I PJAISWEfl BY IMPURE eiOOD Dured by Lr. Williams' Pink Pills Benanse Tiey Make Pure Blood Ask any doctor and he will tell you that eczema is caused by im- purities in the blood; that nothing can cure it that does not reach the blood â€" that salves and outward ap- plications are worthless and a waste of money. The reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have al- ways been so successful in curing this most annoying trouble is be- cause they act directly on the'blood, reaching the root of the trouble and driving out all impurities. They banish eczema, salt rheum, a'ld unsightly pimples and erup- tions, relieve the irritation and itching and give perfect health. Mrs. A. Puling, of Milestone, Sask., says: "I was aSIicted with a blood and skin di.sease which the doctor called eczema, but which did not yield in the least to his treatment. I was covered with sores and in very bad shape. A friend advised me to to take Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills and after us- ing eight or nine boxes I was com- pletely cured. I can strongly re- commend the Pills to anyone suf- fering from that trouble." A medicine that can make new, red blood will cure not only skin troubles, but also anaemia, rheu- matism, neuralgia, indigestion and a host of other troubles simply be- cause these troubles are the result of bad blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new blood and under their use blood and nerve troubles disappear. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ENGLISH WOMAN IN CHINA ETltilETTE OBSERVED WHEN MAKINii A CALL. A Visit lo a Lady of High Degree and Une to a Fariucr's Wife. "W'e could have walke<.l from our house to that of the Wei's in five minutes," writes an English woman visiting in China to the Lady, "but etiquette ordained that we should drive. So we ordered a blue hood- ed, springless mule cart, the only conveyance obtainable in that north ern city, and crawled in on all fours under cover of the hood while the servant sat on the shafts and the driver walked behind us using his voice instead of reins. "We had dressed in gala clothes for the occasion. " 'lour white gown is very pretty,' said my hostess in a doubt- ful tone, 'butâ€"' " 'But whati' I asked anxiously, " 'But the Chinese do so dislike white. You see it is the sign of mourning. No don't trouble to change. That pink scarf will make it all right and piuk is one of their favorite colors.' "The gatekeeper at the Wei man- »ion hearing the sound of cartwheels flung open the big gates and we were conducted round a few sharp corners and across some paved courtyards into an inner court where the mistress of the establish- ment, surrounded by a group of hand maidens and relatives, came forward to meet us. "Her face, thickly coated with a wash of rice flour paste, and rouge dabbed on here and there in what we should call the wrong places, gave her face the wooden look of A DUTCH DOLL and her woo<len walk on the poor lily feet three inches long kept up the resemblance. "We were ushered with many polite speeches into the guest hall, a bare, uninteresting room with walls that had once been white- washed and a latticed window with paper panes that had once been white. The chief furniture consist- ed of a table placed squarely against the centre wall with a pond- erous chair at either end. "The Tai Tai sat afar off, look- ing more wlxkUmi than ever with her shrunken legs, like a couple of large ninepins encased in purple trousers. Had it not been for the relatives and ttie hand uiaidens con- versation would have fliiggcd con- siderably. She come from the 8<iutli aiul was still unaccustomed to northern niaiularin. "Fortunately among the relatives a vivacious, good looking girl with a merry laugh kept the ball rolling. The more she talked, however, the more silent <lid the Tai Tai become, and our suspicions were aroused. "Meanwhile the tea was brought in, and a <lainty sup covered with an inverted saucer was placed be- itide each guest. According to rtiquette, we ignorwl its existance until the Tai Tai requeste<l us to taste of it, whereupon, carefully rising our cups in both hands, we made a feint of offering them to her. Declining the honor, she re- peated bcr request that we should ourselves partook of the tea, and formalities thus concluded, we gave a e^izzling sip to SHOW APPRECIATION. "We were careful to hold the cup in both hands and not to remove the lid or inverted saucer, but mere- ' ly to tilt it slightly to one side. Sponge cakes dipped in oil and sav- ; ory pa.stries stuffed with dates were piled up on the table beside us, the i attendants handling them with fing- 1 ers which made no pretence of be- ing clean. | "The Tai Tai was becoming more I woo<len than ever, when by a fort- ! unate chance my companion, who | spoke the language fluently and j was well versed in Chinese ctiquet- 1 te. made the discovery that the i merry faced conversational girl | was an 'Ih Tai Tai' â€" in other words. ! the secondary wife. Realizing the \ difficulties of the situation, she was careful henceforth to address her i conversation very pointedly to the , real Tai Tai and thereby probably ; warded off a family quarrel after i our departure. j "Luckily for people like myself. , whose knowledge of the language is i di.-tinctly limited, there are various 1 topics to be discussed with a 'new | guest' which need but a slended vocabulary. " 'Which is your honorable king- dom V they ask. " 'My inferior kingdom is Eng- land.' â- ' 'And your honorable age?" they inquire. "At which, if one desires to ans- wer indefinitely, one replies twenty- odd or thirty-odd as the case may be. "They soon discover if one is un- married and this affords some sur- prise, for spinsters of a certain ai;c are hardly ever met w'th in '.'hina. An explanation that in Englar.d wc please ourselves as to whether we will marry or not only increases the bewilderment. You seek to divert their attention by inquiring how many 'commanding gentlemen' they have (meaning sons). If t'ney reply, that they have one or more YOUNG PUPPIES (meaning sons), you hasten ti. con- gratulate, and so it g'les on. "Finally your attemi-t'-. to finish your tea having been friist-ate > by the attendant, who fi'l; the cup up again before it has a ciiiiu -3 C'f get ting empty, leaving takings are commenced. You fear ytnx have been very little compa'iy, and ttie Tai Tai murmurs some.hii!!r depie- catory about herself. Y)j best her to detain her steps and th- impl-ires you to 'walk slowly. .At each cor ner you all bow, huggiu;; yjur iifrh ribs with clasped lands in tiic orthodox fashion, and th= progress to the outer gates -s i.alting in the extreme. "My next visit was of a very dif- ferent character. We spent the afternoon with a respectable farm- er's family. The farmer's wife wel- comed us warmly and regaled us on tea and boiled eggsâ€" a dish of twenty or thirey boiled eggs, to bo eaten witho^it bread or salt or any accessory whatever except the tea. "The farmhouse was built of mud, | with walls 2 feet thick, and the win- dows were almost non-existent. The place looked poverty stricken, but the farmer's wife spoke of recent prosperity. Crops had done well and she and her husbnr.d had been able to purchase ihat which they had been wanting for some years past. !'Sh« took us to see the newly bought treasures. We peered in through the door and the gixxl wo- man's face beamed with pride and pleasure. There they where straight in front of us made of polishes! wooll, black as ebony, two magnificent â€" coffins." A SAFE INVESTMENT BONDS % A bond offers to the investor a safe, sane, and profitable investment % Safe because it is a first mortgage on the en- tire assets of the corpora- tion issuing the bond. % Sane because bonds are saleable at any time. ^ Profitable because they pay a higher rate of interest than any other investment that offers equal security. q We would like to send you our literature on l>onds as investments, just send us your address, it will not cost you any- thing. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION L I M I T E D BANK OF MOiVTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN 3TS. TORONTO 1 TOOTHLESS SAWS. Toothless saws have been in use cutting armor plate for a number of years. The theory of the action is abrasion by local fusion due to the very high speed of the disk, causing so many thousand inches of surface to impinge on the metal un- der-cut that the material acted upon is heated at the point of contact to a temperature approaching if not equal to the fusing point. It ap- pears as if a very small p<irti<)n of the metal being cut immediately in the neighborhood of the point of contact is first melted and at once rubbed off. thus exposing a fresh surface to the frictional action, and that this process goes on continu- ously while the disk is working. The temperature of the disk must necessarily be much lower than the work in contact with it owing to its large surface area, and when it is considered that all the frictional energy of the rotating disk is con- centrated on an e.xtreme!y small ! area of contact in the material sub- 1 jected to its action the results ob- i tained are not so surprising as ap- | pear at first I'ight. â€" Cassier's Mag-| azine. i NADru-./^spepsi^blET5 relieve and cure Indigestionâ€" acidity of the »lomachâ€" billoujneaa â€" flatulence â€" dyspepsia. They reinforce the atomach by aupplyinj the active prlndpies Deeded for the digestion of all kinds of food. Try one after each meal. SOc. a box. If ycur druggist haa not stocked them yet, fend ua 60c. and we will mail you a bci. 33 NatiotuI Dmc mmd Cha i n ir al Compaay mt CmnmAm, Limit«<l. • • • DEFINITION OF SLOW GAME. Little Elmer â€" Papa, what is chess .' Professor Broadlieadâ€" Merely a scientific method of fooling away time. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE ASK OAWSON, HE KNOWS. rP ;ou waut to ^ell s farm, ii^nnalt L me. ' F you wmt to buy a farm, vii.iult L me. THE REAL TEST. Motherâ€" Have you been a good boy at sch(.>ol to-day, Clarence! ! Sonâ€" Yes, mother ; I didn't get caught once. Relief for the Depressed. â€" Physi- 1 cal and mental depression usually have their origin in a disordered! state of the stomach and liver, asi when these organs are deranged in I their action the whole system isj affected. Try Parmelee's Vege-j table Pills. They revive the diges-l tive processes, act beneficially on | the nerves and restore the spirits | as no other pills will. They are cheap, simple and sure, and the ef- [ fects are lasting. Costiveness and its Cure. â€" When the excretory organs refuse to per- | form their functions properly the intestines become clogged. This I is known as costiveness aad if neg- lected gives rise to dangerous com- plicati'-ins. Parmelee's Vegetable , Pills will- effect a speedy cure. At | the first intimation of this ailment the sufferer should procure a pac- 1 ket of the pills and put himself ^ under a course of treatment. The good effects of the pills will be al most immediately evident. H I HAVE some of the best Fruit. â- • ux-li, X Grain ur Dtiiry Fannd lii Oul^i-iul and vrieea right. W. DAWSON, .Niufty Colbvrue •Street. Toronto. AGENTS WA NTEO. 4 GENTri Wa:.TED-A ttuuy of other .^^3^ Agency j/ropoHitious couviucea us Luat none can ei{Ual uura. You will al* way;i regret tt it you dua't apply fuf particulu.-9 to Truvcueri l>ei>t-. 22S Aloert 31., Of.awa. MISCELLANEOUS. AY and FAKJ e(_ALE.-^. Wllsoni )fale WorUa, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. H DOUBTFUL COMPLIMENT. Mr. Boredâ€" I wish 1 had your voice. Miss Bawler (delighted) â€" Why i so ? Mr. Bored- We!!, then I could stop it whenever I pleased. a PPUENTRES TO THE UOlLDI.N'a ^\. or move mounting trade wanted at onee. Good I'hance lor country boyn who wi!*n t-j improve their prospeela. A'ri.o or rail at once. Gurn 'y i-oundry t'oni- pauy. iOO West King Street, Tonrnto. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHfR AKD CHILD. .ila-v. \V:.xsi.oWs SonTHiNi; S\Rfi' has tKcii ised for over SIXTY YEARS bv MIL'..JONS of MOTHERS for their CHILUKE.N WHILK lEETHING. with PERFECT SUCCESS. II -OOTHKS thj CHILD. SOFTENS tne GLMS. ALLAVSaU PAIN: CVKES WIND COLIC, and i the best remsd.v for UIARRHOCV It is «»-â- ^olutely harmlesfi Be sure and ask for •" Mrs, WtosIow's Soolhiug Syrup."' and take no other iviud. Tweul>-iivc cents a bottle. Visitorâ€" "Look here, if I decide to st.iy with y.ju for a week or so, how much is it going to cost me ?" Clerk (of the swell hoteiVâ€" "You can answer that best yourself. How much have you got .' THE RETORT COURTEOUS. "The trouble with you is tliat you keep constantly forgetting that you j ever were -a boy.' It was his wife; who said it, and he. of course, i came right back with the witty re- j ply •• I "Well, you never forget that you were once a girl, although every- body else forgot it years and years ago." Minard'B T.inimrnt Co.. Limited. Dear t^irs,- 1 had a Bleeding Tamer on my face for a long time and tried a number of remedies without any good results. 1 was advited to try MIN.\KD S LLSIMEJiT. and aC^r using several bot- tles It made a complete '.>ure, and it healed all up and disappeared altigethrr DAVID HE.NDKRSON Eelleisle Station, Kings Co., N. B., tiept. 17. 1904. 4 GE.NTS WAKTED. A LI.NE FOB .t\ every home. Write us for our choice list of agent:! supplies. W'e have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to-day. No outlay uecessary. Apply B. r. I. Co.. 228 .\ibert 6t . Ottawa. CI ANcEil. TCiloas. LCMPM. etc. In- / ternal and external, cured without ii^in by our homa. treatment. Write oa before too late. Ur bellmau Ueaicai Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont. tj TON SCALE GLAKANTEED. Wilson^ I 9 Stale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. J SPECIALISTS ADVICB FREE. Consul* â-ºO us in regard to any disease. Lowest prices in urugs of all kind*. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure ment. GLiases fitted by age. Write to-day for anything stild i:i arstH.-iasa drua itorr^t to Dr. BeUman, Collingwood. Ont. DYEING ! CLEAiNINQ I K'-rt.Tr ve'-v he>t. %v!Vl *ua.- w tk to Ui« "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GO." Luv'k fur A^«nt In vour t jwn, ur a«ud <lir«ct. Montreal. Toronto. O.tawa. Ouebec* There are many imitations of Wilson's Fly Pads. Do not be de- ceived by unsatisfactory imitations. Get Wilson's. "Goodness, John," said a wo- man to her husband, "your suit looks as if you had been sleeping in it." "Well,"' replied John, "why not? Isn't that the suit I wear to church i" Minard's Liniment Curss Dandruff. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY Hr Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eye« aad Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Bmart â€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid, 2Sc SOc. $1.00. Murin« Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. Eye Book* and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Ciiicaso. A RE.\L PESSIMIST. Mrs. Wiggsâ€" Mrs. Harper is al- ways complaining of what might have been, Mrs. Diggs â€" Yes : she has wasted enough time crying over spilt milk to buy a couple of cows. MODE GiXUX Kate â€" "Maude is married and she ' doesn't know the first thing about housekeeping. '" Alice â€" "Yes. she does: the first thing is to get a husband to keep bouse for." "The peiiple I lived wid before, ma'am. " said the new cook, "was' very plain.'' •"Well," asked her! new employer, "are we not plain here?" "Yez are. ma'am, but in a different way. They wuz plain in ther way o' livin', not in their looks, ma'am."' L'nless worms be e.xpelled from j the system, no child can be heal- thy. ' Mother Graves' Worm E.\- terminator is the best medicine ex- tant to destroy worms. If attacked with cholera or sum mer complaint of any kind 9eiul_ at | once for a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial and use it accor<ling to directions. It acts with wonderful rapidity in sulxlii- ing that dreadful disease that weak- ens the strongest man and that de- stroys the young and delicate. Those who have usetl this cholera medicine say it acts promptly, and never fails to effect a thorough .ui"?. A FAIR QUESTION. Willieâ€" "Pal" Pa-" Yes." Willieâ€" "Teacher says that we'ro here to help others." Paâ€" "Of course we are." Willie^-" Well, what are the others here fori" HIS MIST.VKE. "I usc<l to think I could hire all the brains I wanted for $'.'5 a week, " said Mr. Pushem. "Well, couldn't youl'' "Yes. But it wasn't long before I had to cal! in a $100,000 lawyer to straighten out the kinks they 'put into my affairs." C.\N TAKE XO MORE, "I thought your daughters were taking French'!" says the friend. "We thought thoy were, too," an- swers the father, "but it seems that the small nuantity they absorb simply vaccinated them." "Me good fellow," said the Eng- lish tourist, "kin you direct me to a place where one may get a good drink r' "Well." replied the thirsty native. "I kin direct yer better to a place where two kin git a good drink. " Minard's Liniment R«llcv«s Neuralgia. Motherâ€" "Now. Charlie, you must be a very good boy. Y'ou have a nice new brother. Aren't you pleased;" Eight-Year-Old Charlieâ€" "Oh. 1 don't know. It's alw.-»ys the way; just as I'm getting on in the world competition be- gins.'' Soft corns are difficult to eradi- cate, but HoHoway's Corn Cure will draw them out painlessly. The Friend of Al! Sufferers. â€" Like to "the shadow of a rock in a weary land" is Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil to 'Sll those who suffer pain. It holds out hope to every- one and realizes it by stilling suf- fering everywhere. It is a liniment that has the blessings of half a continent. It is on sale everywhere and can be found wherever enquir- ed for. There are many sticky devices on the market that kill some tiies. but housekeepers who have tested them know that Wilson's Fly Pads k.;. many times more, and do not dam- age carpets and furniture like all sticky fly catchers. THAT S WHY. Benedict â€" "Do you know, old man, 1 don't spend so mucu money now as I did before I was mai'- ried V ' Bachelorâ€" "How's that/" Benedictâ€" "Well, I don't have it to spend.'' Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. ALMOST REPAIRED. Customerâ€" ".\nd my watch â€" when i will it be repaired''' ' Country Jeweller â€" "You might have it now, sir. except for otie lit tie wheel. I can't seem to find where the miserable little thing be- longs :" j PIE. WRONG DEPARTMENT. "I want a pair of shoes that will be plenty large enough," she said, as the clerk looked into her old one to find the number. "In that case," he replied, "per- haps you had better step over into the men's department." OFTEN. "What becomes of the average man's money f "I guess it goes to the average woman." It is a fact beyond dispute that • one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads ' has killed a bushel of house flies, i This is more than could possibly be caught on three hundred sheets of sticky paper. .\11 Druggists, Gro- ; cers and General Stores sell Wil- ( son's Fly Pads. Be sure you get the ' genuine Wilson's. Barber (to bald customer') â€" "Try I a bottle of this prep.tration, sir. i Splendid stuff for baldness." Cus- 1 tomer â€" "So it may be, but I've gut all the baldness I want, thanks." ' Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. I .â- \nd some church members seem ' to think it is up to the minister lo i make good for t!ie entire cougre- j gation. â- ;;: ,. an old- .\fter A well-known lawyer met time friend named Fuller. .tii.ei a hearty handclasp, Mr. Fuller re- marke<l: â€" "You are looking ex- cee<ling well. Aren't you filling out ft little f "No. indee<l.' replied the other. "You probably think so because I'm looking Fuller in the faof." t KIDNEY ^ PILLS ^ Tl). 7 ISSIK 3»-ll When you have a pain think of Hamlins Wizard Oil. For head- ache. Toothache, Ear;»''he, Stniuacli ache, and many other i)a! iful ail- ments trere is nuthiug bettor. FRANCE ENCOURAGES THRIFT, With a view _to encouraging thrift, in France, M. Chaumet. uu- tler secretary of state to the post office, has issue<l a circular to the di> lectors of departments, from which it appears taat v.irious muni- cipalities iutoiid to put a franc in tile savings banks in the name ot every child as si>on as it is born, â- Ryway of assisting the communes in their laudable efforts to encour- age the habit of saving aiiiong child ren the Post Office Savings Hank will accept the deposits made in the names of newly -born babies. There is a stipulation th.at the children cannot withdraw the de- posits made by the parish until they have reached their majority, or get married. Delicious Spice Pie.â€" The yolks of three eggs, one and one-half cups of sugar, one cup of good cream, two tablespcK'ns of flour, two thirds of a cup of butter, one teaspoon of spice, cloves, cinnamon, and nut- meg. Mix flour and sugar to- gether, then cream with butter; add yolks of eggs, beating thor- oughly ; next add cream .and spices. Use the whites for the frosting on top. Cream Pie.â€" Crustâ€" Two table- spoons butter, one and one-half tablespoons sugar and the yolk of one egg; cre.ain butter and sugar; beat the yolk well and add ; then add a small cup of flour. This re- sembles a mass of crumbs. Press into a pie tin with the back of a sixion ; bake until a light brown. Fill with the following cream : One jiint of milk in the double boiler; mix well together three tablespoons of sugar and three tablespoons of flour ; add to the boiling milk ; cook until thick; then add the yolks of three eggs: cook for a while, then take from fire and add one table- spoon of vanilla. Cover with a meringue made of the well beaten whites of four eggs and a little sugar; cover the pic with this and brown nicely in oven. This is a delicious pie, and ca.<ily tligesttnl (tlhen buying your Piano insist on havin(5 an OTTO MIGEL' Piano ActioTx TWO ANGLEiiS. A barefoot boy, A white birch pole ; A can of worms. A swimmin' hole. A baited hook, A tug and sw ish ; A steady haul. A string of fish. A white duck suit, A canvas boat ; A costly rtxl. A patent float, A gaudy fly, A oast and swish ; A pretty sight. But narv fish ' Well. Well! THIS is a HOME DYE l7*>f.^hat ANYONE can use dyed ALL these DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods -â- lith the SAME Otje. I used DYOLA CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. Nt^ .tianc <•( ii!»inK''n' ^M^ONC p, c for Ihv t;o.»d!t *m»' hj, to ci»it>». .Ml .-.'lor* 1.'..in N'Mir 1>r!it|w>^' *" D.jUr FRKH ttoU.f ( ard Bn.! Sl-'-UV U<)..t.l,i 1», I'hc Jullnko.i.K(L-har,l»on Co., LuiitlcJ, .MoiirifAl, Figures do not lie but estimates are often misleading. Wlien troubled with fall rashes, eczrraa. or any skla disease apply Zam-Buk! Surpriiinj how quIcVly it eai«i the imartln.i and itio^iaii Alio euro cuts, burni, lorct and pilei. Zam-Buk it madefrosn pure her- bal osiences. Noantnal fatsâ€" no minetal poUooj. Finest healer I Dntfjittt and Storm Srtiynhtn, amiMu f Rft*i^ Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. In a class by itselt Among Ain«rlca'a Schools of Business Training. 411 STUDENTS PLACED IN I9M 385 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1989 475 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1910 Wo imbl.sh iho lii.t.1 ;iiiiiiiall..-. We iia.v tuU fare mi to WOO, ami brinK louts diBtanio mudculs for half (art?. • i.HKl board aud room. iW.OO per wt«:k. If you L'ann^>t coiub to Chatham, »« can tTRin y<m by mait. Hare are nonic ntuJeiits placed rocentlyi Nate Wado, Cameron Jt Heap. U«KlDa. E BiirU, NichoUoii A Batu, Reflna. 11 Wood, TrUKt Co., Cheboygan, Mich. Kiglit I'nlln just rveeivod for 8tetio»raph- or* IVachors, aud .Auditors, tor opeulug*- worth from $600 to SISOO. will giTo you aoniK <do» of the ili'uiaiid«. COLLEGE REOFENS FOR MTH YEAR SEPTEMBER 5TM. Catalogu* J3 tails ot mark at Chatham. CalaloBu* 34 taUi of work by mall lEIthiT Vr«a.) O. HaLACHLAN « CO., C. B. C«ltt«a» Citatham, Cat "