinary housework. "I tu'ik irn all twelve boxes of iDodd's KidnA Pills and now ni.v health is c.xcey'Mt. I recommend Do<id's Kidncj'\l'ill3 to all sufferin Ironic ri." Thousands ofi Can;idian women will toll you thkt l)^ld'8 Kidney PLlLs are the oncVure relief for suf- fering women. FK.VU .\.S .V DISIVSE. 'hjeicians Now lUc'isni/c and Strange Tliohi:i:J. Maoy *ar a» a di8ca!^c hud n t recciv- e-i leriou. Hie<ll<-ll fkr - w1p'!<; .i , r-.i' .11. '.vW ittention ui.'.. ! recent iceo^' 1 /•••! by the an that ; i:< i '? is a ul ias, ;i- "li -y ar-' ^.te di limi from jjiiate condition luc to .^ < .luse. Thus there is the iTvL*"' ^'I"'" *"" closed places, Mivs tiiC JTB^^ii^iiyie- cord, fear of 'I'^h plaL-e«, <(ar of men nr women, fear of crowds a'l^l of Solitudes, fear of animals, fear of insects, fear of darkness, te.'ir oi Ut'cidejits, fear of lire, fear uf travel, and in fact fear of anything, Tlx're is no end to the absurdity of aels which may ho occasioned by these persistent ideas of fear. Those that possess till- fear of riding '>n a train find n<i pleasure in travelling, those that have fear of closo<l places do not enjoy going to chureli. and generally always sit near tlie door t-ea<ly to lly at tho first sign of dangir. Vari(jus fears may also develop in connection with tho occupation of the fiatieiit; for instance, barbers eonietimes suffer these attacks whenever they see a razor, or te,l« Rraphers when they cat<'h siifht of their inst riinients, which finally necessitates giving up the occiipa tion Among women especially there occurs the fear cif dirt, contaKion <n infection. Tlie countless bacteria alwavs preseir. io tho air arc thr- chief source of annoyance. The patients are always <N.iMplaining of ba<i air and are always throwing open flie windows. li >oks are e.* pecially avoid(<l as a possible source iif ctintagion. In patient" â- with fear of injury tlioy will throw nway all needb's in the house or they will no more wash windows for fear ttiat the miglit break and cut them The iiitel|i-ct in these cases is not only uiidi'i);irb<"d but may Ix; uii- nsaially gocxl. Patients exhibit throuKlmut a pronounced feeling of mental illness and frequently a clear insight into the morbidity of tho iiKlividiial symptoms The more common of tho various phobias as classified by IJeard are as fiill'(ws : Claustrophobia, fear of Well. Well! ^THIS i* a HOME DYE - J ^,,1hat ANYONE use j-y I dyed ALL these > DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods r *i«f> «hc SAME Dye. ' I used CLEAN and 8IIVIPLE to Uso. No , hanr« of mint 'â-º>• W ROM; l)v« fm lh« I ..lod. onr hat In rotor. All* friiin ,our l>iiisi(li I nr Pralrr. FKKK <:ol.., (atd .nj .s lOKY B..<.l.lrl II. Th« Johnfc.tii.KKliardxtn <;o , IJniiiail, MuiilTral. narrow or closed places; agora- phobia, fear of open places; astra- phobia, fear of lightning; mono- phobia, fear of being alono ; pa.tlio- phobia, foar of disease; inyso- phobia, fear of contamination ; siderodromophobia, fear of rail- road travel ; acrophobia, fear of be- ing at a height or looking over precipices; thanatophobia, fear of death. It ia to be emphasised that the pho bias in question are not normal fears, based, as normal or natural fears are, on some reasonable and justifying experience. A reasonable and justifialilo normal fear of lightn- ing might arise after the experience of having boon at some time in a house struck by Igihtning. Other fears, such as the fear of riding in a buggy after having been in a runaway, or the fear of a voy- age at sea or railway after a fright ful shipwreck or railway accident, ia a more or less natural or reason- able fear, as the fear of hoodoos and ghosts is among the superstitious or those accustomed tx) ghost stories and tradition of goblin visitation, kc. These fears do not require a warped brain for their lodgment, though the weakened brain may be more vividjy impressed by them. To be regarded as symptoms of dLs- ease these fears must be groundless s^) far as influences external to the brain are concerned. They must pr(K-eed from a morbid state of the brain and not from properly excit- ing external causes. They must be fears peculiar to the individual un- der peculiar circumstances of cerebral disturbance and nut fear common to others and duo to causes tiiat naturally cause alarm and frighten. THE KING TO HUNT TIGERS FER0Crfr9#i BE.V.STS SWARM I> THE JUNGLE. Maharajah Will Use 500 Elephants Wheu George V. Tisits India. Already the announcement is iiiaxio from Pooiia, Jiritisli India, that the nialiarajali of Nepal i-a to 600 elephants for tho King of England's tigar hunt in his high- ness' dominions next December. While King Georgo is in Nepal Qvieen Mary will be sight -seeing in liajpootana. Wlicn the king a,nd •lueen visited In<lia i>ix years ago as I'rince and Princcs.8 of Wales the niaharajah invited his royal high- ness to Nepal and made vast pre- paration U) provide a royal hunt in his jungle preserves, but the plan was up.sct by a virulent outbreak of <'holera in the reigon where the hunt was to bo. The disappoint- ment was keen to the English prince, but not less to tho niarhara- jah. HUNT OX M.WIMOTH SC.\LE. Next December the samo royal peraoiiago will come to India in tho exalted rank of king-emperor and his entertainment will he on a corresponding scale of grandeur. No other jungles in Asia are as extensive as those of the southern footholls an<l marshy taral of the centra! and eastern llinialays Mountains. They swarm with wil I b(!asts, which seldom are disturbed, because foreign sportsmen are ex- clu<led except when they come at his liighness' invitation. The sho it ing done by the niaharajah and his nobles is not enough to make an imjircssion on the game, which in- cludes wild elephants and rhinos ceroses, with many species of tige.-s, bears, leopards, deer nn<i )>igs. In preparation for the king's vi-iit a tract of this jungle, perhaps fif- teen miles long an<l half as hroad, will bo selecte<l, and all tho beasts in a much wider area will bo slow ly atul iialicntly driven into it by men mouiitcd on elephants, making just noise enough to induce the game to inovo on without alarm. lly this means, in the of weeks, twenty or thirty tigers, with other beasts in proportion, will be gathere<I into the .selected area, which then will he siirroun<led by a ring of watchmen, with the ad- <liti(in of fires by night. The space lieing so large and well supplied with Itie tigers' natural prey, the beasts will not seek to e.scape, nor e\en to approach the circle of watehiiien's huts and fires. This state of things will be kept up until till' time for the great hunt arrives. SHOOT rHOM KLKPM.ANTS. The shooting will be dono from the backs of elephants These state- ly pachyderms move through tangl- ed brushwood aii<I shrubbery as an ox walks through grass. Only a person who has seen them can credit the quickness with which they obey any word or sign of the <lri\er seat- e<l on their neck, an<I he has to lie on tbf» alert to guide his beast so that the nverhnnging branches of trees will imt sweep the sportsman fo the ground. Toronto is second largest cilv in Canada. "Does y..ur wife go to services to sen whit oth'r women wear?" "N .," replied Mr. Cumr-.x. "We are now siilTuieiitK- prospi>r'ius fir her (o go i'l order to let .ther wo men â- â€¢ee what she wears " A CROP BULLETIN. Five-year-old Ella had been en- thusiastically engaged in garden work all thu spring. Sho was espe- cially interested in planting seed, and watched anxiously for nprouts to appear alxjve the ground. One day, while visiting a neigh- bor wiio iJos.scssed a six-months'-old l>aby, Ella was delighted to see two tiny front teeth displayed wheu the baby smiled. "0, Mrs. May," tho little girl cried, excitedly, "tho baby's j,c*th have oomo up 1" Comfort for the Dyspeptic. ~- There is no ailment so harassing and exhausting as dyspepsia, wliich arises from defective action of 'the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills, a preparation that has established itself by years of effective use. There are pills that are widely advertised as the great est ever compounded, but not one of them can rank in valuo with Par- molco'a. HIS INTENTIONS. "Are you going to start a gar- den next yearV "I am not," re plied the luckless amateur. "Next year, instead of burying good stuff, I'm going to eat it. LOW COLOM.ST F.\RES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Ti& th« rhlciRr*. Union Pacific and Xorth West- •rti l.iiio, daily (n^ni Sopteiubar IHli to Oetubar l.^lh (ri>in &II point* in i^fiiiad:^. rullmia tourist Hioepin;: cir« ilailv Ptfriititally couduited Califur- aia t'ltrif in Pulli.iAn tourlat nloepintc earn on throufiti tr.iin.i leave l hicag't TuevLiy and Thurs- d.iy of exch woak. F<>r rate^. fulddr.^ aud full piirtlriilar.H apply to 11 H. lienuett, UtJil. A^tt., 46 Yuu^a c>t., Ti>ri^ulu, Uac^riu. Stops a Cough Ouicklf 'â- Even Whooping Ccflgli 8tKl««n OunoM of tho Quiokeit, 8ur«it OOMflh Remedy for 60o. Monay Refundbd If It Falls. If jroa bare an obstinate, deep-Mated- cough, wbloh refute* to be ourai, get a 60- eaai botUo o( Plnnx, mix It with home- u\ndei suenr Bjrup and start tftklng It. In- »tdo of U-rboors your couKh will b« gone, or Tiry coorly Bo. Even wnoopiog-oough is qulolcly conquered lu tbls way. A GO-cent bottle ot Finex, when mixed with bome-mtdH eugar s/rup, gives you IS onnoeaâ€" a family supply â€" of the finest coQf^h remedy tbat money could buy, at a clear suvlng of tS. Very easy to prepar»^ fiiU dlroctiuDs in pactcazu. Plnex soothes and neaU the inflamed membranus with remarkable rapidity. It Btimulattis the appetite, is sllgntlr l»xa- tlre, and baa a pleasant tasteâ€" cni!dr«n taka It willingly. Splendid for croup, asthma, bronoaltla, tnroat tickle, chest pains, etc., and a thoroughly sueceasful remedy for incipiont lung troiiblos. Plncx is a spiwial ana highly conoec- trated oompound of Norway Wiilte Pine extract, rich in goaloooi and other haallns pine olenientd. It has often been Imitated, though never KiioreMg/uliy, for nothing el*) will produce the game results. Simply mLi; with sugar syrup or strained honey, in q 16-ouDoe bottle, and it la ready for use. Anyone who tries Plnex will qaiokly nnderstand why it Is used in more horaef in the U. S. and Canada than any othei ooagh remedy. The gen u ine is guaranteed to gire absolute satisfaction or money ret funded. Certificate of guarantee ia wrapped in each package. Your druggist has Plnex or willgetltforyou. IfDot,ssiui to The Pioex Co., Toronto, Ont. Little Turkeys.â€" Take pork ten- derloins and- cut lengthwise through the middle, being careful not to cut ill half; fill with dressiig you would use for turkey; sew or pin together v.ith toothpicks; bake for twenty minutes in a pan in which there is enough water to cover the hott-om when baked. Make .1 gravy of water left in pan. Nice to add strip of bacori over top. TRV MURINE EYE ReMLDY tut Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes •adOranuiated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Baiartâ€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 2ac, 50c. )1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 2,5c. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Pree by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. .\fti;r matuhe iikflectiox. Wo would not care to be a steeple- jack or premier of Russia. Cholera morbus, cramps and kin- dred complaints annually make their appc.irance at the same time as tho hoi, weather, green fruit, cucumbers, melons, etc., and many Iicrsoiis are d'^barrc<I from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. J. I). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial and take a few dri^ps in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remarkable manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels. "Binks used to be daft on the subject of buried treasure. What's ho up to now I" "Hels got up an expedition to Asia Minor to try to find the place where Methuselah stored his birthday presents." * , MInard's LInlmgnt lor sals ivsrywhers. If the drain in the sink becomes stopped up, remove all water from .sink and pour in a pint or jnoro ga.solino and let stand; this will cut the cause of stoppage in a little while. It Rids Pain Hegone.â€" When neu- ralgia racks the nerves or lumbago crijiplcs the back is the time to test the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the pain and produce a sensa- tion of ease and rest. There is no- thing like it as a liniment for its curative properties are great. A trial of it will establish faith in it. Mrs. O'Flanneryâ€" "Whatever are ye doing, Pat, sitting in front av the glass with your eyes shut?" Patâ€" "Sure, I'm just looking to see how Oi shall look when I'm dead." MEAT RECIPES. Spanish Steakâ€" Take a flank of â- steak. Cut off all the fat and fry it brown in jilenty of butter, lift out and jiut in a baking pan. .Spnnkle with salt and pejiper and fry a si, â-  -d onion brown in the butter rem.ii.iing in the frying jjan. .Spread onions over the steak and cover it with can of tomatoes, juice and all. Cover and bake an hour in a slow oven, basting frequently. .Make gravy of drippings remaining in the pan and serve piping hot. Fried Chicken.â€" Cut one or two iiiiall chickens in half and dredge with Hour. Heat some lard until smoking hot, then lay in the chick- en. After the first few minutes cook slowly, turning so it can brown on all sides. When done take up and place on a jilatter, jxjur off all the lard excepting one tablespoon- ful. place this over the fire again and add a heaping tablesiioonful of Hour, stir until it is brown, then add slowly one cup of milk, some butter, ix^pper, and salt, and let cook five minutes; pour over the chicken and serve immediately. Jellied Veal.- -Buy a veal shank for 20 cents, cover with cold water, let come to a boil and skim care- fully. Add one medium size onion, a bay leaf, small piece of red pep- per, salt and si.K whole cloves. Boil slowly till meat falls off bones. Take out the meat, strain liquid and let it cool while tho meat is picked into small pieces. Remove grease from the liquid, add to the meat, put into bowls to cool. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing. Bo sure to have plenty of liquid. NEW IDEAS. Gingered Rice.â€" Instead of rai- sins or other flavoring in rice pud- ding, use a small quantity of pre- served ginger, cut in small pieces with the syrup. About a table- spoonful to a quart of milk is suf- ficient to give a delightfulj|^w fla- vor. Screens and Porch Fittings. â€" In the fall when putting away our liorch furnitur-!. for which we se- lect a clear Jay, the rugs are thrown on the line, the furniture and window screens are placed near by, and ever^-thing is given a thorough cleaning with a hose. When quite dry the screens are lightly brushed with raw linseed oil to prevent rusting. This oil does not evaporate. B. School Hint. â€" The best way t^ reduce mending is to guard against it. You will find that one reason why children's clothes rip is because the seams are sewed with cotton thread which is brittle. Any dress which will be given hard wear should be made up entirely of silk. The sun and water rots cotton, but does not affect the silk. Frost Hint.^To protect your flowers from early frost drive poles made from broom handles or other similar sticks into the ground at intervals and stretch a clothesline from one to the other. When ev- ening comes throw pieces of cloth or paper over the line, and your flowers will be unharmed. Uinard's Liniraont Co., Limited. (liMitrf. A cuMlomcr nf outk ciirc'i a very bad cutio of diKtfiuiK'r in a valuulili- hi)r»c by the use uf MINAKUS LINIMK.NT. Yuum truly, VILANDIE FUKUiiS. A WONDEKFIL DISCOVERY. An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most wonderful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think ! As soon as a single thin lay- er of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or a sore, such injury is insured against blood poison ! Not one species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill ! Then, again. As soon as Zam-Biik is applied to a sore, or a cut, or tu skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is ap- plied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This is why Zam-Buk cures are per- manent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Com- pany and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands were at ono time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him. and in a few months it cured him. To-day â€" over three years af- ter his cure of a disease he had for twenty-five years â€" he is still cured, and has had no trace of any re- turn of the eczema! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50c. box, or we will send free trial bo.\ if you send this advertisement and a le. stamp (to pay return post- age). Address Zam-Buk Co., To- ronto. BANKS AND BONDS q Bonds have the preference at safe and profitable investments. q Formerly Banks, Insurance Companies and other financial concerns invested their cash sur- pluses largely in Real Estate Mortga,-es, to-day they are purchasing the Bond issues of established and prosperous cor- porations considering that they offer the greatest security and best interest returns. q There is no reasonable argu- ment to ofifset the fact that what is the best investment for the Bank surplus is the best invest- ment for the individual investor. q Write to-day for our booklet on Bonds, and Bond issues we recommend. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LI M I T B 9 BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDINC YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO R.M. WHITE • Manager montmal-ouebec-halifax-londonIino.) NO TIME TO HURRY. Nobody ever gets into trouble by exceeding tho speed limit on his wav to church. Mlnsrd't Liniment Cures Burnt, Ete. P.VDDY "IN THE INTERIM." The habit of verbosity is a stand- ard characteristic of human nature. We have all met people who are fond of using high-sounding speech. .V gciitleiuan said to his servant Pal ; "I am going to town at 10 o'clock, nn<I sliall weed out the cu- cumber betl in the interim." "fnterim," thou^llt Pat, "that's a quare name for a garden, any- how." "Is Mr. Smith at h.imei" asked a visitor who cr.nie shortly after- wards. "Yes, sir; ye'll find him at work ill his interim, there beyant," an nouiiced Pat. Visitor (to little Kirl)-".\nd were you born in India?" "I was." "What part?" "All of me. ot course 1" You can tell when a woman Is growing stout by how she talks as if she were afraid ot wasting away. NOT HE. The "Angol" (about to givo beg- gar a din]e--Poor man! And arc you married! Beggarâ€" Pardon me, madam ! D'ye think I'd be rclyn' on total strangers for support if I had a wife I Corns cause much suffering, but Holloway's Corn Cure offers a speedy, sure, and satisfactory re- lief. Avoid society if you wotild m.ike a study of mankind. MInard's Liniment Cures Dandrud. The Best Liver Pill.â€" The action of the liver is easily disarranged. .\ sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over-indulgence in some favorite food, excess in drink- ing, arc a few of the causes. But whatever may bo the cause, Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills can be relied uiwn as the best corrective that can be taken. They are the leading liver pills and they have no super- iors among such preparations. CONTRARY. Gibbsâ€" Y'our wife .seems to be a contrary sort of woman. Dibbsâ€" Contrary ! Why, when- ever I ask her to dam my stock- ings she knits her brows. Paiu and Swelling seldom indi- cat<*itfternal organic trouble. They are usually the result of local cold or inflammation which can be ulckly removed izar<.l Oi): CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. ONE OF AMKKILWS GRE.^TEST Bt'SINKSS .SCHOOL.4 Over 2,000 ohoica positions filled In past Four Years. .^ome others jml ftllsd;- I. B. IIANN, from Nawf'iMniilaii'l. placa,! with Mask. Milllox Co., Moose Jaw, ai Sleno. KEllN SMITH. Stent) . I'eahidj O'erall Co.. Wiudior. E. C, EOBlXSO>i Ukkpr.. with Bell Furniture Co., .Southimpton. Ont KI.OSSIK ANI>Kn-<O.N', Steno. and Bkkpr, Can. Woltariiie Co.. Chatham. MILDRED AND KR.SON. Steno.. with De Ijiial separator Co, Winnipeg. R. J. SCOTT, teacher, with Drake College, .Newark, N J. The salaries of the three shown Iiut week aver.ige orqr $7\ti per unuum. The ssklariei of the six here sh.iwn aTermse close to $70). Our stiidoiiti are prepared for the bif posiiiona where the big pay i.i offered. IT P-\Yr* TO .VTTKND THK BKsT. Catalogue S3 tells of the work at chdthan: Catalogue 84 tells of our boma cuur.ib». Adiress. D Mcl.XCHL.KS 4 CO.. I', n. College, Cliitham. lint. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE you waut to sell a KNOWS. farm, coosult 1* you want to buy me. farm, cousult HAV'bi Bome of the best Fruit. Stock. _ Gram or Dairy t'ariud lu Ontario, aud prK'fs right. 1 H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Street. Toronto. Culbora* AGENTS WANTEa AOE.NTS WANTED.-A study >l ottiei Agency propositions convinces tuut none can ways regret it particulars to Travellers Albert St.. Ottawa. ual ours. You will you don't apply Uvpt., al. tur Hi |>0Y AND tiiRL agI':nts: sell 19 twouty-four parliaKes ot postcards for u.s at 10c. eacii aud receive an .\ir Uuu or Doll free. L. Botlouiley 4 Co.. Mar shall. .Suhk. S'i'AUT TKA KOl'i'b; TO-DAY. Semi postal fur circulars or 10c for sam- ples aud terms. Alfred S. Tyler, London, Out. MISCELLANEOUS. 11 AY and FAliil SCALES. Scale Works. 9 Esplanade, Wilson'.** Toiouto SAWMILL M.\tlllNKltY. POKTABLL or lieavy Latlio Mills. Sliiiigle Mill!;. Eugincs and Boilers. Mill Supulius. ^Ik^ E. Long Manufacturing Co.. Ltd., Wee- Street, Orillia. Ontario. WANTKD. A LINE rOK 4 CENTS every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies. Wo have tht- icroalest agency propoyttioii in Canadi. today. No outlay necessary. Apply B- C. i. Co.. 228 Albert St.. Ottawa. 4 T ONCE MEN TO LEARN .i\. trade, ex BARBER Xpert instruction. coUbtaiii practice, tools free, always sure employ- ment for a barber. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College. 221 Queeu East, Toronto. CI ANCEK. TCMORS. LUMPS, etc. Id ^ ternal and external, cured _w'ithoU' nuin by our homo treatment. Write u: before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Limited. CoUiiigwood. Ont. fe TON SCALE GUARANTEED. t Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Wilson's Toronto. ^PECnMSTS ADViCB FREE. â-ºO us in prices tissea in card to any disease, drugs of all Consult Lowest kinds. fitted by .riail. Send measure. Glasses ntteif bs Hamlins New Rags.â€" Miiko b.tgs of heavy material siicli as cretoiji denim, and jilaco your h*iii in them. Use stout rings ^: top to close it or even Iniiton one side over wittl'-n lap. Mako similar ones for your siimroiirr paraattls Never make your pieci"^ \^8^ 'jf *ny- thing exfept linn iini.,|rfito netting. You can sec in and .--ai'^ time.'^^eT mi^l FR ^What do> for las br\"a ".Viiythingj^ house prit Yrw -, . I nienT'oiasses ntteif by age. Write to-day j for anything sold in first-class drug stores to Dr. Bellman. ColUngwood. Ont CLEANING LADIES' ALKINC OR OUTING SUITS .â- i« p.'rf'M'tly I'y our Prench process. Try iX- (:]sh Amerioan Dyeing Co. "" T,>r,iiit,>. O 1.1 Wil and Quebec oo for tttia .\'')>l('.>s,i>it ;t^icin«^for cJiiMir'n is MolluM- Grids' N^Ul'-ni Rxtcnnui-, jq./ ator, and t)i«l is nothing *Wer Pfj^y^"' for driviug wqiks froHi the systcTii. ' ' Mr. Honieb^Bbl sea. you keep ; of aU tl^ffctters you ♦rite IS' â- "P'.cs , ty your wife. »T)o you doiit to avoid i pear^nu; % ,rself I contrad . Tjaraway icnng niv MInard's Liniment Relltvts Neuralgia. If a man's' hope of a future life iiii-^i's fire ho li*s no ki'-k c"inin!». â- twYorj CD. ISSIK M 11 H. H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER ,, .Monilier stAmUrd stock ami Mining; KrcliUIS* LISTED STOCKS CARRIEDON MiROill CoriH^ptiniluuco itlTite I. .-, Mi:i,INO.\ ST., rOKON'O Thli ritiBit -- just tht h vnn WinilJ havt to pny )^iOntany r*in:i itoro. It iNfitrAWidp. fiilly iflinehf* long. In all color*, with wil lowi fluftiofKreat li-ugth thatdo uol Ioi« th.-ir curl oMlly. Send ua II IV tv» ilav. for thi* itatioppor- mity not to homisat'd. ne offwr »l«o nn t»\trft Inrgo aud haDdsum* yW pliimn at I2.a>. s. 11,1 mont » l*y BiiUl, oxrrof^ or money i.ivm«'iiit-r ttmt >tnir monov will bf r»- JCtb* iliimo I* not oiitirolv wAtisruclory. h Feather Co., Ot|l M; 51 J-SIE Bw«) . N.V. Io 3oul of a Pianolstho Action. Insist on tho "OTTO n^' Vi r

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