fimhtxion ^hioanui TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRlA'CIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL 31, NO 10 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, ^^uyust 31 LOll W. H. THDRSTON KDITOIl and rUOPHIETOIt C. W. Hartman To Oppose Sproule At :> largely attended meeting of East Grey Reformers in the town hull on Monday afternoon, Mr. C. W. Hartman of Clarksburg was again made the stand- ard bearer to contest the riding against Dr. Sproule. President A. C. Patterson 'of Blantyre occapied the chair. After i short address by the PrPHJdent, nomina- tions were called for, wlien the following geutlenion's names we;e placed before the meeting : C, W. Hartman, Wm. McLoughry, Mr. Rickey. President of the Georgiin Bay Frnit Growers' A.sso- ciat'ion ; J. 1). Monjan, John M. Davie, Chri-stopher Birreil, John Btlaud and .Pr. Ryckman. All thu nominees gave .vigorous addresses, and a".l retired with the exception of Mr. Hartman. Mr. John lioland said that Mr. Hart- man had fought thr«e battles and he thought he was the man that was wanted now. He would take many Oupoiition votes and he knew how to represent th» peopleâ€" U3t to misrepresent them ;i« Dr. Sproule had done. He did not know of one thing that Dr. Sproule had over done for this riding. The Liberals of East Grey never had a'.bctter opportunity. Mr. Hartman liad no desire fur the po- sition but would take it on condition that thorough organisation was completed and the contest made a personal matter with every elector present. He claimed that there was a Bourassa- Borden compact in Quebec, ottering as proof the fact that Conservatives were not opposing N-ition- alist candidates in any riding. He charged that Conservatives wore ridini; "oVJ horse in Quebec and another in On- tario; -..He was a wai'ia advocate of reci- procity and believed it would iiiaterially help the farmer. He had l)een a.ssured by many Conservatives that they intend- ed to vote for reciprocity. Others were not .saying much, but were thinking a whole lot. The loyalty cry was only a bugaboo. OwioK to the lateness of th« hour Mr. Hartman did not speak as long as he had intended to, but again appealed to present to make it a personal matter and work for victory. Mr. McCuUough of Markdale, the Re- â- form canilidate for the Local House â- sgainst the Hon. L B. Lucas, was called on for a few words by special invitation. Buy itii'iw. Ni>w i.sthe tiiiii- t<i buy ii buttle of Chaiiiberl.'iiii's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost eeituiii to be neeiled before the !!Uiiiiner is over. ThiH r«niedy has no superior. For sale by W. K. KichardMin & Son. Vandeleur Happenings M. Beard has a nuinber of teams en- gaged drawing lumber to Markdale this week. We are sorry to report Mr. M. Beard, Sr., very ill at present. Mr. John Magee and the Misses Vio- let and Belle Gilbert, of Kimberley, spent Sunday at W. J. Hutchinson's. Messrs. Will Henry and Everett Mc- Lean of Paiuesville, <)hio, . are visiting Mr. and Mrs. .\rchie McLean. Miss Edna Holley spent a few days w^ith frioudaat Holbind Centre recently. Mrs. Sid. Gilbert retained home on Friday last much improved in health after havitig passed through a critical op- eration ac the Owen Sound hospital a short time ago. Mr. .Archie McLean is nursing an in- jured knee as ihu result of a fall aume time ago. E. Baker raised the frame of his straw shed oil Tuesday afternoon. The build- ing is 35x40 and will be quite an addi- tion to his already commodioos barn. Mrs. Robert Mercer of Owon Sound is attending the sick bed of her father, Mr. M. Beard. Miss Grant of Toronto, a trainetl nurse, is spending her vacation with Mrs, E. CuUis. ( We are sorry to report Charles Boland ill with iutlammatioii of the stomach, but hope soon to hear of his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ale.x. Carson of Price- ville visited friends here the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Hutchinson of Mark- dale were visitors at W. Hutchinson's recently. Kimberley Budget Portlaw Mi-s. Thompson, Sr., visited with her daughter, Mrs. Hargravu, CoUiugwood road, the past two weeks. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkin- son, 8 daughter. Mr. Charles Napier and daughter, Barbara, left last week for the west. Mr. J. C. Hutchinson who taught our school for tivc years and is now principal of the public school in .\herUeen, Susk , is a welcome visitor among his many friends of this di.strict. Mr. Geo. Thompson of Chatsworlh, visited friendi here for a few days. Master Wilfrid McMaster of Eugenia is holidaying for a week with friends here. Mrs. W. J. Jackson was very ill with a severe attack of, but we are glad to report that she now appears to be on a fair way t) recovery. Mrs. Robert Campbell of Toronto has returned home after a lengihy visit with friends here. Mr. Marshall and daughter of Toronto visited with Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Miss .'Vgnes Morton, who resided with her brothor, Mr. W. A. Mocton, Oeiitro line, pa.s8ed awjy on Wednesday last, after a few days' illness. Although deceased had not been of robust health, her sudden death was a shock to the comniunity, l)ut to her it was a happy transition. She wi|« a consistent meiubcr of the Mettiodist church at Mount Zion for iiiiny years. She possess- ed a quiet, unobtrusive, earnest, trustful niture. The funeral took plicc on Thursday to Mount /ion and was largely attended, Uey. Mr- Campbell conducting the service. Mrs. James Johnson, Waieham, Mr* W. J. Henderson, Fleshettoii, and Mra. Orr of Toronto, sisteiH, were all present at the funeral. A t*st car load; of zinc ore has been shipped from the Albemarle zinc mine near Wiarton. A well known Dcs Moines winiian after Buffering miserably for two day« from bowel t'omplaint, was ciirod t»y one dose of Cham- lierlain's Colic, Cholera and Dinrrlioru Keni- edy. For sale by W. K. Riuharditoii & Son. Eugenia Paragraphs Threshing has fallen inline again. lis getting rather serious when iliir young men talk tight over our jouiig ladies on Sunday evenings, Mr. and Mrs. Whiteford vi.dted the former's cousin, Mrn. E. X. Graham, the past week. The Missel! McGruther of Mt. Clair, K. J,, are visiting with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner. Mr. Isiiiic Turner and wife are visiting with his father's, Mr. Solomon Turner, Mri>, Woodburn has rulurucd home from her visit in Toronto. The W. L will meet in the school room on Wednesday, September (ith, at i.'M p. in. The prosram is as follows : Salads, Mrs. E. A. Graham. Butter making and packing, Mrs. T. Genoe. Reading, Miss Mary Turner. Visitors welcome. Miss Georginn and Mrs. .Adam Smith are visiting friends in Maikdalo. Mrs. Fred Field is attending tiie exhibition. Mihs Lillian Armstrong gave a birth- day party to a iiuinbor of her young friends on Thursday last. 8th Line, Osprey The name of little Miss Quoeme Thornbury from S. S. 5, did .not appear ill all the local papers, among the success- ful candidates for entrance, owing to some mistake. We extend congratulations to her, as also to Harry Thornbury 'ind Wilfrid Madden, who were also success- ful. Of the four who wrote from this school, three v^ere successful. Misses Mabel and Sadie Hawkins visited at Wodchoust! during tho past week. , Miss M. H. ([umbcrstono, accompanied by her sister .\lma, called on friends hcie last week. Fall wheat seeding and threshing is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan of Dun- dalk were the gues-ts of Mv. '.and Mrs. George Hutchinson during tho past week. Mr. R. R. Fawcett visited friends at Collingwood, Dund ilk and Toronto dur- ing the ijsst week. A. M. and Mi-ss McClelland of Johns- town, Pa., are the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond. Wo are sorry to report Miss Rachel Hutchinson suffering from apendicitis. Fred Birch, sr., of, was a caller in our burg Monday of this week. Dr. F. A. Thurston of Chicago and W. H. Thurston of Fleshertoii .spent a day last week jii a canoe trip down the Bea- ver rivsr. Miss Masgie Rcid is spending a few- days with Rocklyn friends. Mr. Everett McLean of Ohio is lioli, ilaying with friends hero. To judge by appearance I'ncle Sam's domains cer- t.iinly agree with Everett. The prohibiting of the killing of deer in Grey county for a i)eriod of three years will certainly meet with the ap- proval of practically all the residents of the county. Now for a siii'.ilar law re- garding speckled trout fishing. The many friends of Thomas Brjwn learned wiih much regret of his untimely death in an ascident near Markdale one day last week. \ number from here atleiided the Lib- eral convention held at Flesherton on Monday of this week. Albert Smith of Flesherton, accmnpa- iiied by Misses Maud McDonald and Rita Buskin, visited friends here on Sun- day last. While ill Collingwood last week your scribe visited one of the large foundries, where he found our ciliiwn, Mr. John Plewes, the inventor of a steamboat pro- peller, superintending the casting of sonic half dozen or more pro|)ellcrs of different shapes and dimensions, one of which is to be used in a spued contest on Toronto bay during exhibition weeks. We sincerely hope that Mr. Plewes' pro- peller will outdistance all competitors. From what wo can learn the local option law throughout Centre Grey is poorly enforced. Many are of the opin- ion that License Inspector Halbeit is not doing as much us lie might do towards its enforcement. Others say that a license inspector is not suppjsod to do extra work in local option territory. If not, <rliy it is ceitainly up to the Ontario government to appoint an ollicial to en- force the local option law and thus carry out the wishes of the majority. Rearing dogs for their skina is practis- ed in Manchuria antl Moni'olia just as sheep farming elsewhere. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oflice and Rusidcnceâ€" 4(18, !)th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 it.m , L;10 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 I). 111. t)thet hours by appointment Markdale Chronicles Ceylon Mr. Donald McIjCod is, we are pleased to report, slowly improving. Mrs. G. H. llolmes,her little daughter, Jean, and litr friend Miss Prichard, apent a few days with the former's par- ents last week. Mrs. Jas. Patti.on is spending a few diys in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCoiinell of Kel- doii spent seme d^ys with her parents this week. Miss Lizzie Sargent is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. S. Radley is visitina friends in Ti'ronto. Mr. Thos. McArtkur is home from the north-west on a visit to his people, after an ab.sence of nine years. He looks remarkably well, some years younger than when he left. Mr. Wm. Raniflge, post-naster of Thistle, visited at Mrs. K. P. Legate's this week. Ho also called upon the poit master hero for a half an hour's chat. The farmers aiound here aie through harvest and threshing has commenced. Crops, though somewhat light, worn ( n the whole, fairly- satisfactory. An ordinary ease ofdiaiilioea can, as a rule, be oxired by a single dose of Cliaii.l)er- laina Colic, Cholera and tliarrhocH Kcnudv. This remedy hiw no hnperior for coui|ilaliit9. i'Vir sale by W. E. Richardson »^oii. Mrs. S. J. Henry has been spending a few days with her father in Meaford. Miss Nellie Armstrong has returned from a visit in Toronto and Barrie. Mr. J. C. Rowe had a .lucces.sful sale of household goods on Saturday. He leaves with Mrs. Rowe and Miss Dorothy on the 31st inst. for their new home in Braiitford. Mrs. Robinson iieo Miss Lottie Lucas of Thornbury, is visitii'ig her parents. Miss Tilly Neiley has returned to Tar.i after a fortnight spent with her mother. Mr. R. J. Sproule of Fle.sherton was a Marlidale caller last week. Mr. C. C. James of Priccville and Rev. Mr. ()tlowell of Arkwriglit were the oucals of Mrs. W. G. Bowes. Miss Dolt lioardniaii, of Calgary has been reiiowing old aciiuaintaiicis ui town for :i few days. Aliss Flossie Irwin returned Tuesday from a two mouths' visit .m Saskatchewan and Manitoba. \ very sad accident occurred on Fri- day afternoon, resulting in the death of Mr. Toin Brown. He was driving from Markdale to Wodohouse in ;i cart and was found near the public cemeleiy dragging beliiud the carl in an un- conscious condition. He expired a few minutot; after being taken home. No one saw the accident, so the cause of liis death is a mystery. His grief stricken wife and daughter have the .sympathy of the whole community. The funeral services were conducted Sunday after- noon. The Vandeleur Foresters of which tho deceased was a member, took [mrl in the ceremony. Tlie public service held iu the Markdale -Vlothodisl church was very latgely attended. Mrs. Borden and little son of Fergus are visiting at Mr. Wni. Littlejohns. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stephens returned on Friday from spending two months at their summer home at Point au Baril. .Mrs. Stephens entertained Saturday afternoon at a delightful verandah tea, in honor of her sister. Miss lioardman oi Calgary. Miss Lulita Blown and Miss Leona Matthews were Proton visitors last week. Mrs. Wm. Heard of Proton and Miss Woodland of Smithvillo were Markdale callers on Thursday. Mr. Muilow spent last week with lii.s son, near Meaf«rd. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus spent Sunday Mr. Win. McLoughry's, Mrs. Andrew Bcattio left on the "ilst inst., for an extended visit with friends at the Canadian Soo. jy:R, BURT 5pecialiHt in diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th st. West, Owen Sound At the Rovero Iiouro, Markdale, 2iid Thursday each nioiilh from 8 to 12 a. nt. Dundtlk, 1st Thursday of each month. Proton Station Wiiile playing with .some C(iiiipaiiii)iis, little Kva W.-ilkup tell and broke her arm. Dr. Martin set the limb and it is hoped she will soon lie able to use it agaiu. Miss Becker,, from the Western hospital, Toronto, is visiting her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. L. Becker. A numlH-r of our citizens are taking in the fair at Toronto this week. School opens September 5lli and the kiddies are gatherino up their books, etc. to settle down to study, after llicir long holidays. Mr. W. Lyons, one of oiir merchants, is liusy putting an .iddition to his store . Mrs. Brinkmxn and her two little daughters from .S.niili'.s Falls are visiting at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Trelford. Miss Stewart from Toesw.itur is spend- ing her vacation with her cousin. Miss KUa Best. iJewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- ! lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT Feversham Items The harvest is nearly all aoiiiplelcd and threshing is the order of the day. Mrs. /iminermaii of Owen Sound, an old lady 82 years old, visited with her nephew, (jeorgo Thompson of the suburbs, recently. Mrs. McDcmald of â€" â€" is visiting with her sister, Mr/,. Wm. .Mullen, of the l-'tli lino, at present.] Rota Weldrick, the l.'f-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. Fred Weldrick, met with a (>ainful accident while visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. McGowan of I<.avciina, by falling otf a beam in the bam and fracturing her hip bone. Mr. and Mrs. George Julian and two tfaughtors spent Sunday with Mi', and Mrs. .\ngus Morrison of Maxwell. Master Emerson Osborne has returned boiiic after sppiiding a week with friends in Flesherton. Miss Mary Specr has returned home after spending a week with friends at Flesherton Station. Mrs. J. tiamcy of Mar(|uctte, Mich-, is visiting with Mrs. F, Spoll'ord. Miss Delia Heron is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. George W'hewell. Miss E. Whitcoak is having a well- earned holiday and is visiting her par- ental homo on the (ith line. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKonzie of the 12th lino spent Sunday with tlieir daugh- ter, Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Cutsaiul bniises may be healed in about oiietliiid till' time required by the usual truatiiieut l)y applying Chamberlain's Lini- ment. It is au antiseptic and cau^es such injuries to. liual without inatuiation. This lininu'Ut also lelieM's soreiie.--s of the ir.u,scles loiil I'hemnatic . pains. For .sale by W. E. Kicliardsou it Son. THE TORONTO NEWS FROM THE FIRST HAS LED IN THE MOVEMENT AGAINST RATIFICATION OF THE TRADE COMPACT WITH WASHINGTON TUB NEWS WILL BE SENT DAILY BY MAIL TO ANY ADDRESS IN CANADA FOB ONE DOLLAR AND A-HALF A YEAH Summer Suitings NEW .Sunimt'i- .Siiitiiig.s just to hand â€" .some ot tilt! nobbiest wciives to Ix; found any- whete. coir II TWP:EDSâ€" A new line now on hand, uf very tine weave and appearanct?, with large selection to froiii. Leave y.)iir onlcrs now t<,»r suniiner elotliint:. Satisfaction Guarantei.'d. S. J. BOWLER, â„¢^ T^Iilg-R *^^ ^fl^ILiSON &ivicci-ock:x-in K L E S 14 B 1>^X O N DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, FRESH VEGETABLES, ETC. <ny yciur supplies \Vo have two Delivery Wagons m the road fnuii Lhem, < >iily choice gnido meals sold. Roi:ites : Vandeleur, Mondays and Thursdays : Rock Mills and b.'uoenia, Tuesdays and Fridays ; Proton, Wednesdays and Saturdays ; Ceylon and Prioeville, Wednesdays and Saturdays. r, Fresh Fruits All the leading kinds of fruits in their season. We have a t'ullline of Fresli Grocer.ics, Bread, Biscuits, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Tobaccoes, ConCection- ary, Syrujis, and Honey. THOMPSON'S ICE CREAM. If you have not already called on us, do not delay in doing so at The Flesherton Grocery W. Buskin. -^^ '.'SiStft