Augi>st3 1911 •4- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- es" 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards M CULLOUGH & TODNO bkDkdt Markdtle -•oeral baukioK kjusineii. Honey loaned et^rceaoBeble relet Cell on ai. TChlSLETT, • Poetmeeter, CejIoD. CommlHioner tn H. C. J .Conveyencer, deedi, ii]ort«aiiea, leeMi, willa etc. cerelully drawn up ollrciioui uiad!>. cliargee reaitoDable. Alio roceriu, flour, teed etc, ke|>tiu iitock, Pricei iKlit. RJ 8FROULB, Pleebarton vouiciieiooer In H.C J., Anctlonee Con* Teyaecer, Appraiier and Money I.eodrr Real Relate and luiurence A(ient. Demii', BOrtgegea. leatee and Willi carefully drawg and valoationi made on tborteel notice oney to loan at loweet rales of intereet. Col- ectiODi attended to with promptnem etaarges low. Agtnt for Ocean UominiOD Bteamihtp Company. A call aoUolted. Farms For Sale or Rent FAKM FUKKALKâ€" Lot no'i. in the .Mb con- ceeeioo of the towuebip of Artcmeiia, coo- talnlDg lOOacrea mora or lata. Property of tbe late W.J. Keatty. There ia a bank Gam and rougbceat bouee on praDiiBeH and ia well watered. Will be sold on reaso>iable termi. Apply to James ti. McMulleo, Ceylon p. o.,Ud'« Foil RALiRâ€" Cheap anl easy terms. If nut , sold soon, for rent to suitable tenant, , North half lot W aud lot 40, con, II, Arteiiieaia, and lot I, con. 12. Oeprey, '.iOO acres, about ISO cleared balance mostly timbered laud, hard I aud soft wood ; t;oo<l stone dwelline and frame : barn, stablinK under ; well watered with never- failing small tiiriiiK creek cioesinii farm close to barn: Thii ia au excellent ifraiu or uraziu); farm and will be aold very cheap 1( taken at ' once and on easy terms. .\ppl) to iC J. I Hproule, Klesherton, Out, I DMcFHAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for the • County of Orey. Torma moderate and astlslsctiori guaranteed. The arrangementi and dates of sales can be made a». Tub Advance office. Kesideuco and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection- Dee. 6.07. ' UIl BALK aheap and on eaay termsâ€" Lots I ' aud 3. con. II Osprey; 3X1 acres; frame dwelling, frame barn and ntsbline under; shout ! 170 acres cleared and under cultivation, Knuio i splendid cedar witli other mixed timber ou I balance, also two small orchards beariuK. Wei watered ;nevoi failing spring creek. Kplendid I Krain andKrazing farm. Apply to It J.Kproulu FlesUerton or Hauiuul OKborne, Maxwell. THE WELSH INVASION. k HAPPY ACCIDENT. WrM. KAlTTISiJ. Licensed Anctioneer for '» tbe counties of tlrey and Klmooe. Farm and Ktock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guarantted. Arrange- oients for dates may be made at the Advsnce offlae or a: T. Hutchinson s store, Fevershaui by addreaalDg me at Feverabam, Unt. Foil SALE very cbeap and on eaey termsâ€" The late l)r,('bri»toe'8:intory brick block in Fleeberton with good stable aud never-fail- ing well ot) pieniiHes, Good large store and good butcher's sbo|i and dwelling;; two v,qoA stone eellars under buildiutj ; is and can be kent well rented ; twoKood halls ou second and third stories ; first class bui*iness staud and will I be sold cheap as owner is engaged in other busiuesH in the west and has iiu further use for It. Apply to It- J. Bproule, Klesherton. RUDI) MATHE'.VB, Markdale, Licensed suc'.ioneer forthe county ot Grey, Good aervice at rosstnsble rates. Dates can be made at Tbe Advance, o OB IHARVFY PKHIGOF.. broker, Fleaherton General brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in safe and liberal companies. Kesi estate etc.. Open accounts and past due cotes handled and money advanced thereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical DB CAKTF.B M C r A 8 Ont, Physician, Surgeon etc Ofllee and residenceâ€" Peter St., Flesberton JP OTTEWKLL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" second door south west, op kary street. This atreet rum south Presbyterian Cbareb- VARM FOR SALEâ€" Very cheap. 100 acres, 'â- lot 9, con. 7. Osprey, only i.tHJU, reasonable cash payment, balance easy teruiH, 83 acren cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti. Ivation, balance timbered, good comlortabin i frame dweliintf, stone cellar under, never fail. I ing snriug well and windmill pump at door, new frame barn, well finished, stone stabling with spring water under, also in shed. £t is situated i mile from Maxwell village wlierii there are stores, post otUces, good school, and is on the gravel roail.Oi miles from railway station. II sold at once, above price, thougli VKUV CHKAl' might be Bha<led a little. .Apply to U. J. SPUOULK, Flesberton, or ' THOMAS GUY. on preu.l«c*. -t Notice to Creditors BV;iLSON, HIackscuitli •jraduate of tue Veterinary Bclenc Association. Durham Ureet. orposlte Boyd, Uros bardware- Dentistry E C. MURRAY L. D. H , dental surgeon â€" bouoi- graduate of Toronto University aud Boyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Gas admlainlslered for teeth extraction OUice at realdence, Toronto Street, Hesterton. D . Legal , UCAfi. BANF.Y* WAI.LAf K-Barristers,; L" oolicltors.etc.-I. H. Lucss, h. C-: W. fc. Kaney K- (.; J- H. U- Wallace. OlUces, ! Toronto. KSV'J Tiadcrs Hank IlWg.. phonei main U12 ; Markdale Lucas Hlock. IMione 2 A. branch odice at Dundalk open every Saturday. | WH WBIOHT. Barrister. Solicitor, Conrey aneer. etc-,â€" Owen Sound, and Flesberton. j Itâ€"Flealiertou olUce, Sproules hlock every I aturday Societies AO U W meets ou tbe last Monday in each mouth, in their lodge room Norrls' block-IFlesharton. at H p.ui M. W., H <• LeGard ; Bee. C. H. Munsliaw; Fin., W- P. ( rossley Visiting brethren Invited ^ PBLNCK ABTHUB LODGF., No. >«3,A.P.ft A M, meeta in the Maaonlcball. Arm- strong s Block, Flesberton. every Friday on or before tbe lull mocn. < '. H. Muisbaw, W. ] U-; TboB. < laylon. Secretary. i r OUBT-.FLF.SHEKTON. 005, I. 0. F. n-'eets in j ^ Claytons Hlock the last Wednesday evening I of each month. Visiting Foresters beartily welcome. H. B., Dyson; B. B., '1'. Henry; Fin. Sec , C. N. Hicbardsou. , , , . i Please pay dues to Flu. Sec. before tbe Qrst ; day of tbe month, I CHOSEN FBIEND8â€" Flesberton Council of. Chosen Friends meets In Clayton's ball Arst and thiril Wednesday of each month H p. ni . Pay assessments to the Hecorder ou or before tee first ilay of each mouth. Chief Councillor T. Blakelav; Kecorder W. H. Bunt- ^_^^_ i The Farmer's Club meote in the high school I building on the llrat Thursday in each month at M oclock ii. lu- Young farmeis specially invited. F. < 'hard. President. «. W. Hellann. Hec.Tteas. Ill the iiialtor of llie estate of Willium •liilinn of the Village "f ^'ev^•I•Nhlilll in llie County of 'Jrey, K>^bllenian, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby ^iven fuirsuant to the re- vised Statuies of Ontario, 1807, Cbap. IJUtliat all tbe creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named William .luliaii.'whodied on or about the fourth day of May, 1911, at the said Village of Keversliam. are refjuireii ou or before the 1st day cf -Aug- ust. I'JII. to sepil bv post prepaid or deliver to James Speer, Feversbsm, Out., or to Uobert Kaniuel McGirr, Keyersiiaui. Out., (the Executors of the last Will and Teslainentof the said deceased) their eliribtiau and Kuriianies, addresses and descriptiouK, the full itarticulurs of tbi-ir claiiiiH, tbe Htetement of tlieir aceoiiiits andtlie nature of tbe securities (if an>) held by tliem. .\Nn KUItTHEK TAKE NOTICK tl- at after siicli last mentioned date the said ext^eutors will proceed to distrlbutu the assets of tbe ceasod among the parties eutitled thereto, liavilit; regard only to the claiiiia of whii-li they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to anv lursou or persons of whose cltiiii notice shall not have been re- ceived by tlieiii at the time of such distribu- tion. W. H. WltlOHT, Owen Bound, (Int. d 22 Solicitor for the sabl Kxecntors. Dated this njth day of June, A.D . lull. YW.l. TKKM OI'KN.S AUGUST •» ELj-IOT T Rerkshires and Tamworth* I have now for sale a few vi ry choice Hoik .hire piKM. nearly ready to weam Hurry your order and get tbe best. Also good Tam worth hoc four ycari old, for sale' GEO. W. H08B, Maxwell P. O. Boar for Service I'lire l!ri<l 'Islnuortli Unsr fur ..erviii 'iVniis, $1, Cash. N. KlnJle, Muxwell, Uut- Bull for Service 'I'lioroiiKlihreil .Slinitli.>rii bull, Hr<ia<lli(Kik's I,a4l, for service iin till In, imi- !•. < Ispiey. i'ediKree on apiilieitiiiii. .Service, ^I.IHI fur \ftw\r». th..r-mi<libie<lH, $.'>. W at time of service, Kull pric- (liiarKeil for cows not returned, .1. .\l. lUKNM. Boars for Service 'I'lie iiiidersittned bus n tloiroiiglilire.l Vork- shlre boar for servii lot Ili7, .'Inl range, K. T. anil S. U., Arteiiiesiii. Terms, -$I-<HI j A Is4 1 Hereford Bull Cor arrv ice. •I.<l. Urtjwii. J 1 .Iv- _; Bill. FOR SERVICE Tl>i>rimKl'''re.lHliortluirii Uiil.'Damly .liiii" ' H17K4, for service on lot IT'l, T. * M. K., Ar- temesia. Tliis aiiiiiinl is of a (fooil ''iiiilkinif i strain- IVdigree on upplicution. Terns,â€" iirailcs $1, registered K». .1 A.S. HTINSON I'ropriotor. { Toronto. Out. stands to-dav without n superior in Canada. Graduates always successful. Catalogtii' free. Our Clubbing: List The following |irices 'iro for Ktrictly paid ill advance HulwcriptionKoiily. We have nu aucouiitH with ullier |)»pers. Fleaherton .Advance f ' 00 Yo'itha Coni|>Hiiion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 2 vtS Toronto Daily News 1 Bo Weekly Globe 8.") Mail-Eni()iro .... 80 Family Hurnld & Star 8.'i T<>ii>iito Star 1 \\h Farmer .Sun 85 | P'armerH Advucata 1 35 f Weekly Witnetg 80 ' Satiiiday Nii<ht ;t 05 Home .lotiruiU (iO I'oultry News .., . 20 I'oulliy Hfview 4<J U'ld and (iun niaK»ziiie 80 The Cymric Race it Pushing to the Front In London. Clever young men in England get :e88 advertising than their contempor- »rie8 in France or in the United Stale?, lor the English need solid an<l lotig proof of merit before they raise their voices and say; "He is great." This is especially true of the world of urt and letters. Yet to-day seems to be the day of the "young" writer in England, and but two innings by the ino.'t effective Kind the tremendously high percen- tage of Welshineu among the new- comers is striking. As it is, they liuve taken their turn tn Fleet street, wliich first succumbed to the Irish and then to the Scotch, and they have invaded the realms of buok-publisfiing as well. First among the younger literary set of the day is Alfred Noyes, who is regarded as a "certainty," if one may be pardoned the expression, for the Poet Laureateship. Noyes is 28. He was famous at 22- Ye't he is unspoilt. An orthodox, ath- letic-looking young man, clean-cut, very "Oxford," but full of the Celtic fire. He writes like a Cymrn (Welsh- man); his fairy tales and tinkling verse are Welsh in spirit, though he is a big enough poet to be interna- tional. "Drake," that rather long but stirring epic; the ballad of the "Forty Singing Seamen," and the very poem he di.slikes most of all his work, the "Barrel Organ," are known to all readers of English verse. Noyes has been influenced by Ox- fordâ€" (he was at Exeter College) â€" but the typical young Welshman, the golden, excitable Celt, is a product of Wales in education. He is far dif- ferent to the genial autocrat of Ox- ford or llie silently independent Cam- bridge man. He loves reading son- orous verse, is a natural orator, takes to theatricals with a born leaning that way. Tills is not one isolated ex- ample, mind you, but is typical of the hundreds of golden youth who come from Gwalia to London seeking for- tune or famc- Two years ago C. W. Miles, a young new.spaperman, founded the Welsh Drama Society, and already con- noisseurs and those who are on the lookout for new theatrical pos.<ibili- t'es are hoping for groat things from u very . nudest beginning. Mr. Mile.-* is now editor of a leading London weekly, although but 27 years of age. are but two out of scores who Could be named in literature â€" all hailing fnim Wales. As an indignant Scotch writer remarked, when refer- ence was made in his hearing to the "rat plague" that might devastate the metropolis: "It is the Welsh plague, you mean." In art the Cymrn is coming to the front. There ari' a score oi Welsh artists in London, all earning g<)0<i livings, who are practically self- tauiiht. In music the Welsh are too well known to need further eulogy, but it is e.'iiiecially in dramatic art that they should provi- interesting. The average Welshman has a na- tural "artistic" sense. It is this that has enabled David Lloyd-George to reach the heights he has. Allhoueh he is not a figurehead of English lit- erature, yet he is a very notable and a very clever man, so the writer may be lorgiven for mentioning that Mr. Lloyd-Ueorge appears to wonderful ad- vantage in social ceremonies. But he should be heard speaking down in Wales among his own people. Hi> is Roinetimes awkward in the Hou.'e of Commons, but m Wah-s never, for he knows that the people, his people, are with him, and he rises to drama- tic heigh.ts that would astonish the stranger who knew not Wales and its inhabitants. Dundalk Mr. D. T. Wright, Princp*! of the H, 0. Well. OwM Hi. Literary Start High School, returned Saturday from Toronto where he waa enraged fur about about three weeks iospecting exairina- to a Broken Blood Ve$tel. In view of the criticisms aimed at him becau«e of his recent books, "Ann Veronica" and "The New Mac Hon papers hiavelli," H. 0. Wells has written what might be called a defence, but which is in fact more of an attack On Thursday July 13th, Miss Ray BannoD, a popular young lady formerly {on his critics and on life. He tells |uf Dundalk, and well known to many I in his own way of his emergence from the teaching profession into litera. ture: "Then I toiled for years to become either a biological investigator or a teacher. 1 set my face sternly against the sort of work I do now. and which even then attracted me most, because 'Kempton, bo:h of Langley, were mar- I thought it a more unprofitable in- tried at high neon to dav by the Rev. W. dulgence of the mind. I hammered Jk McLeod, of the First Presbyterian at the doors of school and laboratory i . ,^ . ' , .. „ â- ' for a chanceâ€" for half a chanceâ€" for church. Mr. and Mrs. Kempton will cf uur readers, was married at Everett, WMhington, to Mr. Albin Kempton. Tbe Daily Herald of that city gives the following account of the happy event : â€" Mi»fi Rachel Baunon and Mr. Albin reside at Lanifley where the groom owns a large farm located just back of tbe towiieite. The bride has several sisters just a little bit of a chance to give my life to these things. I did not understand that both these worlds arc ruled by academic cliques; that I shoukl have entered either only to in Everett, among them Mrs. Honeywell live a life ol embittered obscurity. I JMrg. Neilson and Mrs. Taylor. [The should have spent my days an ham- '. â- .„ ; .i. „ . • . r »# «/ pered, suppres.sed, or unrecognized .^'"^^ " "'« Joungest sister of Mrs. W. researches, and in attempts to venti- A. Armstrong cf Fleaherton. â€" Ed. Au- late highly specialized grievances, lived, indeed, like a man swearing with his head in a bag. But my good vance] A great ij' antity of Bell Telephone luck in its usual disguise of misfor- ;materi*l, including 22,000 pounds of tune intervened, and one day as I jing ^j,e^ ^„ unloaded at thia station iran down Villiers street with a bag , ,. , , |of rock specimens I had been show- ,' '«' *««'' and now a gang of men is ;ing to a class of candidates for the ;engaged in erecting new Unea around JLondon Bachelor of Science degree, I iDundalk agregating nearly 35 miles, coughed and broke a blood -veasrei. L. . .. , j ,. ,, . JThereby I was stretched out, it seem- F '" ^^V''^^''^ 'he gnng will be in jed, a broken and ruined and almost jMelancthon, Osprey and Proton until penniless young man, and as I could ;Noveiuber in this work. Mr. Nixon, ;do nothing else I wrote, and in a [^^^ Local Manager, has been successful year found nivself free to live any- iwhere and write as I liked, twice as <n procuring a large number of addition- iprosperous as I had ever been in my [al subt^criber to Dundalk Central which jincreHses very largely the usefulness of 'life before." I And after all, say what you will, ,., ^ , , iwho does not rejoice when he finds |tn« telephone. himself, Ly his own honest efforts, i twice as prosperous as he was before? i !Fann Laborer's Excursions The Tall-Hatted Highlander. ! Field Marshal gir Evelyn Wood, |40,00O Men Wanted for Harvesting In V.C. who has recently formally as- j Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta sumed his new position as Constable i _, . of the Tower oi London, surely holds Thus years wheat cr<.p, according to a :the record for versatility among dis- conservative estimate, will be two hun- linguished army officers, having serv- jj^^^j .uin ion bushels, and the Manitoba, 'ed and fought in the navy. Light Dra- i„ , _ , , .„ goons, Lancers. Irregular Horse, and |Saskatchewan and Alberta governments Highlanders, in addition to which he advist* thai tifty thousand men will be re- joined the Middle Temple aud was ..uired. The luaj iriiy of these have to called to the Bar in 1874. and is the . ., , , ., , â- a ^\ n author of works renowned for their ;>» â„¢<=""^''d ff""' «"'»"". '"'d H'e Cana- high literary distinction. A good story Idian Pacific rsilway are running excur- may be told of his attachment to a 'sions to Winnipeg anl west at f 10. Free iregiment of Highlanders when the ^-^^ ^ „ ^ ,; j Winnipeg to latter were stationed at Portsmouth. , *^' ^ ° Sir Evelyn, then a captain, one day destinations in Western Canada east of ireturned from London, and with great Moose Jaw. Saskatoon and branches, hurry proceeded to array himself lor g ,^, ,^^^, j^ „^-,,g j„ Winnipeg will parade. When he last emerged, M ., l .v ,-i w» .. l â- â- [observed that his men were evidently °^ '"" "y the C. P. K., the only through at great pains to conceal their laugh- line, ou the following dates : ,ter, and he quietly questioned his ...„ lo f„ _ _ti • . n » • jsubaltern as to the probable reason. Aug. U, from all pomu m Ontano I "Well, sir," replied the latter, "you north of the G.T.R. main line Toronto to are dressed Correctly as to kilt, spor- isarnia, which includes all branches .ind ;ran. aud all the rest of .1; but you |,he Toronto-Sudbury line. Aug- 16,from points in eastern Ontario Aug. 23, from all points West of To- ronto in Ontario. Aug, 25, from all points east of To- ronto in Ontario and (jueWc. have forgotten to remove your hat!" Insuring Jewels. Some large insurances were offered to the companies and members of Llovd'a on jewels to be worn hv In- dian princes attending the coronation. 1 Through trains will bo run from On- One insurance for $425.U00 was under- itaro points on the above dates to Winni- written. and in another case the value of the property was between $1,000,000 and $1,500,000. In some i instances the risks covered are those of transit to and from India, and that !of burglary during the owner's stay in Loudon. This Medicine Is Breathed I Bull For Service { Tliiirongbbiwl llert-foril Hull (or service mi ' tut 171, con. :) .S- W- I', and -S. K-, Aite â- isnia. 'IVrini-»l for gridli-, W for |iuic- br«l. Any i^-w ii»l rrtiiriifd will lie cliarK"! In hill whether inralfor not. ' 14.M»r.J -T. A .1. WATSON. I Dates of Fall Fairs FLKSIIEUTON, l-^al Grey, Sept 2H-21) Price* illo Oct. r> and Dundalk Oct- I'-M:' Uorliam Sept. 2«,'JV FcTciahani Oct. ;i,4 Hanover SHpf. 12, i:t Markdale Oct- 3,4 Meaford Sept. 2«,2lt Mt. Foreat.... Sept. 2»,2« <h-»ngeville Hept. 14,15 Rocklyn OeX. n,« Shelburne Sept- 2fi,27 Save 7ou a Cold?â€" It Can Be Completely Oared By Catarrhozone It Quickly Cures Whooping Cough, Orippe, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hay-Fever, Asthma, and Colds. Cntnrrliozoiie l.-* not like other reme- dies, but Is HO lieallMK anil soothlnt; that when It Is bnathi'il throuKh the Inhaler It kills the Rerina tluit cause ill»i-asos of llif throat and lunif-s. Cutarrliiizoiie ((ulikl)' sootlii'S and healH till' mueoua surfiires so that In a short time the whola niuooua llnInK Ih lieuled. If you are subject to throat Irrita- tion or have a tendency to consuinp- llnn \(iu slioulJ usu the "Medicine that In breatlifil." Thousuiiils who have used It tell of Its merit. Air whii'h yon breathe through the CatarrhoKoiio Inhaler e.irrlf.-t li.Hllnn to th<- vi-ry ."pol affi-rteil, uml tlu'ro is no ihanc- of fMllure hy k<>Ii)K to the wrong pldci'- That is wlij U cures. Catarrhozone Approved by Doctors, l)ru*ri{i>''ts. and thousands of ("anailinn i>eopli- wl>o have used It. I.lttli' ilrnps of hi'iilliiK for wenk iilaci's In the thrnat iind na.'ial â- lasnatfesâ€" that's «'»tiirrho/.oMf. Three slsiis. 2r.e., 50e., and $1.00. at I (IruKK'sts or b>' niall, piLMtpaid. from The ('nliirrho-/.i>n.' Co, Uuffulu, N,T.» ' 'nd Klngiitou. Uut. H!s Master's Lag. Ixird Rras-ipy, who has announced his conversion to votes for woint'n, holds many unique recordii. oue be- ing that he is the only colonial gov- ernor whofver ."iiilid to his colony in hi-K own yachtâ€" a feat which he suc- cessfully accompliiihed on his ap- f>ointinent as governor of Victoria. After yachting. Lord IJrassey's fav- orite recreation U cricket. On the rnugnificenl grouniU .surrounding hi-* Iveautiful Sussi X peat niatihes nre frequently played during the season. Of one of these fights hi, lordship told a capital story. It appeHr.i that there was u scarcity of available tal- ent, with the result that it wa* neces- sary to secure «me of Lord llra.ssey'a footmen as umjiire. In due course his lord'^hip himself went in, and n lf>cnl bowler was put on. The second ball he stopped with his leg, and the cry WH.< raisi-il. "How's that?" It was the footinan who had to arkswer, and turning to his muster, he exclaimed, in a half-aiHtlogetie tone, "I'm afrai<l I must say, 'Not at home.' your lordship." "Not at homer" cried Lord Brassey. "What do you mean?" "Well, then, it you will have it." the footinan iiiade answer, "1 mean you are hout." Joint Stamp Issued. For the first lime in history a joint stump, bearing the legends l)oth of France and Britain, has been i.^ssued in the New Hebrides I.dands, which are jointly administered in the two oouutiiea. peg, avoiding all transfer or customs troubles en route. Ask any C.P.R. agent for Circular giving rates, condi- tions, special trbin service, etc., from Toronto ami points in Ontario, or write tiR. L. Thompson, U.P.A., C.P.K-, Toronto. Voters* List Municipality of the Township of Osprey Notice is hereby given that I h»>e transinittid, or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections Sand i» of the , when the high wind then prevailing broke Ontario Volet's List Act, the copies a briiueh oH'h nearby tree, which fe'l on i-e,|uired by sa d sections to be tianf- John t'ondlon, of the Stayner r lad, was seriou-ly injured on Monday hy Le- in^ run over wiih the binder. It seems he wa« oiling in front of the bi'^ wheel the horses, causini! them to start suddenly. He wns knocked down, ai.d the wheel passed over liiiii.â€" Creeuioie Star. PHYSICIANS failed to Cure Rheumatism Coincidences of Dates. .\ttention lia.s olten been called to the curious fact of the date Sept. 3 figuring so largely in the history of tiliver Cromwell. That very dominat- ing man was burn on Sept. 3, 1599: he won the battle of Dunbar Sept. 3, 1050; that ol Worcester Sept. 3. 1651, anil he died Sept. 3. IS&d. 'I'll.' number ly had fatal influence 1.11 \\\i' Stuarts, Robert 11., the first Stuart king, filed in 1338; Jamcg 11. wa.-^ ki!le<l at thi' su'ge (d H.ixburghe rastlr, U*i: Mary, Queen of Se<'t<. was beheaded in Kotheringay, 158." (ili'W style); James Vli. (II. of Kiig- liind,) was Oethrimed in ItiSH; Uoniiy Prince (.'harlie die 1 in Uonie, 17H(*, arul with him died th; .'ast hope.s of the Jacobite.*. uiitted or deli^'ertxl of the list, made pui suant to said \cx, of all persons ap|)e«r- iiig by the lost revised Assessment Roll of the Said MunicijKility, to be euti,iled |to vo'e in the said Alniiicipality, at elec- lions for Members of Legislative As- sembly and at Munici(>al Rlectloii, and ;that t le said list w»s pofted up iat my ottice at Mclniyre the 29lh day of I -'uly, 1911, and reiiiaiiis for inK|)ection. Miss Flora Chapman ViV-^ Klectors «>e oalled ii(K>n to eiamine I IQiy UeSCnOeS Her OUIier- ^^y other eir.>is are found therein to ings and Ultimate Cure '*!"' """"'^i'*'^' proceedings t., have the __JT , . said errors corrected according to law. With "Nervihne." f thos. scott, cierk. ;D*ted Jaly 29th, 1911. "After being an enthusiastic user of Nervllliic for years. 1 fefl It my duty' to tell you personally what your won-i dertul preparation has doiu. for me. ; "I suffered torture from rheumatism 'and heart trouble, tried scores of so-1 [called remedies, consulted (or weeks land months with Toronto's most finl-j Inent physicians, but derived only slightj benefit. i "A friend Insisted on my uslngi Nervlline. and to mv surprise a vi(f-i.,i..jj'VT yin-vi-k oroiis rubbing of this powerful linl-^ "^-^ f<t»t.>U Our Equipment ONTARIO inent eased the pains and reduced thefFor thirty years we have prided our- coniplete eijuipment. atlffnesB in my joints. I continued to selves on our use Nervlline and was p.rmanentlyiKvery modern device and convenience cured. I am now perfect y we , aiid„i,„, '.,,„ â- . _ u ^ i ' , for three yeare havel' ,:';!."'*' ^'"'''^.*'"**';rr'""" "n"'*' *'"'"'* CURED 3 YEARS at all. I know many '"•''"*^'' *'"" """" i''*l>ital and me»gre rumilKs wlitTe noi^'I'lip't'ent cannot give you the same other medicine buti'r»'i''l>g thai you can get at the Xerviliiie Is kept â- Northern. C. A, Weight of Trains. Lord .Allerton has been comment- inK on the modern d'>niand for oon- venii'iici' iinil luxury of every kind in troveliiii:, an<l he a-kn us to thinli what thi.< means in the increase of the weiuht of trains. While 'a few years huo trains were of about 160 tons weight, we now had traiiiA run- ning at an average sjieed of fifty to si.xtv miles an hour â€" and V^lghing 340 or 350 tons.-TitrBit*. â- ^*^~ _^_^_____^^ It Is so ustful in minor uilimnts like e.arache, to.ithaehe. •niuralRla. coukIi-s, colds, hnnbago. .ind iSilatiea- 1 cull NirviHiie my "l^lfepAII TFRM rkPCMC cppx Ouard," and urge all to try it.s merii. " '^'^^ ""*" OPENS SEPT. Dee. 17th, 113 I'almerston :_ "~ I AVfiiUe, Toronto. I Refuse nnything else offered Instead of Nervlline, r«Oc per botUe. trial sljse. ;f.c. All dealens, or The C'atarrhoaone, l,ot.s L-S aml'.M, Con. 11, tnwiiship of thiprey. t'o., KiiiK^toii, Oiit. OiMitiiiiiiiijf I'.Vi mies cleared nil lor gixHl iitaie 111 cultivation: wi-ll fciu-fd, the reiiiaiiiih r tiiiibi rid with harilwiind and Hoft liiiiWr. fiiiiiie barn with »tiiiie wall and water through the stiiblt'H, brick lunise and K^iod oi'oliMiil. Tiriiix easy. .Must lie sold owing til illne"!!. Fleming, F.C.A., 0. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. 4th, FARM FOR SALE NERVILINE Cures Rheumatism â- \pplyto lAiijt .SAM! KI- PARK Fcvemha.ii, Out. LIVERLAZINESS Those Who Lack Energy and are Unsuccessful Should Bead This Closely. "I am only thirty yeani old. yet for almost two years I have felt more like aeventy-flve. I have found it difficult to Bleep at nig-ht and in the raoming feel so depressed and heavy that ef- fort was difficult. My hands were al- ways clammy and perspiration on slight effort would break out all over me. It was not unnatural that I should begin to brood over the chance that I should soon be unfit to do my work, and this dread made my sleep- less nights perfect misery. After re- peated trials of medicine and mix- tures Dr. Hamilton's Pills gave me the first gleam of hojie. From the very first I could see they were dif- ferent In action from other pills. They didn't gripe and acted as naturally as ; If nature and not the pills were^ cleansing my clogged up system- My spirits rose, I felt much better, the sluggish action of the system gave way to normal activity. Dizziness and neadaches ceased, appetite, good color, and ambition to work returned and have remained. I am like a new man and I thank Dr. Hamilton's Pills for it all-" This was the experience of J. E. Parkhurst. a well-known grocery dealer in Jefferson. Follcnv his ad- vice, use Dr- Hamilton's Pills for your stomach, kidnej-s. and liver, and you'll enjoy long life and robust good health. All dealers .sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills. In yellow boxes. 25c- per box, from The Catarrhozone Co.. Kingston. Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate Liver and Kidneys Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Mrs. Joanna Hendry of the township of • Jsprey in the County of Grey, farmer's wife, deceased. NOTICE is eereby given pursuant to the revi.sed StiUures of ( Intario, 1897, . Chap. 12!> that al the creditors and others having claitus against the estate of the above named .loanna Hendry, who • died on or about the twenty-second day March, 1911, in the said Township of Osprey are required on or before the 1st dny ot October, I'.U to send by post prepaid or deliver to Uobert or Charles Sworder, KoUpore post otbce, Ont., (the Executor-1 of the last Will and Testament of the said dece;ised) their christian and surnames, addres.se8 and descriptions, the full juirticulars of their claims, the • .statement of their accounts and the nature of the .securties (if any) held by • them. Ami Fi'rthkr Take Nothk that after such last mentioned date the said- executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall ' then have notice, and that the said ex- ecutors will not be liable lor the said' a.ssets or any part thereof to any person- or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been leceived by them at the • time of such distributioii. lianK A Faik, Colliiigw(.>od, Out. Solicitors for the Executors. . Dated this 12th day of July, A. D.. li)ll. Mortgage Sale Of Farm Property In the Township of Osprey- I'nder and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will bo produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by- public auction, at Munshaw's hotel in the VdUnc of Fleshurton on Saturday, the 12ih day of Au«, A- D. 1911, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following property, namely : -Lot number Nineteen in the Seventh Cou- ce-ssion of the Township of Osprey in the County of (Irey, containing one hundred acres mors or les-s. There is said to lie twenty-live acres of the above land cleared and the bal.-iiice' in hardwiHid bush. I poll the premises are said to be a •mall fiaine house and a frame stable. The property is situated two miles from the Village of Maxwell. TERMS: Ten per cent, of the pur- money to be paid on the date ot sale, and the balance in thirty daya ihereafter, without For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to W. 11. WRKJHT, Vendor's Solicitor Owen Sound, Ont. ,ii[ Hum. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat ""(to 7» Oats .S5 to ;»â- Peas 75 to 75- Barley 60 to 60 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter IC to 16 Kugs, fresh 17 'c 17 Potatoes per bag 65 to (i5 Oeese.... 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickens 12 to 12 Turkeys 15 to 16 Wool 20 to 2a Pwidely Attended n The splendid patronane enjoyed to-lay by the COLLINGWOOD Business College Is the verdict of i-'ound, thorouuh, practical liaining;- Write for cata- lo^ue. Now is the time to enter. T. E. Hawkins. Principal 1| i