Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Aug 1911, p. 6

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'the news in A PMCRAPHIpRICE!! OF FAi PRODyCIS It (3<^t^^<:?^ y^;. :--m.:m MPTON'S11|§ \^?;'\' PyER2 MILUON^PACKAGtS SOLD V/EtH|^J'?^^i^^ USE OF COCAll SPREAmiG Montreal Chief of Police Makes It a Feature oi His Report A despatch from Montreal saya : Hva feature of the sDnual report of the Supcrinten<le«t of Police for the year 1910, which has just been made public, is the letter dealing nith the increasing use of c<K'aine in Montreal. Chief Canipeau Bays io part : "In submitting the annual report of the operatiuna of the police de- partment for the year 1910, 1 think it my duty to speak of the incrcas- ing use of cocaine which it spread- ing amongst the younger element of the city especially. Since July last, the fwlice of Montreal have made over 150 arrests on charges of using or selling the drug. This number is alarming and the atten- tion of the authorities is drawn to this fact particularly. Offences are repeated in more than normal pro- portions, and this is due to the fa- cility with wliich one can procure the poiwn and tlie bva/.enness of those who sell this pernicious pro- duct. }m MERRY OLO ENGLAND ^LWS BY MVir, A BO IT JOHN BLLL AND U13 I'tOl'LE. 3rijrrence» la tha Land Tliai Ccisos Supt'cam ia (bo C'oia* nercial World. Mrs. France" Saunders was killed by a fall from a cliff near Bristol. Amy Midgley, a woollen weaver, was accidentally killed in a Hud- dersfield mil!. Th<> fyord Mayor of London cele- brated the Coronation by losing his watcli in the crowd. Fight persons were injured in a motor bus Occident which occurred at Kcnisal Rise, f.ondon. One man was killed while eleven were injured in a a<.>cidcnt at Meii^rs. Doxford's Shipyard, Sun- derland, recently. While exaxumiii({ a loaded re- volver witii Kunie friends in a rail- way carriage at Bethnal (Jrwen, Arthur Cutler, aged Itt, was fat ally shot. The Karl of Ducic has resigned' the Lord Lieutennncy of Ulouce' terahire, whirli li« Inh held sinc-j IHoT. The earl is eighty four yuars old. The strike in the wocdcoinbl g i'l dustry at HrndfoTd and dist 'c; li,>» endi-d, the nvn iiaving dei.i'Jrd to return to work on the old condi- tions. Ttiere was nut a single bid at Yarmouth fish niark«>t f(jr a ''argi of iced Norwegian niacki-rel v.hith had l)ecn di\<?rted from Hull ow ing to tlie htriki' there. The King's Huuuty has been gr.intixl to the wife of Thomas ]5lacklium, of lUuniiam (Mucks), near Maidenhead, wiio gave birth to triplets, all girls, on Coruiia- tion Day. A Preston wnnian of !)2, who walked n» a .scliolar i.i a proces- liiju during the Coronation cele- brations of William IV., has just received her fourth Coroation medal. After being reprimanded by his father for gfting up lato in the morning, Herbert Ward, o boy of aixl^-en, WHS found hanging in n Btablc at Oa<lby, near Leiceiiter. A London man, who failed to iiay lii'< way, admiCs that for four yrsrs be hufl worked only on Kank Holidays and o.on then only at picking up waste iiai>er! According to a report isiued thifi week there w<Me lOH boiler oxpio i.ions, roRulliiiK in fourteen per- sona beting killed and sixty-two in- jured, in the United Kingdom last year. Disorderly scenes took jilace at Evesham during Coronation fcsti- vitiee. Tlie crowd, believing the public ball was paid out of public funds, tore d<jwn the decorations, set fir« to them and broke the windows in the n.ayor's bouse. Decayed potatoes caused the death of three sailors on Ixiard the Dreadnought 'Superb" at Port- land. An uniileasanl smell was de- tected in the lower provision hold, and the men, jiroceeding to ascer- tain the cause, were immediately overcome by gas. DAI'PENINOS FROM ALL OTEB TUF (H.ORE IN 4 NLISOLLL. Canada, (be F.uipiro and the \Sot\i ia (leoeral Keforo Your Ejes. CANADA. The r.iilways announce an in- crease in the rates on anthracite coal. Montreal longshoremen accuse the {..'. J'. K. of maintaining a blacklist. Porcupine is crowded with peo- I pie, and sanitary precautions are I said to be badly neglected. The Canadia/i Northern has taken out a permit for a new .sta- tion at Belleville to cost $2i,000. Louis Dion was shot by Jules Plourde in a quarrel at St. Ho- nore. Que. The defendant pleads self-defence. Over $00,000,000 worth of miner- als were produced in Ontario last year, wliich is 40 per cent, of the production of the whole Domin- ion. Capt. We!ler"s boat, the Roman- ia, on which he started to cro'js the ocean to Quecnstown, was wreck- ed at Cheboguo Point, N. K. Mr. W. D. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration, hopes to supply the labor demands of tlie west with importations from Kurope. The contract has been signed with 'the Canadian Vickers, Limiteti, for the construction of a three-milliun- dollar drydock at Montreal. A family namea Leraieu.K lay claim to Anticosti Island, and are talk- ing of taking legal proceedings against M. Menier, the present owner. Louis Desautela and his wife were sentenced to ten years' im- prisonment at Montreal for shock ing cruelty to the woman's eight- ycar-uld daughter. The appointment of Mr. D. C. Cameron of Vvinnijieg to bo Lieu- tenant-Governor of Alanitoiia, in succession to .Sir Daniel McMillan, has been pi-, through by order iu Council. UKi'ORis rno.M the leadin*. TRADE CENTRES 0» AUEUICA. I'Hcps or CafJle, Grafn, Chee»» and Other I'roduro at noma and Abroad. BKK.iDSTUFF.S. bu^'?u2II."';/"»- 1-P"e wa« liilla or no ini?s n! n^ '"* '" 0"'«'-io wheat. Offer- 2 ?.Jl Wi.t ""'•'<'<''• Oats ur.. i-asier No. ni-rnVr. ^ â-  " Wi.iji,i)rg price., were ".bi lirL J.'-^"' •^'"""•<'*1 freight. Sfaii- on t?a:^k,*To'?;,„r.!"' "''â- ""* "â- "'"«â- â-  **-^'' B^l^VAV"/'* «"'",? t- No. 1 Nortbeni. «1. 9*1^- • * "â-  ^ "' " '•''<•• *'«• ^"- ^ at "Uf,.,J,., ami „ld at BJr, outside. iKH^rimr """'•ket ia dull, with prira* Oats- Ontario graitej, ii to SO l-2c, out- Hide f,,r .No. 2. and at 41 1.2 to «c, oti L'iff Kt ^T"".'",;, •"*"â-  2 W. C. oats at 40 i-4c, and .No. 5 at J9 l-4c. Bay ports < orii--No. 2 American ysllow. U l-2p. Bay porta, and 70 1-2 to 71.-. Toronto. Pea* lh» Diiirket is dull, with pric^ea puri-ly noniinal. K.yeTIifre n uoue nfferinu, and prices are nominal. Buckwheat -Xothlai offering Bran -Manitoba*, f>.0. m bars, Toronto. So!,''..^ â- *'""â- ' J *'^- '" ''*«» Ontario biau, â- jaO.W), lu bags, Toronto. rOOR CHANCE FOR .\ VIATORS, Ro\ Kile.s Shot I'nll of Holes From lleek of Raltleshjn. \ dcjiatch from Pruvincetown, Mass., says: The modern battle- ship is not likely to liavo much trouble in disjiosing of such ene- mies as come by aerojilane, if the aerial marksmanslnp of the gun- ners aliroad the battleship New Hampshire is any indication. The tests were made more dilUcult by being held at night. Huge box kites, pulled through the air by a fa»t torpedo boat, were the tar- gets, rnder the eye of the war- ship's searchlights the flying marks, supposed to be hostile bijilanes, wero riddle<l with bullets from the rifles of sharpshooters and an au- tomatic Colt field gun of eight cali- bre, which pumped 100 .steel i>e!- lets a niiniit". The kites were easilv hit at :J00 and 500 yards. . â- > C.\l GUT 7" WHALES. Two KIg Sleumers Report by Wiie- ie.s.s a Record Vancouver Catcli. \ des)iatcli from Victoria. R. C, says: The steam whalers St. Law- rence and White, working from the Kyuhout station, have l>roken all records for their catch during the last two weeks, accoriiing to speci'il advices receiviHl by wireless. Sev- enty-seven whalers were taken off the coast of Vancouver. .\N OCE.IN tr\<;ei)v. S((f' 'er Sank Suddenly and Ten Perished. A despatch from Halifax, N.S., says: The Btenmer John Irwin, owned by the Port |{oi:kI Coal Coni- pany, foiin<U'red on Tuesday nioni- iiig off Beaver Light, N. B., on a voyage from l\irl Morien, N. S., to Halif IX. The Irwin had a crew of 11, ami all p'-rinlu'd except the mate, W. L. McLcod, whox.c escape was remaikable. SBflW INCREASE DominioD, Trade Returns for the Quarter Endino: With Juno A despatch {lom Ottawa snyu : For the past (piarter of the present Cical year (.'an.ida's total Ira^Io was |l«0,siO,4BB, an increase of $9,706,798, •! com pi el wi(l< April, May and June of j ear The iocreaae ir«« ontirely in iin port*, which toUlled •li<l,.-«J3. 584, or nearly tw«lr« iniUioiis noro than for the (v)r(Oipoii4iiig pxruMi Kxports of <|omestic products ag giegated * il,(i:!l, lOH, a falling ofl of nearly three niilliims, itf which two millions was in exports of for est jivoducts. The tra<l« for June t'tallod >tW, 710,309. an increase of I^,•t9^,^^.^ Import* for the inoi'th totalUd *4;i,f«aO,'»ftl, an iueiojiNo of a Uttle over three millions Pu.stsjmi rovunue for tlui Ihroo tuostha wan 9l6,9^MJua, %n iuoi:e«8« COUNTRT PROnrCE. Bean« Small lotn Jl.Si to «1.90. Honey txtraited. in tloa. 11 to 12c por III. ( ouibs, $2 to 12.60 Baled hay .No. 1 at %12 to $14. on track, and No. 2 at SlO to »I4, Bali-il .Htraw H to »6 iO, on track. To- r<jDto. Potatoes- New. in b>rrel.4, $4.50. and in baK!4. ISl.SO. Poultry Kprintr cbickenH. 2i to 23o par lb; fowl, 15 to 14c; turkeys, 18 to 19u. BUTTEn AND EGOS. Butter- Dairy prfnti. 13 to ZOt-: Inferior. 15 to 17c. Creamery, 25 to 24e per lb for rolls, and 21 to 22i- for Holid^. Kgg-N Strictly new laid. 21 to 22c. and fresh at 18 to 19c per doren. in cane lotn. <;beese l^arge, lie, and twins, IJ l-»c per HOG PRODtJCTS. Bacon I.oiiit clear, II l-2c per lb, iu case lots. Pork, Bh.irt cut, «2J. HaniK Medium to light. 17 to 17 l-2e; do., heavy. 14 1.2 to li l-2c: rolls, 11 1-2 to 12c: breakfast bacou, 17 to 18c: back*. 19 l-2c to 20o. Lard- Tiercf», 10 l-4o: tuba. 10 l-2c: paiU. 10 J.4c. IINB MIllIO^TfflS BSED Expenditure on One Item of Railway Con- . . . struotion in Canada GRKAT RRIT.MX. The rumored of the King is contradicted. The visit of the British .\tlantic Heet to Norway wa:s postponed. UNITKD ST.VTF..S. .\n effort to disfranchise all ne- groes in (Jeorgia is being made. The sealing treaty was linally passed by the Senate at Washing- ton. .\lr. ICdwa rd .M. Shepard, a prom- inent New York lawyer and Demo- cratic leader, is dead. The International Harvester Company is alleged to have violat ed the antirtrust law. Thirty-seven of the alleged 'wire tru-it" men pleaded guilty and! were lined in New Vork. The reciiirocity bill is signed and 1 pulp and ])ap(!r arc now admitted free into the I'liited Sta'es from lands upon which there are uu ex- port restrictions. msi.NKSS AT MO.NTItKAL. Montreal, Aus. 1. Oal.n Canadian West- ern, No. 3. 42 1-2 t.i 4jc, ear lot*, ei more: extra .No. I feed, 42 to 42 lie; No. 1 C.W.. 41 1.2 to 42e: .No. 2, local while, 41c: No. J local white, 40c: No. 4 local whilfl, Mr. Kloiir Uaiiituba SpriuK wheat patents. firBl«, !>5.J0: do., necouda, «4.80: Winter wheat uaients, !S4.M to $475: Htrong bak- ern'. S4.60; straiicht rollers. *4 to »4.10; do., in bncB. St 7? to .tl.8.<. Kolled oat.4 Per barrel. $4.75: bag of 90 ib», 12.25. CVirn- American No. i yellow. 70c. Mill- feoil Bran. Ontario, $21 to t22: Manitoba, $20 to (21: niiddliugx, Ontario, ?Z4 to $25: Hhortp, Manitoba. â- 923: nioiiiIUe, 125 to $31. Kkrh ScK-oted, 21 l-2c ; fresh, 17 l-2c: No. 1 htock. 18 l-2<-. i;heese Wenterni. 11 J-4 to 12 1.4c: eastern*. 11 1-2 to Uc. Butterâ€" C'hoice.t. 22 3-4 to 23 l-4c. VXITKD STATUS IIARKKTS. MinnoapoliH, .Aug. 1. Wheat .Inly. 94 l-Bc: Scpienibcr. 95 5-4e; D<Member. 97 l.Siv Cash, N.>. 1 bard, 99 l-4c : No. I Northern, % J-4 to 98 3-4c: No 2 Northern. 94 14 to 97 l-4«: No. J wheat, 92 14 to 94 J-4c. Corn â-  No. J yellow, 62 12 to 63c. Oat.* No. 3 white, 38 1-4 to 39 1.4o. No, 2 rye, 81c. Bran $20.50 to $21. Flour First patents, $4.90 10 $5.10; second patents, I4.40 to $4 65: tlrst doara, $3.25 to $3.45; second dears, $2.25 to $2.46. Buffalo, Aug. 1. spring wheat No. 1 Northern, carloads, ntore, SI 03 bSc; Win. ter. No. 2 red, 88c; No. 3 r»d, 86c; No. 2 white. 86c. Corn No. J y«llow. 67c. No. 4 yollow, 6.5 1.4i;: No. 3 corn, 64 3-4c, all on traik. Uinnigh hillod. Oats No. 2 white, 42 3-4c: No. 3 white. 42c; No. 4 while, 41c GKNKR.VL. .\ French army officer resigned his office on a tpicstion over r.ri- Japan and Uussia are at logger- heads over liie seizure of a Japan- ese sealing vessel. Thousands of jieople are liome- Thousa ds of jieople are hon^e- less as a result of e.vtens've litc= in Constantinople. ♦ A I'L.iOLK OF RATS. Miinlreal AnIhiirilieH Askeil (o Take Sleps lo Check IVsl. \ «Iespatch from Montreal says : Montreal is suffering from a plague of rats, and the trouble has Ijc- conie so serious that the municipal authorities have been asked to take a hand. The trouble is felt especi- ally by owners of warehouses along the liarlior front, who ejaim that a Constant stream of roilents is com- ing from the sewers aiul from the vessels in pi.nt, causing them heavy hiss. Dr. Laberge, city hcjiltli of- ficer, has presented a report to the ;iiitliorities outlining a plan of cain- liaign to be carried on along scien- tific lines. TIIN in:\l» IN TRAIN WRIM K. M.vproH.i Kroiii St. John, N. R., to Ro.ston, Striirk Train. \ despatch from Mil'inocket, Maine, says: Ten people are re- [lorlod to have boon killed an<l many injured in a wreck on the Kangor aind .Vroo.slouk Railroad which occurrotl near Urindsloiio station, ten miloa auuth of here, juit JHjfore midnight an Friday. The St. John-Buatun ozpreai col- litlod with an exmiraion train rn- turning fruia Seariport to thia tawOv I.IVK STOCK MARKETS. Buckwheat Nothing olfernir. 6 to 6 1.4c, (nod at 5 1-! »o 5 l-ic. fairly K<»id at 5 to 5 1-20. fair at 4 1-2 to 4 3.4c. and common at 4 to 4 1.4r per pound. Cows brou^lit from J 1-2 to 4 3.4c. and IiuIIh from J to 5o per pound, as to qual- ity. Sheen e.ild at $4.50 lo S5; lambs at ♦3.75 lo tS: and ealves at $3 lo ii each, •a to iioality. Th« demand for bogs was >(Kn1 and prlcen ruled (Irm. with sales of "elected lots at «T.25 lo 17.50 per cwl., weighed off cars. . , , Toronto. Aug I. .Steers and hoifers of the rougher <lasi were sold as low as $4 60 and $4.75. Medium cattle ranged from $5 60 to .$5 80. Cows and hnll;» were steady at S4 50 lo »5 and «5.10 for the choicest offerings. Milkers were niioted at *iO lo $60 for good ones. Hogs and oth- er small stock were Hleady. A despatch from Ottawa says : The forestry branch of the Depart- ment of the Interior has collected statistics with rega-d to the cross- tie consumption in Canada for 1910. There were 9,213,96a cross-ties pur- chased in 1910 by the steam and electric roads of Canada at a cost of Ida, 5oo, 2-28. This is a decrease of [id per cent, from the number purchased in 1909. The average Cost of these ties at the point of purchase was 3Sc per tie. Three kinds of woocL cedar, jackpine and hemlock, furnished 77 per cent, of all the ties purchased. Cedar it- self supplied to per cent, of the total consumpti. n, and its nse is increa.^ing yearly in proportion to other species. OaK, which makes an exi>ensive tie, costing 74c each, was used princiiially by an I'uited States company having mileage in Canada. (3f the total number ol , ties purchased 70 per cent, we-a hewn ties. The only importanii s(iecieB which has » majority of sawn ties was oak. Sawn ties cost on tne average 36c per tie and hewn ties cost 3c. more. The steam rail- ways used 95 per cent, of all the tie.s, and these ties cost them on the average 3Sc. The electric rail- ways used 302.510 tiesâ€" an increase of 183 per cent, over 1909. They paid for their ties 41c. eacii. .\1- though on the avorag.. they use smaller ties, this excess of 3c in the vost is due not only to the disad- vantages incident to contracts for smaller quantities of materials, but also to the fact that the elec- tric roads are more likely to pnr- clias- tie at jioints where tlie pric« includes transportation charge.s. GRAIN INSI'F.dOR ARRI.STKR. Uolpctivos Clahu to Have Inearlh- eil u Sy-sleiu of Robbery. .\ despatch from Winnipeg says: Secret service men of the Caiiadlau Pacific Ila-lway claim to have un- earthed a luige rol>bery game by which hundreils of cars have been looted in the local yards. Charles Thomas, a Government grain in- sjiector, is uiuler arrest. A num- ber of other arrestfi, detectives claim, will follow. .-Ml grain in- stiei'tors have access to all freiglit cars, the detectives say. For sev- eral months complaints have been general about looting of C. V. R. freight cars in the local yaixls. Thomas camo to Winnipeg two years ago from Kansas C'ity. G.P-R. LINER HIT SUNKEN ROCK The Empress of China is Stranded on the Coast of Japan A despatch from Tuklo says : The British steamer Empress of China on Thursday struck a sunk- en rock off the Province of Bostiu. Her passengers were landed safely. It is e.vpected the vessel will be refloated. The accident occurred near the scene of the wreck of the Great Northern steamship Dakota in the Spring of 1907. Submerged rocks e.Ktend about a mile from the coast, wliich is swept liy danger- ous currents. .\s soon as word of the accident was received here Vice- Admiral Sato, the Minister of Murine, de- spatched the cruisers Azo and Soya, of the Japanese training si)uadroii, to the assistance of the distressed ship. The cruisers took off the mails and baggage of tlie Lmpress and aided in removing the ISo pas- sengers to the mainland. The pas- sengers were* temporarily housed in temples and a school buildi'ig, and later procee^led by train to this city. The ship's bottom was badly <lamaged, and if the craft is saved it will take three months to repair her. -*- CANADA'S NKW COINAGF. Design for New I'ifly niiil Ten-Cent I'.eees are ReeeivcJ. \ despatch fronj Ottawa says : .\n extra of the Canada Ga/ette proclaims the design for the new 50 cent and 10-cent pieces. For the 60-cent pieces the obverse im- (iression will have the effigy of King George with the Imperial crown and robe, and the in>^cription "Oeorgius V., Rex Kl Ind. Imp.," and for the reverse "50 cents. Canada," the year, a wreath of maplo and th» Imperial orown. Tim impression of the 10 cent piece vill b» tho sanio except lot iho 11 III. IS SCARCE. Saskalchewnn Likely lo Suiter by the Miners Strike. .\ despatch from Kegina, Sask., fays : The Government from infor- mation secured from all the coal dealers in the province, has issued a report on the present situation. Reports on scarcity of fuel are con- tirioed, and it is found that with the o.xception of a little sup)ily which towns on the Soo Line get from the Souris Valley the only source from which coal is brought here is the district where the mines are now closed. <. HCNDKKD 1,1V i:S LOST. RoilicN of Number nf Vielini.s of Typhoon in I'okio ReooTcred. A <!cspatch from Tokio, Japan, says; More than 100 [persons are believed to have lost their lives early on Wedne-day in the typhoon which swept over Tokio and Yoko- hama during the night. Forty luKlies were recovered iu the morn- ing in the Sn/.aki district, incUuling 93 occupants of a house of ill re- pute, which was washed away befifl-e the tenants c..>uld escape. The property loss will be large. Many fishing vessflls and small coastwise craft ard missing. EXPLOSION IN WESTERN CITY Saskatoon in Darkness' Water Supply Cut Off, Three Men Injured .\ despatch from Saskatoon, Sask.. says: Three men were in- jured, two seriously, and the city is in darkness indefinitely as tlia result of a boiler explosion at the city power plant early on Thursday afternoon. The boiler had been leaking all morning, and power was shut off jiending repairs, bul the leak got worse, and the fire* were ordered to be drawn. Wiiil* being tlrawn a boiler tube explod- ed, clouds of scalding water and superheated steam immediately en- veloping the whole boiler room. I. Sullivan, a coal whee'er, received the first blast, being blown over a coal pile, but luckily escaped with bruises and a scratched hand. Iininodiately after came a dis charge with the combined force of tlie three boilers, wliich were con- necte<I, the centre being the sourcv of the trouble, the whole force ag- gregating 400 horse-power. .\ndrew G. Sangster, superinten- dent of power; Harry Johnson, chief engineer, ami Jack Kemp were the three men iiivolvcti, tlie first and sc<\iiid-nained being bad- ly scalded all (i\er the body. John- son had tne llcsli scalded almost ofT both arms and hands, and Sang- ster was also terribly scakle<l. As the superintendent and chiet engineer were injured and only subordinates left to handle tha trouble, it is imimssible to atato when the |il;int will operate again, as the only mea'is adopted fiir ^re- lieving the tension thus far 1ms been the calling into requisitiiii •the services of the forty-horse power city tract'on engine, ridicii^ lously inefficient. The city is devoid of water sup- ply, and business in all s'-ops oper- ated by citv power is at an abso- lute standstill. Xajvuy a man nfiror t«Hii Jio* c Oixl iviengaod to iuai. 1M;«IM,K in DlSTRllSS. Txenty-Mue Knmlllo.s Rnrned Ont .North of Sydney. , .\ despatch from North Bay says : Lale advices received from the townsiiips of Hanmer and Cai>reoI, north oi Sudbury, reveal distress- ing Conditions among the settleri there. Twenly-ninc families wer« burned out in the recent fires, ami lost everything. The families art; alt large, and mostly French Cana- dians. Supplies have been .sent iu from Sudbury, but the people ar« destitute and in urgent need o| assistance, as women are sleeping on the bare boards with only one.' blanket to cover them. About tw«i hundred human beings are iu need of immediate assiitauoo, and tho oonditinn of those settlem ia piti- able, ai tho lupplieA turnisliod tlieni tbn« f»r do uot bogia U> moek tikoir pi'ossing XM>eda.

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