Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1911, p. 4

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Skptkivbru 14 1911 THE F I- E S H K li T O N ADVANCE F. G. KARSTEDT, - flesherton ont. August Sale commences now IJig icduttii'ii 111 rII liiiis, » liuli will lust uiitil tie eiul (if the iiioiilli c(iiiinH'liciui{ wi^li this issue. (>win i> Im-k of Hiior spHco we are fiiroeJ ti> [uit »eam>!iuble ^oods dii the imtrkct at ii reductiun in mder In make riiuiii 'iiri'ur fall iiii)ii>rt ifiiojs 111.* bciiii; shi|i|itfil. All wli.) take uiUiiiitH'^e of these iirit-es will d.) well in dninit m 81;iuj;lit(*r in Seini-Ueiuly Clothes. In these are to lie found hII the Iiitcst Kuits iiiTweed!>, SoiiJCH, and Woistedc, in (iieys, HruwnK, (ireens, etc. in Htii|Hj8, diagonalK oi uKiii. All of these are the Utefit lityles, in double and niii^^le I teasted, with trouseiM made pei; top style, which ;^ive thenia strik- ins; Hppearance. Now, in urder to get rid of theso wc oHVr a disctuiit of 10 per cetit. Inlendinv piir- chiisers will do well ro take advantage of thi«. Sliiiighter in Men s Work Shirts. This wMek we are puttinj^ on ."> or (i doi'.en of Men's Heavy Wurk Shirt* in fancy lil&ck and white stri|>s, tt» deHi<{DN on all colors, in all .^i/.es. The regular iifice of tiie«e shirts is (><) uiid 75c, to you, thi.i week 49c. licthictions in Wa.^h Goods. In order to reduce out vtock in I'rints, (iiii<;ham.s, Linenb, Chambra.s, etc. Thene are reaaonahle i^oods and ahould have a ready sale. We offer the fdllowini; liarnaiiis': (iinghanis, LintMiH, etc., reg. price 25c fi/r IHc per yd. (iinuhains. Prints »nu ChambrayH reg. 18c for Ic a yd Prints, Cluuibrjys, K'o. i-eKular !5c for l;ic jier yard P:ini>i at regular price, 12)i centH ^fur 11c per yard. Men's and Ladies' Footwear. Without a diiubt the Empress Shoes for ladiej have iu> e<|ual. This is recognized by all shoe dealers. They excel all others in style, Qu;klity of leather and in the fie. In all prices from $2 ."JO to $5,00. s;"t some leaders in Men's Footwear. A Pebble Ian Boot, heavy .sewed and pegged sole, solid leather, water proof. If Uiught in regular way wou'd sell for $.'i.75. Our price now is |2,.->0. Still have the Fain «u.s Williams Boots in English, C.inadiaB .-vnd Frenth Ki{>s. These are a Standard line and giue utmost sati.sfaetion tor Fill and Winter wear. .1^ .^ h. A. .J^ â- *fc -^ -^ -^ â- ^.. j^. .^ .^ â- ^_ -**- _ . I A -^ J^^ â- â€¢ ^fTw -^t> â- ^. .^k. .A. ,A^ .^> .^ .A> ^AJ-.^^A. .^ fc. '* W a*'Ta!^.*?***, J^ -^^ JUST ARRIVED i AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . i Wagons AND I Buggies Which will be sold at prices that can Not • Ue H»at considering styh' and quality, •Iso a full lii.e (f tilhige, Harvesting til ichines and Wind Mills, Fence .Wire, Stable Outtits, Hay F..rk«, Hopes and Oii-riers. Now is the the time to get ready. A call solicited. .Satisfaction gutranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworth i Swine â€" Brown Leghorn Poultry I a specialty. HOLtTCIN-FRIEtlAN BULL FOR SERVICC- hlvL,L,KA.S CO.sfilHlJI.A IJIKI'; DeKltl, No. <7'i40l KIKK gudsii's lluKol DilkM No. CIIH'ii H. K. D.\U Hollfaa CoDcordia I>«Kol No. <t:i«ii >1. K.. wtaoM Kraud lUiii held tliu WOHLD'S llt'T- <TKIt ItKCOKn t lew ynarg atjo M.\KI.S() .')0 1,H8.. lOOZ IN 7DAVH. This youDK animal is riilDK :i years, iit of good • i£eaDa iii'lividuAlilv, having won three iMt and ( oue KAcoutl itrize as &ual( at Motue of tlie prom- i ineot ceutres of Out., and has won iHt iilaoe at I and two year* old at Kaat (iruy fall fair. KleahertOD. Taimsâ€" (ira<I«« %\.'t>. tlioroiiKhbrada f.i.oa. payable \*t uf Jan. .\ll cow.h uot IrvKnIarly returned', will be cliarRed. UlCHAltl) AI.LKN, Ix)tl70 2N. K. T. *8 It. KloJhertou I>.(l. 1 .Iniie 11 OVER flS YEARS' EXPERIEr4Ce Tradc Marks DcsiaNS CopvRiaHTs &e. Anroatiandlnc aaketchand deacrtpilnn mar Qntcklf aicertuln rtitr (ipininri free whether an Invenfion isprohnl)!^ pitunliihle. ('•tninjiirilc* tloiiaatrtctlrcontlflentlal. HANDBOOK on I'atauta sent free olil^at uetirf fur iiururiiHr patents. Pitteiitj taken tnroutfh Mutiti .1 Co. recelTt tp/ft'tJ notify, wit hout c bflrif e. lu tbo Sclenfific ilnicricaii. A hAmUorrMir tlliulr&tad WMkIr- TJtrv^tt clr (-ulftUoD of M17 si-tftntirtt! journal. reriuj for ('ftn»U&. |a.TS % yeax, {kmiUko prepKiU. »o\<X h-, ftll iwwKleAlefm. MUNNiCo.3«'Br«-«,, New York bruicb OIBce. i!K V dt, W.-Mliliwijn. D, C. Sensations exist for our guidance. Thfy are Nature's warnings. Over-worked eyes demand rest. Eyes that tire easily call for help. Properly adjusted glasses atTord the only assistance possible. We make a specialty of relieving tired ejes aiid guarantee satisfac- tion. W. A. Armstrong. SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largeat and l>eHt stock of Furniture ever Hhown in F'leNliertim. Thin witht.ut fear of con- tradictiun. oiiiu and Hee Hoiiu" of nice things ill Siile Koarda, Dinin;{ it<H>m (JliairH, Parlor .Setts, Ued Room Setts. A wpecial reduc- tion juHt now on every- thing, in order to re- lllK.'e till' .stiick. W. H. BUNT ^ FURNITURE DEALER ^Flesherton n CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' An accident which uiiijht easily have re.sutted in instant death occurred .at Fairmount about 8.;{l) o'clock Mi>nday iiiornin/. Mr. Lssac Li-uijheed, of the 4ih line, wj.s a.ssistini{ at a threihing at Mr. Clia.H. Linktree'.s, and wa^i in the ace of lixiui; the bh.wer when ha lost his bal- ance and fell to the Hour below, striking a belt in the ascent and breaking three of his ribs and puncturing his Xuiv^. He wa.s attended by Dr. Williams, of Rock- lyii. Vnles-s pneumonia or sume other trouble sets in Dr. Williams is hopeful of briniiina; his patient round in the course of a ctuple of months. â€"Meaford Kxpresi. JOHN ncPHAIL Pi?iceville AOKNT FORâ€" Frost & Wood Implements, Fleury and Perrin Plows, Tudhojw Wa;<ons and C'irriases, Meh)tte t'reatn Separator, Sinuer Sewing Machines, Orijans and Pianot un easy terms. luDeu SUFFERED FROM VIOLENT CATHARTICS The Warning of Mr. Geo. C. Fox Is One That Should Be Heeded by All. EXCURSIONS TO Manitolia, Saskatchewan, Alicrta Si>«iitl Tiftitu IcBve Tori.itj 1 C) p rn. ba CPRIL 4, II MAY 2, IS, SO JUNE 11, }7 ' JULY 11, tt AUC. B, 12 S£?r. 6, 13 SecoaJ c!ia lickeu fri^m Oatii!) na'ioni tj (•(!.. clfral LOW ROUND-TRIP RATEj M'tnnipei 1.1 1 rel'jrri $)i X). tuioKMiton At^ t- u tt $tt.OU. lad to frthrf pointl in prna-f't'^ tiiA-U l^>cxJ lo return wiiSin 61) tU/t \i .m \ :in; d.t-. I TO'JRIST SLEEPING CARS I ii:» tit *!1> Jl*^ •!•«â-  t fll' ^(t«i.'r Srtll I (uln -n'iv'it^' r.\r!y \ >pi;i,.i*i in mult U9 mac'T A3 A na MOME3CCHfR3 P*Mf-!lL:T cjn'diniittf raI'M aiiUluli mf>>rni)'i'> . I /^(>ply to irfir-it C.P H Aienl ^i t<»r' L. ' Sxii;Ht,n ^'ILY D.^ECT LINE «13 C!!/,N:E C.: D X Few men on the road are better known than genial George Fox. whose friends throughout tlie West are legion In the following letter h- expresse» gratitude for .signal services rendered by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. He goes on to auy; "Until 1 used Dr. Hamilton's Pills aail experienced their wonderful mildness and curative power. 1 esti- mated the Vi\lu<> of every pill by Its activity. TulkInK .ibout this to a well- known physician I met on the train the otlier ilay. lie •xplalned there are different kind.s of drugs t!i;it act upon the bowels, the most active being known as drastic Except In extremo cases where the life of the patient depeiiils upon s[nedy evai'uation ot the bowels, pills should never be dras- tic. Purgatives cause catarrh of thd bowels and inflammation; their dose must be Iriereased. causing even more harm. With such a dear explanation I could see why Dr. Hamilton's Pills are curative and not irritating, why they are mild, yet most .seurchlng. "P'roni my expi rienee I reiomniend evi'ryoiir that take.-i pilN to give up the old-fashlonod harah. purging pill, and. instead, to use Dr. Hamilton's. They cure headaehe, biliousness, con- stipation, bad stomach, and keep the system in Iierfeet condition." Refuse any substitute for Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills; sold for 25i-.. all ileaiera, or The Catarrho/.one (' v. Kin^.ston. Oil'. S. RanJ, Ajjent, - Ceylon Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation li[ iiRK[IS Caielully Conccted Eacli Week Wheal T.'» to 7'' o»t« ;t7 to ;i7 Peaa 75 to 7'> Barley r.O to ftO Hay 1(» 00 to 10 ()0 Itutter LM to 21 Eggs, fresh 22 tr 28 Potatoes per bag 05 lo (t'> Geese 12 lo 12 Ducks ... 12 to 12 Chicken* 12 to 12 Turkeys 15 to 1« Wool 20 to 22 GENERAL GROCERIES Wo have a full .stock of geneml gjottn-ies on haiul. Sugar.s for preservitifj, icing.s and taUlti use. Canned goods of all kinds, tobaceo.s, teas and candies. FLOUR I FLOUR! FLOUR I We handle an immense (luaniity of Hour and krop on hand Onilvie's Hoyal Houbehold, Fords and Dundalk Fhiurs in the seviral grade.s, also bran and shorls. Ooldhawk's bread handled. Choicest homemade Ice Cream and cooliiiR Summer Diink» ahvny ready fur aertiiig. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton An independent iiews|aper, publialied every Tiiuraday ae the office, Cullingw<HXl .Street, Klesherton. Suljscriptlon price Jl iieraimuni, when paid iaaijvance; %\M wlit-n not sii paid. .Vdvertisiug rates on aiipllcatiou. Circulation 1,1*) weekly. W. H. Tliui-ston - Kdltor TRU fH BEFORE FAVOR- ^^ ..^^. PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN FAIR TIME IS HERE Now that the bin Toronto fair has been duly patronized by thronijs of yeuinaiiry and has once more become an event of the past. The Advance wishes to enter a plea for patriotic support "o our own loc^l fairs. We hold onto what we have and not let the country fair become altogether overehadowed by the big sister in Toronto. We do not desire that all the agricultural fairs should be merge! in one hiii^e tcenic attraction in Toionto or any other city, nor that the .soenic luetropolitaii exhibi- tijn should destroy all interest in the more humble, but yet ijuite as valuable, country show. Do not expect ureat things of th.e country fair, but remember that great trees from little acoins i;row. With the same patronage the little show at home would be as great us the great- est. It )(ives a.s much as can be e.x- pBCted for the money. It is not a money maker for anybody, and wj.i never in- tended to be. It is a place where you can go and discusti local conditions with brothel' farmers, exhibit 'your apecitlties and incidentally have a little fun :.nd a pleasurable day's outing, lie patriotic to the huaie fair. One cau spend from ten to a hundred dollars on the Toronto fair â€" surely y-)'u have as many cents left to devote to the little home fair which e.\ist<i solely for your benefit and pleasure. This ii no specific plea for any special fair, but applids to all. la connection with thia subject of Agricultural e.thibitions, we are remind- ed that a recent clause in the Aj?ricultur- al Socie'iea Act makes provision for protection by the government for los.s sustained owing to inclement weather. Section 24 of the Act is amended by adding the following sub-sectioc : "It the .Superintendent on or befoie the thirtytirst day of December in any year receives proof by the joint alhdavit of the President and Secretary or Secret- ary-Treasurer that rain or snow has tallen at the i>lace of holdng an exhibition and before thiee o'clock in the afternoon on any day of the holding of an exhibition, and upon his being satistied that as a con9e(|ueace the ?ate recei['ti were leas than the average of the previous three years of holding the exhibi' ion, the .society shall be entitled to receive a grant equal to one half of th« dirt'erence between the gate receipts of the current year and the average of the i<ate receipts of the previous three years, but the amount to be i>aid shall not exceed three hundred dollars, and the tjtal amount .so paid to all societies shall not exceed ten thousand dollars." The Kast Orey fair takes place at Flesherton on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 28 and 29, for which larj{e bills have been issued announcing the pro- gram and attractions. The natural history exhibit, which many failed to notice last year owing to the crowd, will again be placed on exhibition in the north end of the hall. Should the weathi'r prove favorable thii year the otlicials expect that evcybvidy will patronize the fair. Cloverniuent judges will be on hand as usual to judge the live sti'Ck. "Boi'slâ€" dou't Kick!' MUST SELL POTATOES. .•Vlthough the pota'o crop in Dntario is ssid to be short, the price i.« not likely to be higher than last year owing to the fact that thern i.s an enormous crop in t'le West. The Advance saw a letter un Monday from a produce hrin in Alb-rta innuirinj» into the potato prospects here and seeking a market for the western crop. This letter stated that Alberta could supply all of Ontario with the tuber, and they would have to tiiul a market somewhere for ttieir surplus. Digestion and Aitimilation. It it not tile >|uantitv <>l food taken but the;>uiovii4^i'l((ei'te<l and assimilated that ({ivesjitreiijjtii and vitality t ) the i-vstfir. Chainberluiu't Stomach ami Liver Tablets invi^.trate the stomach and liver and enable them to i>arf<irm theii (iinrtinns naturally. For sale by W. F.. KichaiiNoii A S,.u. Victoria Comers InistioL'e Methodists purpo>e holding their anniversary services on Sunday and Monday, Oct, 8 and 1». Further particu- lars later. Threshing has started in earnest, Messrs. Thos. Baiiuon at:d Geo. Moor* are cuinenting. Mr. and* Mrs Oeor^o Moore had a very pleasant surprise on Friday evening when a C3uple of K'ads of fiionds froni Flesheiton and the neighborhood visited them, am)iig-whom were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dinwoodie and family, and Mr. Wm. Oiiiwoodie. all from Californi:!, Vote for Hartman and giv« R«ciprc- city a trial. C. W. HARTMAN The Liberal candidate for F,ast and Centre Grey. Farm For Sale or Rent fYour Vote and Influence Farm for S-.le or Rent containing i'Vi acres, lotd ID and 1 1 con. 3, Euphra-nia. ,")0 acres Valuable tinil)«-r. j^ood oi chaitl, watered with "prinirs.; two frame houii^s. cam ."lOx.'iO .ttable.s underneath; near .â- â€¢chool, church. Po»t-Ortice. Apply to Wm. H. Bath. Redwing P. O. Ont. fp 'nl Proud Position ( olliti^wooJ Hiisiuesa t'oiletje uow eujo>3 tlie distiQctiou of l>eiue one of tb(* moat widely attended, best equipp ei ftud best luunaeed ia^titutioos of its kiad iu We-tteru Oatario. The euroU- meot thid >ear wad almost double tbat of any previous year, and nearly every f^iaduate via% placed. Fall Term Opena Sepl. 1st. Seud for handdome Dew catdto^ue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE This May Interest You We want a reliable man to sell our well- known specialties in fruit trees, small fruits, see<i potatoes, dowering shrubs, rusts etc., in (trey county during fall and wiiiter months. Outtit free, ex- clusive territory, pay weekly. are respectfully requested for C. W. Hartman The Rciprocity Candidal in the present election. Came Astray Came to the premises of the under- sioned, lot '.), con. 11, Osprey, oii or about July 20. 1011, one youna bull. Theo*ner is re'^uested to prove property, p'ly expenses and take the same aw,-iy. â€" Walter Isa-tc. Fevershaiii, August 22, 1311. FARM FOR SALE liot No. lst>-I.S7. in the !»eoond range east, Toront.i ani Sydenham R.iad, .-Vrtemewia, containing '.Mrt acres of tirst class land : ar<wd buildings, plenty of water, near church and school : three nules from Proton Station ; 20 acres good hardwood bu-h. balance cleared and in good state of i-idtivation. For par- ticulars apply to. \V. .1. ,I.\CKSON, i:>i<t Port FARMS FOR SALE 600 Acres of Nursery Stock two arty acre farms tor sale, very cheap Cle-ui well grown trees and shrubs that will .siitisfy your customers. Karly and good delivery gu'U'anteed. Kstablished over I$r> years. Write for whole or part time terms. Sales Manager, PELUAM NURSERY CO., 15 Dee. 11 Toronto. eouipniiioK lots ,t2J and XM,, con. ». Artemesia. Small caaii payment, balance easy termi will be sold togetber or \a separate parts' So acres cleared. S acres hardwood bush ajiA balance pasture I ind. Coud buildings on lot :M), Kood iiwell near lisuse and barn and also never (aillni; spring, well fenced and iu good state of cultivation. For terms, etc. annlv to MRS. W. RADGEKOW, Dundallt 1 oct. ^^^sa ^^ ^^ A^^>^ -^i^^a^^^a '^P^r?T?^R^R^K J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesherton « Ontario ! Mid'-Sutnmer Clearing ... White Lawn Waists UKGILAR $1 00 FOR TS CENTS. 1.25 " !« 1.50 " 1.15 1.75 " l.:i5 Parasols in Black and Fancys, at ^ Reduced. Prices. Muslins and Ginghms A larate ransie of patterns and colors. Ke;^. ir>..\ ."Vll goinjj at 10c. Childs Ready-Made Dresses All iirnde in fast color materials and a large variety of patterns. Sizes, 4 to 12 years old for $ i.oo to 12.00. Ladies' Tan Oxfords i We have an over stock of LnJie.s' Tan O\ford» in prices |2 W, $2.25, vK $2.50. Yeur choice for $165' ?f^ Boys' Jerseys j We ha\e another hand in colors, (jreoR with red, green with ^ white. Sizes, 26, 28, 30, ;«, at ov ^ \ h-

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