Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1911, p. 9

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^ -â- >{â- â-  SEVEN YEMS PAIII rtiflM mii NEURAieili Cured Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Fink Pills K«uralgia )â-  not a. diseaseâ€" it is only a symptom. It is the surest •igii that yuiir hlo«<l is weak, wat- ery and impiir<>, and tliat ymr nerves arc literally starving. «Bad biiKid is the oil* cause- good, rich, red blood ith i.iily cure. There you lia\e the real reason why Dr. Williams' l'))ik I'il's cure neural gia. Tliey arc the only medicine th»! contain!", in correct propor tioris. the very «-l<-nie!itK needed to make ne«, iieli, red blood. This •lone ro.-ir^ief the ri>ot of the truu- ble, .«iootJi€H the jangled nerves, and drives away llie nagging, stab bi'ig pain, and brace up your he.-iltli ill other ways. Mr. M. Brenna't, an *x-Kergea?it of the Snd (â- |ie>hirc Regiment, now a re bident uf Winnipeg, Man., siys: "While fccrviiig with'my regime it in India, on a hill station, 1 ci>n traoted a jsevere cold wliioli lirtiiight nn aeute neuralgia, at times lasting for three weeks. 1 was cj'iatajitly Buffering almost every m+nth in the year for over Beven yeari*, the pain being sonic- time^ So feevcre that 1 wished I was desd. On m.v return to England 1 Mfcined to get no better, though I spent large Mim»- of money for me dical adxicc »rMl medicine. Then 1 came to ('ana<lH, and about a year ago saw the advertisement of Ur. Williams' Pink Pill* in a Winnipeg paper. Although I liad begun to think my complaint was incur'iible I told my wife that I intended giv- ing the l»jlU; ,1 fair trial. 1 was suffering from t«irrible pain-s when I began taking th<r I'ills, but bcf'ire the secoiul VioJi •«â-  as finished the pain began to diKapfK'ar. and un der a further use cf the Pills it disappeared entirely, and i have Hot li-id a twinge id it during the jiast ,\c:ir. t>n!y thc^c who have been affiicte<l with the terrible pains iif neuraljfia can tell what a hlcTsing l)r. Williams' Pink Pills have been ♦«. me. an<l you may be Kiire I <«ha)l constantly recommend them 111 other sufferers." Tlie^c Pit's are told by ajl inedi einc dealers or by mail at 50 cenl< a buv or six b<ixeR for $'2.50 from The IJr. William*' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i:n(;i,am»'k i..\Ki)i:i{. II Mi;ht he Slrippeil Pi-<>l(y Quick- I.V ir She Had a War. With shipf bringing foreign food supplic i'lto Kngland at the rate of Ll'Sl worth every minute of ^•very day in the year Great Bri- tain cannot accumulate a slock of provisionsi large enough for a .ycir's supply, i<(.»ine exfwrts say lii)t enough for lialf a year. 'Others «ioubt if we could hold â- out for three months without fore â- ign supplier," says the Qtieen, 'and ail agree that three wcc'ks •war, or even threat of war, would eii'irni'iiisfy increase the price of foodstuffs. In the ordinary way the â- firoportion of food and drink •brought over tlie yv-n is over 12 j>er cent, of our total imports, be- ing in i.,und figures i;2.jn,0(K»,<yK) out of a t<ifal of .f.')50,(IOO,(»:m. Of this sum .':7<».(XXi.(i«' goes for grain and flour alone, and nearly fifty millions fi r meat, in addition to si.\l.\ ihrec niilli'iris for fjod and <lrink not otherwise specified, an<l <-xcl,iding fifty millions for food, <lrink and tobacco mbject to duly. ' WIfil we as a iiati<in have to fear i< not inv.'uswiFi but starvation. Tit the great mas^ of tlic people of this country the «|ues'lion is not Shall we win or los*' in war? but, iihall we have en<iugh food to live on when the next big war comes ' 'It is to meet such an cinergciiey that the use in this country of silos for grain, or granaries, lias been a<l\ocal.ed. "The cost of creating and main- taining silofl might be consider- able, though we mppifse the cost of a single dreadnought would eafiily <'over it; but as an iifsiir- unce agniiiht panic it would well Im" worth th<' expense, while as a safeguard in time vl war and against imminent famine it would he invaluable, and might easily •turn <lefeat into victory and dis- a-ler to safety. "Gibraltar is provisioned for Iw years :i'id Malta has silos which keep ctini good for as long as four years, thus supixirting tlie truth of the biblical sl.atcnic'it that Joseph in iIk' <lry climate of Kg.\ pt fed lh( lieople with corn stored for seven years. The i<!ea is the gradual Collection uf an amount of wheal equal to f'nc year's import and its automatic by exchanging it for a new grain as it arrives at the different ports." A HlMFIl'.S IKAT. j Weird .tdveiiture While Capturing, CdbH of fiioncMS. I Manehausen had an adventure with a lion which quite tame in comparison with tiie doingit â-  of an Indian liunter, Ni/.am Shah, who recounts his story in "Sa'rils- 1 vati" (Allahabad). The record of his feat has been translated for the Literary Digest whence the follow- ing is taken : The hunter followed a trail through a rocky ravine until ho came to a point where the jungle was <iense and the rocks rose high on all sides. He climbed a tree to reconnoitre, and from his high peicli ga/.ed right into the cave in- to whi<li the lioness had jumped. It was now dark, so Mi/.am Qfiade him as secure as he e.iuld in the tree till day dawned. The lioness left her den sliortl.x after <la,vbreak, bait he could not gel a shot, and an hour after her departure began slowly to make his way to the cave. The rest of the story is given in the narrator's own words : On looking into the pit I found the lioness' two cubs- about' as large as catsâ€" play- ing with ea<-li other. This specta- cle delighted my heart . . . hut since the cave was about eight cubits deep and the rock was per- fecth perpendicular, 1 felt pu/.zled as to haw to get into it. After much cogitation I found that a low branch of a tree was hanging part way into the pit. This would help mo to get down. I deposited my gun on the rock, and made up my mind to use the limb of the tree to as- sist me in entering the cave. My weight made the branch hang a little lower down, and 1 was thus able to reach the bottom of the hole. Presuming that their mother had returned, the rubs caine out of their nook and slowly walked over to where I was. Thereupon I took off my coat and l)oun<l the little beasts up in it, then taking hold of it I began to figure how I could get •away with my booty. Now, for the.' first time 1 missed the branch of the tree whi<li had helped me descend. P.ut horror of horrors, it was not within my reach. After I had got «lown, the ininule my weight was removed, it ha<I resumed its former position, leaving me absolutely helph'ss. Now I began to hear a noise which I at once took to be jiroceed ing from the lioness. [ quietly sat down. Instead of looking into the cave, she turned her back toward it, being attracted by the nlle which 1 had deposite<l upon a stone, roaring at it in a terrifying man- ner. The rays of the sun, falling <Iirectly upon the steel barrel, iniule the gun shine brightly, and claim- ed the attention of the big beast, who switched her tail, which was hanging into the pit. My very de- speration made me think and act fast. I at once grabed hold of the tail that was banging over the edge of the pit. The lioness gave a jump and quick a.s a flash I was landed outside, and, as luck would have it, near my rifle. I had the pre seiKte of mind left to grasp the gun and fire it at the lioness, killing her instantly. After this the rest was easy, M;W OrFHIAl- SKCKKTS UlfL. <iieul Kiifain to IJraw l.iue AgaliiHt Spies Altogelher. The publication of the text of the new hill which is to take the place of the ofticial secrets act of IHSO in- dicates the changed opinion in the Uritish Isles upon the subject with which these legislative measures deal. While the existing act was mainly <lirected against the theft or misappropriation of confidential <locumenls,.the new bill is of a dif- ferent character. In it spying is specifically <Ie scribed as' an offence, and any per- son who, with a purpose, [irejiul- ieial to the safety or interesl.s of the slate, approaches a prrihihited place and makes plans and sketch- es or obtains plans which might be fil.'ITKl) FOR A LAWYKirs OFl-'l'I.. AfT». I'asc^ (auhuering "bov wanted" ad)- "yiiure, sor, he .s that truthful he wiidu't tell a ii- fof a/.Tiliing, but Oi hov anolhor I ho.v That isn't so pertikler, -J yt- ti «^yik« luike to see liu." A Large Package Of Enjoyment Post Toast ies Sorvetl with croain. milk or fruitâ€" fjeih or cooked. Crisp, troldea-brttwn bits of w'hua corn- delicious and whoiraouie - A H.iv )iir lliat app'als to yoHn ; and old, "The nemory Lingers" SOI.O 111' (JROCKRH. V. Canatflan P«itum Car«al Campany, Limltad, Wlndior, Onl. J ufteful to an enemy, will b« liable to penal servitude. Ill the old law this punishment <:<»iild ouly be awarded to a person communicating or intending to cuminunicate secrets to a foreign' state, but the last named term is absent from <he- new bill in which the wrongful comraunication of in- formation to "any unauthorized person," is treated as a misde- meanor. Another new feature of the bill just introduced is the widening of the scope of the clause which de- fines a "prohibited place." As iioni Haldane said, the places bar- red from public access un<h'r the old law were too few. Nowadays it might he just as important that persons should not go into a pri- vate dockyard where a Bril.ish inan- of war was building as that they should not go into a government dockyard. Therefore the definition in.clause three of the new bill is made very comprehensive, and now embraces any work of defence, factory or dockyard, camp or office, telegraph or signal station belonging to the government^ or any other place for the storage of instruments or plans of war. lieyond this, power is given to be exercised in time of emergency to prescribe other places as prohibited on the ground that information con- cerning them, or their actual de- struclion, would be useful to an enemy. Thus, any railway, road or channel could he declared prohibit- ed for the time being as well as any works where war materials were being stored or repaired. IWEDTHISI Cucumbers and melons are ''for- bidden fruit" to many ijersons so constituted that the least indul- gence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, a.od is a sure cure for all summer com- plaint';. ^'^^mm/.^: MfB> at* Bfemtti C<n Maf«n St., MoBMut, â- â- ;<: "A barrid nuh carae out all orer mj bib/'t face lad spread uotll it had totally co*ere<l his scalp. It was iicitating aod painful, and caused th« little on* hours of suffering. Wc t'ied loans and powdeei and salves, boi^ he ^M qobetlar. H« Tehned bU food, got quite thio and woro, sad wax reduced to a, very serious condtUon. I waa advised to try Zam-Bnk, and did so. It wu wonderful how it seeaied to cool and eass the child's bofniitg, patnliil skin. Zam-Bnk from the very coBimenceinent antncd to go tight to the spot, and the pimplea aod sole* and tba hrUatioo pew len and tcsi, WhUn r. few weeka tcf baby's slcia wai healed oonapietety. He has c»w not a tsmcc of raah, or eraptlon, or ecxema, or barning sore. Not only so, bot cuied of the tor- menting tkin troable, he has iapcored in genernl heukh." Zaia-Bok is soJd at all ttam aad aMdiclna rao* tin, joe. a box, or paM tnt from Zua-Biik Co., Tbraaaa,farnri«a, 6ttoxaafar$, Aaailaiii aam far altaltht amain, cMa, bmita, «c., tai roreitai. TWO OF A KIND. Private Jones wanted a week s furlough, so he approached hi.- captain with a pitiful tale of a sick wife who needed him sorely. Tho captain was not convinced. He susjiccted Private .lones of e.K .aggeratioii, so he said: "I'm afraid 1 can't grant you leave. I have received from your wife, and she says .s'he li(ri>es I won't allow you to come home as you iK-have very badly to- wards her." Private Jones saluted, and turn- ed to leave the captain's presence, bu't jjansed a.1 the door to say : "Captain, may I say something to you as man to man?" "Cer'tainly," replied the cap- tain. "Well," said Private Jone.s, "all I want to say is that you and 1 are two of t'he finest liars living. I'm not married at all !'' HAUNTKD HER. The Ladyâ€" "Get out! You're the man 1 gave a piece of cake to AJuly an hour aao." Tho Hobo â€" "So, mum. I'm that poor feller's g^host!" MINNICOCANASHENE. A hard numt> to nroDouncf. culled local ly â-  Minuicog." ITiin la a picturpwiUB Humuicr resort on oiu! of the larK«.it ialuiidH of the ntorgiiu Bay, oiilv J 1-2 hour^ run by the (Jraud Trunk iiailway Syntem from the City of Toronto. Canada. and bcaiitifiiily iiituated aniong tb« U.OOO iHlandd of that territory. Splondid hotel accommodation, good flshiiiK, fln« boatlu|{, and no hay ferer. Ba»j. trout. piuLerrl and pikt! abound. For lllu-straKsd de- flcriptiva matter and all information write- to A. K. DUFF, llulou Station, Toronto. WHAT HK WANTED. Clerkâ€" "Do you want a narrow 1 letter I'"'*" *<"'•""â- '' '" C'ustoaner (gravely) â€" "No; I want a comb for a stout man with rub- ebr teeth." MInard'i LInlmant Cures Colds, Eto. TRANSPOOTATION SieNOPOI.Y .4jr»!»« t'onlrtilletl the First Pafeels- Po8f. The first parceIs-iK>st difficulty that we recall occurred at the close of the fifteenth century. Arabs controlled the overland routes from India to the Mediterranean and Ao monopolized the spice trade, which they worked in partnership with the Venetians. Directly after | Va.sco da Gama reached India by: sea, however, Portugal sent thi-l ther a fleet of trading ahips. In i spite of bitterest opposition on the ! part of the monopolistic .^ribs the ^ ships succeeded ia securi.ig car-; goes of spices and other Oriental j wares which they brought to Eu-| rope. The result was a panic in j Venice, the price of spices there, falling fifty per cent. That the .•\rabs had m.ade thrifty use of their j rfibnopoly Is indicated by the fact that, in spite of this fall in price-s, j th« Portuguese are said to have .sold their apices at a profit of six hundred per cent. Probably the .Vrabs argued, like our express companies, that they were really benevolent persons and engaged in trade mostly for their health. j The doarness of transportation' at that time was a matter of small importance, for commerce wa.s chiefly confined to articles of lux- ury. Only barons could buy .spices anyway. Now-a-days, when trans- j poVtation enters into tho cost o! the neoessaries of life, there seems decidedly less excuse for tolerat- ing a monopolistic toll upon it. + The Pill That Brings Relief.â€" When, after one has partaken of a meal he i« oppre.S8ed by feelings of fulness and p.ains in the stomacii he suffers from dyspepsia, whicli will persist if it be not dealii with. , re'plenished twice daily, will servi*- Parmolee's Vegetable Pill^ arc the] „ice|y as a water trough, .\in • verj" best medicltie ^'}^.* *^'*".„ j other good de-vice is an auboiinabic WHAT IS A BOND? 4 Many an investor would have avoided poor investments and conse- quent loss had he known what constitutes a bond, how safe aiTd profitable a bond investment is. Q When you buy a bond you are protected from loss by a first mortgage on the entire assets of the Corporation that issues the bond. Both the prin- cipal and interest are protected in the same manner. ^ We will be pleased to send to your address without any charge whatever our little Booklet on bonds. Write us to-d«y. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LtM ITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONCE AND QUEEN 3TS. TORONTO » WAT1<:R AND SALT FOR GALVRij Calvea, like other farm aniiaals] get thirsty even though milk furra^ a large part of their ration, Calves three monthi of age will drink as much a'S five quarts ui water dail'y i>er head. They liko tv drink often, sipping a little ab a time. A half barrel cleaned and- t.^kftn to bring "relief. These pills are eijpecially compounded to ''eal with dyspepsia, and their uterling qualitie-s in this respect ca,i be vouched for by legions of users. A PLAIN INQUIRY. "Warden, what are most of these men doing here I" '•Principally doing time, ma- dam." The Flies that are now in your kit^-hen and dining-r-ioni were pro- biibly feasting on some indescrib- able nastiness less than an hour ago, and as a single Hy often cur- lies many thousands of di;<ease germs attached to its hairy b.dy, it is the duty of every housekeep.'r to assist in exterminating tnis worst enemy of the human r^i'-e. Wilson's I'ly Pads kill flics in sjcli "iinmenKe quantities as cannot be a|)proaclied by any other hy k'll.'r. was watching her mother working among the llowers. "Mamuva, I know why grow," she said; 'they get out of the dirt." flowers want to Warts on the hands is a disfigure- ment that troubles many ladies. Holloway's Corn Cure will remove thjf blemishes without pain. He (soulfully) â€" ''There are a thousand stars to-night looking upon you. straight ,'" She â€" "Ls my hat on There are Wfl .son's Klv many imitations of Pads, but none com- pare with the genuine original ar- ticle. Be sure you get Wilson's and avoid dissatisfaction. TIGHTW.ADDO. "I undersland that Mr. Pinc*- penny has been -jperated on for appendicitis," remarked Mis Cay- enne. 'Yes. It's the first time any one was known to get anything out of him." '•Rut you see tlioy had to give him chloroform to get tha't.' TRY MURINE CYE REMEDY ter Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Byes andOranulatedKyellds. Murine Doesn't Smartâ€" Soothes Ey» Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid. 25c SOo, fl.OO. Murine Bye Salvo In Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.0t). Rye Books and Bye Advice Free by Mall. Mtirl&a iCyo Remedy Co., Chicago. Free advice is the kind people give away because I'hey liave no use for it. No, Alon/o, the cigarette habit doesn't alway.s cause weak luinds. In a gre'it many cases it merely indicates them. A Mild Pill for Delicate Women, â€"The most delicate wonvin can un- dergo a course of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills without fear of unjilea- sant consequences. Their action, while wholly effective, is mild and agreeable. No violent pains or purgings follow their use, as thou- sands of wo.nen who have ysed them can testify. They are, there- fore, strongly recommended to wo- men, who- are more prone to dis- orders of the dig<>stive organs than me:il 'waterer which may be easily. â- cleaned, situated a little above the« floor to keep out the litter. iSa-lh lis essential to tlio devclopmeiit of the calf, as of other animals, and should be kept eontiaually avail- able « * * t « I « « « « * « * FARMS FOR RENT AND SMJE. ASK IV you wall me. DAWSON, HE KNOWS. t tu uull a tarm. conaul 1^ you waat iiie. lO b'jy a farm, con.sult IU.VVK some of the beat Prult. Stooli. tirain or Dairy Farms in Onlariu, ' and |>rice.i right. Thin In m certify tb«t I hare lued MIN.\Kns I,,inlmeut In my family for ynarH. and ooaalder it tho bent liniment on tho market. I ha»e found it ov'ellent for horue flnnh. (Hien-" W. 8. PINEO. "Woodlanda." Mtddletou, i«.8. H. W. DAW. ION. tillfoet. Toronto. Ninety Colburu« HARDLY. A man may be in love wit'li two women at the same time, but nut if cither of them knows about it. It Makes New Frien^ls F.vcry Day.â€" Not a day goe:i by that Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil does not widen the circle of its friends. Or- ders for it come from the most un- likely places in the west and tar north, for its fame has travelled far. It deserves this attention, for no oil has done so much for hu- manity. Its moderate cost makes it easy to get. FOR BREAKING OUT. '•Why do you have those g!.i>' ea.-^e-:; with the axe, h.immer, crow- bar.'alid so forth, on t'he>e cars-C asked a traveller un a r.tilroaiL '•Oh, those are put there in case any one wants a window open," replied the facetious man. ACENT3 WANTED. CA>VASSBR.S \V.\NVKf) Wooklj .»lar| paid â€" Alfmit Tjrlai, Luadoa. Unlari^ AdK.NTS WAN'I'KD KVERyWHl'.RK Hieh rittss busiuejs with bewt vnopln. K^..evt A Dwyi-r t*o., Lliuitt^d. Toronto, OKNT.S WANTKD. -A study of other AC Agency (.ropositions convinces that none can e(4ual ours. You will ways regret it if you don't apply particulars to Travollera' Dept,. Albert St.. Ottawa. al- MISCELLANEOUS. II AT nurt I'AKM 6CALK8. Scale Wurksi. 9 KHplauadn, WilKon'H â- I'oronto- SAWMILL MACHINKRY, Portable or heavy. Lath* Uilln, Rbinglo Uill,4, Eaeineii and Boilers, Util HuppTles. Tbo B. I'OUK Uanu(»cturlD( Co., Ltd.. West Street. Orillia. Ontario. CI A.NCIiU. TUMOR.S. LUMPS, etc. lu- / torual and external, cured witboitt gain by our boine Ireatment. Write u) efore too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Cu. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. WItlTK ua to-day for our choice li«t ' of .VeeHlH' SutipUen. No outUy , uecensary. 'i'hev are moi'^v makers. Ap- ply B. C. I. Co. Ltd., 223 Albert St., Ottawa. Ont. TON .SfALK Ol'AllANTKKD. I Kcalo Works. 9 lunplanado. (> Wiiyon'ii Toronto. SPhX'IALISTS APVICB FIIEF,. . _ ua in rojj-jrd to auy diaoasa. Consult Lowesft • liiicea in drujiii of all kUidi. VrufHe§ fitted by mail. Send measure. , mont. OlasBes fitted by aeo- Write loda,» for anything sold m flrst-i-lass drill! . I stores to Dr. ttellmnn. CoUinRwond Ont MInarit's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. THi; LLMIT OV CHKllK. Brown is a brave man, and wliea tho iither nig'ht he heard a noise dosvnstairs he pronijilly arose, tonk a poker, iintl proceeded to in- vestigate the cause. On reaching the hall, the light of the candle he carried revealed a burglar in the act of leaving the house "Hil" crieil Hrown, "Come back ! ' ' Theiiurglar turnetl and gazed in surprise at Hrown, "What's the inatLer?" he in- <iu><e<l. "Have I forgotten any- thing.' .Vh : of course. Tho silver <andle-ftiek you are carrying. T'haiik you so much," Then, before t'he a..tjnished Hrown (^ould realize what had hap- pened, he seized tho candle-rtick and vanished into the night. FKbT SAFER NOW, "Why, Tommy," exclaimed the Sunday school teacher, 'don't you say your prayers every night be- fore you go to bed 1" "Not any more," replied Tom liny; "I u.ster when I slept in a folding bed, though." Minard't Liniment Cures Distemper. :\ man wastes a lot of time ask in,g (|uestions t'hat he doesn't want answered. DODDS ' KIDNEY EU. 7 mavn u It MInard'i Liniment Cures Garget In Coiks. When you are offered something for nothing you should at"cept it - 1 if you can aff'jrd to pay double itsj valiiu CHENILLE CURTAINS and all kint1.i uf humo hAntjingfii ftlvu L»CE CURTAINS "''".yp" ^V""" Write trti 111 ftii.^ut joKTi. BRITISH AMERIOAN OVtINC CO.. lex tit, Montreal REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. .*|RS, WiNsi,o\v'-, Soonu.^ii. .SvKii* has btf-r. ii»ed for over .SIXTY VKAKStn Mil t,IO.NS ol MOTHERS (or their CHICilKK.N Willi, li TKKTlllNO, Willi PKKl'KCT SlCCt^SS. II SOoa'HKS the Clill,l>. SOKTKNS the C.l Ms. AI.I.AYSall I'Al.N' : CCRl'.S WIND COLIC and is the best remedv for UlARUlnUA, It is ab- solutely haruilcsN Be sure autl ask for "Mrs, Win-iltiw's .Soothing Syrup." aud take no other kiud. a'wcnty-livc ceulia bottle. T.VRT STATEMENTS, Fortune won't mnile on you un- less voii meet lier h.ilf way. When some iieople drop a hi it, it .rounds like an explosion. It doesn't require an earthqujvke to shake oiir faith in Some peo pie. Of all human virtues, the world is apt to regard success as the greatest. The people wh i jijae as m.trtyrs seem to get a lot of satisfact'oii out of it. There is always a certa'M amount of coolnesii between the icema:i and his cusloQiers, Aoy lawyer will tell you thit some people hate to take adv.ic? even when they pay fir it. It is possible f .ir a w.nn.m's herd to be turned bv flattery, eve;i w'le i she has a stiff lee'c, A safe and sure nietl''' â-  • '' â-  child troubkvil with w m ii ther Graves' Worut Extenuiiiaiur, Th» Soul of aPianolsthe Action, Insist on the •OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action Canada Business College- CHATHAM, ONT. • n a elasi b-y itself Among Americas' 3«he9«« of Business Training. 4H STUDENTS PLACED IN ISM ; 3SS STUDENTS PLACED IN 1909 475 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1919 We publish tbu linta auuu»lly. We pay full fare up to $8.0«. and bring long tllstuuce etudiiuta for half fare Good board aud room, iJ3.00 |i«i' wu"-" _' If you uaiiDot come to Ohnthiuu, wu laa Imiu .Tou by wall. , Ufirn ftr« auBi« xtudeuM olacod rccual-y- Nate Wndv. CamorvJi.-* Svap. Hell"* ' i;. BurU, Ni. holaiui ir^Oalu. Baxina. U. Wood. TrU'it, -i.^ixT'ttBouoygau. Mich Bight nalU luti"'*ivioi»*d for fttuuograpn- ors, Tnoohois, niid Auditors, for 'jpenlog" worth fniu gtlKJ to $1500, w;".l B'vo VJa Koiu* iAfA of the dxuiautU COLLEGE REOPENS FOR :*TH VEAB SEPTEMBER STH, Ca!a! ^ii» 33 toi's of worU ya Chathsm. -,.,.,•-..,• «,,^,,, ji ^;_,j, (,y mall n m .*.^i • :o C/iatham, cmI <t. OoKaSOi

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