Ar(usT24 H>11 T H E F I. E SII E R T N A D V A X C ii 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. Tlnere may be something for YOU / ljV!;iMi.SS CARUS tt CULU)UOH A YOUNtt Haokt-rii Murkdkle ,«aera! bftokiog buaioeit . Money lokotd kt'tcMoaabl* rtUi Call OD.M^ ; . a_ ' TChlSLETT, 'i.:" • PoKtnianter, Ceylon. CoimoiBdloner in H, C. J . Convevmncer, de«oi, lUortKMiet, lewu-p. villa etc carefully drawn up ollectiont mad?, cliarijea rcaxonable. Alno rocarlM, flour, feed etc. kept in atock, I'ricei ght. â- 'â- R3 8FB0ULE, Fleaherton ^^oumUeioner in H.C J., Aactlonee Con» Toyancer, Appr'lier and Money Lender Keal Kitate and Inturaoce Agent. Deedp. mortRacea. leaaei and wllU carelully drawn and valuationa made on •horteat notice oney to loan at loweat ratea of intereat. Col- •ctlooa attended to with iirouiptneaa ehargea low. Agent lor Ocean Dominion Btaamablp Company. A call aolielted. - Farms For Sale or Rent PAKM KOll kali; -Lot no â- -', in tile ceaaion or tbe townabip of Artfiiieiiia. DMcPHAlL. I.tcenaed Auctioneer for the • County o( Grey. Teruia moderate and aatialaction K'l^'uteed. The arranRementa and datea of Halea can b« made a». Thk Apvanck offlce. Ilealdence and P.O., Ceylon. Telephone connection. Dec. 6.(ff. ' AITM KAITTIKU. Llcenaed Auctioneer for W the cotintiea of Hrey and Siuicoe. Farm aod Stock galea a hpeeialty. Ternia moderate, aatlaf action Ruaianteed. Arraoge- uenta for datea may be made at the Advance office, or a: T. Huteblnaona atore, teveraham byaddreaalng me at FeTcrtbau, Ont. OOD- . con- tainfnt! lOCl acrea more or leaii. Property of J the late W.J. Keatty. Therein a bank barn I kn<i roughcaat bouae un premiaeH and ie wel' watered. Will be toll on rea«p.iablu terina. Apply to JauieaL. UcMulleu, Ceyion )i. o.,Unt. I poll K.\I<R-(''heap ani eaay terma. 1( nut ' aobi Boon, lor rout to auitable tena- 1, I North half lot .Waudlot 40. con. 11, .Vrteiiiuaia. I and lot I, con. IJ. Oapruy, liiKi acrew. about 1.^1 cleared balance nioHtly timbered land, hard ' a..d soft wood : »;oo't Htone dwellitiK and frainu barn, atablitiij under ; w*il! watered with nover- f%iling amall aprtn^ creek ctoaHing farm cloae to barn; This IB an excellent grain or i^razin^ ' farm and will be aoM very cliuau if taken at oijce and nu easy terniB. Aitplj to H. J. ' Sproule. Kleahertoiii Out, i I OH BALK oheapaiid ou eaav teriiiKâ€" Lota 1 ; ' and 3.eon, 11 (liiprey ; '310 acrea; frami' ' dwelling, frame barn and BtablhiK under; about I 17U dcrea cleared and under cultivation. Soiiie I aplendiJ ce^lai with other mixed timber on balanre. aUo tw >Nn)all orcbardBbeariuu. Wei I watered ; nevei fallitiK apriuK creek. Splendid (.THin anil ifrazinij farm. Aiipiv to It J. Sproule Kleitberton or Samuel llsborne. Maxwell. I Why I Am A Canadian By ARTHUR HAWKES RUDD MATHEWS. Markdale, Llcenaed auc'.loncer lor the county of Grey. Good eervice at reaacnable rateb. Datea can be u:ade at The Advance. OOB IHAKVEY I'KKIOOE. broker Fleslierton General brokerage buuinea". Inaurauce of every kind placed in f ale and liberal companies. Keal ealate etc.. Open accounta and pant duo notes handled and money advanced thereon. Correepondeuce aolielted. Medical D M C F & S Ont. Phyalclan. Bargeon etc Oaice and reaidence-Peter at., Fleaherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary reaideoce â€" aecond door aouth kary atreet. Tbi» atreet rune aoutb Preabyterian Chnrcb. VAUM Kim SALE-Very cheap, 100 acrea, *â- lot 9, con. 7, Usproy, only #.1000, reaaonablo each payment, balauce eaay terniK, a'> acreii cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti. vation, balance timbered, guod comfortablit frame dwellini?, atone cellar under, uevor fail ing siiring well and windmill pump at door, new frame barn, well tlni^hed, atone Btabtini; with spring vater under, alao in tiled. It iii aituateil i mile Irom Maxwell village wbern tbera are atorea. po^t otticea. good achwol, and is on the gravel road, ut inileK from railwny etatiou. It euM at once, above price, tliongii VKIIY CHK.VP might bo abarled a little. Anplv to It. J, SI'ltOULE, Klealierton, or THUM.\S GUV, onpreu-iaec. 'f POH 8.\LE very cheap and on eaay termaâ€" â- *^ The late Dr. ChrlBtoe'a 3-Btory brick block in Fle»bertoii with good Htable and ucverfail ing well on pieniiHeB, Good large atore an<l good butcher B »hop and dwellinti ; two good atone eellara under building; i» and can be kejit well rented ; two good IihIIh on aecoiirl and third stories ; first class huBineas stand fend will be Bold cheap as owner is engaged in other business in the west and has nu further UBe for it. Apply to If. J. Sproule. Fleaherton. FALL TKU.M Ol'KN.S .\n;l".ST I's LJLjOTT I Did It ever occur to you that there ^are two rlasseB of Canadians?â€" those j^who couldn't help being Canadians and those who could. I would be very proud to belotiK to the couldn't-help- It class. But I belong lo ihe other, and ! would like to tell you why. I am a curiosity in patriotism. There are tens of thousands like me, most of them unrecognized. I want to find them, so that they may be encour- aged to find themselves. I Patriotism? Yes, sir, Patriotism 1b "Home Sweet Home" on a grand Bcale; Listen: â€" I "Breathes there a man with soul dead Who never to himself hath said: This Is my own, my native land!" Listen again: â€" F The centurion told the chief caiitaln, ?«ylng. Take heed what thou Uoest or this man Is a Homan. > Then the chief captain came and •aid unto blin. Tell me, are thou a Ro- man? Hu said L am. And the chief captain answered. TV'lth a Kreat sum obtained I this free- dom. And I'aul Bald, BfT 1 WAS FRKE BORN'. '* There Is a glory of the native bom â€" the thrill that passes through your heart and down your spine when the sacramental element of your nativity makes Its subtle, compelling appeal flb TOur mind. I know what It is; but not In Canada. If you have It, cherish It; be exceeding glad when It comeg to you. Pass It on. % To us who enjoy only the bless- ing of adoption, who have given our jnatlve lantl a second place ii> our affections, is tliere even a glory for us In Canada? Can youâ€" the natlTe born 'â€"tell what it is? You can't, because you haven't liad our experience. \ We need not envy you, the native bom; you need not envy us. the Brl- tlsh-born. We are meet for one an- other, RAILWAYS IN JAPAN. / â€" ii. Filthy car. .„rDiM7 8uti,„. In . Canadian Nationality Land of CUanllnMB. 'The ralJwa/ journey from Kioto to Tokohama. deaplta the fact that most beautiful country is trareraed. Is not the pleosaoteet of experleacea," de- clares a writer In the Wide World. ^°" cannot wisely consider Cana- "One buys a railway ticket In Japan In ^'^^^ nationality without keeping in lostallmeDts. ' the front of your mind the division of •The ordinary ticket only enables Canadians Into those who couldn't in Double Harness Br ARTHl'R HAWKfe:!*; one to go by a train covering Uie mini mum distance In the maximum time, so an extra express ticket Is pur- chased, which means that the engine moves a Uttle more qnlckly toward Its appointed goaL help being Canadians and those who could â€" the native-born and the Immi- grant. Don't be scared by the immigrant. It Is bad for you and worse for him. Next a platform ticket must be pro- l^'^d don't think you know all about cored to enable one to board the train, the Immigrant host and their coun- and Anally one has to fight one's wa.T try Jast because you hfred a green Into a first class carriage. Why do all Englishman from a city, who didn't ibe passengers In Japon take their lug. \^^^ ^^^ ,„ ^^^ ^ ^^„^^ „„ ^ ^^^^^ gajje into the olready painfully small Tj„,t„ „ , . _, , » J ^ \ , ,/ , .1 rerhaps you never saw a Doukho- oarrlage Instead of leaving it In the . ^ â- ' <= â- » » .^ unuu- van? And why. ngi.ln, does a nation ;*"""' or a Gallclan. or a Buckowinlan, that is a possword for cleanliness the *»" * Ruthenian. Thousands of these world over possess a train service so people, scattered over the prairies are shockingly dirty In every detail? Canadian citizens just as much as you "We once In a weak moment looked are, you lucky great-grandson or Into a station master's room at a large igreat-granddaughter of a United Em- statlon. and for pure dirt It could hare pire Loyalist. to conspire to make Canada asj General Lee Shewed His Officers the great In reputation as she is great in' W»y to Enjoy It. given points to a dust heap. In the , train carriages the floors are covered I ^''^^ ^'" ^"'^ o" Reciprocity two with the dirt of ages, cigarette ends, jthousand miles from where you are. orange peel, sandwich pajiers. At In One of these days a f-:ll-blooded Douk- tervals a porter saunters In with o hobor will sit In the House of Corn- brush and leisurely sweeps all the mons. I have an excellent friend In refuse Into a comer, having first care the Saskatchewan Legislature-a fully closed every window, so that no D,,fu„_i-„ „,y,„ „ .^ .. , ^ ... y _^ , . j^ .. i. Kuthenlan â€" who couldn t speak a atom ct discomfort or Infection shall ... ^ .... . Ijg Ipg^ word of English a few years ago. It "Finally he departs, leaving behind ,'*°'* 'a"", you know, from the Assembly blra the rubbish and an atmosphere \^ the Commons. The Chairman of charged with germs and angry words, the Licensing Commission of the Pro- Truly a Japanese porter's definition of |vlnce of Saskatchewan Is a German clearing up Is removing robblsh from who came from the Fatherland to one place to another." Minnesota, was naturalized and elected a senator, left Minnesota for A TURKEY FEAST. iSaskatchewan, and was naturalized again. extent. And so It becomes you to In-' to General Lee In the drawing room H WILSON, Wackhniith , Uraduate of tue Veterinary bcienc Aaaociatlon. Dnrbam >treet, oppoeite Koyd, liro'a hardware. Toronto. Out. iu CaiiadH. i^tandH to-dav witliuiit a aupelior (iraduateN alwaya Hucoeaafiil. ( ataUdiUe free. Our Clubbing List D Kc Dentistry ! The following price.4 are for strictly .. C MURRAY U O. S, dental aurseon | paid in hJvhiicu KuliHCriptioiiMinly, Wo ' kionoi craduaie of Toronto Univernty and have no accountH with Other papers val (.ollelie of Dental Knrgeona of Ontario, . . - '^ . _i a ^-....aV. I. V » rant inn â- .•! i . a i ^ Uaa adn.iainiatered for teeth extraction Office at reeldence, Toronto Street, Fleaterton ""*^ Legal I VCAH, K.^JJEY * \V.\LI-ArE-Harriatera. *-• elollcUoir'itc.-l. It. Lucaa, K. C; «. r- , lla-oey, Kjt J. H. (J. Wallace. dlHce*. ' «_ Ti â- ! ii«l.'^ t'y' Tiadcra Hank »ldK.. phone | inain UlSj M»rkdale l.ueaa Hlock. Phone ii A. | Braiichqajicc at Dnndalk open every Saturday.^ W '^^WKIQHT, Karrlater, Solicitor, Convey. \ ^'ic.r etc.,â€" Owen Bound, and Kleaherton. | y' V~Kieaheiton office, Sproule'a lllook every A Societies W meeta on the laat O U W meeta on »ne laaa Monday in each month, in their lodge room Norria- block.iFleaberton. at « !'•'Â¥,„ *';ri;: H «â- , Le(iard ; Bee,, C. H. MuuHliaw Fin., W. y. froaaley ViilUng brethren Invited , DKISCE AUTHOR LODOE. No. :i:«, A.K.& I r AM, meets in the Maaonlchall. Arm etronK'a lilock, Fleaherton, every Friday on , or before the full luocn. C. H. Muiahaw, W. ; M.; Tboa. Clayton, Secretary, I Klesherton .Advance t ' (Kl Youths Conipiimnii 2 (JO Toronto World, ilaily 2 .Vi Toronto Dnily News 1 35 Weekly Globe «."> M»il-Enipiro .... 80 Ktimily Hemld & bear Ko Toronto Star 1 .'iu Fanner Sun 8.5 Farmers .\dvuoiita 1 '.io Weekly WlLieaH 80 .'^Htiirdity Nii!ht ;{ O.'i .lioiiic .linirB.'J (iO I'oullry News.... 20 Poultry Ifuvitiw 4o Hod iiiid (Jun niHi{iizine 80 lluyltii'iw. .\i)w ijfthe lime ti> buy a liittli- lit ('haiiilu-rluinK C'llif, Clmleiu and I liiiirliiiea Itemed y. Ilia ulniiiat certain to lie needed liefuie tile sumnier ia over. I'liia reiiiHily jiu, ii'. ,u|i,.riiii-. l".ir sale l>v \V. K Kii'liardKoii & Sim. felt the slight- •" ""» .oilo. »,«..«* ^.^^^^^ » Liown In Nova Scotia travellers not welcome In barrel was delivered at our camp infrequently hear people speak of go- I moved from i'a''ked 'General Lee and Staff.' V^ e „ . ,, , . TJtJ:?l\sr.^^^,*,r,A* A,* „„i-.,^».,M ftg to Canada, when Ihey mean an- COUKTrLESHERTON. 995. I. 0. F. oieetaln ClaytotlH Hlock the laat Wedneadav eveuins Are Yoo Weak, of eaJcb 'month." "vr«itinR'ForeaterH heartily welcome. H. R., IJyaou; R. S., '1. Henry; 3o4irii?.''^'*""^" *"""' '"* ""' ; Bloodless, Anaemic ? PHOSEN FhlENDB-Flcaherton Vojaocil of ^ Choaen Frieuda meeta in Clayton a hall flret and third Wedneadav of each luuuUi H p. m Pay aaaeaamenta to tlie Keeorder on or before toe tlrat day of each month. Chief Councillor T. lllakelev;Ueooj:der W. H. Bunt. ^ ^ T~ii6 Karmerrcinb meet* In the high achool buildiuc on the «r»t Thnraday In each month at H o'clock i). •"•„*o""« 'V^w* apecially invited. F. Chard. I'roaidoat, I . w. Hellaniv. Sec. Treat. you Can Be Cured of Poverty oi the Blood Just Like Miss Everett Waa. Berkshires «n«l lam worths I have now (or falc a lew very t^K>iec Beik .hire pui". ueariy ready to wuau. Hurry your order and net the beat. Alao liood Tamworth hoK four yt«i« old, for Bale" " , OE<i. W. ItOSS. MaiwolU'. <>. Boar for Service I'/.vt- •'•'"' Taiiiwoitli , Tiiit lor Miviie 'i«hl'4»i. '•'^ N. HiiiJIe, MaxweU.<M^ Bull for Service ThorouKl'''""' SlM-itliorii hull, ISrondlKok'M I j»<l, for Bervi«e on lot In, ion, !l, O^^jrey. Pedigree on ajtlilwuitioii. .Serviw, ?1.0M for grulea. tlioriuKhlireda. ».'), *:( nt time of eervice. Full prit-e dlmrKfii for cowa uol ^"""^- .1; M. m-KNs. Boars for Service Tin iinileiaiijiied Ima » tl"<roii(flilire<l V.irk- ahire lKiarfi>r wrvi<«' on lot ll>7, :inl range, K. 'r. and S. II., .\rtemeaia. Terma, _$1.»« Al»" IferefonI Hull lor M-rvioe. .I..I. Uiowii. 1 .Iv. BULL FOK SLkVICt TliorouKl.ljreJ.Miorthoiii lnill."l)iin<ly .lim" K17M. for aeriicenn lot ITU. T. * !S. K.. Ar- teniraia. Tliia animal ie of ii (rooil ' iiiilkiiiK atriiin. Pediirroo â- ui .ippliiatioii. Terira. â€" (irade^ Â¥l. regiatere.! Hi^. .1 AS. .STINStl.N Proprietor. "' Bull For Service Tlion.tigklu'cl Hereford I'.iill for aervice on lot 171, con. ;i S. W. T. iind H. K., Arte- nioaia. 'i'eriiiaâ€" ♦'I for ginde, Kl f<.r pure bred. Any iim- iKd retnrntd will I* charged In full wlietlier incalfor not. H.\Inri2 â€" T. ft .T. WATSON. Dates of Fall Fairs FLKSIiEUTON, K*«t Grey, Sept 28-2'.» I'HcoviUo Oct. n and fl Pun.lulk Ocl. ]2.1:J DurliHiii Sept. 2fi,27 Fevursham '>ct. .'!,4 Hanover S«pt. 12, 13 Markdale <>ct. 3,4 Meaford... !^pt- 28.211 Mt. Forest H«pt. 28,20 Orangeville Sept- I'*.'" Rocklyn Oct. 5,(i BUelburne 8«l'«" 26,27 ' SInoe the early ages. In all countries, among all classes of people, anaetr^'a hOM been one of thi; most pernicious coiiditioiis that affect mankind. WrltlnK from her home In Palsli-y Mrs. Kveri'tt .-ays: â€"".My daujflit.T had JUBt i.asa.d lar .slxlienth year, when jilif began to rapidly lost- color and slifiig-th. Si-rioua i-oiniillo;ition.s Sit in that made her family and frleiiils most anxious. We were not only worried on account of her fU- heaith, but because >ihe was likely to lose- liiT years' work at tlie High school, where she wa.s preparing for the jirofessloii of teaching. The doc- tor said it was 'Aiiaemla.' I kn.-w the best remedy was Kerrozone â€" anil mode my daughter take two Ferroannu Tablei.i with every meal. The first box did little more than Increase Jaer apiMrtite. liut with the second box It was really delightful to watch the sign* of returning health. Annie's face became sort of a yellowish at firstâ€"that deadly whiteness disap- peared But It wasn't long before a. ruddy glo^v was perceptible In her |3heek8, and real good color returnetL All Annie's troubhs were cured â€" she Srrew strong â€" vigorous â€" heavy In weight â€" feels and looks the picture of health." FERROZONE Makes Strong Blood Ifundnd* of cases of ana<'n)ici, poor ;olor, blood and nervj* disorders, the rhronic kind â€" they have iH-en cured Oy Kerrozoiie â€" why not you? In oOc joxes, six for 12.50. all dealers, or Tho 7atarrhozone Co., Kingston, (;anaJa. Our Equipment OWEN HOUND, ONTAHlq For thirty years wo havo pndod our- selves on our coinpleto ci|ui|inient Kvery modern device nml convuiiiem;i> that enterprise could Kiivges^rtiHl ciipitnl obtain, is in our liuililini{. The small school with ainttll c«(iitiil and ineaj^re ci|ulpmcnt cannot ^ive you llio siiniu training that you can gut at the Northern. C. K. Kleming, F.l.'.A., (1. D. Fleming, Crincipal. Secretary. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT, 4th. The largest place of public assembly In Port Arthur is owned by Iceland- quire why I am a Canadian, and to! """"""r.' ';'nl.i"!!„r'â„¢7»r â„¢Ti„"jrr *"•• ^^ Vancouver I could take you think well upon my two answers. ^l l,^^^^^. Zitl^ IL^fnl I Th i^ » Chinese theatre where two per- f One.â€" Because you asked me to be' ''^^ ""^'^ and gentle, especially with L „ . . \ a Canadian. i women and children. "On the Beid," formances daily are given. The Jap I I hope to be <iuite humble in ex- says Major Ranson In Harper's Mnj:a- ,•â- almost as numerous as the China- pandlng this answer, because I've hadj «loe, "he was the {reneral, the com- man In the salmon fisheries of British worthy people come to me and say. mnnder In all essential points. But In Columbia. The rfndoo's turban has ,"We have found that ;?riti8h people o,(,er points he conld be as sympathet- become a commonplace on the Pacific are not welcomed here " and because ,^ ^^j considerate as be was at home. Coast I want to speak the truth in love. ..,_ ,. ,„„_. „__t „, i-,«,w.â„¢k«, . |<-""»i- Personally 1 have never felt the slight- . ">. ""« latter part_ of December a | rtown In Nova Scotia travellers not est sense of not being Canada. Many years ago the South to the North of Kngland, opened It and found It was packed full ,. .... and 1 felt ever so much more a stran of turkeys. We sent word to General i"^''*'" Province in the confederation of ger north of Ihe Trent than 1 have Lee, and be rode over to our camp, which Nova Scotia has been a constl- ever felt nonli of the St. Lawrence. There was snow on the ground, and tuent for forty years. On the prairies Very thankfully 1 testify that never^, j,^ ,^,^ y,^ ^^^^ „j ,,„ „ j^^^^j ' ^.,„ f,„^ ^ f^^eign flag exalted, I since 1 landed at Quebec, twenty-six __,._ _^„,_ .f,« »,i~..» •„ .k» ,,,1.1.11 u j , . ,j ,. ^ . years ago, have 1 said a word against °° '^« ^°°^' ^''* b'KSes' ^ <be middle had almost said worshipped. In un- condltlons in Canada. .Never a word â- "•' 'be others tapering off to tho counted homes. At Red Deer. In defer- has been salii to me personally that I smallest at each end. There were ence to foreign sentiment, they stop- could reaent.V Hut there are others, about D dozen of them. Ped singing songs In harmony with I know a riian who has become as "General Lee dismounted and Joined ^^^ "*S ^^^^ ^^^ '•^**® thousand years keen a Canadian as 1 have, who, with the group gathered round the present ^^''^"t ^^^ ,?^"'* ^""^ ^"^^ v.^'^T" his wife, began life in Ontario on a carrvlne his nnslune and nndrnwn Canadian nationality is marching In farm. They are good people, who do ""L'7„ hu h-n^ n«^«, TnM ^^nf '^.""'''^ harness, with these Imported good to others and who are /iroady """"^ '° ^^ ?^„ %L, * ^ V, «'«°»e"'« '" '^e team, better off than they ever hopeg to be "'® '''S '"'"^^^ *° *''* â„¢'"^'"® ^"' ^^- I ' «e:i you Canada Is Infinitely more In England. They left the farm be- ^^ stood looking down at the turkeys than an Ontario concessiou line, a cause Ihey were continually subjected for ^ moment and then said, tonchlnc little red school house and a Loyal to nagging about their nationality, the big turkey with the scabbard of Orange Lodge. What is to be done For the sins of others thev were called hU sword: »bout the amazing medley of kindreds "chlrpers" ai.d other names. "This, then, la my turkey? I don't *"<', ',"â- "";« ''"•| '°"^"*^ ''â- '''.'i!' ^ ^*r I You asked us to come. The Govern- tn-jw eentlemen. what tou arc eoln- H'"'^** *'' ''"'' '""^ ^^^"^ ^^^ ^^'^'^ ment has spent millions and millions ^J' !,», °*!* ^Jlplr L Y , °^^^ Society prints the Scriptures In sev- of dollars in inducing Uritish-born '° ''° ''",'' 7°?' J T. . \ . ^^'^ different languages? people to for.iake friends and homes !»'"« *^^} *<> '^® hospital In Peters- | And, mind you, there b and by Btti Caijada, The Dominion has become^ "Ue then turned on hU heel and, from the Sohth of Europe who flour prosperous because the Immigrant, walking to his horse, monntetl and '^^es alongside the South Saskatche- the chlrper, as well as the capitalist, rode away. We looked at one another ''*"• "^ comes from a country you jTas arrived. Never forget, brother, for „ nioment and then, without a °«^«'' «*" '° t ?"""'' ^"1- ^""^^ «iat he was besought to come by you. „...,, „n,„„„H »h« ^„rbo,.l in .h» h.r "^^®'" ^«^°- """* ''** knows nothing of< through such people as Lord Strath- »0'-<'-5eP"»ce'l«he turkey? «n be bar- ^^^ distinctions of the country you in- cona and Sir Wilfrid Laurler. These' f'^' ""^ â- «°t ^^^^ ^ "»« hospital." i,abit. The prairie country au'l the great men liave looked lor assets for mountains arc apt to produce . .^ople Canada; for an impetus to your pros- Gilbart's Witty Comment. different in their makeup froii' the perlty. He gentle In your attitude to Sir W. 8. Gilbert's wit and humor dwelli^rs in the east l,radilioii8 and places consecrated burg so that some of the convalescests the differences of race and language Bttcred dust, and help to build up mny bave a good dinner.' between you and your fellow-citizen the people who come from the same were always ready, land that your ancestors came from, raconteur and Let patieine have her perfect work '•> speaker you, in them. Ask yourself bow you would get along if you were dumped Into a Yorkshire manufacturing town and sent to work in u mill, and ex- pected to become a Yorkshiieman In fivo or six days. ' Two. â€" I am a Canadian because I know Canada. A high railway official who came a "good^ after dinner e^^' <"° >'^,»''« «K°' ')'»<' "«!?•• seen apples growing on the trees. The non- English speaking people who have come to the country where he was born are twice as unfamiliar with the east as he was. It is something of a' Uarrington played the Captain In job In Canadian development to get "Piuafore." At rehearsal one day Gil all these people up there to live like bert, who wos an autocratic and mag you live, think like you think, and see niflcent stage manager, told him to things as you see them. And they are â-¡e was a tine Rutland Barrlngtoo, the old Savoyard, said that "staying In Gil- tiert's bouse waa like living In a lit- erary fireworks factory.' Tbcy know not Kngland who 01. ly cross the stage, which represented the Canadians with full rights â€" citizens. England know. They know not Can- deck of D ada who only their province know. The Engllsliinau who finds himself, say. In SouHilm-ii SaHkatcbewan, for a . Bkvliirht had onlv boon year or two, and wlio visits tlie Old ^''^^':^ *°® skyiigut nau only Deen Country, says. -In Canada Uicy do this ^^^""^ "P temporarily, and the portly and that." Me will describe an o.\ Barrlngton crashe<l through It. M. 8. Pinafore, aud sit 00 a skylight "In a pensive attitude." Harrington obeyed orders, bat unfortu- Their children are the native-born, even as your children are. What do' you think about it? What ground can we line them up' on so that they will stand where we- stand, and be governed by the same well-Bprings of patriotism that move; harness, for instance. He doen not "I'hat's an ex-peustve attitude," said usT You perceive It must be broad ground on which to stand, and a big/, high Ideal at which to look. And don'ti forget this â€" the imagination of theln children must be nurtured. How can! know thai iu Kovu Scotia they strap Gilbert Iu a dash. a yoke tight to the oxen's horns; and _^____^____ they also shoe oa-'b o.x with eight Iron ^ ,,j Convert Utopia. shoos. To him the 1 tlo hi of ( anada ^^^^ ^^^ "Utopia" was tim publish he has seen is the whole of Canada. ... , ' . ..." 7 Will you forgive me If 1 state the ^^ " occasioned a pleasant mist^ike eimple truth that a great deal of (^an- J his political romance represents * iidian pride Is nourished on a little perfect but vlslonory republic lo an knowlodge of Canada. We can't all Island supposed to have been some know the country, because if every- where In the Atlantic, near these west body travelled all the time tliero ern shores. would be a sinndBiill to industries ou "ab this was tho age of discovery." wlilcli the country prospers. That g^yg Granger, "the learned Budaeu! means Iliat there is samctbing of a and others took It for genuine history respoiislhilily upon thoso who have „. . . . ... j, . » . ^ â- seer.nuch of the country to help the ^f 1 ,!h "P«"^"' /° "^"'J ""« anyting be accomplished in face of thej tremendous differences between them) and us? . Somehow, soon, we have got fo get) all Canadian citizens thinking aboute the same thing. We have got to have! a common Ideal about our countr.vâ€" 1 their country, speakers of broken-j English; owners, absolute owners oR Canadian soil, tlmt they are. They' must be helped to become good Cana- dians. But what Is a good Canadian? An- swer me this â€" What do you meaa when you stand up and sing "Cod save tho King"? The King is on tho less fortunate to realize wliat a nohlo stoiiarlea thither to convert the people, country It is, and wlint a wonderful -"Uook of tjueer Things." future it may make its own. | ' It waa by a fortiino I never de- Chattel Mortgages, served, that 1 went llirough the mill of y^ „ja„ „.j,o giy^s a chiittel mortgagf other side of the ocean, *nd you per- pioneering In the West between 1«85 (^ |j ui^^^yg ov„mine it carefnllv tc baps are a thousand miles from salt and 18!.l, and that, after fourteen ^^;^'''* "l"*^ "''^^^^^ water. On the other side of the world years' absence I came back, journeyed â„¢""' """^^ It Is not on demand^ ,^ ^^^ singing "God save the for tliree months nil over the country, ''"nrp money lenders who loan fnnds f^,,,,,.. exactly as vou sing It. What and finally settled In Toronto; aud on chattel mortgnges often try to have i,ave you to do with them? What that In six years I have travelled a this clause Inserted, and when It Is the have they to do with your Buckowlrl- â- hundred and forty thousand miles he borrower may expect to part with hit Ian fellow-citizen over ou the Saskat- 'tween Halifax ond Victoria. 1 chattels at almost any moment It U chewan? I Of dcllhorate choice, then. I brought „ ,rip|, i,y ^\y\^x\ ndvantoge Ls ofter I' '^ » mighty curious thine this IV fomlly to Canada. Tboy do not ,_,.„„ „, ,h„ „„„..,„ my family to Canada. Tiioy ,10 .10, ^^^^^ ^j jj,g unwary. |want logo back to the land of thelt, '' birth. We do not speak of England^ JiB "home," This la our home. We On the Fence. want no other. Our settlement haa "Are yon au optimist or a •been consecrated by tho acU-ent of a mist?" llitio (^anadlan-horn girl, v ho began "iloth. I hope for the best. pessi Canadian nationality In tho progress of which you have harnessed yourself With the crowd of aliens to yoiir Ideas who have come to the Dominion from all tho corners of the earth. You are sure about your own Canadianism. But what about theirs ? It is up to but J „,. .„ life sturdier in body than either of het don't bt? od tt as a 8ur« thing."â€" lit you; for you askefl them to come In sisters. She will be â- able to sing ol change. jyu know. ' (Canada as her native land. 1 am 1 Suppose you talk It over with those glad of It. You see. we combin> the ^p^ „^p , „ , ^g^^g^^^ (^ „y, Scotch and English fellows of your BriUabborn and the Native-born. !.,„„,, ,.,.,„.7, "'-«-"«'"'-, 10 acquaintance. And ask your Irish , And behold It Is goodâ€" very good, . •'""'*• »-«*.«»o. _ ,1 friend to talk about it. â- -.•The report of the Canadian Forest Convention at Quebec has just been issued, and makfsa volume of UK) pages, of addresses, paper*, and discussions by Canadian and I'nited States authorities on forestry and lumbering. .-Vll fnHs of Canada are embraced in the report, and all phases of the <aHfaj«ct, corotneroial, administrative, and protect ive are dealt with. The rusoIuCionK passed and changrs Rugiies'ed in the laws are in- c'uded. Persons interestf d may receive a copy frt^e iijKm application lo the Secretary, Canadian Forestry Associa- tion, Canadian Building, I Ittawa, Canada. .inordinary caHe of iliairho>>a can, as a rule, lie cured by a single dose of Chaii.lierr laiiiH Colic, Choler.i and Diarihoei Remedy. ha« no snpeiior fur complaints. - For sale by W. E, Kichurdson it .Son, "Marveious necovery" Montreal Man So 111 With Dyspepsia Thought He Would Die. No more cr.nviocing eviuence was ?ver put on [.aper than the following letter from of .Montreal's well- known citizfOr:. Mr. D. R. Larose, of 338 Joliette .street "Permit me to write you a few word.s concerning Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I .suffered from dyspepsia and indiges- tion for five years, I suffered so much that 1 could hardly attend 10 my work- I was weak and lost all courage. I enjoyrd no rest until I decided to follow your treatment, after having read your advertisement In the paper. To my great surprise 1 immediately began to feel better. 1 am now using the .second box and T feel so Well that I want to tell you that I owe this great change to your famous pills. 1 recommend them to - every person who Is suffering from dyspepsia. Your grateful servant, D. R. Larose, 3;!8 Joliette st, Montreal, P.Q. Let all who have weak stomachs, and those who suffer with indigestion, headaches, biliousness, know they can be perfectly cured by Dr. Hamiltoo's Pills. Successfully used for many yf ar.i, mild and safe, L'5c per box, all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills • Cure Dyspepsia Proud Position I ( ollinewood Husiuess ( 'ullef(t) now ouju^Hthe diKtiuction of beiiiK one of tbf» iiiOHt widely attended, best equipp- ed aud boHt mauaiied institutions of itti kind in W*t»tum Outario. Thy enroll- uieut this jear was almotit double that or any previotiM year, aud nearly every t^taduate was placed. Fall Term Opens Sept. lit. Bend for hHndHonie new cataloKUO. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T* E. Hawkins« Principal This May Interest You We want a reliable man to sell our well- known specialties in fruit trees, small fruits, seed potatoes, HoHering shrubs, roses etc, in tirey county during fall and wiiiter months. Oiittit free, ex- clu.sive territory, p»y weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock Clean well urown trees and shrubs that will .satisfy your cuslomers. Katly and good delivery guaritntued. Established over 115 years. Write for whole or part time terms. Sales Maiiiii(er, FKLHAM NURSERY CO.. 15 Dec. 11 , ;; Toronto. VVANTED A live represeiilHtive fo, Fleshertou and surrounding district to sell high cUss slock for Tho Fonthill Nurseries More fruit trees will lie pliinted iu Fall of I'.'ll snd siirini; of 1!U'2 than over be- fore in the history of Ontario. The orishard of the futuio will lie tho best payini! part of the farm. We teach our men salesman.ship, Tree culture Slid bow lug proHls in Iruil;- growiiig can be iiiailu. r»y weekly, permanent employment,, exclusive territory. Wrire for particulars Stone & Wellington TORONTO A Washiest Washboard. â€"^ *^omen haven't the artistic temper' ament," complalnea the orchestra mi» slclau to the Clevelaoa Plain Dealer. "That's why I am unmarrledL Oh, yes, 1 was married onca 1 thought td acquire a woman who conid take care' of my home, make a little domesti* place of refuge for mo and all that;' but the dream soou fled. "A few days after I was married my bride came to me and said: 'Dear, that new washboard you got for me l» no good at alt 1 can't wash youi socks on It.' '• 'Washboard!' says I. "Why, I. nevei bought you a washboard.' But she led me out Into the kitchen and showed me what she'd been scrubbing away on all the moriilu ;. Great beaveasl It was my new sylophone." Rebuking an Emperor. Once, 80 the story goM, EmperoT N'Icholas of Uusslft asked ^t9zt to plaj in his prespuce. The musician com- plied, but during the perfurnience th« i:zar started a conversation with au iildde-camp. r.lszt stopped playing iit once. The czar asked what was th« imatter. "When the emperor speaks," iiald Mszt, "every one must be silent," The czar smilingly took the aiut, aaA i:liu playing proceeded.