â- *4"*"«^ it 8 ^hrnnu. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PP.I5CIPLEb KOT MEN. i '* H msi, NO ir> Flesh.ertoiiii Ont^ J^.- c-Vo Wv ^ Tlivirsdtay, Xovernbe^r TTTl â€" W. H. THURSTON ^^« hCPKIBTOi: PriGe^iie Jottings The recent lains will m«ke the soil in bttler MJi^JEUon for plowing. f^iime p«opie thought that potatoes would be a»:4y up in price tliLs teaHon, but if Alberta can ship her enormout crop into Onurio at "Tic per bag, the roorphys cjtn be had 'in ..•verybody » table next winter. We tetfTCl very much that several of the fiiU fairs in our coun-y had their gate receipts considerably cut olf nwinii to the unfavorable wejither. The provincial inisaraace scheme will hulp a little, but cannot take the place of a sunny day for a fair. The exhibit in the agricultural hall at FJe'therion on the liT'h was xfod, per- haps us tine as any previous, and the nalui-al history exhibit w.i.« worth going some distance to s«e, ami we thought, it wprth goiiig live milei to see that (i.ie heiu of Hereford-s that came in from Eu- phrasia. Tney were beauties. The wet weather interfered with the poultry ex- biliit as far as numbers were concerned, lii: the.t were some fine birds shawn. . A. D. UcLeod has • l.uge portion of his milldain built over anew' with cement, and it Ifjlts as if it would be a «rtat sav- ing on water. We expect to have an enormous butter exliibil at our fair on Oct. S and tj and hoye li will be favonvlile weather. Mr. Colii» McT.:;ir '^or his hand badly injuied last wet^k while working with the threshini; luacbiue. Will. AldcMrii has a cenieDt wall under his Wo nearly coiople'eii. Dopald Mathesnn and »''turley Fergu- BOn went to Toronto la-st" week aikI are iitMiuliDg uuivei-Hity. It seeits that ihe B^iiien-Boiiriisjia 'bantam ri'osler at Kiverdaie, last week, mounted the moiiopolista' and truats' d Ling pile aiitrtjssayrd to crow, and then s niled sweetly at his own etfotts. D'lme Haaior says that Rivecdaie may iooii lose l~i» ciiti<wity, *» liis imiiiact»lati» aiticu- laiiyu would be suoh a jfood ofl'seC to Henri's Fitnchitied Knghsh, and the i.iascot would be k?pt at Ottawa, while hi« self-asserted abdity would induce the unholy alliance to ^'usult him as an oracle. *^ tij.. '. Kimberley Budget Apple picking and potato digging is the order of 'he day. A^,. Mr. .\lbert Kllis is on a busineAs trip to PMry Sound diatrict. Mi. Jack Myles of Hailejibury and MiSii Siwlie Curry of Paisley have re- turned to t'neir homes after a week's yiait witli then- cousin, >[r. A. E. Myles. The KimWrley Wo<nan's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Oct. I'J, 2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. John Plewes. A good at- tendance is requested as delegates will be appointed to attend tlie winter fair and other business transacted. Mr. George Proctor is building an up- to-date poultry house on the plan reeom- inended by Professor Graham of (iuelph. Rev. Kemp of Heathcote occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sun- day Imc. Mr. S. McCalluw of Calgai7 visited Kinibei'iey friends ou Monday. M*. JBhn Fergu»>n of Thornbury is hnfShidI the cement walk iu front of our school.' He has the contract for putting in the tlours in Mr. J. M. Fawcett's new stable. He is expert- at cet.i^-Bt work. Pcoton Station t â- Miss Ethel Ludlow is visirims Swinton Park friends this week. The G uild jU' the Presby'erian church •)f Proton r«opened last Thursday even- ing. Rev. Mr. Milli;;aii occupied the chair and the new othceib were elected. Quite a number attended the Fleshor- ton fair from here. Miss Florence Trelfovd, who h:i% been ill at her hmie here for several weeks, left Saturday to resume her elerk.ship iu Richie's store at Ocingeville. Kev. Dr. Griy of Knoi college, To- ronto, g.iv* an addre.ss in the Presby- teria>i church mi Sunday. He epoke in the iiitcTOst* cf the new ooH'eiic whirh is being erected in Toronto. Mr. and -Mrs. J. C. Wright »nd fam- ily of Toronto are vi-sitors at the home of Mr. S. Biniiie. Eugenia Paragraphs ,fi On account of the rain we were ''all ke.it 'lome from FleHtltrtoii fair. Vi'f. John Williams spent bust week in the city«iou lysioeis. Miss Daisy Smith has returned home from the city. Miss Ettie Latimer has {(one to Harkaway to teach school this term. Success, Ettie. Miss Thi-es.s» .Armstrong bus returned home from her tisit in Heathcote, i ^^^^^ j^j^^ Knocked Out By the Rain A Good Show But Crowd Was Absent Last week a we*thor was a orukhcr ou all fall fairs. lUins on Wednesday and Friday succeeded in knocking out Shel- liiinie, Durham, FlesherUm aiid Meuford fairs, so far as atttMidance was concerned. Good wealher on Thursday lured exhib- hwin. of accompanied by b.er sister, Mrs and little dausjliter. ^ * Miss (.'line of Detroit in the nuest Rev. Campliell of this place. He getting ready for a ct^uple uf fowl â- suppei's very socn Thenunon .Sunday tes'ed our faic'^'^^ " diffeiout .•itury. It was cold and weathei cWstians,*4s 'there were only n.tie out to the morning service. Mr. kh. McMaster is bu.^y with his clover machine in the ucighborho<ul •>( Beiiverila'.e this week. We are glad to teijort that Miss 'irace JamieS(jn is improving. Mr.W. Gaudni|and wife ofWiudermere called on friends here the put week. Mr. and Mrs. Hoggart of Heathcote were the guests of the former's luother, Mi-s. Graham, jj^ past week. ' i Mi.ss Larie of Owen Sound is the guest of Mrs. .J. E. Large of thus pkice. Maxwell ' * Mrs. Wmj* Scutt has ietifcned home after an e.xteiided vi.sit with»rtiends in Saskatchewan and nthcr [uii'ts of the West. Mrs. Mai-shoU Morrison has returned home after »j_>endio< a couple of months with her daughter in Weyburn, Sask. Mrs. Field." spent a few days with fiiends in Dundalk last week, Jlr. Edwards has returned home frt>m the West. Mi-sses Xaiicy and Mary Wiley visited with friends at Wodehouse last week. Mr. .\lbert Brownridge of the 4th line died at his lionio Friday, 2i»th. The funeral takes place on Thur«day^ Oct. 5. Deceased was ill only a few hours. Much fy-mpiithy is felt for tlie sorroying family Ml. Harry Guy has returned to To- ronto to attend university. 'Mrs. Beit Mot'allum and children and Mrs. Walter McOalluni, visited with Mrs. Step.iens at DvsIkhm lust week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pallister have returned from the We.st. â- .\iulrew has move^ to Mr. L^i I'allister's farm and Levi has movd to the farm of the late I'.^it !l|cCil)>iu. M:, and M. . K. .nl Wellar .•vtten Ird tn â- licritio'' Mit fi«*"^"s aunt in \\ »<- â- -..isl ^ !â- . Mia - J,i- Ri)<Mtlt .•*MIMity â- \4»iV Sadies' .\rr. >lt* H. Giiysi^A* Card of Thanks Walkerton . The home of Mr. Joe Fnel>urne» in the west ward was ijuaraiitiued for diph- theria oil Satuiilay last, two of his chil- dren having conti.icted the disease. Frank .\uies, an Englishman, who is setviiii; a tliree montha' term is Walker- ton jaii for assaulting Mrs. Duncan Campbell of Kincardine on the evening of .Vugiist 4, will iu all probability be de- ported to the Old t-'ouutry on the e.xpft- ation of his sentence. John C'olvin, veterinary surgeou of Teeswater, was (iiietl S-j »nd costs by Magistrates Robb and McN'aniai-» here, ou Saturday ou the charge >>t cruelly and uiinece»i:krily beating his horse on the Walkerton race (.rack on Sept. 15. Tli« complainant was Kev. II. Perdue, who is a directi-rof the Humane Society here A large nimibei of witflesses were sum- moneJ by the prosecution and according to certain evidence adduced Colviii Would .seem to have whipped his horse nearly the whole way round the track, and even continued the whipping i)|;ers- lioHs after the r.ice had beea concluded and he had pa.s.sed the judges' stand Constables Fergu.von ;imt Rev. â- Perdue claimed that the hane was marked wuli ridges as cue result rf 11id> tr^atiusoV it had got. Tile defeiidai.t, howai'er. • •Wived t*!;il-li«'hkd beeB*.pOtfadingitlie skJt.irfTh>"J||^hrgvly instead 'jf *{!ijj[ ^^^im^stefi^iti^ his c .^; ni*it4t^Ne^"tl» fttijp at 1 er be ':^ssed^igj?'juJ|(ii|M^ '•> the faot ti|^ t lie norse wa.s ^Bflpi >)>i( u^ ^P > Ceylon - One of our ij«jpular young men in the person of Mr. Harry Faton, who has long been knowu at Ceylon, has taken iiulo himself a briJe. We wish the young couple h)iig life and much happi- nes.s. He is one of iha most iudustrioiw youag men uf this loddi'y. We are sorry to have to annoUltce tlial Mrs. R. Cook is very ill. She h;t3 l>eeii ailing more or less for some time and h-uj Ijeen confined to her room about a wiek â- We extend to her and her family the syiniMithy of the entire neighborlnxid.' Mr. Rjinds of Shelburne visited his son here last week for a few -dwys. He looked remarkably well. *^ .Mr. .\lex. Muir is now slowly but steaJily improving. We hope to see him around ai;ain shortly. Miss Liwrence of Kimberley is visit- ing with her aunt. M«fc A. Rutlcdge. Miss Nessa Collin.son spent some days last week visiting friends at Badjeros. Ml. Roger McGill was suddenly cidled^ •away last wetk tu attend the funeriil of his brother, who died in Biiti.sh Colum- bia and »as brought home for burial. Drowned at Wodehouse \ peculiar drowning accident occurred near Wodehouse on Monday. A '."t year- old aaughter of ^r. Thomas Fawcelt went out to a little pond to wash some- thing and not returning search was made, when she wa-s found in the w,uer. It i» said the young woman was suliject to fits and it. is supposed that in one of these she fell into the wat«r and waa drowned. coining forward for the Fleah- ,ertoii fair in large numbers aud the hall Was filed with a display that has never been surpassed m the history of the .•so- ciety. There was iiu weakness in any department and each one was tilled with a splendid disphiy. Friday, lnwever. rainy arid the crowd was ibseutffalt hough ^liite a '..goodly number defjW'Ihe" ele- ments. The stock exhibit wa/ sui^erior to most years, but fowl exhibitors aud svme intending exhibitors uf sheep did not bring out their " goods " on account of the r»iii.'» The gate receipts, â- we/ be- lieve, were the si^allesl 141 :he liist<}ry of the society, amouutiug t.> a little less than sixty dollars. The general exc'am- aiion was, " What a pity, and with a show like this ! " G. H. Reid of Epping showed' a hoi<i of Hereford cattle, some of nlium were sho-vu at Toronto uxhibiti^'ii. No sports were cajieU oti' except the speed conte. ts. The conceit at nght was lirst class and a large audience was present. Tiie receipts I'f the concert auionuted to ^tlo. Canieron and Piwtt were the bright particular stars. This was the lirst con- cert given in tlie auditoruini of the new high school, ' and ^it -accouiMiodaTioiKs were pionouncei! lirsl cWs. President Mitchell presided. ' â- *"â- •*'-. ". > • Tha directors are niitiiralry* consider- ably dislie:irtened over the result, but the govemiii.«nt in.^^ira»«ce will- -.jivw a iillle a-sistAnce towards ^HJfing olf ii:- debtednessi "%,,><? >» .\inong the speci»lly good exhibits in tlie hall miabt be mentioned roots of all kinds, fruit, butter, the art department, and ladies work. The natural history exhibit this ye ir was ayen better thsn last :ind attracte<l a gi-ent deal of favorable comment fiom those present. C -â- ' .^^ â- " ^ ^' â- •?" .' • -- The prize list will be round on oiir Us: page. . " « It yoiirchildrsu are subject to atiocks of piiip, watch fur the tint sym(<tani, haarse- ifs... Give Chaiiilvertain's Couifh K«uiedy as K^m ii> the obild becomes hoarse and the 4 attack may be war<l«s) olf. For S«U '>y all ieiilt-rs. f<eorge Folli*, one of the oldest pio- neer* of Derby, and postmaster at Ash- ley for the |>a»l foriy years, is- de*id. '"FFlPtil H QTnMArU" .The ve»«t»ble grower of tl.»Saini~ rUCDLEi iJlUlTlAvn dibtri<St are this se.-u.« enji>yii>^' th.- most prosperous year in their lii«tor>'. Causes Digestive Weakneaa '^"^kâ„¢ -wh«."tatoy.eW of fiv- acres of land tor • -ei f l.iW'- w«'t •d fiOO. from »n and Poisons the En- tire System. ' srowets^liaTe avenge acrei "No one can have suffered mor« than I did with stomach trouble." writes Phil. E. Pascalar, well Icnoirn at St. Ajidrews Corners. "My doctor told nie my Indigestion and sleepjess- ness were due to poisons in. the blood. Certainly my condition was desperate, and it seemed from the despondent feelings thai swept over me that I would lose my reason. I happened to read about Dr. Hamilton's P:i:s and bnuicht five boxes from the drugsist. Such body-cltansing pills I never Used; they were .iiHd and yet <iulte strong cnouch to drivi' all tha humors out of the bir.od. My stomach gained strength rapidly with Dr. Hamilton's Pills and I improved so much that in eight .veek."; I coul<l eat and digest aJl ordinary food. Depression and weari- ness passed away and I am. thanks t<x Dr. Hamilton's Pills, tnloying rolHtst' good iMfcaJtli." Xo remedy for biliousness. Indiges- tion, headache, si'rk stomach, or con- stipation that compares with Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. Rafuse substitutes. Sold in 25c boxes. .Ml dealers, or. The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Jewelry Dr. Hamilton's Pilis Cure Stomach Troubles A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, I • Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT.. 7 .1 mer - . â- s Suiting I -I ,^*<^*|MEW .Suiiinier SiiitHm>.j(Kt to hand â€" soaie :-i^r^' ^^ of the nobbi<?at weave.s to b« found any- :,•>â- -•'.», .'1 - . ;r^ -s.^-" •-a . v- ' .-'-i<B'«- , SCOTCH TWKEDSâ€" A ntrw^ line now" on liaud, of very fine weave afid appearance., wiili lai-ge .selection to choose from. Vv;, - V '^-'^-^ ' - . \' . • , Leave your^rders now for suiunier clothm^. iSatisfa^tion Guamnteed; " jp^* "«". ?%v. â- i '''•*^y,..->C^ â- -^â- A^- f â- *•â- LSJ.ftpWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR ^ ^ ^±^ ^j^^-i.^K<:^^'^,^S^^.'^ â- .^ ' :^ WIIaSON Sc McC^ 5k:i-in Ml-. A. R. T.ibor of Crider, ,Mi>. had been, troubled wi.\.iick heniiailii' for about tiie years, when she Iiej;aii tokuiK Chaiulwrlaiii's Pablets. She has uikeii two botCieK nl tlieiri and they have cored her. .Siek heada.hf is cawed l>y a disordered stnmach tor which these tablets are e»pe«ially iuh'nded.i Trys thein. g.-t «->'ll nn.i stay weU. ._^3iJ**.by ;>ll dealen). ,' â- * "^ i*»N â- -r ^ â- ^ ' i't»(el5iii"nths-oKldauj!l.ler of Joseph li^uuf iJeiwoeKl tuddled out of ths hMxe, awl a few* luiiiutcs later wh^ n.a dish of water at lie Iiou.sc, ^ ilt^^t^r 'U.f^"°^ .â- <.nm1> .*d" 3. .-.."^Tl-Jic ctrfii' : t • 7'o the J^'OI- â- •'â- <»»â- li'<st^iry I'ennr nu !•• Ii.hk you for ]^ 'ur many i;ourfco»l«>(> thi(0(|f|^ tht» lecej^ election C(^ii)P«ii{n, ^3 ^iiirt icularly tlj^ nearly 1500 olee^ipijj^'ho voted for me on Sept. iilsti l^e kW wis 'tv>o short for any yerssni'il cam is Mid javfii to direct im^ijin. 'IMie chief iU is that the reiU iasuo pc'ite tAik national aud iloverly iii'viwiied by ' oi \'.:c I ni^iiy^ States who liettor triide reI;ljtons with Kaithfurly yours ^L, â€" C. W. H.CTTtM'JV.N. ..,^:pti.ifveryjpdda|*|^ih.^ " rice,«»'Th^^aiJ|iVw'K. -however, eou Sidored th.'«Ttlic )(ip>e Imd Leen 'onUujj^ ^^ !»|yseti Township inan^wfco lives oil whipped, atid a-|^of «.". and co<rt« <Mf *J'^^^ ^^ „..,„• T.eamington. made the J «!iy persoi^-il nn advorti!! .f tlM evied :v(it>nst t a)udu<»r^-Ti of $."i and co«*« 'tit sH'iter vet Jter liiaTTlff n;ill bo coinnianciii^ _r tlii||/ while reiiaiVs .iVC heiiii' for two weoks. tA;|«3tlio^!i!|hts wide aoni'that he feeds mid clothes hi« fcm% Q'lii 'fie proceed* uf t,to butter an*nuH»*»hich he sjelsfrom one Jersey ^ow. TT?e record of tlii.s one cow la-st, iiiiDjf" year -^BsJilXt pnuiKlii of luller aud 1000 i.iant i';!ill,iiis of milli. wliich iKtied her .oviier .ised latU. •vk'Uiey of .•Vlbomiirlft. ^wflis â- â- •KC of buMh and\ coi- ' it inunler. . Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH 111 • ihi llesidonceâ€" -WS, !Hh St. Ikst, Owen S'lulid, Ont. lloiiTs-!) to 13a.m , l.iJO to 4,30 p.m. 7 to 8 p. 111. ' Hher hoUM by appointniett DR. BURT 5pe<liltat In diacusts of tho Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Off!ce-30 10th i». West, Owen Sound .\i the Kovore huuse, Markdale, 3iid Thursd.'iy ctich month from S to 12 a. n». Duud^li, 1st Thuisday of each iiiuuth. Vandekur Happenings Mrs. Marslial Heard iriU Mrs. S. (.iil- b.'ri viMted friends at Teinole JHill ti- cently. " ^ \\. .1. .VIcock has erected a nHndsoiiie kitchen iit the rear ef hit house. Robert Neeley left ou Tuesday on a prospecting trip to Ndw Ontario. ^ • Mnnand Ml^<. Robert Clark of Wode- house were visitors at H. (.ieaoe's. Will PritcKafd of Moosejiw visited his uucle, Mr. *iv«. I'ritchard, recently. Mr, Ebeiie/.er Kiaght of. Toronto is visiting at Mr. Robert (.<rahain '4. .Vliso Mill* (irahamof To.oqito is ho)i- dayiin with her pireiis here. tjeorge l^ritchaid vi.sited friends iu Sullivan township Mceiuly. Miss Ii1m> Jones of Ceylon renewed ac • inaintiiicea here last iveek. Mr. Beu Buchanan relurneiUlut week fo resume bi» .studies at Toronlo I'ni- vei'»ity. ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. T. A. N'eely of Meaford and Miss UeU Gilhen of Kiinbetley vcre visitors at \V. F. llutchinson's r^ceutly. A mimbcroF nwmbersof t'ook's" church Markdale, speut an enjoyable tiiQe at tiie home of. Mr. and Mm. George Wright on Thursiluy eveuioi;, Mr. Uich*td Uoujilii-s o£ Stayner, and his son» Schuyler, ef CMl^ary, former residents of this place, venowed nc'iuain- taiices liere a ih'.'rt tillie aijo, Mr. ahJ Mv*, Samuel >VarIiiK' ''>i Chat.sworth visited friends hon' for a couple «£ Jiyi list week. • ^â- 3>' .^ / "N^ '-•' DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEmS, FRESH VEGETABLES, ETC.* xVc have two Delivery Wagons >n the road. Kiiy your supplies from them, 1 hijy clioi'te strade meats sold, Routesf'^^^^-^' ;/>-.* ... w' \ . '-"" '^ ~ '' Vandeleiir, Mondays and Thursday-s ; Rock l»ais and'Eafeiiia. Tuesdays and Fridays ; Proton, W^nesdajS and Saturdays ; Ceylon and PriccviUc, Wedneadays and Siturd.iys. . :,.vi*. ll^= II Fresh Fruits All the leading kinds of fruits in -"' their seasidn^^ ' • "W'e have a lull line of Fresh Groceries, Ereatl, l^iscirits, Flour, Bvan, Short??, Tobaecoes, (j>nfeefcioo- ary, .Synips, and Iloiioy, THOMPSONS. ICE CREAM. If you have not already CcUle<l on us. do not delay in doing so at The Flesherton Grocery • W. Buskin. iL ^ir^"